Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1850, February 20, 1850, Image 4

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    UJit and flnmor.
Solar Spots.
Some calculate the length of the spot
oo the sun at 39,000 miles ; aome at 27,
300 ; an astronomer at Carlisle, ftiin ,
ays its size is nearly equal to all North
America. John Starewell says it is
tug as a pea, lo hi eye, but, bring to far
oiT.it may be ie reality as large as a grind
aiooe. Sam Knowall contended tlmt it i
as large as Richmond. " You fool,?' said
Juho," hy, I could jump ovrr it t out
leap." Mr. Omnoculus, (as it has been
likened to a fly, or a bee, or a wasp, or Mn
island like the Bermuda) is of opinion
that a speck o! dirt was on the gl iss ihro'
which it has been obserred. A is of op
inion that it is the smoke of a great boo
fitj in the solar woods. Bs)i it is a
great hole in the eun. C thinks it is a
burning mountain. D supposes the fua
aurrounded wiib an atmosphere of election,
and that a strong north-western wind has
blown it mostly away in some planes so a
to make the real sun appear dark. K,
considering how large is the sun, appre
hends that it is a great thundrusi with
black clouds, that. in sice and eontinusnce,
is not disproportii.ncd to the sua' bulk. F
is confident that the almanac makers have
niisealrulated, and that it is Mercury G
conjectures that a great com', on a
visit to the sun from the cold of an immen
sely distant northern country," entering
carelessly too near, has pitched hsadlongr
and now
Lie floating long and Urge, full mnj rood
and will be invisible as toon as it becomes
red hot ; and, being of a different substance
from that of the sun, will appear brighter,
till the substance are anial'imated. Thus
accounts be for the sun's brig-'at a well as
durk Fpotr. He doubts the reality of an)
pot, and attributes the appearance to an
epidemic disorder in men's ey a. can
not tell what it is nor U. I Virginia Pa
triot. Carers. The free exercise of the pub
lie Kilt in the election of a President, re
minds us of the memorandum that Joe
taibbiu gave his fa: her to purchase him a
coal, lie cared nut a fig lor the color,
provided it was a nod blue. Again two
Irishmen, traveling lonelier in company,
one of them went into a grocery to buy
one Virginia Iral tobacco, which was to
be fairly divided tctwren hoth. The pur
rhaser separated the stalk from :he valua
ble part, aud put each into separate twists.
Holding one in each hand, ho aJi'reased
his comrade, "Take yMir choice, Jemmy,
but I swear you rluu'l have th.s.'' Mid
dhlcic paper.
When lU-nry the IV of France was
once visiting a town at some distance
from the Capitof, according lo the usual
Custom, the chief magistrate began an or
ation, which Ili-nry, who was a sensible
amo, ad much ralfior have dispensed
with. It so happened that just as the My
or commenced his fulsoste ora'orp n A.
t . if, jraiic-
men,' said his Majesty, and rod off,
leaving the poor Mayor aud his attendant
ta the greatest chagrin.
A VTub Fool. When Francis I. king
of France, was lo march his army in'.o
J aly, he convulied with his captains how
lo lead them over the Alps. Aiiu.nml, his
fool, lying hid in a corner, crpt out. and
advised them rather to take caie which
way they sh.iulJ bring them back aain !
Ntwi arms. ' W siter," said a trav
clar at a country inn in England. bring
me a newspaper." Sir.'' said the wai
ter, we have lost the Day; we have
neither 3n nor Star ? a captain of a
hip is reading the Pilot ; and the only
papers you can have ara Old Timet '
IHG-auuacrilK-r alill contuiurs to keep a
. large stock of Lumber in his Yard for
ante, comprising the following, v,z.
100,000 frergood dry Pine Common snd Pan
45,000 ten J.Hst and Scantling, nel Board,
14.V00 feet good dry Pojjar and Lion Boards.
3U 000 Joiul and Lap (shingles,
3,t0r eawed Oiling Lath,
fine Rstls and Sijuaie Timber,
Maple and Poplar Scantling,
Weatbe'bnaid and Pine Paling,
Salt, Nails, sod Siooe Coal,
Oaautn. Tar and Pitch ;
II of which he will sell at fair prices.
Lewisburg, Jan, 2i, 1950 3r.
CLOTHS! Cloths ! Durk Olive, Green
do.,Citron, Light lirown.Uark Brown.
Claret, Btue, Black, Invis. Green and Drab
Cloihs of everv shade and ntinlnv. tn ha
had at Jones' New Store, al least twenty
- -i j , :
i ... . v
five per cent, lower than elsewhere.
C. L. Jones' New Cheap Cash Store,
Feb lr Hs50. Broadway, Milton
"T T7HOLESA LE Dry Goods Siore
V keepers in this place and vioinitr.
ar mvtir.a to a lareatil varied assort m. ni
of Ury Goiidsr-ttt Philadelphia wlitrleso'e
price lor cash, at C. L. Jones'
New Cheap Cah Store.
Fin 1. 1850.
Broadwa. M'lron i
Suffl$. A splendid i
TKW Cmp N. O.
article for sale low, at
New Cheap Cash Store,
F b 1, 1850: Broadway, Milton
.Nti S TKKL on hand at
p24 - Keber & Iddinga'.
lai t.Millilllilili
Sarpu aixk. ru at. itm a. r.
LIFE aod MULTIl are in the BLOOD.
Cleanse. Purify, and Regulate the Circulation, mnd
the arisVc body rilY hrve health. The matt wonderful
vf ait remednet to product $uek a remit, m
Yaa. tha -Wirod muh and. vtAemey win be produced by
m u of $ailrr namtttv of tin PrEiriEB than cub hm
Tf.i-ttd by the use of a like qunt ity of any other ruaiedy
ill tbe world, ftSe our PsmpkieU fcr proof.)
! cure fiie voraf, tMsl AsftaiaJe, and ion funding diiHM
, af the blikud, without pituf( pmrctng, fitting, or dthth-
$attmg It cUmus, Mtrmgtktma, tmngormte; RiiJkca WW,
kemiiky Uod, and give m mjrr aud awn hf to the whole
then any ohrr remedy in lhs worid, buutuM
of It frit) effect a greater aimMmt of rare than fair ioUm
wrth f iinimpmnilm. or any ruber rent'dy, du matter bun
T rhir hoctlea mxy be. The import! fWJtM lur roa
lunwri to (kitermioe. la, horn wnck mm tmrmttwt tjgtu mil a
4ilm' varia of I4u Prnnkrr fnxhtct. Ikam a 4Mr't worth tf
that trtapmnllm mr Mhrr mn. W miiht here aay, that
Urtmft Mtdtrma had currd, wilhia the Iwt jear,
100,000 Pertoni of Import Blood Diieasn,
tnJ 25,000 Cuti were considered Intnrable!
M aonni other rxitral-lnediclBe men ara hi the habit of my
Inf. If we ahould aay io, who would beliere aa I This
howerer, we do Mr and rtuul ready to prore by rrrctaala
that Baiirr'a MaDicrmu hare effected eurea of
more dueMea oa bring human beuura. the pact year, thaw
any other remedy ia existence did during the aanie time.
Haw aaoeti will a Dollar'a worth CURE
TVtaly larfre, deep t'lnra were carei by uing aa.'y Iwdaa
Sorties of Hrmmt't Pwnjkr.
Toe followhir. ia the moat wonderful and aatoniflhtng can
that wa ever cttected on a human being, by any aKiutaa.
ZXorrid Scrofhla Cured.
Ma. i B. Haski?,. of Rome, Onnd C, N. efrtuVa,
December Ili. lri'', that be bad been attticted with SJcao
ruli tour yeara, and the iMt year confined to hie bed, with
twkntit imrgt, ixp. totkmrgiMg tLcaaa that hia neck
wa eaten around from ear to ear a hole waa eaten
throueh hia H'uid pip, ao that ha breathed throuah the
bole hia ear waa nearly deatroyed the uaa ot hia arm
waa wholly deetroyed-uul an Lli-er under the arm, aa
large aa a man'i hind, had nearly eNten through into hia
I.unaa thnt he had ued all kind of j-Aasar talLLa and
mthrr mtdiciM, ta no bentjit. and that be waa not trpatti
to tit lavar-oar hour whtn ho commenced RaaNT's
IfCDiaw FuairriNO taraacT that kis BoTTtaa of tl-.a
Pcnums-a Earn act healed anl earrJ javXTri of tha
twenty Ulcere he hud win a be ronrmenred uaiug it, and
that a ftre boulr more erterted a roracT ctraa. For full
Partirulara of thia, and many other (tauter carra, aee our
Thia Wrawerfal mm4 Aetwwiafaiaia; flBE
doeo not atand alone aa a aumaateat of the frrat raVey
of Baaarr'a Pnairuca, lor we could aire almost unlim
tied endence ol other curee, well attrated. if tuia were
doubted. Thia cure ia cniri. d to by
Fourteen Respectable Witnesses.
By Doer. Thos. Williavh. owof th motft respectable
phyauHatM of Roni by Meari. Hissi:ll dr, Lkonahu,
wbutRsWlr aud retail druait hy Mr. li. R. Bao s. tri.
privUir and ket-per ot that Wjcst Homk HaTCia and by
turrcn idler wan.
Brant'a Indian Purifier
are mil Impure ditv-af of th blood, viz.: afAiM-Mwi,
Sait lduum, ftkrumvitm. Eruption. rim)U nn the fact
tile. BiUt, l'Ur9, Ci-'trr-nttm. M-rcurwl Psowx. Lxrer
Complaint. Pain ia tfut tine, ii.iV, and Ltmbt. lth yf
blood to the Head, ek, .
Thia Bal-ain oil the ri and pmrtfvi
r,n-, of the b..rHM.ine Pi-airrio Exra cr. anJ Ih
reral oilier eiedlriawn. pmtuvirrv sw fecm-
ladaoledlorer;OL'lilinn.lLONr"l Mi' 1 IUN.-5. 11
rii and mtt t'irttt ta mr nd rnewbi re wrrmi-
l muiily and aa aai-ily aa to friyif tilracj heala
and cure, 'xt.-.a 7y
Tioa-aavoi ot i iiroa of the aMl hoprUt .o,iimitli.n
ftilla irv- it. almt miraruloua . ttii acy in J1 diseasca ol
aba LINli-i, TUKuAT, and BREAST.
We give the followlnc coruscate aa a fact of care, wfcifh
goe tu prove the power to -w.e lite, even when the puraun
tn-raiM to be in the vrry laot tare. iA e.tnu3, vhuD fi.aval't
Mam tMlm-na.y i-.m i admiiiH'cn d :
We firm the fJow nt eurtHcntc u a fart of enrr, wliich
gora to pn.T tin uowur in-anre liti.e-'tja wi;eu the p"ro
ermae. tu bn in thi vrry 1a4 mln$ ot txiHletwe, wlnn
Bramt'a Imdtrn Pulmonary Btdpam i adniiiistt rvd : Tiiia
enft-e dot not flUnd ioiie w- cojM nttnn makv cube.
aa mmrrtnua and mt'oumdinf ami hundmlt ot" kuptum
Cav. afd thotsttnis uf rtrnt-r calk-d f'OV'il'afci'JJ.'trtts.
Tti:U.-'aWfar aw Of F1I uh. Srut'a Co. y. Y.
Mr. I)rJ. tnn wim trronourctTii dying, and Mr. I-vkemao
whU tu thr tiir of Mr. Johm Wait to turrhaae eioih i'r
a skramj. tsad other burial Wertulx, tpxMrt;n hit wif
would tMMNn di. aShe wh in tit tat Howe ot Uie diarn,g
-was murA apptord aud tiittressrd Mud tv relieve htrr
trtmi diatra, and mnkn a dying pdi.-ut mtnr. my, Mr.
Ls mtn whm iraiitd.-d to ;::' it.r umi; ol - Bit A.N'i"rf
D.1MAN PULMONARY IIAI.SAM. !! took t'.m liUatm
hum with th ahrtiad, and g .Tfm portion to hie v.ilf it
r.hTed h.T b coutinu'd to tnk- it until nhe nrov'ivd
Oood HRalth, unii h hi ronttttuod veil fur nearly four
mtarm f Pamphlet lor p-trtii ular..
Mr brKKVAA swon-1 th a'iv frti brfore Thoc. U.
Yotno, K-q of lialUt m Spa, --Wtb April, le"4H.
TaitM. G. s-OUNG, Kawi-t JuMti. CrTti.W xh'X he hue
known Mr. Oykt-taxn nituiy TfuraAnj tlIHt b ia one of
ttiftrntotsC e-'Ttayand rtupucmbU citizens; and Mr. Joujt
Wait, It be Mivhni -pt.k'-n ol ubi.ve, lo cerujiet to the
cool cbrm-t:r of Mr. likeman. and that waa ac
quainted w-tii all theucu, bavuig beard them oiten apok
aa of by DuKeman
Brant's Pulmonary Balsam
eurre COSSVMPTIOy. Cofgko, Colds. Spitting of Wood,
Bl0edm9 at the Lump. Pain in the HrraH aud Sidrw yighu
ceaf, fiarvouo CmnpUinu. Palpitation of the Heart,
Cko'mrm infantum. lm'Ty. Smmar Cjmplaintt. and ALU
t EM ALE UEAK.XEJSES. mvhout ai.y Jading xrkaUver
The foliowin-nined Oorutr and Physician hare hia
f r.xomm. lej BUAN l'd MKDIClNtd :
Dr. H. IIL'HKAkll. bullord, Conn.
Dr. J. If. SMITH. W.tertnwn. W. V.
Tr. KUtlSMAN. VI J Henry Mr.-et, Brooklyn. M. T.
Dr. T at. IILNT, Auburn, N. Y.
l)r. UKO. UAM'Ifl. MiJdl. towa. Coaa
Ilr (it) A. KUtiEICi, Bath.N. Y.
!r. f WHITK. Fr-Honia. N. Y.
fr. C B. C U.KNTIXE. Hyron. K. T.
Ilr. J. O SHII'MAN. l-.yem-rille. N. T.
Dr. J. SKIKNKH. Henry atr.-t, Hrouklya, 1. T.
ilr. U. slill'MAX. Cuitlnad, N. Y.
Beware of counterfeits !
There ii no Brant'a meJicince genuine, but
aticb bottlea at are ut up in a a-juare package
or ahape, and on one rquare of the package1 ia s
label on whi b is represented a young riaaw,
end under where she stand is a Note of Hand,
wbirh read" aa follows, viz.
We hert by promhe. fur mine, recrired lo pay
In the btarer herenf Um ( est, on demand, at
owe Medieine fat-fury in the City of Brooklyn,
A Y. Dated at Brooklyn, Tilt April, 1S4M."
(which note is lignrd with pen and red ink)
" M. T. WALLACE 4 Co."
None genuine but such as have the note on
the label ained aa above.
For sale bv Thornton & Bakrr, Lwis
burg; Edwd Wilann. Near Qerlin; 8 J C'rmiae,
Selinagroae; O Sc. F (7 Mover, Freebu'ir; H N
Backbauae, MiiMleburg ; Wilt & Eilert, Hartle-
too ; An d ct Mrnch. Mifttinburg
A" le,trr ni1 " h ad.lreaarj to
.'allace it Co. 106. Broadway, New York
nHR au'isfrilier offers for sale the good
1 sohsianiial Brick Dwelling, with ne-re-iary
nuubuildins, hands incly situated
1 on l htrl sireVt hi the Bjro' of Lcwiaburg,
now occupied by hint.
Also Twelve Acres of LAND situated
,n KH, V '"""tsh'P. wt'hin 3-1 of a mile of
aid Rmu;h. in a good state of cultiva
lion. For terms, apply to
Lwilnire, LW. 10, 1849.
ANEW BUOGET for sale, cheap. For
further paiiiculars, enquire al ibis
Lewisburg, Nkv. 7, 1849 . .
EXTRAORDINARY luducemeata are
i.ffcrtd to cash buyers, at Jones' Nf w
Store, in the way of Cheap Goods. New
Goods received etery week, and sold at
least twenty per cent, below all others in
the trade. A cnll and examination of the
stock will satisfy any that this is the really
cheap store.' C I.. JONKd
ISew Isheap L-ash atore,
Feh 1. 1S50. Broadway, Milton
COTTON Fringe A splendid . assort-
nn-iit of the newest patterns, just re
reived and for sale very low at
New Cheap Cash Store,
Feb 1, 1S50. Broadway. Miltnn
Dr. Sicayne's Cekhrated Family Mali,
More Proofs of the Efficacy of
coxroc.tu stair or -
Wild Cherry,
Vie Original and Genuine 1'reparulivn !
C uMMumptlwn, ,.
Cwoaha. Cilda, Aalbina. liroiiCuilu, l.iver fo-n-
(jl u.it apitiiic; Hlj aJhUiculiy o! Ureailung,
,nn iu the Side an I ilrea.i. i.aiulljll i
ul I lie Henri, lnllilenla Cruu'.bit
ken t'ousiilulion.sors Throat,
Neroua Kelnliiy.ond all
dUeasea o( Thruai,
breaat, sod
the most effec
tual and i"eilj rure
kuowa tr any of lbs
above diM-aaea is
Dr. Swayne's compound S)rap
of Wild Cherry.
Reliable Testimony.
John Milton Earli), editor of the Worcestei
Spy, Maas., waa sltacked with a aevere iiiflmio
lion of the lung:-, accompanied wiib a diUcainc
cough : after u-iiig various olher reinediea with
little or no benefit, by the use of one bottle ot Ur
Swayne'a Compound Syiup of V lid Cherry, he
waa restored to perfect health.
Wm. Monteliua, a respectable merchant of Si
Clair, Schuylkill county, write Jan 30, 1849:
-Enclosed I aend you a certificate of Win. Beau
mont, a citi-en of our town. Ilia case of Cona
uinptiuu is well known here.and of long standing;
he aiiritiutcs hia cure entirely lo your Cumpouno
Syrup of Wild Cheiry."
lie not deceived by the many spurious and
worthless preparation of Wild Cherry, uabered
into notice by iRtorant pretender, but are thai
the signature of Ur. Swayoe ia upon each bottle,
winch ia the only guarantee against imposition.
lUmemlicr .' the genuine preparation of W'lM
Cbeiry ia prepared only by DrSwaxsa. N W
corner of Eighth aud lUce alrcils, t'hilad'a
Swayne's celebrated Vermiftige,
A Sale and Effectual Keintdy for Worms, ly
pppsia. Chub-re Morbus, sickly or dyspeptic
Children or Adult,and the m.wl useful Family
Medicine ever offered to the public."
Thia remedy ia one lhal has proved successful
for a long time, and is universally acknowleJmd
bv all who have Irted it to be far mptriur (beinp
i eo very plcaant to the taste, at tne same time
i tfectual) to any other meiiicine ever ernployed in
i riwtes lor which it is recommended. It not
only deairoya worms, but it invisorates tne Don
aysie.-n. It is harmless in its eH'i-cts.aml Ihe henlih
of the patient is alay impioved by iu use, even
when no worms are discovered.
(Tj-Iirwai t of Mistake. Remember l)r S
i Ve,,.(,i,.o now out up in niaare bullies inav-
ing recently been chanjed) covered by a beautnui
wrapper, steel engraving wilh the portrait of Ur
S.uvne theteon engraved. Bear lb s in mind.
and be not deceived.
The virtues of these pills can be appreciated
only by those who have used lliem. They are
adapted lo aaaial nature in carrying off morbid
matter, obatfuctiom-, impurity of ihe bl.iod. etc
Tuey ate a gentle and effective purgative, correct
all the functiona of the liver, and aa an alterative
in dropsical affections they are very valuable and
co3tihgfcfr'ptire"wftuj Sugar.whereby everything
disagreeable to laate or mell ia entirely removed
without iu tbe lea;t sQ'ecling the excellent quail
tiea of tbe medicine. Keoieraber ! they are nou
put up in boxes turned out of Ihe solid wood,
covered wiih a red label bearing the aiguature ol
Ur fS way lie : none olher is genuine.
The above valuable Medicines ore pre
pared only by Dr. SWAYNE, N W corner ol
Eighth and Race atreeta, Philadelphia.'
Jlzents for Union Ci unty. Pa.
C W .St baffle, and Thornton & Uaker.Lewisburg
J Seebidd and N Di:niB Mench, Millersliurg
Ed Wilson. 1 L.otTaylor,Mifllinburg
fvioa rtpecnt, ueavertuwu. v, in at- ciien, iiartieton
U J Uoyer, Centerville
U.& iSchnureeliniigr've
I) Smilh.Mo.-ser's Valley
RcubKeller.Navy Island
aml Haupt do
i oungman & n alter
Ury Vallet
B A Summers. Kreehurg
and I 'J Storekeepers generally l29t
Myers' Liquid Cure !
IS a positive and never-failing Remedy
for p L E S whether Internal, li
lernnl. Blind or .Bleeding Scrofula, White
Swelling, Ulcers, ulcerated Sore Throat,
Canker Sore M'iutli, Rheumatism, Cutan
eous Diseases, Mercurial Affections S, c
also for Scald-s Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Brui
ses, Oic. &C.
We feel juat fUal- in proclaiming the Fact to
the World, that of all medicinea ever bro't before
ibe public, none have ever been mora beneficial
to ailltcled humanity than Mytrt' Liquid Cure.
We know this ia saying a great deal, but if we
were to write volumes we could not aay too much
in praise of this
uiiLrs aaaToaiactiFE-raoiosumo axartDt.
Hundreds, nny thousands bless Ihe happy hour
when Grat they were made acquainted with its
tranacendanl virioea ; and our present purpose
to inform other thou.-anda, how and where tboy
may obtain that relief which they perhaps have
long sought for iu vain.
The superior excellence of this preparation
over all other medicine, for tha speedy and per
manent cure of 1'ILES, ia well known lo all who
have tested il. It has been proved in thouasnda
of inatances, and has acvsa faileu lo cure the
numt ohnlinate cam', and we are confident it will
never fail if need a proper length of time accord
ing lo directions. Asa proof of our entire confi
dence in its efficacy, we aaaurs all purchasers that i
if. after a proper trial, it prove ineffectual, ihe j
Mouey paid for it will be ret unit J. ,
The Liquid Cure ia sn effectual remedy for
Ringworms, biles. Pimples, barbers' iirh. Frosted
Limbs, Chilblain. Malt Kheom. Musquito Bites,
slings of poiaoneus Insects and Cutaoeoua diseases
of every deacriptiolt. -
It is both safe snd effectual for Rhkcmati.
giving immediate snd permanent relief.
Its effects as a real ram hitler, ara magical.
ahould provide themselves with this Invaluable
preparation, tbe cheapness or which places it
tihtn the reach ol all. '
Full Directions accompany each Bottle
Pamphlets, eonlaiuing copies of certificates
from those who have leattd ihe Liquid Cure, may
lai had grat it of our authorized agenla
i Mycr$' Liquid Cure is prepared only by '.
JROME at CO- SI Spruce St. New York
Agrtita; C W fecbaffle. Lewi-buig ; J II Rasee
Milioo IveowSJS ,
DR. J. N. KEELER & BKO. most res
pectfully aoltcit attention to Iheir fresh
block ol Englith, French. German, and
American Drugs, Medicines, Fainis, Che.
micals. Oils, Uyestuffs, Glassware, Perfu
mery. Patent Medicines, Varnishes, &c
Having opened a new store, No 294, Market at,
with a full supply ol freaft urugs anu niraicuiea.
we reapectfully eolicit country dealers to exam
ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, prom
ising one and all who may feel disposed to es
tend to o their patronage, to sell them genuine
Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms aa any
mher house in the Citv.and to faithfully execute
all orders entrusted lo us promptly snd with de
1 aPOne of the proprietors being a regular physi-
i . .,aMntM nf (he eeniiina
Clan, aitorua auipiv . o
quality ol all articles sold at iheir establishment.
We especially iuviw druggists aud country
merchants, who may wish to become sgenta for
Dr. Keeler't Celebrated Family Nediciaei.
(stsndar J sud popular remedies,) to forward their
foliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect
fully remain.
J. N. KEELEH A BRO., Wholesale Druggists,
1 y281 J No. 294, Market St., l'hilad.
aK aSn TtM.
THANKFUL, for liberal patronage heretofore
received, respectfully informs hia old fiiends
and the public generally that he has remod bis
Tailor Miop
to the Basement of his Brick dwelling on Market
atreet. next door sle V. Penny's ssddlery (tale
he office of H C Hicaok, Esq) where he hopes te
suit all who may give bini their custom, as
he does all work ia his line in the best and
ne we t ' lo and on short notice. He ha
c-'i ....lariu. (m:!" none but
tin: roM.n'ii.-, i. , -
..ond hanJs, and is determined to keep U
with the limes anrl merit a good share c.
.....,,... CUTTISG done to order.
Char-es reasonable, and Produce tnken io
exchange for work
lwisbiirg, June, 1849 Iy2.0,7
at IssCWisDurs.
rpHE TRUSTEES of the University at Lew.
X i'burg would respectfully inf..rm its Pattons
and Ftii-nd. that, in the School under their care,
(at Lewi-burg) the following are Ihe Claaaea. Sub
ject of Study and Exercises for the current year.
DfpartmentH and Studies).
Six flua-ea Exercised in Spelliug, Reading.
Definition. English (irsmmar, Arithmetic. Geg
rauhv, Hialory V S. A., Penmanship, and Com-
F nl.TSH DEPAKTHESToftne Academy
The same aludiea as in the Primary Department
..,;...,e.l in the use of lareef lext books; and io
these are added General llilory, Daviea Ahjebia,
Leaendre and Surveying.
1-1 SSICAT. DEPARTMENT of ihe Academy
Jun. Academic Clans. Englith Languaite,
n...ra.,!. Hi.torv U.S.A. Latin Grammar
and Reader. Greek Grammar and Reader com
menced, A tiilimelic completed.
Urn. Academic Ciars. English Language,
General Hiftory, Ca?ir, Virgil, Greek Reader,
Daviea' Algebra.
freshman Clais. l.ivv,Anahaia,Meniorabi!ia,
vie' Lenendre. 'I iiEon.imetry commcnceil.
Via. Horace. Odyssey, Select
Diationa of Demoslhene, Legendre completed.
Daviea' Surveying and Navigation, Analytical
Geometry, Blair's Lectures.
Junior Clan. Demosthenes on the Crown.
Greek Tragedy. Cicero tie Officiis, Iscilus Nat
ural Philosophy, Astronomy, Logic.
Students in the Eugliab Department recite
-ilk th nurauinc the same studies in tbe
Regular Course.
j-2lgu t2limli tRS
school, (in three divisions.) are exercifed every
Saturday in Reading, Declamation, English Com
position, and Vocal Music.
All the students sra required lo sttend, regu
larly, aome religious meeting. Minors are expec
ted 'o attend such meetings as are recommended
io them by iheir parents or guardiana. There are
in the Uorouh no lesa than ix places of public
worship, occupied every Lord's Day by aa many
different Christian denominations.
Number of Students.
The number of students during the past year
in the various departments, was 164. The
number that have entered tbe classes in the Reg
ular Course for the current year (exclusive of
those in the English and Primary departments.)
is ss follows :
Collkos. Junior class 6
Sophomore class - 13
Freshman class -13
AcADiar. Senior class - 12
Junior clsas - 38s,l
STEPHEN W. TAYLOR, A.M., Professor of
Mathematics and Natural Philosophy ;
GEORGE R. BLISS, A. M., Professor of Greek
Language and Literature -,
of Latin Language and Literature ;
ISAAC N. LOOMIS, A. Principal of the
Academy ;
ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Teacher in tbe
In order to meet the demands of the Institu
tion, the Board bave taken measures to supply
tbe necesary Apparatus for the department of
Mechanical Philosophy, and to increase tne Li
brary, before the commencement of the winter
session. During tbe year, the building now in
progresa will be completed, affording study rooms
and dormitories for 70 college students. Another
Professor baa been added to the Faculty . and
mean provided to enable students in tbe classes
specified above to prosecute their studies wilh lbs
greatest success.
Tuition and Board.
TUITION in Ihe Collegiate Department $30,
Academic f20. Primary $12 per year.
BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel and
light, can be had in lha tillage and its vicinity at
various prices, from $1,37 to $3,50 per week.
ScMHlon, Vacations, &c.
Two Sessions in s year tbe former commen
cea on ihe second Tuesday in October, and con
tinues 27 weeks ; the latter continues 15 week..
Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6. Next
session begins 1 1 th October.
The Board are happy to add that Lewisburg
ia at present, aa It ever baa been, exceedingly
By order and in behalf of the Board :
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1 649.
Dr. Rose's Medicines.
The subscriber having ben appointed
aole agent for . Dr. Rose's Medicines, for
Onion county, oilers them tn the public
with great confidence as to their fli acy
and certainty of effecting cures in nil cases
for which they are designer!. A single teat
only is required to establish the fact.
Sept 27 S S BARTON
The New Foundry;
S now carried on ax usual, at Ihtjf tipper
end of Market street, where eery os-
criptiim offJASllNUS" PeP
hand or made to order such as
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Cooking Stoves,
for either Coal or
Wood and all
other kinds of
also PKOUQIIS of differ
ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs,
and the
Self-Sharpenins Flongn,
a new article, and which can not be beat
in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge
for yourselves.
Lewi-burg. Sept. 22, 1849
THIS new and valuable Medicine, now
used by the medical profession with
such astonishing efficacy in the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption, Scrofula. Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, general Debility,
Complaints of the Kidneys,
Sic. Sic, is prepared from the liver of tire
COO-FISH for medicinal use, eipressly
(or our sales.
Extract from the London Medical Journal.
C. J. B-WitiiAJis, M. D- F.R.S, Professor of
Medicine in University College, London, consul
ting physician lo the Hospital for Cotivump ion,
4c , says ; I bave prescribed the Oil in above
four hundred cases of tubviculoui disease pf tbe
Lungs, in different iage.i,wbich have been onJer
my eare the Isat two years and a nan. in ine
lame numbei of casea. 206 out ol 234. Its ass waa
followed by marked, unequivocal improvement,
vurvinz in degree in different casea, from a tem
porary retardation of the progress of ibe diea-e
ind a mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to
a more oi less complete restoration to apparent
health. -r
"The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of
these rases was very remarkable. Even in a few
daya the c.iugh waa mitigated, ihe el pec oration
diminished ill quantity and opacity, the nikiht
sweats ceased, Ibe pulse became slower, and of
better volume, and tbe appetite, f)eh and atiength
were gradually unproved.
In conclusion I repest tlist the pu-e fresh Oil
from the Liver of the Cod is more bent ficial in
the treatment nf Pulmonary Consumption than
any agent, medicinrl dietetic or rtgiuwnal, that
has yet been employed."
As we have made nrranceirirnts to pro
cure the Cud Liver Oil fresh from hmd
qunr'ers, it run now be hod chrmiially
pure, by the single bottle or in b"xes of
one d(Z"n each.
-" lis wonderful efficacy has induced num
erous spurious imitations. As is success
depends en'irely on its purity, I jo much
care rnn not be used in procuriii): it Of.M'
ink. Kvery bottle havini on it our written
ijrnnttire, mav be de-n(!ed on as genuine.
Pamphlets containing nn analysis of the
Oil, with notices of it from the Medical
Journals, will be sent to ttio3e who address
us free of postnpe.
Wholesale Dnigtrtsis nnd t 'hfrnists,
lyI8 100 North Third St. Philadelphia
rpHE suhscrilier would inform the Gen-
L tlemcn ol LiCwiaburi; nud vicinity that
he has now re-opened a new and elegant
shop, next door lo the Post OlfifP, where
he '.vill currvon the LucinessofCU TTING
AN0MAK1X oarments as usual. Work
made by him warrnnted to fit. Produce
received in payment at market prices.
Lewisbtirjr, April 'il, 184S
Get tbe Best !
ALL young persona should have a Standard
Dictionary at their ellowa. And while
you ara about it, get ihe be-t : that Dictionary is
oaa VY ebstes's, the great work, unabritleed.
If you are loo poor, save the amoont from off your
back, to put il into your head. PhrenologJour.
Dr. Webster's great work is the best Dictionary
of the English language. London Morn. Citron.
Containing three times the amount of rcstiet of
sny other English Dictionary compiled in this
rouniry, or any abridgment of Ibis work.
Published by G it C Merriam,Spriiigfield,Maea,
and for sale at the Cheap Bookstore of
May 30 a F LYNDALL, Lewisburg
T70R sale by
Lewisburgt June, 1849
Worm Specific Jkl'Lane's Vermifage!
THIS invaluable remedy for Worms m
rapidly supplanting ail others.in public
estimation. Where it is used it bus produced
me uesi enects, aud driven out all other
remedies. " It is the best ihey have ever
seen." ia tne remark or all who have ever
used it in their families.
Tyre Sprinrs,8umner Co. Ten. Feb 19,'48 .
J. Kttld & Co. I received s lot of M'l.anc's
Vermifuge from your agent last snrinar. whieb I
sold out in one week, and 1 think I could have
sold 1000 bottles by thia lime if I coultl have got
it, nut not kuowing where to get it I bad lo wait
until your scent came around. Every one who
has tried M'Lane's Vermifuge, tell ma it ia lbs
best they have ever aeen. Iu fact it ia imnnaail.U
for any oue to aay too much in favor of this Ver-
antoga. V. D. ROBU.
Dr.M'Lane dear Sir : I have aoltl out all yoor
Liver Pill, and want another lot immediatrlv I
could bave sold a much larger quantity if I bad
them. Tbe inhabitant are aending to Rochester
for them. Please send me another sutitilv imm
distely. F. SHORT, Druggist.
Hemlock Lake, Liv. Co. N. Y. March 8. '47.
Varysburg, Wyo. Co N.V. Dec. 10, 47.
J. Kidd & Cov Your travelinc aaenl left with
me last summer a quantity of Dr. M'Lane's Pills
ana w orm Siierinc, to sell on commission. The
Worm Specific is all eoTd and I should be glad lo
procure more, aa it sells very readily, and baa a
very saluta-y effect in expelling worms. If yoej
can forward me some, or send me an order lo
call on yoor agent in Buffalo (US. Reynolds.) I
think it will meet with s rapid sal.
AGENTS C W Hcairrr.. T.!J, t
J Shsfer and J H Rsatr, Mihon ; I GerbarlW
linsgrove: J W Friline. Sunho,. , . Mr. ur t
Northumberland ; U C Gier, J Moots. DsiivUJo
AMs.it j anal 'Irutt Coasrauy.
Office. 74, Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
Camtal, 250,000 Charter Perpetual.
THE Company ara now prepared lo transact
business upon lbs moat liberal and advanta
geous terms. They are authorised by Ibeir charter
fse- 8 "to make all and svery inaurance apper
taining to life risks of whatever kind or naturs, and
te receive and execute trusts, make endowment,
and to grant and purchase annuities." The Com
pany sell annuities and endowments, aud act a
Irnstrss for minors and heirs.
Table of Premiums required for the Assurance
of aIOU tor tne at-noie term oj mij.
. .. . u
Afce. Prrm.
Age. Pesm.
$1 50
1 53
1 56
1 59
I 60
1 63
I 66
1 69
1 73
1 76
1 85
1 89
I 94
1 99
3 04
31 $2 09
46 $3 36
3 15
3 49
3 33
3 37
3 33
3 40
8 47
3 54
3 63
3 70
3 81
3 92
3 01
3 13
3 33
3 C2
3 77
3 94
4 13
4 33
4 61
4 71
4 91
6 13
5 33
6 54
5 78
6 03
The premiums are less thsn any other company
and the policies afford greater advantages. Mar
ried women and female children can insure the
lives of either a husband or parent free from ibe
claims ot creditors. Tallies of half yesrly and
quarterly premiums, half credit rstes of premium,
abort terms, joint lives, survivorahipa, endow
ments and forms of application srs W be had at
the Ofhce or of the Agent.
Rates for insuring $100 on a single Life.
k.m. Fori year. For 7 years. For Life.
$0 81
1 30
1 64
3 07
3 97
1 60
3 04
3 70
3 94
6 03
0 99
1 39
1 86
3 48
Kv.mnle: A nerson aped 30 years next bitlh-
dsy by paying the Company 99 ets would secure
to bis family or heirs $100 ahould he die in one
yesr, or for 9 90 he secures lo them 1000, or for
13 00 snnually for seven years he secure, to them
f 1000 should be die in seven yars. or for 20 40
paid yearlv during life he secures ! I0U to be paid
when he dies Ihe insurer securing his own bonus
by the difference in amount of piemium from those
charge" bv other offices, t or S J ou tne neira wuuiu
receive .$5000 should he die in one year.
PETER CULLEN. President.
F. W. R A WLE. Sec'y and T eas.
For further pellicular apply to
Atrent fur Vniuti and adjoining counties.
V J... . . ... ....
Consulting Physieian Wat. Halts. M. l.
Lewisliurs;, I ui'.ri to. Pa. July 1, IM4!t
Carefully hrpuired.ut the shortest .Vufice.
nHE subsenbrr deires to inform the
J citizens i f leu-isburg and the puLli'
in general that he carries on the Watch
Making Business, in Ihe Shop nearly op
posite J.Hayes tV Co. where he is prepared
io execute al! kinds of work in his line ol
business with promptness and on the most
reasonable terms, and hy strict attention
lo bis business ex (nets a liberal share oi
patronage. He has constantly on hand an
assortment of
WATCHES Patent lver, English,
and French.
JEWELRY Gold Watch chains ant4
Guards, Pencils Pens, Breas'pins,I,4rrini;i.
Fingerrinr, Silvt-r Spectacles, Lockets
Spoons, Thimbles, tne.
Which he is nVterminfJ to sell low
Lewisburg, Nov. 1 3, I 547
'PHE subscribers, thankful for past patro
J nage.would inform the public lhal ihe
continue lo manurncture all kinds of
Cast Water V heels of ,he moM pp""'
Threshing Machines.
One and Two Horse
We invite particular attention to a
article Witrd's Patent MSB PLOCcnS. lor
ttCdiog il Gnia. Farmers by this plough
ran seed in aa much grain, in one day, as
id inree oays wun common ploughs.
eatto&0 ana ZuxxrtxiQ,
nd Fitting I he same. HOLLOW WARE,
Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth
ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to
suit cooking stoves.
the most approved patterns now in use, for
wood or coal.
Fancy.Parlor, Wood.Coal Stoves,
Kace'i Scir-regulniias; Alr-tlght
rauor wood eiovea, (a new article.)
Threshing Machines and other articles
of machinery repaired in the best manner
and on the shortest notice. Castings war
ranted to be of the best material, and at
prices that can not fail to please.
Lewisburg, March 25. 1848 ly209
Pianos ! Pianos.
THE unJerngoed continue to furnish lo order
on Ihe 0101 reasonable terms, Pianos, from
...e unuiacwry ot iNiraal Meyer, Phllstl..who.a
mstrmaents ars loo well kuowu io r.
'"r'c- having uniformly received lha romownd.
atioos of h aioat emiaerri profeaaors and compo.
scrs of Moaie. and thai .....I r .k. :
Newrork.Philadelphia and Boston. Tor quatiliea
o tune, toacb. and keoi.ina ia ... . .
can or European Pisnos.'
Instructions giasn oo the Piano, aa hsrMofon.
BHcrenrs atsy be mads lo any of those parents
r guardians who has) pupil committed to hia
llw" ',k ".""' '- at Mrs
larse a. Market aire. Lw:.k. k.
aod psrtieahrs will be mad know'.
Tha oaos. nanulas anal ra,;,. a .- j .
a differs l k.nd reraaaed aa it ia isstwd Iron, ibe
ditataoMcal wakliahenu j. Iha Cjt m f
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Core," in
that au ful disease.
DR. FITCH'S Lectnrea on the Preven
tion and Cure of Consumption.
Tjris popular work for sale in Iw iahurij
by S. F. Lyrtdall J. Houghton and at
this office. Price, 75 cents.
thick nr ir A4-K.
tar EvaaraoBv Kaaa vaia . 'aaaverxv THara ia a
Saraaparllla for aa! la lha dirtVraru ura,a rjlard S li
Townseud's liraaartlta. It , atlvetl-,! tl KM..
KL,;liNPINIi.lil Uul. This Tnwuaand iailuct.
never waa; but waa Uirmerl, a worker on rsi,rJ.c--1
,h lika al he assume lha ml Ir W lh
purpose of r.imn credit lor what lie turn. Ilr W
baa attended lwt medical schwas, and pi .nicej !ur 11
yeara! !" N"W thstrtnh la. ha never -articetf -o'dinr.s a
day in hat life ' StKh rtlfttf, tnrAeJ im,r.a.irsrn,?tta
looks bad to the character aud veracity of ihe man. I vi
most sutcerely, he had never made thve staiemrals af m
self or of nt. When will men ltm lo lie Ismstm an I trr
fat in ail tbeir dealnur af irrtrcoor with thrir ll;- ,
smo ' He applied in o,ie ftoel . f to a-" kna in ma,
sfactarific bur vuvture, siauirtl ih Uis sums ha ,,4
auk. aa inuseemenl lo embark in ihe buainrsa. 'i le-j .
Baa have been Imoitiue arid tlbeilinr n l all poa.t -forms.
In order to impress Ihe pablK with the belief ie
the Old Doctor's Saraianlla was not the ftnuine. or,.r r.
ammoputlla, mwle truiu the Otd Ooctvr 'Hifinal Iir -sac.
TtiiaS. P. T'lwnsend say I h.ire H1 iwmn p .
name lor S7 a work. I will air him a if h wil r -
doc one sirajle aoliUry pro-M of this. Ill rtaumien: X
TSosnpann. SaHlnian at Vo., are uo hliqt hm a usso. .''
aalsehuorta. aimtly matte to deceive Ihe pilhlic. and k '
the truth down In reeanf lo his Kmrttt;. erwvntinf e -s
pound. Tliw Is to caution the pnblK lo -orrK-e rssi.- .-a
md lr. JAI.'Ofl Townsetsl', Sirssisinila. havrrsr ta, r j
Old ftoctor's likenes. hi fnnt'U tfeul of Arms, an,
afuatureaersss Uw Coat of Anna.
Prmnvai OJU. Vlt Xam sfrser. .V T r-ity
Jacob towse
!01d Dr. Jacob Townscnd,
the original Disi ovrnr.R OF TIIK
i Genuine Towusend Sar3aparilla.
i Old Or. T..w. rt l H n 'V '?. l.S'f.
i isa-twn tn..s.. s, tv :f rtt' i: '''. ''l..'J.f:'
; HARSAfAHll.L.1." U-i" l-s-r.be " coo.tlid
limit ia nM.i.iia.-ii'. fi. h h t. ius t: "t h. -pt
I . . ru,e'a . '..rh awt iw.n ,lue. It b.i wactr
i . e , .i,.,. ,rMHs ,U h,i
utecara oi nia..., ir,.ri ...
Thltt GRtNUANU I NKtait Al l I D VV.Y.T T'. 4
Bi4.uicium, ncifu- ljrrs-ai 1- cz'-r- i-'t 'hi -d!; -
uiUllM Irnsth .t i-rri'i m iv iai-'. tu.!y ;v u
Itturvl iuiaati tsi'Hv-nensii'N 'r rt ;vw-,-n.
toitke oai; S I T'mi-i! it mit.4iv r.
rul uewrVrwufff ) hit fir thf -xt:-r ; jV-a't- it t p- etirr l
on me tent if. e yrxmr-m bv mtvtrntific numt. Yt- h.-lr
kituwlt-.l-V ot i'brnii t'T. a! iaut da-vri oi ill
rt. hav al! hwn lip-n.'h: rotju: -i.-'it in hcranutaf
lur-ol the Hid lr Vt-tantstarlMB. T"! 5iMwn!li rn-:.
it is weii hiww iu ..k i '; 'ih. ffiranf i n mv-irl
pr;er'te?", arvl st.in r.n-r' m h'tr. -vraj is.i-n wi uf
Mini Mhem, winch if r-. tnu i it. rtf.tn.i! tor u-t-. t-s-s-
dlicrrfiir-i-'in. li .'(!. i t ltL;-inrU4 ltlliv-"
l?m. Sin? ol the T t T'tr. . Siii'ftai, i.'a i:e vi
that the rnnrr' c tj tr;tr air. u I t :r. the prerrai.en,
it Hh ire ism ,rrt'rr J hy a t.-'Jir kwwu m.
It ifs'ttv- exi-crifiir ! m r- p.t.u.ii Vtfnnr. Mre'to.',
th-e volatile prim ;.'. tnrh in v.,:r, - nn .
haUtfH). uinWr i.cai. rr liwr .rry rwnhiu otedieal prom
oi itie ! . 'c-t H a.l I n "I ur
A:.f rTswi can ' -l .r Mrf 'hr" ft'i u1' it a d r
Colored ti'j n.t. whicit i m-rr (, tl.c clfiis- Bt.tMr.r
th roi thu iri:n hit; ! ih -trm ilit
ttiiutH tr I tt fu'i.t, -wr-is-n with Mir um1: an.l
then oil K SAKSAP n!I.I.A EX i KAtT wr lYRl P "
Btlt -ns-h l rrl tt:r? ,li1l-f ttl.iWlt 'It
Thi w e prfpam! that all the irnrt pesperur f tli
Sarrmir-ri!!a rvK arv lir-t rrin-vel. erOn.i r.tMble4:
hcciiiint! ! or icrithsi.i,iti i rxtnu.rd an ! r- iccie-l ;
tlivn evrr parur.r ' ml.rji wir.e M wtiriJ in a put
ml etnirriitratrsl form : -ift il.a ir rrin;rid uua
ol Uwirift an ot ito aluab!e umI lieoiina; prserU'. Ptw
parcil in ihti w.t. Il l Hi.i ihr mir' p-merlui aru tu lh
Cur of laimnifrablr lUac.
ITr- ihe rra-im wl wt lte.r clmlKiatuli on arotf
Mite tn H iar hy inrn, watiwu, av4 cuii'lmu Wa tiasi it
dome WiMisliTF in the cure i
VOMPLA fT, in IWfrCMATixW. .Tr.'nK-
t'&A. ri.r:w t'oxTtvKi'Es'i. ah erA.iu
at;s t.Ki af7'j.v.v. piVi'Et:, ulotliie
itsiasJl .tiVNrri'n- ari'lti fr-ni
iMi'i un v or t:ir pr.fvo.
h MjrMM4 niatvc. iMW effi' -y iM iMiiiJ.imt ara
Mil ir.m ht't:rttjn. lr n Act.itu Kf thr Sivma- h. (torn
uhiul Ciri-ttijtini, il.ur.iiii iJ.i boo-l u lite toatl
paft'ivatijit tM'thc rt-ir'. e M 'rrt 4M I htu ia. c"J ruti'm an.i
hot fl..eaoer:lur i-'j I' ha art ? rqui! l OnU mi-t
Cough ; mt pp'tai'-wft cany rm"ee.r.Y:i a.it -iiila pt
piniTrui.. rCtUUif UlCiU.e vt Ut luu. UiruU ii ;
o her part
But in noihii.e i its rtr iTcner mam rnn.nf. nlj mmm mint
ackitow!fn1ptt thn in a l tumU i-l M.t'- o4
t work w ii-irrai tn r.t-e ul t.noe A:'tu. or m.
fnHirsg tf the rnb. f tm'rmrtrd. Nitjn,rmnt-t, PastX tM
Atrnme. 'jutgu'at : l w niwU'iru il j-p;i -tji. u I titac.
Awl i nBrctiul in eurtti? a'l the i-rm ft Kt'lwy iittroorm
Uy returning olxii tic'l"it. ni rr.'UetUu lit eeuarat
ayfie;n, rt eive ion and stnenih u tlM wum Uotiv, au4
thuacuiei i! f'rni oi
Krrruu Uiarase mwrl DvMlity.
and thus pecu"or ritei acftal Jrnri ot fr matw
il, a Sptu irrittnim. S-ta-gia. .St Vitus' XAwtc,
Snwntr.f, t.'ptirfttic 'lU. 'u.iru'l'n.U tfe
Il caiira itMt biuost. ti 'lur li-r o hefllthv arltui
tOt- live ltHl,tf !i, etinl ctrc.. c.h. .llfOth-li. rr.lrv U.
bowels of fntporaiiHtktvi p.t'h it. tt inlLimiiiation. y
nhes lie wiiii.. -',tt-;lu'- v-.m riu n.'ioi ol the tin..tL
"'cine cu'l' ri.h fiusiiy a't or th bwdy.aud u
inaermMe prpir-'.n : rrx n ti rm atT I'Htrv.
nvi all tkr.uu-t.na. a tid itt"iorii- ihe ru.:e kc
y-tfin Is o-n ih ihn
The Meallrlnr, yon prc-rmlnnlr' need T
Bui eut an of iltrw (hiiif Its waitt s. P T MVi.wtt-i
lienor ani-le 1 Thi m;iii Imhi.. m int i.. . -
because of one ORT FfT. that tti one w
BLK oi ltTtHhRA I ION, and
hil the mher IMrS mourin: frrmmting. n. KWtf
tha bottlem rotitaiiiiiic n mio trtcmenti ; th- pmir, a-;.1
liquid exploding, arvl rjatna-ii.r other fno.! Viti n-.'thi
omb!e romkraml he p.m-hkup in ihe irtiim YvtT
put acid into a v'em afr'ndy rfiMrasrti tri'hari.i t Vfi4i
cause lyapepia but arul I IfcoweDi all 1timw Um
food aotirt in our tiomarh. what minrhief it ppKiticr? -tatnlence.
heartburn, palpitaiion sf the hean. liver rmr
pUmt. durrtura. dyM-merv. folic, an l c-n-iipiK o n' ih
bjood? W hat m Scrofula btit an acid l.mi tn Die bod I
What produces all 'he humor wrtn-h brnw; h Fnti'iKsn
the gfein. Scald Head, K.lt Kheum, Hrr-irv'!, Wfu;
Swellmgn, Fever S-ifea. and a' I ulreration'tnirrMil and .
lernal J It m mMhinc onoVr hea hn m ..! ,kat..M -
which aoiir-. and thus all the fli.-.M ai ihe h-vi. n.r
r lew. What eairea Rhentnatum but a mnr ami acid
um amrn inwniwri vmrH oeiweeil ibe i in an. !.
where, irnuttw; arid ntrtaTnin- th deiifate n-uea unrm
which it aff I So of Dervow diwaiwi. nt impnri .tt
blo.l, of dersnrf circulation, and uearlv ail the ailment
which afflict human namrr
Niw m it not horrible to waka and aril, ai infinite
Warm to tttaas rh y
S. P. TfWNSKl,
and vet be would tUin hav it nrvlrr-rtaod that Old Dr Jv
Sb41iP?'!.,, fHin4' SerTiapai Ula, ia IM
IT A Tit N u( hia inierttr (Hvparaitiu
Heaven forbid Omi we, 4vhiM hi an artirie wbirh
woutd bear the most diunt rembUnce to S P Town-
VVe wih it uni)er4ond, becatiw it in the ahotJv trm.
Aat ft. P Towiveihl'artlcV an.1 ol I r. Jr..ST.wt -e:,)
Saraapsrilla are Aearra mjr apart, and .,' Juoim.
aTke- ihf lh.. m . i L. .. ... . .
- , .. .... . ......... , ianK:uLar, imii a.4
K sirujle thine ra cm.inon.
As S. P Toaitn.1 I. ,.n ,tv--.r ..J ...
hemiat, no pharraaxeulist kin, wm a m,re f nwfn-iae a
Swesae than anvite-r ennsn.,iw uiwtcutilie. unrs-tWrsMeai,!
wan. what rsarnw esn the pMl,'ie hsvr ih.il thev ara m.
eeivmjr a ssnmrMsrienttAe rtK-tlK-r,s. em.t.i.ir? all tha vas
tus ot llie .irttrles in l,ret.arme If. aisl wltlrK arm ,m-
rapabla orehatiHvswhtrti mtsht reisler thetn rhe AtiKNT
insrase Itisteaa l rtea.'tli T
Rut what else shnuLf be ernse from neje wKs anew,
aothlne comparatively ot metllcitia or .lleasr I i rsqitlre
a person of sma eliwrtris-u lo rs,lt ami serve np ssr, a
Cf'oinesi oVeeDt meal. lti,w nsurh mor important t
that Ihe persons who rruniitarfiim mei!triis.'le.ieiml fnr
ahonld know writ tha awsfiral pn,Nrtss oi nt-,nts, iha at
manner of TUhnr antlroiirsi,t.itris ih.r ..
also aa eiunsive knowle,!;, of tha vanoin li.-eav whisk
aflee, the human system, sisl busr lo 4spi rduiIm
h ta arrest frands apoa the aafnrtnrate. to prmr kslm
into wounoVvl humanity, lo km Its hop, m the ilrspairins
a""". " restore kealth. ami bloam. and vimr mm th,
erusned and hrnksn. and to hanl.h iniiruiitv ihat OI.U Da
J ACOa TOW NMF.N D ha MM GIITaul VuVMtthao,
fortunity and mean l hrine hi
Vwlwersml t'oar,nvvavel Reanavlw
wttklB lb Men. and the knnwlrd: ol' all who need II '
Inat lov mav lean, antl know, b rttvlui apenencat, las A
Traaaaecasflaatt Pawsr to lloal.
AorMTS for the above Medicinr IV
SchalHe, Lewisburrji John H Baser, Mil
ton ; torsyth & Pnesily. lVorthun.b'land
GENTLEMEN'S Fancy Goods, Ve.t
ings. Cloths, Cassimeres, aod Suro
"lar Goods in em-!, at
a E l$t Chf Stoie.