Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1850, February 27, 1850, Image 1

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Clu independent .fdwiln JJapcr ocoolci) to A'cius, Ciferatuie, 3o!i!ifs, gricn!huc, Science and iHornlitn.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27, 1850.
VOL. VI., NO. 48-308.
Tllf I-Wiobiir Cliroitirlc i N-m-n
-ery Wetfiiewjay morning at Luifcbur, Croud
countv, Feiuisvlvanio.
Tn.-$l 50 per yer, for ci-h adually in
atvanre; Si, 75, piid within three months; $2
if paid within the year ; $2,.,fL,if nut paid b.'f.oe
the year espire ; single niimlfm, 5 rent. Sub
rr.ior, for ail nion;ln ur less to be (aid in
advance. I)i-onl!iijjn,r o li.ii.3l uU 1U1
Publisher except when the vear is piid uji.
AJ'erlnem. tils handsomely inserted at 5!) rt
irr njU.vre one wek. f I for a month, and 0 f ir
a ver ; a itilurcd price tor longer advertisement'.
Two iuire,t, f 7 ; Merr.miile iJvertisi aw Ms t
i. fp.iina one fji,n!i of a column, qtinrterlv. f 10.
Cj'iil advertisement and Jot. hu to be paid
I i.r nh.-n ban lit! in or dt-hvi-rcd.
AH c .nimuriic-itiou by rniil mil -I e line, poat
I'i'J. accompanied lv the address ul t!i. ri:ei, to
ricf.e aMi-niion. Thote rlitunr exclusively to
.he E. iMri.il Ite.-a.tin lit to I directed to II. C
JIu K .K. E-q , V'lilor and all on busineu lo b?
tuMie-ted t' the Publisher.
O ilrt. Market Si Mwreu S-eond and Third.
O. N. V, ORDEX. Printer and publisher.
I 5 i Ill j ( I ill !.
A k L l 1 V1J il V.I 1 V.' J.I IVi
. ...
Fi ty jrars ng- -inie person in
11:1 lu nt iiiv thu't thai the ei.'h'tvi.ih.
i-r cloyed wini iSi; elt.se of the v.
11)1' ; ni l s r Ccir, nni'tl Sfimi-n weie 1
pii'dird i'lirid C-nti 111. a! Hii!, j;ivi,) oh j mooiHey as in sn ihin else. We observe
tfii h j o:ne-is. I'.ui the iit-s-ioii w;ts iujihiit the Democratic County Cotumifcsion-
t. 'I Hiid elaborate debu'e as lo the c!o?e ol
thecenlurv. T.l,e New Vi
Aditress ol ,
ihe Coii.e. n'rut Coiiiarit, r!t:eii bv the Ijle j
1 fl ojoie DaiU, C,q , begin thus
"Treci-e!y twelte o'cluek !a-t niel.t
The eighteenth century took il flight.
I'ull many a rlcul.linj head
His J i t l,r.n-, iu ,ai 1k J,
To prove, by meuphtsirs fi.ie,
A bundled means but ninety siine ;
While at iheir wixlom other rondereJ
Who took one mire lo make hundred.
Sirm(i ! at the eighteenth rentur' cIom,
When lifiht in beams elnilg -lit lo a,
V hen bright I luniination' r..y
Has cliaaed the drkneea far awy.
Heads ti.K J wiib mathemaiic lore
liispute if two and two mike four .'
Ifo on, ye acientific
I.'oilcct jour hgtit a few more age ;
Peihapa, a a.ei!a the vast amount,
A century hence vou'll LtAEr to coot !"
Dj: thr question U not settled. Fifty (or
f..rt) -n.ne ! years have goi.e by, and yet a
majority of our periodical argue that H50
means on!v 1349. If so. tio,e is counted
by years d-.fferenl from all other modea ol
counting. We do not say it is 3 o'clock
oti il 3 h'.ur l.Mve pas.ed from 0 or 12. j ijurg Chronicle,' of Greenbrier Co., Va.,)
When we sny we are 10 ntiiis fmm njis 1'ilfhino into his Democratic brother
io n, we have rencheJ or ps?sr d 10 milt- , tpiiil-diivers of (hn( reeion for changint;
.tones from and afer t one marked 0. 1 Ir nt cm the Slavery question. A jear apo
'Ve d riot ay we are 21 )'rs nl 1 uo'ii i they ngreed with Gen. ('ass lhat ' noit-in-21
years huve panned since ( and not inchi- tr vei if ion'' in the matter of Slavery in
dirig) ihe d iy of our birth. A man would j Ca'ifornia and elsewhere, was the only
ii )l lake 43 bushels of whe.it, and pay for j Democratic and Conitli'.utioiml doctrine
or call it 50. Ho would not take 09. and J Rut oince California has herself adopted
fcive a receipt for $100. We ore in ihe
19 h ifiitury, all alon" between 180d an l
1030 ; aiid we are in the ISSlst year from
1M0 lo ISoI. Ti.is (Saturdav, Fob. 23
is 1650 years, 1 month, and 22 d-ivs from
0, or the cou).nencr n;rnt of the Christian
era and ia ihe 1S5UI year, 2d month,
and 23d dttv. A mr-.n born the 1st dv of
.Itinuarv. 1800, would he 1 enr old nn ihp
lt ol Jsn lSOl. and 50 the 1st Jan.18.i0.
And vei, sages aiir editoi contend that
0 was counted I, and consequently 1C0 is
J, 93. at.) S0 but 49 ! They most he
wiis aken 0 is not taken for I , nor 99 for
' " " '
l.u!hM.o, rtres, or lar.d : why should OLel.
or 9J be 100, in computing years 7
t . 7' I he North ilrnnc.ri country n goin
ahead, nd no mi.'ake. Al P,tstrm (iriouth
of Lid-awann i.au 1 present head of the N.
H. ('anal) the Washington Coal Cornea riy
have ni-ar'y eompleled iheir iron road con
iKtciitig the Wyoming cal mines, by Car
twnilalc, !I .n-sdile, with New York
city. 16,000 were subscribed in one week
for a Bridge at Pittson Ferry and the peo
p'e ol New Troy on one side and the W ash
ingtoti Coal Company on the other, prom
ise a Free Bridge at Millei'a Ferry, three
nilej below the other. A town of 1000
inhabitants fa lo be at the latter place this
esnu, and as it is ihe Terminus of the
Company's operations it tnny be.
The following was one of the regular
'oasts at a dinner lutely given to the Hon.
Garret Divis, of Kentucky, by the men),
"ersof the Louisville Bar.
" The Uaios Entire, indivisible, and
acred ; the strength nnd glory f Ihe Ke
I'ublie. N,.xt to our Maker, it ehalL-Jlges
ur highest reverence. We pledge our
lies, our fortunes, an! our sacred honor
to maintain it."
' -
fc5"The question at the Borough Election
n VVillismsport. last week, turned on hav
"'K a Market House on Market Square
hich was decided gainst. Whrther it
ould have carried iflocaled off from the
Square, is questiocalle.
James Watson UVbb was rejected as
Minister to Austria, "fle had but T Totes.
of TixiMes in Boroughs.
North Branch.
Wilkes Jarre
Hour sdale
75 runkhannock 124
At htit 121
Lawrence 112
Troy V 4
Providence 87
Bethany 64
Fiit'odsviile 44
Carhotidale, (T.)
Bloom Tp.) and (niuomshurg) G'il
I ltston I n. Wl
Bnr Creek (and Berwick,) 31G
If'tst Branch.
Lew islmrg, 429 I Muxcy
lauiM-ort 361
I. tick Haven
New Berlin
Jersey iShore
Mai 11.11
Milton 360
R-I'efoiite 23
Sunhury 22
Nnrihumb'I.md 270
M til nburg 207
14 1)
In est'mvnng ropulatmn Irom (axn-
Jilts, some a-stune 4 j soula lo lo a (axable,
jnnd o:ne claim 5. At 4 to a laxab!et'he
I popiihilion of I.ewiiburg is 1918; a( 5,
iii tt.uild b 2110. I'robibly "ihelru'h
I 'iea thlwcen ex:re:nes." In 840, the pop-
illation of L-:wibnr between 13 and
i 14 JO.
ttrThere is an much ditn-rence in 11
!era nl Nonliiirnhprlnn.l otihli.horl iheir An.
u.il ti iterneiit of rountv afTairi in theoni
Whio a;.er in the county and in old
j Berks the me ihin is done. In Union
j county ,tiie Democratic pier is paid for pub
I lishmji the fame, at well as two Whio nd
j one ludepe.idint paper. That is thought
po Iwgo id Democracy in Whig Ji ion. In
Lycoming connty, while tha Whigs had
1 the Bnard, they published, we are informed
in the one Whig and two Democratic pit
pcra. Now the Democrats have all the
Itinrd, and have laken their patronage
from the Mjncy Luminary (Whig) altho'
a j lurnal inferior to neither of the Dem
ocratic paper, and which circulates more
extensively than any other in the lower
end of the county. We think (he Berks
land Northumberland kind of Democracy
j8macks a ll,,!e n,nsl lbt;rl, pd .een.s
I'""8' "e etil!al cl Ju"ca 10
C3"OjrVirjjiiiian namesake.(ihe"Lewis.
the Proviso, now these short niemoried gents
ontend fjH Conslituiion and Democracy
both require that the North should help
them lug niters away over lo California
and keep ihem in endless bondage ! -Doc-umitits
are dangerous things" to Slavery
I i? 7 The Temoernnce Mcetin- nf ihe
i n , , it r . o j . i
I copje ol Union County called to lake ac-
!. .. . f ..T1 ,.
itioii upon the proceed. ngs of ' Ihe rvorth-
j .p . , . ., , ,
ern lemperance Convenliou' at its late
I m j, and .j,, ,Mem.
a( h( church in New Be,-
t , ,i .,, . . -m
i tin on ihe 21st insl. I here was a pretty
'ull attendance, and interesting discussions
, -. j n- v . , ,
Hprn i l t-io n o e .niive rim ir-Rri t-n ip
particulars, hut understand lh.it ihe "M ju
ry Resolution which was the bone of the
Convention was pjected by a vote of 50
lo 4 ii. We presume, however, that this is
but Ihe "b'-ginning of the end,' for some of
the be-t men in the temperance ranks are
found on the opposite sides of this question,
and neither pJrty is likely to surrender al
Fine We learn thai on Wednesday
evening w eek, he store ol Reuben Klose.on
the Isle of Q e .Seliusgrovt ) with a large
stock of valuable goods were totally con
sumed by fire. The origin of ihefne was
accidental. The Sunbury American says
the loss is covered by insurance ; but a
private advicr s'ale that it is a tola! loss.
Congress has done nothing the past
week but talk about the slavery question
Last M itiday ihe whole day and the night
until 12 o'clock was Kpeut in calling ihe
yeas and nays upon unimportant questions,
in order to kill time, and choke off Mr.
Doty resolution to admit California as a
Hon. Simon Cameron, of Pa., who has
been spending a few days in Portsmouth,
departs this afternoon for Baltimore and
northward. He has been received by our
citizens wilh great hospitality, and leaves
a highly favorable impression behind him.
Pourtsmouth (Va.) Pilot, Feb. 16th.
Late news from Algiers says that 600
Arabs M retreated to an oasis, where they
fought until the last man was kHIcd."
Old PaFebs. It is nr.i.l tbat the oldest living
newspaper is the Stamford Mercury, which wmh
(ir.t lul.Iidied in IC'Jfi, Tile oldest in London
in the S . James' Chronicle, fiist puliii-hi-d in
17CI. The oldest in Mcolknid i the VA .u'lurg
tn-ningJCourant, firat puMirieJ in" 1 70 1.
Tlie oldest in Amerioa is lite Newport
Mercury, staricj by u bro'lior of Lltjnj'ii
Franklin a'jout the yt-ar I7ti).
Mr. William AnMsntoNu of ibis B ru'
has handed us one of his "old ronu'r)"
papers, which we find U be (he o!du-.t in
the world "Tlio I.iiicnln. li -ulun., anil
Stamford Mkik lhv primed a: 5St!in.ford
by and for diehard Newcomb J inrary 4,1
1S50 Vol. 155, No. 8702 " The price
is about 9 cts each, or $1 48 per year, and I
. i, . -n i
as the weekly editi ins aviraje 11,500, the
' o
jcunv income iroai subscriptions must in-
$91 567, nearly one-rour!h of which goes!
lo Government for the Stan p w l.irh every j
printed newspaper must have. Advertise-1
, ,i , ., .,
nients there are much more costly tli.im
. , .... .
nere, a large tax ticing uia upon eacti.
This paper is of lh,' best material, and
about the sizeofthe N.V.Cour &. Knipjirer.
There is no poetry, literary or unscel'ane
ous matter, or what we call "editorial," in
it. There appears to no mingling of new s
with literary publications, as none but the
lormer are subject lo the Sirnp tux, if hc
are correctly informed, although all adver
iisements are taxed in whatever medium
they may appear. The contents are the
local news of the time counlies or shires in
which it circulates advertisements, deaths.
marriages, birihs, hunts, markets, sessions
and corporation proceedings of ihe various
towns, pub'ic tea-parlies and dinners, &a.
We copy a few of its shorter articles
as specimens of the
Items of Foreign news.
A fanner in the Weal of England has
made arrjitgemeuls for killing at his home
stead Hie caiile he fallens, and then for
warding (heir carcases by railway to ihe
London market,, instead ofstuding tha
beasts alive to fc'millificld.
Letters frorii Rotterdam of the 25ih uli.
State that two thirds of that cily hua been
under water, and ,reat losses were expe
rienced by those who had not taken pre
caution lor the preservation of Iheir goods.
The German M.nls have been retarded by
heavy lalUofsnow, and between Cologne
and Berlin tne seivice of lh railway has
been with great difficulty maintained."
Il is stated that another call of 20. per-
nate sh irelioMcr.s ol the M nh of Kugl.md
Joint Slock Duk, under tlie provisions of
that cosliy onJ Inlerin inblo proiro-s, the
"Windiiig-up Act,'' making in all 70. per
shine ulrt ad) engtilphed by ttiis aw lul and
most distressing cuu :eru DaiL Xttvt.
In the Bank of Kiigland no fewer than
60 loho volume-, or ledger, areduiiv filled
wilh writing iu keeping the accounts.
Some Iriends of criminals for trial at
New York, lately broke open the iffice ol
the district attorney, and stole ail the in
dictments and other important papers.
It is said that the Government h ive de
termined to publish in a cheap form, an
index lo the manuscripts iu the State Pa
per office.
A fire rau.-ed hy a eats' scratching a
box of luciler matches Itlely broke out iu
a shop in Aberden ; the fa. rely on ihe floor
above bud a narrow cs -ape.
Il is said that th purchaser of tiifi bed
on which Sarah Thomas murdered her
mistress, iu Trenchard-sireet, loisio', has
discovered 900. stowed away therein.
Slitrbcurne Juuinal.
Out of SOO medical practitioners in ti c
Grand Duchy of 15 iden, no fewer than 40
have been compelled to Hy the count. y lor
hiving toktno a sh ire in the republican
rising; and fillet n others aie now impris
oned for the fjjrie reason.
Sessions" House, B ston. At a petty
sessions held on Wednesday last, before
the Revs. Dr. Roy, M. Sheath, anil II
t I s!Ij aa nwl h 'I'haia NiasTlui-.fi lit O l.lrill
. .ii, m.n,n,. .t ... ..,.!,.- ?.',
22 16s Gd including costs, lor having kept
his house open alter 10 o'clock in Ihe eve
ningalso 2 and costs for allowing card
playing in his house.
tSpnlding, Jan. I. Win. Tinsley was
ordered lo pay 1 6( weekly to Mary Boor
for an illegitimate child. Robinson, of the
Dunned Horse, was fined 10 for harboring
prostitutes, it being his second offence.
Newark. Wm Padgett, of Ivston, sen
led to six weeks' hard labor for ntghl poa
ching on land occupied by Kt.L e, at liasl
Sloke, and ordered lo fiud sureties not tt
offend again for one year or he further im
prisoned lor six months. Hy. Parr, con
victed of using a snare for taking game,
fined il and costs 2 : in default ol payment
he was committed for 2 months.
Wisbech. Henry Woods, on ihe com
plaint o his mother, was reprimanded and
lined 2 for taking furniture from her house
which ho threatened to burn. Emma
Goddard was charged with taking tobacco
lo her husband, prisoner in goal.contrary
to the prison rules : fined io the mitigated
penalty of 40s, and in default committed
lor Cve days. Jas. Matt. Butters, charged
with drunkeness, was fined 4s.
- Lincoln. Mrs. Carter, of this city, has
become an annual subscriber of 11 lo
lha 4 i lijsi'a!..
L icti.-ti-r. On the 24 h ult. Geo Grv.
ol L'jcd.s, dulivend a ! c-liu on the
r.iv.ijjes produ.--d by strung! drink, and l!iu
means by mIii.Ii iImm! ravage may be'
repressed. On '.he 26 h, nbout SOU ol ihei
Irieilds ol
lie riiiin-ri;eiit u-uteinoied for it u
in the biggest
aercd from II
l iil of l.'ie t !. Tea wan
l.i rot. a ,fi he-:ili!'ul pla'i d
urn, (he propeily of ihe Mieiety. which ia i
cplli! of providing, si :nullHtieotii!y. lor j
l UHU pcis.. lis. Tueuiiiis pl.ieed ai thej
In uJ of tin: j-a 1 1 v, ami from il a tube ol !
0 Ire', with lops project in lro:ni
ide, c.Veiid.s lo the b rtionl ol ihel
bad. Tie:
te i is inaile in the urn, ai.d b.
a valve an I ind. x the f.rty in cliargn c:iu j
regulate ihe Mip,.y to almost atty extent ;i
u,,t) ,ll,e P,e 't. " J ''." of this tea making
iimcii'iic I-, lliut tii.- siren 'tli am he.a ol
, . , " . . ..
the liquid are ininormly secured lo thai
,vi,.,;L. 1urly )t.si ie wn,,.h lhelc
of lime ier perplexity in the supply ol h i
water lo a hundred lea-pots : the cups are
1,11011 ,min l,,e ,al"i D li,,lie4 whu
enrtiyt? to int'in. iinu me rate ot suiii'iv Is
. " , , . . ." '
quite equal to the dein'inds of ihe most
pule entia
rapid cousuiixtrs. tjeveral other medio
weic held during the two wetks.
M.iny people were attracted to Spalding
chutcn 011 1 uesdiiy to witness the weddoiJ
ol two na'ives of the Cast Indies. One had
resided lor a few weeks in Spalding, ihe
other had resided in Middlesex. Their
names were Tibbs and Tillson, and ihe v
were dressed iu (heir native costume.
The .irl of Wariowby has made an
abatement of 10 jer cent, to his Lincoln
shire tenantry.
Whittle. On Fridiy evening list,
Mjssrs.Rennetl & Son, builder-, gave iheir
annual Ctiris'in is-trcat lo iheir workmen,
when 74 ol them sat down lo a substantial
supper, which was much eij ed.
Wadding'on, Ihe post-effir-e messenger
from Spalding to Whapdole, has held his
situation for nearly six years, and has not
missed one day's service ; he walks more
than 22 miles every day, and frequently
carries half a hundred-weight of parcels.
The last 14,000 miles he has walked in
pain, owing to one of hi toe nails gradu
ally coming off.
It is stated that bloodhounds have been
again employed to hunt dowu poachers on
an estate near Mamiord, and that one man ;
ma wxii raiucr seriously lujuieu.
The large reservoir known as Cowbit
Wash was frozen over on Sunday last,
and several thousand persons availed them
selves of the opportunity of enjoying the
delightful exercise of skating.
D.-i'ih from Gluttony. An inquest was
held last week at Streetly-end, Cambs. on
trie body of a woman who died fro n the
person undertook for a wager, or out ij
bravid.i, toestau enorinius lurnip, weigh
ing ahojt 9 ')., i lb. of tat bacon, and a
quantity of bread, which (eat she accom-pli-hed,
though at the sacrifice of lile.
Littleport having lately suffered a great j
amount ol mortality, and e.uhty deaths
having occuired within two months from
scarlet fever &c, in a populate n of 3365
ihe parishioners c'eermiied t thoro'ly
itritin iIih liiu-n. hv r.oiislructiiiir a sewer
from theentrance'of ihe town from K'y to!
the Black Horse bridge, where it will
empty itself into the river ; and another
from the brt-wry towards the church, emp
tying itself into tin: old Craft rtver.
John t'oulson, of Falcingorth, millei.
apnea red upon summons lu answer the
complaint of Superintendent Forck, lor
,;t.r.. in u n,.ri ni M, Ml,. It awn. wiihou.iol
' -
reins"; fined Is. including costs.
Discovery in Tannisg.
We are ii.furnied, snjs the Scientific'
American, by a correspondent from New
Oxford, Pa., that Mr. Win. H. Rosensteel.
of lhat pla -i', has discovered a new and
valued improvement in the mode of Tan
ning Leather, which has been tried for
nine months, and which, il is said, wi'l
save "one-fourth of the bark and make the
slock weigh at least three lbs. more per
hide, tannin-! in one third ihe usual lime.
and making better looking articles." These
are very important improvements, espec
ially as only one fourth ol iho customary
number of vats are employed, consequently
no less than one hall of the usual labor is
saved. We are nor able lo describe the
process, hut our correspondent is ono on
whom we pi tee every cunfi lenoe iu what
he asserts.
Gov. W right, of Indiana, has ordered
the follow ino appropriate and patriotic sen
timent to be pla.-ed upon the block of mar
ble Irom that State, for the Washington
Monument :
' " Indiana knows no North, no South,
nothing but the Union."
The Colmiizatien Society sent 400
blacks to Africa last year. The receipts
for the year, $60,000. Virginia is al
armed about the increase of free blacks in
her borders. It is set down at 11,000
every year.
The Si. John's New Brunswicker of the
8th, contains long and well written arti
cle in favor of the annexation tf Canada
to tha United States'.
'SKEPTIC I SI'jWE that eook.-
SFFert.'T FpiTt ?h.-t Bnrk
T'Mi .h m.l a r.u: 1. ki,
Nnr ttn its pa'- t"rtk
Willi - ' f tmWi-f:
Twiis my ftr.-fitti -rn t5,
lu liour-A u uonj-
(kr;ili.-: K'J thy wy,
A..d Ul ihj old lixi let
lu Ti-ry nam: r-.tlK
Tho LiiJ-i-J b'ti rs of Tmith,
W h''n iu tuy Orau lt.ii-i'. huila
1 h -tirti its tait-s 'if tnnh ;
I've jw-u hit white ha-ra rlt-w
O'-r l1.-. v-iluiO-.- aa he rcaJ :
But that lou &r,'Jf
AuU lite gitou o.ii man u deati.
Tl.: ro-1,1 ol,l B ok of Uf;,
I-'or cPHtori: n olf hsa tood
Liih.ir:u. tl Hfti.ii-l tii" liirift,
W h.'n rar:h af r-'I wnii l-t'od;
And tvoulust Thotl I'urin .1 Uotr,
And bsv itu lrulh Cr-etl
Fk-i)t;i-' f rl i:r tiiy 1 :ctv
17 haiio rbUl lir:a il ll
5!v !i,r rtr!inJin''thT, Xv
Wli. u I u l.u: a h:,
I'v- ts.-i n hr eyz ol' b.uj
Wi tsp o'vt il ior.- "f J07 i
Tii -ir ir-ix-.. 1 Uij-r st:ii,
Aui d -ar they an: lo in.'
IS.- iU: fcD-fea lltr w..1.
On, let liua ctti nuuk on.
A'jsss of Health.
The Hiislon Juurnl reports atiad,n,ra-;,odi) w,lhoUt tellioj. Tne.!.a!;ug bov
b!e lucture before,. he. Mc.canIileLhraryj,lwe4 jn fl,.e ...jnutes the most i..iforl.Jt
Association, by the II mi. II irace Mann advjw . ,he pf0inil( wi,Ie awake boy nev
thi successor of Adams iu Congress. The er hlt , mngfi, u j(.p bu! s!ritin, harJ
following extracts are worthy ull attention hi.nll . r.. ih., msrli BJ f,.r
-The young man walks in the Jst of
lemptaiious lo appetite, the improper inriu!-
gence ol which is in danger ..f proving his I but first-rate buy depend upon themselves, j The case f Green, the reformed Gsm
ruin. Health, longevity ,ani v.riue.depend ; and after a little teaching, just enough to j j,,, WM Rrrft,ed io Albany a fo-.
on his resisttna these lemp:i ,s. The know w hat is to b d. r,e, lheV as no fur- j d(,y, 41I1 up,)ri , charj,e 0f obtaining mo
Providence ol G id is no more re-ponsil.tr ,h..r favors a' anyU dy. B.-s d., it is a ; n,,v onjief f: preleflc. h iflvNfi
because a man hy improper indulgence b 'olorious .h.n for a b..; to .his nob'e l ,,y lhe Poite Ma-isia, nod the
com, s a subject to disease, than for the ( w..y of m lf-.elia.u-e, acti,.y , I energy, j cmt,UlIlt d-burged. ife is s'tll in cuslo
p.kingo. his pockets. For a jou.g .nan to S.,-:h an one is worth a hundied of the p .or, j ay on a chitr of b bU possession
iiijine his heahh. is to wave his le-a''h, diaohn creatures w ho c in hard y wah .1Ilors Treasury notes"
is to waste h.s patrimony, and distroy his ' iheir own hands without beiu,: u d each i '
capacity for virtu us deeds. Sh uld a man lime h.iw it is done. Give me ti e boy who J A bril has passed the Scnute of Ohio,
love God, he will have ten times the strength will do h's ow n work pro npt'y an 1 well, ; author Z'ng the C inimtssioners of the se
for the exercise of it, w.tli a s-und boily. : i;a.-)ut 8s!.in , except once for aii. at the ' era! counties l subscribe for one copy of
Not only the D?rj ot, but the quality ,of a
man's labors depends upon his health. The
productions of the pvt. the man of science,
or the orator, must be affected by Lis ht-aith.
Not only lying lips, but a dyspeptic siom-!
ach, is an abomination lo the Lord. The
man who nPgpCls to coi ro! his appetites,
,. . . ,. . , . ..
Ms is lo finite! I what Aicho.as is to lluti-i
buy pa-n. and the purveyor and
market men bring home dUease. Our piou, ,
A ... K i. ! . ..k... i
. , , . !
lour roau meei; ye. every ge'ineman oria-
, i
ITU'S suicuv os ii incy ufu mc wwc n
. , i..... '
pisioi : ari'i were mu mu m resivt t., nut
' .
manv who are honored nnw wilh a resiing ;
place at Mount Auburn, wnnld be ljund at !
the rross roads! Is it not amazing thai mu.i
invited toa repast worthy nfyiegnds.should
stop to feed on garbage, or, when called to
partake of the Circean cup should lop lo ;
h swine !
"!f vounj m-n imigine lhat ihe grntific- i
turtle soup or lobster salad, as reallv rem- j 7 " ' "
. - j - . :r.u .a .u "... .I..l1,,fi J,,r" ,;,at
ation of appetite is the great aource of en i this week, nl w hich soni" ininca'e I" ' j.u.ge. has br-' discontinued by the pre
joymenf, they w ill find this in the highest j cases were ably argued. D irnsr one of ! fM..i,,!.j.,ur.-. It proved unnecessary
dejiree with industry nil temperance. The these trisls, James T. Hale. 1., ol j an j u,,.t.;s ppr-use.
epicure, who seeks it in a dinner which !
,,ni- fie ,lf!lr uiiil find Ih fni.- niei.t !
i . -. . . t it- l i: . .
Rpneiue mm tne Lioorer w no oines on t
'shilling. If the devotee of appetite d-sircs i
its hijhest gratification, he mut not .send IG.'.i.
for buffalo longti-i. but climb a rpountain.or pi)f thc t; .s! tlla ; lni3 co.jalry, ..iys
swing an axe. W thou- health there is no ; lh (JI...hIjm (Oroo) Slalesm in, of the
delicacy that can provoke aaappeiile. Who- Oth. one hundred head of fat caiile be
evcrdastroys his health, turns the . most i , Mf Svnwur p.,.,..,..- have
del.cioiis vian.ls into ipecac a.mai .es. l tie j
man lhat is physically wicked does
live out half his days, and he is not halt j
alive when he dor Jive. However g-a-.. !
oils God may he with the heart, he neu r
pardons the stomach.
"Let the. young pursue a course of te m
perance, s .briety, and industry, and be n.n
retain his vigor nil three scoie years nnd
ten, with his cup of enjoy ment lull, nnd de
part painlessly as thu candle hums owt
in ihe socket, he will expire. j
"But look at the opposite. When a man
suffers his appetite lo control him, he turns
his dwelling into a lazar house, whether he
lives in a hovel clothed with rags, or in the
splendid mansions or gorgeous clothing ol
the upper ten.
"Lei every young man look on this pic
lure and en that, and tell which he will
choose. Society depises the wretch who
debases himself, and treats him as (he wild
horses do (heir imrnctable members get
hi in inside a ring, and with their heels kick
him to death.''
The Lowell Courier says, there have
been ten factory girls married every year
from a single boarding house in that city
during the last five years ! The house is
always full, every girl being anxious to
board there !
Notes purporting to be issued by the
Farmers Bank of Harrisburg." (Pa.) are
in circulation in the West. Then ia no
sues- concern.
Csnascl to Boys. j Gail Sentiments.
He brisk, neroei;c and prompt. The! Agriculture is the nursery of patrrism.
wo.idis fu:lol boys and men ,.,, who! A wise'g-.vern.nent will not be !o in
rfral through life, and d -cide n-.th.n2 for ! fostering the agricultural interests,
themselves, hu! just diaj,;!e one leg niter I"t every iarmer who hts a son lo edu
thcother.and Ictlhinss take their own av. : cute, be.ieve and rememhi:r. that science
Such per pie are. the dull s'.utf ol the ear
I Thev hardly deserve as mjch rreJit as thej
! wooden tries, for the tws do ail they can,
:u m-rely grow ing,-iud bearie.o only leaves
jand seeds. But these po ir, drawling, drig
i Jtin hoys do not turn their capaci'ies to
I profit half as f.ir as tin y mig'it be turned :
1 thev aie unproli a .e, iiae a romy cjy in
' harvest nine.
N w the bris, nertetic boy w-dl he
I "
, corriuu'iuV awak, nut ineiely wilh his
jhodiiy eves, b.;t with h' mind anl att-n
! ti. n djr'ng the hours of buipess. AVer
he learns wh it ha lus lo d , he wiii Like
a pride in doin! i' puni-tuully and well, and
.' would lie ashamed lo be 'old wh:.t hu oool.t
possible, out of his own energies. Tdird -
raie boys are aUays depending on other.-;
j beginning, any qu. tioi ; 'he boy ho hus
' his wits about htm, is never behind hand,
u:.d d ju'i let the gra-s grow under his bet-Is.
'; -
. O.K. i
ti ime months since, a rn.lr.m l conluct.r '
wss prosecuted for refusion to let a i-i-ur
I smoker proceed in ihe rars. The case
i was tiled at Su'en.. nnrl rtiM r.,.,Lin , t.tm.
I tdl was smoked by the cuur' an 1 jury with
, ., , .
t a biil ol coats against hon in be i ii, ol th.-
Jf ,il!i,n'- T,i': X V. Cur. & impcrer
" ' """" s :
" la"' ,,f ih'.'.'urfht io o
fall lime.
Il M Uilil-iab etiiy ihe law of the
I Inn 1 m ir u i I i I i aaj . .i"
i'iii i, s-t it i,v n'l'lii if I ft- jl SH'J. -Jsl
deeded upon s-jeh correal
. .
A nian wi h the nie;ie!s, or I
even the small pox, is not a more iillcn si ve
... .. , ,
o c; in a railroad cirin in a sm-iker,
.... , , ,.
.,ni i h n-ifkuta in ih'h a n.iii:.or-i 1. 1 t r
lieing requested lo d.-si', he ouhl tn b ,
I pitched oveiboarl w. h a Utile cere.nony '
,H wtiiiiii nf. ii i i iit.v.ii.iM ail ! ii.i-ri.niiii r
..i i l ' .. ...i . . i . :-...t
, " i
An adjourned l.ourt ha been m le-st-m
IViletonte, delivered an argumen'ativ? '
speech w bich we have hcai J s;.uU-i. ol t.s
one Ol 111'.: i;c-l uciiioru at tiii- ut. i"i i
..i- .... i .. . .i ..:. . i i ii..- i..., t ..
number of years. I.tuis.'uwn Cztltr,
wn shl1, , ,rnf. p,lf,v,
uf ,raVciin over the inouomin. If' the
eX(H.r;IIlt.llt nroves good , it is the in enttoo
f lVir. K.ntck ta sii w e.even h-iadwl
Io J m. I-5'J 61 jcirsh .d e v-spd s i.f"
the marriage of Abel II renins. Ksq-, pro
prietor of tha P.' tcox Hotel, in Co.icord,
!.. Ii., lo his present wi.e. This un.on
! as ci-nstnnated morel: an three years be-
lere Washington was itmugii rated s the
first Piesiden!, and has continued through
the fifteen Presidential terms.
In the Supreme Court, sitting al Boston, 1
the Jury in the case of William Browning
vs. Dorchester Turnpike Company, reii-
dered a verdict for tha plaintiff, awarding j worM are publish of nowapnrs i
him S4000. for damages received by iheveniw your bas.r, m the papers, i! yo
... .i if . I I H.r.,.1.1 ft-nur fMttfom.
unsetung ot nis -coaise on me roaa oi uic ;
defend mis.
St. Lriuis is said, by the papers, to le
a great gainer by the tire lhat destroyed
six millions of prorty. The new im
provements in streets and buildings having
enhanced the value of the estate Ur more
than enough to cover all the losses.
A large amonnt of money is said to
have been made in Baltimore, by the re
cent speculation in coffee. Ooo merchant
is said to have cleared $30,000, whilst
others have made proportionably large
tu. n ;iu iw ...nrwenced owr' -
JJk ll7 aLSO-tl V1IIW . awnM-a - - - - - (
tions last Tuesday.
h, j iJ the f ) in J ti n ol every thin
u ible in a;.-:ruiturc.
Science tiejjt combine with practice to
make a good farmer.
The opposition animal bKik farmtn
res's on the shoulders of to monster, ig
norince and prejudice.
If you sepinte science from agricuhura,
you rob a uali iri of its principal jewel.
A skilful agriculturalist wilt consttitl!
oueof I'.e mightiest bi!nrks of which
Civil t.b.-rty can Loast. Maine Farmer.
A Hit. The Wis'tiiig'on c jn esjn
I.T.t of the ll.tstoii Atlas, in iiotijirjg ib
erritic fire-and-tow D.s-u:iion speech ot
I'hngman, says, the fiery o.ator reioai'ktd
b'fore he closed, "that very likely geo
ilemsn rri'ht Ci'l t're seitim inn of thia
s,eech treison " " O.i. m," replied h
I veteran mm of senss Tnadjus S.tveus
1 of P,'mM Ual,: " oUr 0D'-V IkWe "
!)e cf!roe ol '),'',
' each of the leading cewspnpers of eacli
I political party priated in the ci-unty, and to
1 have ihe same bjuud aod preserved iu th
-fJi-.-e ul i!.e licorder.
G..v. Trun.b :!!, of Connecticut, has a'p-
' noin'ed Frid iv nes! 8 a Isst d?. Il9
i invites the pravers of the people to God
I K:ii In will e.o.hrm and render indissolu-
b e our Yvtnnn! I nion, and frustrate lha
, . , ,, .
'.railorous dt-Mgnsol all tlioie who conspire
its ruin.
A Coloucd I. U. learn ft mo t'.e
IV' ra ,.. .La ika 'niufr.iiV rf ?M li'r!-
! . . ,'.... h,. ...Vnlerred "die (life of
I). D upon J.W.C. Pennington, a colored
, , a'
Mr. I1. ouce
He th'.t thinks himself injured, let him
s-.y, ' Hither I hsve deservrrj this, or I
have not I'' 1 hate, il is a judgment ; if
have n.-t.it is an iniustiee; und the doer
bus more re" son to r; ash i njd of it than
n .im.i.Dr -
I U e so-tt st ited that the public ition of
h , o p..nil'a m" t'je German Wr..
M-.reilmu O:io Thousand of the most
; infijeirial Bistoni .ns have signed a rc
comoo nd on ol Le Grand's p'a.i ot a
ll.nl li .ad liotii St.L-iuistoSan Fianctsco
is s.id tha a convention if Fieo
rs wiV, l e h. Id at Buffalo in June
. r is intce ltd to le an opposition to
Si-u l.ein Convention at N-ishvil!e.
M-. J.lin Ivram-r, near Rliersburg,
f.ter C .. recently ctitigh! a bald eaglo
in wolf trap. The noble bird measures
! at) ut seve.i feet from tip to Up
Tw young Ul.es, Miss A'tnua Fraim
anl M s Miry Ward, have b-c mu regu
lar s uJjr,ls in the medical d -p ifttn-rut ot
the Memphis Ias'iinte.
I', is reported thtl a man was mnrderert
near Sin?for Uown, this county, on San
jdav evening last. Svna not known.
Union Star, Feo. 1 1.
Th most useful sign-painler. in tlm.
. v. ....
An actor a- Mobile bs bequeathed hi
head to the theatre lor a Yorick's skull '"
So it seems lhat some use can bo u.aj-
even of no actor! -
The first plank road in New Jersey t-r
about to be comium need al Newark. U is
to run Iron that place to Jersey ciiy.
The success of the attempt al tea cul
ture in South Carolina, seems to be nom
beyond the reach of doubt.
There are about 60,000 Germans res-
ident in New ork, and in tne vwiea
(Stales' it.CO0.OOO.