Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1850, January 23, 1850, Image 1

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I u L Jnj9
&ii!inbcpcnocnt jfatniln )apcr ocuotco to Ncu)s,-itcraturc, Politics, Sericulture, Science cmi) iltorolitn.
VOL. VL, NO. 43303.
The I.ewlNlMirg' Cbraalclc U iued &c. on i', altogether about $175 in value.
every Wednesday morning at Lewkhurg, Lnion t a, J ,)e jiJSJ t(J
Ootintf, re:inv'rn,a-
Ttaaa. $1.50 lot year, fr g-t-h actually in
advance; .?1.7", paiJ within three months; $2
if paid wit.'iin the vear ; -12,ftO if not paid bcfure
the yesr et.irn ; single numlicrs, 5 cents. Sub
rrtjxi na I f ail morula or less to be ( did in
,iv ,cr. )iscit.tinuanru uj'li nt wiih the
r'ollislicr ercept when the year is p?.id lip.
"AJ'etiiseoiinU hnmliiomely iustried al SI) cts
per fii'inre one wetk, f I for a month, and -'tis (
s yesr ; a riduecd J.rice for lunger advertisements.
1 wo saner?, f 7 ; Mercantile advertisement n
eii-eeiliug one fourth of column, quarterly, $10.
Ciuil advertisements and Job work to be paid
tur wt;cn l.amted in or uviivernl.
All communications bv mail root com post
paid, acoiTjanied hv the address of the writer, to
recune attention. Those relating eiclu?vc!y to
ih.i Mortal Uepa-tment j0 be directed to H. C
Hickox, Era, , Editor and all on business to be
J.!rcrd to the Pulilnher.
0:Tice. Markel St. between Second and Third
O. N. WORDEN, Printer and Publisher.
- - - - . , j
Far the LeuUburg Chronicle.
Reply to ''The Bachelor's Drawback."
I a ioc labv.
Afraid to marry ! what "ero
The Cbronicle'a rhymester ia
What would n't we give to get but a glimpse
Of hie aurely wonderful phis !
Hear him tell of oar " noeee coquetting
V( 'kerchief bewildered with laces
Of bornrte with ribbnns aud flower
BvJccked to keep wind frorn our facea.
Aiiu talking if " diintie, we ?r ad."
Of hmise-keepini? huror" and b.jse
Oh. wnuld thai the 6ngcrs he lauda
CouiJ gl but a tweak at hia noe !
How amazing the knowledge displayed
Of all the minutia of dressing !
J.n us hope no man-milliner here
ilaa the eecreU of trade been confeeainf.
C'uamatica are rare, but false colors are nJt,
And bi own miwt imrnaculale race,
A prep at Iheir ward ro ea, or their hule follies,
Might call up a glow to hit fare.
We itl not here apeak of the arte
W hich lifting the curtain might allow.
There' rapture in ignorance often.
And prudence ia valor, you know.
But pit; we da, eineerelv and truly, aV
I he miserly wight, who, in wooing.
Sres e'en in the tie of hia lady love's hoe
Pome phantom of cost at ill purauiag !
Lenirbu-g. Jan 17, 1850.
Froa the Lewkbarg falifornlans.
Fbkkoni's Diccings, Oct. 3, 1849.
Pout Father : Having an opportunity
(by the; return ol Mr. Armstrong,) to send
a few lines, to let you know my whores
bouts, &c iu the open air, by th9 light
of a f.f.y cent candle, I will attempt il
We arrived hire on the 2tat day of
Sept., alter a tedious journey of eiactly
seven m in'hs from the Jay we left home.
Wa left S.iala Fe with 22 bond or stock,
Mud arrived here with 14 bend. We were
ory ruv!dc-n:ia!ly dealt with far more
ro than many of our fellow adventurers.
U'e pissed over one of the wildest, rough
rut, countries in exigence, altjng the Gila
Ihla) river, and the weather so hot, that
il.eilier.norneier ranged from 0(Jto 126
in th rjft al:aJo we coMd procure. We
drank the wa'cr of thia river, wliich was
milk wirm all the white. In climbing the
roughest and u!m )st imrmiisaLle mountains
along thia etrt-atn, our mu!c and 'Ives
were frequanlly so exhnuslrd i:!i hent
and fatigue, that nt thought we never
hou'd get through.
When we reached the F'ijnio Indian vil
Uge, e were out of provision., and had
bei ii on fhort allowance of bread and cot
lee fcr sun:eiitne. Ht-re we procured a
small su; ply, which barely lasted until we
r achsJ the setilementi of California, and
v.e were ngain reduced to ery short al
lowanre for sometime previous to arriving
at Agua Calienia). Fortunately we pro
cured a few founds of jerked mule meat
at the Colorado River. This atream aod
desert, which have always been the dread
of travelers, we crossed ia tafety. The
Tumas Itiditns, settled along the river,
h.we atim jed emigrants very much, steal
S their mules, clrjhing, money Sic , and
oecas'mnul'y attacking them. We hare
a.a-tt learned that they have entirely pre
"enrej the crossing of the river, and the
"'gran's have been thrown back upon
ilia i'inio Indian village have eaten out
hescjn!y" supplies there and sent an cx
""'"s into Sun Diego for aid from Gover
ti.ent. U rsftl through the Apache and
r"i'r hj:iie trihea of Indians in perfect
Mlety. Ve met "a great many of them,
''d at one place near the Cipper Mines,
e made, an extensive trade for mules, and
ery fortunate one for os. If you have
"vrr read Lieut. Emory's Report of Gen.
Kearnej'a ;tpedition,by llih route io 1946
47, 1 would advise you to read it. We
(levied hut little from his route, and he is
prnr rally pretty accurate ia hitt descriptions
U e lost one fine mule, pack and all, in the
apache ennty. It carried all our best
and most necessary clothing and small ar
Jiclcs. Host i y gold watch, chain, pea,
the rompanv was about
$100 ; but this we consider trifling.
V'e pulsed a great muny men on foot,
with their riding animuls packed, trudging
along in the sand up to their Knees, and
he scorching ravs of the aim almost con
suming them, and a journey of one thou
sand miles be lore them, liven two or
three men walking with one btrse packed,
and that upon its last legs. It was almost
heart-rendiug to see the lacerated" backs
anJ bleeding hoofs of the poor mules used
for this expedition. Their powers for
J j ring labir, fatigue, pain and starvation.
are beyond a parallel in the brute creation.
We were frequently dttys in succession
without a particle of grass for lhcin, they
had to depend entirely upon browsing for
I was very much pleased with that por
tion of California lying on our route from
Agua Culiente to l'ueb'a Da Los Ar.ge!os
(r.ity of the Angels.) It is one of the grea.
(est gracing countries in the world. The
and clay washed ; but the Invest deposits
of told, are found beneath these, in the
crevices or ' pockot'' of the rock. You
can form a better idea of tho diguing when
I tell you, that it reminds me very much
ol the digging of the cellm for the new
house, or when the work is in the water,
of building a mill-dam. Vh u tho holes
are sunk, a butcher knife and horn spon
are the most necessary tools. The ave
rage yield for men that understand digin
and work, is an ounce per diy .mie
make more, some less, and some nothing.
A great many come here with the inten
tion of working, I iok around a day or two
and leave, perfectly dixgusted with g-.ld
d'gg'"o- It is somen hit ol a lottery. I
have known men to labor hard for days,
and nt make a cent while others tuke
out half a pound and occasionally n p'und
a day. I have seen severil hire pieces,
one of which weighed three p ninds. II.
picked up a piece that weighed 1 of a lb.
Tools and provision are very high here.
Wa paiJ gIS for a a. nail cro-b:ir, 28
qualities of the Cultfui ninn hore their
b ing to travi! 100 miles per day, &c.
I never saw rid.ng until I came to thia
country. Their LriJIe bits are very severe,
and their spurs arc well, I ihd'i compare
them to any thing hut a rant hook with
rowels from two to three inches in diame
ter. When the Catiliinii.ins riile, it is al
ways at a lupe - drawing blood at eirry
jump, both with h:p arid spur. If they
have 11 long journey to perform, they ride
at this rate ns long as bo can s'nnd it, then
mount another, und travel in the same
way driving a supply before them tbey
guther up those they left behind vn their
return. 1 hese are tun.ed out to recruit
Washington, Jan. 10.
The Senate resumed tl.e consideration
of the motion to print th re-olutions ol
the Vermont Legislature on ilw su' ject of
Mr. Chase, of Ohio, having the fl.r,
udHrcssed the Senate. Ho rejoiced that
shoulders, and rested upon thepeoj Iu who
ent him here. The South ma'le no threat
ol'dissolu'ion the lTB'on was already dis
solvedit had been dissolved when the
North committed its robberies upon the
South its aggressions upon their rights
and their hi-nor. Il'the North w noted he
Union to be preserved, let them repeal the
the precedent el in the cusof Vermont. I 'n.uuon.ana
. i I nritas lha turh nf tfifir rTrrhfa llndpe lhi
ten years ago. was n jw to lie reversed anu k"-"" "w o
hills and vallies are lite rally covered with for a pick, $j for a shovel, and ll tor a
vast herds of the finest Spanish cattle,bor- tin wash pan, nil of which wou'd be pur
ses and sheep. Mr. William, formerly
of Wyoming valley, owns one hundred sq.
miles of the finest land, 35,000 head of
cattle, and horses and sheep in abundance.
All grains but wheat require to be irriga
ted. Wheat is sown in Junuury, and ri-
lns before me dronght. 1 ne vine is cul
tivated here and fruits of all kinds flourish
in this climate.
Leaving Los Angelos we coatinued up
the coast one day, and then crossed the!
moun ains into the San Joaquin San Vo
ieen,) valley. We were advised to do so,
as being a much better and shorter route.
and the lower mines, (discovered since we
lelt home) were reported to be the most
productive at present, and fewer men en
gaged diggiog in them. We started with
15 days provisions, expecting to reach the
mines in about 12 days. Instead of this,
we were 26 days in reuching them. When
we reached Tulars Bullruth) Lake, we
kept on the west side of it, or between the
lake and coast mountains a route seldom
or never traveled. Col. Fremont lays
the lake down 88 one about 70 miles long
Instead of this it consists of three connect
ed lakes, 140 miles loni;. We l.ad no
guide, were led astray by wild horses' trails,
and suffered for wood, water and gras.
The fact is that this region between the
Sun Joaquin and Sacramento rivers, and
the coast mountains, is' a perfect desert,
Irom Oregon to the soufhern end of the
San Joaquin valley. We saw thousands
of wild horses, elk and antelope, but coul l
not stop to hunt them. Our provisions be
en n to fail. We fl itterel ourselves that
we were nearer th mines than we actually
were. We reduced ourselves to quarter
rations, and hud nothing but flour and cof
fee. K.l!cd an elk that weighed 400 lbs.
but were unable ta pack enough to last long
at last we were entirely out of provis
ion, and had been for a day. Our mules
very much jaded. We knew that we
could not be far from the mines. Conclu
ded to stop and send out two men in
search of something to eal. They were
gone 2 days.and returned with 3 diya' ra
tions. We had eaten nothing for 3 days
and 4 nights. One day we shot a few
birds, boiled them, and drank t4he tea.
This was tha most trying time we have
had since we started. We were too weak
to shoulder our guns and walk in search
of game were determined not to kill a
mule as long as we coulJ avoid it ul
bad resolved to do so in less than six hours
if the provisions did not arrive. There is
a mess working here encamped beside us.
who were compelled to kill their mules,
and drink their blood to allay thirst.
w a w a .
My icspectsto all friends. W. H. C.
Oct. 5, 1849, Mariposa Mixes.
Since leaving ' Camp Starvation, I
have been unwell more than I have been
for the last five years of my life. Being
so long on short allowance, and without
food, when we did get plenty, although I
was careful, I completly overtaxed my
digestive organs and have not yet entirely
recovered. Nearly all the company suf
fered more or less, from the same cause
and M. and II. are also unwell.
These mines are said lo be as productive
as any others in California, at present. . I
have worked but one day since we arrived
here. ; M., S. and myself, mess and work
ogether. What little lime we have been
digging, wa have taken out $10. It is
very Jjard work.' The bole." are sunk
in the dry bed of the stream, generally
ontd they reach water, or from 4 lo 10 feet
deep, the 'tones thrown out, aod the sand
chased in Pennsy Ivanla for 4- We pay
50 cts. per lb. lor flour, the same for r f
fee and sugar ; fresh beef the same ; pork
91 per lb. and none in o nrkit. These
are reduced prices. Il costs us full) $1 u
d ly fur board, and do our own rooking.
Of course we have none of tha luxuries ol
life. To think of days your: by, we could
almost long for the ' ffeh pots of F.ypl,
and 1 have seen the tin.es that I would
have been thank'til for the fare of Lazarus.
I have heard a grett many men remark
that all the gold in California could not re
pay a man for the hardships and privations
endured in an overland journey to this
country. I have not the least doubt that
nine-tenths of the people that came here
have been disappointed in their expecta
tions. There is no doubt but there were
a great many fortunes made here last tni.
The Oregouians were the first in the field,
and carried home an abundance of gold.
There is also no doubt but there is yet vast
quantities of the precious nietul in these
mountain. There is more or less of it to
be found in every arroyo and ravine that
runs from the Sierra Nevada. Hut a re
action hits already Inkon place in the ip
ulnr tide. I: is said that every vessel (hat
sails from Stockton or San Francisco leaves
freighted wi'h passengers, four-filths of
whom have less money in their pocket
than when they left home. It w ill be years
before all tlieso mines are exhausted, and
men will continue to work in them as long
as they can make $ 3 per day.
Like most other countries, it is the tra
ding character the speculator that be
comes enriched. They will sell the laborer
goods at enormous prices, and then cheat
him in weighing his gold. There is a
great deal of liq ior consumed here, at the
rate of $10 per gallon, or 50 cents n drink
at retail. There wns a man buried here
a few djys ago, whj killed himself drink
ing at theso pries.
A great portion of the persons working
here are Mexicans from the State of Seno
ra. Old Mexico. Col. Fremont (or rather
his partner) has a few Indians employed
heie, the Colouel being at Mjnterev.
These mines are distant ninety miles
from Stockton, and one hundred and eigh
ty Irom San Francisco. If we conclude
to winter here, we purpose going 'down to
the latter place and pack up a supply of
provisions before disposing of our mules.
They are worth SI 00 apiece to us. arid it
will be impossible to keep them here, for
the Indians steal them before tho owuers'
It is a very inhospitable country to be
sick in none of the comforts necessary
can Le obtained, and lying exposed to ihe
heat of the day and chilly nights will not
better it. It is said ihat even in San Fran
cisco and Stockton there are but few ac
commodations, the houses I tin ji tents.
When I arrived at Los Angeloa,
weighed 157 lbs. having gained 7 lb.
since leaving home. This was but 3 llm.
less than Major G-, who weighed but ICO.
having lust 58 lbs. We nil stood Ihe
journey extremely welt, as far ns health
and spirits were concerned. Not a person
in the mess was heard lo complain or re
gret the undertaking. If I was but per
fectly well, I would rather be here than any
other place I can, name, unless it would be
for a short time amongst my friends. I
think there are some fine chances for far
ming along the crat. This is a thing very
much neglected by the Californhn, their
whole attention being turned to the raising
of stock. There is one very absurd thing
io circulation io the State;, concerning the
and perhaps are not again used for a year.
They have such an abundance of them,
that they can ri le u fresh horse upon eve
ry oceu-ioii. I believe that welt-bred
American horses would exceed them if
managed in the san.e way. The Culifor
nian is ever on horseback it appears to
nm nis lavorue element, t nev are very
expert in throwing the lariut or lasso
which, by the wav, is quite a novelty.
W. H. C.
that papers from the Ijeislatures of States
are to be received and referred, no matter
what may be their charucer.
II- wished he cnu'd also know 'hat the
petitions of the sovereign people were lo
' lie met with the same respect, lie wished
that the petitions of thj people upon cer
tain questions miht he rece ived and refer
red, instead of, as now, the motion
to recieve bei.i laid on the table. It
was certainly best that the people of each
section and party might know the semi
ments o! the other, on nil subjects. lie
would take this occasion to say, also, thai
he condemned language of crimination anJ
recrimination, w hether in memorials, res -
..tiilmna nr i.niif htri'i pi.:., a bl ililu imnnll
n a r .:n r- . . ' tj r
s? i win wrne u mv irien is wnen
P,.. .......... .....i ... .. i... i.-. illc
I get to Sin Francisco, hud see who has j
written lo me.
Fur the Lewitlurg Chronicle.
saw in Mem'ry's maeic dream
The rate of a love-lit .tar,
And on my heart it nhe.1 its beam
And spread ita light af.r.
Its pate blue tinge is with me yet
In a Ihnriibing. joyful breat.
For ne'er was s.nlle or curl of jet
That gave such sjothiuj rest.
I saw on evening'a gildi-d sky
The mellow light of tbe'mojii ;
It gae a ray of ,iler light
In ihe dreary depth of gloom.
I saw on Susouehanna'a brink
A tender, opening roe
Its Idu.hee kiss the wave and aink.
And iu petals sweetly close.
Th.t star J .L. .1 .
And the moon is on her way.
The roa blooms on the bank that laves
lo the Su-qiiehmne spray.
I saw on smoky clouds of night
The iinae I loved, descend,
A a bride from the spangled height,
But, ah ! my joy wa soon to end
And wrapped in a mantle of lova
She smiled a gentle adieu.
Entered the blue saloon of Jove,
And thu was bid from my vie-.
Pbilad., Jan.. ISM. eARL .
On the Hanigement of Ne3V7spiners
Publications of ail kinds, if projerly
managed, are calculated to benefit the
community ; but if controlled improperly
they may do more evil than good. If their
influem-e is contrary to good morals, it is
form necessity injurious. Il calculated to
diffuse intelligence and virtue?, and promote
truth, they may justly bj styled public
benfictors. L:ht and trivial ideas un
important matters (though they may nut be
directly deleterious in their influence) hud
much better Le omitted in all kinds of pub
lic prints. Fur the simple reason thut they
are of no utility, they had better be discar
ded. It is not worth while to waste ink
and paper and what is more, the lime ol
the printer and re .e'er by their publication.
Wa would not sty by any means, that a
newspaper should be divested of all humor
nd facet ionsness far from it. We are
pleased with a smiling face, and we are
p'eased with pleasantry in newspaper pub
lications. But to tell the plain truth, edi
tors are often too much inclined to occupy
their columns with light, trivial and un
meaning puns, squibs, &c, which are of no
possible utiliry to the public. Dr. Chan
ning snys, " Newspapers are often lirrns
conducted in such a manner as to contain
very little except the clmlf and sweepings
of human thought. Ideas and suggestions
are m ide in almost every paragraph which
unnecessary and improper. Let ali
questions be calmly at.d deliberately pre
sented and considered, a nd let no one be
intimida ed, as he would not be, from the
performance of his duty .whatever presen
ted itself as that duty.
Mr. Chase proceeded to remark upon
the threatening intimation thiown out du
ring this debate by Southern gentlemen,
and inquired into the reasoas for such imi
malum. Had not the South always bad
their full share in the legislation, the hon
ors and power of the country? and did they
not still mniiilaiu their legitimate position
in all these respects ? W hy was it that
the Sjuth endeavored to dictate to the ad
vocates of freedom, telling them thai they
must not press th ir views upon the South,
J l .1 l.v ""J '-, ... ..n. SVr.it
that, if a certain course is not pursued, '"hey
will dissolve the Union. Why was not
the question met in the true spirit which
dictated the compromise, of '87 ; the spirit
which actuated ihe Fathers of th'1 K-f u'-
lic T II : designed no aggression upon the
South. (Ik only asked that Congress should
do its duty within the Constitution, prevent
he extension of slavery, and absolve the
North of participation in its support, here
t exis's under the sanction of the Federal
aws. He would be the last man to pro
pose an io'eiferen'-e with it in the States.
Mr. Clemens, ol Alabama, said: 1 lie
iTenlluman said he was not to be intimidat-
d. Sir, we don't want to intimidate him.
We want bim lo come up and face the mu
We of the South, have not endeav
ored lo intimidate the Norih. Oar actiou
has been impelled by diUereiit motives
The North has I ild u,t!me after time, that
our opposition to their oppression was not
genuiue ; that we did not mean anythint
when we said we would resist it. In view
of that, we have united in expressing to you
our firm determination to resist to the lust
any fuither encroachment.
The gentleman had said that he belonged
to the Free Democracy. He uuderstood
him to be in la-or of a strict construction
nf the Constitution. Where did he find ti e
provision which gives Congress the pewer
tc legislate on slnvey anywhere I Mr. L.
referred to the various battles of this coun-1
try, from the war of the Revolution to the
present day, to show that Southern Gi-n-rals
and Sou' hern blood had won lor li e
South at least an equal participation in th
advantages and privileges of the country,
(le concluded that the Constitution d.d give
them this equal participation, and guaran
leed them their privileges of property. But
if the Constitution did not do that in terms.
may be called hydrogauc they are al- jforone.he was prepared lo maintain their
most wholly devoid of specific gravity."
Ilvunxtillt (I i ) Commercial-
00 Almost every business man can at
test ihe truth'of tie following especially
ihe sta'ement contained in the lust sen
tence ;
(iov. Bsrbour.of Virginia, in an address
before an agricultural society, says : "Let
every man have the fortitude to look his
affairs in the face, to keep an account of
his debts and items of expenditure, no mat
ter how long or black the list ; if he don't
look into it, bis neighbors will ; and more,
let him show it to his wife, if he has one.
If a prudent woman, il will be of service ;
' if imprudent, it will do no harm. But there
are very few of the latter, and I cheerfully
bear evidence lo the care and economy of
woman. When in a situation to observe,!
ran safely say, that I never knew a woman
left to the careofanrriibaraased eetate.tbat
did not extricate it if it aa poasibk
natural rights, under any and all circum
The Union wns valuable only for ihe
rights it secured, and if it was desired that
the South should remain in the Union, they
must be treated with justice. Unless that
could be done, let nothing be said about
the glories ol the Union. Union with dep
redation was worse, ten thousand limes,
than disunion no matter what might be
its consequences.
He also referred to the speech made by
Mr. Seward io Ohio, and said that he bad
taken much broader ground on Ihe ques
tion of slavery than Mr. Chase. The feel
ings expressed in that speech were not
simply those of a few hot-brained fanatics
of the North there were many damning
evidences that they were the sentiments of
the great body of the people whom he rep
resented in the Senate. The responsibility
tuec was wowed from that gentleman'
instrument. A spirit bad been awakened
in the South that must be satisfied they
demanded a restoration ol their rglits and
position. They were in earnest on this
subject, and would give evid nee of the
'act, if the issue were pressed upon them.
The Senator from Vermont had said that
these resolutions expressed the sentunents
of the civilized world. Sir.no man having
a proper respect for himself would have
dared upon this floor to give expression to
such sentiments as these. No body of men.
who deserved lo be recognised as belong
ing to a civilized country, would ever have
so forgotten the respect due to themselves
and their fellow citizens, as lo give ex
pression to such sentiments.
Mr. Hale, of New Hampshire. remarked
that the htmnrable Senator from A'abama
had convinced him of one thing, if be had
failed to convince hun of anything else ;
and that was, that concession to lanatics
never satisfied fanaticism. He wanted the
North to know thv. fict.and expressed the
hope that when N-Tthern Senators and
Representatives returned to their homes,
they would impress il upon the timid and
wavering every w heie.that concession nev
er satisfied fanatics.
lie must also say that he wns gratified
exceedingly, w ith one of the rermrks made
by thai Senator, and he believed that the
whole North w iu!dbe gratified. There
were yet a great many timid, good sort of
folks at hom- hi had been verv much.
- i k -T
and seemed very mu.-b alarmed about this
' wreck of matter and cruah of wuilds''
sort of sentiments, with reference lo the
dissolution of the Union upon the Slavery
question. H elf, now. said Mr. Hale,
" it strikes me that these timid people will
feel great joy when they come to find out
that the Uoiotj has been already d.ssolved.
for so says ihe honorable Senator, and
they know nothing about i. (.a uglier.
I will relate a little circumstance that oc
curred once in my recollection, when I
was Justice of the Peace, for 1 tilled that
office even before I became a Senator, nance, his attendants, all continually be
Lsughter. A couple came to me to be! come more decayed, mean and miserable i '
united in the holy bonds of wedlock. Wtll.l because he feels, or fancies himself, lesa
misfortune visits the hou hold, and whan
palsy places ili remorseless hand npon t!ie
aged parents, these young women leave
their homes, come to these villages, and by
industry and frugality, generally succeed
in making happy and comfortable the de
clining years of those they leave behind
them. And now I will say, sir, that no
where can you find I care not in what
circle of intellect, fortune, or position id
life you seek purer morality, greater cor
rectness of deportment, a higher intellec
tual cultivation, or persons belter under
standing all the proprieties and duties of
life, whether social or domestic That
must justly be conceded to ibese same fac
tory slaves.
The men are equally commendable
prudent, industrious, honest, and educated.
They are the pride of New England ; aadj
I would like any man, sir, I care not how
cbivalric or bold he may be, to go among
them and tell them tbey are slaves. Com
pare them with slaves, da you, sir ? I will
not make that comparison. Set aside
your slaves bring forward your masters,
and if the weight of intelligence, educatioa.
and everything else that elevates the hu
man character, is not on the side of these
despised factory operatives, then your mas
ters will bejbund a superior class to any
w horn I ever had the honor to behold. Sir,
I don't know of the population, North or
Sonth, with whom they i-l not compart
most favorably in all that is worthy of em
ulation or commendation.
Avarice Incapacitates for Enjoyment.
Ia order to enjoy any kind of good, it ia
indispensable that we should experience
some degree of contentment during the pe
riod of enjoyment ; but he that loveth sil
ver shall never be satisfied with silver ; nor
he that loveth abundance, with increase
The desire of riches enlarges faster than
ili 1 1 r-T "-mu imiiaa.lc luuieasQ
of gaio possibly can ; and were acquisi
tions lo accumulate as rapidly as the moat
favored minion of fortune could wish, the
eager mind would still overleap its pos
sessions, aad demand aew additions to its
wealth with accelerated aviditv. As these
desires increase, the fears of losing, and
the reluctance to enjoy what is accumula
ted, are prnportionaly increased. Instead
of furnishing himself with more gratifica
tions, and enjoying them more highly, the
miser lessens them in number and degree,
and tasts them with more parsimuuious
relish. His dwelling, his dress, his suste-
able to afford, first convenience , then com
forts, and then accessaries. Although
he wac'eth nothing for his soul of all that
he desireth ; yet God giveth bim not power
to eat thereof ;" a rich man, who lives like
a beggar, is only a beggar dreaming that
be is rich.
I made short wcrk of it. I said to the
nun, do you take this woman to be your
wile'" " Ccr ainly ! s.id he, I came
here on purpose!" QLoughter.J Iihm
said to the lady, " do you take this man
to t your husbaud ?" " Yes, I do!'' she
said. "Then you are man and wife,' 1
replied " that's all.'' Both of them
looVel at me with evideut astonishment,
and a:ter a aause, the lady asked me, is
thut all?" Great laughter- Yes !
I rpnliprl -tnu are mnn mid a i'p." VrIl'
- l . j
she remarked, 'fit's not such a mighty af
fair after nil!'' (Renewed merriment.)
Weil, sir, I think that will be the case wi'h
these timid advocates of Ireedom. When
they read tho speech of my honorable
friend, they will couclude that dissolution
was no such mighty ailiir after all. The
Senator had presumed to speak for the
South. The right of any one geot'eman
to speak for the whole South had been
questioned on this floor the Sou;h being
coasideiable of a country. He did not de
sire to speak for the whole North, but he
must be allowed to speak for a small piece
of it, which best a good way North the
State of New Hampshire.
The Senator had referred lo the factory
operations of the North, and as other gen
tlemen had done several times in his pres
ence, alluded to them as slaves indeed. He
had been appealed to by gentlemen who
honestly endeavored lo assure him that the
factory operatives at the North could not
compare in physical comforts, nor in moral
nor intellectual privileges with the Southern
slaves. As he lived in a Iowa mostly
made up of this class of persons, he tho't
proper to make some explanation, and if j
he erred, his colleague, who also lived io
a manufacturing lown, would correct him.
The village in which he lived contained
about one thousand female operatives, lo
the same village, over three hundred thou
sand dollars were on deposit in a saviegs
bank, morn than one half which was de
posited by these factory slaves, so called. Gel justly, use soberly, distribute ch
Sir, they are most of them the daughters j fully, aad live contentedly.
of individuals who live at a distance, and Unfeeling men in prosperity are sure to
when poverty, distress, death, or any other h nnpitied in adversity.
Female Suffirage,
A funny article on this subject in the
Transcript, has the following "views' : Im
agine a Whig husband and a Democrat
wile, a Free Soil uncle aad a Hunker aunt,
a Lit-erty party cousin, a Colocizationist
nephew, a Slave holding niece, and three
blooming daughters, who have gone over,
bodice and bustle.to the un'errifie.J democ
racy, aad, for the first lime in their lives,
will vote io pink muslin frocks at the
next election imagine this group galb'
ereJ around the same table, al tea and
muffins. How long would a well built bouse
probably stand divided thus against itself
The influences of women will be clearly
exhibited, in join! committees ol both sexee
on the subject of the Union. By the in
flounce of our Northern women, some ot
the most violent and cantankerous of the
Southern chivalry may be tamed, and '
taught to travel as pleasantly aa a pig In a '
string. Miss Frizz'e said, tbe o.her diy, -
that the Hon. was a very greal
man.and nobody deuied it;but sha'.houlda'l
be the (easiest mite afraid on bim upon a
committee on the slate of the Union.' Mrs.
Rollock said she would like for once ia her
life, lo be in a committee of the whole !
There are some that live w ithoot any
design at atl, and only pass in the world
like straws upon a river ; they do not go,
but they are rarrieo.
lie is the greatest moot who denounce
others for consistent and conscienciou
adherence to what they hold as Truth.-
Thefts never enrich, alms never impov
erish, nor prayera hinder any work.