KEWISBtlttG CUKONICL.K AND WEST BRANCH FAKMEIt hi THE FARMER. For the LcwUburg Chronicle. The Use and Hake of an Ice House. Mr. Editor : As you say you wish Far irers to give their experiences in their own waj 1 saw a pieeo in tour last paper, taken from the Scientific American, about an Kre H4use, which is a good phtn, but 1 still think there is a better one. 1 will gie you the plan of mine. Two j ears ago I built an ice house, by digging ut two lu ,he ground, and putting the earth around so as to keep the ir out when finished; then put a frame over it, 16 feet by 12, the posts 8 inches fhick, boarded with inch boards and filled with tan ; a floor on top, about 10 inches tau oo that, and then a middling steep shed roof whh boards. I had a partition of boards made ihro'jfh the short way, cutting off five feet for a milk-house, and leaving the ice-house 11 by 1, and 10 feet deep. There is a door 4 J feet square on the north side near the upper floor, to fill the tee hi. The ice is cut ioto blocks as big as can be bandied easify, and some broke fine to fill in and around the sides. I put no straw around the sid, but fill it as tight at I can, and then shut it up till in April or May, when it has melted away from the sides about 3 or 4 inches ; then 1 put saw-dust on top, about 4 inches thick, and let it run down the sides, to cover the ice ull over with saw-dust. We had plenty of ice till winter, after usin? it the whole summer through. In o hay and barvest.we take a can full of wa ter, throw in a chunk of ice, and take it to the field; this will keep cool half a day, and if there are a good many hands, we take some chunks of ice alonggin the morning to the field, wrapt up in flannel, and that will keepll day ; then whenever we get.s can full of water we throw in a piece o ice and in this way we have cool water all day. The whole cost of my ice house and milk house diJ oof exceadForty Dollars. and I would not do without one for five times the cost. I must close for this time, else ! wil weary your patience. 1 have not given you any description of my milk-house which is worth more than all the rest for cheapness and ha names. . t. time, it I thought it would be interesting to you and your renders, I wuulJ give you a full account of my milk-bouse, Ac A Dutch Farmer. Fountain llilf, East Buff., Jan. 18. For the Iwuburg Chronicle. Mr. Editor: Your anxiety to have a snpply ofagricultural communications a itii in the range of your owo circulation, ha excited my vanity a little, and I have con eluded to give you my rxper'iencc on a sub ject of as much importance as the "Cutting of timber" or "Sap running perhapt closely connected with both viz. the pre paring of posts for fence. It is very com mon, it) passing by the residences of man) of our formers, to see a lot of posts, verj carefully dieted and turned butts up for the purpose ot having them well dried out, that they may make a lasting fence. In the the spring of 162? or '8. 1 had occasion t make a garden fence. 1 cut a tree of or dmary e'ze, White Oak,) prepared the poats.and set them immediutcly.and where I have not had occasion to alter the locB' tion of the fence, they are iitill there. 1 have since set posts of the best of timber, well dressed.and they hav rotted off many cf I hem, in less than half the spca king with some of my neighbors on the subject. 1 find their experience corroborates my own. and from what light I have would saake25 per cent, in favor of the green pt. R. H. L. Jan. 19. Fur the Lewisburg Chronicle. Mr. Editor : J find ao article in the last nasouer of your paper, signed "A Young One," which would go to show that sap would run down through the tree ; and he is complaining of me fur not giving my reasons more fully, i would thfirt-lore give a few reasons for my opin ions, in the first place, it would seem to be a useless thing in nature for sap to run dot o Jo the tree, since all its operations cao be performed in its upward court. I beti-ve the sap runs up the tree more or ir.-;?, ihe whole year around, only stopt by bird freezing : tins seems to be necessary in or.ier to keep ibe tree alive.and to form aud keep alive tha bud dunog the winter, l or proof of this, 1 would advise any one lo examine the buds of tree in the fall of the year, and then in it latter part of the winter again, aud he wuhl Imu ti,H tliey had increase d during winter, at least il there was arry soft weather during that time. 1 agree with the writer in your last umber, that the sap runs up through the wood to enter the leaves, but not only In enter tne leaves, but also to form the twigs and fruit ; but I disagree with kirn in the np returning. He say ike sap passes lrouh the inoern.0 4 Uyer of bark and the outermost lyT of wood wheo it de err-r.cjs. Mere he i in a mistake, iii my (uriioo, tor it is 4 well Known feci uist tins i ton erv '.ace where ihe most tap passes up the tree, as is readily seen in the ample tree by catting a notch through the bark, and there is yearly a new growth of woodjformed around the tree next to the bark, which every wood chopper must have noticed, and can tell the age of the tree by counting the "gfowih. And this seems evident by Cutting off a limb of an apple tree, say from the main branch, and it will soon be full of young sprouts or twigs on this cut limb. ThisJshoWs that the most'of the sap runs up in close con ueciiun with the bark. I should not have written this, according to my rule, that is, not to give an answer to a fictitious name; but since it is sinned ''A Younc One," 1 - D w - have thought proper to write this mnch tor his instruction. Jacob Gdndt. Cast Buffalo, Jan. 18, 1850 12 lbs Batter per Week from one Cow! Tne Gettysburg Compiler says that a cow belonging to Hon. Mosrs M'Ciean, raised by himself, yielded between the 22d of November last, and the 24th of Decem ber, upward of fifty pound of butter, be sides furnishing the cream for a family of nine persons being about twelve pounds per week ! This is an extraordinary tact, but no less strange than true." We have never before heard of a cow yielding so large a quantity of butter in ao ahort a time, if others have, they will please speak out. The Canal Coaunlssioaers' Report States that the receipts and expenditures on the public works during the year end ing the 30th of November, 1649, were as oiiows : Total receipt on Main Line, 1.216 202.05 For lulls and fines on Dele- ware division, 1 Off 714, 24 For tolls, rent and fines on oq the Susque.hai.oa and North and West brancher. 100,301.43 G ross receipts t f all the lines, 1 ,633,277,72 Total expenses, 758,500,87 .Net receipts 6ver expenses. $74,776,65 The following statement shows the amount of lolls collected at several offices Juring lite year, on the articles named. J: on. Coal. Flour, 4"C Dunsburg, 4,760 924 6.834 Vilhsmsporl, 116 21 2.710 Xorth'erlM, 12.077 1.014 11,461 Hrwick, 1,593 90,7 GO 76 A new rait mu , ctmstfuc. ion from Portsmouth to Columbia. I'p n its completion it is expected that all the reight which now goes over the Harris burg mid LaneaKter nilroad will be thrown jpon the Columbia railroad at Columbia. The number of miles traveled by pass engers over the Philadelphia and Columbia railroad during the year was 7,410,558, which divided by 82,the length of ihe road, is equal to 90,250 through passengers. Che tolls from these and the cars in which they were conveyed, amounted to $159, 517 51. A change in ihe mode of ihe iranaporlation of passengers is recommen ded. The rates ol lare are too high. The hoard desire to purchase a number of first class passenger cars, and have that portion of the carrying trade done wholly by the State. The railroad to avoid the :nclined plane is rapidly progressing and will be comple ted by the lSih of July next. The total fall overcome is 326 feet, equal to an average grade of about 40 and i-lt'th feet per mile. The estimated cost of the rowd is 1374, 739. The Susquehanna division has been kept n order at a very small expense. No ex traordinary repairs were required, except for gravelling and keeping the Shatnokin dam in order. Navigation was resumed on the West flranch division on the 20th of March. On the 2d of July, niiieiy feet of the first span of the Pine creek aqueduct broke down ; but was repaired in fourteen days. The North Branch Division was opened for navigation oo the 20ih March. Trans portation has been kept up during the year without any extraordinary repairs be ing reqaired. Tiie early completion of this improvement i strongly urged as a financial measure ; at the time of the sus pension of ihe work, the amount estimated for its completion was $ 1 ,277,452,81. The recent contracts have been alloted at trom twenty-five to thirty per eent under that estimate. The Delaware division was opened for navigation on the 10th of March. Hie ; following sum, il is estimated, will be re- quired to meet all Ihe expenses of keeping up the canals and railroads for the year p( ,he kjnt h js evident lhal the unfor ensmg November 30, 1850, viz- lunate man went there lo shelter himself For repairs, motive poaer and all other J ,rom e jnce,renCy 0f the weather. He expenditures for ihe public works for the J hnd jpd b,mse io rest by placing his eivice ot the fiscal year ltou, amount to , the sumol 9609 222.90. If no unforseew circumstances occur to interrupt the business on tha public works, the receipts of 18S0 will amount lo 1, 700,000 ; and ihe net revenue therefrom to al least $1000,0(10. The German population of the United r' , .. , estimate at four millions ; and , litis number is cor Canity increasing by on imn'. ration. ; England vs. United States "The Illus trated London News speaks in the strong est terms of the growth of the U. Stoles in population and prosperity, and savs that hereafter the Anglo-Saxon race will rule the world, not from the banks of the Thames, but from those of the Potom ac. The writer is of opinion thai Eng land will rapidly decline in power (and wealth, in ihe course of the next half cen tury, and that tho transatlantic Republic will as rapidly increase. Another Kcgal Government in America. Recent letters from Rio Janeiro repre sent that Louis Philippi has been in negoti ation for sometime with the Lmperor of Rraiil.and that the three provinces adjoin ing Pernambuco are to be converted into a kingdom; of which the Prince de JVioville and his spouse, it is thought, will take pos session as soon as they arrive, their arri val being hourly expected. The Escaped Slave. The slave wo man Betsey, who escaped from Wilming ton (N. C.) to Boston, in the barque Tha les, is 19 years old, and left a babe behind. Her feet J ere frozen oo the passage. The mate of the Thales- who was charged with smuggling her on board, asserts that he did not know of her being their until nearly the close of ihe passage. The Itch in Hagerstown. The Cntoct in Whig learns that Hagerstown has late ly been visited by a scoruge, in common parlance termed the itch. Whole families are down with it, and several schools have been temporarily dismissed per consequen ces. The Hagerstown News has a para graph which seems to confirm this. What is False Pretence ? Mrs. Blood good, a d-ishiog female operator, was ac quitted at New York on Wednesday of obtaining goods under lalse pretences, on the mere technical ground ol not having atked credit, though she had the goods sent to a mansion which she fulsely alleged she occupied. Sunday Travel has been suspended on the Central railroad. This, we believe, is the first move of the kind that his been made ou any railroad in the Stiit", but as it accords with the feelings of the commu nity at large, we have no doubt it will be come general throughout Pennsylvania in a short time. Cholera at New Orlenns. Although the w Orleans oarers denv that the cholera prevails in that city, we perceive that the Board of Health reports for jhe month of December 537 deaths, ot which number HI were from cholera, 9 from cholera morbus, 31 from diarrhea and 28 from dysentery. Q lite a "PHe.' Two millions one hun. dred and seventy thousand three hundred and fifty dollars, were paid out in Boston on the 1st f January,- as interest money, by the different Bank, lWroad, and Man ufacturing Corpnrlions. Dark Day. The 8th was unusally dark day in Pittsburg. Families at nine o'clock were eating breakfast by candle light, and at twelve gas had to be lighted in all the counting rooms. The Wilmot Froviso in Congress. A Washington correspondent of the New York Herald, says: " The Wilmot Proviso will pliss the House by a large majority. In the Senate it will be but two. This is uuder the sup position that Mr. Benton who has, alt long, pronounced the proviso a humbug, will vote against it. Mr. Wales and Mr. Spruance. of Delaware, will both vote for it; Mr. Dickinson, of New York, against it ; and Mr. Cass will speak against Ihe proviso, but not vote on it. If he re sign his seal he will, in all probability, be returned the Senate uulrammcled by in structions. Should Mr. Benton be able to carry the two Messrs. Dodge, (father and son) of fowa and Wisconsin, respectively with him, then the Wilmot Proviso will not pass the Senate. The Messrs. Dodge, iu the meanwhile, are devoted lo Mr. Benton, and Mr. Bright, of Indians, mitv not feel disposed lo follow his lead. Nohndy, of course, can, at this stage of the business, tell what way Mr. Benton is going lo act and vole, but wheo he is denounced as i deserter from the South, and a disorgani zer, old Bullion may profit by the opportu nity thus olfered him to show that by his exerlioua the bouth was saved. Found Dead 1 On Tuesday morning last, as a son of Mr.Shipman went to his father's lime kiln, ,j,uate o0 ih river bank in the upper end 0f our bor0ujh,to fill it.he found a man by fe gaine 0f jeero) aj.jn, je-d al ,nc top h(inderchi.f upon a stone upon which he laid his head, having first placed his cap and a bottle of liquor a few feet from him' His face laid about a foot from the mouth of ihe kiln, and his body forming a circle with the kiln. One side of his face was ; completely roasted, as were also portions hi ,h""'' 8"1 imo firP. nrobMhly when atMittt extnting. I here is Ut hij w rause(j by fce g34 ,tMl. fro, the kilo . Sunbury Ga n-tte, 10. h in. Ill; 111 H. O. HICXCK, Editor. O. V. WORSEN, Publisher. At 1,S cash ia advance, fl,75 in thru months, t? paid within the year, and $50 at Um end nf the year. Agents in rhilsdi-lphie V B Palmer and E W Carr. JLewisburff, Pa. Wednesday Morning. Jan'y 23. Cr-We this week give, on our first page. two deeply interesting letters, from one of the Lewisburg Californians. It will be seen that the party suffered most after they bad reached California. On the same pnge will be found a choice specimen of the debates on slavery which are constantly springing up, now-a-days, in the balls of Congress. The South, so far, seems to get the worst of it, except as to the public offices, which they somehow manage to monopolize, as usua'. The Northern blood is not easily roused. It generally moves slow, and calm, and cool,' but when it is once up, it marches forward to the accomplishment of its pur poses with the inexorable flexibility of fate as the South will ultimately discover. To Correspondents. A Dutch Farmer'' will find his ser viceable article in print this week. We hope he will give us a description of his milk house, also. Will he be good enough to favor us with his name t If his heart is not as cold us his ice, we should like to makn his acquaintance. R. H. L." has made an excellent be ginning. We ahull be murh gratified if he will persevere in this new path of use fulness. W. S. M." is cordially welcome, and shall appear next week. "Sabtis's U.vtoti M.ioazixb" for February is on our table. Its contents and embellishments are of a very superior or dr. The most prominent of the latter i the portrait of Mrs. Polk, widow of the late Ex-President ; and her character a happily portrayed in. the accompanying sketch, proves ' how divine a thing a wo man may be made.' Published by "John Snrtain 6i Co., Phil ad., at $3 per annum, and a rich engraving to boot. rThe February N... of " Peterson's Ladies' N .it tonal Migazine,'' edited by I Clurles J Peterson, Esq., and Mrs. Ann !. Oiepocil-, ftjlljr sustain, in k.,,K ri.-ro vings and contents, the high reputation this monthlyhas acquired. The names of the editors are.olone sufficient to establish its success. Mr. Peterson is one of the most vigorous and healthful wiitersof the day, and Mrs. Slepliens has no equal in her own peculiar power and vividness of style. "Pub'ished by C. J. Peferaon, at No. 99, Chesnul tnt, Philud . at 9'i per annum io advance. (KrThe February No. of " Gotley's Lady's Book" furnishes ample evidence that the tact and enterprise which origina ted this department of American Litera ture, are still in full life and vigor, and can readily distance all competition. Gocey has conlerred a favor on his patrons this month, by furnishing them with an admi rable counterfeit presentiment of the King of Magazines! This No. contains a thrilling sketch of backwoods life from the pen of our gifted towns-woman, Mrs. Hayes, which we have marked for an ear ly insertion in our paper. We are glad to observe that the Book' contains more substance and less of mere sentimentality than usual. The latter is a commodity of little woith in this age of the world, unless henused to 'point a moral,' as well as adorn a fate.' Terms. $3 a year in advance. From the Far West We have received,(we suppose from Mr. J. Frick.printer.recently ol Milton) feveral copies of ihe ''Minnesota Chronicle & Register,'' a very nest appearing paper, published at St. Pauls, the Capital of Min nesota Territory. It appears that at Ihe first election, the "Union' ticket prevailed over the Democratic nominations. We guess il lo be a cold region from the fol lowing item in the No. for 22J ult.: The CoLDrsT Yet. Ou Monday mor ning. Dec. 17, at 7 o'clock, the thermom eter stood at twenty-one degrees below ze ro. At Fort Snel I, same hour, il stood two degrees higher. W'e have an interesting'cditorial to cop from the same paper on "Lfe in the North West 'Sor iiery , Ac. 7The Danville Democrat taftes us to task for prematurely announcing that the U. S. Senate had rejected the nomination oi isoi. it ebb as ciMrse d A km ires lo Austria. Not our fault, frteod Cook. We only told ihe lale as it was told to us, in one of our exehanges. UrVr. Joas Lock, Surteoa Dentist, baa placed upon oar table a bos of his Aromatic Tooth-Parte." We Cod it, upon liial.s pleasant and fragrant dontrifics ; just the thing to keep the teeth clean, and breath sweet two essential tequisitcs of health and comfort, that hi many iactaoces aie sadly neglertrd. 5The Northern Temperance Convention will be held in the German Reformed Church in Lewisburg on Tues iy, 5th Feb. next, at 1 1 e'elock, A.M. 1 'What Time is It?' The 'Good Samaritan' quotes our cor rected statement with regard to ihe com pletion of Ihe first hall of ihe present ceu tury, (though we observe that owing lo a mitake of their printer.our article a quoted will be unintelligible to the rcadersof ihe Samaritan.) but disputes i'saccoracy, and presents the following adverse argument : 'We toppoae that from the birth of Chriet. 3G5 ; hti lo ripire before he was one vearnld.end that tboe 365 da; wre the first year of the firet cmtore. When Ibe clock struck 12 at midnight at tbe end of those 3H5 days, Ihe first ear es enjej.vthen iuuu tx-g.ii) lo count oss, and imme diately the second ye commenced .aud was com pleted at the end ot 3ba djys.wtien men began t" count, two. And if you go on thus to ihe end ot the first cenlury. you ai l fiud that when men began lo count one hundred 100 yeara had already expired ; ao that vhat you call the year 100 teas'' not "the last year of tho firet centure," but the first year of the eecond cenlury. By tbe same mode of computation, you will una that the mo ment we begun lo count 1819, we were in tbe Sllihyearof the present century, and iht now we are in the 5lt year, allho' we say 1850 until the veai 'SI is completed just in regard to centuries, we sie now io ihe nineteenth cenlury. altho' we any 1800, (Ac) anttf Ihe nineteenth century ia completed From all which we con clude, (with much submission, however, against such high authority as tbe Chronicle, New York Tribune, Public Ledger. Urrman Reformed Messenger, &c.) that the first half of the nioe leenrh century is alresdy part, and that we are now battening over thj second half a, fat ss the wheels of time can carry us. IligMy respectable authorities are ar rayed against us on this subject, in private circles as well as in the ' corps editorial.' Though we find that nearly all ourexchan gs, including the N. Y. ' Courier & En quirer,' and N. Y. Evangelist, have retraced their steps, and now admit, after a ' sober second thought,' lhal ihe first half of the nilctt enih century is not yet com plete. Hut with, or without, this support, and res'ing solely upon the met ts of the case, we think, Brother Sint-ford, thai we are clearly right on the main question in dispute, an J that you are laboring under a iiiiKUipreheii!ioii as lu the Iruc result of ourown arguments. 1 The question to be solved is, ' Have eighteen cen:uries and a hall of the Chris ;ian era been completed V We say not. We allege that up to 12 o'clock, noon, o( this day, (January 231.) Id4V years and 22 days and a half, only, have elapsed, nnd no more. We mainiuiti that the fig ures " 1 850'' do hot mean Ihe pat' year, but signify the current year, now passing, and indicate its particular number in the catalogue of years. In the current dites in use throughout Christendom, the num ber o! tins ear is given to show what year we are in, (not how many, in round numbers, have gone by,) and the month, and day of the month, to show hew far in hut particular year we have traveled. This will be made evident hy an insctioii of every document you can lay your hands on, in which the date is formally set forth. It jou, Brother S., who are a luwyr, eltou'd be called on to day to write a deed of con veyance, you would undoubtedly proceed as follows : " This Indenture, mnde this 23d day of Jauuary, ia the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun ired and fifty, witnesseth, &c.,'' yet )ou say ubove, just the opposite, that " now we are in Ihe Slst year." Peihups jou will attempt lo escape on the plea lhal a sort of ' legal fiction is connected with ihe matter. Hut if so, on which horn of the dilemma will you hang the ' fiction.' un the deed or ihe editorial 1 But, taking you on your own premises, what is the result? Il you count one im mediately after the completion of the 1st year, and two at the end of the 2d year, and so on till the present time, you will find that at the commencement of the present year when all the woild began to write 1850, you could only count 1840. and could not by any possibility get a sin gle figure beyond it and of course could nr.t, according to your own reckoning, count 18S0 nntil after 12 o'clock P. M. of the 31st day of December next. Which conclusively proves two facts ; 1st, that the first half of the nineteenth century is not yel finished, and 2J, that the system of dates in current use does not correspond with the theory you lay down, and could not have originated as you suppose it did. As we are thus doubly right, you must necessarily be just the reverse. Quid erut demonstrandum. Byron. A correspondent of Col.Tate's Colum bia Democrat," is out in a defence of Lord Byron. Well, the noble bard, if he was now in this breathing world, would doubt less be very grateful for this considerate favor. Though, in sober truth, he does need a friendly hand, sometimes, to rescue his memory from unmerited reproach. For he had sins enough to auswer for at any rate as heavy a load aa most mortals could well stagger under without having imaginary faults laid at his door. He was one of the strangest compounds of contra dictory impulses and propciisilies,6ver em bodied in flesh and blood. Now,- god-like now, beast-like. Emphatically ihe poet of liberty, yet the slave of bis own- terrible passions; Restive and defiant under the despotism 6f public op'nion.and thearbilary restraints of (ashionnb'e life yet succum bing he'plesly to ihe thraldom of the ani iustincts of his nature, lie was one of the most inexplicable meteors" ol nind that ev er startled the world a mental locomotive w'recked by the immensity of its own pow. cr.' It is tmpujiiUie lo resist the b.cio.VMig influences of the pre-eminently sublime and beautiful creations of his fancy ye? loo olten a baleful' light, gleams upoo ihe page, painfully repulsive and degrading He has sometimes seemed to us like a king ly bird, mounting into' the empyrean as with the bold sweep of an arch-angel's wine. . , Till from the eyrie of his eagle-thought Ha could look down on monarchal" breathing the pure atmosphere of the upper heavens, and looking with unblencbing gaze into the very eye of ihe sun ; till the beholder is filled with amazement at the strength and elasticity of pinion that bears him up so proudly and so well then, sud denly stooping from his 'pride of place,' falls prone to earth lo gorge himself with carrion. There. Col., we guess l hat will do for this time. We must get our pen mended before we inke a fresh start. Triennial Assessment, Union Co., 1850 The Commissioners of Union Co. have published Ihe following table of aggregates of Taxable Properly in ihia County, under the law ol 27th July, 1842. let column. Townships and Boroughs. 2d do Value of Real Estate.' 3d do Value of Horses and Cattle. 4th do Volue of Trades,Occup..cV Prof. 6th do Mortgseee, Money at Int., dec. 6ih do Household Furniture aboe$300 7th do rh-asure Carriages, eVe 8th da Trades &c. ahoe $200 0th; do Offices dec. ab e $290 10th do No. of Aureeed Watches 1 1th Ho Total A sn't of Taxable M altera. ?! s 3 5 5?i 5 5 f i- ?5 fl ,j3 8 'iciass-tt'!s.MUK3-sJ i OS l C m SsiiMSCW taw w-wwj CJJDjoJCCaO ClOCSs Vj a V tc - 3 'ia '& ca " co " o u 3D UCC 00sdU4vi-iCsCX .St. s rgJiaCs8 jnncnrttt JO s- a - i - 3 Ji 9 q Oisia;;Hy3ifwi. a M -s t o - c t ee - a ' 9 ' a pi 000 ' a a n m o - eoosoiryv 'aW S tO OO c o s ir : 13 - U-3e9 MlSss-ssH l c a "2 j . -i m m C 3 a V v v " tlncluding s pat of l.imeatoae. . Including Centienille. PUI.MC NOTICE. On Monda Ihe 28ih day of January ins, the Commissioners will meet ar their oifice in New Berlin for the purpose of linaliy determining whether any of the valuations of the Assesaoia hae been made Mow just rate, according to tbe meaning ond intention of the act when and where all peiSJiis interested can attend if Ibey think woper. JOSEPH WINTER. ") JAMES BAKDIN, VCm'rs. JOHN WII.T. J Comm'ia' vHica; New Berlin. Jsn. 8, 1850 OLD BUFFAI.OE Tow nahip, although less in population and territory than several others, is ahead of all others in tbe value ofber Real Estate, which is over Half a Million of Dollars ! There are fcw richer or moro happy or worthy conmunitics at least in tha newer counties than thai occupying Buffalo Valley. Gov. Ramsey, Of MinneeoU,ione of the very best appointments Old Zrh' has made trtd while our hand is in, we can not forbear a word of congratulation to our old friend upon tha 'higher honora' that bae fallen lo his Int. but which are only a 6tting tribute to his worth. Gov. R. bss filled various other public trnsts with cradit,snd from an orphan appienlice-boy has risen, before 35 jean have passed - ever his bead, to bo the Governor of a young empire. By the way. Gov., your jurisdiction is a Iri6e larger now than when presiding in your lorn over the deliberations of the little debating dob which we used to dignify with the name of " ilanisburg I.ickcm ! f7THSKs To Hon. Jos. Casey for Report of the Secreiary of the Treasury ; and the speech of Gen. Cass on Hungari an alfuirs; also to Col. Siifer for Report of ihe Canal Commissioners, and ihe Super intendent of Common Schools. Honesda'e. P.. Jan. 21. Three young Inlies, one a daughter of! Judge Woodward, of Wilkesharre, Pa., were drowned on Saturday. Tho ice on which they were sliding broke under them their bod es were lecovered. sssIHia) i e in - mini), On the 3d inu by Rev. J. 8 Lea, Hisst J. Dsstibb and MmMiit Stovsbtox, both of Cbiltsquaiura. In Lewisburg, evening of 32J inet. bv Rev. J S Lee, Wiuii's CsaoTBta and Miss Arroi Loiria Mosiosj, all of Lewisborg. The above MessagM wae received (with tho aeroapanyiiHt ttdcuuwtit" just as the form was ready lot tbe prers lliis rooming and the Editor being sfisent at' mil-call, the Pi inters divided ihe spoiLt" wi h a unanimous vols of ilianka lo lbs bride, and a thousand good wishes for ihe onion. Just RectlTeda 0D I 0B ?! igM J 3 g BY "Thompsofl's stosquehenna Eipre." ,t" 'oo i-ngosy, mr9 i y v fol of GUM OVU8HOE! which wiUliaaU days. ,v old cheap for Ihe leady butkthe. I fa Milton. Ifith inet,' Pbiiip Mrsrsf. Jan. TS, 1850 8- F. LY.XDALL: 1 sel 48 veers. How to mak a Dollar! ZB&ttl f Ilff. In no case will we take less than 2 50 for last ear's subscriptions unless paid this month. All payments on the prosent j ear must also be paid this month In make $1.50 answer. We would prefer being paid NOW but those who delay can not ob ject because we go by the published terms. Fair warning last notice ! PrSLISBEB. FENN'A LEGISLATURE. Mr. Trone read in place a bill jo extend the jurisdiction of justices of the piece, in criminal and civil rases, and lo provide for trial by jury beforw them, at the request of either of the parfiea. Mr. Laird, a bill lo amend the common school law, so eat lo allow persons over 21 yeara of age to enter them. Mr. Powll,a bill for an eppropialion for the North Branch Canal. In Senate the Speaker presented the annual statement of the Philadelphia, tier manlown and Norristown railroad compa ny, and that of the Tioga Navigation com- P,n7- . . ... tie also presented twenty-nine petitions from citizens of Columbia county, for a new county to be called Montour. Mr. Darsie, a petition from the president and managers of Ihe Willtamsdort Rridge company, praying for an amendment of their r barter. Mr Ives read it place, a bill (or ihe bet ter regulation of fences in this Conimon- wcnlih. Mr. M'Caslin, (from Green Co.) sub milted resolution relitive to election of Judges timit the Legislator to a session of sixty days and to meet once in two years confine their action to general laws and provide foi the election of a Lieut, (invernor. Mr. Stieeter said, that he feared the Senator from Green had fallen a victim to a shrewd design to postpone and defeat the Amendment of the Constitution. Mr Ktngjon leavs given, read in his pface and presented to the chair, a bill entitled, ' j-iiit resolution relative to the tarifT.' Mr. Packer opposeJ the resolutions en the ground that tho ameudoseot lo the or. tgional bill was equivalent to defeat. It ever their was a popular question in Pent -sylvania. it was this. Twenty out of thir ty States of this I'nion had already ador ed a similar provision, and in all of thse S'ates the judges were now tlected by the people. I: wns full lirne that we atiou'd follow their example. JJill I'atsed Finally. A bill to establish the act of inco-pon-tinn of the Wyoming seminary of the On eida annual conference of the Methodic Kpiscopal Church. A bill to incorporate the U'i ksbarre cemetary assoria'ion. A supplement to sn act. entitled "An a-t to establish tbe Untversvtv wt The committee on the Library on the 1 9th inst , elected Thomas C. M'Doweil of Cambria county. Mr. M'Doweil was Gov. Johnston's competitor for a seat in the Senate, and was lately U. S. Consul lo Brazil. Geo. JohS M. Bechtkl of SehinlUI Co- (th Democratic nominee,) was elec ted State Treasurer on Monday last, Jm. Slst. He received 74, votes, lo 50 tor 5Ir. Bill, lh present Whig incumbreat. . U. S. CONGRESS. The Senate has confirmed a nun brr of nominations among them Hon. Alcir Ramsey as Gov'r of Minnesota, and A'eir Irvin as Marshal of West. Dist. of Pa- Another debate on Slavery occurred, in which Mr. Clemens of Ala. laid himself open to severe censure from both Southern and Northern Senators. In the House, Adam J. Glossbrenner c' the 'York (Pa.) Gazette,' Democrat, a elected Serjeant-at-Arms by 3 mej. He succeeds the famed 'Oliver Oldschoo!,' Nathan Sargent, Esq. mint . . uu w . J iu JWII,.JIIC iri lihv- of Doorkeeper and Postmaster lilt Mirci. 'Jan. .4tai. r resident lav or trans- j - milled a message to the ilouso in an to a Resolution of Inquiry, stating that bad been his desire ihnt New Mexico and iaiiiornia snould aonlv lor admission in!" Ihe Union as Slates, but had not interfered i Lto control their action. He susuest lbs vonirress await tnetr movements-nna ipt .... irsHir aomesi ic do icy ana institutions in their own hands, as best calculated to d - J Mr.Casa had ihe fljor on the Proviso- a .m.iyainouo is sertouslv ill with o euriv MC7 1 here beiliff no Mltrnrinna in uV lj.k... si r. I . ..... - - , .1 WIIH , tills wv Tat Caub 8t4tk If -.... kth of inTa emiM h raw I a. I i. . Htk iia:J -wwevw swa BH lIHTlHi be tho greatest poasihle basseing lo mankind ti now much tronliU anH i, I tsr many. It je bad policy lo gn into debt, pa'linr larty with ihe storekeepers, as you have in instance fa pa large prices for goode and eJti snily at their aserey. To obviate tho necewsr of any person going in debt foe store gooJs. -L. Jonas lias earned a very estensive storsi' Milion, and is selling exclusively for c- s has pot the prices of goods dWn so fo - " make it thsnterest of every ene to deal witK sss on tho cssa STsrui. Persona vieilioc M1;J and in want of cheap goods, will do well by csU ing Sntt at JbrW'storr.- fm Iwiaears-. Iflih insi Josoe Bv son of I i , ,- . j Hrtstb