I.UWISBUttC CifiEtOXlCLK AND WEST BRANCH FAHMEK lUit ani) Cjnmor. Sagacity of the Ox. The following remarkable ins'anre ofsa ganity in tha ox, was related to me by an old farmer who assured ma of in truth, al though, 'a he expressed it, 'he was so joun when it happened that he would not be willing to qualify to it now." Ii bb nn ihp farm neat to env father's down id IImp-.h re State. I he farmer 1 . ha J an cx that teat the mo.t onru.iesl cm- ter my two eves, e.er beheld T'lff vsarn't no lence c u!d at'-p him if he coulJii'l jump over, he'd gtl ii'itier, nr fall on it and break it down ; hr was continunl'y in some mischief or oiher satin up folk' garden sauce, and des troying their crops. Ilia owner put boards over hia eyes ; put yokea of all kind ou to him, but all to no purpose. S j finally he tuck and ah ir hi.n up ia hi barn-yard. Hut the tarn.il crit'er wuulJndo the but Un on the barn door and open the giain boxes and get up on tha hay-mow, an. commit all sorts of devastations. He tried all manner of ways to fasten hit harn door bit the ox would circumvent him. At lam he made a Urge button out of a piect o' nurd wood scenilin, got a ladder, and fiied the button riht over the top of the barn d tor. So he waika iuto tha house, and told his folks what he done,"and now,'' lies iid, "I guess old Brio wont get into thai barn aain in a hurry." His words was scarcely out of his mouth when ha hedrd a dreadful poundin' out in tlif burn yard. He run to th winder, and what ye 'epose he saw t Why ! the o hdd seen him fix the bu'ton, and knowin' he could never reach it, he luck up a two tear old bull ;hat was runuin' in the yard, and held him up, and actually made thai iunocent eritter turn the butioa for him." Dip Into tbe Gravy. We were not h ug since much amused by a coup'e of tl-xier girls, who came on board the steamer , at the little town ol Ml. Vernon, Ind. Tbey had svideoiK never been a thousand miles from borne, and were making their first trip on a steam boat. The elder one was exceedingly talk ative, end perfectly free and unconcerned with regard to tbe many eyaa thit we scanning her movements. The ather was of an opposite turn of mind, inclined to bashfulotaa. At dinoer our ladies were hooored with a seat at ilia head of the ta ble, aufl tne otdrst im, . iu l xual in riependtcce, cu! hei bread into snll piece Mid with her fork reached over and nrolU-d each mouthful in the uica dressing on a .la:e of bee.rteak before her. The passen gers preserved ihur gravity during this iteration by dint of treat effort. I'eretiv ing that her iis!er was not very forward ' helping herself.she turned round to hei and (xelaimed loud enough to bu heard by hall the table, "Sul, dip in the gravy .t'ad pay si much as any on'tmP' This was followed by a general roar, in which the captain let! off. The g'rla arrived at their place e destination before supper, and when thej left the boat nil hand gave three cheer f,r the girls of the Hoosier State. Cin ti'tnoti Xjiijuireit. A Scene In Court. A aertain limb of the la arguing a rase in oue of the VVee.rrn courts, was inarmed by his Il.inor :ht thecal wss decided by tna Court. I know it, responded thai at torney, with a peculiar n.tnai twang for which he was somewhat remarkable, 'bui I'm going to prove you that tbe Court i Strong." And m a ho weal right and left, whtu the Judge i;ain iiit if-jjited him with. I have decided that, before.' Have.hej with the nasal accompaniment. resfioiiden the attorney. continuinj his a raim ent. B this time, the pittance ol the Jude riliujf exhausted, he was rather inclined t be arv, and in a somewhat severe lone he saJ, Ii you wish to persist ia arguing this rase, vu muni carry it up to the Court oi Ertora. Must, !y ? If this ainl a CuUH Etiort, I don't know what in thuudei i !' 0in, ta a grrat "falling off" amon the bwton lamily just then, tha Court aroxe Chicago Dol .Vctnip. "A Yoke or Oxen at one Chaw." Mint year avo a Mr.Miller, one ol ihe early healers ol neighboring town, sold a yoke of oxen for 850, and received in pay ment a Fifty dollar Rink bill, which he carefully Mded up and deposited in hi 'tobacco-boa' for sate keeping. Mr. M. was a customed to make use of the" weed' t any hour of the day or n'A even. when ever he ft I: an inclination foi it, 'I he flight follow ing the le of the oxen he nought lut ''tobacco box ' and finding; a coi.veui .iit portion, he put it into his mouth, and a tt readily obtaining lb" b nefit rx)ieeled. La chewed it up triost vigorously and t iTic- tualiv.excUiinin.'as lie did so."nn enirlh ! ..iv I lo the tobacco ! iViO STBEKOTH to the to j bacco!!'' tiheii r collecting the Irnuonctlon r .v.. A ... i .1 . i." i . -i i j of Ibe day. and the place lwr plnced . fats treasure, ne added, "lino: a yoke of oxen at an chi.w.'kT one chaw ! !" fer there Im? many who "rrmrmbrr the poor" enough, but, alas! they. Do Nt' ' . i PO ANYTHING Ct.SP 1 KIwmArir n , I. ...I I , avii. ; Org O.NIV Jolte. There ia nothing SO J solemn as the fun of sonar ner.nlt, nor ao ... , . , . I ajlmb.e as the dijjn ty of others. VUikcrs Mrs. Swiaahflm, editress of ihe Pittaburu Saturday Visiter, aaya, "A amooilily-nliavfd or buardleas man mefts our ideas f manhood about at well as a qure-hou!dred. a!iin!i"-haped woman meets our noliona of womanhood." Now Ie your wool grow, ye lorda or creation ; here ia one lady at least who does not "act her face against thorn.'' A coun'ryman, being in Buffalo lately, and after lieing shown ilieaightsbv a friend, suddenly naked, B it where ia the B'jfTalo 1 i .. 4t 'Pl .1 : ' . 1 J r him (ilHined, with some difficulty in ie- j him.Hf. that tie atanini! rut up j ,, that ticcasion, had heen taken dowu after the performance waa over ! .i, I" ""T"" BM.SAM ill ihiiu unit a rULMONARy EIS EillllffI Soruu SlMk. Fur mm aM, BnK4lf , H. t. vimxrYi FuniTY! tIFB and BKlLTIi ire ia Ihe BLOOD. Cirne, Purify, J Rrtr2fU: thr Circulation, and tk trkoit tody trtil A m? health. TUr mmt wonderful of mil remcditt to product tuck a rtU, w BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. Y, da?4rr! twuH anJ ffinswT will hm produced by Cm of mmalier ctmmtitf of thi W aiPiKft than can It d by the uar of a like qiutily of toiy other remedy in tin; wrid. (Me our tmmpkitts fur oruof.) Tiii Pcmrucm U wholly prvparrd from VefHallet, mod CUm tfat aawJf , mfltt atatsusf, sUtd Umg-OtMUdtllff dlATaUWl 9t thm Wood, without aiAixt, purtajp, mckgnmg. or dtbiti tstuuf U tiat. strmftktnt, untgoruttt miikesJ BfW, Vev y tUo4t ud fire aaar tttr mud mem lift to tiim whole Ttlt'xa. HHANT-8 rrntFlHR la fOUR TIMES CBBAP timm any orher mmrtly in the world, Wcauio ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH af k will effect a greatc aramtnt of cure than ftmr JIfort' mottk of ttrfprnrtl. or any other remrdr, no mntb'r fauw lrf tbftr Hirkw my be. Tbe amrrf quettxtm lur cun eunni to d-Uruitu. I, how muck autre curative effect rt2 e dtdr' at or (A of 1Wi P-nfirr produce, than m dollar's worth mf thot largtrponilm, mr other remedy. W muLt hre say, thtit aVraafa Mtdtruw had eurrd. within Che lat year, 100,000 Prrsooi of Impure Blood Disfasra, iBd 25,003 Cates vere considered Into ruble! a aom other pntntt-inrdicia men are in the habit of any. tnf. If we nhiHiId any o. who would beleve tt T 1'bifl bowerer, we do aay, and stnnd rpaly to prove by rtjpecto&l Mfafftfi. that Baarcr'a Medfcikm bve eflertcd curea of aa ore diaeaaea cm livinc humaui beinajit, thf pwt yt ar, thaa aay other rrntody in existence did during tbe aaine time. Haw anaicBa will Dollar worth CURE 9 Twenty large, rfprp I 'leers were cured by using a7y twtimt bottles of Brmnt'B rmnjieT. The .ollowlne la the modt wonderful and astonish inf ran that waa ever effected on a human being, by cay aKaficsa. Horrid Scroftala Cured. Mb. J. B. Has a: it of Sorn Oneiim Co. ft. Y., certifla, Drrenilier 4Hh, lttJti. that hr had been alflictcd with Skrav rrLA tour yra, and tfi ImcI y-ar ennfiofd U hia bed. with TVEfrrr imwge. deep, dtMckmrging L'lceb that hia neck waa eaten aruumt trvta enr v ear a hole waa tfcn thruuith hia Wind pipe, no that he hr-Htnrd throuch the ; boto turn ear waa nearly d-iroTHi iq? e at nia ana waa wholly dtatroy d and an Wot-r umh r the arm, aa laxgv as a mn'a bnd. had nearly eaten through into hia Lona that he bad used all kinds of tiA ri ai a a iu a and other medwimrt. to no benefit, and thiU he waa not erptcxed to tre brettty-fottr knur w'.m-b he romin:nced Kkant's Imoiai I'uairviNO IIktbact that iik bottlfs of the Pcumxa ExraAfT healed an 4 cured SKVK.vTKrN of the twenty I'tcar b had whr-n he couinu nrcd uailo it, and - t'i,1fm. nr.. ted a prukkctcukk. For lull Particuiara of tliia, aud many uv r-ure. sea our onrvaxwo. Tfsia U-aaalerfal a4 Aatail.la CI'RR doe not stand alone as a monument of the great ejicoru of BaAwr'a fuairMB, tor we cm:i sive ai ( uttliiu-Isv-d e?idete ot otti-r eur-s, nr!i attt-ated, it tiiia were dwubtcU. 1 his cure ia CK-rtnVd to by Fourteen Kespectable Wilncssos. By Doct. Tnos. Wn.LiAwoneof th most nx-etthta pbyvticihna if Kom jy M'-ars. Kiasrm, A L :. ah a, whoitMiNir and ruil druajint- 4-y Mr. (i. K. ltitwx, pr priftir aud ki-pr ol the Weir Uoxc JIutkl ua by oieven other mines. Brant's Indian Puzifier care mU impure diswifc-a of th hloui. viz.: $cal4 IJeoA Kait Rheum, Pheumo'inn, hruptinm, Pimpic mn the i'neo aVisVs. R'ieO, ITeero, CftitWiMt, Mercurial lisrm. Liver C&mlatnt. I'liiM in the Lock, Sid, aud Limhml Hnmh qf Biood u the isod, etc. BRA NT' S I N D I A N PULRIONARY BALSAM Virlnu ol tiM! i.iv-iiiuu-a fvumsa Extct. I j ,lirM,uTii. partiiultt'hi wtJ jcm OlIS i.n.1 COSSI Ml'l'iuNS. It i.-. ..4..,..l a m ft II" tt. reij.lr -ud M easily as U-s i'rii .iitac heiis 1 Moi 6M1 of 1'ures of the sioK Comumptioo fcllj nr-vr ,i. !m.-t mirrtil.ui f--f.y ui mU ow" r SSr l.LNia TUIIOA1'. and KUEAST. A IiVING WOMAN SAVED! CONSUMPTION CURED! We fic lbs folluwina eerliarate as a fet of cure, which Cm so Ifae iwer lo iv lifs. eT:n Uen tlia ycrsoa sotsns be ia Uio ery t-t ijf eaWe,WSB Btamt't .its r.'siimrr HalM is .linaiwaored: VVa fijve fie fu'.'ow nc eert.ficnre as a fart of ctm, whirh Sos tu prove the power bisuTe Ule. eveu when tin? -rua sernts he In Um very tnt stt, of nistenee. when fs.'s Indian Pulmonary Halaam i adininisterel Tnis e-- d,M nirt sUnJ slono we cmil.l uinrt ant ccres as urrr'is and mvouniimf nnd aHirela ol hafnium its'. Slid lOHML4 1I esses caleit CONSLMl'JioN. 1 UiS t'tKK was rSViied im tlie wile of Mr. Ziaa IvsiAf u! Cut urn of .'t.'tass. Sratiur Co. A. t. Mrs. Ink. oi-ui wa runuaiieei di,,0, and Mr. Dykeinao weat ut the tire of Mr. Jomw Air to purchase cloth lor a ikrovd. and other burial mateiitlM, expeotinz his wits would soisi die. She mnr in the latt tat ol the liisesss -was siaea opprmri end limrrctttd nod to relieve her mrra dturtM. and mike a dying pilium more esse. Nr. Iltbiiun ww p,.r;iuMd'-i1 ciee her ritme of " BUANTd IMHAN l'l'I.M(NAUr BALSAM." Ue bnik. the ttoUam bust' wttti the abroad, and (ree a poniun to his wit. it ra-ved a r-she coutioued to bike it until die recovered oaoo ukaltii. and he h cantiiiatd well far near If Jomr far, not tampkigt lor p irtieu ars. air tivsasiAN swore t-i the aiwire forts before Tooa. O. Tko, ,.( PalUto Hp. 2!tt!i April, If IS. Thos. ti. oeKO. Ks., Juttice, it-rtihes thnt be has tansi Mr. li-ki-anss ainny years and that be is one of tm sr sums worthy sad nprtlaU r. 'ai-jtn ; and Mr. JoH Wait, the mtr -hunt spk,-n of above, aim certtjia to tbe enwd rhnrac-ter of Afr. liyiemam, and that b waa MC uuatiited wah all tbe jacu, baring beard tiieut oftva spuk A ol bj xsssKta Brant's Pulmonary Balsam ran COSflMPrioy. Cssa-as. Cold: SpUamr of Blood. Kinding at thi Lami: lain in the Ararat aa.i Side, AifAb 9Vw7j, Asrseas Comptaii.u, Pnlpitntiom of the Hornet, Cls'na Infantum. I ntm nrery. Summer CmplainU. ans) ALL tLMALK It EJKSt.SSjLS, without any Jading whotmr DDI THUS l.D rHVNJt IAS KEl'OHUliXD. Toe tulJ-'Wlni; b.tti I fAKtorsand PKunieiaat have biajb nj reooiuBi-a led BslAN f.-S Mtlil( lLd lr. K lU hKAKO. Mtsmlord, una. Dr. J. N. SMITH. Waterloo n. N. V. Ur. atOSr,MA. I t"-' Henry .lr.-ot, Sraoklra, R. T. lr. T. M. Ul'NT, Auhura. N. V. Or. UI O m IM.'IS. Nnljletowa, Coaav ir.fiGO. A. KIXIKKS, Bath, N. V. Or. 8. Wll.Tr.. rn-donia. N. Y. Dr. C. B. ii hi EVTiNE, Kyrun. W. T. Dr. J i) SlllrM IN. ssyrnvvUle. N. T. Dr. i. NKIXNtli. Henry street. KroofcljB, H. T, Dr. U. SLUI'MAN. Curtlnad. H. I. IJeware of cotmlerfeits ! There is no Brant's medicines genuine, hut aush tiolllea aa kre put up in a square package or shape, sod on ore square nf ihe packaee ia a label nn hi' a I repieaenleil a young Puuaw ''d un,ler uh'" he t-"d- "le of Hand. vrhieh read-i as follows, ris. -HerrAv Brom.-Mi f.irralue rctticrd to pa if la the hearer hereuf Oue CtwT.on demand ut our Mtdiriur t'arlnru in ihe Cifv tif Ilmf;lin, iV v. Dllit)l ,u Br,,klUn.llh ArriL istH.r (which note is signed with pen and red ink) .V ' WAU.ArEt CO." None genuine but such as have tha note on the label signed aa above. i? i- Tl . . . rvi 't 1 "r,,e. """""" 1"aK": W'8 nai ; Edwd W ilsnn. New Berlin; 8 J Croure, O I . . n . a, t t ovunivrvvr ; o cs r rlvrr, rrnppori; u .a Backl.ause, Middleborg : Will & Eilert, Harll ton ; Am A Meoch. Mifrlinburg mirn ,nurt -',''M'l Wsllsec 4 ('. I0fl. Broadway, New Vorl JvaSM T " tlT fl "i' T 1 " NOTION ANDVAR1EIY STORE 1 HAVIXf! Ink an tbe new Uiug EataMishinent of Schnjjlt 4 Chambcrlin, I would res pecu'ullv announce l. Diy Irientla and tbe public thai I have replenUheJ my stork anil will keep Ciinntanlly on hanJ a Urge, freeh and well triec led slock of pure Drags Medicine Sc. which I ofTi r ai Wholesale and Keiail. My slock lcing entirely new and purchased for cah t low rates in the Pliilad'a market, I am enabled to sell at lor prio-s than ever ofli-red in Ibis region Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye StuiFs, Patent Med., Cilass, Perfumery, Oils, Faints, Liquors, Fancy Notions, Variety Goods, Fruits, and Confectionery, with a large variety of other articles usually kept in Drug establishments. Thankful for past lib eral patronage, I nope lo merit its continuance. Persons wivhing to procure pure and fresh Medicines, are particularly invited to gi me a call ttefore purchasing elsewhere, a all Drugs are carefully insiected tiefore olTered fr sale and all Medicines nianuOtciured by invx If are war ranted good. Having a practirsl knowledge of the bu-ine front upwards of ten ears eiperi ence, I flatter myself lhal I am a conipcleiit jude of Ihe same. All orders entrusted to ire will he promptly attended to. and my friends may rclv upon get ting everything nf ihe rerv best qunli'v. O. W. SCli VFr'LE, Iiug8it. t.ewiste -1. 1 849 W h it xouny ,iidn WHiits to utar a wi"? U'e alt know the value of n nod he:id ol hair. A voting man with a hald head, is sort of walking r ariciitiire of hi s. rics. Mi'iice the inunv various ntioinp's to rcine dy or conceal tlie deficiency. Iliimlreiis of iIm; young men of this country, afier lr :iii; tha tlionsiind nnd one chemical prepa ru'tons nnd nostrums fur res'orin;; the hair, are dr !! tin necessity of wearing a wig ! a practice as little conducive t rii anl ness, hs it is dineniiis lo health ! Now, we hap pen to know from practical experience. that Tr.isk's MaunrricOmtmi nt will revtero tlir hair on b hald head, when all other reme dies have fiiled. S'dd in Levih:ir!r,whn!csa!e and retntl hy Thornton & B.iker. I'rice 2"v nnd 50 cents per bold . as m-J k KAM L AMMON, riHAXKr'l.'h for lilieial paironse heretofoie received, reapeet fully in onus his o 1 Inend. aud the public generaliy li.at he has removed his 'ftiilor liop to the Basement of his Brick dwelling on Market si reel, ni al door !. t;. I'snuv's a Mlery (late ihe oilice ol Jl C lllckoi, IJsy) where he hopes suit all abo.innv ive him lhi-ir cusloiii, as he d ies all work in his lice in tl e t-st and newest style and on bhort noli,-e. Ilei h if the Fashions reu'arly, emploj a none hni good hand-, ntnl Is d iermincd io keep ui with the tones and nieiit a ood sharer, patronage. CUTTING doa' to order. .-iiM,t. ...a Pr.idnce taken in exchange for work Livushnrg. J -ne, I 619 l2-0.7 Taary UwoUm, .otIont, Kv. f 1,'ST rece'd a large and splendid assortment of raucy G md' sucq a a eel Hvads li.ilJ IVncils (;lap " IVns t h.ins Silver Pencils Dead Necklaces Finger Kings .aliii beads Hair P us Andr Needle Cases IJ. iff. lo Cornea einit Uuilona ThiniMea Vhi'Ihi; Cards liotninoes 'I'lierrnomeieni l!:izors auj e-iiops Walking Caoes e'cissois r?uu lilasses hpy I'ucket Mirrors Compasses Perfumeiy sun Spanifh " Dressing Pucliel Hair Brushes Teeth Mud! Wa'er Colors Em-oies Cig4r Cashes Hin.lT liotea fepeclacles Nail Flesh J'.iinl hoe Jewelry Guard Chains Watch Keya Cluster Fins Cases Satchels Niftht liRlila tSinelliiK Bottles lliills and Sleel 1'sreesera lloll heads Toys tor Card Caws Children I'ort monies Fancy Pipes I'ocktt liouks Pen Knives Accordions Pocket " Fiddles (Silk sndThread Parlor Limps Purges, CaineO Toeether with a great variety of articles not mentioned in the above list, for sale at tl.e new Dru, Fancy and Varielv store of My 9 C W r-CllAFFI.E Myers' Liquid l ine! IS u positive and riever-fuilirirr Remedy for PILES, whether Internal, In ternal, bliinl or Bleeding Scrofula, While Svelliiijj, L leers, uleeriited aore lliroat. Clinker Sore Mouth, It heuin.it imii, Cutun ei us Diseases, Mercurial Affections Jc. alio for Sealdf, burns, Cuts, Sprains, Brui ses. &f . Ac We feel justified in procljiniing the Fact lo the World, that of all medicines ever hro't before the public, none have ever been more beneficial to afflicted humanity lhan Myern' Li'juid Cure. A e know this is saying a great deal, but if we weie to write volumes we could not say too much in praise of this HtALTU-.rOlC,Lll'K-rOI.ON6liO HISKDI Hundreds, uav tLvU!aiids hhss the happy houi when first they were made acquainted with its transcendent virtues; and our present purpnee is to inform other thousands how aud where thoy may obtain tlial relief which they perhaps have long-sought for in vain. The auperior eicellence of this preparation over all oiher medicines, fir the speedy and per' manetit cure of I'lLlCS. i will known t all who hive tested ii. It has been proved in thousands o insiauc. s. and hasSEVr.a raiiEii to cure the uial iilitlhmtc euse. and we are c.uifi.lriit it wili never fail if und a procr length of time accord ing to directions. Asa proof of our entire coi:fi ilence in it- elli--acy, we assuie all pun-hasers lhal if. af er a proper tri d. it piove in flVcluaI. ihe M .nev Paid for it will be returned. Tlie Liquid Cure is an effectual remedy for Ringworms. Biles, Pimples. B irbers' Itch, Fm-ted Limbs. Chilblains Salt fiheum. Musquito Biles stings nf poisonous Insects and Cutaneous diseases of every description. It is both sile and effectual for Khecsatism. giving immediate and neimancnt relief. lis effects as a real Vain Killer, are magical. trtNI SiVlLf IS IHIi U1 hnold provide themselves with this Invaluable Preparation, the cheapness of which places it wiihin the reach ol all. Full Directions sccimpany each Bottl Pamiihlrts. eon'sining conies of eeriificates from those who h ive tesl. d ihe Liquid Cure, may he bad frrnti of our authorized aceuis , j Mtyero' IJiuid Cure ie prepared only by I JKROME CO.S1 Sprace 8uNew York j Agents : C W KclitlTIe. Lewishnrg ; J II Raser, Milton IvronVJii SCHOOL-TICKETS printed arc ' for j aalc at this ofhcaw TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & COUNTRY MERCHANTS. R.J. N. KUHLEIl & I5UO. most res- nct fully aihi-it attcntiuii to their fresh stock ol English, French, German, and American Drugs, Medicines, Puinls, Che micals, Oils, DyestulTs, Glassware, IVrfu mcry, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, &c. Having opened a new alore, No 291, Market at, wiih a full supply ot fiesh Diugs and Medicines, we respectujlly solicit country dealers to exam ine our atock before purrha-ing elsewhere, prom ising one und all who may fa, I di-posed to ex tPiid to us their patronage, to sell them genuine j D'Ug and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any other huuxe in the City, and to fai'hfully execu'e all oideis entrusted to ua promptly and with tie spiicli. Cue nf the proprietors being s regnlar physi cian, allords ample guarantee of the genuine quality ol all anii lea sold at their establihinent. We eecia!ly invite drupqists and country mer hi''s who mv wish to become amenta for Vr. Krtler't Cehbralcd I'amiltj X'edieiiut, (siandar 1 aud popular remedies,) to forward their adJress. folicilinc the patronage of dealers, ws respect fully remain, J. N. KEE1.ER& BRO., Wholesale Dmgi;i4s, 1 j 2S-I Xo. 2J4, Market St Vhilad. ajPO RNA MENTAL tS. TREES. The subscriber ofTers for sale Ornamen tal Trees of every description, particularly 'he Kuro-an Lir.dc n, and I'uulutiia Impe rinli.s, a splendid shade tree lately introdu ced from Japan, remarkable for its enor mous loaves (sometimes two feet in diam eter,) nnd large clusters of rose colored flowers, spotted and striped within, emitting a fragrance timi'ar to the Lilac. Also Fruit Trees Tear, Cherry, Plum. Nectarine, and Apricot trees nt rea soi.nlile prices all the varieties warranted seuuine ; also Ilot-housi; nnd Green house : hinis, tooellier with a" variety of Flower -n-(U, all of which he will sell ns low a liev cou br purchased in Philadi li hia. , I). R. NOLL. Leuistmro, Sept 12, 1849 UNIVERSITY at flewisbiirsr. rilHE TKl.'STEES of the Irniversitv si Lew I isbuig would respectfully inform iia Patrons and Fiiends, (hat. in I lie School under their care. fat I.ewi'liurn) the fnlloaini; a:e the Classes. !Sub ject. of sSiuijy ami Eercn-e for the current year. Di'partim'iitH and SI utiles. PRIMA .V DEPA R TMEXT. etix Classes Eierciscd in SpelliiHf, lieading. Definition, English Grammar, Arithmetic Geog raphv, History L' S. A., Penmanship, and Com putation. EXGL1SH DEI' AH TMEXT nf the Academy. The same studies as in the Primary Department C"iiiiuued in the use of target text bouks; and to these are added General llltoiy. Davits' Algebra, Legendre aud Surveying. CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT of the Academy Jun. Academic Clan. Enalish Language, Geography, History U.S.A. Latin Grammar J l!iier. (ireck Grammar and Reader com- uieiie.ed, Aiillinelic enmpicted. 4Tf it. Are.dcmie Clots. Lnelish Language, General History, t-ajsjr, Virgil, Greek Ktadur, Davies' Algebra. COLLEGIA TE DEPA R TMEXT. Fretltmun Clots. Livy.Anatia.sii.Mcmorahilia, Davies' Legendre, Trigonometry commenced. Hiiphuiuure Chits. Ilniace, Odyssey, Selert Oialions of Deinosthenrs. Legcmlre compleird. Daies' Surveying and Navigation, Analytical Geometry, Blair a Lecturea. Junior Clit'. Demosihenes on tne urown. Creek 'l'rs;Jv Jivw Ollie.ap, I cilu, - ural Philosophy, Astronomy, Logic. Students in the English Department recite with those pursuing the same studies in the Regular Course. No class in the Regular course, has less than three d.iily recitations. All the members pf tbe school, (in three divisions,) are exercised every Saturday in Reading, Declamation, English Coin posilion, and Vocal Music. All the students are required lo attend, regu larly, some religious meeting. Minora are expec ted "o atiend sueh meetings as are recommended to Ihem by their parents or guardians. There are in the Borough no lese lhan fix places of public worship, occupied every Lord's Day by as many different Christian agnominations. Number of Students. The number of students during the past year in Ihe various departments, was 164, The number that have entered ihe classes in the Reg ular Course for Ihe current year (exclusive of those in the English and Primary departments.) ia as follows : Collxux Junior class - 8 Sophomore rl .ss 13 Freshman class - It Acini T. Senior claso - 12 Junior clas - 28. -Tl TEACHERS. STEPHEN W. TAYLOR. A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy ; GEOKGE R. BLISS, A. M., Professor of Greek Language and Literature ; GEORGE W. ANDERSON, A.M., Professor of Laiin Language and Literature; ISAAC N. LOO.M1S, A. M., Principal of the Academy ; ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M-, Teacher in the Academy. In order lo meet the demands of the Institu tion, tbe Board have taken nnasuree to supply the necessary Apparatus for the department of Mectianicil Philosophy, and lo increase the Li brary, before the commencement of Ibe winter session. During the year, the building now in progress will he completed, affording study rooms and dormitories for 70 college students. Another 1'iotessor has been added lo the Faculty, and means provided to enable slu.lenls in tbe classes -perilled above lo prosecute their studies wiih the greatest success. Tuition and Hoard. TUITION in tbe Clleciale Department 30, Aradeaiic 20, Primary $13 per year. BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel and light, can I bad in the village and its vicinity at various price, from $1,37 to $2,01) per week. Sessions, Vacation, &c. Two Sessions in a year the former coalmen res on the second Tuerday in October, and con tinues 27 weeks; the latter continues 15 week". Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6. Next session begins 11th October. Tha Board are happy to add that Lewishiirg is at present, as it ever has been, exceedingly healthy. Hy order and in behaKof the Board : ' THOMAS WATTSON, Pres't. GEORGE F .'MILLER. Sce'y. Lcw.aliaig. I'niin Ce. Fs. St. 1, 1849. A. L. HATFIELD JT AS removed his Watch and Jewelry JLL establishment lo hit house, opposite Hayes' Storaa The New Foundry IS now carried on as usual, at the upper end of Market street, where every des cription ol'CASTINGS kept oa hand or made to order such aa The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves, for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES, alsopiJUnSofdiirer- -nt kinds Com i'louhs, Uall Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpenlns Plough, a new article, and which can not be beat in Penns) Ivania. Call and see und judge for yourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDIN. Lewisburo, Sept. 22, 184 P U It K F 11 E S II COD JLivet dPiio ''PHIS new and valuable Medieine, now X uscfl hy the medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure ol I'ttlmimny Consumption. Scrtifula Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, general Debility, I'tiniphtiiiln if the Kidneys, etc. &Lfi; it pr-nred from the liver of the ('OD-t'ISIl for medicinal use, expressly lor our sales. Extract from the London Medical Journal. i;.J B Williams. M. D . F.R.S., Professor of Medicine in University College, London, consul ting physi: ian to the Hospital for Cnnsump ion, &c , say a ; " I have prescribed the Oil in above tour hundred cases ot lu! rculoua disease of Ihe i.uiiL'n in different stages.which have been under my care the last two years aud a bait". In the large uunibei of c-es 206 out ot 234. it use was lulliiwed by niatked, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in dilli-tent cases, from tem porary retardation of llie progress of the iliiea-e ind a mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to a more or Iras complete restoration to apparent hcalih. "The effect of the Cod Liver Ceil in mot of lliese cases was very reinarkatile. Even 'it few days the coui:h was mitigated, ihe expee oration diminished in quantity a d opacity, the nuht sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh aud slienglh were graduidly improved. " In conclusion I repeat that the pure fresh Oil from the Liver nf the Cod is more berieti il in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption lhan any agent, medicinal dietetic or regimenal, that has yet been employed " As we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver O.l fiesh from head quarters, it cun now be hnd chemically pore, hy the sinole bottle or iu boxes of one d'Z"n each. Its wonderful efficacy has induced num erous spurious imitatiui'S. As its success depends entirely on its purity, lao much :nre can not be used in prtrtiring it cfsc-inic- li'ery botile haviro on it nur written .'nature, mav he depended on s genuine. I'iiinplileti contnininn nn analysis of the wiih notices ol" it frmn the Mi)icnl lourniils, will he sent to lhoe whj adJress us free of postnee. JOHN C. BAKER $ CO, Wholesale llruajrists mid t'heini-ta. !y28 IliO North Third St. Philadelphia I AHE suhscrilx-r wonlJ infirm the Gen tlemen of Lewishuro mid vicinity lh:it he has now re-opened n new and eh'gnnl shop, next door to the Post Office, when he will earrvon the business of CUTTINfi AND MA K IXC! oarments as usual. Work msde hv him warranted to fit. Produce received in payment nl market prices. JOHN II. MILLER. Lewisbtirjr, April '7, Get the Best ! ALL young persons should have s Standard Dictionary at their elhows. And while you are about il, get ihe be-t: that Dictionary is oh Wesstlu's. the great work, unabridged. If you are too poor, save the amount from off your bark, to put it into your head. PhrcnoliigJour. Dr.Wehstci's gieat work is the best Dictionary of the English language. London Slorn.Chron. Containing three timea tbe amount of mailer ol any other English Dictionary compiled in this cotinoy, or any abridgment of this work. Published by G At C Merriam.SpringfieldIass. and for sale at the Cheap Bookstore of May 31) F Li'ND ALL, Lewisburg COAL OF ALL KINDS FOR sale by REDES & IDDLVQS. Iwisbntv, JntifSj 1849 Worm Specific M'Lanc's Vermifuge! TllHIS invaluable remedy for Worms is J rapidly supplanting all others,in public estimation. Where it is used it has produced the best elfccts, and driven out all other remedies. It is the best they have ever seen." is the remark of all who have ever used it in their families. Tyre Springs, Sumner Co. Ten. Feb 19,'48 J. Kidd 4 Co. I received a lot of M'l.ane'a Vermifuge from your agent last spring, which 1 sold out in one week, and 1 think I could have sold-1000 bottles by this time if I could have got it, nut not knowing where lo get it I had lo wail until your agent came around. Every one who has tried M'l.ane'a Vermifuge, tell me it is the lies! they have eves seen. Iu fact it ia impossible for any one to say too much in favor of this Ver mifuge. W. D. ROBB. Dr.M'Lane dear Sir: I have sold out all your Liver Pills, and want another lot immediately. I could have sold s much larger quantity if I had them. Tbe inhabitants are sending to Rocheau i for Ihem. Please send me another supply iinme diately. F. SHORT, Oruggiat. Hemlock Lake, Liv. Co N. Y. March 8, '47. Varyshurg, Wyo. Co N.Y. Dee. 10. '47. J. Kidd & Co. Your traveling agent left with me lait summer a quantity of Dr. M'Lane'a Pills and Worm Specific, to sell on commission. . The Worm Specific is all sn'd, snd I should be glad lo procure more, as it sells very readily, and has a very salulaiy effect in expelling worms. - If yon can iorward me some, or send mo an order lo call on your agent in Buffalo (l8. Reynolds.) I think it will mert with a rapid rain. W. H. AINSWOKTH. AGENTS -O W Sea sent, Lawisborg; n J Chafer snd J II Rsser, Milton ; I Gerhsrt. 8e- linsgrove; J W Frilrng, Hunburv ; Mia M'Cav. I Northumberland ; M C Giier, i Moie, Danville equitable life ixsi'ranceJ" An ounce of Prevention worth AMMMily mmO Trait Conapaiai. I .,4 r n.,,. Office, 74, Walnut Street, Philadelphia f Can Tat, S250.U00 Charter Perpetual rH Coaapany are now prepared to transact 1 business upon tna most liberal sod advanta geous terms. They are authorized by their ahsrter (see. 3) " to make all and every insurance apper. laming to life risks of whatever kind or natuie, and to receive and execuie trusts, make endowments, and to gram and purchase annuities." The Coui pany sell annuities and endowments, and act a trustees for minors sod heirs. Table of Premium required for the Auuranu Age. I'reni. 16 91 50 Age. Prem. Age. Hrem. 31 $2 09 46 $3 36 32 3 15 47 3 49 33 3 20 46 3 63 34 2 27 49 3 77 85 2 33 50 3 94 36 2 40 51 4 13 37 2 47 53 4 32 38 2 54 53 4 51 39 2 63 54 4 71 40 2 70 55 4 91 41 2 81 66 5 12 42 2 92 57 5 33 43 3 01 58 3 54 44 3 13 59 6 78 45 3 23 60 6 03 17 IS 19 SO 21 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 10 1 33 1 56 I 59 1 60 1 63 1 66 I 69 1 72 1 76 I 89 1 69 1 94 1 99 2 04 The premiums sre lese than any other company and tbe policies afford greater advsntsgee. Mar ried women and female children eaa insure lha lives of either a hoal.and or parent free from lha claims ot creditors. - Tables of half yearly and quarterly premiums, half credit rales of premium, short terms, joint lives, survivorships, endow ments snd forms of application are ts be bad at the Office or of tha Agent. Rules for insuring $100 on a tingle Life. Age. For I year. For 7 years. For Life. 20 $0 81 91 160 30 - 0 99 I 30 2 04 40 1 29 . 1 64 2 70 50 1 86 2 07 3 94 59 3 48 3 97 6 03 Example : A parson aged 30 yeara next birth day by paying the Company 99 cla would secuie to bis family or hena f 100 should he die in one year, or for 9 9U be secures to ihem f 1 000, or for 13 00 annually for sevea years he secures to them f 1000 should be die in seven yeara, or for 20 40 paid v early during life he secure $ 1 000 to be paid when be dies the insurer securing his own bonus by the difference in amount of premium from (hose charges' hv other offices. For 49 50 the heirs would receive $5000 should he die in one year. PETER CULLEN. Presidsnl. F.W. RAWLE. Scc'y and T.eee. For further particulars apply lo HENRY C. IIICKOK. Agent fir Union and adjoining counties. Consulting Physician V"st. Harts, M. V. Lewisburg, L'nion Co. Pa. July 21, I 4 9 TULE E0NE7! WATCHES AND CLOCKS Carefully Rtpaired.at the shortest Xolict. 'I citizens of Lewisburg and the public m general thm he carries on the Watch Makinrr Business in Ihe shop formerly oc cupied by CJ. I louse!, where he is prepared o execute all kinds of work in his line ol business with promptness and on the most reasonable tenon, nnd by strict attention to hi business expects a liberal share ot patronage. He bus constantly on hand an assortment of WATCHES rVcnt Leer, English, and French. JEWELRY Gold Watch chains anrH Guards, Pencils Pens. Ilieatrin.,fj.rr;nii. Fingerrinoa, Silver Spectacles, Lockets. Spoons, Thimbles, eVe. Which he is determined lo sell low CALL jJ.VD TRY. A. L. HATFIELD. Lewisburg, Nov. 13, 1647 LEViSBURG FOUtiDnY fJMIE subscribers, thankful for past patro J nage.wnuld inform the public that they continue to manufacture all kinds of MILL GE.1RIAV. Cast Water W heels of ,h' mott ri"""i pa tier n. Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse Ploughs. We invite particular attention to a new article Wiard'i Patent GAM PLOUGHS, lor settling IB brain, rarmers by this plough can seed in as much grain, in one day, as n three days with common ploughs. e.istwsfl anD guttling, and Fitting the same. HOLLOW WARE. Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Siands cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves. COOKING STOVES, the most appro ed patterns now in use, for wood or coal. Fancy,Parlor,Vood,Coal Stoves, AIR TIGHTS TO FES, Race's Self-regulating Alr-tlgbt Parlor W ood Stoves, (a new article.) - Threshing Machines and other articles of machinery repaired ia the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be of the beat material, and al prices that can not fail lo f lease. GEUDES dr MARSH. JLewisburg, March 25,1848 flyUO riaiitts! Piunos. undersigned eoDtiaoes to furnish lo order . on the most, reasonable terms. Pianos, Irons Ihe manufactory of Conrad Meyer, PhiIadwhoee instruments are too welt known lo need any pan egyric, having uniformly received lha commend. ationa of lha most eminent professors and compo sers of Mask, and tbe award of Ibe premiums in New York Philadelphia and Bsiea. For qualities of lone, touch, and keeping in lone op to concert pitch, tbey eaa Dot be surpassed by either Amer ican or Eoropesn Pianos. Instructions given on ihe Piano, as heretofore. Reference may be made lo any of those Daren's or guardians who have pupils committed 0 his charge. He may be seen ai hie residence at Mrs Main s. Market at reel. I.eaLhar. where in and paniealsrs will be made known. The rssoet popular and favorite Aire and Mnaie of different kinds received aa it ia iaaard fnaa the different musical eatablishreenka ia the Cat tee. l V " QflAlLBS EALaaafivf nrTM in that awful disease. COUSUMPTIOH ! DR. FITCH'S, Lectures on the Preven tion aud Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale ia Lewisburg by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and at this oflice. Price, 75 cents. TRICKS Of Ul ACKS. lav Evsavaoor R Mis Aaireu.v. Ttwra w a Sanaparilla lor sale iu llw dilterenl towns callsd S IJ. Twosi!'s Sersapanlla. h M aJvrnissd as tli ORK WAL,Ur;f,;l','r:.ai4 all tnal. This Towosolid is no nxxw and isersr was ; but was lormery s vnifWwi an ranrosir:. cs asls,and the liks vet nc assumes tne uue 91 in mo Cmoow nf riiniur'rrsdi! for what hs Want, Us sera he allendrrl 10 msnical stnouu. Slid prsr.ice4 t irtssa wars I t" Nuw tta truth is. 1k asirsr prscricit rtsnlicuis a bay ie his list ! Such tmi'ful. mnicmtnt rilrv.rssiilAiKie ouk bad to the character and voracity oi a)w qkiq. I mum msst snicsrvlT, he had never man ihovr sweuieow sf has sell or ot nie. lien will men learu to ne re -Mm aiao rrvsa l"ul id all ihrir itraliiigs awt intercourse with their fcilse aieat lie appiMM w ana nncinijw - r alactarina his mixture, statuw ihe laree sums he iMa aiake, as an intaesoi 10 eintsuk Hi the buMuesa. Jj1 men hare been nisuiiinl and libelling Bis w all pnssibss tarmn. in order w impress lha pabue srnh lh bene thaa Ihe Old Dof tut'. Sarespanlia was Dot ihs fmwsr, " Sartnvnrilla, mvm Iroia tlss ttot IMxue'o Itrttmrn fnm. as This 3. P. Townsetid says I Wave sold the ass ol aw nam for 7 a week I will siv. him S3UI i' ha will ( dues one sine Ie solitarv pnntl at una. Hs suusmruis W Thompson. Siitlnian CO- ar ao,hin but a nssue iaT raisrlHssis. simply nude to deceive Ihs public, and keep the truth down In retard to his tourinr, ftrmtrnlmf f amend. Tht" is to nation the pnbiw to purchase nun nia Old IH-. JACOB TowissJiklV Ssrsainlla. havhoj aa K it Old Doctor's Ukeneas, Ills ami Coal of aVsvs, sxl bj asfnatureaernsv theOt of Arms. orges, UI Z?3LSD Old Dr. Jacob Townsend, tits- nnlRlxal. niHTOVrRBa Of THE Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. 'e. ant nsi limit lis manufacture, hy which mrans it has been kept em 01 prk-t. and the sws eirrsmsciliil la lh'e aoiv who had pn.eJ its worth, and n..n lis vslne. It bao nsthel Ue eats of inanv. e.nhs.evs. si th persons haj letn hole,! snoi lUvseses, and aaved lroaa osaiii, pta alustd Its wonilrrrii! HEALING WWEIL ThM CRANUAMLN V.M A1.LF.U PK E P A R A Tif N aBsMUlafXiuraadoa thtr larcnn -!. awl tn ctted ir TitruL.-fr vut tli lrihtk -tiki birlth ol tbe land. j.-c-tii uuw fouixl iirapB.rle ot Hrwvrntuoa or deter i". turn. Unlike viuir S P TftWeWwl1-, it -mpro irti mi nmr chMriru hut fnriw wnmr ; bratsi n ! p-opoiri M anemtiiir prrnrip' b m ri"miilU msm. Tht huriiet knuWlHsr ol (1tnui.aiiT.an4 iWe um siiavorert? ot ih rl, have ail brti bmiiihi nwo rrquitKIn in ih maualttv lui t the Old Ut' Surtt'ttariila. Tn rK.janMa n, it m well kiiuwn to aictliral mco. cwuw rtamiiv iotmci.M nrmie. and vtn yt njertmo hitwj ina-fkM, twl others, whrrb it rv:nl in rt:(ariie it tor -, fH dure fermerfUis' ttm atvl aeuly wUicb tnjunoua t ihm or' Irm. Swioctx the (.rvjcnir 4 SWp-aarii'a mro aa a, lhat the rainr rva-rt ana) arr s. 1M prVaMriiin. il thejv tirv imM prfrw by a oceut wrvcwM, aRrtjaa ua 1 hi'thosw x(.aiirt-.rH m mannViw. Mwvreejc, the ooaottie yratciptts, which tty ti in rp.r. or am a halation, ttirtirr hr:. are ilt vrr Mutd medstoi jo ar'M ol tha rrvm. whiHi tpwm tt it ail lf vattia Any Pffwu ran 1h or th rot ul) tf or tjn a da colored tiijuttl. which im ittzr frtni in e-'lmif- m..rf tn tha pwt than imin amt e m; litev ran tlv-a -train uaa m-vltud r vai'td 1 1 ' l. -w-fr wiih awitr nMla-m. thencall it -SARSAPARILLA EXTRACT Si'RLP" BmI mirh H nH tlir ar;:-r known an tha GENlHAKOLDlJit JACOK IOWNSEXD'8 SAK.SAI'ARILLA. This is preparvl lhat ail the os-n pronsrriea of the SamimntU root are 6 ret removed, every ihlii rsan;e bceuiniior acul or a-rmcnratni is oxitar-.eA and n-jrrteo ; then everv parirla 01 locdirl viiloe w errd w a piss and ctmrentratml rm : snd thus K is mslered inczynhta ol H"lu anv 01 iu vslual'lo and beolmx pn'ru-e. P. psred ut thiv wav. it tn om,V ilie miis p.i:riul aen ai iha Cure at Innumerable Ileaes. Ilerre ihe nasui vlitn ncur r-nMnes'Uitkia" ") every st,te in its favor by mmi. wwuea, aiJ cuudttau We nud nut w-Vs io il cur- VOMfLMST.nn in KfBrMtTW. !Sif?? VLA f .;. fttS riVF.SKSS. all CVT&SJh end all snWtlolis arifiluT fr,m IMPUKITY OF THE BLOOD. h ptsemjiavi a marvcilous rT.rarv m ail complainU m mn- iron. Indigrttion. fpm Acidify f Att aSlomarh. fni tiAtrinal etrcuiaiioM. tknniaiu-a of blJ to the- htuaL (salpvtuthiuol ihr hr art. cuid !aat and h-iivla. coid CrU' airS i.K i.ew nrer tha aoty. t haa ivh itmtsJ Mi Cottls atJ Cough t ; aivi ppMnnti-a aa5 rrurAi.un avd afn.'.W pas 9y raiKHu rclaVaitaX atrKturra oi the 111119a, thruai atafl avacf ttiar (aavri. Hut in nofhiit? in itaamllenr mar nmmfcatly mtmm mai ckiww.fjtietrd than hi mil kind anal ina oi FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It mrki worvtvjra in eaaaa of K.stor AUms or Haon Fuihmx of the HuwA, tV:mcrr.. Supjrrrsmt, o Pairyui Men&Mh-rwi!rttVni 4h (n h. ma 'h Mlll anal m eifcctual m rrionB ail ihe lorm ot Kidney Otoettoo. Hv remoTiiiei oti tKitfm. anf recirUiin? ibe rt"n( avstetn. 11 aiTrt tone and uengU ta tha who to ausJ thua curr all lorma ot !hrvan llanaa and Or hi lit jr. ami thu piaveiiw or tirre a gnoi variety .1 rfltrr oio a lirsx at Spinal irritutwn, Srura'i .Vr. Vut dU-a, rotmlfaper, Epileptic Fits. Coutmowms, fc. h cleaunr the blotal. nnut the tler to health T aru a tones tlie rtttmach, and irt'e Rootl diersti n. Mrlrre- "ia bowel of mrpor and ronnut pata. allays inrlammatioii. pa nfiea tlie vkiti. rviiiiilites tha orruUtion ol the btwul, r ictne K-rla warnuh at) naif j all over tha body, awl M eVMneil'le peraplraiinn : rr'axc-) mncrair and u?Hueea. to moves ail obstrurttoni, and inigora4ca the atiura nervt9 Vrvtem. I tvt ihia then Tmw Medic iae yarn premlntly need But can anv of these ihiiiir be eaid oi S P T-'wrwft .tenor amcle 1 Thn vnui.e man' liquid r tvh to ie COMPARED WITH THE OLD Dtt'S. hoevmmaf one ORANP FAtT. lhat Uia one w IN CATV BLs ol PCTRIOR ATHiN, ami NEVER JSPOILS. trhila the ather 1MKS - muring, fermentinr. amt WatrtSf the bottles containing it into traarmeiiii : the nir. ai3 liquid exploilitia:.anil damaeitic other F-ml! Utrt orrthle Cimpiaivl ha fi'tiiei 10 tVte ssvejfem ? Whtt ? puiaeid intomouotom otready dtooaoed trith acid t What eauara Drawsr-sia but arirf ? laitemx aM know tlt what food raoure m oar omarh, what ttiirbi-f M rrroducpv aamleDO. hearibarn. pitiniT of the heart, liver com Claint. diirrbora, dvrnierv, ewlic. and enrrnpfinn id i !ond 1 What ta Scmfnla but an aetd humor in ilie bi 1 What produr-ea all fhe humorii whirh bmr on Kruffi a the Skin, Scald Head, Salt Rheam. Ervanelaa. V)t.ta Swelliftga, Fever Strea, and all ulceraiMna internal intf tenia I Y It in nmhtnc oivirr heaven but an aril uvmitx. which aoitm. and thus oila all the fluids of the borlv.mura OT levsi. What caues Rliruinarim but a annr an I tk1 f uid whirh irtsinuatea iilf between the inint niA e!a rhere. irniaiin; and inflamine; ihe delir-ve tntmrs vpoa which it acts? So ot nervous Uiawaj-rs. ot imp.rri c! tna blood, of deranged rirrnlaiiofi, and nearlv all the ai'rwuta which altttet bnman namra. Now ia il ntH bornbtc u make and sail, and in Am 9 woror ta use iIm hlrin fkhmenttm:. Ann oomtocndm or S. P. TOVNSENf. and vet he wonld fain hxrr n amh-rwoi-)! that OM Dr Ja sub T mn-emP liuin Oi iyal StrrturUaUx, is aa IM ITATION oi hi inaarif-r pncari-ii ! Heaven forbid ihett wo ehoiihl da1 in an artir'e which Would bear il- nioet distant rescmbUiica lo S. P. Town seixl's wtirle! Wr sri-h 11 nnden-too.1. herairw H is the nAeVtart lrwK that S. P Tuwnsende arlirlr an) o1! Iv. JarnbTwnwi BarsanaritU strc heaven trv ujtrrt. mnH mtfmJ 4tsto itar; thit ihv are Dnlik in every particular, havinf - te si 1 1 in mine in CfMnrmn. As S. P. Tt'snrvnil is nn tlortor. and nv-r tw ehrmitf. no pharmsremia kiKws no more of me-lir'e o Jiseaar t (.mi an other common, onseicntitir. unr'nrc.ei man, what giuiraHt-? can the pnirie. here thru ihv are re aeivin a KtnitnecientiAc mediriiie.rmaisiin a't ih vie tues of the aitirles 3-ti in pri-arin- it. ami whirt 4 re 1 eapuhTe of rhn3tswhh-h mihi rcinlvr them tha A;LM mf ll--ae inrad health 1 Bin what elee Rhunld he evnacted from one wiw nnthin comnarativelv of mrdie.iie or disraae r h ren" m perwuno aonia eienrnre to ck and srne ut'e-rfi romnn tlerent meetl. -Mow mtK'h more imrxrti' WEAK SrroMACHS A! LNFK.FUl.ri SVVrKV shosilal know well tha mrdtval rmt-ertrs f tlan:. tbe anantier ol aeruritw airt-irentr.i!in; ihetr li-'n "r? ha an extensive knowlrvtce of the varhir dieae ,r a (lee. the bnman ayatetn, and how 10 adaf mo-'" h ia to arrest rravdi wssB)ssWrtnnate. to P001! into sroonded htimanitT. tn hmiVlliripe in the dr-T4,r'" tawim. to restore hsaiih, -a4i Vorrt. and crushH and beokn. and tab ihh innnniie rht 'l !' 1 JACOB TOWNSEND tMJtrGllT and FOl l port units and nrna ta hnn hia hhnic hia , al C MeMtvs.fed nawsir (.the kitowiraW ol all who asei n i know, bv jovlul esperKnea, mad CbI vernal within lha reorh. aaai Ja ( lasU thev mav tram and know, bv iovlul c AnrKTJi fur the ahr.v Mrdirine C " ton ; Fomyik & PrieMly, KonhmttW'-1' GENTLEMEN'S Fancy Goods, Vest ing. Cloths, CaasiateiatpaaW aSuaf mer Guvds in cmtersJ, at a iji'uuu vi vuiV