l.EWISBUUG CHKOXICL.K AND WEST BHAKCI1 FAKMEI. THE FARMER. For the Lcwitburg Chronicle. Mr. Editor : In the last number of your paper I nt an articie'on cutting limber and sap-running, in which the writer states that be formerly believed, that (he cap of tret run P i the spring and down in the fall, bat that be bad given up that idea : bui be baa not told na bow he came to such conclusion, oow'his reason for believing ao. Although be may be in possession of evidence satisfactory to himself, yet we I are not convinced of its truih. li is said that by causing the root to imbibe a col ored liquid, the course of the sap may be traced with tolerable accuracy ; it has been found to pass up through the wood which ia immediately contiguous to the pith, or heart, and jhence pas.es by unknown channels to the.bud or leaves, wbete it is subjected lo the process of exhalation : the fluid which enters the leavea is called the ascending sap, and after it leaves them in order to be distributed through the tree, it has been called the returning sap. The returning sap descends from the leaves through two different structures ; the grea ter portion however, passes through the innermost layer of bark, and the rest thro the outermost layer of wood. The vessels ia which the fluids decretinns are contained are of a peculiar kind, and eihibit tamifi- cations and junctions resembling those of the blood vessels of animals. It has been discovered by the aid ot the microscope, that the fluids contained in these vessel are movins in currents with considerable rapidity, as appears from the visible mo lion ol their globules. A YorNG Oss. Ice Houses. As the time is come when ice is formed bv nature, for the benefit of mnn, no far mer or any other ersoo who can, should neglect to lay up a store for the summer use. It is so useful and economical, o tag to its preserving qualities, that no one who has butter or meat to preserve, or water to' cool, should be without it. The cost of constructing an ice hotwe is small and any person can do it. II possible, the ice house should be near or in toe cellar. A hole of Ihe capacity desired, is first ex cavated in the bottom of the cellar from 5 . to 6 feet deep, and the bottom covered with stones ol a small size alter the manner ol paving streets. Over this, when coinple- ted,and the interstices filled with fine sand ia superinduced a stratum of boughs, either of hemlock, spruce, pine or fur, as may be most convenient, the sides are then to be lined with the same, as is also the top, which ia formed by cross work, with an anemic two or three feet square in the I o aide nr ceoter to subserve flie purpose of a door. Into this depot the ice shuuld be in troduced in square cakes, of uniform size, ia order hat they may occupy less room The whole process of constructing and fii! ing, h will be seen, is very simple, and the xpeni very light. A hole dug in the ground and covered with fl it roof ot hoard, over which ia laid tarred cotioo cloth covered with some inches of sand, makes a good ice house. Scientific .1m. Useful Invention. Mr. J. M. Ewing, of Piqua, O., has made an improvement to detach horses when they become unmanageable, from carriages, which appears to be worthy of attention, it consists of a means of inst antly locking the fore axle-tree, so th it there is no danger of the wheels turning under the bed and upsetting the carriage, and at the same time locking both hind wheels. With this invention applied to a earriagejfses may be detached while go ing down a steep hill, and the vehicle bro'i to a firm Mand without a passenger rising Iran bis see. Com Stalks for Winter Fodder. Oa the 15th t June, I planted an acre of Indian corn in drills, 18 inches apart. Oulhe 1st ol September following, f cm it p with a reaping book, let it cure tor three daya in the swath, then bound it in small aheaves and shocked, or stocked it up. putting a hind round the tops of the shocks, leaving the bottoms spread out for the ad mission of air, to prevent moldiuess, and about a month after, collected them into lacks near the barn. I he produce of this care kept thirty cows, for twenty dy. fiom the 1st to the 20ih of Jantiarj. Sw&senaule Hints. During mild weather in winter, hardy fru t trees may bepruned.as well as grapes, and grafts may be cut. Young fruit trees, which have not had a conical bank of earth thrown round ibem.the most -rieci protec tion from mtce.sbould have the snow trod den round them as often as it freshly falls, which will exclude the mice from them Canerpihwr egas known atagtiuce by theit knobby clusters on the smaller branch- ehoohtbe torn or cut from the fruit lata bcfoMHhey hatch in spring. Geod Rule- The E lit or of the Prune Fanner, says he always was taught when a boy to re frain frwm grumbhag at iwo thing. The we. ia that which he en dm he'p and the other, that hicb be can help. Origin of Soap. Son water and oil Oue day bid a broil As down in a glass they were dropping, And would not unite, Bat continued lo fight Without any prospect of stopping. Some pearlash o'arheard, And quick as a word Jumped in the midst of the dishing ; When all three agreed. And united with speed, And soap waa created for washing. Bone Seal for Cows. It may have been frequently noticed that cow, while giving milk, evince a disposi tion to eat bones. The appetite is some times very strong for them ; indeed, so voracious are sorr cows that they will leave all other food lor the sake of obtain ing bones, which they will chew by the hour together. This apparently morbid propensity is accounted for by the follow ing theory. Chemical analysis proves that milk contains bone ; and it is hence inferred that the food of the cow should contain the elements of bone, in order to produce milk of proper quality, or that which is capable of affording due support lo all parts of the system. If the ford is destitute of any of the essential principles of milk, the effort of nature to perfect this fluid, may occasion a drawback on some of ihe bodily tissues, an i ihe subs(unee of the bones and muscles may be carried off in the milk. The bones from this cause become weakened, and are unable to sup port the body. This effect is sometimes called the " bone disease." Prof. Johns ton, several years since, suggested that 6oie meal fed to cows, would be found useful in such eaes. A late number ol the Massachusetts Ploughman stales tha number oflarmers havAricd this, and re port that they have found it an eft ctua remedy. Land which has- been long pastured by milch cows has been found lo become si, much exhausted of phosphate of lime t!.e eanhy matter of bones that ihemlik was deficient in this principle, and the cows be came weak in their Irumes, and unhealthy. On manuring the land with bones and w ith phosphate ol lime, the comi.usiiiun of the herbage ag.;in became perfect, and the cows were strong, and gave go.J and nour istiing Link Jlibuny Cultivator. Noble Sentiments. Agriculture leeds us ; to a great extent it cloihesus ; without it we wild not have manufactures, and we should not have com.irf-rce. These, all stand together, hut i hey- stand together like pillars in a cluster, the largest ia the center, and that largest is agriculture. Let us remember, too,! hat we live in a country of small farms, and fee hold tenements; in a country in which men cultivate with their own hands, their own lee imp'e acres ; drawing not only their subsistence, but also their spirit o independence and manly freedom. from the ground ihey plow. They are at once its owners, its cultivators, and its defenders. And whatever else may be undervai ued,or overlooked, let us never lorget that the cul livation of Ihe earth is the most important Isbor of man. Mnn may be civilized, in some degree, wilhout great progress in manuiactures, and with little-commerce with his distant neighbors. Bui without the cultivation ol the earth, he is, in all countries, a savage. Until he stops from the chase, and fixes himself in some place and se ks a living from the earth, he is a roaming barbarian. When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore. are the founders of human civilization. Daniel Webster. Facts. Never keep your cattle short ; few far merscao atford it. If you starve them, they will starve jou. It is a error to plant seeds from a State further South. In a cold season, only the seed from a colder climate will ripen we' i. The better aoima's can be fed, and the more comfbratble they can be kept, the more profitable they are, and all farmers work for profr. Agriculture Is a science and an art. e are to learn the science in a school the art on a farm. A man who wn laugh; his skating from a book, relying on thai, would proba bly break Lis head, in his first trial upon the ice:tscl. Precisely so with the leach ing of plow ieg by a book. The Agricul tural school and the experimental farm must go together. Agriculture, like the leader of Israel, strikes the rock the wa'ers flow, and the famished peoj.Ieare satisfied. All the energy of the hero, and all the science orilie philosopher, may find scope in ihe cultivation of one farm. Bones as a Manure. It is a fact well established hy agricultural chemistry, that sin.'IW pound of bones contain as much phophoric acid, (one of the essential in gredients of wheat,) as one hundred pounds f wheat. Notwithstanding this, it is true that many families io the United 8 ales waste more bones than wou'd be required o manure, in this re-pert, the amount of the wheat ercy they consume. Whole meal bread hae one-third more , i nutriment ihau fico w beaten flour bread. I A Ship Passage Across the Isthmus of Panama. Such a project appears to have been started ia London, which has been re. ceivedwith favor. The plan is to connect the rivers Atsaio and Neipi, between which the gigantic chain of the Cordilleras dips to a pass of but a few hundred leet in height. A deputation of the promoters has bad an interview upon the subject with Lord raimersion, at the roreign Office. His lordship received the project favorably. The plan is at present under the consider ation of several parties of capital and in fluence, and, should their decision prove favorable, it is intended to dispatch to Nit wit h an engineer, in company with some able assistants, to the spot. Providence Journal. Dreadful Deuth. The Wheeling Ga zette srvs a man named James Ctrl was found on Monday morning among the fragments of rock, ol the base of oue of the steepest precipices of the stone quarries near that city. He bad hi lien the prece ding tiight in a state of intoxication, over the piecipice, a distance ol about lorty feel, and though none of his bones were broken, he was Irighlfullv bruised and otherwise injured, internally, it was tlio't, suflii-ieatly to produce death. Ha had commenced slipping at the summit of ihe lull, some 50 feet Irom the cliff Irom whence he finally fell ; the marks of his stru!liii! hands and feet were plainly traced in the snow. Frank), n and Marshall Colleges. It is proposed to remove Marshall College from Mercersbutg lo Lancaster, Pa. ; the design is to unite it with Franklin College at the latter place to he under the joint control mainly of the Lutheran and German Re formed churches. The Theological Insti tution to remain at Mercersburg. The Scarlet Fever continues to prevail to an alarming extent in Montgomery Co., Md. The U k I-vilie Journal ays: " In this town and neighborhood, as many as lour and five children of a family are down with it. There have been some deaths, but lew in proportion to the num ber that have been attacked. " A Long Pen-IIohler. On Saturday af ternoon an operator in the Kastern Tele graph Office in New York city succeeded in writing direct to Ha'ila.x, N. S., a dts tmce ol nearly one thousand miles of continuous wire. This is the greatest dis tance that any telegraph has yet worked intelligibly. Distressing Casualty. The nil of Ad ams county. Pa , was dest roved by fire on Monuav morning. Jan. 7, and two in Kane persons, Isaac Musselman an 1 John loner, who were cnnlined in the prison perished in the flames. One of them, To ner, was chained to the floor. Every pos s ble effort wus made to save them, but in vain. False Weight in Ficur. Kastern deal era have frequently comp'aincd ol the horl weight nt flour Irom the west. 1 1, inspector at Pittsburg is determined to cor rect the Irnud, and a person who was sell ins a lot of flour from Well&ville of les: than the required weight, has been made lo pay 870 fine. Millions of pigeons have been filling the woods lor miles around r rankiin, lenn. for several weeks past. Thes have roost several miles in extent in the edje of Hickman county, and with a torch and Hub ihe people sally out and bring home (heir game by meal bags lull. Taking ihe Veil. It is asserted by the (.inciiir an Times that Miss Irving, ol M lnl', a favorite grand-daughter of Henry Clay, has expressed her determination to lake the veil. I Ins defrminanon has oc casioned much grief to Mr. Clay. To Stop Mouse Holes. Take a plug of common hard soap, stop the hole with it. and you may rest assured you will have no further trouble from that quarter, it is equally effectual as regards rats, roach eg, and ants. Pardoned. James Crown, under sen tence of death, at Camden, S. C, for ne uro stealing, has been pardoned by Gov, Sea brook, on condition of leaving ihe State as soon as his health will permit. Caution to Parents. A child 17 months old was strangled to death in Philadelphia by the clothes from a bedstead over the trundle bed, on winch it was sleeping geltiMg twisted round its neck. Boston, J in. 3 The trial of George Cox fur the mutder of David K. Ilogan, has resulted in a ver diet of manslaughter, and a sentence ef 7 years' confinement in the State prison Breach of Promise. A girl of the name of Hannah Leander recovered a verdict of 1.700 at St. Louis, on the 2!)ih ult.. ugainst a Mr. Wilcox, for breach of mar liage promise. Deaths at York. During the past year there were 180 de'iths at York, la., of which number 120 were adults and 60 children. The population of the place is only about 5.000. '4 The Usury Laws. Meetings of citizens f Cincinnati have been held to prepare memorials to the Legislature, pi ay tug a repeal of the law against usury. The Mississippi. This river was still rising at New Orleans on the 3d in-t int and. great apprehensions continued to be entertained ol another oveihVw. The Selectmen of Hallowell, Me., have evinced their regard for the rising uenera- tion, by selling apart one street expressly tor them to slide in. The Slave-trade in the neighborhood of Cape Coast, Alrtca, continues lo be very brisk. Slaves are sold there at thirty-two dollars apiece. Patience is a moral mrxqnito net. Po liteness is like an air cushion there mav be nothing in it, but it eases our jolts won derfully. Married men are, by a recent order, to be excluded from holding office in the household of the Emperor of Austria. There will not be a total eclipse of the n in any part of America until the 7th ol August, 130920 years. A poor woman died of starvation- in Louisville, Ky., some days since. Foreign News. Arrival of the Canada. Two Weeks Later from Europe. H alifax, January 13, 1850. The steamship Catiat'a, with two weeks later intelligence from tvirope, has just reached this port, and will leave for New York in about two hours From Kngland there is no political news of consequence. Parliament is to assemble on the 3J of February. The overland mail from India had ar rived. The news, however, possesses but little interest. A rebellion! a formidable character had broken out in Servia, which had alarmed the Austrian Government. Account from Vieotia and Berlin of the 22d ult., state that a rebellion of a most formidable character had broken out in Servia, in Sclavonia, and the military boundaries are up in arms against the Austrian government. The Sclavonian and Servian boundary regiments have re voited and raised t ho cordon of the Turk' ish lie.) tier, so that their rear is fully st cured Irom the Ltreton ol thetr rear in Turkey. They are assured beforehand of all support a circumstance which will be complicated between Austria and the Porte. The boundary regiments which have revolted are among the bravest and hardi est soldieia in the Austrian service. The grounds of their using is resistance lo ihe decree of Nov. 18, organizing the Woods- chaff. The chief movement is in the Servian, Peter wardcin and U'eteck mi itu ry districts, which nro e.xa-peratcd at be ing excluJed from the VVoodschaft. The military force of the rebels u 120,001) men. This force, it appears highly proba ble, will be hourly swelled by desertions I'ruin the Austrian regiments in Peterwur detu, Lsstg, etc. it is said that Russia has been intriguing to gel up this insurrection, in order to have both Austria aud Turkey dependent upon her. The proof of which Russian agita tionis daily growing more and more da ring, and the incredible activity of the agents of lhat powr leads to the conclu sion that a sanguinary eulaiigiemttiii will speedily break out between Uussia aud 1 urkey. The prince of Servia has already re fused to pay the tribute doe lo the Poite ol 34.000 ducats, and the arming of all male adults is being carried on wiih the greatest po.-Mble activity, without any one know ing where the arms come from. A considerable leduction is contemplated in the British Army and Navy. Serious Accident. The fly-wheel attached to the largest engine in the Moiitour Rol ii.g Mill at this place, weighing about 25 Jons, suddenly broke, early on Monday morning last, while going at the rate of about 80 rcvolu ians per minute, throwing the segments w eighing about two and a half tons each, with violent force through the roof of ihe building. The crash was tremendous. We are happy lo state, however, that but one person was slightly injured, although there was a large number of hands in the mill at the time. The accident was occa sioned by some villain in human shape throwing a piece of iron, 2 inches in length between the cogs of the main driving w heel and the spurr wheel, which by the tudden check it occasioned in the machinery, caused the segments of the fly-wheel to tear from their fastnings with violent force. The scoundrel who would thus wantonly endanger the lives of hundreds of his fellow men, is worse than the midoiht assassin, and we trust that every good citizen will assist in ferreting him out, in order to bring him to condign punishment. The damage occasioned is but trifling iq comparison to the many exaggerated fly ing reports. The workmen are already busily engaged to make the necessary repairs without a mo ment's delay, and it will be but a short time until the mill will be again in full operation. Danville Democrat. . The following strange story ia related in the Baton Kouge Gazette (extra) of the 6th ultimo : A very singular or rather extraordinary escape from death occurred to on of the deck hands of the Magnolia on her last trip up from New Oilejiim. The man alluded to was sitting on the bow of the boat asleep, when ho fell overboard and slipped under the boat. The next in stant he was picked up by ono of the pad dles of the wheel, and sa.'ely. and without injury, deposited in the wheel-house. So sudden was all this dune, that he woke up very much astonished at ihe cold bath he had undergone, but entirely ignorant, until inlormed, of the curious revolution and fearful escape from death through which had passed. Pithy. "New York loves the Union of the Slates : She will not contemplate the possibility ol its dissolution; and sees no reason to calculate the enormity of such a calamity. She also loves the cause of Human Freedom ; and sees no reason to abstain from an avowal of her attachment. While, therefore, she holds fast to the one, the will not forsake the other." Annual Menage of Got. Fish, of N.Y. Two Weeks Later from California By an arrival at New Orleans on the 9th inst., from Chagres, the N.Y.Tribune has intelligence from California io the 1st December. San Francisco, Dec. 1 1849. The stearnt.-r Oregon, due from Panama, has not yet reached San Francisco- The canvass of voles cast at the Stale Election shows that about 15,000 were giv en in all.a smaller number than that of the citizen en'iilcd lo vole, and much smaller than whs anticipated. Peter H. Burnett is elected Governor, John McDougal, Lieutenant Governor. The numbers elect to the U.S.Houscof Representatives are Geo. W. Wright and Edward Gilbert. All these gentleman are Democrats. Of the complexion of the Leg islature or the prospect as to the candidates for U.S. Senator, there is nothing decisive to be added. Labor is becoming constantly cheaper at SanFrancisco.oo account of the great num ber of persons coming down from the mines to spend the winter, and seeking occupa tion in every department of industry. The prices of vegetables here are enor mous, owing to their scarcity, and, in fact, the necessaries of life generally are much higher than thev were at this time last year. Heavy boots are now selling at San Francisco at the rate almost imaginable to any one but a Caiifornian of ninety- six collars a pair. The growth of this city is still without a parallel even in Ihe records of magic, it now numbers twenty thousand regular in habitants, lo say nothing of the vast num ber of the transient population. Commerce with other ports is growing more and more active, and the Bay no lon ger presents the spectacle of a desert of in active shipping. The departures of vessel dming the month of November equaled the arrivals in numlier ; and the trade with all parti of the Pacific is not only becom ing active but regular, and is Menddy un dergoing a vast increase. The last of ihe Overland emigration that is to be epec'ed this year has crossed the Sierra Nevada. I he rainy season has set in and has made the ground among 'he mines well a the road thither, impassnbte in many places. A great number of miners are without their uual supplies and have no means of obtaining n'cesaries. There will be much suflenng if ihe roads do not become betier. Freight from Stockton to the Diggings is 75 cents per pound. Flour at Stockton h1 per pound, and other articles in the same proportion. j The quantity of gold dug still continues to increase. The yield of Ihe river bars is great ; they are as rich as ever- Compa nies are now being formed to work the strata of quartz, which are very rich in gold. Tests which have been made at San Francisco give from one dollar and a half to three dollars worth ol gold from every pound of quartz. Thejcsrpentersat Sacramento City made a strike for higher waes as they were on ly paid a day, whereupon the contrac tors settl-'d the d'fliou:ty hy raising their wages lo f 1 0. Tuc weather here is delightful. The air is bland and balmy as an Italian summer and the hills around the Bay are alieidy covered wi ll a fresh crop of grass. Yours truly. Bayard Taylor. LATER. The N. O. Pic-yune, of 2d inst., has Panama news to 16th ult. The Alabama brings $250,000 in gold dust. The passengers from California give a deplorable account of affairs there. They represent the scurvy as prevailing m the mines to an alarmiu extent. A gold mine had been discovered by the Indians in the province oT Veraguas, and some of the Americans were going there, The Cbagres river had a rapid and a destructive rise, i Our Legislators. Among the new Senators, perhaps the most prominent is John H.Walker.of Erie. Wm.F.Packer, of Lycoming, is the next best new material in the Senate. He is a large man, inclined lo corpulency and of rather prepossessing appearance he is U'andin his manners, familiar in conver sation, and understands making friends and keeping them. He is a tactician. He has twice been elected to the House, and wns honored with the Speakership bothsessions. Col. Cli Slifer, the member from Union county, is here and always at h:s post. Tho' a young man, and wilhout Legisl.itive ex perience, he promises to make a very ac tive and influential member. Kditorial Correspondence of the Juniata Sentinel, (Whig.) Brilliant Meteor. At Ihe resoVwe of Irving Spence, Esq., on the night of the 28th ultimo, a singular yet beautiful mete oric appearance illuminated lha whole neighborhood, and so brilliant was il that the most minute objects were plainly dis cernable in ihe house, though the night was very dark, and the premises seemed as if lit up with bonfires. It descended in an obloog shape, and seemed in dissolve noiselessly as it approached tho earth. Snow II U (Md ) Shield. M. IIU VIIIIV1I1VWUI I H. O. BICXOK, Editor. O. H. WOBDEN, Publisher. At t .,V) rash in wItoikt, 1.75 in Urn awnth, fi paid within thf ynr, am! $2..'i0 t Ih rnd or tb vr. AgrnU in l'hiisdlbin Y B Talma and E W Can. Lcttisburff, Ma. Wednesday Morning, Jan'y.16. Court Proclamation Sheriff's Sales. See the second column on the last page of this day's paper. (CTThe following are the officers of the Lewisburg Bridge Company for the ensu ing year : PresidfM Wa Cameron. Managers 'John Iteter, Abbot Green, Jmra F Linn, Mar no Driesbach, rhootaa Hayea, George fcchnabel. Treaxurer and Clerk Jamex Ueddee. From the Lewisburg Californians. We have just had handed in two letters from " W.H.C." to a friend, ihe interesting portions of which our readers shall have oext week. Attention ! From the following official information. it appears any Postmaster whose neighbor thinks him honest enough lo be entrusted, may bean Agent for the Chronicle suffi cient, to forward monies on account, wilh out any loss to subscriber or publisher : Post Ornra DErariiT. ) Appointment Office. DrC. 31. 1849. $ Sir The Pa.tma.-'Wr General, after careful con.ideralion of the question as to the light of Postintaler lhat have the privilege of franking, to frank lettere lo publuhrr ol oewapapera cov ering mourj for uhwilions or Ihe names of utwriinrra, baa derhlei). that when the Porttmsa- ler is A ijrnt U ilia .uhli.-btr he has the power lo I rank alien letu r-, and bis Agency will be pre aunvd irom ihe fact lhat be fianka them. As no Postioatter baaaujr authority to frank iheao com munications but whi n be is auch an Agent, it ia proper to regard him as acting in'thal opacity wuen be ao conducts oulil inlormation w re ceived to I be contrary. In doing this busmesx. the roMmasier must be regarded as entirely the Agent of ihe publisher and not ot the Drpart rtiein. Vtry respectfully. &c. FIT HENRY WARREX. H. Fuller, Ei-., Kliur of ibe Mirror, -YY. 1 paid in advance will pay for the Chronicle lor ri-;ht months, for tixletn months and soon. Slew Hall Route. A dnilv rou I from Selinsgrove to Will iainspori, up this siCe of the river, has long been needed by our cinx-'us, and a more lavorrtble time could not be found than the present, to have tnis new route established Ol the convenience and necessity of this proposed arrangement, there Can be no doubt. This route is thu nearest and most direct, and much time and distance would he saved in the irsrifmission of the Nor thern mail from Harrisburg and Washing ton. A large amount of travel would pass this way, especially in the winter time, and the welfare of the traveling public be greatly promoted. - The nty oawtcW that previously existed has been removed by the completion of ihe new Bridge over the West Bianch at Wiliiamsport. To the people along the line of tjie new route, il is a matter of the first importance. There is no just reason why lite Eastern and Southern mail for Lewisburg should almost invariably be behind time ; nor can any be shown for putting off the people of New Columbia, White Deer Mills, Union town and Road Hall, with a mail only once a week. Public opinion here is unanimous upon this subject, and is warmly enlisted in behalf of the new route. Now is the time to have petitions circulated, at all the principal points on the routetnd forwarded to Washington at an early day. Congress has but just got to work, and if timely and vigorous efforts itre put forth, this measure may be stxedily accomplished. Agricultural. Our readers wi'l see thai we have been favored with a reply to Capt.Gundy's last communication. This will give trie Captain an opportunity to explain his views still further, and we hope bring other writers into ihe field on that or some other kindred subject. Th.s is what we wan:. Such discussions will elicit truth throw new light upon disputed points and give fresh interest lo our paper. We wish to appro priate a large portion of our columns to "The Farmer's" Department, and (as we said last week) are anxious lo be furnished with original articles for that head, even if they should be only ten lines in length and should state but a single fact. Facts are what are wanted, as well as theory ; and the more we can gel, the better. A number of our acquaintances on this side of the river have promised to aid us by their contributions ; and we hope our esteemed friend in Ch Ihsquaque (tbsn whom none is more competent) will soon find leisure to illustrate with his pen the nolne science to which his time and talents are ao suc cessfully devoted. i( : 4 . C7Tbe mild weeiher and heavy rains last week, spoiled the sleighing, and left the roads bare in many place. The West Branch was swollen hall bank full, and the ice on the river has disappeared. The wra'ber ia now e'eir and frosty. - fTT'Our acknowl. dgements are due to oar brethren ol the press for their com plimentary notices. W'e cordially recipro cate their good w ishes. 03"The Philadelphia Model Courier says, ;the scarlet lever ia raging to great eiteat in this city at preseau" WamlUQ. Innocasewill we Uke less than 2 60 for Uat year's subscriptions unless paid this month.' All payments on the ' present year must also be paid this month to make 91.50 answer. We would prefer being paid NOW but those who delay can not ob ject because we go by the published terms. Fair warning last notice ! Pcblisheb. TJ. S. CONGRESS. Io the Senate, several warm discussions upon Slavery have incidentally sprung up. Mr Clay replied at length lo the speech of Mr. Cass on Hungarian affaire, and opposed the resolutiooofTered by the latter, on the general ground of its impolicy. Mr Hale also opposed it, because if we s5t in judgment upon Austria, we may be con demned by other nations on account ol Southern Slavery. Mr.Bt-nton gave notice of a bill proposing to the Slate of Texas the reduction of her boundaries, the cession ol her exterior territories, and the relinquishment of all her claims on the Uuited States.for a con sideration to be paid by the U. S. In the House, on the 20th ballot, Hon Tb.Jefl.Cunpbell wis re-elected Clerk by the following vote : Campbell. Whig 112 Fornev, Democrat 86 French, Free Soil 11 Scattering 3 Necessary to a choice, 1 12 The next day (Jan 12) ;be 4th vote for Ser;;ent-at-arins stood Giddimrs, Whig 104 Lne, Democrat - 89 Scattering IS Necessary to a choice. W9 r&XN'A LEGISLATU&E. The following are the Committee on apportioning the Sta'e into Senatorial and Representative Districts : Sisatb. Mf-M Packer. Brooke, Matthias. Brawiey.ZWwe Foray tb and Walker I Whig, 3 Drm. Hoc! Memr. Hoze, Ue.iamnnt.firn Ca-a-n i. Vornyn, Hatting. Leonard. Miller, O'Xeilr, Packer, Smyser. SxiJ-r. Meek, Klllintr, Por ter, Lair J and rowell9 Wbiga. U Drin. In ihe Senate, the $300 Act of tail set sion and Hometead Eemption,have been up for discussion, but no definite activn had. Mr. Muhlenburg, from the J'idieiury Committee, reported " an nc for the nv r aeneral publication of the Lawa," unfav orable lo the same; and on motion, tho "ommitteewere discharged Irom ihe further consideration of the subject. Mr. Mat bias (in place) reported" a bill In repeal the law againt usury, and regu late the rates of interest. In the House, Mr. David submitted joint resolutions opposing the extension of Slavery. The application of the York Savings Institution for a bank charterwas negatived. Carl'' is welcome, and shall have anvarty imrrt'.on. We shall b happy t receive the document he speaks of. Our correspondent will permit us to make one suggestion, i. e., young writers never loss anything by bestowing time and labor up on their productions. Writing does not come by inspiration, but is the result ol labor and practice, and a good style as well as ready pen, can be acquired in no other Cay. Hissing. Holden's Magazine Graham's ditto and The City Item, have not been received by us, ait hV advertised in this paper and marked copies forwarded. Book ut. gen tlemen, and you'll keep "booked up " Oa Thursday, by tb Rev. Mi. Hamilton. Mr Jacasev MVaraaua and Mias Baspau Fio ik. Miltoaian. Al New Colombia, L'nioa Cav, IStb inst Mia As Euxaarra Assesit, in her Slat year bnrwd ia the Lswiabarg Cemetery. At Wast Greenville, Mercer Co, SOth nlL Mr Hesbt Dikbl, formerly of New Berlin, aged about 30 years. 05" Rev. Samuel Milleb.D D.for many years the Senior Professor of Theology at Princeton, N.J.. and for more than half a ceulury one of the shining lights of the American Church, died on the 7th inst., at the patriarchal age of 82 years and 2 months. Dr, M. was born near Dover, (Del.) Oct. 31. 1769, and graduated al the University of Fa. of which be was the old est living graduate in 1789. He studied Theology with Dr-Nesbit, at Carlisle.Pa., and settled in New York in 17 93, where be continued till the year 1813, when he waa called by the General Assembly to aid in founding the Theological Seminary at Princeton.with which he remained connec ted till his death. Dr.M.waa pre eminent ly, in ihe best sense of the term, a Christi an gentleman whose personal address and deportment would have conciliated re spect and attention with most polished courts. Aewark Daily Ms. Corrected this day Wheat ,. Rye Corn Oats... Buckwheat Flaxseed Cloverseed Dried Apples ..90a9S 4i 4 30 50 ...10 ...37 ...100 ....! flutter Eggs . . .' . 1 allow . . . . Lard ... ... Pork ...