Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1850, February 20, 1850, Image 2

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ThU emigrating to CaliHiriU
prove more disastrous 10 our common
oouctty ihnu the Iraiissrtion of 81,'7, for
I he losses will motly fall on the Northern
Elate. Ade from all the prcuniary suf
fering thut m'J necessarily ensue, the
ln8 of life will be in ratio greater ihm (lie
Fiorida and Mexican wars. This Cali
f'rtta r-xjedisino will elicit fcr history fact
H.Dt will cause thrill through many a
henrl that will caire a fl.iod of tears from
many widows an J orphaos. brothers and
I am very much pleated, Mr. Editor,
:hiit you give part of jour p.iner lo the
Farmer. For the farmer has been neg
lected too long, and I glory in your having
so much of a farming spirit. Nothing in
my opinion will im roe the mind and
farms PrB of farmers more, than to
learn the experience and opinion ot each
other. I have gained more by reading
agricultural papers, than the cost ten times
over. Sometimes one ides will more than
pay for a ears subscription.
eislcrs.from the loss of their IrienJ. who.e j A Dutch Farjieb
bones w ill lie, many are now, con.uir- Fountain Hill, E. Buffalo, Feb. 14, 1850
U g in thin CI Dorado.
Now for the Gold Mines, those I have
not visited, but have seen many, very
irany, who Lave, and many of that tiuniber
will never see their home or friend again
on earth. That there is gold in California,
there i no doubt, and in great ahumlanc ;
but to obtain it is the grand secret. Some
who goto the mines ate very fortunate,
a iiJ ob'.ain from one to two ounces per
day ; oihers that are equally industamus
Main but vrr 1 tile, hurdly sufficient to
piy expenses, so that you may safely set
i: wo as a fact, that the whole average
is n t over per day. 1 he labor is a
l.afu as :o UW iu a ttne quarry. 1 am
informed that the labor and toil is of the
moat severe kiad, while the eipnsure is very
jjreaf. 1 have heard it remarked to day,
that of the men who have been to the
mines could a census of ail who have come
to California ltr.ken, there would not be
more than one in every three thousand that
would leave their homes and come to this
eountry with their present knowledge ol
the facts as they now exist. If so, dear
sir, what motives could actualo me to hold
out indue ment lo any person to corr.e to
ih: coumr) !
Now as to this city of Tents, i's roora's,
s .c;al circles, &., &.C. As to murals,
while I am now writing, and it is Sunday,
I am so annoyed by the ball of a teti-pin
alley .muticcur-iing and blaspheming, that
it is very difficult to get evrn one idea cor
rectly on paper. 1 thii.k it is safe to say
that in the d ffi rent gambling homes, a
f UKl.uJO will change hanls during this
civ an. I evening. The amount of liquor
It. it will be drank, I sliuil nut attempt to
estimate. The crime commi'wJ, and
f.hting that take j.!.ice are also to be
guessed a'. Many stores a well as me
cWiical shtp are open on Sun lay ; and
lor a s:rau.jr to accidentally drop into thi
p'de he woulJ not know that it was Sun
day un'es he hti kept the days of the
A to aociety, I hve not murh to say
that would bo interesting to you. 1 here
re a few very respectable families in this
place, and but a few. M st of the citizens
f this place are males, consequently there
Is not much of what we Yankees wnulJ
II mnimil .;..ry. Tfaerc are churches
f various denominations in this ciiy, so
thnt if one chooses to co he can find room
- "
gjaions. Wi h my present knowledge ot
t'uiscoun'ry and its recources had I pos
sessed it, Icetlsh.ly should not have come.
The berths on board the steamer which
h aves on the 1st, are all taken ; and I pre
sume if she possessed the capacity of all
ihe steamer that run on the Noiih River,
she would be insitTicient to accommodate
ail who denim to return to the Stales.
Many, very manv, have spent their all and
are not able to get bick. It is as we often
talked, a devieo of Government to tet this
country iohat ited ; but the cost will be
mure than the pr-5t, I think,
1 remain yours truly,
B. O. BICXOK, Editor.
O. H. WOHDEN, Publisher.
At $t JO eaeh in idTaaw, $1,75 in three avmths, 2 said
Wiliuu Um year, and iA- 0 at Ihe end of Uli' jrmr.
Agents in 1'ailavklvliin V rnlner ulltW Care.
Lewisburff, Va.
WednesiJy Morning, Feb'y 20
Farmers, Arouse!
The preceding commouication is from
ne of the most observing and respected
j of your number. His reading and obser
vation, o ned with industry and economy,
have made him iudeirendent. And there ,
is not ore of you but may follow his ex- I
nmnlr w:lh rnrnnarative success. I
Read think experiment : these are the j m,Jf S ,n
prand mvsteries of improvement in farm-.
f"'Ve exjiected the auditor who i nt
Court in New Berlin would lurni.-h the
Printer with some account of matter atld
things there, but have received no'-bing as
yet from him.
Pennsylvania Canals.
The Commissioners have resolved to
for the Ltxvitburi Cirnaiclt .
Lime and Flister.
Mr. IvjMer: A-v ynu huve uur cuiunius
enior the faimer, f propose to tive ni
rxpvrience wuh r jjard lu Lime aud Pins-K-r.
Some gay plaster is of no ine where
lime is ue.l on the name ground. Nuw 1
l.ave used plaster on my farm every year
for thir'y year, and have been liming mv
land fiiteen yrars more of Im, from 1000
to C00J bjkliel per yar, and from 60 to
ldtltiushels t-er acra ; and I always put
plntr o the name field where the lime
was put on. S io.e years I ci uld not see
much difLrenre iu the field where I had
Ixiih, aud when I Kid- only the p!aiter ;
hiH last sumnvr th" p'aater showed well all
the s-ason. My opinion is that in a dry
time, the plaster his th? same g-xtd cfToct
na c!ovr as ever; but in a wet eav-n on
well-limed Innd it does not make much dif
ference. Lsn summer in the drought, my
e'over did well ; it kept preen, although it
did1 oof grow more than that which was
txtf plastered, i got more plath in plas
ter " last summer than I have had for
aometime b.?k.
As ail experiment I would let part of a j
oprn the navigation of the canal of I'cnn-
weathvr will permit, o.
"The Uoloa"
Not the "glorious union" of States nor
Father Uilchies "Union" at Washington
nor yet the "Democratic Union'' at Har
risburg but two No's of 'The Union'
Union, (we believe the secoud paper in the
county,) have been sent us for notice by a
Iriend. It was printed at New Berlin, in
1816.by Henry Shsup It is not quite hall
the size of the Chronicle, printed on coarse
pajr auch as tobacco i wrapped in, and
Forded at ft per year. It advertisements
consisted of Ksiraya chiefly but among
them there is the first Prospectus for 'The
Miltnni.in,m still living, and thriving ; "Mr.
James Merrill" hud settled in New Berlin
as a lawyer ; and "Philip Frank" advtzd
a a clock maker Sir. Of all the names
nppeariug in these papers, Mr. Fnrnk is
only one we recngnizeamongthe living
The humoieus articles in these two pa-
ing; and be who does these, firmly end ,
thoroughly, with the IMine blessing is
sure to succeed.
It is gratifying to observe a slow hut
sure increase in true agricultural spirit
among the true nobles of the land. More
of them begin lo write. More of them
think, and in-juite. We understand the
East Ruflalo Ag. Soc. the only one on
the West Branch!) have commenced
meetings again and hope they will go on
with increased vigor, and that other healthy
and useful Societies may lie formed.
Pea. Cmbow.
vIvHiiia on the 7lli of March, nrovidi'd the ;
J . ' I . ... ik. I ,.l ....no tt.i-
says the Ualn l,rr" wn ' u " c r
paper : nil its IMitorials (or rtgiual mat-
J ier) are three items below :
Fteih Air. i f ... (.., k umM done
News Xottona.
About three weeks ago, Mr, ndrew
Forythe, of Northumberland, while hunt
ing rabbit u byer!'s Island, with hi
two dogs, treed a Wild Cat. The animal
gpiang upon ihe dogs, aud whi'e it was
engaged in fituing w:th one of them, Mr.
Forsyth at-ia -d a stick and beat it to death.
Tnis is the third of thes animals thnt has
been killed in that region thia winter
Four of 1 hem were seen on the Blue Hill
during the fall, and one is jet at Urge.
I'l.iuH Star.
Harrisburg is infes'ed with a band of
thieves, who nightly make attempts to en
ter the stores aud private dwt lliugs of the
On the 7th inst., a fearful accident oc
curred near the ' Summit,' Csmbria Co.,
Pa., in the house of Dr. Adams. About
a dozen ke,( of powder were imprudeatly
led there, and taking fire from some un
known cause, blew the hoiite lo atoms,
killing Mrs. A Hams instantly, though an
infant child io her arms escaped uninjured.
The number of lives lost by the terrible
explosion in New York last week, it now
appears, must be near 80.
A young man named Collins was
drowrd in the Lackawaxen river at Haw
leysville by breaking through the ice near
the Riilroad bridge on Monday the 3d inst.
At the recent Democra'ic Convention of
Bradford countv, the course of Mr.Wilmot
mj, ,
Tne New York At Erie Railroad adver
tise for proposals for completing the who'e
of the remainder of the road to Dunkirk
on Lake Erie. It is to be finished during
this year and next.
A great fire occurred at Buffalo a lew
days ago, by which several buildings
wire destroyed to be rebuilt this
year and next.
A machine for making cigars has been
put in oration in Cuba. They had be!
ier be m ktd by machinery, too.
Jt is gr nerally Vlieved at Washington
that an extnive conspiracy has been
lormed. in the Souihern states with thede
"tgn of breaking up the Union in the
event of the prohibition of slavery in the
new territories. The issue may a well
be tried now as at a future time. (Slavery
ought not !o be extended. That is a fixed
'act, ae well in policy as in moral.
Tlic Bedford County Democratic Con
vention have declsTa for Buchanan for
next President, and Judge Black for next
V S.:ePVor.
K:len Bright, the "Lion Quern," Kng
'anJ, was recently attacked and killed by
a tier whose eajjc she was in the custom
ol entering. It is time the barbarous cus
fom of which she was t lie fool hardy victim
was abolished by prohibition.
Senator Bullnr of S.C recently attemp
ted to intimidate Senator Hale of N.I 1. by
denourn'ili! him as a "madman. Mr.
dale replied in temperate but becoming
The election in Lancaster turned on the !
question of a new M.trkel House,but it was
voted against by a Urge majority.
On. Taylor is to celebrate the 23 I
the anniversary if two events in Amercan
history at Richmond, Va.
Another mail robbery has been commit
ted on the route from Mnnry.via. Danville,
to Philadelphia. A letter containing 5110
mailed at Muncy lor Philadelphia, is miss
ing. I.an nf a CnUfornim Sltamrr. The
R learner Rhode Island, which sailed from
New York for San Francisco on the 25th
of January, was totally lost recently. A
terrible ca'e occurred when only two Hays
out, makhig her a complete wreck. Thert
j were fort-four ersns on board, only
ineive ot wuom are Known to ue saveu.
S.imegool p.o,l, wojIJ imt for any j:1 PllUlllv OI) Tuesday last by Hail;
consideration, eat a pece of suur or moul-' nft Mg ihn lot 0 acres of Wheal and
: Rva have lis;n totally destroyed ; In the
fhey think too much of their health to
say nothing of the unpleasantness of mus
licaling or of swallowing sii'-h stuff. But
while tbey are so very care Til of the food
they supply to the digestive erga.is, they
seem totally careless of the kind of proven
der with which their lungs are furnished.
It is not our design to determine th om
parative importance of fxd and air. Both
are necessary, and it ia important to health
that both should be of the right kind.
Man is a breathing animal. Tha lungs
heave on, by day and by niht, when we
sleep as well as when we wake. They
perform their work whether we will it or
not. It is ascertained thai every minute
of bis life, a man of ordinary size draws
into his lung 104 square inches of air,
aud sends it out again, unfit for further
use. If he would he welt, he must have
fre.h air at each breath he draws. The
air he send out, is loaded with the seeds of
disease and death. Ol course we only state
facts, without entering into a discussion of
tha why and the wherefore. That the air
wt send nut ia of auch a character, is a
well established fact; yet men.aye and wo
men too, Who ought to take car? lh.l they
inhale nothing but what ia purity itself,
will consent to shut themselves up in close
rooms an J breathe over and again the aame
foul air. as foul and as unfit for use as the
biead that has moulded, or the water in
w hich the pig has wallowed.
Tha sight of any company in a close
room, especially if the placo be crowded,
the ceiling low, and a hot fire burning in
the stove.i perfectly horrifying to one who
looks at it aoherly. Yet people swelter iu
such confined apartments, for hours it may
be, breathing every moment the air which
their neighbor has thiuwn out from his
lungs the moment before, and never dream
? - j m,x. aeinng me nwrm tnetr pny-
sical constitution at nought. They would
not break the moral law by withholding
from a neighbor his due that would be a
in : but they consider it no sin lo with
hold from their lungs the air which God
has made their due. They feel no com
punction of conscience when they do vio
lence to the laws that their Creator has
written on the frame-work of their bodies.
They need to be told that they do wicl'eUiy
when they refuse to the lungs thr pUre H;r
which they constantly need, ar.,j which He
who made them has Stowed so bou mi
tt felly for their u..
We appet' i0 eery friend of himself or
of his fellow man to every friend of law
and Order and ask him to ioin in the
j demacd that lung have fair play, (live
ihem a chance for their life. It is their
due. Do not cheat them out of it. We
call upon every one who breathes to unite
in asserting his inalienable right, at all
times and iu all places, lo pure fresh air,
aud plenty of it.
vicinity of SwineforaNtown, it was, gener
ally as larte as a hen's egg higher up Ihe
country pieces have b eo round which mea
sured 5 luchea in diameter.
Saoir. On Thursday last a snow fell in
the upper end of this county which make
the hit's appear as white aa they generally
are in the ntiJdle of winter. June 8.
Through the rnray nrgligitue of a
Utile soul'J Pu$' Matter, who keep his
Oflive near the banks of the Sustpehanna,
our Northern paper oflast week, were, as
usual, sent to Youngmaiistown, which ac
counts lor the non-appearance of the As
sessor's Advertisement in the last 'Union.'
Thia creature ha rendered us many
similar afrricrj. June 29.T
v"e believe the Lewi sburg Post Muter
printed the first paper in thi county : when
will he give us a history of Union county
A Rat Story.
Some months since, an incident occurred
iu a large shoe shop ia this borough,
which may not be uninteresting lo Chron
icle. Morning after morning, loola were
missing from the shop awls, knives, balls
of yarn, &c. and the evil iucreased so as
to become a serious affair. Not only was
it expensive to repair these losses, but
suspicions and jealouay among the work
men produced 'most unpleasant eonsequen
ces. One was discharged another threw
up his situation yet the tools continued
to be removed by an ur.imown hand.
The proprietor had. determined to turn off
one workman after anoihcr.until the guilty
one was e,,ne, and the evil banished. Hap
pily, however, at this juncture the missing
things were accidentally discovered, in a
pile of over 100 different article?, and up.
on following up the trace the fact were
lound to be these : The rats had taken
The "Crtila" again. , I
Since we came upon the s'age of action,
there ha been scarcely a session of Con
gress in which the demon of Slavery a
miserly tyrant insatiate as the grave has
not demanded some new infringement upon
human rights, or some violation of the
Constitution ; and that aim ha frequently
been nccomplished by frightening cbieken
heirted northerner out of their good sense
by threatening disunion.' We hope and
believe the present Congress will not per
jure themselves by yielding an inch to the
tli reals and defiance of Southern Bobadilx,
but that they will admit California with
her Proviso, ai.d also any other new State
West or Southwest, thai may have enough
common sense and common honesty lo
adopt that wholesome reguUtioo. Any
Member of Congress from the Free States
that falters in thi emergency, is false lo
bis trust, aud unworthy the freemen be
Disunion! it is (ho veriest humbug of
the day ! There is not a braggart among
t ho score at Congress who io words daily
violate their oath " lo support the Union,"
who WDuld dare lo lead a hoile file of
men in opposition to the U. S. laws. They
dure not if they could dissolve this Union,
nor would they if they could. The great,
but not vaporing masses at the South West,
will never allow of disunion. They could
not resist the forces of the North, nor
could they keep down their own slave-, j
Tne Union ia their only safety. No w hen
you mm a spendthrift, lazy, penniless heir
cut himself off from an inheritance-or
ihe inmates of a poor-house dissolve 'lieir
KnrfhLUM Pen. 16 A. M. Retaliatio!. The Albany Eveniagt
A tremendous fire occurred in this ci'Jj Journal recommends that in case any oi
this niorninir. at about oie o'clock, com- , -...ik..,. ,i.m kb,I,l tma resolutions
mencing ; in Camp street, and already ni'ejn.rwill , use nor,hPrn pftxlucts. we uf
teen buildings are in ashes, the mt are.
large stores. The offi- of the Picayune.jtne norm can re.a.,. u, w..,s .
and Kohb's extensive banking house, rf i,)bacca.
J i I fL Cm. :d ntf l l t.n-
guished. although, tie utmost exertions are The recent election in the first congre
beinw made bv our citizens and the fire de- sionsl district of Georgia, in place of T.
partmcnt. The los is not far from $500, Kutl?r Kingi resigned, ha resulted in the I
000, the pnucipal porliou ol wnicn is '-Lnoice of lhe lon. j. W. J .ckson, Dem.
ered by insurance. '
Receipt and Expenditures
Of Union countv, by the Commissioners and Treasurer of said rnooly, from the 1st
' day of Jmuary 1819. to the 1st of January 1850.
County rata and fcn fur the year 1819, thowing the amount thargti, amount paid. cmn
MbOJ, exoturalivu, and LaUnce due.
Nam of
MSTSICIS- oM'tart.
Braver UVnry srbvnrts.t
Wt.1 ilrmrei Jolii.n Homtg,
BuRali At.rbm Bowr.t
But IlolTnlos AJndr IVnny,
Wwl uBlv-C. Hiu.-nplag.t
tValrr Adam Wnltrr.t
Chapman Andifw lionstf
HartkJ IlmTid Rliac,
Krlly-Juhn Noll.
LswiaUuK Jonstlisn Wo)
Linv-toDV Marvtift Ta.t
MKklireiMk H. Twi.t
MiffliuburK illimn Crttaaf,
Nrw Berlin thr. w mtr,
Pnin Samarl C 'u-hrr,
Perry Micfaa! Minium,
I'nioc Jonal bVrgr.t
Washinclou nnnirl Slsm-r,
WhiW Ismt bnssi Montck
Uar't J. Amount rvceirtO.
Omti). Salt. Otnry.
tilfu :'.'1.44 KMT
i:. I .
kli.r lil.i4 4lu2
ViiXl StH.I4 SSI. OS
4. I U S13.IMI 2U1.0U
TlM.fiW T47.SS 3.1 LU
314. 4T 3H;i3 S7.I.7
IW.H TIT!,! I 244.14
6M,XJ lu77,US 4ii4
447,i0 T6S.4S 5S,I
4.'4.K( 4-J.I7 121.44
JW..1 t,24 47 S)
'AT-'.Sl X.l.W ll.li
2i.ni S4,44 (!,
11.'4 Sl.'
S21.IH 44A,S 1H."
i,n ini.n ui.zt
fHVI CS1.S4 1 ..')
44,St 39.44 10-Vlt
Cwua'ni S Fi'n. Balna dna.
SUttf. CbMtfy. Statr. (tntnty.
M,r 4-..7U ihs,i iiw
X:.Sl ltf.HS 111.-4 1M.OS
S..'J M.U4 21131 44,S1
K4.S2 3'..71 11XS4 S7.41
Jill 3U.24 SI4.M
ILM y.u.'ji 31,31
1J.4 -iil.U
V i.ST SIS.S 4'it.Ul
frti.M SS.4K tifit
7M7 4-lM
M4 SJ.'O J45,;l S02.23.
lsus 11.14 141.SS 1-11S
lJ.SS lu.Si 74.S1
i..l)6 SS.9 103.11
141. fit Ts.'H 11SU,7 7".13
SI.41 2l.3 I'll,'" 1M.1S
4.W !ti.t4 - S4.CO Stf4.lt
Sl."3 3J.57 47.74 r " 31
Yl.t'i S.S 22V.72 115,51
4313, llo;,vi 4144.14 4il3
t'41TT MlH.ai 1-Mil.Nj
Varkad thus haw paid In roll sines srtUcmrut. Mnrktd tha t !' rsid in Jflnr. tl!cm..nt.
eitnyvrnt a,unrrnri.
Am'ldu Aui'trfiMI Amtdu Anitdun
Tmr. Hat. 4'ount. : Oirtnct., A ro!lerf,nr nK Tar. atat. tontv.
S14U 72 I71 s- ncl Bravrr iimrv .viiurr, s wt wa I'M v:
9 2 4J OenutT 1 hrialian hWhly, a - S S3 141 !!
37 41 37 47 IlartlT .loha !.!.., - 11. M 144 43
M la Wrrr John krM, " luu 43 St 04
102 23 IsS 4wilnir.n Ururxr lUimharh, - S 47
s4 . Wailuuiiun IJaur Uainlnen." St 32
111 s i. 3
fliafrirta A CnllaHora ni
Hartlrt .Saaiiwl llaUKt. Jr.. 1S4S
MiBlinhurK Firdrrick UuuUlU, "
While Iar Jan.k S) .hr, "
WhI StSTar -MH-hael Uerhart. 14T
Onuv John San-I- ra, "
Lrwbburx Ptt'-r N.iina, "
rrry Gl oria Uiui, "
$IAI US V 2)
Thoss nwrkad with an hn pild In jvX sines sttUtmsnt.
IV fi H-3 St
4-'l US 40S SJ
Ssa 7 H'J4 71
Items of Expenses.
Auditor: A editors for ihrir vics, including Clrr
AtMttturM. Aa-or lut i' eir aersicss in 1H49
connection with the county or a pouting i f.lectiimt Tonhiu elections im lt9
. ... . . . , i U'lieisl elsrioo f ml 9, inrtuiling ec(, nf eeilim eip. f - prriou veirs
boy go w.thout hi. dinner and supper bo h car, ExptnKti ium- p &r. f.,,. T. ,,9, 6a, ,2 . dn M T. 6ia 61 ;
then, and not till then, may you expect dj r.i. T. 6t i S? ; do Oc. sial Ct-un, 17J 75 ; do Dec. l 91 1 6:
Court i rsrr ami (JunaUbVt, t ib, T. 1S49. If, 01 50 ; J.. ,Mij 1 . a 43 ; (jl.
to svo the South so unwise as seriously In
thiuk about dismembering the Ndlir nal
f!i 00
. . u l 18
tl 15
316 37 637 42
1741 ?i
161 75
them.oneby one.thrpuan smart anot-ni.'- irnooie their own Jud-ies,
In the House Thursday, Feb'y 11
Mr 5l:fr presented a memorial signed
by John Cummin's and oihers, prating
for a ri-penl of the school law, the $400 fx
emptiuii law, the militia law, aud alo he
ceneral ticket law so far as it testes to
the county ol Union; aJu a rrvmorial pray
ing for the repeal of ar.hool law ; two
petitions for the repeal of the 300-esemp-tion
law ; p,',o a remonstrance against the
repeal of the same ; six petitions to prevrui
way king and ed'irg ia t tie county nf I'ui j
on ; also a memorial of eiii-ns of I'er-y 1
county, praying for the passage of a law to !
prevent boats from ruuuing (in our puM.c
works on the Sabbath day; nls s p.:itipn
from boatmen and forward1'
of Union county on tho Van; subject.
Jud;e Porter b nid(Je an elaborate ar
gument egwVnst an Klective Judiciary.
But it i'. ioq J,te .' trie amendments will
prubly pass by over 100,000 majority !
1 and a year from nest fall tha people will
- a. iwiais Ihnis navri Tint lau
as 7 ;
10 5u r
103 00
S5 00 HO 00 ;
T. 1 66 60 : du Oct. 8p4-, Court. 2l ; .l.i D.c T. 5.
C.natsblw' Rrtutn U F'j. T. 1H1SJ. $19 34 ; do Mav T. 51 ; d pt- T.
St 06 ; Uo "C. T. 4l 0C ; Alb. WineeaiJen. Itfr Conrln rekiuua jtaia. 4 40
Jacob l)n hl loc srcut)lim Court llouac A.C as iSr Contrjrt
Attorney' I'te.Xi , Van (iiier. Deputy At!jin- General, his f,s
Clisrlc. 'jtnill Eu. Attorney lo (Joininii'sioi.rr, his saUry
Buildinr itj netv B. ittm. and ttrpcirs nf old out.
lVr ,Nr:nin, tin losJ 1 siona for ihe bii.le at New Bsrlin t 6t
Thus t', im 719 kt joist, si Sj"i. for reptirs B iftMj brd si W.Jfn'n mi U 5 94
laasr H'lt'en.iine. nuitiisla snJ n-pirs at lrdg ncsr Suobuty 1'rirr 13 SO
Joim Snyder, 53 ft plunk, snd repairs linlg across MiJJI.cietli on HsrraUg ruaJ 2 54
RoU P Cornelius, four losds ol stjns f.u Xsw Berlin br 30
Bt-nju Puck, haulniic rlJne Ac for Lrjg near Rirhter's mi!t S 00
rul F,ing. part 8.1 psyt oncomract for bidg. Whiis lleer rrk i.ssr U li'a mill 100 00
itthrt Ksnis. nistertsli snd pura ut btd nssr Kami's mill 6 10
S.itil t:ms bsUnce of Si fayt on cou'ra-.l for UuilJ, brd Whiu Desi 155 DO
Rami Ksitig &. Co. 3 j payl do do SU3 liO
Hy I) :arn. 1st pyj on contrirl lo build pier to brjg nt lio.ijrrnn 100 00
1'eter Bolig aa-'. others, work and materials, Middlei'ierk bidg .r Jn Sriyiler'e 197 31
O Lriarni'',. lu.ubf-r lot brd si Long's, Peun. crk l Snv.t-r-, .MXI.lli.-crk 13 f
ml in Al Co on lsl 11 on coulrscl for bu.U brj Wuiia liner 215 0J
fc'iul Ewg tnst psvt do ia 10 00
Uig 8 Long, rtniiiim b.d al Crnlrevill
Jno !li. ii Rr. i. pairing brdg si Al'rrn Eisfrihower'a anon MiJ.I!rrerk 36 03
Hy D Curns. Ual -sy, ssith $1 6 eiira IIwik for pier Us brdf. Svlin-gross 338 00
1'eler Bolig. usierial srd work al brds srr s Penns err. k do 37 C3
John B Smith, work fke. bnlg serosa Buftjlo creek near M fil nhurg 9 73
Bir.j Schrnck, mslen.ls c do d. nrar Knnglei's null tl 0
ll.i.l Maura, malm .la and hautnc at X. sr Berlin bul 1 71 3113 30
1 .Vfair (W1.-A1BI paid Justice. Witness, ami C.insiables. as e.wis in auiu ot Cota-
miieuiin agsui. me .uiiiiiii( yr..;,., .
it. t rtn.L .rt .aMa t...
field to withoW .'aster for a few seasons. ' ,r the' mur(i(.r nf M:w .j'
earl see if their is evty dirlerence. This is opon the finding of lhe Coroner's jury,
a vrry tmnortsnt marter br the farmer 1 He has been taken to Salem jnft. Ilis
for if plaster is of DO ue, we ought to
know it, and save time and expense.-
would wih lo henr from other fa 1 mere, in
wife is charged with being an accomplice.
Abnion was attempted, ft is surMed
the deceased, while undergoing lhe opera
lion, made outctwn, and (earing a discive
'h s county or O'lt of it 'heir experience ' rf rha doctor put folded cJo'h over Her
aed "pinion.- nr pr' fiial.le to erb o'her. j faC, snd fnoVy obliged lo kill l.er.
Novel Insurance.
We have been asked whether emigra
tion to California would vitiate a Life In
surance policy 1 a question which we
lay over for lhe decision of the Editor. If
it would not impair the virtue of an insu
rance, we should certainly advise every
one going thither lo procure such a benefit.
j and convey it to friends or relatives he
, may leave behind. Brothers may thus
benefit sisters parents, children, and
! children, parents ; and debtors, creditors.
The result would most probably he, either
the person insured would awn become
wealthy, and need no further aid ; or. if
called away by death, it would be within
a year or two, and in that case tha insu
rance would be realised.
Solllen of 1812.
Wke rej iire to nee an elTurt miking io
Congress to honor the cflicera and soldiers
of the Last War with Great Britain, by a
substantial gift to each. Tltcy are quite
as deserving aa the Soldiers ot the Revolu
tion more so than many in the Meaican
War and claim aa handsome treatment
as either receive..
CirThanks 10 our Congressman for his
favor.' Also lo the Cnion Co. Rep. at
Hirrisburg for tofuable) Doe'is per the
tn tne rjoor 01 tne shop, across oii Voorij,
down a pair of stairs, over a second door,
through another hole.and on about twenty
feet lo the depot betWen. lhe weather
boards and) ceiling nf tho Inuse. The
handles of the f u, stere nibbled for lhe
particles of pas.e aiid other matter patatn,
ble to ih'-jf ratships which is supposed to
'v'e heon the sole moiee for this extensive
"..id expensive exhibition of clandestine in
dustry sport to them, but no sport to the
jour, shoemakers. This is "wonderful if
true and as it t true, it is wonderful.
Early Hoars
. Young men and old boys who have ar
rived at the aga of $u$ctitibility, should
bear in mind tha medical maxim that "one
hour's sleep before midnight is worth two
afterwards." Hence when they call upon
a lady of their acquaintance, they should,
for their own sakes never prolong their vi
sits beyond 8, or 0. "Short and sweet"
is the motto for if agreeable to lhe lady,
an early call is long enough : and if not
agreeable it is too long. Bjsides, you can
not know what domestic duties the lady
may have to perform or lesson to get
or work 10 read ; and so you may never
know whether you are not trespassing up.
on good nature and politeness to an extent
thit would make Ihe "eternal hanger-on's"
ears burn with mortification if be could but
hear the remarks made after his exit '-at
lust." Many of your predecessors can bear
testimony that visits prolonged towards the
"sma hours ayont the twal'' are iii no
respect proper, and would kindly ad
vise you to learn wisdom by their experi
ence and observation.
Wn Frederick
George TrieaU'S.
A .Is. 1. Ruu
John lilssa
tsinuel Hill
Thoinsa llanis
Irani Hinkel
Bet.u. fctft.lancb
1 70
1 51
3 45
1 07
3 31
Sjml ni,d Jno Koona 10 17
(nO'ge Encrlinan H 00
tiJ Hutchison I HO
Urssl IMkhsid lfi 85
Peier Uer.er 15 !)6
John ItsHman S 63
Kobi l tVooi.nja I IU 311
Muil Schloinisn 56 55
H iu II tiardi.er A3 27
uui;m & Howard 1 96
J1.0 A Vjn.alua 3 I'll
David W.ikel 10 9S
Itjlj.h Duty 3S
Ueo .VeiiKll 1 51
Peier Uork SJ
Hill A Johnann 5 00
Eatt. Penitentiary V, W Higum.' draft fioni In.p. fjr kerpin.' e..n ki, I'cisi Buck,
315 84
72 90
The Governor has nominated, and lhe ! J'uWt'c Building. John Seebold's b.ll for randies fo- tVurl IIooi
Senate confirmed, lhe following grutlemen (
as Associate Judges : Sherman 1). Phelps, j
Wyoming eounty ; Messrs. Graffius and j
Bressler, Clinton ; and Mr. Dick, Craw, j
ford. t
The Montour County Bill haa passed j
second reading in senate.
In Senate, Feb. 18, on motion of Mr.
Pernon, lhe resolutions relative to the mon
ument at Washington, wera taken up and
adopted, as follows :
Resolved, That the Governor is hereby
authorized and requested lo cause an ap
propriate blnck of tha native marble of
this Commonwealth, to be conveyed lo the
National Capital, 10 lake its place in Ihe
Monument to the memory ol Washington,
and lo have inscribed thereon the State
Coat of Arms, and these words!
By Deeds of Peace.
Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one
thousand dollars is hereby appropriated for
ilu purpose of carrying out the provisions
of the foregoing resolution.
5 93
13 89
tl 45
I 50
8 63
Jacob Hudv. balance on i.ump in fronl of C urt II hi
Klecknrr i Uoui-b. lull of merrh indite. $51 65 ; K rt'il.n. d .. 1 81
Bsinl Hoof, two days obtaining and planting I ret a iu irnil of Court lloui
Irani Hoilacher. painting pump A.C
8 U 1 Q.impaon fr board., nails Axe holing up trees anil repiiriug pump
Hems Boon and JoM-ph Effing, h. luing to clean Hie well, Ij ru earn
I loot. UieLI for cleaning vrrll, I, scrolling puhln- l uil.lms -I aitra Court, 3 Ol)
Iararl Knel'la. 2 tons ol cal. 6 75 ; RjU S Miieljr.l. d . 6 75 13 50
8 U Tbompsou. 3 quarls ol clo'er seej S? 71 S3
County Printing. 1) W Woods, for Engliab priming, per cintrsrt ltd 00
Young & Moeaer, Uer-nan do do 60 00
l N WoroVn. English prii.tii.g. .f:i0 ; Bsum & Wintc, .1 . 30. pel ronimel 60 00 210 CO
Damage fur public Huiid. sml Riliio in.mad in VVaahingtou Tf y t& oi Cssirt 53 OH
Ueo t Miller fc'q, od road lU'O I.e.. Uerr a land 111 UulUloe 1 p 0 do I'd '
J A J Walla, danujes on opeuing a road in Boro' of I,.miturg Jj 150 HO
Fredk Miser, d . do through his land oV 35 00 170 00 j
Road Virus. Jno Kan'l and 01 here for making reH.rts on public roads 151 00 j
"ox Sealp l.esi Miller and otbrrs, preinlUTia on Fov acslpa 96 15 :
Wolf Sealp Jno Federolf and Jac Hicier. prrruiumi on 3 Wolf pups, snd emiffraia t i It '
Coroner' Inquett. Philip Kuhl Esq ou t-'ead body ol Te'er iS ruble Man I. 5,1819 IS Hj
Inquisitioa ot Jacob Kibiet tJ do U.lil lluoi iwl. SepL So, 1SS3 13 OS is yt ,
Prothonotary't Fee. I Haus Jr.'s bill of fees 117 J J ;'
Ktgiiter t Recorder' fee Danl Belhnsn. tslanre of bis arrt for selecting adding, nam- f
behng. and recording all lbs Administration sects. Inventory Ac hy uVcrae of Court 131 0" 1
Cimnty Office. J J Clyde, Docket and freight for Hrothonotary' office It 37 ',
Five per cent. Abatement to Collector on anil of Slste Tsx psiJ by them lo the Treasu
rer prior to tha 2:)d of Sept. 1819 : i
Am't paid. Abalem'ntsi CVnln-, A.lam Walter, 3M 97
C7We hope to hear before long that
Uncle Grey's Nephew James haa made a
reform in his attention to atudy and that
all the Mr. and Mrs. Hells will take a
lesson from the exposure of one truant
boy's tricka as narrated on our first page.
Boat Building Frlck fc Sllfer.
The botts built by these gentlemen, and
sent lo New York, have been so much ad
mired that ihey have entered upon another
large contract, and are going forward with
increased n eans and strength. It will be
seen thai they have called for 300 work
men ; and they also advertise for 1,200,
1)00 leet of boat lumber, ("for particulars,
see small bills.'; We understand they con
template having another Boat-yard, at the
mouth of BuQdloe creek. We hope the
energy and enterpriae of these young me
chanics may permanently benefit not only
themselves, but also the Borough.
(KrTo-morrow, a week, Feb. 20, ia
observed throughout the Uuion as a day
of prayer for Colleges.
C7The Statement of County Matters
cornea b.ut once a year, and our readers
will have lo bear il. The Statement exbib
ita Lewisburg as most punctual in paying
up, while, her neighbors Kelly and lias!
, Uuffulo are next in point of promptness.
03" A new Mail Coach we see advertised
between Mifllmtown. Juniata Co., and Se
linsgrovs). From Selinsgrova to William
sport, next.
Mr- Daniel Rnamy, of llollidaysburg,
has ihe contract for building of the Dickin
son (Willidmsport) Seminary, lo be erect,
ed the coming summer, at S8,AH0.
1 ts
; n
s t
T oo
U 41
3l V ,
Mr. Webster, a telegraphic dispatch, of
Saturday, io ihe Norlb.says, ia preparing
for a great speech upon the slavery ques
tion. Mr. Calhoun is net yet out. '
Two of six Indians, tried at Fort Slula
com, Oregon, for the murder of Leander
C. Wallace, bad been convicted and executed.
Miainbarg, Wnu Crotaer, r OS 11 'JO Ilartlrr, ImaSJ Kline, SSt v
Hester, It. SrhwarU. XSS b U M huSaioe. Abraham Bower, M IS
Vtsshinrten, Snulrl Sterner, 460 74 12 St VtVatHiiSaler.C. Haaarnplnc. ITJ OS
Lewiaburg, Jonathan Wolto, IM no 36 7i White Ise. IstTid Moaberk, 2.C 74
Witt. Mirhael Minium, IM ii IS SS Kaat SuBaloe,Alrlanoeeaan;,iM 71
WVat beavce, Jonathan Koniig, 141 T 7 OS I ui'-n. Jonaa Beree. ftis) 63
Lime-U.ua, Marrua Tea, 311 14 IS MuVllrrmk, Il.-urr Vrrser. l j t
Prnn., Samuel C S'laber, 3S4 34 1 Ti hapuun, Aralri w llouaer, IU) 00
Ka.lv, John .Noll, aiM 41 a ii New ilrrlin, Chr. Winter. iJ 7
&ficrij) f eet II 8 Boysr, lata Shu. selrctmg fee of Jurors, tv.tr Jinr. woo4. Ac JSs'5 73
Jo do bill of fees Ac $70 51 ; do 53 79 133 30
Jno A Eitinger, boanlg prianr Fred fScbroeder, i6.25 ; do Das Wetkel. 10 49 16 71
H s Uoyrr, late Mhlf, drawing Ac of Jurora for Oct. and U.c. Tsrma. 1849 39 00 T51 77
Jail i-.Vrpeit. 3 B Thompson, muslins lor sheets Ac for jail 3 79 '
H Sanders Jr. 11 cords wood. $13 50 ; M Kleckner Cj cords wood, 10 13 S 63 '
H I) Msize, 4 6reboarda, $6 43 ; tiedjes A March (k a at,.. 10 10 43
Soln Boweraoi, 5 cords wood, $5 ; David Mauck. woisj to Jail. 0 75c. 5 73
fenny Dirht, washing Jail. $i 75 ; Henry Bubb. repairing Jail wall, 1 33 4 00
M Kltrknnr.wood and hauling trees, 6 37; Fin piier,puting awsy coal at jaii.SOs. 2 S7
Wm Stemrurk. masoning aud materials at Jsil wall ! 5il
(ao Dielil. insteriaU and work done at pump floor 1 65
farul Betifer for filing fireboards at JjiI 37
Mrs Sttimmel. making a ahirt for prisoner 31 67 39
Commiuioner for dividing Townfhip.J,A,n Hundy. fommisaioner for forming a new '
tnwnabip out of parts of Union ami WeM Butfile Tpa (00
Fls I'lingan. CommissioMr for d. siding White Der Twp 00 ItCOt
Mieellanetru. H P heller and oihers. f. sereices s R-fe.ee. v, a.ljita ths aecis of A
Th.Miias. lata Tnusurer, before lhe Au.litora ef ITiii-hi county 6 00 I
Ja Madden, for audlg sects of Froth's and Rrg. A Ksc. 3 days at $1 SO pr day 7 50 !
M tn Jones, Agt ol Lye Ins, C.k auesamt on prem. notes ins. public buikiogs 9 80 U :
tm.iW Ojfice. Rob rl II Land, Isle Coi)iinisai.mer 127 50
joepn vt inter. I oru r, 165; James Harbin, do. 181 50; John WiMo.m 50 3l 00
Is7 50
70 00
6 10
I 35
16 00
5 60
7 61
II 50
1 "
Jamea H Dubois, lotmer Clerk lo Cum'ra. part of ilw year'
H Aurand. 6 daya' servicrt a.kg our duplicates foe T of 1949
J Set hold, bill for -and Ac 19c.; H D Mane, ell.o- for olfice, 3-e
W m Bench, ink for office. 97c; 8 F Lyndall, ink for offics, 3c '
ltisr A Winter, hill fur paps and Meet pena
C Boctimiller, binding I.awa and Asaesamenls for Comm'rs olnVs
R Ssrineford. biU of aundriea, $S 21 ; H tiammnnrl for atrel pen- l Jf,
(.haa See bold, fee pasw furni.hej tu l.'omin'rs alBca 1
Rodearmel A Swinelonl, bill for pr Ac
Peggy Diebt, for washing low .'Is
Jac Mauck. Botifviiic two of lha fJom'ra tn i,....i - n . . . sn 7S7 .1
- - uerun on citra ousinesa v - - -
49719 6
under our aaasls st ton Caamissaonera OflSe. in .k. u ' ... ...i. ..h J of
January. 1830. 'u "";.. "! ' I
C Cbstdss. tie,!,.
(TTOTwirer's Account, Aodiior'a Certificate, ati-i Hepott tf:
l rnstees of Mtfflmburg AcariemTiioxt week
Jstll.X WILT. J