IjEWISBUUQ C22ISOX1CL.S4 AND W:T BRANCil FARMKU PIMsburff Election. The flection of ' Joseph Barker, the t?rn pr-'-h.T. 'o the office of Mayor of Puutwr.', um-o o be received very re ignedlj by (he people of that good citv. The vote stood (or McCutcheoo, Whig. 092 ; Guthrie, Iod., 1,575 ; Barker, Ami Cailiolic, 1.84S. Mr. Barker has been in jail f.ir some j time, having been sentenced lor alleged broaches of the peace in preaching public lv against Roman Catholicism. Many thought- him unjustly condemned and i hey have chosen him Msyor - (Keiiesee Air-tight Improved (CooMng Store. Wsoled HOG in coed killing (ml. neighing from 200 to 300 lbs. For such a one, nih customer can he found by oiling at tbu office. Jan. 15 Bore Light! THE subscribers have reeeitej a lot of Can delahrae of variou patierna also Pine Oil sad Fluid Lamp of different eixaa, all of which Ibry offer at Philadelphia prices. Dr. THOR.NTOX at. BAKER. FOR SALE. THE aahacriber hat a H ATIIA W AT Cook, ing Stove, which he will eelt reasonable ahw a few aniclea of Mahogany FURNITURE, and CARPET8. which v. ill t sold lov. En quire at the Drugstore of Or Thornmn At Baker. THO'S A. H. THORNTON. ILast Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, to all persons knowing themselves indebted to the Estate of Dr. Wm. H. Lndwig, late of Lewisburg, deceased, either by Note, Ducbill, or Book Account, that if not settled and paid before the 23d of Februarv nest, the sid accounts &c. will be placed into the hands of proper officers for collection. It i Imped that this notice will be attended to, and cost saved. JOHN SCHRACK, Acting Administrator of said dee'd. Jn. 16. 150. Auditor's Flotice. K'OTICE ia hereby given that the undesigned. Auditor appointed hy thi Orphan's Court of t'nioo county 10 apportion the assrta in the band of Henry R. Noll, dminitralor of 'he Eatale of Htsar Noll, late of Pennstownsbn, in aaid county, deceased, among the crrditora u mmit Ammamt1 artll ail for that nnrnnci lli.. t house of CharleaD.KIine,in Lewisl-urg.on Wtt. sssnav, the30ih day of Jan. at 10o'clock,VM. JOHN SCHRACK, Auditor. Jan. S, 1950. T A Harket Street House, Shop, and Lot ' - FOR SALE OR RENT. 1MIAT vtluihle property on Market Si. opposite Conk's Coach Shop. The House is a two-storey Frnme, 20 a by 30 -ihe Shop two-storey, 20 by TrS3 37, including a VVoodhou-e on the brat door. A swill Stable eice!lcniaiias Apple, Pnarh, Plum and Cherry tree ec ou the lot and good Water on the adjacent lot. l! wiil be sol on reasonable lerros paymenla m ule easy. If not sold hy the 1st of Janinry, it s ill he olf-rcd fr rent from lite 1st of April next, fii'iuire of the suii-crther on the premise. feTIJI'HEN D. MIAPPELL. Levrishmg, Nov 20, 18t9 010 1 1 V 5,7.5" .? HS""i? 3 I "VtZOFF & ECUSEL T UST received a geouine article of Cod J l.irrr Oil lor wholesale or retail. Nv l i , Dr Thornton & Baker Ulcerated Son Throat It is well known th, if i-eglt-cteoVtbi comprint invariably leads to Cinsuu.p'i -n. If those sufi-jring from this disease; woliIiI "pply Dr.Tra.sk's Magnetic 0"ilineiii,ib-) wouil find immediate relief. F.r lull par iienli', cn!l on ike Agents, and pet a pamphlet. .... S;ld ii Lewisburg, wh'otenle or retail, by Thornton & Biker. Price 23 and H? el per bottle. TTTOULD infurm thi public, that they J r V on rourth street I L IPs old stsiud, HE above Cooking-Stove is a great improvement over any Stove which ia now used, it having an Elevated Oven of sufficient capacity to hu!d six com moo - sired tin pans, and is so constructed as to be heated uniformly on every side, baking bread and roasting meat, equally as well as any BRICK OVEM. The construction of the Stove is such that all of the ordinary processes of cooking can be performed with less than firo-Miifs of the fuel used in the Hathaway Stove. Manufactured and for sale by i tl.tixt V .JJ'FrttffJiM, Lewisburg, Union Co., and (or sale by Agents. Jan. 16, 1850 3m HENRY C. HICKOK, A TTORNET A T LA W, Lewisburg, Union County, Penn'a. Practice in Union snd adjoining counties aluo attenila the courta of Perry county. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Christ, Esq. B1 SUSHJB!IAN.A EXPRESS! THE subacribeT having had several years' eiperienre as s Country Merchant, now Oars bis aerviees to conduct a WEEKLY EXPRESS bet wean Philadelphia. Sunbury, Northum berland, Danville, Milton, Lewisburg, New Berlin, and Selinsgrove, Commencing January 1. 1650. He will call at all the Stores aod Hotels in the above named places, on FRIDAY as 8ATCRDAY Cf each week, to receive orders and deliver Goods and Packages previously ordered. He will also aHead la the baying and delivering of AH Kinds of Merchandize, ana such other articles as may be wanted, and transact all businera entrusted to bim with care and despatch, iocJuding the selling of Produce, die. dec He is determined to ue bis utmost eiertions to give general satisfaction to BJaJ who assy lav or him with their patronage. Persona living at a distance from the above named places, can have their articles left with such persons as they msj direct. fXjAII orders sent snd directed to 1 hompmn tunufhimti r.xpreu, at Hunbury or Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to. W. H. THOMPSON. Janaary 1, 1850 Brand reth'n Pills are sold at 25 eta per box (with full direction-) Y J. HAYES & CO., Lewisburg, and by oslv one Agent in every town in the Union. Each Agent has a Certificate of Agency. Examine the bog o' pills alwa vs and compare it with the fac simile labels on the Certificate of Agency. Aa there ia a counterfeit of the new label nut. thia is of much importance, as there ia a decided difference between ihe appearance of Ihe true labels and those of the counterfeit. The counterfeit is done on atone ; the genuine are done on steel. The appearance of Ihe printing on the counterfeit ia ragged and blurry ; the genuine label is the very pink of neatnrs, both in printing, paper, and general lecution. Be ery careful and go to the Agent,when you want Brandreth'e Pills : then y u are sure of Ibe genuine eMirle. When yoa purchase otherwise, inquire of the seller whether be knows the pills he offers you are ibe genuine Brandieth'st Ev ery man knows a bethel the ankle he offers ia true or false. Beware of cheats ! Icw goods! newgootU! Catcst Qlrriual And yet Cheaper than any olher T cr c "a on o I -g g I l g- a 3B-s?o"-s"wC r as K1 ?2 2..' C3S r CO 2 c s s Pa s 2 si- Auditor's Notice. "TOTICE is .hereby given, that ia pursuance 11 of an order of the Orphans Court of Lmon asunty, the undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Comt to apportion the assets in Ibe hands of w. F. Miller, Esq- acting Administrator of the estate" of Jaass I). Caldwell, deceased, among lbs creditors of said decerned, will sit for that parpose at the house of Charles D. Kline, in Lewisburg. on Thursday the 31st day oi January neb, st 1U o'clock. A. M. A. 8WIXEF0RD, Auditor. January 3, 1850. Auditor's Notice. XTOTICE is hereby given that the or.Jer signed Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Union county to apportion the assets in the hsnds of John Gundy, Esq., Administrator 01 me estate ei 1 aoais M't ui, late of Union township, in said county, deceased, among the creditors of said decessed.will sit for that purpose . uouac 01 josepn .Miiman in said townxhip t laion on Tiuair the 29th day of Januiry ht at 10 o'clock A M JOHN SCHRACK, Auditor. Jan. S, 1850. SI? f a,lL " 3 a 5- 2 3 5' ft 0 P -3 ? I 5 c I" I m I w a c a ja as a S 2 os at ? I; . s t s; o o 2. " a. g av iltn i- S 9 a. vr 3 5 ; t o O o a m 5. ST 2s"-" ? Cg. re s-3 2-fi g 3. 93 o c a. ft 1 5 BBSS 3 8? "0 raal s a 2 Q $ r.2 6 3,5 s - 8 1 ow o- a " S ei-2. as. la?2 W " o ST S3 2- ffj p. - Ca 3" eo o n o-ve mu Jfov Sale, T o Buildin,! now occupied as a Tailor X Simp, next door 10 the Post-Office. "nqu're of JOHN B. MILLER, iburg, Dec. 31, 1819. c i 0 O : 5 S. Z Q., 09 o X If rr rs V3 3 I 2 3 5. 5. J- 31 2 3. o r o r S f 3- 4T S - la s 65 5 yet Cheaper than any Gcoia in the llarkot ! HE subscriber is now receiviim on J opening hi VYINTE3 STOCK nf FRESH GOODS, from on board cnt.a!-bo;iiH Cmma R-tihl.ih and Odd-Fellow, which he invites the citi zens generally to call and examine, and realize the (act thnt they can buy at smal ler profits than at any other store in Lew isburg and particularly Brown Sheetings, Satinetts, Cloths, Shawls, Doluins, Shoes, Boots, and Cap. Wheat, Re, Corn, Outs. Buck wheat. Potatoes, and Cash, at mark-! value, ree'd in payment for poods. S. S. BARTON. Nov. 26. 1849 I V have onened a shoo I lower story of S. W. WykofPs 1 opposite Hunter Piirdes shop, where they keep oil hiinn or make to order Fancy and Common Chairs, Boston Rocking Chairs ulso RnreniK. Tnhles. eda'cnrl. , - - . ar-i-i of various kiiids,ajOvj -3 Settees, &c. A-c. All work in our line warranted to le well made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Si?n TAINTING attended to by the MiWriticrs on the shor test notice and in the bent style. Country Produce and Lumber tnlten in payment and Cush not refused, but rather preferred. The subscribers intend to be strict in he fulfilment of nil their promises a reijsrJa work nd as doino, hi-pe to receive a liberal share of puVie patronage?. JOHN N. WYKOFP. JOSEPH M. HOL'SEL. Leviisbiirn;, Nov. 149 HE subsciiber have associated under the Ftrm of . S. & J. WOLFE, for the purpose of carrying on a Wholesale Grocery ud General CommissiorTancl Forwarding business. I.ibeml niivdm-es will lie made on nil kinds of Country Produce. Place of business, new Warehnu-ie on the Wharf immediately below the Bridge, PAMUKI, WOI.FB. JONATHAN MOI.FC. Lewisb'irg, Pa. Au. 7. 1819 SEASONABIsB GOODS. H. P. SHELLER, rOULD reKrectfully inform his old irietids and ihe public in uarii. thai he u now rec ivjng a larja ., . ,,. I A tva a I Igaj H a TT'IXE fresh Orei-n and Blnck Tens.from I 42 cents a pound and upwards, impor ted by the Cuitoii Si I'tLin Tea Company of New York, packed in pounds, halves and quarters, perfectly air tight, just received and lor sale by J HAYEh & CO. May 6 Sole Agents for I.ewi'urg ft n tm 4 3 a a n. 8"2g j? 5.- O.S ? 7 . a a. a a I8503 ENGLISH and German Almanacs for sale by i ( Lawshe NEW BTJGGEY Tor sale, cheap. Pur further particulars, enquire at this office. Lewisburg, Nov. 7, 1849 THE subscribers offer the public, at their new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tigbt Cooking Stoves, with Brick Oven. Lady Washington Parlor Slove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Slove, for Wood aiset. Coal Burner for Parlors I size, 12 inch cyl inder. I.ouis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor 8tove 2 SILTS. Hhield Air-Tight Parlor Slove for Wood 8 Sixes. Egg Siove the very best in use for Stores, Offices, Barrooms, and Shops. The celebrated Genesee Air Tight Cook Stove. The Complete Cook 2 sizes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Cas'intfs. &c. &r. CI 1 K 1ST 6i Mr ALIII A. . !wi.hunr, Dec. 12. 1849. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Mlterware, &c. Eyer & Thompson, WATCH-M KERS and JEWELERS, respectfully inform the citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity, that they hsve located on Market St. between 3d and 4'h, south side, where they are prepared to ex ecute all kinds of work in their lino in the best and most workmanlike manner. Clocks and Watches of every description neatly repaired, and warranted- The suhscriliers flatter themselves that tbey are well qualified and prepared, (both us it regards their knowledge, .kill. and experience in tlie business, and also in having a good assortment of the best Eng. 'ish and French materials.) to give envre satisfaction to customers and particularly FINE WATCHES, such as Duplex Es capements, Lepines, Anchnr, Detached and Patent Levers, Repeaters, Mu-ical Watches, rfcc&c. will be carefully repaired and warranted to perform well. The work will be executed as safely and equally as well as the same could be done in Philadel phia City or elsewhere watches. Jewelry, Silverware, nnd a variety of goods too numerous to n:entinn, for sale at the lowest prices. All articles warranted to be precisely what they are sold for. N. B. The golden rule in our business iscasi and in order to justify our prices, this will be required. (t5Please give us a call, as we are determined to please huth 111 work and in prices. Dr. Sicayne's Celebrated Family Medi. cines. 1 Lewisburg. Nov. 28. J. L. EYER. WM. THOMPSON. 1849. FRESH GOODS R' ECEIVED at Pursier' Store- French Merinoes for Ladies' Cloaks, Palmetto Cloths do Lyonese do do Black, Moroon and Green colors ; New Style Calico and Delaines ; Also an assortment of LaJiPs Gum over Shoes. Offered at reduced prices. Lewisburg, U.-c. 18, 1849 S Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's AKSAPARILLA also S. P. Town send's Sarsaparilla for sale by , s Dr. Thornton & Baker. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 'HE subscriber offers for sale the good substantial Brick Dwelling, with ne- cessary out-buildings, handsomely situated on Third street ia the Bjro' of Lewisburg, now occupied by him. - Also Twelve Acres of LBMU situated in Kelly township, within 3-4 of a mile of said Borough, in a good state of cultiva tion. For terms, apply in H. R. NOLL. Lewisburg, Dec. 10, 1849. TUST received, at Forster'a Stores I . I W I au Sncu superior laiverpooi uroona 25 do dairy Salt, f Alum Salt, which is ctfercd cheap. ' Dec. 18. Idlest Arrival ! T US T received and now offered for the J inspection of ihe public, our complete WINTF.U STOCK- of Merchandize adapted lo this Mirket such as Foreign and Domestic HDry Goods9 WM, ITS. all of which have been purchased at rates which enable us lo sell Goods : clieapcst of any in town ! Thankful for past liberal patronage from a discriminating public, we hope to merit and receive its continuance and extension. Remember, the Old Cheap Store is Ihe place for baroains ! ! .. U. Fj. Lewisbursi 'Nov. 27, 1849 ; Cl'RE FOLLOWS CURE More Proefs of the Efficacy of Dr.' SWAYS Is'S coMpoi sn si ai r or Wild C!acrry 7A Original and Genuine Preparation f LoriftUiM pilots, Coughs, Colds, Atli'iu. Broiicliitis, Liver Com plaint, spitting lilotd,dilHcu!ty ol Breathing, pain in the Kide and Breast, palpitation f ibe Heart. Influenzi. Croup, tiro ken Conitilulioii.ao'e Thro it, Nervous 1'etuliiy.and all diseases ol Tbioat, iirej-t, and Lun: the mo-t f iT.c tual and apee.ly core knon -for any of the al'ove diaiies is Dr. Swayn;'s compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Reliable Testimony. John Mill 011 Karle. editor of the Worcester Spy, Mass., wss iiai:keil with a severe iuflrtnia lion of the limes accompanied "itfi a dn-treing couali : s let u.-ing various other remeilie' neh litile or no hemfit, by the u.e of one bolile ol I r Swayne'a ConiiKjuiid Kytupof Wild Cherry, he was restored lo perfi-ct lii-alth. Wm. M ntelius, a resjiectable merchant of St C'air, Schulkill county, writes, Jnn 311, 1S13: "Enclosed I send you a ccriilira'c of Wm. iicau niont, a ritizen nf our town. His rae of Cons umption is well known here. and of long standing; he attributes his cure entirely to your Compound Sj rup of Vv ild Cherry. Be not deceived bv the many spnrions and worthless preparations of Wild Cherry, U'hered into notice by ignoiant pretenders, but see that the signature of Dr. Swayne ia upon each bottle, which ia Ibe only guarantee against imposition. Hemember ! I lie genuine preparation of Wild Cherry ia prepared only by Dr Swivsa, M VV corner of Eighth and Kace streets, Pbitad'a Swayne'a celebrated Vermifuge, 'A Safe and Effectual Remedy fur Worms, Dys pepsia, Cholera Moihus, sickly or dv'peptie Children or Adult-,nd ihe most useful Family Medicine ever ofltred to the public." This rein dy is one that h is proved successful for a long time, and is universally acknowledged bv all who have tried it to be fur superior (biing so very pleasant to the tasie, at lliu mine time eirectunl) to any oilier medicine ever employed in (lipases lor which it is recommended. It not only destroys worms, but it invigor iles Ihe hole system. It is harmless in lis eliccts.and the healib of the patient is always improved by its use, even wben no worms are discovered. rr "r Beware of Mistalce. Itememher Dr 8's Vcrmifute is now put up in square bottles (hav-. ing recently been changed) covered by a beautiful wrapper, aleel engiavmg, nitb Hit poitruit of Dr etwayne tbeieon engraved. Bear this in mind, and he not deceived. DR SW A VXE'S fsffSAR CO TED 8ARSA- PARiLLA AN D EXTRACT OF TAR PILL!. The virtues of these pills can be appreciated only hy those who have used lle-m. They are adopted to nssi! nature in carrying off morbid instier, obstructions, impurity of ihe blood, tie. They are a gi nile and elfii.tive purgutive. correct all the functions of the liver, and as au alterative in dropsical affections ihey are very vat-alde and -!wuM be in eteiv family. They hive an outside coating of puic While Sugnr.v. hereby everything ilisasrrcalilc to taste or smell is entirely removed without in the lea-.t aflt-ctiug Ihe excellent quali ties of the mejiriiie, I.'t ii.einlicr they are now put up in boxes turned out of the solid wood, covered with a red label bearing the signature ol Dr Hwsyne : none other is genuine. The above valuable Mdieines are pre pared only bv Dr. SWAYNE, N W corner of Eiglrh and Race streets, Philadelphia. - Jismts for Union tinly. Pa. C-W Sfh;illk-, ai.d Thornton A. Bsker.Leviisbu'g J !Se. b..M and v ,, I B Menrh, Millenburg Ed Wiln. U,!,"nI. AVTavlor.Vlirn.nburg Mns Specbt, Uenvertown, V ill & Lilert, Mar tleton UKMOVAL The Lewisburg; EatLns-Honsv TTNDER the manaoement of J M'Faddin I J 2d. is removed into the basement of the large brick house on the corner from Gen. Green's. Market St Iwishur, where the public can be aecominod ucJ with the best of aBTsV?af' H "F53BviJS Fried, Slewed, Roasted, or in the Shell TRIPE done uo in the Us.t style Pigs' Feet Bread, Pies, Cakes, Nuts, Candy, &c. fkc. The public may rest assured that the eating-housa shall be kept clean and ord erly, and small boys and rowdies not be permitted to loal here. II v strict attention to the wants of the public in our line, we hope to receive a share of its patronage. J. M'FADDIN in. A'ot N B. After the 1st of Nov., Families, can be supplied with Oysters in the shell by the hundred, half-hundred, &" " Lewisburg, Oct. 22 3i.250 i7e N T A L C A It D -Gs2 Dr. John Locke, SCRGEON DENTIST, respectfully informs his friends ai:d Ibe public in general, that be baa concluded to make Lewisburg Lis imma nent place of residence. Dr. L. has tnken rooms on Market Square, first door below the Printing Office, which he has fitted up to operate in. Re sidence at Kline's, Hotel. G?Tbe third week week in every month, he may be brand at Eck bert'a II itel, in Milton. Dr. L'eke is a regular graduate of Ihe Balti more College of Dental Surgery, besides which qualification he has bad the advantage ol five years experience in the practice of his profession in Pennf-ylvsnia, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsiu, and the city ot Baltimore, Md. Dr. L. lakes all the Journals of the day which contain new and useful information in (be line of his profession ; and from bis arranrincnie with the best manufacture nf teeth, golj foil. See. wilt always keep on baud for the aceomtno daiion of his customers the very bent quality of all the materials ued in his hu-incss. Persons wishing Denial operations perform-d. will find ii to their advantage lo live him a call. as be is determined n s lo be suipassed in the beautv and durability of hia operations hy any one. "aT-as P. r. mu for whom J.K.Hot bj.l inseitej ? Teeth aed nho may need repairing done, are inlormrtl that I have the models of their months a prepared hy Mr.ttousel. and con scquuiily can do iheir repairing at a lorr rate than it can he done for i lacviheie, as it raves the trouble in many cases of making a new model. JOHN LOCKE. Lewisburg. Oct 17, 1819. FAI.Ij aSUPPI.Y of Goods adapted to the wants, the means and the tastes of all. DC5 (COO $9 the La.lies ; (.HOC F.I! IKS for the Family ; Caps, Boots, &c, for ibe Boys; HARDWARE., Q.nenswaie Iron Nails Ftsh Salt &c. dec. &c. which he offers on the lowest and most accommodating terms, on ihe principle ol " Small ProtUti bsmI quick. Sales." G rail-fill for past patronage-, we invite a discriminating public to call and examine our stock of Merchandize, which we are confident will ho satisfactory to alt. L wf-burg, Oct. 15. 149 The old "Mammoth" Filling up Again Ahead of Competition ! 1. HAYES & CO. Take pleasure in informing the publii lbft tbey have received the largest best selected cheapest and the most fashinnaale assortment of GOODS ever offered to this community The? sat isfaeiion heretofore rendered by this stand it is presumed is a sufficient guarantee fcr their future operation. To attempt to enuTrerale their stock, would he superfl-iotis, and indeed .impossi ble: hut those wishing to purchase, are invited" to call and judge for themselves, before purchasing elsewhere. J. HAYES & CO. lewisburg, tVt. 17, 1849 J. a J. WALLS OST respectfully Worm their friends the public that they are now receiv ing their 00 a I supply ol ; r" ; FALL AND WINTER . Merchandize, calculated is ajualrty, prrce, and quaoiity to supply the wapu ol the iradiogj rxuimu nity embracing Orij 0005. 0SSSIf' Hardware, Queensteare, fishySfC all of which are offered on our usual accommodating terms for Cash, Produce, or good credit. We iavite ttnd hope to snerit a continu ance of the very liberal patronage hereto fore extended to us. J. & J. WALLS.' lewisburg. Oct. 10, I49 - TME OTTER SESSBSM- or tiib LEWISBURG ACADEMY TT7TLL commence on Mondat, the SSd TV of October. Instroctiofj will be givea as heretofore, in afl branches necessary to a thorough education. Exercises in Ccm- positiosj end Derlamxlion will be required, ar.d strict attention will be paid to the foianaiion of regular habits of study in ihe younger anembeas of the school. The repotatioa of the Inatiietina ill be aaade to real, sot upon the anaabrr. box upon the progress of the atudrnu. The subtcrv ber is not solrcitoas for a school of more than Sfl regular scholsrs. Terms: for Langaa, f 10 j for the higher Engli-h. $8 ; and for ibe coasn.oa bogliab branches $6 per session of 2 wteka. J RANDOLPH, PrmtmmL Lewisburg. Oct, 3, 1849 100 Sept 20 Home Industry. LBS. superior TOW YARN for sale by J. HATES Sl CO. "Small Profits and Quick Sales." NEW STORE (Tint btLw A7ine's i..'.',J LEWISBURG. Harrison's Columbian Ink, TN Q'lart, Pint, and smit Her sized bottles, 1 rim Black, Blue, Red and Indelible. celebrated Ink lor snl : bv C. W. CHAFFT.E Dentistry. WBL C. STEtARi', LATE of riiiiadefphia. is now located on Market street. Lewisburg, opposite Mr. J SSchreyers store, where he til ends to operations on Ihe teeth at a reduction cf his former prices. Teeth and roots of teeth removed with the ai l of improved Instruments, and in an easy manner. Filling teeth and setting on piv.s or plates atten ded to according to the latest improvements in the profession Ulcerated, spungy, and in flamed gums cured. I tianktui lor past tavo-a, ne solicits s continuance of public patronage No impute materials used for fillings in teeth. Iv288 rPHE public ia respectfully informed that X JOHN FORSTER has received and now offers (or sale a very large stuck of Fall & Winter goods, comprising all articles kept generally in other stores, with the additiun of many finer kirvfs' of gorvts not usually brought to the ceojtry. An examination of the stock is respectfully invited Among mv stock is a lar;je vtrtety of shoes, boots, etc. Groceries- I! an! ware, Cedar-ware, etc. etc. TO WHOLESALE buyer, itreat indticrrriects are efTered, as a kheral abatement will b" mndo. JfS. rOXSTEK, at the tiew cheap cash store. Lewisburg. Oct. 2. 1849 Dr. Rose's Eelicinei Tbe sulracriU r bguving been appointed sole agent for Dr. UoVs MeJicuses. for I'nion county, oilers thetn in the public i wnn great confidence -as to llHir ilti-acv and certainty of efTec!in; cures in all cas-s for which they are des'gned. single test nlv is required lo establish the (tel. Sept 27 S S BARTON COAL. CPA I CO A I,.- fpiIE subscriber has on hand and' nf X. now receiving from Piitaloo and Sha niukin. Best Foundry, Lump, Broken, Nut, and Pea COAI which will be disposed of reasonable terms. June, '49. LG.LAWSIIB. oa iilaiACKSM I I II IN Cat The subscribers respect fully inform the citixena of Lewisburg and vicinity that they have come need the above business, at M. Hate's old shop on Sececd St. one square swh of Market, Lere tbey are prepare J lo iron Buggies or Waggons, and n:ake all articles in their business in the most workmanlike manner, af prists which they hope will induce those wishing anything done in their line to call and j'idge themselves before going elsewhere. Repairing' done on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms also Shoeing, wnicn is a very important mat-. ter to those that have valuable horses, and should be entrusted only to persons ol known skill.' He flatter ourselves that we are able to compete with any person in the country ia Shr-eing Horses : we ask only a trial, and let the work show lor itself. All work warranted. Iron and all amder of country Prodaee taken in eiehang. We hope bv strict attention to business! and a determination to suit all. hnth work and price, to receive a liberal share- of public patronage). HATE 4 FURRAT. Lewisburg, May 22. 1849 ft wk .aaSSBk.awaV rrSJ7 t - l J Boyer, Centerv jlle D oi Stbnure,8'liiisgi"e it Smi'h.Mosser a V allev "ami Haupt do loungmau ec natter. Dry V alley ReubKeller.Navy LlarwljB A Summera.Friehorg and If Storekeepers generally t) 2'J0 'E Buoey and Sett of Harness, One Two Horse Wagon, One Truck Wagon, For sale hy f I P Sfaiter 1PRING STEEL on hand at 0 s Ap24 Reber & Iddings. T 4 CJTT never refused at the office Jx.k3xJal ofilvslaSwiabur&Khronicle. IJEW GOODS at the old stand. ; A' RESEfl St E09IN03 RE now receiving at their old and well known stand on M.irke. street a full and well selected assortment of Fall and Winter comprising the usual vniiety of IDry &oods, G R O C E R I ES HARDWARE QUEE1.SWARE. Salt, Fish, Nails, etc. etc Our Goods are warranted to be cheap as the cheapest, and good as the hesi new or old. Thaokful for past patronage of friends, we ask for a continuance of their favors ; and new comers and strang ers we respectfully invite to Call and Sec! REBER ct IDDINGS. Lswisburgv Oct. 10, 1640 New York Fall and Winter FA- s"L0rNS11845D JtTST received at the Fashionable Tailo o,ing establishment. neM door to the Post Office. JOHN n MILLER. Lewisburg, Sept 20, 1849 Superior Cooking Stoves. The subsnihrrs have on hand theJSStBft Air-Tigbt Cooking Stove, arranged for Wood or Coal. These Stoves are superior to anything of the kind ever offered in the country, and will be sold at reasonable prices. S At J. WOLFE. Lewisburg, Sept 10.1P49 OLD DR. ad S. P. TOWNSEND'S compouud syrup of Sarsaparilla. J UST ree'd from the old Dr. a large and fresh supply of his celebrated medicine from the principal Depot in New York. Persons wishing to procure Sarsaparilla can have either the old or young Dr's, gen uine and fresh, by calling oo the Agent, Lewisburg. June 36 C W KCHAr'FLE Harrison's Columbian kiks. BLACK. Japan. Copying. Marking. Bine. Ia d. lible, Scarlei. Red, Carmine. These Ii.k. flow mora freely from the pea. and aire stron.aa- and more durable color than any other, fj. i. id any quantitv hy DR. THOHNTO?! & BARER. Agesss) Lewi-burg, tanu Cew Pa. Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a. ALARliC and fresh supply of thia celebrated Medicine, just leceiveJ fruoa the principal Depot in New York, and for aale at the new Drug and Chemical store of Dr Thornton d Baker . Window SASJ. A lot of SlIO W indow Sash, from the cheap Manufactory nf Sprout & Burrow., os band, and all izea got to order on short notice. May, 199 I G avawsks 1 Fresh Green and Black Tess from the celebrated establishment of ftrCalmont ii Bond, for satejry Q Lawshe CAST-Steel. Amer. Blister Sieel, Nails. Spikes. Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws. &c. for sale by I G Lawshe OR the Trade. A lot nf llrusa mtul Rosin on hand, which the subscriber offers at tot. I G Lawshe QOMETH1XG NF.W Soapstone Wrii- Y J dies tor aale by I U U PRIME Old Java Coffee for sale by I G Lawshe WHlTfc. Wheat Flour, a"lso.Rye Floor, for sale by I G Lawshe at ot nttttvB REMAINING in the LEW ISBURG Post Orfice, Dec. 31. 84. Allen Cyrus, Aspenwall Augostae. Bcarereos Abraham, Baker ctamuel. Bactiman John. Boris Elijah, Black Mrs L, Bromaa Radolph, Berkley Joseph. Cochran Was. Ckappea Aadrew. Comp John L S. Clayton Jonathan, Cbambsre Miss Mary C, Christine Joseph. Develing Mi-s Sa.ih A. D.son Jo, Davie Juba ap, Eilert Jubo K. Fisher Joseph. Farley Abraham, Fetters Brujn. Goirnoa Peter. UawnKMsd Abrtr. Ilaasingef Wm S. Harvey Mrs W. Hsmuraod Uervey. Haneing Mias Mary. Hetrick John P. Hippie Aileaa, Hoy JHias. Huntar Miss Harrielt, HufSaes Jacob, Hous-I Was 9,Kmley Mies tsueaaKaufmaa f. Kaufman J.n, Lacey 1) P. Lewis Lyaaaa, Mar ril Jaaaes Esq, Munaos Mome. B. Miller Ctsra. Nesbit David. LawkiWrg Dr. 8. of Teas , Weas Branch do Crvslal Spring dev. Poael Tbaases Reedy Mis. Elisabeth, Schiepskk Wm. Schbas mn Chailea, Sctwelaet Heorj. Vacht Miae Abo. Waters Wm. WelKtei Miss Mary.WttaarrPMet. Yeder Soiomovi SS Persons inquiring for the above letters win please say they are advertised, other wise they msv not get them. A. KENNEDY, P. M. r"