BURG GI RO I 1 anil &n iridrptn&cht JTamiln Paper hcvoiti to News, Citcraturc, Politics, CVgrtcnlturc, Science anb IHoralitn. H. C. HICKOK, EDITOR. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 16, 1850. VOL. YI., NO. 42302.' G The lw lutbarj Chronicle is issued very Wednesday morning at Lewitburg, Union on lit;, Pennsylvania. Tie. 50 P" ?Mr forcah actually in advance; $1,7. paid within three month; !j!S if paid within the rt; $3,0 if not paid More lie year iires ; single number, 5 crals. Sub rrintion fur sis montha or lea to be paid in adnre. Discontinuance optional with the fubliaher eicrpt when the yesr is paid up. AtWeitisfinrnls handsomely inaerted at 50 etf per rqusre one week, f 1 for a month, and $5 fur a year ; a reduced price tor longer advertisement. Two square, f7 ; Mercantile ad oralis meat not ireeJiufi one-fouitb of a column, quarterly, $10 O'asual advertieneiita and Job work to be paid fur wbrn Landed in or delivered. All communication bv mail mut come post paid, acconipanit d bv the addrr of the writer, to receive attention. Those relating ee!om-lv to he Editorial Department to be directed to II. C. Uirn.DK, Ki4 , Editor and all on Lucille to be dJreaied to the l'ublither. . Office. Market St between S.c.wd and Third. O. N. WORDEX. Printer and Publisher. ty Perhaps aome of our fair readers, with all their ilroainess, can find time to give our bache lor corrcf iond nt a dressing in return next week in which caw he ill doubtless suffer some,' or we are greatly mistaken. For the Letcuburg Cfiromeif! The Bachelor's Drawback. They tell me to batten and marry, But ah ! 'ti the eott tlat I fear. And prudence still warn me lo tarry Ere seeking amusement so dear. Vb there' rapture unmeeaured in wooing, And sweet the confession when won, Hut house keeping horror pursuing Are sure to mske sentiment run. Thus I mused ther night as fair Chloa Swam 'round in the dince at my side: must furnish thy wardrobe so showy If rsslily I make thee my bride; That slim, fairy fool, and it fellow, That tread the light measure to pay, Must with satin tie clad, and prunella, But katbund the piper must pay. At the ei(ht of that ankle ao tender. My heart the dear bargain would close. When my bead bids me (ere I urrendei) Ke member the price of thui hone. That band, ao desired beyond measure, The suitor who venture to hold Can only secure such a treasure lij hooping those lingefe with gold. Those eyes, though their vision rurpnsses The eagle's, that pierce the night, Mu'l be aided by opera glasses, Howr'er they embarrass the sight. Thv Jow the fair tempi where towera High bnnof, in marble enshrined If nt be thatch'tl with etraw.fealhers and flow'rs To keep out the sun and the wind. Sweetest mouth that e'er smiled upon mortal Hitmen organs of hunger within. And dainties must pass ibe red portal Or soon cherry lips will grow thin ; Oh that cbsrms so desired by a lover Hae duties so costly assigned Tbat ibe pearls which thy smile, now uncover The choice hoica of the market must grind : I Thy care most be constantly petting - Wiih rarest cosmetic thy lace. Thy nose be indulged in coquetting VViih 'kerchief bewildered with lace; Those tresses - ensnaring allurers ! With fillets of gold I must bind. Thy esrs must be decksd with Bravura Vt bung with the jewels of Ind. trange that man should embellish a creatara Alirsdy more fair thin the morn, That the Wing most gilted by nature Is the one wa love most to adorn ! Why ws E ien so pleat-ant lo Adam tta rid of connubial ill ! Because Lis ingenuou Madam Ne'er bound bira wiih miUiner' bill. Jan. 10, 1830. Is.cisitcs. from the National Intelligencer. Of the many singular characters which we hrtve met with in our various travels, we remember none with more pleasure, and even wonu'er, than the hero of this chap'.tr. Io company with three friends, we were upon a fishing cruise along the northern shore of the river Si. Lswrence, above the Saguenay, and having on a certain .fiernoon ulcered our little craft into a cove at the mouth, of a brook, for the purpose of obtaining fresh wa'er, we ere surprised to find ourselves in tbe immediate neighborhood of a rude but comfortable log cabin. Curiosity led us to visit the cabin, and introduce ourselves to Ihe proprietor. We did so, and were not only warmly welcomed, but were mvhed to tarry until the next day and l-sd we not accepte'J the invitation, the l.iliowing particulars would not now be made known to the public. Tbe person under consideration was a frenchman, a native ol Quebec. He was above the medium height, about forty y.r of age ,pracefu ; hi, rnanur-rs.aclive m mind and body, and altogether jut the character to rivet tbe attention of the most swial observer. He wa wholly ignorant r,ftlie world, having never been out of his "live city, excepting when he took up his bode in this out of the way corner of the rountry, where, at the lima we met with h,m, lie had been secluded for nearly twen y years. He bad a wife (but ao children,) bo was as much like himself in appear ance and character as nature could well ilow her to be. He was totally illiterate, y possessed an atiachm otto the un ritien science of botany which was truly remarkable. His cabin find only two low er rooms and tine genet, an J yet the best or the three was exclusively appropriated to a collection of plants, gathered from the neighboring hills and mountains.and num bering several hundred varieties, together with large moose horns,furt,and other for est curiosities. He knew not the gen. eric name of a single specimen, and yet he would expatiate upon their beauty in the most interesting manner, showing that be loved them with intense affection. To the huuiing and cultivation of plants he told us he was in the habit of devoting more than half hi time, whereupon we asked him from whdl source he obtained his living. He informed us that having inherited the large tract of land upon which he resided, he had come here for the purpose of get ling a living out of that. On casting our eyes about.and finding nothing for them to rest upon but mountains of solid rock. where even pine trees hardly had the cou rage to Crow, wv iho't his reply somewhi mysterious. He smiled at our perplexity, anil then told us that he had two or three profitable salmon fishing grounds, within a mileo! his house, which were rented out to Quebec fishermen, and yielded him all the necessaries of li(e,and that he obtained hia resh meats with hia own hands liotn the forest. Had we been inclined to doubt any of the assertions of our friend in regard to hia good living, all such doubts would have most assuredly dispelled by what we wit nessed and enjoyed before closing our eves on the night in question. Having taken us to the fishing ground lying nearest to his cabin, for the purpose of letting us see ho the salmon were taken in the circular set nets, (into which they swam on their way up stream when the tide was low.) he icked out a splendid twenty pound fish and piloted us back again to his dwelling, He then excused himself from further wailing upon us, and begging us to amuse ourselves by examining his plants, or do- ng anything else we pleased, be informed us that he must assist his wife io preparing our supper. We bowed our most willing eut, an - it ua sm near near his veiling we ascended a neighboring knoll for the purpose of enjoying the extensive project which presented itself to view. W e were looking towards the South, an(1 ,ha, f ,h. . s, . r Lawrence where it is without an island, and its shores are twenty five miles apart. The retinue of clouds around tbe setting sun were brilliant to a marvellous degree, and were distinctly miriored on the tranquil bosom of the superb river. In the distance we could barely discover the southern shore forming a long narrow line of purple; about a dozen miles to Ihe eastward one solitary ship lay floating at the mercy of the tide, and in the foreground was the cabin of our entertainer, partly hidden from our vie by a few stunted trees, and apparently hemmed in by inaccessible mountains, while before tbe cabin lay extended some half-dozen immense mongrel dogs, which were the only living creatures, besides ourselves, tending to animate the lonely scene. Silently communing with our own hearts, we watched with peculiar interest the coming forth, one alter another, of the beautiful stars, and we could not but think ol our distant homes, and of the lies which bound ui to the absent and loved. One moment more, and we heard a loud hillo, which came from the lungs of our Canadi an friend, who informed us that supper was ready, whereupon we descended to tbe ca bin at a puce bordering uwnn a ruo. And such a supper ! Our host presided, and while two of his guests were seated on either side, the hosiess occupied the oppo site end of the table from her husband. She could not speak a word of Englith,and ol'course uttered all her apologies in French; and though the husbnnd pretended to talk E'igliah, we begged him to remember that hw guests all understood French, and tbat he had belter converse as nature dictated. No objections were made, end we proceed ed to business. The table wa literally loaded ; and whilst ihe matron poured out a capital cup of cofior,the host overwhelmed the plates of bis guest with various kinds of meat.most of which were fried or broiled almost to crisp. We gave vent to oar cu riosity by inquiring the names ofthe dish es we were eating. Frcm this sTiomenl.un- til the truly delicious feast was ended, the talking wa all performed by the Canadian botanist, and the substance of hit remarks may be stated as follows "That meat in the blue platter, gentle men, wa cot from the hind quarters of the biggest black bear evei teen among the mjuntaiss. He weighed over four bupd- red pounds, and was as savage as he was fat and big. I was climbing along the edg of a hill, about a week ago.'or the purpose ot securing a small yellow flower thnt had discovered hanging from a rock, when the bear io question came running out of the mouth of his den,and,aluiing me with a long scratch on the back, I gave him a stab in the belly.and tumbled myself down the offset in the most hasty manner imagi nable. I always lake my gun with me when I go into the wuods.and when I m ched tire bottom of the hill 1 looked out for the bear, and, discovering him on a stump aome twenty yards off, I gave him a shot and he made at me, with the fires of re venge and rage in his eye. I climbed up a small tree, and while the rascal made an unsuccessful attempt to follow me, I reload ed my gun and sent another charge direct ly into his moulh, which gave him a bad cough, and in a short time he staggered a few paces from the tree and fell to the ground quite dead. 1 then went back to the cliff to secure my yellow flower, and during that afternoon, by the aid of my po- D)'f dragged the bear to my cabin. "Jo that dish, with a piece broken from the edge, gentlemen, you have a mixture of moose tongue,moose tip and moose brain. I spent nearly a month moose hunting, l gt winter, in company with a couple of Indi ans, and though Ihe snow was deep, the crust hard, our snow-shoes in good order, our dogs brave and strong, and moose were numerous, we only killed about sixteen. I only brought home the heads, (while the Indians were satisfied with the skins and haunches.) but I was more than paid for all my trouble, in the way of hard travel ing and cold sleeping, for in one of the moose-yards tbat we visited I fouod a spe cies of pine which I had never seen before. It was very soft, and I think the book men of England would give a good deal of money if they could have it in their great gardens. "As to that meal in the while dish, which all seem to relish, I think you will be sur. prised to learn that it ia nothing but tra cer's tail. To my taste it m tha swee'est meat in the world, and I am only sorry that this valuable animal is becoming so very scarce in tbia section of the country My present stock of beaver's tail came from the shore of Hudson's Bay, end though I bought it of an Indian, I had to pay as much for the tails as the fur companies paid him for the skins of hi animils. I never trapped for beaver myself.but I have for otter, and often have great sport in kil ling seals, which are very abundant io the St. Lawrence, and afford to, Ibe Indians pretty good lood during tbe hard winter. The only ihing I have against the beaver is.thathebas a fashion, lam told, of cutting down for his house auch beautiful tree the mulberry, birch, willow and poplar, be fore they are halt' grown. "As to the salmon upon which you have bee u feasting.gentlemen,yoj know as much about tbat particular individual as I do, since you saw him while yet in his native element. The men who hire my fishing ground pay me ao much for every fUli they take.and sell them at a great profit in Quebec and even in Montreal. From the fisheries on this shore are the people of Canada exclusively supported with Ihe salmon, and when we have a good season our merchants manage to tend over to the United States, in a smoked condition, a good many thousand. As to taking them with those pretty little flies,which youen- tlemen.alway carry in our pocket-books, I never could understand how you can manage to deceive to seusiWe a ti n as the salmon. Of one thing I am certain : if you expect to take any of Ihe salmon ol this region with those little hooks and hues, you are much mistaken. You will have to go down to the Saguenay, where I am told the fish do not know any better then to be deceived by your cunning arts, out, if I was ever to follow nsntng as you d9, it seems to me that instead of red, yellow, and blue feathers, I should co ver my hooks with the bright berries and buds which you may find upon some trees even duiing tbe fishing season.'' This last remark of our host convinced us that he waa indeed possessed with a ru ling passion, and we of course gratified ourselvea by humoring htm to the length of our patience. lie not only moaopolned the conversation during supper, but he did most of the talking until bed time. We spent the aight under hia roof, sleeping up on bear skins, apread en the floor : and. after an early breakfast, we bade him adieu, and pursued our course down the St. Lawrence. ' & rJiicoDteo'cd man Coda do caj chair, OMNIPRESENCE. Kneel, nr chiM 1 lor Mod i berc I Fenil in love, hat not in fair.. Kueel heftire him now in i-rsyer; Thank him for hi amisnt care ; Trsifie him for his bounties, r-hixl Kvrr moment on thy hrt; Ask f r liht to know hi will, Ak for lore thy heart u fill, Ak fiir faith to l.-nr thye on Through the miiriil of Cinti-r. hU Son ; Am. tus tipruf i-Mli to giliJ'. thee Through lb ills that may betide tbee; Ask for fiesee, to lull to feet fcrerv tumult of thy tireart ; Ak lo awe. but not in tvr Kneel, my rhudl fortius lij II ERE 1 How is it, Ladies? Equality without,exctusivenes within- such seem to bs the contracts of American life. The professional man may be on the very best of terms with the blacksmith, bit ten chances lo one if the daughters of the professional man know the blacksmith's daughters, or if they would acknowledge it if they did. In-door life in America is fenced around by as many lines as social life in Europe. There is not a community there, any more thin here, but has its fash' ionable quarter and its fashionable circle This may be all very natural, but it is Dot in conformity with the general aspect of their national social life, thai they carry with them into these coteries all theexclus iveness of feeling which forms so marked a feature in the social fabric of the old orld. In a widely extended country, like the transatlantic republic, and a widely scattered community, like that which peo ples it, is to be expected that them feelings would manifest themselves, in different pla ces, in different degree. In some, how ever, they assume a form quite as invele- rate as they do with ouwaelves ; and young ladies ,uro del.ra'e but saucy no8e " lmre ,da ol ,n ciuaintance ship with. those, with whose fathers or brothers their own fathers or brothers may be on terms of the most perfect familiarity. The circle once drawn, it is not very easy for those without to transcend it. The family that introduce a new member, is held responsible for bis or her good be havior and respectability ; and it is cot al ways that the countenance of a particular family w ill suffice to give a party the free range of the favored circle. Aleiander Mickay's travel in tbe United States. "Never Say Die" It would be difficult to name many kinds 0r business, yielding a rich harvest of pro fit to the proprietors, which were not com menced under heavy disadvantages, and pursued for many year in the face of frowning discouragement. For the first few years, in any new enterprise, all is uphill work tugging against the stream and one has rarely wind or tide in his fa vor. But if he breasts and ' buflet the wave with lusty ai.tews'' if be heroical ly resolves never to give up, and steins the tide with "a heart of controversy" the desired haven will heave in sight at last. There is nothinz like a stubborn, doeced will, in these thing the resolution "nev- er to submit or yield ;" it works literacies, and the stoutest obstacle become as cobweb barriers before its all-potent energy. In short, as an able writer has aaid, hardly any difficulty could be cited, to which ihis philosophy is not applicable ; and every one will find, if he tries, that, be it through the brakes of entangling and bewildering passions, be it over the wide and unmarked moor of uncertainty, be it through the slough of despond itttlf, " whenever there is a v. in, there is a way.", The grand defect in many, however, is that they have not the patience to stick to an unpromising enterprise, many years ; but, usually, just as they are on the eve of reaching the turning point -Ihe critical moment when, by a little extra exertion, their long and thankless efforts would be crowned with the most triumphant success just then they get ItrtJ out, relax tl.eir labors.and the whole enterprise is swamped past redemption Yankee Made. Brandy Isiratioji. Too often has the expemnoni of seeking inspiration from ihe brandy-bottle, when there ws none in the brain, been resorted to. Pi odncttons which smell of the midnight oil, winy be tolerated ; but when they smell of ram faugh ! Our hopeful philosopher has Inllrn into the common mistake. He has not only imbibed a geoeroas portion of the contenta of hia gltss, but has actually sluck hi pen into it, and still the inspira tion dues not come ! A preacher, after reading the passage in Job concerning tbe wild ass's colt snuffing ihe east wind, observed, that he might snuff a good while before he got fat ! So we may say of ocrr grog-drinker, he musi sip a long while before he gets" bra in ! It ia doubtful whether e Woman ought to marry a man merely because he affords her no-emiM for haiioahiai 7r-Bi the London "raueh." Grand Eauquct to tite Potato. This highly respectable venerable, the Potato, being now, it is hoped, th iroahly re-established in health, it was determined by a few leading members of the vegetable? kingdom to offer a banquet to ;1 e worthy and convalescent root mi in happy re-rov-ery. The arrangement for lite d-uoer were on a seafe of gmit liberality, sod th guests included il lle principal ve-geiables. The invitations had Uo c "tried out by ai efficient corps of S t R ji ", and lfe Onion occupied the chair, lie a sup ported on his rght by the head of tbe As paragus family, while Salad occunied the biwl at the end of Ihe table, and waa dressed in his usual mariner. 1 he Pota to, though just out of hit trft, was lookieo i remarkably well, aal wore l .s jacket. there being nothing lo mark his retvnt ill ness.eicept perhaps) a little apparent black ness round one of his eyes. After tbe cloth had been removed. Tbe Ouioo got up to propose as a tonst. "Potato, tbe.r much rejiected guest.'' (Immense cheering.) lie, lb-) O-iion, had known the Piuato from intam-y ; and tho tney na not always o-en associsica m . a a .a life, they hid frequently met at the same table. They had sometimes braved to gether the asase broils, and bid found hemsclves often together in such a s'ew (he alluded lo the Irish iew) as bad bro ht them, for the time being, into an alliance of the very cl . sent kind. He. he Ootoo, II? was delighted to see the Po'ato once snore restored to his place in society, for he, ihe Inioo could say, wiihout flaurry, that so - eLlw I is. 'I mtxAetmmnrA IA annr.Iv lks nine ' -.sax ia 11 t of the Potato i.i vain. (llear.hear.) Tlwy ad heard of Rice having been suggested to take the place of his Hun. frienJ, but he suggestion waa rnaiiy ridicuL,. Ri- turn ter.ealit, amiei, was a'l the Ouioo had to say lo that. (Loud laughter, in which all out Ihe Melt joined.) He, the Onion, woui not detain t.'.eiw longer, but would conclude by proposing l,a! ong life, and prosperity to lbe Pota'O. - 1 he loast was received with entnusissm by ail but the Cucumber ; whose coolness seemed lo excite dirgux! liuuni bis bro ther vr;e-abiea. Tbe Onion had, in fact, affected many of ihoae present to tears.and Ihe Celery .who eat next 14 the Horseradiih, hung down his head in an agony of sensi bility. When the cheering bid partially subsided, the Potato rose, but that was on ly a signal for more enthusiasm; and if wa some minutes before silence was restored. At length the Potato proceeded nearly as follows : "Friends and Fellow-vegetables It is with difficulty I express the feelioars with which I have come here to-day. Hiving suffered for Ihe last three or four vears from a grevious d.sease, which seemed to threaten me with total dso!utiin,it ia with intense satisfaction I find myself once more among you in the vigor of health. I should be indeed insensible to kindness were 1 lo (orgct the anxious inquiries as to the ta;e ol my health by those who have held me in esteem, and sometimes in a sle.im. (A augh in which all but the Melon joined.) I can not boast of a long line of ancestor. I did not, like aome of you, come in with the Cooqueror, but I came io the train o ctviltzaiion,amidst the memorable luggage ol Sir Walter Raleigh, in company wi;n my right bon. friend the Tobacco, w ho is not now present, but who often helps the philosopher to take a bird's eye view of the finest subject (or reflection. (Immense ebee ring, and a nod of consent from the Turn p Top.) Though I may be a foreigner,! may justly say that I have taken root in (he so. I, and, though I may not have the grace ol Cucumber, who seems to have come here in no envinble frame (loud cheering,) I Believe I have done as much aa any living vegetable; for, though almost always at he itch man's table, I am seldom absent from the poor man's humble board. (Tre mendous applsnse.) Hat eoniinued ibe Po- ta:o ; let me not grow flowery, or mealy mouthed, for there in soma objection lo each extreme. I have andergone many vicissitudes in tte course ol my existence. I have been served up, y, and served out (a smile,) ia all aorta of ways. I have been roasted by some ; 1 have been basted by others ; and I have had my jnckel rudely torn off my back by many w ho knew not the treatment I deserved. Bnt this meet ing, my friend, repays me all. Excuse me if my eyes are watery. (Sensation.) 1 am not very thin akianed ; but feel deeply penetrated by your kindness to-day.'' -The Potato resumed hia seat amid the most tumultuous cheering, which lasted for rcoesideiaUe time. wTastiasciM r Deer. The !tr m ihe must a wte animal pjssess,ntl adiipts is utoai sagacious (.iaas tor ihe preservation of its he. When lies fcatisfitd tbst the wieei w II convey it an luumatuo of the approach of Us pur sur, it gt.-s in anuiheif direction. If there are aey wild buds, such as curlews or re veo, in ils vanity, il harps Us eye iolel Iv fixed on ibem, ruovio.wtl thai they will give it a timely alarm. It se.ecis Us ooser wiih the grra test caution, and intarusbiy cbooi au eiwiiieav-e frnsn H it ro u,aTf, a vie. ai(Maj. , recognise iw.'ivid- orls.noJ permit ibe shepherd to ,nproK:h it. The sta2 at Tor-wore will suffer the bov to iro within 80 yard of them; but if I attempt loeocroavti upon them they are off at once. A poor man who ran w ix!s in a creel on his back h.:ie, ma? mo vherk hv iowl" with them : hoi I nut on -j f . bis pannier the otber dev. awrf a leiupttd tj aJBUe,eod imiried aiely they sprung away like an:e!oi. An eminent dWr sta ker told me ihrtber day ol ap'sn one of his keeper a doptel lo kill a wary slag. This aoim-sl Lai Irwn koowa f it vears. .and occuitied a irart of a ttain from wbirh j cou, , M.lCei.e lbe ttni at the I - I ;d r Ta keener tail a thick bush, whieli he carried helora hm a. he crept, and comuienced stalk. na at eht in the morning: bet ao anduaiU 4,4 bo snove forward thai it waa five m the afternoon tmQff) jo ,fi1 . W(fh Um fom M ,nlltred ki ... . fe ,c muct) : , fe . w d . , man, "as I d:d lor tb.s deer. When 11 came up il was oaatini. Ine away, with its , , bl(je firm Sled ) -' ' - You would have thought, sir. that it was !.,,.:,,,. itt.f of simolicitv in havms been oeasly betrayed.'' Liverm (Scmiaiid) tour. Laughter. Wnhout it, our tace would have been sioirl hwena.lik.- in, snnihie. f m.e bearis,wii!i no sweet antidote to work upon them.would have marie ihe fxrr of ln kesi J . . . . L..i.. l. . 1 It LX I irtl. IIUIIJ'V IIA'TIIsb m I suw lllll i wnn t-l-l isruircrusi noic uriuw ma inwf:. nius I of a babe without laughter as it ia.i:a fit inteliigenee ! The creature shows the divi - oity of its orwin and end. bv smilinc uoon ll si Voa aaaars.ls. as.. Lm ..nUu. I . as ITS I IT. sjUVWVI I'lfll II Vaf UUf 91 IIU 9 4nd tht-n as woridiy wisdom conies on the l.tiro thing it crows, it ehecklrs, it arins, it shakes in the nurse's arms, or in w ngi-h humor playing bo peep with lbe parent, it reveals Us high destiny.- Let miteua w's oppose as gingerly and acutely as they will; they must fiud confusion in laughter. Man may take a triumph, tnd stand upon the broad grins, fur as he looks around the world, his iunerraoit soul, sweetly tickled with the knowledge, tells nim that he, ol all creatures, Lughs. Imagine if you can a laughing fish. Let men, then, sound a iongnh! hu ! through the universe, and be i reverently grateful lor the privilege. TrztH, well laid. The tiJiloi's catling is, at the presto. lay, a mort:sioN of dignity sad useful ness. At no forn-er period has ihe prea exerted so nvghty and wide-spread a now. Every body reads. MJiiiudra read newspapers, who read ntb:ng else. In no way is the public- sentiment of this country more influenced for good and foi evil, than by ils prtming-pres. He who speaks through a religious new-epapcr to tens ol thousands of readers every week, may well be condoled under ihe inability to address a few hundreds by word ol mou'.h. Prffyterion. Maimers. I mske it a point of mora lity, never to find fault with another for his manners. They may be awkward or graceful, blunt or polite, polUhed or rustic I care not what they are. if the person means well, and acta from honest inten tions, wiihout eccentricity or affectation. A IV men have not the advantage of "good society,'' as il is called, to school them elve ia all its fantastic rules aud cere monies f and if there be any standard of manners, it is one founded in reason and good sense, and not upon these artificial regulations. Manners, like conversation, should be ei'rmporaneous.snd not studied. Slavery. A memorial has bren win to Washington, praying that lhe nomination of Waller Malooey, a marshal of the southern district, FksriJs, he not confirmed, on the specific ground that be hue excluded slave labor in the service ol iba Uotteu States. If the aun is going down, look up to the stars ; if tbe earth is dark. keep'vour eye on heaven. With God's prcsencri and God's promises, child or adult may be cheerful. I Eennon agilsat Vanity. wt j jAo eye witness gives the sketch below j of a aermoa given by a pious colored man it I , Jamaica. He myv, -Hundred of peo- to I pe bear this minister ; and state of them - 1 have been made wiser and better, by what j they have heard. The words are spelletf I jut as he spoke them.but were sounded in tooe, that made the people attend to what be said, and feel it too." He began : Fust Timothy, six ehajner, seventeen I verse : Charge dtm dot 6,ricA ia die oru, am dess fx mot Aig.auaed." "ere " stoj-ped, looked about upon tie "'J " a complain ng ,0"- if somebody was ending ault wiia him : "WM f" him.say. Charge deinss. hrie dat Jem be not high minded ? , DO ttch : P" buckra (w bite m) rich. Nigar make de augsr j , bjekra take de money. What for him da i ehsrge dem d"' he rich V Then, changing his tone, he answered thus : "You no rich, eh 1 Maybe I show , you feel rich. You free nigxr now : so yon any, IM do like round jacket again. Den go to one 'tore (store,) you buy one coat as' coat. You put him on. You loak yourself in gW You like him. De you00 c" t.r 'ure. Xoi buy on black trowser. You no want work trowser. Wortt itowwer you say him good for slave n',r : d" free nim must h hlacl 'rowser. like buckra. Den you go lo one mder 'tore. You bur one white il.rtk You ,.o like check shirt. Him good for de work I nar.but free nigger musi hub smart shirt Den J00 i ,0 one :oder 'lore- You bu7 olw 000 ' 1 "e 0lfSsr. Iuat 8 bare-. I a rv a footed. De free nigar, him must haS t"otl llke buckra. IVn you go to one toder I - W and buy one black bat. De straw bat .vou 00 g001 fot free ";g3r. Den you I wail till Sunday come.- Den you put em on. You 'lay tiil de people all come. Dem . set uite qu' o make no noise. Den de: minister, him come him set down. De iP,e "n for nater to beain. I W.m bCsim. Den you come ! You walls r op aisecr.ck 1 crack ! crack! What for rnu malisdat mii rh? HnoLi ,-r.eLI I J - w , ways, aw. crack! Dnii'irlst nri U.i.'t .t.i S "re new tail coat ! See me new black j hM ' See me fine shirt ! See me good trow- icar me new boots : Uou me ene , I HrM lTfIlt If aTlA fl T D, itt IMA aria A H ' I C " - . don t dmt, pride? Charge dem dat he rich. dat dem be not high-minded," &c. The Secret of Success "Let them work hard and fare harf.and they need not go to CWifornts to jre rich." said Uncle Simon.a be stood talking with a neighbor, about some Irieod who had lately left for the gold region. That is the secret of success only let the people work as hard, and fare as hard, here, as they do in California, and my word flr it they'll sron get ahead anywhere, ani no' mistake." Chabitt. True charity ia well based ; it rests upon the highest reason,.!! pursues right and lofty aims. Her object ia to ex tend the reign of human happiness a far as possible. She never inflicts an unnecessary wound, but labors to meliorate the character and condition of the erring and suffering. She doe, , lhe Hnifcier,ilf. VVh she ran, si e justifies; when she can not fully pwtify, she excuses ; when site can neither justify nor wholly excuse, she pal liates ; and when she can neither justify. excuse, nor palliate, she condemns with' moderation and sincere pity. The great fault of modern religion, h, that it is loo generally made a distinct ene!"g''lneni from the oidinary pursuit of life. Men cultivate it per te. as a branch . of the whole duty of man. Business u not regaided aa reiigiou ; religion does riot lurnish the motive to business. Godl;ne -is not so oitK-h a life, as a specific rnr: of it a sort ofeoclostre railed eff from the entire surface of existence, for the cultiva tion of virtues which can not be nourished olewhere. Timid though t.he be, and so delicate thai the winds of heaven rn-iv not t.vi roughly visit her, jet the chamber rf tl.f sick, tha pillow of the dying, the vigils of the dead,! he altars of rcliion.nevcr 'missed the presence of woxix. Judge A'orj. In the voyage of life, it is not always the man that has the mast skill, uho scull his way most successfully. B.-wsre of haling men for their opinions or of adopting their doctrines because you' love and venerate their virtues. Mojtir Tbe largest and hardest s!ave- holder io the world. Talent without lact is lilie a fiJJle wiilt' j bow.