Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1850, February 13, 1850, Image 3

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2 hands
TTTANTED. im-nediaiely, bv the sul.ii
Y er-Vr M work their Boat yard.
To la. htul h..J. constant employment
Jwinburg, Feb. 12, 1830
I nion Democrat Miner.' Journsl Berk. A
Journal, may inse.t the bove to the amount
f 1 each nd chrge thi offi:-
f I1HE Stockholders of the I.EWisai-ae Mir
7il p'ct take notice, that n Election will he
hH.1 at ihe houe of Col.Saml richer oa Mux pat
die 4ih dty t March. 1850. lor the purpose ot
.: l..ul.l.,,i ami five Manager to mm.
. i it 1 1 1 1 ir i.i it . - - -
- ......ecus of the said Company tor oue
February 6. 1850
, . . I .1 l.'lf W2
and He Laines. The
m 1 ..'I I II I il.li "- - i
j uteir.ion ol the Ladies is particularly
invited to a splendid iwnireui
If! J rpnls IK-r Vrd. Al", UMinnini m
25 cents as good as is sold elsewhere at 44
cei.ts. As the season ia advancing these
toads wi'l be sold very cheap.
b C. L. JONES'
New Cheap Cash Siore,
Fib I, 1650. Broadway. Milton
f PliE person w ho took without permission
l a large Hark gingham umbrella, with
whali bone ribs, horn handle, pearl tip, and
"A. L" marked on it, from the basement
of the Baptist n.ecting hortse, will please
ntiun it to ihe Store of Mr. Barton, that
i'ip nwni'r mav obtain it.
tJNIOX Cameron Uuiirds.
) You are heieby comman
ded to meet ai the ho'ise of A.
J. Weidt nsaul, in the Borouh
ol Lewistiuriz, on rnday, tne
22 J Feb. 1850. ot I o'clock, P.
M in full uniform. By order
of the Captain :
N. H.
A Court of Appeal a ill be held
kt the same lime and place.
F. A. IUNACnY,Capt.
1 "ILANNELS. A tiood a-s"rtmffit of
i very qu.ilit y and price, lor sa e cheap
New Cheap Cash S'ore,
rl. 1. 1P50. Broadway. Milton
KlL'X TERI'ANES of the newest pat-
rns, lor sale cheap at
Nrw Cheai Cash Store,
F.-b 1, 1850. Uroadway, M lion
IOTS of 'ea, at
"VOTH'E ia heri-hjr jivea that the paitnersh'rp
i la ely suiWtii:g belwcu J. L. Ever and
Wm. I'lkMupeoo, unuer the firm of Ejer A
TbomtMofi. is tbia day diolveJ by miiltial can
cat. All drills due t i the aid Craa are -to be
received by the id W ui. Thoinpaon - ad all
lcm.li J. ou tue aiuie will he paid by hiia.
J. L. Ei'Eli.
Iwibiir?. Jan. 28. 1849
VI. L persona indebted to ihe suliseriber,
ar earnr-stly requested to call and
make settlement without delay, as I am
desirous to have my old Books closed up.
AH those acceding this notice, ran not
complain if their accounts are left for Col
'leetinn. as a verv lone credit fi:i been
james Hayes.
Lfwishurg, Jan 28. 1850
Attention, Lcwis'ourg Infantry !
"7"0U are hereby commanded
X to meet at the house of C.
.'). Kline in the Boro ot Lewis
burs. on Fmotv, the 221 Feb.
ni-xt, nt 10 o clock. A. M , in
fu!l uniform, each member to
be provided wiih len rounds of
blank cartridge. By order of
Ihe Cuptain.
J. Kr.LLi.U9.
Lewiburg, Jun 26, 1850
' Just Received,
BV Thompson's Suquehanna Eipresa," a
lot of (it M OVERSHOES, which will be
old cheap for (lie ready bue1ihctxt.
Jan. 23, 1850 tv F. LYNDA LI
"IlOIt SALE br the suWcrilier
P lut of Frame Slulf, eJ or heweJ,
Joiata and Sluddins, and
500 Posts of a good qualitv.
Lewinharg. Jan. CI, 1850
E utcribrr ha a HATHA WAV Cook
ing Slove, which he will sell rcaonhl
also a few articlea of Mahogany FL'KXITUilE,
and CARPETS, wbirh will he sold low. En
quire at the Drugstore of Dr Thornton & Baker.
nore Light!
flHE subfcriliere have received a lot of Can
I delahras of various patiema also Pine Oil
aud Fluid Lamp of different size, all of which
they offer at Philadelphia prices.
To my Creditors.
'HAKE NOTICE that I have applied to the
I J.i.U.anl ih Court of Comiom Pie is of
I nion rounty for the benefit of the Insolvent
I. awe of tbia Commonwealih, and that they have
appointrd M'n1ay the 18tb day of February
neit at 10 o'clock in ihe forrnoon of that dy.
tor the purpse of heariiiK me and my cirdiiora
t the Court House in New Berlin. Those
i.itereaUd will p'ease to a' en.l.
K. llv Tp. Jan. gg. 1950
ILast Notice.
TflTTCP !a tisr..Ktr iriven. In al! oersOOS
- " j 0 i i
knowing themselves indebted to the
Estate of Dr. Wm, H. Ladwig,
Ute of L"wisburt, deceased, either by
N ite. Duebill. or Bjok Account, that if
not seitled and paid before the 33d of
Februarv next, the siid aceounu kfl. will
be p'aced into the hands of proper officers
f ir coll.ttion. It is boaej that this notice
will be at ten Jed to, and cost saved.
Art'w? Adiuaialraior. of sxici decM.
Jo. 16, 10. .... It'-..
IllTtS Wheat Flour, also Rye Flour
for sale bv
I G Lawshe
S u s q u e h a n n a
Philadelphia, Sunbiiry, Northumberland,
D-tnville, . Mdton, . Mmiey,
Williainsport, Lewisburg.M.fllinburo,
New Berlin, and Sviinsgrove.
Lcarcs the City every Thursday Mornin
Officr in PhihuWuhia :
For Park!- and Light Good. At Livingston
& Co.'
& Co.' Expreaa, l)eKit 43 South Third St.;
And for Heavy Articled At Beichcl & Co.'a,
Depot corner of liroad cV Cherrv.
Order attended to if left at LewUlurg with
Mr Kline, Mr eiderwaul. Mr Lyndall, Mr
Forster, or Mr Sheller
January 1, 1850
mm at , mmmm . mm . a
WYKOFP fc H0USEL .1,. , a-.
1TTOULD inform the pub'ic. that they
y have opened a shop on Fourth street
lower story of S. W. WykolPa old stand,
:. r i r ..A . I..,- '..I,.,., .k i
opposite HUIIK.T muoc o aimp, w.iric uicj
Fancy and Common Chairs,
Hoston Rocking Chairs also
Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads,
of various kinds
Seilees, &c &e
All work in our line warranted to be well ,
a a
made, and on the most reasonable terms. . EKtglIrlCESf HDIEMS"
House and Sign PAINTING- , WMz, ETS.
attended to bv the subscribers on the hor-; ...... . , , . .
, i i . .. i all of which have been purchased at rates
test notice and in ihe best style. .. ' ,
it i, j j t ,i.. hi. ;. which enable us to sell (joods
Country Produce and L.umoer taken in ,
payment and Cash not refused, but rather j cheapest 01 any in town !
preferred. Thankful for past liberal patronage from a
The subscribers inh nd to be strict in the ,iiscriminatinii public, we hope to merit mid
fulf.lnifciit of all their promises s regards ' rer,.iVe its continuance and extensinn.
work and so doing, hope to receive a j UPmernber. the Old Ch3ip Store is the
liberal share ol public palronate. .,1,, for bargains ! !
JOH.N N. WVKOFF. 1 i 7 imV'FS
JOSEPH M. HOUSEL. I . L ' l j liU U
I.ewiburs, Nov. 1849 I Lewisburg. Nov. 27; 1849
rpHE citizens of Millon. Lewisburg, Northumberland. Selinsprove. New Berlin, Cen
X treville, and of the surrounding country, are respectfully informed (hat the subscri
ber has taken the old stand of Mackey Sf Haog, on Bioed way, near the the Canal,
where he has opened a very extensive assortment of
New and Cheap (Goods.
This stock of Goods having been bought in Philadelphia, directly from the Importers
and Manufacturer for CASH, will be sold at a very small advance on cost, and are
positively lower than to be had elsewhere in this secto.i of the country.by al least twen
ty per cent. A saving of such a per rentage even on a r-mnll purchase amounts to
enough to make it a mutter of consideration.
The stock consists of everything suited to the wants of the people, and mnny kinds
of fine Goods are kept al this store, not to be found elsewheri on hatid a lurge stock
of (toad Calicoes for 6j els, fully as food as is sod ekewhere at 9 and 10 cts, a splen
did assortment of the first quality of Calico al 10 cts, as good as is sold at other Stores
for 12 rents.
Superior ILong ShawSs,
in endless variety ; Bed Ticking at 8, 10. 12J, 15, 183 and 25 rents. These Tickings
are offered a! least twentv-five per cent, under the prices of other Stores.
.At greatly reduced prices.
rhem New U.iods received at this extensive establish
ment every week. The newest stle of Goods always on hand, and everything will be
sold for CASH at a very small p'rofii. Remember thai this stock is all new, and has
hreu selected with preat care and long experience.
Cloihs, Casimeres, Satlinetts and Vestings.
large and magnififnt assortment on hand. It is well known that on these articles
store-keeiiers invariably make large profits, as -rsns purchasing are not often judges
of these artii les. I will not sell Broad Cloths al any greater profit than (ip muslins
or fii Calico, and this will reduce the price of
to mar one half.. -For :oiat.ce, 1 will sell Cloth at $2 28 os good as can be bought
elsewhere at 5l 00 ; and so i.i proportion for lower and higher grades or goods. At
this Store tVn Ccstom ts respectfully solicited, and goods will positively be sold at
..rices defy in- all competition. Before buying elsewhere, be sure to call and see the
munificent "f" P"odi at ,hia Slore and hcar ,he '- Pces. nd V" "
convinced of the foregoing facts. TnVI'kJi
ncU) cijtafl ea0 Stortv
Milton, Jan 13, 150. Broadway-
(Kehesee Air-tight Improved
(CooMng Stove.
THE bo-e Cooking-Srye h a great improvement over any
tiaed. it batin aa Wevaied Oven of sufficient capacity to hold . cr
... Jn. .nrlU . a constructed as to to heated uniformly rm every side.
bread and rmsiing meat.equaiiy as wen a
tof the Slove a uch that all ol tne ortimary Vw, B - .
Stf l,Z,Zkrd. of .he fuel used in the HJ- J
f .r sale by ht'M XVFaddlu Lerburg. Union Co., and for .
Aj-eiiU.. Jan.' 18, 1850 m, . '
i Slove ia such that all of the ordinary
TAKE NOTICE that Uatid 8. Vabtx and
Josar W. Hoffvjaj did on Saturday the
I Win day of January, 1850. lake up atx,ut thirty
eighi round WHITE OAK LOGS. The owner
will pltate coma forward, prone property, aud
pay charge, otherwise thry will Im dieposed of
according to law.
White Deer, Jan. 17. lS.r0
ECEIVED ot Former's Store
French Morinoe for Ladies'Clouks.
Palmetto Cloths do
Lyonese do do
Black, Moroon an J fi reen colors ;
New Style Calico and Delaines ; P
Also an assortment of Ladies' Gum over
Shoes. Offered at reduced price.
Lewisbura, Due. 18, I84'J -
Latest Arrival !
TUST received and now offered for the
J inspection of the publii'. our complete
. '
,of Merchandize adopted to this Market
Foreign and Domestic
Stove which is dow
OVEN. The constructiiB
a,., - -
ins can be performed
pro,, ...
w . m, a a
Manufactured ana
sale by
pAltPEFS ! Carpets ! Carpets !A
J splendid stock of new Carpets at Jones'
Store ; these carpets being brought directly
. i . I . : i u. -I : .t
from the celebra'ed manufactory of A. U.
Cutton & Co , Chester county, are offered
for sale at least thirty per cent, lower ihan
to be had elsewhere. Persons in want ol
carpets as well ns other goods, should first
call at Jones Siore. and by so doin they
will effect a savin; at least twenty per
cent. ' Some nil wool carpet as low as 5ti
cents per yard. C. L. JONES'.
New (.'hr Cash Store,
Feb 1, 1650. ' Bna lway, Milton
LATE of Philadelphia, ia now l.cated on
Market street. Lewisburg, opposite Mr. J
Sehreyer's .tore, w here he Mtemla to operations
on the teeth al a reduction of hi former piicea.
Teeth and roots of teeth removed wiih the aid of
improved Instruments, and in an easy manner.
Filling teeth and selling on pivot or plates atten
ded to according to the latent improvement in the
profession Clceratrd, spungy, and tiitliined gums
cured. J hankful lor pant luvots, he solicits a
continuance of public pitronace No impure
maleriala used fur filling' in leeih. 1)283
Lewbburj;, Union County, Penn'a.
Prtctite in Union and adjoining counties slso
attend the courta of Perry county.
FFICE on Second Su, lately occupied
by L. B. Christ, Esq.
BrandretU's Pills are sold at 25
CU per box (with full direction)
Y J. HAYES & CO., Lewisburg, and
by oslv one Agent in every town in
the Union. Each Agent has a Certificate
of Agency. Examine the box o' pilis always
and compare it with the fac simile labels on the
Certifi le of Agency. As ihere ia a counleiieit
of the mm label out. thia i of niuch importance,
a thwj is a decided difference between the
appear nee of the true labels and lboe of the
cunt j feit The counterfeit U done on alone ;
the t mine are done on alei L The appearance
of It c printing on Ihe counterfeit is ragged and
blurrj ; the genuine label is the very pink of
neatness, both in printing, paper, and general
Be very careful and go to the Agent.wben you
want Biandreth's Pill : then you are sure of the
genuine article. When you purchase otherwise,
inquire of Ihe eller whether he know the pill
he offer vou are the aenuine Brandielb'! Ev
ery man know whether the article he oners is
Beware ot coeat
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rnHEsiibscriliersofler the public, nt their
J new Brick Foundry, tho following new
nnd valuable Stoves :
Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stove, with
a Brick Oven.
Lidy Ws-hinglon Tsrhir fstove.
Cl Iron Air- l ight Parlor Slove, for t ood
2 "coal Burner for Parlor 1 aire, 12 inc'u.cj-
""liouis Air Tight Cast Iron Prlor Slove 2
'"shield Air-Titfht Psrlot Stove for Wood S
"v.'. s,..v the vt-rv bct in use for Stores,
Oilica. U irrooin., and Shops.
The celebrated Oene-ee Air TiE&l Cook Stove.
' The Complete Cook 2 aixea.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
Ploughs Castings. &o. &e. ' .
a-wiborff. Pee. U. 1849.
Old Dr. Jacob Townsend s
send'a Sarsaparilla for sale by
' Dr. Thotntoii & Baker.
titT mreived. at Forster's Store
I nn nrki sunerKM Livcrsool Ground
9S ;. do dairy Salt,, , : TAIum Salt,
.hicb is offified clvsao. Ike 18,
' p-2s-H '
III ?-2-2 .
f -l- l 15 l-S w-2 p
s 5-.. 2 o S 2 -
a a C
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a. t . f- o . k- v.
a - 77'. sa a
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(A C r ,
2, ; 5 S 2 'J2. - o
g-5 z 55 "
I rtLOTHS! Cloths ! Dirk Ohve, Green
I J do,' itron. Light Brown.Hsrfc nmwn.
i 'i . i,t r,. , -. . " i.uh
Claret, Blue, Black, I.ii. tiren and DrHh
Cloths of every shide and qoiilily, to I
had at Jones' New Store, at (nasi twenty
five per cent, lower t' fn elsewhere. ;
C. L. J.ne' New Cheap Cash Store,
Feb I, 1B50 ' Broadway. Mi'K-n
HOLESA LB Drv Giods li.re
keepers in this p'ace anJ viciai.y,
ire invited to a Isreand varied usorlmeul
of Dry Goods, at Pfi 1 lelj.liia who'esa'e
price for cash, at C. L. Jones
New Cheai Cah Store.
Feb 1. 1850. Broadway, lilton
PICKINGS. A splendid ussoi.'ioent ol
lhes Poods bv thu piece or yard, at
urpi-eretienterj low prices lor rasii. just
. .. C I ...
rec ei el 30 pica-s at vari.) a piic v The
attention of store keener is L-artirnhirU
inviied, hs well as those buyinu by the yard,
at C. L Jones' New Cheap Cash Slore,
Feb 1. lsf0. ' KrrwidwHv. M'lmn
EADY Mude CI .th.ng. A !Ool as
sortment of clothing at .lout-,' New
Store, at nrices unheard or. The slock of
over-outs will be sold out at cost ; a rare
chance for real t)a'arn, af ' '
C. I.. Jones' New Cliesp Cah Store.
Feb I, IdiU. ' Broadway, Milton
fPABLE Covers A sp'endid assortment
X of eottr.ri, linen, and rl.ah tab'e covers
at C. L. Join ' Nw Cheap Ca-b S;.)re,
Feb I. 18.")it. Broudwa. Mil'-'ii
'0 the Hon. the Court of Quaiter Mwswn of
' the Peace in and lor the couMJ ol I in n at
Fei-'y Term, IHS0 - tn pftiiijii of t!i uiwcrihvr
huml'lv pruyeth your bonorn lo grant hi ii lii-t-nae
lor kerping a public Ii use of rn n il njimi nl in
the large and comiuodlou" Uirk hou-e nn occu-
pnd by Peter Han rlmmi lor liut purp e m Hie
Uorouell of I.eavi! urj in said otinty : he I rra-
foie plays the Hon Court to g-aM hi:o the hrensr
arked, and ia du:y bounJ he will ever pny .V :.
A- II. M. UK
We the unilemicned cit'zcia o! Lcvriburg in
the county ff I'nion, bcin,; iet.ona!!y uc.1 '-tainted j
ith A H Bl ur the a'.oie nann-d prttti. n.-r, anil
alo hatiug a knowledge ! tlie ho.ie f..r which !
thelicenmi is pmvid, tio cnlily ih.it unh a house
is necessary lo aixoiuniodjle ill poti'tc uu.1 rnlrr
tain alrangers aniitra.i U-ri-.jiol il.si he ia prrtm
of good ri pule for h. meaty and leinp r r.ee, and
.bal b I wi-ll I'ron.l.! viitn ttm nercssary
conveiiieu. cs for the HcrorUiiii.d'ition and c .tufort
of tisveier. V.'t liwff .re pra jour bonoi lo
gram hiiu a liieiise sgncsMv to his fe it:oq.
I.rwinbHrz, J ui'y , 1S50
HEMiV W FKJES. F Ston-hton. Wm M.v-
er, Levi li Heibsl. Archibald J'C oy.Tl.os Wi-
ter, Jolm (iitainj.L U Cniii, J raJdin, M A
Slock, Wiliidin t aim-ron. Hfiiry 8 Neuer
fPHE subscriber still contiuues to keep a
J. large stock of Lumber in his Yrl fur
sale, comprising the following, viz.
100,000 feet good dry Pin Common and Pen
s' 5,000 feet Joit and Scantling. ol Board.
10,000 feet gooddry Poplar and Lino Board,
30,000 Joint and Lap Shingles, r.
32,000 aaweJ Ceiling Lath,
Pine Kila and Square Timber,
Maple and Poplar tkanlling.
Wealherboaid and Pine Paling,
Salt, NaiU, and 8lone Cost,
Oak am, Tar and Pitch ;
alt of which be will sell at fair prices.
Lewisburg, Jan, 22. 1850 3m
Dr. John Lock,
SURGEON DENTIST, respectfully inform
hi friend and the public in general, thai
be baa concluded to make Lewisnurg hi perma
nent place of residence. Or. L. has taken rooms
on Market Square, first door below the Printing
Office, which he has fitted op to operate in. Ke
idence al Kline' Hotel. EsTTa third week
week in every month, he may ba found al Eck
bert'a Hotel, in Milton.
Dr. Locke is a regular graduate of ihe Bslti
nwi, o.-n.B. u ii..,..! Surgery, besides which
qualification ba ba bad the advantage
year experience in hetrsctice of hi profewion
in Pennsylvania, Ohio. Illinois, Wisconsin, and
the cily of Baltimore, Md.
Dr. L. lake all Ihe Journals of the day which
contain new and useful information in the line
of his profession ; and from his arrangements
with Ihe bet manufacturers of teeth, gold foil,
X-r m slwavs keen on baud for the acrommo
.i.iin. f hi. ruainmars ihe vcrv best quality of
all the materials used in hi business.
Persons wishing Dental operation performed,
will find it to their advantage to give him a call,
as he is determined not to be surpassed in the
beautv and durability of his operations by any one.
Persons for w hm.J.K.IIocsM. inserted
Teeih. and "ho mav need repairing
done, are informed that I have the models of
their mouths as prepared by Mr.Houeel. aail con
sequently can do their repairing at a lower rate
than it can be done lor elsewhere, il ve the
trouble in many cases of making a new mo. let.
Lewisburg. Oct 17, 1849
New goo th
atc0l Manual
And yet CTact-6- li9a
G0Dd3 in ti.o narfcet 1
T'HE subscnbiT is now rece!'i ani
opening his
from on board canal-b.mls Ivinu i B oh't.1.
md Odd-Fellow, which he inviu-s the citi
zens p'netal'y to rail nn I exa nine, and
realize ihe (net thnl 'hev can miv ai smi -
er profi's 'b in at any other store in l.evt -
isburg and parlirolarl) Brown isheelinijs,
Sali'ietts, Cloihs, Shawls, Detains, Shoes,
B.Kits, and f 'aps.
Wheat, Ke, Corn,' Onta. Btiekwhe:it.
Po'atoes. and Cash, at markrt value, ree'd
in paymenl for poods.
S. S. jJaKl J..
Nov. 2G, 1849
L'FFS and Viclorinea A good assort.
ment to be had cheap at
New Cheap Cash Store,
Feb 1. Ib50. Broadway. Milton
ATKW Crop N. O. Sujiar. A splendid
1 article for sale low. at
. New Cheap Cash Store,
Feb, 1, 1650. ... . Broadway, Milton
' rrvv t-t m fw;gv
ii !.CVMHlr!
lTOULD respectfullv inform his oh-
i frten ls oni the public in general,
that lie is r.o receiving a large
; ?v
of Goods adapted to the wants, the neao
and the tastes of all.
j VJ? (SOdXlfS
' ...
for the Ladies ;
GltOCKKIKS fur the Family;
C:ips, Boots, &c . for the Bens:
i Q ieensware Iron Nails Fish Suit
j &e. &r. 4;r.
which be oilers on Ihe lowest and most
accommodating terms, on the principle ol
" SuiaUl rrolIU ttiK) iij k Sates."
Grateful lor past patronage, we invite a
discriminating public to call and examiiiH
our slock of Merchandize, whxh we are
confident will be atisfael"rv to all.
LfwUburg, Oct. 15. 19!
Ahead of Competition !
Take pleasure iu informing the
pub'i'.- that they bite received l!ie lrget
b)sl vlected cheapest and lh most
In-liionia'e assortment of GOODS
ever oflere.l to this conimunity The saI
isfai-liiin herelotre r tidered by this sfnnd
it is pn smm d is a softicieul guaiantfe fcr
the r lu'ure operations.
'J'o attempt to eutiTierate their slork,
would lie suf-eifi jous, and iuj:td .iinposi
b; but Ihoi-B tubbing to pir. hase. are
i'tvited to rail and judge for :leinsi Ives,
b' t'Jte purcliasiri.; elsewher.
Ii.Ur,tA-t. 17, Ibl'J
"Small Profits and Quick Sals."
CFirti bthw Kliut'a Il.'tl,J
wWc is re-pervuilv informed thai
JOHN FOI1STKR ha rece.vH and
w offer, Icr sale a er, l.re .rock o,
Fall & Winter goods,
comprising all articles kept generally in
other stores, with the addition of many
finer kinds of goods not usually brought to
the country. An examinatioa of tbe slock
is respectfully invited. Among my stock
is a large variety of
Mvy (Boods,
shoes, boots, etc.
Hardware, Cedar-ware, etc. etc.
great inducemects are offered, as a liberal
W,. .in. m.'M la BjiauV.
JOUJ FifU ' aT714
at the new cheap cash store.
Lewisburg, Oct. 2. 1849
New York Fall and Winter FA-
JUST received at the Fashionable Tailo
loiing establishment, next door lo the
Post Office, JOHN B MILLER.
Lewisburg, Sept 0, 1849
Application for Lio-tife.
mo ibe Hob. tbe Court of t ia't. r : '
I ib Peace in ars? f ih' c 11 iv nl "i n
Feb'y Term, 181 The t" mo ! i
her humbly fraiili o' honjrs to t l.i.n ,
farther IU-c.- &-' p " nmeo :
rnte7'.;nr 1 m It - ,n.l .. i J ,. brick j
hi - tiif-ti he no mc- p - f r t i-t iiu.;k.a. in
ih(. IJ.4mi:h o! I. ni-h.irj -n - -I! c n !'v : h
.. , - . . . . .. i. .i t
ttitr. l re prsv 1'te :i mi. .vin .
liccu-e a ki'd. s:el i" dtv b O'.d b- II evi I
(IJv,Ar. C 1 XU.E. j
We the un.Wijnr.!.ciien of l..'i bo'c i" i
.1 . ...,,nt. of ITi-kvi tsi ri' n ' '1 1 tint d
with l.'ba'b l. Kt iie t. . v. n . m tl pi 1 im
... r .,..1 .i. 11 in. a kllt.ift.e ,.f tie h i-
. : . . .1... I.....,i-m . .,t,v. .1 rw-il'v til t
i,ch a 'h.se i nee.-ry ! aecra-n ate thi
pu'-lic and n.iena:ii 'tiiit an t tr v t !. r-. an.l
thai he i a p-i-on of R ol o ule lor hritrary
I an.l IHinr.me. t d l!l il is TV il p om.i.m i
til. tV ne.e m:v c ! iv
v ro i.- vccohi
i rn .! i'-' so.! com'ott
iifl.-av-l.-r. WeihvTefua
piy your
honor. , nt te ii ti ei.s.-! a.rr e
' t.Ic t.' ht, i mi-mi. Usi-it r J 'O. ' . 'Mi'
HENRY W FKU.S. F. Ntoiien'on, ftmrr
Kuriv Ciw F K.-m. J S hrey.-r. .". M .'.Tur.
iUrm-m Von. L It Cfcu t, Js"J OU sell. U
Furrav. C F h.Ht-, J "e Vl-.-t.
N S ; K EK CI 1 1 EFS L' ireu.C a.nlinc
nnd SI; Pocket llmdki rcbiels and
UiavAts. A inOI sii;e-ra u.sonii:iii ut
lliese g'Mid.s to Is? h id ch-np. t
C. 1 Jon a Ae t-.nTip M1 ri"re,
Fb I, 1850. Btoa ivsv. Mi too
t1 AI.ICOES. A Inrya an t sp.rnat.i e.s
) fortmcnt of Calicoes, of i" newest
pattern, for su'e by Ihe j ieie r aio, ui
iinhenrJ of low pi ices, lor cub, at
C. L. Jon..' N.-w Cties.. Ch . ore,
F'b I, 18". Itrtny. M '"'"
1.4 KHK assoritio nt ot Uoiba. t-as--
meres. SUliiciis vraMn-. .
tremely low prices by th piece or yard al
C. L. Jones ?(ew Cheap uusn a:.re
Ei h 1, 1850. 1 HiQ-dv. Mdton
IRISH Li nens. A large slock of Irish
Linens, Cur .le cheap, by the piece or
atd. at . . - - . C. L JONEs'
New Cheap Cush Store,
Feb 1, 18W.
Broadway. M.ltou
'F'JUits; Again f
MOST resper tfully inform Ibeir friends
. the putilic lhat lliey are now rtceiv
uiu iheir usual supply of
ca:eul:ited in Q'l.-tiity. pf''e, aim qiinniny
to supply the.wants ol the trading conm-
m'v einlitHt'iiig
Dry 0ocbs, GRR,llf '
Queensicare, Fish, $c.
all of whith are offered on our nuil
arcommoditting terms for Cash, Produce,
or 0od cred l.
We inv.te and hope to merit a continu
ance of ihe very tiberal patronage hereto
fore extended to us.
J. 4 J. WALLS. ,
Japwislurg. Oct. 10, 1849
17ILL cominenee on Mommy, the Xtd
If ol October. Instruction will te givtn
as t.cietoiore, in all brunches nectsnry to
a thorough rducarii.n. Errri-e in CVm-
poitiori and I rL nn!; n i,l le irqnirrd, rl
alrirt aiUcii.ni will le paid lo Uie Iota atiun i.f
iegu!ar babits of lu.!y i.i the youiicer rr.eo.t'er
of ihe school Tbe reputation ef 'he Wtiictiun
w ill l. nia.?e to rt-s. Rot op'-n ihe ruintrr. biit
upon the prcgres tii Ihe tlu.!. lit-. Tbe uberj
ber is not aohcii .u- for a nhool of more than 30
regul.tr cho!ai. Tcno: lor Languages, 10 ;
for ibe higher Ei:g!i h. $ S ; and for li e cnn.n ou
Engtish biau.bcs jrr ,ericn .r2l w.rks.
J HANDOLPH, Irincipat.
LenUburg. Oct. 3, l l'J
The suhscribers re--f t ct
Hate's old shop on Seceisd
St. one square soa;h ol Maiket.wliere they
are prepnred to Iron Buies or Wuggr,ns,
and irake a'l articles In ihi ir business in
liic- most workmanlike rraniifr, at prices
mej n.. w
yl '
U" ZT"!
which they hope wio induce those wishing
their line to rail and
before going tlsewhere.
Keimiring done on the shrtet notice
aud on reaon:ible terms also Shotir.g,
which is a very important mat-
trr t i those ili, .t hnve valuable lej"f
hordes, at.d ht:ld be entrusted rYf"
only lo persons ol known skill.
We flatter ourselves that we are able to
compt te wi'h ar.y person in the country in
Shoeing lloiis : we nsk only a trial, and
let the work show lor iielf.
All work warranted. Iron And all kinds
of country Produce taken in exchange.
We hope by strict attention to business,
and a determination to suit all, both in
work and price, to receive a liberal .hare
of public patronage.
Lewisburg, May 22, 1819
iJEU 60C0
at the o! i
t Iii- no r.vt-ivte
I- Iv ,1 -' Ifi'l I
i' iH ii i.!.: ai;l hiU
.M .r'-.c -- r. fi a fu
.''o r i f
l .il ve
t. i a-
am! U inter
a 4. 1 1
SOUl iJ,
the n-2;il v.nii'ty of
Ili"' it J Vl JiiJt2Sej
t!Ar?DVAE a.id.Q.:EO;,SVifASE,
S;il, Fish, Nails
c'c. etc.
(r GmuIj are vm ruitod o Is.- ihefp
. i
: IS
tn t tie;.;" -r, sn 1 gvm ,ts t.-je r-e
nw or ll Tb .nVfol f-r V"' I ""S
,,t f. iptol-, e r. -k Tor a e liHiioami ot
f i-;,,, ; si. I oew c (! ltd s!i-
s we repe t',ti1y iiiiifMu
. a . a .
la aa M e
im;'.m::. & mi ivss.
fyw'rsbnrc, (Vt. t;, IMJ
"4. - -T.
. . .S
snt-cr:: rs h:ive asocliU J J
Fir.n ol'
i tie
C U Ifrf'VaLa
' for the purpose c-f carrjir.g on a
j Wholoale Grocery ftf-d Gcnrr;.l'
j Commission and' Fur arJii
I business Lib t -I advum es will be n n ',r
on hM kind-t ol C-timry Produ.-e. P''-e
of buim . t ew anheubc Ow U " "-t'
iliinv dutiiy b l.'W the frVil-'
' Lewisburg, Pa. Aug. 7. 1849.
JUST received a genuine rrW of t'oit
Livrr Oil lor wholesale or re'ail.
Nov 13 DrThnrnt n & Puker
nl.. t.-fc, for Jostice aud C'on.t .blr o
printed actoiJin to qrdef,
yajaj k , iu I, illliilTII lu VII a.t IIW
I V of Lewisburg and vicinity
5vV that thej have comenred
fefcfi'i?' the above business, al M.
i ;
I-'-.' 1 '
It '