KKWISBURG -'CflUOXiCLK AXI) WKST BRANCH I'AliMKIt Bank of ')driti.lie T'e 5ih anJ last in stalment of 910 on each sliciv, is required Ia tw rVd cn the 29ih insl. . , ADlflFT. . fpAKE N"0TICE lhat Dirii S. Vbti and I Joaxrn W. Horrxi did oh Saturday the 12th day of Jsntiarv, IS.'iO. tak. up about thirty eight round WHITE OAK LOGS. The owner will please cone fotwarJ, prove properly, and pay charges, otherwise they will bo disposed uf according t Is. ROBERT C.YXUOR.J. P. White Dear, Jaa. 17. 1959 ITOR BALE bT the snbserihsr , ' lot uf Frame Stuff, sawed or hewed. Joist and Studding, and 500 Posts of a gaud qualilv. '' ' " ' 8AM L AMMON. Lewisburg. Jaa. SI, 1850 THOHPSON'S .SUSfillHilANXA EXPRESS! FOR SALS. . rilHE subscriber has a HATHAWAY Cook I ine Stove, wbich he will aril reaonbl also a few articles of Mahogany FI'KNITU.JE and CARPETS, which will Iw sold low. En quire at the Drugstore of l)r Thorn-nn & Baker 1 HO 8 A. H. THORN TON. BETWEEN Philadelphia, Sunhury, Northumberland, il lu Couri-Hous. in New Berlin. Danville, Milton, Muncy, Willmmspnrl, L"visbiire,Mifflinhurg. New Berlin, and Selinsgrove. To my Creditor! rpiAKE NOVICE that 1 have applied to the J Judge ut the Court of Comoi u Pie I'nioQ county for the benefit of the Insolvent Lawe of thia Commonwealth, and that the have appoioted Monday toe 18th day of February Beit at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of lhat day. I for lha purpose of bearing me and my creditora at me vouri-nouse in ivew Berlin. I boae interested will please to attend1. DATID WEIGEL. Kelly Tp. Jaa. 22, 1850 Lcares the City every Thursday Morning. Office ii Philadelphia: For Pari ages and Light Good At Livingston A Co. 'a Express, Depot 43 South Tnird St ; And fur Heavy Articles At Beichel & Co.', Depot corner nf Broad & Cherry. Orders attended to if left at Lcwisbur'? with Mr Kline, Mr Weideruaul, or Mr Lyndall. January 1st, 1990 LUMBER! rPHE subscriber still continues to keep a L large a'.ock of Lumber in bis Yard fur snip, comprising the following, viz. 100 0K) feet good dry Pina rommoo and Pan 45,000 tart Joist and Scantling, nel Boards, Auditor's Notice. TOTICE ia hereby given that the or.der signed Auditor appointed by the Orphans' iouri oi union county to apportion the assets in the handa of John Gundy, Esq., Administrator ol the balate ol 1 aosas M r all. late of Union tawnshlp, in ssid county, deceased, among the creditors of said deceased, will sit for thai purpose at lha bouse of Joseph Mitotan in said township (ot Union on Tcssoai the 2 J ill day of January inn. ai iu u hock .1 ai JOHN SCH RACK, Acditor. Jan. 5. 1850. ILast Notice. NOTICE is hrreby given, to nl! persons knowing themselves indebted to the Estate of Dr. Wm. H. Lndwig, 10.00(1 feet good.dry Poplar and Linn Boards, j lata of Lewisburg, deceased, either by 30 000 Joint and Lap Shingles, 33.000 sawed Ceiling l.ath. Pine Rails and Square Timber, Maple and Poplar Scantling, Weatherboards and Pina Paling, 8-tlt, Kails, and Stone Coal, Oakum. Tar and Pitch j. II of which he will sell at faie prices. THOM AS NB3BIT. Lewisburg, Jan. 2J, 1950 3 r. Note, Duebill, or Bjk Account, that if not settled and paid before the) 23,1 of Februarv next, the said accounts &c. will he placed into the hands of proper officers for collection. It ia hoped lhat this notice will be attended to, and cost saved. JOHN SCHRACK, Acting Administrator of said dec'J. Jan. 18, hall. SMALL PROFITS AND CASH SALES. cUdDMIES9 Hare Light! . t llHE subscribers have receive J a lit nf Cm J delahras of vjrious pattens also Pine M and Fluid Lamps of lilTe'ent all of which they oUer at Philadrlphij price. Dr. THORN TON &. UIKER. t-5 -o 5 5 c a 3 SI o h i a - -o c e oiU-3 "a 5 S ! ; 5 . 3 f5 a s-3 li i 3 3 - 3 s 3 5-' S ? " 5 3 0 0B C w - 3 nc? b a., a 4 s a 5 a c a- t a. 2 o b C 4 te o O o o B) o -'5 IK CD O s H5 S. . fa. S3 S3 13 3 5 3 jr. P o 3" HENRY C. HICKOK, A TTOltXEY A T LA 11', Lewisburg, Union County, Penn'a, Practices in Union and adjoining countiea al attemla Ibe courts of Perry county. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by Ik li. Christ, Esq. FJHJHmn9JPm. P Brand reth's Pills are sold at 25 cts per hoi (with full direction) BY J. HAYES & CO . Lewtsburji. and by onlv one Agent in everv town in he Union. Each A"cnt has a Certificate of Agency. Examine the lox o' pil's alwtivs nd compare it with the fac simile labels on the Certificate of Agency. 'A there is a counter It-it of the new label out. ibis ia f much importance. as there is a decided difference between the ppearance of the true latwls and those of tlie counterfeit. The counterfeit is done on atone the genuine are done on i-teel. The appearance ?T the printing on the counterfeit is ragge I and blurry ; ths genuine label is the aery pink of neatness, both in printing, paper, and general eieeation. Be very careful and go In the Aent.wben you want Brandrrtb's Pills : then you are sure of the genuine article- When you purchase otlirrwiae, inquire of the seller whether he knows the pilN be offers you are the genuine Brandreth a: E cry man knows whether the article be offers true or false. Beware of cheats ! CSUENTAL CA1U). vaI35, Dr. Joim Locke, SUKGEOX DENTiSr, rr-pecifully informs his friends and the pul-lic in R. neral, ill it he has concluded to make Lewi.irurg Lis erriia lent place nf re iJento. Dr. L. haa tnken roninK on Market S.juire, fira: d.tor below the Printitrg Otfire, which he hi littnl up to ojierate in. Ke-'ideu-ie at Kline's lintel. The third week eek in cery montli, he may be found at Kck Vri's Hotel, in M1I1011. Dr. I,, eke is a reeubr graduate of tlio Balti more Cdlrite of Units! Surgery, besides which lujliticlion he ha had the aijvanlase nl five years' etperien -e in the pr icti e f liU profcaion 111 Prnnaylania. Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, and 'he city ol U.rliinioie, V.i. Dr. L. takes all the J itirnala nf the dy which contain new and usrtul inlormaiittn in the line of his prot'iiiHi ; and from his arrangements with the best manufacturers of teeth, gdd foil. See. will alwas kern on band for the accommo dation of his customers the very best quality of aH the materials ued in his business. Persons wirhiug Denial operations performed, will find it to their advantage to give him a call, is he is determined not lo be surpassed in the beautv and durability of his operations by any one. fTaaeaw Persons for ah.im J K.H01 sf.l inetted llrwaf Teeth and alio niav nerd renairine done, are informed thai I have the m lel nf their mouths as prepared hy Mr.llonsel. anil con scquently can do their repairing at a loser rate than it can be done lor e!e lirre, as it saves the trouble ill many cases of Braking a new model. JOHN LOCKE. Lewisburg. Oct. 17, 18 1 9. Dentistry. WEI. C. STEWA2T, L' rPIIE citiwns of Miltnn, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Selin3grove, New Berlin, Cen- trevtlle. and of the surrounding country, are respectfully informed that the subscri ber has taken the old stand of Mackey 4' " on Broad way, near the the Canal, v, li re ha has. opened a very extensive assortment of J9eie irnd (Cheap Goods. '!hi dork of Good having been bought in Philadelphia, directly from the Importers and M vttilacturars f.r CASH, will be sold at a verysmall advance on cost, and are oeiiively twr than to be bad elsewhere id ttm section or the country, by at least twen iv ir cent. A savin! of aucb a per ct-ntaye even on a small purchase amounts to i n, Mi"! to make it a mnfter of consideration. The ktork constats of vervthing stihrd to the wants of the peoIe, and many tinds nrfine (v.ioiis ant kenl at tliiss'ore, no' lo be Hrund elsewhere on hand a large stock rf uond Calicoet f-ir Cj ct, fully as good as is so'd elsewhere at 8 and 10 cts, a aplen did assortment of the It rat quality of Col co ut 10 cts, as good as i sold at other Stores fir 111 eents. Superior ILons thawl. in eniilcs vanetv ; Bed Ticking nt 8, 10. 124. 15, 8j and 85 cents. These Tickings tire offered at least tweiity-hve rw.r rent, unoer the prices of other Mores. CASHMERES, DE LA1NES, GING- 11 A MS, ALPACAS, &c. At greatly reduced prices. DLEACIICO K r.nLE4CIICO SU SLIoSS at Gl cts and upward. Very chein New (Jjod received at this extensive estahlih tiient every week. The newest stle of (Joods always on hand, and everything will be sold for ('ASH at a very small profit. Remember lhat this flock is all new, and has been selected with great care and long experience. Cloths, Cassimcres. Sattinetls and Vestings. A laree and magnificent assortment on hand. It is well known that on these articles tore-ket pera invariably make large profits, as persons purchasing are not ofien judges of these articles. I will not sell Broad Cloths at anv greater profit than hp muslins or ftp Calico, and this will reduce the price of CLOTHS, CASS1MERES. SATTISETTS AND VESTINGS. to near one half. For instance, I will sell Cloth at $2 iti as good as can be bought elsewhere at $t 00 ; and so n proportion for lower and higher gradna of goods. Ai this Store, Cash C'istox ts respectfully solicited, and goods will positively be sold at prices defying all competition. Before buying else here, be sure lo call and see the maoriiflertit stsaolc of new goods at this S.ore, and hear the low prices, and you will be convinced of the foregoiflg facta. C. ...JUNKS' fc nrto tJjratJ eaat) Store, Milton, Jan 18, 150. - Broadway. (Kenesee Air-tight Improved (Doolbmg Stove. 9 "v a -1' .1 o 3- s - S 2 Z a - s5 ',la8S ' . "5, "3 ejawa.- 33- . f 2" 3 g 3 8.35-.- S C3 3:w-is- 2 9 O o to 2 o 5 C ve ; "J " 3 C 5' 2 5 " f f 2 'ti ft" Cc 5 93 7 -- 2 03 r C"- c a. 5 1 s.2, t a a - 'm. - icw goods! newgootts! Catcst Clrriual And vet Cheaper than anv other Goods in the Market ! 'PIIE suWrilx'r is now receiving and 1 nienin;r nix WINTER STOCK f FRESH GOODS, from on bnnrd cnnal-bnals Emmti IVuhUh nnd OJd-Fellow, which he invites the citi zens generally to call an! examine, nnd realize the (net thm they can buv at smal ler profits tlmn at nny other store in I.ew isburg and particularly Brown Sheetings, -Satinelts, (,'loih-t, Sliawlt, Detains, Shoes, U xits. anil f'aps. Wheat, Re, Corn, Oi's. Buckwheat, Potatoes, nnd Cash, at market value, ree'd in payment for poods. - S. S. BARTON. Nov. 20, 1849 U850 E iUL.ian and uerman almanac ir nle hv It! Ijiwshe VNE.V BUGGEY for sale, cheap, further patticulars, emjuire at i ullice. LfwishtiriT, For this N r. 7. 1849 T IE abive Conking-Siove is a great improvement over any Store which ia now used, it having an Elevated Oven of suffiTtenl esoacitT to hold six common- fcixed tin pans, and is so constructed as to b3 heated uniform! v on ery "1 bmking bread and roasting meal, equally as well as asy BK1CK OVEN. The const ruction nf the Stove is uch that all of the ordinary proeee of cooking can Wperftirmed w ith less than lira-third of the fuel used in the Hathaway Stove. . Manufactured and f -r suleby ChrUl Jt sTiTsTtftflM, Uhtitg, Ution Co., and fof sakt by S1"1- Jn. 16, 1850 nHEatihscribers offer the public, at their J new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : Imn Witch Air-Tigbt Cooking Stoves, with a Brick Oven. Lady Washington Parlor S'ove. Cart Iron ir- Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 aires. Coal Burner for Parlors 1 aize, 12 inch cyl inder. Louis Air-Tigbt Cast Iron Parlor Stove 2 sizes. ShielJ Air-Tighl Parlor Stove for Wood 5 aizea. Egg Stove the very best in uae for Stores, Offices, Barrooms, and Sbojis. . 'The celebrated Genesee Air Tight Cook Stove The Complete Cook 2 sixes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Cas'iiie. &c. &c. CIMIST Ar M FADD1N. Iwisbunr. Dee. 12. 181. WATCHES. JEWELRY, Silverware, &c. Eyer U Thompson, WATCH-M KERS and JEWELEUS, respectfully inform the citizens of Lewisburg nnd vicinity, I hut they hove located on Market St. tx iwitn :idahd 4th, south side, where they are prepared to ex ecute all kinds of work in their line 111 the best and most workmnn'ike manner. Clocks and Watches of every description neatly rr-pnired. and warranted. The subscribers flutter themselves that they are well qualified and prepared, (both nit regards their knowledge, .skill, and experience in the business, and n!so 111 having a good assortment of the best Lcg 'ish and French mmerin's,) to pi- entire 'a'isfiiction tn n:st'meis and par'icu'arlv FIXE WATCHES, such as Duplex Es capeinents, Lepines, Anchar, Detached and Patent Levers, Repeaters, Musical Walches.&c.CHtc. will be carefully repaired and warranted to perform well. The work wiil lie executed as safely and equally as well as the same could be doue in Philadel phia City or elsewhere "a'chn, Jewelry, Silverware, nnd a variety of goods too numerous lo mention, for sale at the lowest prices. All articles warranted to be precisely what they are sold for. , N. B. The golden rule in our business is r'i and in order 10 justify our prices, this will be required. lETM'ieasp give 11s a call, as we are determined 10 please both in work and in prices. J. L. EYER. WM. THOMPSON. Iwishurg, Nov. SS 1819. ATB of Philadelphia, is now I -ie,l on M irkel street, LeirlU'g. nonosiie Mr. J Sfhreyer s store, liera be i.llenil. lo 0Mratiiw on the lecth at a r.-duriion uf lira former p.iees. Teeth and roots o: teeth removed with t!ie aid of improv.d Instriirii-nts, ar.d in an easy manner Filling leeth and selling on pivnls or plates atten ded to accoribng 10 the latest improvements in the1 profession Ulcerated, spungy, anil infl lined guma cured. 'Thankful lor past Into-a, he eolirits a continuance nf public p iironase No'' impure materials uaetl fr fillings in leeih. 12SH TiiYWlw"FSr!Ml WYKOFF & H0USEL "ITJ"OULD itiforrn the pub'ic, lhat they f f have opened a shop on I ninth street lower story of S. W. IVykoiP old iland, opposite Hunter Purdue's shop, where they keep on hind or make to order Fancy and Cnmnion Chairs, Krwton Rocking Chairs also Bureaus, Tables, Beds'eads, various kinds, tlees &e. All work in our lino warrnnted lo be web made, and on the most reasonable terms. Mouse and Si-a PAINTING attended to bv the suhserihr rs nn the 'shor test notice and in the b-si stxle. Country 1' rod ire and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not lelused, but rather preferred The subscribers intend to be strict in the fulfilment of all their promises as regards I work and so ilouig. hew tn receive liberal share nf pub'ic patronage. JOHN N. WV KOFK. JOSEPH M. HOUsEI IiPwisburg, Nov. 1849 SEASONABLE GOODS. H, P. SHELLER. A1TOULD recpfctfull v inform his old I , Iriends and the ptiMic iu guneral. mat ne is now rcct tvmg a large FAIdi SUPPLY TEA TEAS! FINE fresh CI reeii mill Klack Teas, from 42 cents a pound and upwards,impor ted by the Canton &c fVkin Tea Cnrn; any of New York, packed in pounds. halves and quarters, perfectly ail tioh, just reci'ived and for sale bv J HAYi: & CO. May 5 Sole Agenta for Lewisburg Dr. Sicayne'i Celebrated Family Mali cine. CT'RE VOLLOWS OCRS ! More Pronf of the Efiicacv of Dr. SWAYtf'E'S cinmriD ktbcf or Wild Cherry. 77ie Original and Genuine I'reparatiim ! Consumption. Cough", Colds, Atb n. UrmicUitis, Liver I'om- plsuit. spitting UI.id,'ti!iiculiy ol Breathing, pain in the Side snd Breast, palpitation of the Heart, Inlluenzj.Croup.bro ken Consiiiution.sore Throat, Nervous Debilitv.and all diseases ot Throat, Breast, and of Goods adapedici the wants, iln? nn-n and the tastes of all. Dt t2sTOOUT0 for the Ladies : GUOCE1MES for the Family; Caps, Boots, &c , for the Bos; HARDWARE, Qucenswarc Imc Nail Fi.sh Salt 6ce. (cc. &c. w hich he oilers on the lowest and most accommodating terms, on the principle ol "Small Profila and Quick. Sale a." Rra'eful for past patronage, we invite a diseriiiinatingr public to call and examine our s'nek of Merchandize, which we are confident will he saiiaiactory to all. Icwisbiiro, Oct. 15. 1S4'J Ahead of Compelitioti ! J. HAYES S CO. Take pleasure in informing the public that they hive received the largest Jjet selected cheapest and the most lashionaa.'e assrfmer,t of GOODS ever offered to this Community. The s.it irH'-lion heretolofe rendered hy this Mnnd it is presumed is a sufficient guarantee fcr their future oprations. To attempt to enumerate their stock, would he superfluous, and indetd .imossi. ble; but those wishing to purchase, are invited to cull and judoe for thernsi Ives, belore purchasina elsewhere. J. HAYES & CO. Lewihtmrg, Oct. 17, 1849 Small Profits ami Quick Sales." E, FRESH GOODS R' ECEIVKI) at Forster's Stor French M-rinoes for Ladies Cloaks. Palmetto Cloths do Lyonese do d.j Black, Mornon and Green colors ; New Style Calico and Oeliiinrs ; Also an assortment of Ladies' tium over Shoes. ();lered at reduced prices. Lewisburo, Dec. 18, 1849 s Old Dr. Jacob Townsend s 1AKSAPARILLA also S. P. Town- seod's Sarsaparilla for sale by Dr. Thornton & B.ikr r. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. "HUB subscriber offers for sale the grtod i substantial Brick Swelling, with ne cessary nut-buildings, handsomely situated on Third street in the Boro'of Lewisburg, now occupied by him. - Also Twelve Acres or LAUD situated in Kelly tnwuahip. within 3-1 of a mile of said Borough, in a good state of cultiva tion. For terms, apply 10 H. K. NOLL. Lewiaburg, Dec. 10, f49. JUST wceiaed, at Forater'a Store SO aaeka superior Liverpool Ground 85 do dairy Salt, ' ' -J which ft off-Ted cheap. BARGAIKS AT THE CHEAP STORE. Latest Arrival ! CI;captfft anDr i3ct JUS I rr-ceiveo and now oflered for the iiisjiection of the public, our complete wixrr.i: stock f M -rchandiz-; addpted to this Mirket sue) as Foreign ontl Domestic DDry (Kooils TOUi, ITS.- ill of which have been purchased at rates which enable us lo sell Goods cheapest of any in town ! Thankful for past liberal patronage from a discriminating public, we hope to merit and receive its continuance and extension. H-meniber. the Old Cheap Store is the place for bacai ! ! 13. E. BOWES. Iwi.bure. Nov. 37, 184 the mo.1 rir.-e-luat and speedy cur. kuown lor any of the strove diseases is Dr. Sxvayne's compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Reliable Testimonr. John Milton Earle, editor of ihe Wo-rester Spy, Mass , was attacked with a severe infltrna lion of the lung-, accompanied wilh a distressing count) 1 alter usintr various other remedies with little or no benefit, by the ue of one bottle ot Or Sayne Oompound f yrup of Wild Ctierry, he was restorer! to pcrtect health. Win. Montelius, a retpecuble merchant of St Clair, Schuylkill county, writes, Jan 30. 1849: "Enclosed I send you a certificate of Win. Ueau- ruont, a citizen of our town. His case of Cons umption is well known here.and of long standing; be altrinutes bis cure entirely lo your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. lie not deceived by the many spurious and worthless preparations of Wild Cherry, ushered into notice by ignorant pretenders, but see that the signature of Dr. Swane is upon each bottle, which is the only guarantee against imposition. Remember ! the genuine preparation of Wild Cherry is prepared only by Ur Swavss, N W corner of Eighth and H .ce streets, Pbilad'a Swayne's celebrated Vermifuge, "A Safe and Etfectual Keinedy for Worms. Dys pepsia, Cholera M 01 bus, aickly or dyspeptic Children or Adulls.and Ihe most uaeful Family Medicine ever oflVred lo ihe public." This remedy ia one that has proved successful for a long time, and is universally acknnw lolled b? all who have tried it to be far superiur (being so very pleasant to the ta--"tc, at the same time tlTectual) to any other medicine ever employed in diseases tor which it is recommended. It not only destroys worms, but it invigorates the whole system. It is harmless in i s elfects.and the health nf Ihe patient is always improved by iu ue, even when no worms are discovered. CCrbewarc of MhtaJtes. Remember Dr S's Vermifuge is now put up in tquare bitttlat (hav ing recently been changed) covered by a beautiful wrapper, steel engraving, with ibe portrait of Or Swayne thereon engraved. Bear Ibis in mind, and lie not deceived. PR. SWAYNE'S SUGAR COATED PARS A PA hi 1.1. A AND EXTRACT OF TAR PII.L-s 'The virtues of these pills can be appreciated oi.ly by those who have userLhem. They are adapted to assist nature in carrying off morbid matter, obstructions, impurity ol Ihe Mood. Ac. 'They are a gentle and effective purgative, correct all Ihe functions of the liver, and as an alterative 10 dropsical affections ibey are very valuable and should be in everv family. They bav. an onlsule coating of pure White Sugar .whereby every thin disagreeable 10 taste or smell is entirely removed without in tbe least alTerting Ihe excellent quali ties of the medicine. Ken.einber! they are now put up in boxes turned out of the solid wood, covered with a red label bearing lha signature ol DrSwayne: none other is genuine. The above valuable Medicines are pre pared only bv Dr. SWAVNE, N W corner of Eighth and H-ace streets, Philadelphia. Jivrnlt for Union C unty. Pa. C W Schiflle, and Thornton- Sc Daker.Lewishurg J Seebold and ..ft r 1 " Mench, Millersburg Ed Wilson. ,L.& Tavlor.MrtHinburg Mo Specbl, Reave rtown Will St Ellen, Hanieloo iicw of un C Fir $t btloic KliiiS I! tel. J LEWISBURG. riHE public is reieei'u!lv informed that L JOHN FOKSTER has received and now fifTers lor sale a very large stock of Fall & Winter goods, coinptising all kent t ucrallv ia adjiinn of manv D J Hover, Crnterville D ASchnureSelinsgr've O Sroith.Mo-ser's Valley ReubKeller.Navy Island Saml Haunt do r ounginan ex n alter. Dry Valley B St Summera.l ret burn and 17 Storekeepera general ly lyS0 ONE Boijgev and Sett of Harness, One Two Horse Wagon, One Truck Wagon, For sale bv II P ShoTer 'Turns Wheat Flour, also Rye Flour, IGLawaba s 1 PRING STEEL on hand at An 24 Reber & Id linos'. Kt C1TT never refused at the office XlO tl ofihelsawisbuiajKhronick. articles rn the liner kinds of go-ids l ot usually brought to the country. An 'xammaiion of the stock is respectfully invited Ainonr mv stock is a larje variety of IPpy &oods9 earjpttjgr, shoes, hoots, etc. (Rroceries, llanSware, Cedar-ware, etc. etc. TO WHOLESALE buyers, great inducemects are . tiered, as a ItLtrai abatement will be made. JO II A ronsTr.i; at the new cheap cash store Lewisburg, O.-t. 2 1849 New York Fall and Winter FA- JUST received at the Fashionable Tailo liring establishment, next door to the P. Office. JOHN It MILLER. Lewisburjr, Sept 20, 1849. Application for License. riO the Hon. the Court of Quarter Seoions ol the Peace in and for the c nnty of Union al Feb'y Term, 1S30 Tbe petition of ibe subscri ber humbly praveth your honors lo g'ant hi.n forlher license for keeping a public house ol enlertainment (n the large and commojious brick house which he now occupies for that purpose in the Borough of Lewisburg io said cou nr : ha therefore prays the Hon. Court to grant him the license asked, and in dutv bound he will ever pray, &c. C. D KLINE. We the undersigned citizen or Lewi-burg in the county of Union.being pers-mally aciUiint.'d with Charles D. Kline, Ibe alsive-aamed petitio ner, and also having a knowledge of the house for which the license is prayed, d certify that such a bona, is necessary to accommodate tbe public and entertain strangers ami tre!-rs. and that be is a person of good rrput. fur honesty and temperance, and that he is well provided with th. nece-earv conveniences for the accom odation and comfort of travelers. Ws therefore pray your honors to grant him a license agraea -ble lo his petition. Lewisburg. Jan. 19, 18511 HENRY W. FRIES. F. Sloujliton. Henry Furray. Cttas T Hess. J 8 hreyer. It M Muaser. Harunn Yost. 1. R Christ, James Criswell. R Furray, C F ScbatHe, James Ubiir. The o!J '"Mgimniolh" Filling itp Again J. Sk J. WALLS "lrOST rej-pectl'ully iiiiorm Iheir friendi' i-'X 'he public thut they are oiw receiv 'n their tisuul supply of FALL AND WINTER ISercIiatuiizc, calculated in q-mlity. nrlce. a nd cusntitv to supply the wants of the trading rt tr.mu nil v embracinz Hardware, Queenstcare, Tishy Sfc all of which are offered un our usual accommodating itrms for Cash, Produce, or fcood cri'dit. We invite and hepe to merit a continu ance of tbe very liberal patronage hereto fore extended to us. , .. J. & J. WALLS, lewisburg, Oct. 10, ISI9 or tub LEWISBURG ACADEMY TITILL commence on Momimv, the Std ?l of October. Instruction will be viva as heretofore, in all branches neces&arv to a thorough education. Exercises in Cc m. position and Declamation will be required, and strict attention will be paid lo tbe formation of regular tabiu of stady in ihe younger n.en.bea of the school. Tbe reputation of the Institution will be made to rest. Dot up n th. nnn.uer. bat upon ihe progress of th. studcot.s. The subseri. ber is not snliciioos for a school of more than 30 reguh.r scholars. Terms: lor Languages, $10 t for the higher Enr;!i-b. $3 ; and foi the corcn.on English biancbes $'G per session of 21 weeks. i RANDOLPH, Principal. Lewisburg. Oct. 3, 1849 13 ft 'ili'i' af utivi -w- SMJtKs2?JAl A UJSi iai .s The subscribers respect "Wfulfy in form the citizens Sir of Lewisburn and vicinit that they have comenced the above Lusiues, at M. Hate's old shop cn ecocd St. one srju&re south of M ufctt, where they are prepared to Iron Bougies or Waggons, and n:uke all articles in their business in he most workmanlike manner, -at prices' which they hope wiK induce those wishing anything done in their line to call and urfje themselves before going elsewhere. Kepatring done on the shortest notice and on rtasonable terms also Shoeing, wliidl-isv s.y i-if.nwin riMvls a Bk ' ter to those that have valuable afV hores, and hou!J be entrusted fjT only to persons ol known ikill."2-" We flatter ourselves that we are able to compete wi-h any person in the country in Shoeing Horses: we ask only a trial, and let the work show lor ilself. All work warranted. Iron and all kinds; nf country Produce taken in exchnne. We hope by strici attention to b;is nes, and a determination to suit all, both in work and price, to receive a liberal share of public patronage. HATE & FCRRAY. Lewisburg, Mav 22, 1819 'I'uJjf'i a Andltor's Kotlce. "VTOTfCE ia hereby given that Ihe undesigned, Auditor appointed by lU Orphan's Court of Union county in spimrtion the asset, in the hands of Henry R. Noll, Administrator of ihe Estate of II as av Noll, Ut. of Penns township, in said county, deceased, among the creditors ol said deceased, will sit for that purpu al the house of Charles D.KIine.in Lrwisbuor,on Wed. iEsB.r, lh.30th drv of Jan. at 10 o'clock, At. JOHN SCHRACK. Auditor. Jan. 5. 1850. Auditor's Notice. NO riCE is .hereby given, thm in pursuance of an ordesttf the (T.-phana' Court of Union county, thsvnnd.rsigiied. Auditor, appointed by said Court lo apportion the assets in the hands of G. F. Miller, Esq.. acting AJininiirator of lha e-tale of Jawas D. Cain will, deceased, among lb. creditors of said deceased, will sit for that purpose at th. house of Charles D. Klin, io Lewisburg, on Thursday the Slat day ol January mat- at 10 o'clock. A. U. A. SVVINEFORD, Auditor. J .nuary 3, 1S50. new GOODS at the old stand. BiSEB & BBS.8S 1 RE now receiving ar their old and wet! 1. known stand on Market street a full and well selectei assortment of Fall and Winter comprising the usual vaiietyof -Pry Crlrood9 GROCERIES HARDWARE and QUEENSWABE, Salt, Fish, Nails, etc. etc. O ir Goods are warranted lo be cheap as ihe cheapest, and good as the best new or old. Thaukful for past atroiiage of friends, we ask for a c niintiarice of their favors ; and new comers and strang ers we respectlully invite to Call and Sec! REBER ii IDDINGS, IMsTshurg, (tel. 10, 149 MIHE subscribers have associated under J the Firm of S. & J. WOLFE) for the purpose of carrying on a Wholesale Grocery and General Commission and Forwarding business. I.ibeml advances will be made) on all kinds of Country Produce. Place of business, pew Warehouse on lha Wharf immetfuiiely below- the Bridop, SAMUEL WOLFE. JONATHAN" WOLFE. Lewudwrg, Pa. Aug. 7, 1849. JUST received a genuine article of Cod Liver Oil lot hofesnle or retail. Nov 13 Dr Thornton & Ba ker nlnntc far Justices sad Constables, oa , lilallftN band for sals at this oice. ot, Viattd acearding to order.