SJjl!.SJJ" . VilS ' ' 1 i ' "' ' ' ' ',.'.r - ' ' f 1 Li '''' ? . :n-rn.l .al s M ana in Jr' 5Srr 0cicwcc nn fl- til ;'' I ' 1I.C. U1CK0K, EDITOR. Tie tewlgbnru Clironlcle is issued very Wwloe'T n"n L"ubur- Un,0 T- Pw actually in dtarfeet 1,75, paid within three month; $'i if pais t1io ttt M f "H pai4 before liie yaar eipire ; (ingle uumlrera, 5 cent. 8ub criptinoi ler six months or tes to be paid in aJsnee. - Discontinuance optional with the Kublisher except when the year is paid up. Advertisements handsomely inserted at 50 cts per squire one week. $1 for month, and $5 for a year ; a icduced price for longer advertisements. Two squares, 7 ; Mercantile advertisements not exceeding one fourth of a column, quarterly, $ 1 0. Casual dverlisement and Job work to be paid for when banded in or delivered. Alt communications by mail mot come poet ry sii, accompanied bv the addreas of the writer, to receive attention. Those relation exclusively lo ihe Editorial Department to be directed to H. C. liirsnn, Ei-q., Editor and all on business to be aJ 'rtsted to the Publhhrr. Ollice. Market St. between Second and Third. O. X.V OIIDEN, Primer and Publisher. rf The following lines (from dnwn east' paper that kicked the bucket lately because it told to such truth in loo plain a wvr) embody a scorching satire upon the prevailing covetous cess of the age. j , From the Busiun Cltronotype. The Popular Creed. TDimes and dollars dollars and dimes ! An eopty pocket's the worst of ciimes! It a mail is down, give him a thru st Trampld the beegsr into the ilut ! I'resumptuvus overly s quite Sj"sliinB k ni him do.". tht.n kick him foi falling ' If a uian is ep, O lift turn up bigiier ! Yrair soul's lor !e and he's a buyer Uinies and dolkis -dollars and dioies ! An era; ty pocket's tlie worst of ciime ! I know a poor, but a worthy youth. Whose hopes sie built on a maiden's truth, but the oisidrn will break her vow with ease, 1 or a wooer cotneth whose claim are these A billow heart with an empty head, A face well tinged with the brandy red, A sul veil tiained in Villainy's school And Ca-h sweet Cah ! he kn iweth the rule. Dimes snd dollars doilsr and Jiues ! Au empty pocket the worst of crimes ! I know a bold and an honest man M ho strives to live on the Christian plan. Hut poor he is. and poor will be, scorned an J hated wretch is be; At home he meeteth a starving wife. Abroad be Iradelh a leper's life They struggle against a fearful odd Who will out bow to the people's goia ! Dimes and dollars dollar and dimes ! An empty pocket's the worst of Crimea ! S1 ye get wealth, no matter how ! No queationa a-ked" of the rich, I trow 8'el by night and tai by day ffUoing it alt in a legal .) Jotu a chu'ca and never forsake her. Learn to cant, and insult your Maker : Be hypocrite, liar, knave, and fool, tJut don't be poor ! rememiier the rule : Drmea and dollars dollars and dime i Aa empty pocket' the w.hvI of crime ! CuiSLis Saiat. Allegheny Citv, Penn. FA3SS3Y EMM, The Female Euriter of the West The father of ihr; singular heroine we are about lo sketch, was a Kentucky back woodsnuu. Her mother died while she was ) tt tin infant ; and wh-n she arnvto at the age of 15 her father also died, lea- j ving her a poor friendless orphan. It is not surprising then at this tender age she carried a Missouri hunter (an acquaintance cf her deceased father,) double her years as to age, but jjst her equal as lo poverty. Her whole fortune was composed of one cow, an old fe uher bed, a rusty fry ing-pan. a broken set of tea-cup and saucers, dit'o of knives and forks with horn handles, two large pewter plates, and a wooden bowl gj' lutiian manufacture. Such was the legncy bequeathed by her surviving pa rent. Her husband's wealth might mate well enough with such a portion brought into the matrimonial partnership by the wife. A black bob-tailed pony, a large wolf-dog, and a lon, heavy rifle, constitu ted the sum total of his goods and chattels. So far the nuptial contract might see in fair, without extravagant odds on either side. There were oiher considerations, however, which made the bargiin, one might ay, fraudulently unequal. She was a pretty, rosy-checked, ruby-lipped, heat hy lass, with sky-Uue eyes, golden ringlets, and a cheery laugh ; slender in frame, but of wiry elasticity, and a constitution of most tena cious vitality. He, on the contrary, was a pale, lean, hungry-looking hypochondriac, ho n.ight b supposed, from the wry fa ees he displayed when forced to any exer 'on of his limbs in profitable labor, to regard work as the unpardonabla sin. 1 he entreaties and example of u'u young wife, it is true, did for a while stimulate him to just ftilTident eflort, in -the way of deer bunting, to- keep them from starving. The couple then lived in Western Missouri. Fanny, with her own delicate white hands, cleared out and cultivated a small field, od managed her domestic economy with " much thrift, that, notwithstanding tlie iaxinesa of Tom, they began to accumulate . hM an event occurred, in the sixth year o' their wedlock, that changed ibis pros- Parous current of aflairs, anj reduced their "'iws to the brink of ruiu. It was briefly this. Tom "got it into his head one day that the scripture phrae Take no thought for the morrow was to be interpreted literally. And as this fan tastic idea exactly suitej his constitutional laziness, he at once abandoned all labor, and nealected to make any provision whatever for his family. The tears, argu ments and remonstrances of his wife all ended alike, for he would not budge a peg. Fanny's case was now critical in the ex treme, for. strange to say, she still loved her husband with a love that, in spite of every imaginable dumper, continued to burn on ardently in her afTectionatelieurt till death, llenre she could not make up her mind to leave him. Besides, they had now five children, and it was absolutely impossible to support such a family on the produce of their paltry, stony farm. In this emergency that weak woman sudden ly developed an energy and invincibility of lofty purpose which the annals ol the iiorld can nut surpass. With indefa'igsble patience, she prac ticed and learned to shoot, till no marksman in till Missouri was her match, and then, as a solitary huntress, took to the forest, and soon supplied her husband and babes with a choice abund.ince of meat. The wild rejjion of Missouri at last set tle J up. Sunny fields, waving with gold- I en grain, stood in the place of the old green woods which had furnished shelter and sustenance for the copious game. The bulTiloes fled farther off, deeper into the grandr-tiries. nearer to the Rocky Moun tains. Tlie moou beams fell broad and bright on the open bottoms w here the brown bears used to nestle among the matted canes. The red deer had been scared away by the sharp sound of Collins' axes. It became necessary that Fanny should mote. She sold their " improvement"' on ! the banks of the silver Osage, for a cart, a yoke of oxen, and a small sum of ready money ; and loading the crazy vehicle with six children and her lazy, worthless hus band, she started for Arkansas. In this new country, then a territory, she selected locality fifty miles from any settlement. i Here wild animals roamed in the greatest 'plenty, and her rude board table groaued ! beneath (to themj heaps of savory luxuries. I i.L i... i ...:r.. AA.,A II,- 1 ne woiiuer ui a who uuw quulu iuj'iu. to their humble property. Her care-worn, wuted figure grew rounder ; her step, as she saddled the black pony, more el is'ic ; and the whistle blither by which she sum moned her wolf-dog to the daily hun'ing foray. Even her laugh sometimes rang out as in the merry, thoughtless hours of her early youth, leud, long, and clear as the sweet tones of bell metal. One thought of a most gloomy character nlone disturbed the calm flo of her joy ous reflections. Her children were grow ing up with the rapidity of hasty summer weeds', and utterly without education, or even the prospect of any epportuni'y to ob'ain it. Thejidea haunted her day and night. She turned it over in her mind in every conceivable way, but still could find no solution for the torturing problem. She had learned to spell, when a child, at an old field school that is to say, she had gone as far in Dillworth as three syllables, w hich, by the way, was nearly the extent of her lame teacher's accurara inlormalton in the pedagogic art. But her memory had long ago lost in the inverse ratio of its acquisitions, till she could scarcely be said to know her letters. Often did she bitterly regret her idleness in the early school house, and exclaim, as she fondly kissed her children on returning at night from the toilsome hunt If I had only learned to read, then I could now teach you. my dears.'' And her tears would drop like rain. At length an incident occurred that brought with it a suggestion shaping itself into a fixed plan, which enabled her finally to vanquish the perplexing difficulty. The author cannot do better than give the anec dote in her own artless words, as related to him, in Texas, some twelve months ago. ' I used to cry about it every night," said she, before going to sleep, and then 1 would dream it all over again ; for indeed it was sad to think of. I knew that by hard work we would, after a while, be well enough off to move into the settlements, where decent people live ; and then I tho't how shocking it would seem for my young ones to have no more learning than the wild Indians. The boys were getting more than half as tall as their father, and PniTv nreitv head was even as flicn as "fcS.' t j - my shoulders. It was enough tor nuke a fond mother cry. 1 was then in tlie habit of going every two or three months to Lit tie Rock, with a pack of peltries, to buy salt and other things that we could not get along without. One lime I brought back some bunches of raisins for the baby. They were wrapped up in a largo newspa per, which contained a number of curious pictures. The sheet was gazed at with wonder by the poor creatures, who had never seen such an object in thrir lives. Little Tommy asked nie, wult sparkling eyes, if it were not a bird. 1 tried to cx piaiuthe matter to him; told him what it was; lhat it contained a tale about the whole world; and that when persons learned to read it, they could know all alfairs which were gng on across the blue mountains, and the big rivers, and away over the sea, as well as the sights they saw every day before their own doors. " Oh ! ma, won't you teach us how to read, so we can hear from our old play places in Missouri V said Peggy, who was then almost a woman. The question like to have broken ny heart. 1 remembered how luzy I had betn when a girl ; and ihe idea was as a sharp, shooiing pain, spiling through my side into my very soul. I wept like a child, till even my own children strove to comfort me. However, my tears did me good. Teats always relieve ihe heart; they commonly clear the head also. A sudden thought struck me a great plan I might say a ho'y purpose. It seemed impossible, but 1 resolved to try it. That niuht 1 hurried the vouna fills off to bid, and, having kindled a good pinc-kuot light, picked up the newspaper and sat down to see if I could make out anything in it. I smiled with unspeakable delight on discov ering that I stili knew all the letters, except the capitals. But I soon had cause to weep again, for ufier doing my best, and sitting up till daylight, every line remained a riddle. I could not spell out the meaning of a single sei.tente. About sunrise new noiion entered my head. I determined to go again shortly lo Little Kock, aud purchtse some primers and spelling-books, which I al'erwards did. 1 ihen began to learn in earnest. It was very hard for a while ; but I sat up late, nfier Tom and the chilJren wire all asleep, und took my primer along with me when I went to hint. I could study it as I rode, especially where the woods were open, and before 1 got within the range of game ; and then, when I was resting, after lifting a heavy deer upon my pony, or walking up a steep hill, 1 would pull out of a pocket which 1 had prepared for lhat purpose ill the side of my dress, and ran over the paes till I at last could almost repeat the whole from inemr ry. 1 then commenced on my large spell ing-book, and mastered it in the same way. All the while I wanted to be teaching the' children, but was afraid of teaching them wrong, intending first to make myself per fect, because I thoujiht that it was not of any use to know anything at all unless one could know it right. "While thus engaged, a lost hunter stopped a few days at our cabin, and, dis covering my studies, kindly offered to assist me. 1 then found thm 1 had done well in not beginning to instruct the buys and Peg a. 1 . .L gy sooner. 1 naa to unlearn inc pronun ciation of a great many of my words that sounded frightfully when compared with the correct mode. After I got it all straight, I bouht a primer for each one of the chil dren, and collecting them all together one Sunday morning, told them that I was going to teach them how to read. It would have done your heart good to see them; they appeared to be running mad with joy, for they still remPiiiboied whirt I had said about the newspaper, and had leased me much on the subject. Night after night they would sit up tiil twelve, studying iheir.primers and spelling-books ; and all day on the Sabbath they tried more industriously than ever 1 had done in the school-room, until at Lst they were thro' both books. But 1 was still ahead of them for lon before then I had obtained a Testament and ths Life of Marion, and had gone over both several times. In this way I taught my dear young ones to read, having firsl of all taught myself.'' For the literal historical accuracy of the loregoing extraordinary facts, we refer to Mrs. Holley's book on Texas, where she refers to Mrs. Moore, although in her nar rative she only sets down the initials of her name. And may we not well be permitted to doubt whether the annals of the globe, and all the ages of time, can present a parallel to this almost miraculous case ! The bi ographies of the self-educated teem, to be sure, with noble examples among the soft- as nmonrr ihe siroueer sex. But did WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6, any one, ever hefore, either man or wo man, go through the patient, painful pro cess of voluntary sell-culture, with the same definite and settled object? O'bers have stru2jrd with ihe lerribie problem of unaided mental development, Iroin the de sire of gain or h"pe of glory ; but 'e. that poor huntress of the backwoods, from the purer, loftier, more angelic inome ol an infinitely tender, holy, maternal love, and with the sole view of fitung herself to be the teacher of Jier innocent offspring. cut off a9 the v were by insuperable circum stutices from every other means of inttruc- lion. It makes one better to read of such instances of exahed devotion to conscious duty, and thus to know and feel that altho' the race of moral heroes appears lo be nearly or quite extinct, that of domes' ic heroines never can wholly perish, while one mother shall be left to linger on earth with a bright-eyed babe nestling about her bosom ! Noblemen, The noblest m"n I know on earth Are men whose hands are brown with toil ; Who, barked by no anrestnl erave, Hewdown the woods and till the (oil, An-1 win thereby a prou-tr lama Than follows king or warrior's name. The workinsjmcn ' whute'er their tusk, To,car e the stone, or bear the hod They wer upon their honest brows The royal stamp and seal of Uol ! And brighter are their drops of sweat Than diamonds iu a coiomt ! God Mens the noble working men ! W ho lear tlie cities of tlie pUin, Who die the mines, and build the ship, And drive the comav rce of the miin (!od bless them! for their -anhy hand Have wrought the glory of all lands. THE COTTAGE, bi u u n. eiwtuxET. There was a laboring man who built a cottage for himself aud Jwife. A dark grey rock overhung it, and helped to keep it from the winds. When the cottage was finished, he tho't he would paint it grey, like the rock. And so exactly did he get the sam'i shade of color, that it looked almost as if the little dwelling sprang from the bosom of the rock that sheltered it. After a while the cottager became able to purchase a cow. In the summer she picked up most of her living very well. But in winter she needeJ to be fed ai.d kept fiom the C'jIJ. So he built a barn for her. It was so small, that it looked more like a shed than a barn. But it was quite warm and com fortable. When it was doue, a neighbor came in and said " What color will you paint your bam V I had not thought about that," said the cottager. Then I advise you by all means, to paint it black ; and here is a pot of black paint, which I have brought on purpose to give you." Soon another neighbor coming in,p raised his neat shed, and expressed a wish to help him a little about the building. " White is by far the most genteel color," he added, " and here is a pot of white paint, of which 1 make you a present.'' While he was in doubt which of the gifts to use, the eldest and wisest man in the village came to visit him. His hair was entirely white, and every body loved him, for he was good as well as wise. When the cottager had told him the sto ry of the pots of paint, the olJ man said, " he who gave you the black, is one who dislikes you and wishes you tu do a foolish thing. He who gave you the white paint, is a partiul friend, and desires you to make more show than is wise. Neither of theii opinions should you follow. If the shed is either black or while, it will disagree with ihe color of your house. Moreover, the black will draw the sun, and cause the edges of the b mroN to curl and split ; and ihe white will look well but for a- little while, and then become swiied, and then need painting anew. Now take my advice and mix the black anl while together." So the cottager poured one pot into the other, and mixed them up with his brushes and it made the very grey color which he liked and used before upon his house. He had in one corner ol his small piece ol icrnund a hop-vine. He carefully gait) ered the ripened hops, aud his wife made beer of them, which refreshed him when he was warm and weary. It had always twined on twe poles. which he had fastened io the earth to give it support. But the cottager wi fond ol building and be nsaia a little avbur- for it to run upon and cluster about. He painted the aiboi ere;. u ibe. 1850. rock and the cottage, and ihe shed and the arbor were all the same grey color. And everything around looked neat and comfor-j table, though it was small and poor. j When the cuttager and his wife grew old, they were sitting together in iheir ar bor, at the sunset of a summer's day. A stranger who seemed to be looking at tlie country, stopped and enquired how everything round that small habitation happened to be the shade of giey. " It is very well it in so,'' said the cot tager, " for hit wife and I, Vou see, are grey also. And we have lived so long lhat the world itself looks old and grey to us now." I Then he told him the story of the black and white paint and how thu advice of an aged man prevented him from making his little estate ridiculous when young. " 1 have thought of this circumstance,'' said he, " so often, that it has given me instruction. He who gave me ihe black pujat, proved to be an enemy ; and he who urged me to use the white paint was a friend. The advice of neither was good. " Those who love us too well are blind to our faults and those? who dislike us are not willing to see our virtues. One would make all white the other all black. Bui neither of them are nuht. For we aw of a mixed natuie, pood and evil, like the grey paint, made ol opposite qualities. " If, then, neither the routisel ol our foes, nor our partial friends is ssfe to be taken, we should cultivate a coirect judg ment, which, like the grey paint, mixed both together, may avoid the evil and se cuie the good." An Obstinite Passenger. The stockholders of one of the railroads terminating in B iston, held a meeting not long since, and, as uua', extra cars were provided and free passes sent to all the holders of shares. When the train stared on its way to the city, the conductor passed through the cars to ee if everything was right. He firund amon the passengers ;i shabbily dressed man apparently about fifty years of age, wh.we appearance was proof positive that he had not very recently patronized a barber, or paid much alien tion to his toilet. He had on a tarpaulin hat, thick and dirty boots, and a suit of clothes that never came from Oik Hall. Notwithstanding his uncouth looks, he had taken a seat in one of the most elegantly finished cars, in the midst of merchants, lawyers, doclors,manufacturers,and others, " gentlemen of property and standing," thongh he kept his own counsels, and ' sa d nothing to nobody." The conduc tor scrutinized the plebeian rather sharply. and knowing hat many stockholders were present, he thought he must show them a specimen of his regard for the comfort and pleasure of his passengers, especially those of the " first class." He therefore took occasion lo speak to tha man with the tarpaulin hat : Vou have probably made a mistake. sir; this car is lor the stockholders; you can fiud accommodations in one o! the for ward cars." . 1 am satisfied with this car," was the cool rep'y. " Well, you can't remain here, if you are, said the conductor, witti an air ol authority. "Perhaps I can ; there is room enough here, and I don't think 1 shall move." "You don't, eh t Well now I itll yu, ynu thall move, and that very quick, too. Will you go peaceably, or shall I put you out ?" " I shan't gnf anyhow' Thereupon the conductor seized the re factory man by the colar. and vainly en deavored to eject him from the car. The task was too urcat for him ; indeed, he did not try very hard, for his antagonist was a large and strong man, whom he could not handle. Conscious of bis inability to enforce the order, without calling for as sistance, the conductor fell very anxious to compromise the matter. But he had stubborn customer lo deal with, whose cool ness and self possession gave him great advantage. The cars now stopped at a way-station to take in more passengers, and the conductor's presence was required elsewhere. He seemed glad of an excuse for relinquishing the attempt lo remove the obnoxious passenger, and the stock holders who had witnessed the encounter also rejoiced to see it terminated, as they had suffered no inconvenience from occu pying seats near the tarpaulin hat. At length the conductor passed through the cars lo collect the tickets. The stock holders showed their passes and went free. VVbeaUe sUabbor-n geutltman was called upon, in an impertinent lone, to surrender his ticket, he leisurely pulled out a large pocket-book.Jwell filled with bank bills, among which was a stockholder's pass ! The conductor, to use a common express ion, began to "smellja rat,'' and to' feel rather cheap. He was told lhat the non ejected man was a very wealthy farmer, and one of the largest stockholders in the corporation of which he (the conductor) was Ihe servant ! It was too late to make a graceful apology, and the discomfited conductor wisely said not a word. He probibly learned that it i not always safe to judge men by their outward appearances. In justice lo the farmer it should be sta ted that he was not only bound to the rail road meeting, but to Brighton Mirket, where he intended to purchase a large number of cattle and drive them home him self. The weather being rather stormy, he did not think it advisable In put on any "go-to-meeting clothes." Iiotoa Path' fiiiUr. Good Advice to Boys. The knowledge )i.u now treasure up the h.ibi's which you mw fix upon y.a r self, and the moral and immoral precepts which you now imbibe, will stick to you through life, and influence your welfare and standing and usefulness as Ion,; as you live. If ynu would he a useful, a valuable and a happy member of society, when you ar rive at manhood, prepare yourself now Vou must do it as you sit upon the narrow and crovded seats of yonder school-house, conning your lesson.or reciting to the mas ter as he daily rails you up to the recita tion yoti must do it in the recess, as you join in the sports ot the Dour with your comrades and school fellows you must do it as you sit by the blazing fires of your father's hearth during the long winter eve nings, or as ynu give loose to your mirth in the j lyourness of your heart while gli ding o'er the crystal ire, or tripping in the choral dance with your mates in the merry halls. In all these situations in every situation take heed to wmrself and strive to attain such knowledge and form such habits as will make you useful, and there fore beloved and respected in every rela tion in your future life. M tine Farmer. Sleighing Song. O swift e o, o'er the fleer snow. When moon beams sparkle 'round ; ' When hoofs keep time to music's Asjoerrily on we bouLd. On winter's night, when heart are light, Aud bealih is on the wind. We loose the rein, and sweep the plain. And leave our cares behind. With a laugh and eone. we glide along Aeros the fleeting -now ; With friends beside, how swift we ride On the beautiful track below ! O, ihe raging sea ha joy for me. W hen gales and tempests roar ; But give me the speed of a foaming steed. And I'll ask for the waves no more. Jams T. t'ltiss Fr"in ihe Teachers' Magazine. Education. It iiot every tiling which passes for education that deserves the name. Toed ucate a child is not simply ' send it to school, nor yet to teach it !h- knowledge of reading, writing, ari:hmenc and gram mar. If this were the proper idea of ed ucating chrildren, then would the United States be in ibis respect behind even despo tic Uusmh, where, it is said, all the children are rrqnired by the law to be taught these and even higher branches, in such schools as the empire affords. This is instruction, not education. It is as means to ends. To tduca e ihe mind, is lo lead forth its powers. To ed urate the man is to call out and invigorate all his faculties of body and soul. It is to dcvelope and endue the entire man, in his physical, mental and moral nature, wi:h a view to his personal comfort, his social position and bis immortal dentin v. It is to train him up to the knowledge of him sell, of his powers, relations, rights, duties and responsibilities, that in all respects, as an individual, as a member of civil society and a subject of God's moral government. he may act well bis part here ; and finally enter upon the rewards of a lire of virtue in heaven. This is true education for which instruction and the knowledge ol letters are the great, though not only in strumentality. Cou fined to ihe individual- it is ptrtonal extended to the people it is popular. The purpose of the former is to lift up the man ol the latter to elevate the nation. Possessed alike by all persons in any community it forms, next t religion, the highest endowment on earth, for whieh God baa ordained Ihe social state. Yoi,Aa.,No;45-305:.r. 1. has been said that tbe aUbulty I Alt government rests upon two great piU the intelligence and the irtue of the pen-m! pie. It rest upon one a true fofmlar iba common fonndatio of j both. Intelligence is no mora the neceaan-. rj property of a people rightfully educaied, than is virtue ; and any system of tocv lioaal training which either overlooka of ; gives a secondary place to tbe cultitrattoo of the moral mao, with a tiew tu habitual virtuous conduct, is not the system which meets the highest wants of a free people If intelligence were ihe only object to ba aouoht in educatinz men, then were its highest attainments only to qualify 'hem .' for beiog more accomplished villain, and J to furnish them the means of more eaten sive mischief. .-!-! .1: - '-- f...-- -. The Education of which we piaad, ,;.-? one that shall be complete in its character t , hat shall call out the susceptibilities of the ,. heart as well as the (acuities of the heai y ... . , that shall devrlopethe conscience so leae 4 than the reason: that shall combine the i -. growth of moral and religioua principle, , with tbe expansion of intellectual lu , ; r that shall train up the child to aettfa 0 ' virtue,' enforced by all the sanction of divine revelation, while it leads it oe sfae'i a by step in the pa' h way of knowledge; that j shall teach it to feel hs obligations to God , its country, and its race at the same . time that it confers enlarged capacities of . thought, action, enjoyment, aasi service ;.v that shall make ttv mm virtuous ae well. as intelligent. This education we demand , for atl our children ; and in the keeping ( of a people thus trained, shall we be told. ; that our institutions are not safe, whatever. ; ills betide, and whatever dangers threats, , them 1 In an education like this,' liberty r u may rejoice in the prospect of eternal per petuity a .id vigor ; without it, we have no' security that in a single year she will not be shorn at least ot ber glory and bet ' power to bless. . . - " - ,: e-i ' n , The world is too prone to be calfietf " away with the gtiitvr of outward pomp." We run aHer the phantom of mtgwtjr ' names, and forget the schTofmaster and atsT- humble charge. Prof. Murray. ' ! , Rather Unpleasant .. The following leuer.from Capt.Wiggin," of schooner Eudoras, which sailed from Frankfort Me., in February last, exhibits one of the beauties of overland traveling in California. The letter is dated San , , Francisco, Ot SI : ... "I started from Stockton.where my ves-, sel now lies, in come to San Francisco by land. In coming through the mountains" I was chased by a Grisly Bear and imme- li.tiely put my horse to the top of his speed,' . and while going like lightning, the saddle t turned, and was thrown to the ground and badly hurt. I had barely tine to crawl to' a tree aud clamber up, w hen the bear came with mo. He ran howling around the tree' but it was so small that he could! nut climb up- Out his presence kept me in the tree' ,. top all night, bruised and bleeding', the skin being torn from my wrist and knee and' both bad'y sprained, I Was so woak that I could scarrely hmld to the branches: But most fortunately, soon after daylight,a par-" ty of travelers came along and relieved me from my awful situation. I shall soon be heller as I fiud 1 am not seriously hurt. If was a narrow escape. . Exkxrriox. During M' last few mon'ihs. bills have passed as fol- lows : Maine exempts a homestead to the " value of .500, and, in the absence of m homestead personal property tothat amount. Vermont exempts a homestead to the value of g 300. Iowa and Minnesota. 40 acre'r -ol laud, or a lot : California, S30 acres nf' land," or a lot worth fiOOft; Deseret, it is " said, secures a home to every family." Georgia, Texas, Michigan,' VTiemnwfo.' ' Pennsylvania, and Connecticut bad previa ' ously enacted similar laws. ' ' ' ,'" Two of our Ten perance championed Rev. J. G. Miles and Sheriff Chatham, have had quite an interesting time lecturing tu' the yeomanry of Sugarvalley, upon their 'avorite theme. In two meetings they suc ceeded in gaining 19 to sign the pledge. They were attended by the Jacksonville' band iu a triumphant procession from Lo g insvrlle to Ty lersville. Clinton (Pa ) ' Dtimitrat. " " ' ''K A Member of Parliament, alluding to the fact that Lord" John Kuseil married) two widows; called the diminutive Pre mier "(he widow's mite that was caatjntO ihe Treasury y , t The German style a ihimble fagea hat and a glove, a hand-sLee.-- , , I'M