Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1850, January 16, 1850, Image 4

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ttlit cmi fyumox.
Good Old Tlsies.
A number of years ago, before railroads
kcornntivesi had " busted up" stsre
coarhrs, and stage drivers were considered
to lie little lew than mrnsrclis, it was in
custom (It all the old wosjrPti who lived
hack in the country to five orders to the
drivers Tor an) little part-haies tbey st-shed
made Tor them at the nest town, and also
entreated 1I1M1 with all packages and
bundles the) mifchi wieti to have Jelt at a
neighbor's or relatione house en) where on
the road, in the same mariner that enpress
tw n are now employed with the alight
exception that the drivers gt eery little
pay for their trouble. TV'ell, it "happened
once upon a time that a ,dri?er was
warkiog his team along a Country road
between two until towns in Vermont, and
aa he was approaching a farm house, he
spied the matron, with spectacles on nose
end knitting work in hand, standing oo
the green in front, patiently watting for
him to arrive within speaking distance,
and as he drew up his team she exclaimed,
' Mr. Driver, will you be so kind snd
obliging is to put this 'ere w heel on top
of your stage and leave it at Deacon Jon
athan Brown's who lives the next house to
the mcetin' house down to the village. If
jou will. Driver, I'll be ever so much
I.bleeged tojer.
Here the old lady poiated to an immense
spinning wheel, the size of which almost
trihtenrd our friend. But who ever
knew a stage driver to be non-pluscd !
At any rate he wan not, but with extreme
tohienees told her, "He should be very
happy to accommodate hei il it was in hi
power, but unfortunately it was not, as he
had agreed to take on a saw mill down at
tbe bridge." Yankee Elude.
XV hen tha Slate of Maine was vountf .the
good people used to pay their parish priest
in the fruits of the earth instead ot cask, lu
one parish, labored a pious old.divine whose
puljiit was his only subsistence for himself
and his nine children. He received yesrly
fie hundred bushels of rye as a aalary.and
one donation prty extra. One unlucky
Babbatb, being moie animated than usual,
he let fall some rebuke that raked a little
too severely the conscience of the ision
TUy waited on their minister in the evers
iiif.snd told him he must alter his doctrine
sniiicly, or his salary would be withheld,
and a new man called to take his pulpit,
'1 he goud minister, in grtal dismay, resto
nd everything to harmoo) again b m) ing,
fientiemeu, just tell me whut doctrine you
wikh tn have preached, and I'll prawch it,
for I must have thut ryt .'"
A Jonah's Thocsht The boat af a
whaler was once knocked w-veral feet in
the sir by a blow from the tail of a fih to
which it was UU L'pon coming down the
tt-erernan tell into the whale's mouth, and
tbe teeth of the animal closed upon a leg.
Alter being in this terrible position fur a
time, he wne Heased, picked up H an'ther
l,at, and cairied on board, where, while
prrparatiefS were making to amputate his
crushed limb, he us, asked what he "iho't
f while in the whale's mouth!" VV'iih the
utmost simplicity he replied, "Why, I the t
would yitlJ ahout fifty barrtli .'"
Who run piiut like natur!"' exclaimed
a younj; 'ai), holding a rrpj of Thomson's
Sat'-ns in one hand, whil the other was
cie-ped b) her enraptured lover. Ah I
wliHtwiul there in in that parage who,
li deed, can paint I ke nature V
Y.n can!" shouted her boy brother,
who had heen peeping in at lite window,
)u're just the g.rt that can ; yow 're
I'R-p'rd 'ikf ell rta'ur' tviw !'
8'ie fainted the lover left.
A poor shormHker having plunged into
the water to s-ve the lite ot a miset's child,
th' la'ter was profuse in thanks.
What do I not owe ;ou? 1 own joni
rr thing !" said the miser.
Very well jut pay me ten dollar" ot
it now," said the dripping roan, "and I'll
wait lid )u get ready to discharge the
rrmuinrW of the debt."
Tne miser kloped.
Gu.rnrna The "Aurora Borealis"
tciU a nod one tl a noted burglar, who,
I aving te n tiirnced on varioas convio
li .us to silly evtn Veer' imprisonrnent,
arose and aid, 'Jude, I do feel sort O1
pleased, end jjratelul ; you've took a grew
I. .a J orT my mm ' for, b) jingo, I I bought
ynu was going to be particularly severe on
ue tbis time, an J send me up for lifel"
TltereV a bliss in a kiss, when you get
suili a boon as you go o'er the anw in
(he liht of tba moon so nays B ston Br,
in very great glee ; and it's n a bad one,
as tile I'Uitui'a hud wile).
A VVbi correspondent woudera by the
Mirror should notice ihu 4bu;t" in tl.e Vie
BTilnit's Message.
We are always ready "lo take tbe bii'l
1 i he. huiiia." .V. J". Mirror-
A pre.ieher who ndvisfd a dmwsy hearer
tn Like a pineb of anulf oecaaronally dur
f)t aeiviecto kep him awnke.wa adtised
in return to put li e snuff in his aeriimaV. j
KjsVwrried looe in a ba-kel in a ear ,
ri(? 'ver a rouh r std.tilrn out gone?r!iy
whit iiry are rrrke I up" lo h !
Vegetable diet is well hit off by tbe ccle
brated writer, Mr. Slick. Sam met a
Grabamite in his travels, and thus des
cribes him : H His skin looked like a full
grown blsdder arter some of the air bad
leaked out, kinder wrinkled and rumpled,
and his eyes looked like a lamp that's liv
ing on a small allowance of ile. He put
me in mind of a pair of kitchen longs, all
halt and head, and no belly a real gan-der-gutted
looking creature, as hollow as
a bamboo walking-cane, aud twice as yal
A BW Vil at aDobis.
A rrrtain greenhorn toechad with kw to Ik cars
l'atka upon a fair auidn wbo opened ska duor,
Hs sua) lew bow ss tba a kesjan
-Ok ! 1 adore yea. av caarsaivig Sumo."
"I'll u dvar yum, too !" aha aaswarsil M ance,
Aud shut le the aitar ia ike lata af U doacs !
The editor of the Kent News, published
at Charlestowa, Md., has burdened Imnseif
with $50,000 and a wife. lie has truly
encountered a Miss-fortune.
If "the love of money 's the root of all
evil," an empty pocket's the home of the
"lOIRT PKOCI.AMATlO.V Whereas the
J H ti Asaaaasj 8 Wtaaue, Pinsvlral Judge
o the f-'oyrt ol Comsae flea m the Una Judi
cial Dretnet corraistiiig of ike euantic of Unioa
snd Mifflin, and Akntrliui anJ Jamb Wtl
ttnmytr Er Ataoctite Jadgea in Varna county,
have moed tbrir preerpt beiring dale tbe Mth
day of Dec 1949 snd to aw directed for ism at
ding of an Orphan Court, Court of Cuatman
fit as, Oyer & Terminer, and General tjuarier
e4Mia al Kw Berlin for lbs coonty of lluion,
on the 3d MonJay of Ft-ty nen hem the llth
dav M aid lo Clirnue io areeka
NO I'iCk: w therefore herviiv ai-n to tbe
Cutoner, Justices uf the Peace and Cuaaublew in
and for ius cnunty of tiium, to appear in ikeir
owo (iror pcrauni with itU'ir roil-, records in
4uiaitiiia,eiaaiiBationaiid uher reaiemliraiicea
la do tboas Ibieg wbicla ef ibtir uCrcs sod W
ibeir behalf apperiaiu t tie do , and all win tea
tee and other ieraons ptu-ecutMif in eaalf of
the C aamucwralth agaiust any prrauna aie
required to he then snd ihi re stiend tut and not
diput with- ut irave at ihsir pent. Ju-ticee arr
requested to le punciasl in their attrndancs at
the aj poinleJ time ag reeahle to notice.
. u nntler ai) Band and seal al the ShenfT
office in Mrw Brrliu on the lOik da; of Janwary
A 1. 1850 and in lb 74ih year . (lie ImIcui-u-deuco
of the Unil. d !4alre of Aruerira.
UOl) Hit lha CiBiBi.ura!ih t
IKtHlFF SAI.KS. Tke flierrff of CniuB
uuutv will sell t 'ha Coon U.ue in Near
berlin fU eaiur.lay IC.h Feb al I ocley-k r M
'I he u.Ure uf Elias Duck in Lola No 289,
!5i, :,9, 3uU. S 4i0, 433. 434. 465 aud
til 6 in the vneral drfl of Springfield" ia the
I iibii of t niB, ai'j ji ing ieaite uf Michael
Ciemm us and tbra, riiuated beiweeli e-liiroo
kio Unlge and Nrw BorliB, cuiitaiit Bg 6 acrea,n
o 423 gaud twonMuisy l"g frame buuse, and
eiab.e, ai.d a li f water i.rsi tbe b .uai-.
He will a'ao srll al the sS'ue pltco n Monday
(he 18ih day of Fet neii
A lot of ground in Adanwbu'g adjuiniag J an
blrtv on lhL-wei,er.d on which are a two-atarey
log bouao, balf t'am, aad panp. Afc s
iic( ofO sne (10 acres ilraiet.') ia Hartley
1 1, 'ining V ro O wig aird allll (ir.i, ai.d
on which are a lw.. ai. ley lig houae. balf harli.
fiuil tie a. snring of wali r, Ac To ba s jld u
li.e ptON t y of JuUn Frank.
Alo lot -f t arte iu Freet.u g, oJj ini' g A
P.ge on the raat. whrre.,B ae a lao-etnr. y I g
b-nae, fiame abop baif haf it and lug aial le-a-the
iro(ri of Nu-bidaa enauatr.
AIbj tiacl ti 106 acre (SO acrea cleired) in
Union I'p. sdj.Miung Oo Hmibj-1 and Jerrmti
v all. re, ou wbit b are a (tao-Murry log hoaae, a
bank -'n Ac s M orchaida, and several
a.riig ss tbe proueay of John Moyer.
AImi a i srre lot in Middleburg, odjoniing Pe-
hr riaie aud widow ruuio. wninon arc a two-
aiotey fr.irne h -um, I g sisl'le. frame shop. Ac
A an a lot of 4 sue iu C nfe 'I p , adjoining
Altirigtit Mwiu-ford, on which are a two story
liaui' bouae. lank frame sxWe, well, aud oij..
l'o 1 aoid aa iht lony of John Horh.
AImi tract of S airra.iinilr Unl, in Pirry Ip,
aJj unng lands id" VlnUI Ue'ha t, Jcob Milter
ling Jacob fbeliy. and others -sS the p oirly
ul J nine Forry.
Alao s Uact of I seres (20 t rca clarej) in
Waliiogtiu Tp. adjoining i -hu rhoiau. rgi r. Ja
rob Keichenbecb, end ohrr- oa the proper
ty of Jacob Gauglrr.
Also a i acie na-t in Chapman Tp, adjoining
Win Sholley. Winkl man, and Zrigler, whereou
are s tj atory lug boue, a blackamnb shop, kg
auliie, spring of wstet.end ouig fruit ttrei s
lbs pr p rty of Philip Mieid.
ARCH U 1 110 MAS, Plieiiff.
Mhvriffa otfi.-e, er Berlin, Jan 10, 1850
SUBSCRIBERS to the University at
Lewisburg" ho have not paid their
First Instalment, (due last January,) are
respectfully requested to pay the same
without further notice, to
e)AM'l. T. WALKER. Tasas.
By order ol the Board of Trustees.
Lewisburg, Si-pt. I, 1849.
taluat)lc Eoofca.
AFRESH supply received at the Lewis
burg Cheap Bookstore :
Fiake's Manuel of Classical Literature
Diivies' Analytical GemnHry
B air's Rhetoric, (University edition)
CorootncVs Mineralogy
The (ompleie Fanner, I vol, 62 cts
The New American Gardener, I Tnl.fl
Tde BiMik that will Suit You, or a Word
fir Everybody
1 ran furnikh the above works, with a
great variety of others, at rrry lew prices.
May 30 n r I.Y .-N1IAI.I.
msy mum,
HAVING uben the new Drng Establishment
of Sckctfit e ChamUrlin, I would res
peclfallv announce to bit friends and tbe public
that I have replenished aiy stock aud will keep
constantly oo feaad a large, freah and well selec
ted stock of purs Drags. Medicine Ac. '.oicb I
offer at Wboleaale and Retail. My slock ling
entirely new and parchaaed fur ca.h st low rates
in the Philad'a sjsrket, I am enabled to evil al
lo- prates tfcau ever od'ered iu (hi region
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,
Dye Stuffs, Patent Med., Glass,
Perfumery .Oils, Paints, Liquors,
Fancy Notions, Variety Goods,
Fruits, and Confectionery,
wita a Isrge variety of other articles aeuslly kept
ia Drug establi'diiBeala. Thankful for past lib
eral patrsnag. I hops la aietit us coaiinuance.
Peruana winking to procure pure sad fresh
Medicines, are particularly iaeited to giee me a
call before purchasing ekewliere, as all Drue
are carefully inspected before offered for sale and
all Mi-diciaea aasnafaclUMe by sayaelf are war
ranted good. Having a practical kaowkrJje of
tbe buoinese from epwsrds of tea yesra' etperi
eoce, latter Biyaekt that I ags s couietiit judge
af this sane.
All orders entreated to sm will be promptly
attended to, and my friends may rely upon gel
ling everything of the very beet qualiry.
V. W. tCH FFLE, Druggist.
Lewis t. ISIS
VV but youn inaa wants to wear a w g
We all know the value of a good heitd of
hair. A young man with a bald head, is a
srirt of walkms caricature of his specH-s
Hence the many vsrious attempts to reme
dy or conceal the deficiency. Hundreds
of the young snen of this country, after try
ing the thousand and one chemical pre;
rations and nostrums forrcstorin!the hair.
are driven the necessity of wearing a wig !
a practice as little crmducive in cleanliness,
as it ia dmgeroua to health ! Now, we hap
pen to know from practical ekpcrirncejhat
Trash's Magnetic Ointment will restore the
hair on a bald head, wbeu all other reme
dies have foiled.
3 iW in Lewishnro.wholesale and retail.
by Thornton & Baker. Price 2-i and SO
cents per bottle.
tax bbo
THANKFfL lor Hbersl patronace heretofore
received, rcaneclfally iniorms hit old friends
sad the public generally Ibat be baa reaaoasd bis
Tailor Miop
to tbe Basement ot hia Brick dwelling on Market
air tel. nest door above V. fenny 'a ssJd!ery (late
tbe orfire of 11 V Hick ok, Eau,) where he hopes to
suit all who may give hiwi their custom, as
he doe all work in his line in tire best and
newest ntyle and on short notice), lie h i?
the Fashions recu!arly, emphiye none but
grind hands, aud is determined to keep U
with the times and merit a good share t
patronage. CUTT1XG done to order.
Charges reasonable, and Produce taken in
Jcsrhiiae for work
uetisbtirg, June, invi
Fancy; CaoorN, Xollonn, A.C.
T I'T rece'd s large Slid splendid aeaoruoent
knd spiel
such a
I of Fancy Ooodn
Sceel Bfads Unld P-ncils Thimbles
" CUkps " Pens Visiting CarJa
Chains Jieer Pencils lioniinoss
Brad Necklscos Finger Kings Thermometers
.Btin Deads Hair Pins Matrs snd
Amlapr Needle Csaes Si rope
BusTtlo Combs Shirt Bullous W slking Caaea
Hhrll Hiud etri-Mors
psnisb " Water Colors San Glasses
Dreading " Einerses fcpy
I'orhrt M I "igar Cases Pocket Mirrora
Hair Brushes Snuff Uoies Coinpaaeee
Teeth " ripeciacira Perfumery
Nail " Cases Vaicheis
Plash Night lights Smellnti Buttles
P.iinl Doila and oieel 1'weesers
Shoe " Doll heads 1'oys for
Jewelry Card Cases Children
(inard Chains Port monies Fancy Pipes
Watch " Porkct Books Pen Knives
Keys Arcurdiiie PM-ket "
f ,'luater Pins Fiddles Silk anJTbread
Cameo Psrlor Limps Purse,
Together wiih a great vsriety of article not
mentioned in the aboe list, for aale at tl.e new
Drug, Fancy and Variety store of
Myers' Liquid Cure !
IS a positive and never-failing Remedy
for PILES, whether Internal, Ex
ternal, Blind or Bleeding Scrofula, White
Swellings Ulcers, ulcerated Sore Throat,
Canker Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cutan
eous Diseases, Mercurial AffecUom.Q c
also for Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Brui
ses, Ate. &c.
We feel justified in proclaiming tbe Fact to
the World, that of all medicines ever bro't before
tbe public, none bave ever been more beneficial
to afflicted humanity than -Vyers Liquid Cure.
We know tbis is asying s grest deal, but if we
were to writs volumes we could not say too mucb
in prsiae of this
Hundreds, nay thousands blew the bsppy hour
when first they were made srquainted with its
trsnacendsnt virtues ; snd our present purpose ia
to inform other thousands, how ai d where tboy
may obtain that relief which they perhaps have
long sought for in vain.
1'be superior eicellence of this preparation
over all other medicine, for lbs speedy and per
manent cure of PILES, ia well known to all wbo
have lasted iu ft has been proved in thousand
o' inetsnces, and hss beVeb Tiilkd to cure the
iaof ohxtinate eauti, and wo are confident it wilt
never fail if need a proper length of time accord
ing to directions. As s proof of our entire confi
dence in its eflicscy, we assure all purrhasera that
if, af'er a proper trial, it prove in tfeclual, (be
Money paid for it will be returned.
The Liquid Cure is an effectual remedy for
Ringworms. Bi'es, Pimples, Barbers' Itch, Frosted
Limbs. Chilblain'. Sail Kheom. Musquito Bitea,
stings of poisonous Insects snd Cutaneous diseases
of every description. -
It ia both sits snd elToetusI for Rar.cxATisx.
giving immediate snd permanent relief.
Iu effects as a real I'ain Killer, sre magical.
should provide themselves with thia Invaluable
Prepsrslion. the cheapness of which places it
within lbs reach ol sll
Full Direction accompany each Bottle
Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates
from those who have tested lbs Liquid Cure, may
be bad grafil of ar authorised agents
Mum' Luruid Cure is prepared only by
JEROME & CO 81 Sprsce St. New York
A,enU : C W SchsffiV. Lewithurg ; J 11 Raser,
Miii. a l.ro5:li
SCHOOL-TICKETS printed rd for
sale st this oltiCM.
R. J. N. KELLER & DUO. most res.
nectfully solicit attention to their fresh
stock ol Englith, French, German, and
Jlmerican lrugs. Medicines, Taints, Che
mical. Oil.t, lestufls, Glassware, Pfrfu
mery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, Arc.
Having opened a new store, No 994, Market st,
wilb a full upply o! freah Diuga and Medicine,
we reaprctlnliy tolicil country dealers to eiam
in our stock Unt purcba-ing elarwhere, prom
ising one and all who may e. I di-poard to ei-U-nd
to ua their patronage, lo sell them genuine
Uiug and Miilicii.r-a, on sa liberal lerrus aa sny
oiber bouas iu (he City, and to fai hfully eiecu'e
all ordeis entreated to us pmaaptly and with de
One of the proprirtcrs being s regstsr phyi
cian. sltorda aiuple guarantee) of the genuine
iU:iliy of all arm ire eld at tbnir eeisMuhment.
We awcislly in'iie drugiiui and country
mrn bauU. who may w i'h lo become sger.ta for
JJr. Ketltr't CtUbraltd Family Mtjicinet,
(etandarj aud popuUr rewediea.) to forward (heir
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect
fully remem.
J. S. KECLER& BRO., Whobwale D ugsi.u,
lytHiJ Tio. 24, Market St, i'Wuef.
I'ne sutmrriher offer li.r sale Ornamen
tal Tree of evrrv descrintimi, particularly
the Ruroi-ean Linden, and I'antonw Impe
rious, a ftidennid shade tree lately introdu
red from Japan, remarltable lor its eior
nirsus leaves (sometimes two feet iu diam
eter,) and larv elUHters of roe colored
flowr r.", spntt d and striped within, emiiiio
a franranre Kimi:ir lo the Lilsc.
Also Fruit. Trees Pear. Cherry,
Plum, Neeiariw, and Apricut treeg at rea
son a hie prices sll the varieties warranted
gencine; a!o llni-house and (Jreen house
plants, locr-thrr whh a variety of Fhiwer
eed, all of which he will sell im low as
they can be purchased in Philadelphia.
Lewishnrp, Sept 12, 1849
at Lacwisburg.
rpHE TRl'STEES of the fniversity at Lew
ishurg would respectfully iiil. rm its Patrons
sod Friends, that, in the School under their rare,
(at Lewisburg) iSie following sre ihel'IsHv. etuh
jrcts of Study snd Eiercews lor the current year.
Department and Studies.
8ii CSaws Eiereised in Spelling. Resiling.
DeSoitinn, Kngli.-h I i rammer, Ariihmetie. tieog
raphy, History V S. A., Penmanship, and Com
position. EXGLISH DEPARTHEXT of the Aeudtmy.
The ssmc studies ss in the Primary Department
continued in the use of larger lext books ; snd lo
these sre sdded General Hisloiy, Davies' Algebra,
Legendre and Harvey lug.
Jim. Aemlemic Clang. English Lansuaue,
fte ncr' y, History II. 8. A , Latin tirammar
and Render, tsreek (irammar snd Reader com
mciired, Aiitl.melic rrniik-trd.
Sen. Arudtiiiic Claiw. r.ncli-h Lanyiisce.
General History, Ccsjr, Virgil, Greek Ktsdtr,
Davies Algebra.
t'rethmun Clat. Livy,Ansbai,Memorabilia.
Davies Legendre, rngon.imrlry commenced
irwire C'latf. Horace, 0'lyy, telert
Orations nf Drmostheitea, Legrmlrc compleitd
Davies' Purveying and Navigation, Analytical
Geometry, nlaii a Lecture.
Junior Cu. Demosthenes on the Crown
Greek Traejeil. Cirero e OIKViis, Tacitus, Nat
ural Philuoihy, Astronomy, Logic.
Mudents in the English Depurtment recite
with tboe pursuing (he same studies in tbe
Regular Course.
Ko class iu the Regular course, has less than
three duly recitations. All ihe memliers of tl.e
school, (in three divisions,) are exercised every
SaturJay in Reading, Declamation, English Com
position, and Vocal Music.
All the students sre required to sttend, regu
larly, some religious meeting. Minors sre eiiec
ted 'o stiend tuih meetings s sre recommended
to them by iheir parents or gusrdians. There are
in the Borough no less thsn fix place of public
wori-hip, occupied every Lord's Day by ss many
different Christian denomination.
Number of Students.
The number of atudents during the past year
in the vsrious departments, was 1G t. The
number thai have entered the classes in the Reg
ular t'outse for the current year (exclusive of
those in the English and Primary departments.)
ia ss follows :
CoLLsac Junior clas . 6
Sophomore d iss 13
Fiehuan claa -12
Acidimt. fenior class 12
Junior class 8.-71
STEPHEN W. TAYLOR, A. M., Professor of
Mathematics and Natural Philosophy ;
GEORGE R. BLISS, A. M., Professor of Greek
Language snd Literature ;
of Latin Language and Literature ;
ISAAC N. LOOM IS, A. M., Principal of the
Academy ;
ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Teacher in tbe
In order to meet the demands of the Institu
tion, the Board bave taken measures to supply
the necessary Apparatus for the depsrti. nt of
Mechanical Phil.isophy, and to increase the Li
brary, before the commencement of the winter
session. During the year, the building now in
progress will be completed, affording aludy room
and dormitories for 70 college students. Another
Professor hss been sdJed to the Fscuity, snd
T.oaiH provided to enable atuilenta in the classes
specified above to prosecute their studies wiih the
greatest success.
Tuition and Hoard.
TUITION in the Cullrciste Department (30,
Academic $20, Primary $ 12 per year.
BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel snd
light, can be bad in ihe village and ita vicinity at
various prices, fiom $1,37 to $2,50 per week.
Sessions, Vacations), &c.
Two Sessions in s year the former commen
ces on the second Tnesdsy in October, snd con
tinues 27 weeks; the latter continues IS weeks.
Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumns), 6. Next
session begins llth October.
Tbe Board sre happy to add that Lewisburg
is st present, as It aver hss been, exceedingly
By order and in behalf of the Board :
Lewisiuig, Union Co. Ps. Beit. 1, IM9.
HAS removed his Watch and Jewelry
establishment lo bit house, opposite
Hayes' Store.
The New Foundry
TS now carried on a usual, at the upper
X end ol Market street, where everv des
cription of CASTINGS is kepl on
nana or made to order such as
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Cooking Stoves,
for either Cnl or
Wood nnd all
other kinds of
also IM.OUI.IIS of differ-
ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs,
and the
Ceif-Sharptnijuj Plough,
a new article, and which can not be beat
in Pennsylvania. Cnll and see and judge
for yourselves.
Iwiiburg, Sept- 22, 1849
JLivev dPiM.
THIS new and valuable Medicine, now
used by the medical profession with
such astonishing efficacy in the cure of
ru-ury CuHxmwptiun, Scrofuja, Chronic
Kfieumt:r.t, Or mi, gei.al Utbility,
C"r.pluir4M nf the Kidnryi,
vVr. Ate., is prepared from the liver of the
COD-FISH for medicinal use, eipresslj
lor our seles.
Ciirset from the London Medical Journal.
V I B. Williams. M. D- F R.S, Prolesaor of
Medicine in Uuiversity College, London, consul
ting physii ian to the Hospital lor Consumption,
Ac , faya ; " I bave prescribed the Oil in shove
lir buD'tred esses of luborcuiou- diteasa of the
lWoe iu iliff rein stags,wbich have been under
my care the la.t two ,jd a half. !n the.
large number ot' cs-rs SOS out ol I'M. its was
tnllo-vtj by marked, urripjivocil in;rovrireut.
saryiug iu degree in ditfereut rst. frota a Icm
poraiy retardation of the progress of the disease
mil a mitijiaiion of iiatreasuig symptoms, up to
s mote ol less cnuii lctu restoration U apparent
The effect of ihe Cod Liver Oil in tnont of
these esses was very remarkable. Even in s lew
days tbe eoonh wss mitigated, tbe eipcc oration
dimini-hed in. quantity and opacity, tbe night
sweats erased, the pulse became slower, and of
better solnnie, snd the appetite, flesh and stieugth
were gradually improved.
" In cnnrlusion 1 repeat that the pure freah Oil
fom tne i.iser o ihe Cod is more benebrisl in
the treatment nf Pulmonary Consumption than
any "gent, medirinel. dieteuc or regimenal, that
bu yet been employed.
As we have made arrangement to pro
cure the Cod Liver ')il Ireaii from bead
mj triers, it cr.i i,ow U had chemicBlly
pure, by the single bottle or !n holes of
oih rlogi-n enrh.
lis wuiiderfiil etlicacv has injured num
erous spurious imi'ati'ws. As rta success
1cenda entirely on its f urity, too much
are cm nn he used in procuring it orit'-
ist. r.verv bottlH tuvir.jr on it our written
iiiiature, may lie depended on as genuine.
I'limphlrts containing an analysis of the
Oil, wiih notices of it from the Medical
Iriurnats. w ill be sent to tho-e who address
us free f( postage.
Wholesale Dnijsis!s and Chemists,
Iy28 100 North Thiid St. Philadelphia
rsirju. m ag
fPHE subscriber would inform the Gen-
X tlfinen of Lewisburg nnd vicinity that
he bus now re-opened a new and elegant
shop, next door to the Post Office, where
he will rarrv on the business of LU I TING
AND MA KING garments as usual. Work
made by him warranted to fit. Produce
received in payment at market prices.
Lewisburg, April 27, 1848
Consnmption disarmed of its Terrors !
HASTINGS' Compound Syrup of Sap
tha a positive cure for Consumption,
Uucline, Asthma, nnd all diseases of the
chest and lunjs a single bottle will prove
its elfioncy.
1 he proprietor not only recommends his
Naitiia Svbip, but warrants it to cure!
(le warrants it to act upon the chyle, and
purify it ; he warrants it to remove all im
pediments w hich retard the free circulation
of the blood ; he warrants it to open the
internal and external pores of the body and
eject all the obnoxious particles which have
accumulated in the system ; he warrants it
as a never-failing remedy in hectic lever,
nignt sweats, dyspepsia, liver complaint, I
pain in the chest, and asthma ; and he war-
rants it to arrest the formation of tubercles
in the lungs, and to heal those already
(ormerl, so that persons in consumption
may take :t with the most positive conn
dettce nf a cure, for its great scat nf action
is the lungs, which it penetrates in all di
rections, purifying them of everything
obnoxious in its progress, and which, il
applied according to directions, it can not
fun to leave in a perfectly healthy condi
tion. Azent at Lewisburc
210) C W sniTAFFLE.
Get the Best!
A LL ynntie; person should have a Standard
2.X. Dictionary al their elbows. Anil while
you are about it, get the be t: that Dictionary i
Moan VVkssteb's, the great work, unabridged.
II you ate ton poor, save the amount from off your
bark, to put it into your heaJ. PhrenolngJour.
Dr. Webster' great wotk is the betf Uiciiwary
of ihe English language. London Alorn.Chron.
Contaiiiine three times the smonnt of matter of
sny other English Dictionary compiled in this
country, or any ahriilgment of this work.
rublitheil by O eV C Merriam.9pringrield.Msss.
anu tor sate st the I nesp Uookslore of
May 30 S F LVNDAI.L, Lewisburg
BEST Spanish and Hal! S;ttih, also
American CIGARS and all kinds
of Chen ing TORACCO, for aale by
Lewisburg, Dec 4. 1818
"I70R sale by
1' REDr.ls HUrt m.
Lewisbua fuaot 1949
equitable life M8VRAKCE,
& t 1
rCAeiTii, 50,000 Charter Perpetual
1HE Company are now prepared to transact
business upon lbs most libersl snd sdvsnta-
geuu terma. Tby are authorised by their charier
(see. 3) to make all and every maurance apper.
Mining to life ri.ka of whatever kind or nature, and
to receive snd esecule trusts, make endowments.
and to grant snd purchase annuities. The Coui
psny sell annuities and endowments, and act a
trustees for minors and heirs.
Table of Premiums required far the Assurantt
Aga. Prem. Age. I' re in. Age. Prem.
16 $160 31 $2 09 46 $3 36
17 1 63 32 2 16 47 3 49
18 1 56 33 3 20 48 3 62
19 1 69 34 S 27 49 3 77
30 1 60 33 2 33 50 3 94
21 1 63 38 3 40 51 4 13
22 1 66 37 2 47 62 4 32
23 1 69 38 2 54 53 4 51
24 1 72 39 2 63 54 4 71
25 1 76 40 2 70 65 4 91
26 1 85 41 2 81 56 6 12
37 1 89 42 2 92 57 5 33
84 1 94 43 3 01 58 5 54
33 1 99 44 3 12 59 5 78
30 2 01 45 3 23 60 6 03
Tbe piemiums sre less thsn sny other company
snd lbs policies afford greater advantages. Mar
ried women snd female children csn insure the
live of either s husband or parent free from the
claim of creditors. Tab lea of balf yearly and
quarterly premiums, half credit rstes of premium,
abort terms, joint lives, survivorship, endow
ments snd forms of application are lo be had al
the Ofliee or of ihe Agent.
Hates fur insuring $100 on a single Life.
Age. For 1 year. For 7 yeara. Fur Life.
20 $0 81 91 160
30 0 99 1 30 3 04
40 1 29 1 64 2 70
50 1 86 2 07 3 94
59 3 48 3 97 6 03
Eismple : A person a red 30 years next birth
day by payiiy the Company 99 cla would secuie
to his family or heirs ilUO should he die in one
year, or 'or 9 90 hs secures to them 1 1 000, or for
1 3 00 annually for seven years be secures to ihem
t itWO should he die in seven years, or for 20 40
I aid yearly durii.g life he secure $1000 to be paid
hen lie tiie tbe insurer securing hi owo bonus
by the diSerence in amount of premium from those
charged hv other offices. For 49 50 tbe heirs would
receive $5000 should he die in one year.
PETER CULLED. President.
F, W. RA WLE Sec'y and T.eas.
For further particular apply to
Agent fr Union and adjoining counties.
Consulting Physician Ws. Hat is, M. D.
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. July 21, 1849
Carefully hf paired. at the shortest Solice.
fpHE subscriber desires to inform the
X citizens of Lewisburg and the public
hi general that he carries on the Watch
Making Ku.siuess in the shop formerly oc
cupied by C.J. iluusel, w here he is prepared
to execute all kinds of work in his line ol
business with promptness and on the mo.i
reasonable terms, and by strict attention
to his business expects a liberal share oi
patronage. lie has constantly on hand an
assortment of
WATCHES Patent Lever, English,
and French.
JKWF.I.RY Gold Watch chains and
Guards, Pencils Pens, Breastpins,Karrings
Fingerrincs Silver Spectacles, Lockets
Spoons, Ihimhies, die.
Which he is determined to sell low
Lewisburg, Nov. 13, 164?
nHE subscribers, thankful for past patro-
1 nagf,wouia iniorm tne puonc mat tney
continue to manufacture all kinds of
Cast V ater W heels of ,b ,PProteJ
Threshing Machines.
One and Two Horse
We invite particular attention to a new
article Wiartl'i Patent CiG PLOCCDS. lor
Strain, M bruin, farmers by this plough
can seed in as much grain, in one day,
in three days with common ploughs.
and Fitting the same. HOLLOW WAUK.
Kettles and 1'ots of various sizs Smooth
ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to
suit cookinj; stoves.
the most approved patterns now in use, for
wood or coal,
Fancy,Parlor,Vood,Coal Stoves,
Race's Seir-regulatlng Alr-dglif
Psrlor Wood Stoves, (a new article.)
Threshing Machines and other articles
ol machinery repaired in the best manner
and on the shortest notice. Castinizs war
ranted to be of the best material, and at
prices that can not fail to please.
Lewi8burg, March 25, 1848 Iy20
Pianos ! Pianos.
riIHE undersigned eontinoes to furnish to order
X n the most reasonable terms. Piano, from
liw manufactory of Conrad Meyer. PbilJ.,hoee
instruments are too well known to neeti-any pan
egyric, having uniformly received lbs commend
ations of lbs most eminent professors and compo
sers of Music, and the award of ibe premiums in
iwYork,Philadelphia and Boston. For Qualities
of tone, touch, and keeping in tone up to concert
pilch, they esq not be surpassed by either Amer
ican or European Pianos.
Instructions given on ihs Piano, as heretofore.
Reference may be made to sny of those Darent
or gusrdians who have pupila committed to bis
charge. He may lie seen st his residence at Mrs
Msise's, Market rreei. I.ewi.bura. where,
and particular ill be made known.
The most popular and favorite Air aiwl M
of different kind received as it is issued from the
different musical Saisblishmenu in the Cities.
j " Aii oQnce of Prevention werfii
fAaf uuful disease.
DR. FITCIl'3 Lectures on the Prevea
lion and Cure of Consumption,
This popular work for ssle in Lewisburg
by S. F. Lvndiill J. Houghton snd at
tbis office. Price, 75 cents. ; . ...i
I. ST CvsKTaoav Itass this CaaarvLLT. TSast w a
Sanapanlla lor sale in tha different iwn called A P.
Towomid'a Sarmpanlla. fc m adverMd a lb OtfK;l-NAI-UKMHNK.aiidaU
mat. This Tnwiweixl nno liKlue
and never m mm : am was formerly a srorteff on ffalrndB.ce
aal, awl tne like vs he assume the mi ol n.ctnr lor the
purport ot eamins; credit lor what he want. rteaay ab
bas attended two medical tcnonls. and practiced lor rttleso
Tears ! !' Now th trm hM.li acvr pracucej medic Mo a
day ia his life I Such wilful, eicasd aM.rcvwitfauo
looks bail to the eharsi-ierand veracity of the nun. li-h
most sincerely, he had never BMde tbo autemrnu f lum
lt or nf m. When will nam l b amc.id irwt-
ful in all their riralii- an-i lu'ercours wr.h then -tcliaw
men ! Ile applied in on kwl ' pl lo axist him in tu.
atdClarui his mixtare. wnitw th Virrc sums It vm J
make, as an inuorement in emftatk in ine btiriue. V
aieo have born enluue i
Ibrm.. in onler In liupreos i
the Old D-etnrN Sir-:..in'l,
SmramiartU. ma.1 from to I
put. Tule. r. Innnneisi say tun suit hit im
nain Wf . a wees mil gi oiiu oi.-' u i-
due one sine1 n,leary pm-f nf this-. Hi r.atvmrnM af
Thoiupou. Moiinun Si Co, an no. tun hut a Irorne of
Inlseh'KXls. simply uuwe In neceir in iun'ic. nnn ip-f
Om truth di.wii in roeard lo his amrpriur, Jermminur Crfs
Mnd. Tlti" l in million the putic to (lurch. isms hta
Old Or. JAI'OH Tuwnsrnl's Sinaparilla. havluir oo It t!m
Old Dneioe'a hit.-, his family uf af Jrsw, asd hw
aumatureaensv the Coat of Arms. i -
Principal Qlct, Utt AVusoa-srirer. .V. T f'
Old Dr. Jacob Townscnd,
Genuine Townsend Stfisaparilla.
Old It T iwnnen't rt now alvut 7 year- ot jfr. wi t tiw
hne hern known ms 0e A UTHOH nj UWVC t VGUKtt
sVAHSAPAKiLLAV' Vn.aT f-Mc, tw waf inm(-tild t
lin.it if matiiiucure, wh:- h nrju il ben lpt mm
of market, ami the -alea i-ru'Tsr.r m iho et, ? wh
had pn.Ted us worh.aud kia alDt. h bad iwacKad
ihe eetia of man--, vrrihr a ili-e pe-rwi wku ht4
Lrcn hretlr 1 of f-tre fi3jtca, auJ aJ troca lieatii, pro
e.inai Ma wclT'-ti
fnaiiu;ariurriou (. Ur;rl ncaltt. aui i eaitcl t.T ih'v.uTn
ouithe iwh ami brei;h ai ihe laa-K e-niecially n M
fourxJ iitCii,bi t STiier-iii' r vfciiria.a.ts, -
ti.:. he vnuriai S P Tmwi.!., it im;rut- iA a-pe
anti nfrrr'r.r.kuterf hm Ut the afper: bcaiije it t p .-i.r-J
on tritntifie ywift9 hv a -ietj man. Th cue' -"
knowledge oi f .'Rf'itiitryait't tkte liufl titsicotriea ol lia
n, have al' been breujlit into requt-rmt. in the manure
lureol iheO J Ur' S4envari:ta. The fltrtaaaanlla ru
it 9 wvli knuwu lo iTteJhCts,' nir:K roaiama many nauivmi
pr-t r:nsi, ni! aniite p:-iien.ci whttn sxw auerl uv usete.
ant. et hem. wlnrh il rvTtirs-d m prainiMr it tor u--e. iwro
tlaesermnta.,i'm atfl etriri. whi-n H laiurums to tbe V
tent. Sme nf 'hr prupenm ! S-trtaf-anTa are an ..
Hi! the entirely ev.i;r-i.te aiv! ane !: :. the preparnuoii,
if ihey are am por- I by a ieiy prvcm, ki-e-rB va
ly to ihre x(-iit.c-tl m ks maiu'ufurt. M-re-".
lhee vaiafHe princie9, which f ofl :.i T.tfr.r on , -
haUiHMi, n.i f r hs-ai. -or tibst eery smt.rM mmittml -erjec
ot ihr n"H, w.iifri "iva 10 11 at iu 'U
Any fw-mun can tun' or ew the mm li'.t t!.e ?t a ti.fi
tolotvti lhuitL which I nvare fi-m turn clHn mv m
the rrxM llin intni anything tr; the can ihea Mr-iiii tlii
iniiMfi ir vaphf initi'iit. fwest-o wrh m iWasrM. -utl
thencili K SARSAiAK.I.LA EXTRACT 3i t V
Riti irch an not live article knot it, aw the
is ao prfaretl that a'l the tut-n pmpeniea of lha
Sarxafsai'illa rtH are 0t rriinvt.-tJ. every '.hi:t? capabie saf
berwniiiti! arhl or lerinetilatiii h etrar:ed ai.l rrfeci.i ;
Iheti every paricle ot ttke lictl firtue as areurej in a pitra
aihl cuneentrated lorm; il ihtat n if reoiieiti iiacapsthuai
of lowiuaanw ot ita vahnhle aiij hea!irr protjeni. nw
pared lu thi- wav, M u inaite tine m pweriul aceia ia Ua
Care of iHttnnaeraiblv Dieea-
nre the r-tHm wUy we L-ur C''mtr?w-lsuisa) on "
sjtVe in ita fwvwsr hw m-n, wotivsin, mxA CakiiUrea. Wa tUad it
doiiae wtwWr in lev curw i ..-
rnMPLAiXT.mi.4 in ft ? V J .f A TI S.f . Ci70M
iatl jail arlrotinrut arKHitf tr'm
h MiaFnsw. a nuarTelbmta elftearv in all awnplainta a.
fin tnm Italic lton., lru Acsdifu uf lAc Stumach. Irani
niia.miil rirrTiUlioa. Jttsif intitil-fi f b!on
ooj to the hesvL
htM itavhes over tire body, k Iw o itetia' in Colds miml
nal:tttti.Mi ot uie neriru eoti iret anu immr, cw.a c..ii- ajasu
ilpitatltli ol Ue nenri, eoii o-et anu .Htr, cw.a cj.i.i- smm
fmitrh : aiul iiiYkm etr eaut rxuec ori.lwfi a. . ceiatse ln,
Mt atHHt. relaxiiiS auicturtsa of the lirug. throai and vat7
other art.
hut in ohin m ita exriHence more manifeatlj
axsuwwlctiiied ihan in all kuule ;u,.r iitafre of
It wmk. w.intivra in ra-w of tfwrr Alius or WiTeav
Filing uftk Womb. fjtMtrurfiL .VwjreW, ot Painful
Aawe. IrrtfrHlttrity ot the ntaiiU'tial i-ri'i-l. au i the iuo(
mini ue1eeiul tn earn if ' the Khdj ! A'ii.My Ihtatm.
By tfernoviriaT ol5rwnic.ti.uw. nl rerrulaint- Ute neuerti
ertweias. it iiTe ion aad vutatiit to Ua whole Unly, afJ
thus cures all lurttu ot
Mervotaa UiMiati antl Deb!l!tT.
rni thuN prerema or relievee a rrra eanet "I oiher aaa
aiea,at Sptnui irrttttftun Xruta'fu. Jul. h'itus' iAmcaV
StrujntrtAr, Epileptic ttst Conrttlnons. tVc.
i cleaiMVi the blood, excitta ihe etr to hea.tfcv r''-t,
tooea live atoinach, an J ari-e e.-od tivew!ot, teiici- u.e
Uwelot torpor ai.l -on.ii pi:i n. dtia.-. s iiiiljinmaw'.. p
titie the xin, f-iTwtitf. the f!tta:tHm or the bii-v-d. p
cuii. Kenie wanu'-b ctvai: aii ti ! -d uaa
irr-ertwiWe peiintion: rT3Tw MrretTtrv an rh'"wa). re
tiVavea all olewtrurttoiut. aiiii invioiatc the eat lire rsirfw4
ay-iem H ntt tbw ttn
Th Medleine ytn pre-eminently Te(I T
Rut ran anv tn iiise ilti.--i le mi-i ;' S P 1 wneuJ'a
mferir arnc.e ) Tun v.ttit s ntajj't 'imn i i not to '-a
COMPARKH Wl I'll TiliiOLl) P!?'
herauwt tf csTif ;RAI POT.thiit ihe one w INCArv
BLE of DETER K -RATI N, an !
while the other ?WKS? ttwrintr. frrmsttint. anil .Vairmf
th bnttten rontaimrt? it into fr.iBineiH : the wottr. r..i
liffuiH exptn.lififj.aotl datinyit r ti!-r ?-! Vut rt tloa
orrihte rompoontl he pt':Mt:rf. to ihe fTW:ri ? ,r:ir.'
put arid intaa tntrrm afcvfrr riinrairnf t ;hmr-If W
raiiea lyi(epnia bait anl 1 "li we no: a'l kin'w it wnm
foo.1 nur9 tn our liiiwlt, whu mirchivf it p-oluc-- '
flatntenre. hearthttrn. palpKatton of the hearr. iiv-r rt
plaiitt, diarrbo-m. tlywntery. rtlic. an-i eorrup'r"a ot 'Ha
hforlT Wh il ie Srpif?tla b. an in t hinr in the 1hJv ?
What prottttre-t n fhe humors which hri-i? on Truer t
Ihe jsiim, Sealtl Hea-I, Siit Khpm. Krvntpe'a W 'u a
Swelling. Fever Siew, arnl ni twcerittn iiifstrtveit iul r
ternal 1 It M nothtrt nrr henren h-it an sci) ii!-wt.ifre,
which aotirw. and thim epa.ifia all the fltn!s oi ihe tfiN. m.re
or le. What causes ltht-uniaiim btti a wur au.1 acirj
Bu id which imnuaieo itaeil hetwiert the jojut- aini e:e
whete. trnutin and inftutntn the doirje tis.-! r--o
which it acts? S of nrrvotta diwi-ic.otiTip'iro .-:f itm
blisnd. of rleranyed cirruiaiion, and cariy all ihr ailntiia
which alfltet human nature
Now is M ikm honible to make and "ell, ana tmimUeif
tere to nue I hi
soi ring, FEKMrvnxo. artn COM POI OF
antl eet he would fain have H ufa-l-rw-d th.it OJl Dr. Ja-S-h
T'twit-tid't Hmuim Orirtsm.' Sti mimrtUa, m ai. lat
TTIO of hi" iiitwrrtvr prv,a at n '
Heaven forhiri that we fh.st.l l t!. il in an artir'e vrhtcti
woaUl hrar ihr inoitt tiwtat.t reJMiuUianro lo S. P. Tows
at-nd'a mrtic'f !
We wt--h it mi'Vrwtooil. bratrwe it t the ahnfu trufh
that S P Towo-end'a arttr'e ainl old lr. JnhTowiisNri
Sarsaparilta are karen vide .; .-r. arrvW miie.'y rfr.v
uar; thm thov are itniite iu every particuiar, barttu not
te nn!r thin in ctonnittn.
As S. P Townw.d i no Artor. antl never wit. no
ahemttM no pliarmareitti-4 knw m more of inetfiftue r
aliiwae titan any other nvqittM iu uivHietittfic, nnntetsitHMil
man. what funrmntt rot :he pub ie here thtt ihw an- re
ceiTins a ffenitTnerienttiir ntetlicitie.rtkiii'riniit' all the v ir
tues ot" the a nicies nr-i tn prfparmc u. and which sr tt
mpable ol cliaiufen which mtrht mvler tliern the AfiKM
Of Olrsrewe instead of hi-allh 1
Rut whit ele "hottld he e-pCTed from one wS- kruwa
noihiiisT etHirparatirely of trmhriise or ilrvw ? t reqi'tme
nenun ot srMne eaiieneore to eook aod tarve upevo a
CtiitHTtHi rieevnt meat.- ow nun h irtore important il U
that the nrHt who mdtfctnT rneTie(ps .t.nrtl lor
elWtild know well the meilical pnpnioot plenta, the br
sTianrtsr of aveurtn am) ronceulrarinf their henlinf vm
hm an evtemive kDtwlett,re of the varies .ttaiee which
tilecrt the hutnaa eyatem, and how to adapt ierned.ee fc
ee oi waaae
It ta to arre fratida wnoa the rmtwtonate. to rofrr halre
into wo untied humanitv, t kmdle hope in the dc"painfvf
ueotn. to reetore health, ami hToom. and vigor Hoo fe
rtfwhi and broken, ami to bi"h mftrmhr that Ol.P lR
jAttBTOWNSKM hue SfK'GilT aad FOU NU the op
port tint IT and meane to brin hte ,
Oranel 1Tlwerel Cfee-vra.tel RfMtwf
with in the reach, and to ihe kwledee of all who rcJ it
I they mar learn ant know, hv sovtui exTrseoce lia. .j
Traataceamdaiait Power te HeavU
A 6 f.nts for the above Medirine C W
Schsflle, Lewisburg ; John II Ratrv Mil
ton ; Forsyth & PrietMly, IVorihi'ti b'iard
GENTLEMEN'S Fancy Goods, Veirf
ingn. Cloths, CatnsimereSi and "Sum
mer Goods in cr neral, at
C. E. Bowes Cheap Stoie