IKWISBUUG CIIUONICL.K ANI) WEST BRANCH FA KM SCR ;i l 3 tUit atift C)umor, BcvdlHllcBary Aacctote. The eccentricity ol Gun. Charles Lee was somewhat peculiar. Like hit mcfi tr. Sir Henry Lee, he wee very fond of dg, having usually not less than a dozen in his kennel or about hi person. It whs I remark) by a writer of the day " that hi great foodaeM fur drus brought upon him the dislike ol the fair sei," lor the general would permit his canine adherents lo fol low him lo the parlor, the bed room, and sometimes ibey might be aeeo on a chair nest hi elbow at a table. He had one dog, a hound, calld ' is.'' Thia animal im very sagacious, and there ia a great a differrace in duga at in men, educated or unedacsted. Thia four legged brate bad been trained to go through many military movement by the General himself who often declared that Bevia could tommand a brigade. It happened on one occasion a review took place in our good city, at the com niracement of the Revolution, when a Colonel by. the name of Sitsriua, com manded a brigade, in consequence of the absence of bit superior officer. In going through the military evolutions ia the presence of Lee, at crunrrsauding officer, he gas some order thai waa out of place, and which the troops did oot seem to un derstand. Thia irritated Lee, old and eccentric as he was, who called Cel. Rittema at once lo aeconnt. Sir, said he, you do not understand military tarties as well as my dog yonder.' "Sit ! replied Ritzema indignantly, n what do you mean, Gsn. Lee, by this remark !" " I mean what I aay," answered Lee, " took for a moment. Ifevis, go and order that regiment to present Creloeka." It should be remembered that terms were different in those days in regard to military matters. We esy now present arms, order arns, shoulder auns, &c. ; at that time, present firrloc&s was the word. Bevia, the dog, looked for a moment at his master, then started off. He took hi position in front of the reginsent, squatted down dog fashion, and held up hi furr paw- Lee at the same time gave the word. Present fireloeks. Of course the order was instantly obeyed. " There, Colonel,'' said Lee, turning to Kitzema, " I told you that my dog under kttKxJ military lectio: what do you think of him V The next day Gen. Lee received a chalk-age from Col. Riisema, as he most likely expected. It was delivert-d to him by a Colom l of the same brigada. Havel offended Col. Uitssma J" he aaked. Yes air, very badly " " How sof By making your dog take the com. mood of the brigade. You really must know sir." Oh P yea,'' said Le, in a mild tone of voice. t "flfenKect the matter now. Here, Bevia, Bevisfcnme forth!'' A Ik e four-footed animal rushed m, he pal led bim on the head and aaid :: M Bevia, you're a bad fellow, your mas ter has been challenged on account of vour conduct yesterday ; thai! 1 6ghi or botl" The dog looked at the bearer of tin challenge, and began to growl. Now you sec, said L- e. ' what my dog think about the matter. Say, Bevia, shall I fight ( ol. R tema or si. ail 1 noil This officer wanta my answer. Ai threw words, B-vi mede a spring toward the bearer oflbe challenge, whirh caused the latter to Iccve the tirce-raTa remise nu'.-iiri a ccitaiu portion of hi' breeches, to the step of double quick lime."-wV 1. Slur. During the summer of 184G, corn being sran-e ia the upper country, and 'lie or the citisaii being hard prmned for bread. hiving wurn threadbare the hospitality ot h a geiterHM neighbor by bis eatreme laxiness, they thought it an act of chari'y to bury him. Accord nly, he was car rird towards the place of intertuent, and hcinc met by one of the citirus the U (lowing conversation took plare : Hallo ! wjwt have you tb-re V IW old Mr. S." W hat are you going to do with bim? Hury him. What ! ia he deed! I hadu't heard ol hi death." " N., he i not dead, but be might a be ; Vr has no corn, and is loo lazy t. work lor ny." That is loo cratl fur eivilisrd pwple. IM give him two bushel of cum railx r than sse him buried live.' Mr. S. raised trw cover, nd aakrd in his ' Bstiat dragKiOK tons, M- i t s-hel ldr N but you can soon shell it I) r-i-v e on, b-o-y-a." Punch s, "I am trmptrd to rompsrr hih life! to railroad; it is vrry aVIyliiful bilfjall irueaon smoothiy; but if yoo y.-i off i he rail the) smash is aw fid." , wHif r i great demand," nays Tjn- kse rWIrr, "for spsries of plaaier, srhirh will t-iiaUla "eulemca to stifh tie ieir im sii.ess.1 Ah, Mr. Simpkiii, we have not chairs enough for our company," aaid a gay wire to her frugal husband. Plenty of chairs, ducky, but a little too much company," replied Mr. Simpkins, with a knowing wink. A late bog fight in Cincinnati attracted much attention. "Thai hog has mettle in him," aaid a man, iMi'mtinrf to the winner in the contest. 4,Pig nwtal, 1 suppose," suggested a punster. Castles in the air, have for their timber, moon-beams. a - "-"uiwur r ACT rtav Eiiuitniiiira 11 fas Blues, Iwmi M, SraaUf a. I. BRANT'S" INDI AN PULMONARY BALSAM Thts Bnlmm m the cceerier end eerieme rmiiii f eke elxrre-iiamed ItTstsrinis E run. mui sir Mmmi soleral ishlil eafdlceuuo. esrfttiiisile nno erc 1ii ndsiiwS m cere COUHHb ud C SSL M 1' Vic i Mi, end cwft Vlcrn in IM &-. sad eirwb..ro islrresl V e rwl Jy e4 e easily aa Ibe Perisia heals aaa) uw sell fly TtoMJSAMM of caiw of the MAr kofftUs Convumptioa Wlv prim iu a'mxM irm-mlax. . !' - io U iuvma of B LI HUB, THKOAT, m m-i-Adl'. ADl'IXG WOMAN SAVED! CONSUMPTION CURED! Wo (to Sm tuOovinf !'! fact of rare, wkick gmt to pnxx Ike power m um. aom wb-a tbe pcraoa awaaa nkr iaswvorv Ual a1av uf xlMtf,wbaiB Sraal't fad rmim BmLtm u ailmhiii'lercd : W jJtb the fofowjiz ertiSc" m a fart of cure, whlcS font tu nrp aVtiownr tf li 'r. pTro ahull lb" p-raoa Id bm m Ian very laat o' exialne. Wnra iiaa)fa indmm Fwimmmy tmlmm i" arlminiiHml : Triia a, u duea aot atari 1 alone we oaM um if awt craaa a mmritlima end awcaeaWfar "'l aarae, ot koftUm earn, ud tSeeaaada ul ra.-. eaiird CUMAUJii'TIUil. THIS CLKK waa etKlrd ua the wite of Mr. Zisa DvaiiA!l ol the ana af AaUMm. SamWra C. N. T. Mr. DykeaaaB waa proaoenced dyin. and Mr. Uykemaa Ml tu the eton- of Mr. John Wait Io aareaea, cloth lor a aki aarf. aad edlar kariei aiercratLt, experting kia wife woeJd aooa die. Hbr aa in the ImH Hjtt ot the diaeaea -waa amck eeeiaawe and dmrtd Mud ta Ktiere her fraal dimw,. aad aiiko a "' fditrm mm aua. Mr. Pykieawa vm oaread.-d lo r.v bar aom ol -Xie l"3 WUIAM PULMUNABV BkLSAM." il- tuoa ttia kWaoai haeaewWi eac shrtrml. esi a penioa to bia wit; it ffaSeveit kerehe cukiiaai-d lo laktt itjtntil she rorovored aooa aBAK-TW. and he Ba etniwuaj mil ar aterlf fowr aaara aau feaifilkr lor panicu:ara. Mr. DvaeaMM lanw lo thf aiM.ve faatt before TeV. O. Tonrn, Eaf. of flaUatM 4e, 2Wh April, U4d. Tawa. i. Tocko. Laif, Jutuu, certmaa thnt he turn kmowa Mr. Dvkraiia avwnv yf nr. aud that b ia vee of htonir aMMd mtmkf aad mrejwrralal cauzaaa ; aod Mr. Jowl Wair, Ine ai.-a u.01 para ol ab-ivn. Uo tvngSc to the food character of ifr. iaaaMia. aad litat he waa ae euaiett d witb el Iheuia, ave beard toeaa oftaa apok aaef eriVuaaaa Brant's Pulmonary Balsam eerea CONtl'MPTIOy. Ovwrka. Oie. piumw iSW SlMdinj. el IMl,v( r-e.a la Ua r-rreal aa i Ada, A'vr eweau, tbrzous Cuauilawla. Palfiutm Let afewe, Oaea faiuvm I aae'ara. 9nmr CompUimO. aad A Li TLMAJ.M waaael a a wlilrra- OOCTUftS iM) FHVSIl'lAXS KECOllESD. Tee Wliowia-eraMd lto9r HeJ f4y,a:aBa have high rervaiae-a ird BMAN I'A MtUll'LMvd : Dr. M. HL'HkARIl. st.mfurd, Cone. Dr. J. N. SMITH W.lartuwa, N. V. Dr. KOa.MAN, Urarj uro, SreokljB, IL T. Dr. T. M. UCNT, Ankara, N. V. Dr. GV.il. KHANCIS. Midtiltlawa, Coaav Dr.UEu. A. ROCttti luth,R. I. Dr. a WHITE. Frrdnaia. H. V. Dr. C, B. ClUM IKt ajrue. H. T. Dr. J.U. bHII'MAN. F.J. ev.dl. N. T. Dr. I. eKIh'NkH. Mrar; anat Rruoklva, S. T. Sr. a aUUkUM. Carload, N. T. Ftn&XFV! PU3X7T! HPS BEllTO ire ia tbe BLOOI. CWaar. Purify, amd Rrrmlnit lie Cimlotm, 0ml (aa vaofe Mm inU k,r Mi I k mut aaaaVnal mf mil reateaWa to prvdmm aaaA m mail, at BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. Tea. the Aaalriid reaalt eoi eficerr will he predaeed ay Sb eaa of a amauWr iwkf of Ihi Fraunae thaa cea be alT,ii by the ee of a Uhe eean ily of aajr ether reaoad la the world, (boa oar Fanpairitf for proof I Thia Pcaurica ia mkoitf praoarad from VaraaaUaa. aaal earaa tW wwet. war eialoMic, and kaw aunOtc di eenaa f the blood, without eotaeff. parraar. nUm.f. or eVeoV UtxmM. It cJrea. rrajfUa. tmr-gtwmlew. aiitkra new, litTIf lliirf. and (ivea a.w aaxer and aw er to lue wboe "Suture roatFip.R ta roue Ttufa cttAtst Saaa muj etkav remedy ia the world, becaeae ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH ef ttw!D eSeet a fraaaar aieiaiat ef aare thaa fear daSarr aMjru af waaaaniia. or aay other rorardy. eo maRrr how Wf thatt: uutliea may be. The earartaaT ewrtiaa tor roav eeieiaa u etarmiae. ia. horn aaac4 aHrt caraftaa cftrl aal e eaUW, wrtk af t'mr.ftrr pradacr. taea a dafiar warlk a aaal an -a.i lin ar alaar rnvdy. We oiiiibt here eay, that AVaaTa Mio had cored, wilhia the but year, 100,000 Pmui vf Import Bload Oiicasn, ud 25,000 Caifi were (ontidcred Iienrablt! aa aaae other peMt mrdictae aam are in the habit of aay. huj. If we ahoa!d eay ao, who woald briar aa This however, we do aty. and ataad neaty to prove by rtifrctmUt met aaAirra MKDlcmaa nave cscnra cwrr OB lirinr bamaa kalnga. the pant year, tnaa ajay other remedy ia exinirace did daruif the aanw time. Haw aewek will a Uwllar'e worth CURCa Tweaty tarre, drep t'lrert were oared by aeiaf eafy larla, hottiea of Atrear'a Pmnttr. Tbe followinr ir the awe! wonderful aad aatonlrhml ears Vhat fa ever eSectrd oa a kaaun baioi , by eey wiaioee IZonid Scrofhla Cored. a. J. B. fUse-nt. of aaat, Oerirfe Ot . If. T., rerrMbw, Deremhrr 20th. 184S. that be had been eBtktnd with 8cao tru loar eera.and the hat yw confined lo hia bed. with iwaan lertre 4trf. dudurfiwf DtXBU tha hia aeck eras (ana amoad from ear to ear a hole war eatea Ibroaf b hia Wind fif. ao that he nrratbed thrmifh the hole ma ear war arariy deatroyed the oae of hie arm waa wholly dVotroy-d and aa L1ir pedrr the ana. a larrj- aa a man'a b.nd. had orarly et-n through into hia Lance that he had naod all nda of SaaaAFUitxa aad etkir aiidirirm, la ao kaufe. and that he waa net ereeaKd la favr Usentf-fomr Aevra wbea h4 ciimawrfj BaANT's lanavi PcairrtKO Ka-raACT that MM bottlkv of the Puaimiro trraAirr kmltd and carol arvKKTcra of the twenty L'lrra he had when he commeaerd unnt; it, aad that a Jewe(M more effected a rsararrcoaa. For tall tnuticalara of tbia, and many other atatwer wu see oar PairjmLBt. Thia Weainfal mm AaleaUliIac CtB 4oee not rtand alnae aa a aieaaeiraX of tin) rM fpVerf af Hbantt'i Poamn, for we muld gire alinoat unlim-la-d aridenee of outer rnr-o, well atb atul, if Due wcr Thia care ia enrtiBd to by Fourteen Respectable Witnesses. By Doer. Tana. Williax. one of the moat reapeetahle phyaiflaaa of Home ly M.ri Hiwm. Lsokaub, whoieaale and Mail drUKiata !y Mr. U. K. Kiu.wx. pro. printor and krrpt 01 the Wear Hoaa llotat and by Branfa Indian Purifier ! earns ad impure diaeaaes of the blood, viz.: 9nUHr4, SaavCaraa, atkcauaeltaav iiM". J'tmpltl ea the Faaa . r7fuTF. ia. b, f, and lati, iiaak aUeadle la Jaaaa, etc. etc. Beware of counterfeits ! There ia no Brant's meilirinea genuine, but sash bollles ss are put up in a aqua re packsee or shape, and on one square of Ibe parkaee ia a label on wbi-h is repicertited a young r-'qaaw. and under hers ehe atari!' is s Note of Hand, erhirh leail- aa follows, rix. We hrrtbif pnrnifr fir rnlut received, to pay lo the henrrr heraf Ostl t, on demand at ur Meiiirine Fuvory in the City i f Jim i7yn. V Y. Dalrdat Bruuklyn Itk Afrit. (which bola ia l!giilt! with pen and red ink") . SI. T WALLACE tr Nona een'iine bbt aueh ss bavs lua nut on be label signed sa above. For aa'e bv Trurr.iin fc RaVir. Lewi burg; Edwd Wilrm. Berlin; 8 J douse, Selinagrovr : i & F O Mover, Freefcu'fl : If N Barkhsose. Mid.llehnr ; Wilt .V Ei'srt, Harlkr ton: An'ea V. Menrh. Mirlliiih'irg All l"ere and order iiiu.l ie a.M'ewd1 to Wallas & Co. 10fi. Broadway, New Yrk lys2S4 . - ! Buni7 NOTION AND VARIETY STORE 1 HAVING talon the new Drug Estaliliihmcul of Schaffle ( Chamberlin, I woulJ res (icctfullv announce to my trientls and the public that I hsve replenishail 01; slock and will keep constantly on band a larva, freah and well selec ted stock of pure Drug, Medicines &c. which I offer at Wholesale and Retail. My alack being entirely new and puichaaed for cah at low ralra in the fhilad'a market, I am enabled to vrll al lower prices than ever offered in tbia region Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Patent Med., Glass, Ferfumery.Oils, Paints, Liquors, Fancy Notions, Variety Goods, Fruits, and Lonlectionery, with a large variety of olber articles usually kept in Drug csiahliabinenu. Thauklul lor past Iiu- eral patronage, I bona to merit its continuance. feraons Wlahlllg to procure pure snil Ireali Meilicinea. are particularly invited to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as all lruK are carefully inspected before oOered for sale and all Medicine manufactured by mveril are war- ranled good. Having a practical knowledge of lb huxiness fioui upwsrds of ten years ripens ance, I flatter royeelt that I am a comeleiit judge of tbe same. All older entruated to Die will be promptly attended lo, and my friends ntsy rely upon get ting evsryibiug of tbe very beat qualiiy. U. W. 8CH IFI-'LE, Druggiat, Lewisb. v- V. I49 W bat younir msa wants to wear a wig 1 We all know the value of a good head of hair. A young man with a lutld head, is a sort of walking caricature of hia rcirsv Hence the mnny various attempts to reme dy or conceal the deficiency. Hundred f the young men of this country, after try ng the thousand and one cheimral prepa rations und nostrums for restoring I he hair, are drvvn the neressity of wearing n wic ! practice as little eondueise to rieanl'ness, as it is dangerous to healih ! Now, we hap pen io know from practical experience, that Trunk's Magne;ic Ointment will restore the hair on a bald head, when all other reme dies hnve failed. Sold in Iewiahure.wholesale and retail, hy Thornton & Baker. Trice 2 and 50 cents per boltlt . BAM'L AMMON, THANKFUL for liberal patronage heretofore received, raapacifully imorms bia old fneniU sad lb public generally thai ha has removed bia Tailor fchop to tbe Basement of hia Brick dwelling on Market I reel. Bait door above V. fenny 'a aaddlery (isle iha ofBca of H C Hickok, Esq) where he hopea to suit all who may give bim their custom, hs he does all work in his line in the beat and ipwest style and on short notice. He h i ibe Fashion regularl), employs none t.ut .rood band', and i determined to keep U with tha tunes and merit a (food share t ,.a:ronaise. CVTTJJSG d .ne to ord r. ( .'ha rue reasonable, and Produce takea ia egchnjie for work lae-tisburg. June, 1848 Iy2?0,7 Fancy Goods, Xolloas, &.c. JUST rece'd a large and splendid aasortineul of Ksncy Goode such a t.l Reads iiM Pencils Thimbles Clsepa " Pens Viai ing Csrds - t'baiaS Silver Peneile llomiuoea Bead N kiaeea Kingcr Uinga Thertuomeier Satin L'ewla Hair Pm Hare and mber Ksetlls Caaaa Stiops Huff.loComos Bbtrl Buiions Walking Cane rihell panih " Ureeaiug INicke " Hair Bruaho Teelb Nail Fleah Pniat Sh J, welry Goard Chains Walck Key i'laaler Pina kttuds ji'iasnra Wa'er Colors fun Ulussee Emerge 8py " f iKat Caaaa P.ickel Mirrors Sin.ff Boies - C-mpaes Kpvctaclea" Perfuiueiy " Cases Nttchels Night light Smellng Bottles Dolle and Hieel Twecier Doll heads Toys for Card Cases Children Port ointiie Fancy Pipe Pocktt Books Pen Knives Arcordious Pocket " Fiddles Bilk amlTbread Tarlor Lamps Pur.es. Cameo Toeelher with a great variety of articlee not aientiouej in the abovs list, for ssle at ti.a new Dru. Fancy and Variety store of U.j C W-bCHAFFLE Myers' Liquid Cure! iS a positive and never-failing Remedy for P L E St whether Intermit, Ex ternal, lilind or Bleeding Scrofula, White Spelling, Ulcers, ulcerated Sore Throat. Canker Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cutan eous Diseases, Mercurial Affections, dc. also for Scalds, Burn, Cuts, Sprains, Brui ses, Aic. ozc. We feel justified in proclaiming the Fact to lh World, trial of all inailiciiie ever bro'i before the puMic, none hav ever been more beneficial to afflicted humanity than Myen' Liquid Curt. 'At know thia i saying a great deal, but if we were to write volumes w could not say too much tu praise of this ,iALT-atToais.i.iri-raousoio lEsnr, Hundrails, nay thouaiids bless the hsppy hour when first they were made sruusinted with its tranerendsnt virtue ; and our present purpose is to inform olher thu-snda, how ai d where thoy may obtain that lelief which they perhaps have long sought for io vain I be superior excellence of this preparation over sll other medicines, for the sieedy and per manent cure of I'lLES. ia well knowo to sll who hava tested it. It baa been proved in thousands o' instances, and has skvks ran.ES lo core the moat olmtinalt case, snd we are ouGiieut it will never fail if used S proper length of time accord ing io dirrctiona. Aa a proof of our entire confi dence in iU efficacy, wa asaur all purrhaser lhal if. afier a proper trial, it prove ineffectual, the M ..ney paid for it will be returned. The Liquid Cora is an effectual remedy for R ngwonn. Biles, Pimple. Barbers' Itch. Frosted Limb. Chilblain. Salt Kheura. Muarjuito Bitea, atitigs of mous lnarcts aud Cutaneous disraaes of every description. It is both sate snd effectual for Rrshmatissi, giving immediate and permanent relief. Its effects as a real Pain Killer, are magical. bTSST FAMILT IS HI shoold provide themselves with this Invaluable Pirparation the cheapnrs of which places it wi hin lb reseh ol sll Full Directions accompany each Battle Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates from those who hsve tested the Liquid Cure, may be bsd gratii of aur suthorixed aeni Mym' Ufuid Curt i prepared only by JEBOME & CO. St fprace SLNew York AgenU:C W Scbsfle. Lewi.burg; J U Raawr, kfillon ' lveow5H QCHOOL-TICKETS primed mni for lj sale at this oflice. TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & COUXTll Y MEllCJlAX'fS. D1 li. J N. KEEU2R & HUO. most res- pfcifultv solicit attention to tin ir fresh stock ol English, French, German, and American lfrtigs. Medicines, I'aints, Che micals. Oils l!,tufls, Ulanswarc, Perfu mery, l'aii-nl Medicines, Varnishes, &c. Having opened a new alore, Ao S'JI, Market st, with s full aupply ol fresh liiuga snd Medicine, ae rrfp ctlullv aolicil munlty dealers to exam ine our sunk before purrha-iug elsewhere, proin iving one and ail who may le I disposed to ex tend to ua their pstronsge, lo aell them genuine Drugs snd .Meilioiiea, on as liberal term as any other Ikium- in Ibe City, and tofni hfully cxecaie all oiiieis entruaird to us promptly aud with ie- apmcli. Our of the proprietors being a regular physi cian, affords anisic guarantee of the genuine quulily ol all articles aold al their cstshlirbment. We esprriaily invite druggitis and country mrrrhsiiU, who may wih lo been me agents fur Dr. Keiler't CtlcLrutid family Medirinet, (ulRiidar.l snd popular reinediea.) lo forward their udJresa. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect" iulty reninin, J..VKEELER&BRO., Wh.lele Drog?its, I ySH I .No. 294, Market 81., I'hilud. W$0 RNAMENTAL TREES i The subscriber offeis lor sale Ornamen tal Trees of every riesrrip'ion, particularly the European Linden, and Paulon'in Impe rialist, a splendid shade tree lately introdu ced from Japan, remarkable for its enor mous leaves (sometimes two feet in diam eter.) and larce cluster of rose-colored flowers, spotted and slriped williin, emitlinaj a fraarance simt'nr to ihe Lilac. Also Fruit Trees Pear, Cherry, Plutn. N-ctrine, and Apricot trees at rcn sotmlile priees all ibe varieties warranted genuine ; sNo Hot-h"U- mid Green house i.lants. toi'i thrr wbh a viiriety of Flower seeds, all of which he will sell as low as thuv can be purchased in PhiMelnhla. II. H. NULL. Lewisbiirp, Sept 12, 1849 UNIVERSITY at Iewisbiir. mHE TRI'HTEEd of the I niversity at Lew I iahurg would respecilullv infirm its Pstions and Friends, Ibat. in the Hrhonl under their Care, (at Lewisbure) the follow ing aie ihs Classes, fub jecla of Study and Eserciye for the current year. Departments and Studies. PH1.VAKY DEPAKTHEXT. Six t.'lssses Exercised in Spelling, Heading. Definition. Etiglih Ijrauimar, Anlhiimlic. Urog- aphy, History L' S. A., reiiinnn-hip. and Com poaiiion. ESGLISH DETAKTMEXTof the Academy The same studies a in the Primarv Uepartinenl c .nliiimd in the use of largei text book; and lo these are nJJeJ (aeneral History, Davie' Algebra, Legendre and Surveying. CLASSICAL DE PA RTMENT of the Acsdcmy Jan. Academic Clot. Enclish Lnngusge, Geogrjpi.y, History U.S.A. Latin tirainmar and Keader, (ireek (irsniinsr and Reader com menced, Arithmetic completed. Sen. Academic Cluu. Encli'h Language. General History, Citsar, Virgil, Greek Reader, Daviea Algebra. COLLEtJlATE DLPAH TMEXT. Freshman Class. Livy.Auabaais.Menioraliilia, Dsvies' Legi-ndre, Trigon. nielry commencrd. S.h.iuort CU. Ilomrr, ll ly-sey, Helecl Oiations of Demosihi'nea. Leeenilre completed, l)aie' Surveying and Navigation, Analylicsl fieoinetry. BUir'a Lecture. Junior Cluu. Demolhene on the Crown, (iieek Tragedy, Cicero de tJinciis, Tacitus, Jist ursl Philosophy, Astronomy. Logic. Students in the English Department recite with those pursuing the tame studies in the Krgulir Course. IV o class in ihe Regular course, has less than three d lily recitations. All ibe members of lbs school, (in three divisions.) sre exeictsed erery Saturday in Reading. Declamation, English Com position, and Vocal Music. All the students are required to attend, regu larly, some religioas meeting. Minors sre expec ted lo attend suih meetings as aie recommended io them by their parents or gusrdians. There sre in the Borough no leas thsn six plsces of puldic workup, occupied every Lord's Dsy by as many different ( biistian denominations. Number of Students. The number of students during the past year in the various departments, was 104. The number that hsve entered the classes in the Reg ular Cnuise for the cuirrnt year (exclusive of those in the English and Primary departments.) is ss follnws : CoLLswc Junior class 6 Sophomore diss - 13 Freshman class - -12 Acasessw Senior elan 12 Junior class - - 28..T1 TEACHERS. STEPHEN W. TAYLOR, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy ; GEORGE R. BLISS, A. M Professor of Greek I.sngunge snd Literature ; GEORGE W. ANDERSON, A.M., Professor of Lstin Language and Literature ; 18 A AC N. LOOM1S, A. M., Principal of the Academy ; ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Teacher in the Academy. In oider to meet tha demands of tbe Institu tion, the Board have taken measures to supply the necessary Apparatus for the department of Mechanical Philosophy, and to increase the Li brary, hefme tiie commencement of tbe winter session. Duiing the year, the building now in progress will be completed, affording study rooms snd dormitories for 70 college student. Another Professor hss been added to the Faculty, and means provided to enable students in tbe classes specified shove to prosecute their studies with the greatest success. Tuition and Hoard. TUITION in tha Collegiate Department 30, Academic (20, Primary f 12 per year. BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel' and light, can Mb had. in ihe village and its vicinity at various prices, from $1,37 J lo $2,50 per week. Sessions, Vacations, &c. Two Session iu a year ibe former enmmen cea on the second Tuesday in October, sad con- itinues 27 weeks; ihe latter continues 15 week. spring Vscstion. 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6. iNeil session begins 1 1th October. Tbe Board are hsppy to add that Lewislmrg is at pretest, as it ever baa been, exceedingly healthy. By order and in bshalf of tba 0sard : sr, V. THOMAS W ATT80N. Prss'u ' GEORUE F.'MILLER. Sec'y. r'lswiabnif. Tnica Cr. Pa. 8c 1. 1, lf49. , A. L. HATFIELD HAS removed his Watch and Jewelry eatahlishrnent to his house, opposite HayW Storsk, The New Foundry IS now carried on aa usual, at the upper end of Mnrket street, where every des cription of CASTINGS kePl 0D hand or made lo order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves, for either Coal or Wood aud all other kinds of STOVES. Is PIaOITOIIS of differ- enl kinds Corn Doughs, Bull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpening Floagh, a new article, and which can not be beat in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHKISl at nri-AUUia. LewUburg, Sept. 22, 1849 PUUE FRESH COD IHIS new and valuable Medicine, now sed by the medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure ol Pulmonary Consumption. Scrofula. Chrome Hhtumalism, Gout, general Debility, Complaints of the Kidneys, dec. tie., is prepared from the liver of the COD-FISH for medicinal uae, expressly lor our sales. Extract from ihe London Medical Journal. C. J. B. Williass, M. D, F-R-tL, Professor of Medicine in University College, London, consul ting physiriao lo ihe Hospital far Consumption, tie , says ; " I hsve prescribed Ibe Oil in above four hundred cases of tulx iculous disease of the Lungs, in different si ages. which hav been under my care the last two years and a half. In the Urge numbei of caw 206 out of 231. its use was loljnwed hy marked, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in different esse, from a tem porary retardation of the pi ogres of tbe disease snd a mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to a more or leaa complete restoration to apparent health. " The effect of tha Cod Liver Oil in most of these case was very ren.arkal le. Even in a few daya the cough was mitigsled, tbe rxce oration diminished in quantity ai d opacity, the night awesta censed, the pulse bicsme slower, and of better volume, and tbe appetite, flesh and atiengih were gradually improved. " In conclusion 1 repeat that tbe pure fresh Oil from the Liver of the Cod is mora beoe&cial in tha treatment of Pulmonary Consumption thsn any agent, medicinal, dietetic or regimenal, thai has yet been employed." As we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head uuirters, it can now be had chemically pure, by the single bottle or in boxes of one dozen each. Its wonderful efficacy has induced num erous spurious imitatiiiPS. As its success dejiends entirely on its purity, too much care gnn not be used in procuring ir ofm iss. Every bolile havinu on it our written siinattire, mav lie depended on as genuine. Pamphlets containing an an'ilyis of ihe Oil, with notices of it from the Medical Journals, will be sent to those who address us free of postnae. JOHN C. BAKER $ CO., Wholesale nrngirist and Chemists. IvSaaj 10 North Third St. Philadelphia fPHE subscriber would inform the Gen J tlemen ofLcwisburg and vicinity that he has now re-oened a new and elegant shop, next door to the Post Office, where he will carry on the business of CUTTING ANDMAKIXG garments as usual. Work made bf him warranted to fit. Produce received in payment at market prices. JOHN B. MILLER. Lewisburg, April 27, 1848 Consumption disarmed of its Terrors ! HASTINGS' Compound Syrvp of Nap tha a positive cure for Consumption, Uucline, Asthma, and all diseases of the chest and lungs a single bottle will prove its t fiioacy. The proprietor not only recommends his Naptha Svhup, but warrants it to cure! lie warrants it to act upon the chyle, and purify it ; he warrants it to remove all im pediments which retard the free circulation of the blood ; he warrants it to open the internal and external pores of tbe body and eject all the obnoxious particles which have accumulated in the system ; he warrants it as a never-failing remedy in hectic lever, oiuht sweats, dvsnensia. liver complaint. pain in the chest, and asthma ; and he war- rants it to arrest the formation of tubercles in the lungs, and to heal those already formed, so that persons in consumption may take it with the most positive confi dence of a cure, for its great seat of action is the lungs, which it penetrates in all di rections, purifying them of everything obnoxious in its progress, and which, il applied according to directions, it can not fail to leave in a perfectly healthy condi tion. Agent at Lsewisbure 210) C W 8CHAPFT.E. Get the Best! 4 M yean person should have s Standard Dictionary at their elbows. Ami while vou ars about it, get the bet : that Dictionary is .naa Wsbsteb s, tba irtaat work, unabridged. If you are too poor, sav the amount front off your back, to put it into your head. PhrenologJour. Dr.Webslei' great work ia the best Dictinnsry of the English language. London Morn.Chron. Containing three tune the amount of matter of any other English Dictionary compiled in this cniniry, or any abridgment of this work. Published by O St C Merriam.SpringSeld.Ma. and for ssle at the Cheap Bookstore of May 30 ti f LYNDALL, Uwieborg BEST Spanish and Half tiish, also American CIGARS and all kinds of Chewing TORACCO, for sale by PENNY & FURRAY. Lewisburg, Dec 4. 1848 COAL OF ALL KINDS FOR sale by RE HER (DDINQS. Inriibur Jus, gA EQtlTnLE LIFE HiSlRASCE, Auuuily und Trul Coiupaeijr. Office. 74, ll'ulnut Street, Philadelphia. CariTAL, $250,000 Charter Perpetual. riHE Company are low prepared lo Uaneact I business upon the most liberal and advanta geous terms. They are authorised by iheir charier (sc. 3) " to make all snd every inaurauc spper taimiig to life ri.ks ol whatever kind or aaiute, aad to receive and esecute tru.la. make eudowmanls, and to grant and purchase annuities." Tba Com pany aell annuittrs aod endow ukoU, aud set S trustees for minors and belts. Table of I'reimumt reifuirtd for the Auurant of $100 or the whole term of lAje. Age. Preoi. 16 $1 50 Ae. Prem. Age. Press. 46 3 36 31 $2 09 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 1 53 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2 19 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 66 57 8 59 60 3 49 1 56 1 59 1 60 1 63 1 66 1 69 1 72 I 76 1 85 1 39 1 94 1 93 2 04 3 20 2 27 2 33 2 40 2 47 2 54 2 63 2 70 2 81 2 92 3 01 3 13 3 23 3 62 3 77 3 94 4 13 4 33 4 51 4 71 4 91 6 13 5 33 5 54 6 78 6 03 The premiums sre leas thsn any other company and tbe policieSrafford greater advaatagea. Mar ned women and female children ran insure the lives of either a husband or parent free froas tba claims ot creditors. Tables of half yearly and quarterly premiums, hslf credit rate of pre mi am, short terms, joint lives, survivorships, endow ments and forms of sppliestion are to b had st the Oflice or of the A genu Rales fur insuring $100 on a tingle Life. Age. Fori year. For 7 years. For Life. 20 $0 81 91 160 30 0 99 1 30 S 04 40 I 29 1 64 2 70 50 1 86 2 07 3 94 59 3 48 3 97 6 03 Example : A person aged 30 years next birth dav bv paving the Company 99 cl would secuis to bia family or heir f 1 00 ahould h die in on year, or for 9 80 he sec a res to tnem siuvu, or tor 13 00 annually for seven years be secures to weak 1 1000 shnulJ he die in seveo yesra. or for 20 40 paid yearly during life he secures $1000 to be paid when he dies the insurer securing bia own bono by the difference in amount of premium from tboss charged bv other offices. For 49 50 tbe heirs would receive .'JSC CO should he die in one year. PETER CULLEN, President. F. W. RWV'LE Scc'y and T.ea. For further pailif.il' apply to HENRY C. HICKOK. Agent ftr Vnion and adjoining counties. Consulting Physician V. Hates, M. D. Lewiiburg, Union Co. Pa. July 21, If 49 IS EIONEY! WATCHES AXD-CT.Qr.KS Carefully Ix'tjjaired.al the sltorltit Xolice flMlC subscriber desires to inform the I ciliZ'-ns il Lcuisburg and thai public in irenerHl thnt he carries on the Watch Making IJusine-is in tlie shop formerly oc cupied by C.J.I biuret, where he is prepared io execute all kinds work in his line ol Iiumim ss wi:h priiniiiiess and on the most reasonable term, itnj by s'rict attention to his business experts a liberal share oi patronage. He h is constantly on hand an asxirtirnt of WATCH liS Patent Lever, English, and French. JRWRUV Gold Watch chnins and Gunrds, Pencils Pens. Preastiins,Errin9, Fingerrinos, Silver Spectacles, Lockets, Spoons, Thimbles, iVc. Which he is determined lo sell low. CALL AXD TRY. A- L. H ATFIELD. Lewishuro. Nov. 13, 1S47 LEWiSilJgSRJOnDRY fPIIE subscribers, thankful for past patro- I nage, would inform the public that they continue to innnwbic:ure all kinds of MILL GEARI.W. Cast Water W heels of h' nott pfoni Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse Ploughs. vie invite pnrticuiar attention lo a new article Wiard'i Patent CISC PLOrCDS, tor settling in liraia. rarmers by this plough can seed in as much grain, in one day, as in three days with common ploughs. eituT0 .intr tTurntaff, nd Fitting the same. HOLLOW WARE Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth' ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves. COOKING STOVES, ihe must approved patterns now in use, for wood or cnal. FancyJ'arlor, Wood, Coal Stoves, JllU TWILL SiUrlWi Race's Srir-resulatinK Air-tight Parlor V otd Stoves, (a new article.) Threshing Machines and other articles of machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be of the best material, aad at prices that can not fail to please. GEDDES dt MARSH. Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 ly209 Pianos! Pianos. THE undersigned continues to furnish to order on the most reasonable terms. Piano, from the manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Phillwhos instrument are too well known to need sny pan egyric, having uniformly received lbs commend, ationa of the most eminent professor and compo sers of Music, and tha sward of lbs premiums in NewYork.Philadelphia and Boston. For qualities of tone, touch, and keeping in Ion up lo concert pilch, tbey caa not be surpassed by either Amer ican or European Piano. Instructions given on ihe Piano, as heretofore. Reference may be made to sny of thoas parents or gosrdians who hsve pupil committed to his charge. He may he seen at hia residence at Mrs Maize's, Msrket streei, l.ewi.urg. where term and particulars will be made known. Tba most popular and favorite Airs snd Music of different kind rereisrd it i leaned frara lh different m unreal slblihmnls in lh Cities. May It 01 ELKS KAUBOf 4. 1 at&i&e-i2ieerJtJ "An oanee of . PreYention worft. ( a pound of Cure," in . f Attl twit aftSeVMe. - consurjPTibn ! DR. FITCH'S Lecture oa the PratNtv tioo snd Cure of Constrrispftoo. This popular work for sale in LewUburg by 8. P. Lyndall J. Hoaghtofl sad st this office. Price, 75 cents. TRICKS OV HCACKS. Lav Eiaaiaasv Sbab vawe l;aaevu.v. Taaei isj S ganaparllla Mr sale m the SlSerent town Calls S . R Tewaaatsea Snrsaparilla. ia advaruwHlaa Ine OMBI KAL,oeNVINS.aaaaUtaat. Ttlia Twiaarl w neonates and aeser was: km waa (nvaaerly a worker ea railroads, pa -aals, aad im like vet he i mmm the uua Doner mr tha amriiess ef jtnsMn era Im what ha mm. He ears "h kea attended two medical etkeois, and praeiiead for Bftaas) esral!" Wow the troth ia. ha never praeuead amhrlne a ir, at hia life Sock "lal. "e fevks bed le the charseujr and rerarK ef UM bm. I www amet ameers,, ha bad never ansa shoes win esania ef as, eellor ofnss. When will men Uara ss be hoaset and men, M ia all tkefcr deal less aad issvmearae wHk Usnr fsUew meat He applied a, oae Boel ClatJO ss assasr kisakmssa eSeeieriag kss ausurrs, aiaim ike lares eaam ke wonel me-aa aa ae-nceasent e iwiherk avikeheamia, Tessa men here beea snesluee aad likellinf mi allsswiia farms, m order te itapraaa Che pejklat wwh she kefwf inm tha old tleeiera Sarsapanlla waa not tke rnan'.rra AWssmaruVa, mails from as Ohl Lmttm Orummt Mmm mlwll P. Towneend nave I have eold the ass ef ma Urn. lo, S7 a sek I anil give b tf he wul pe due one anarle aolitarv proof of On. Hie aiemsr.w of tymtpmrn. fillmaa Oe, are aoiluae he a laasm sf nikwteoda7simplr aaad as deceive ah public and keen tha trath dw m rerard te hat aeawis.ersmnosw c - - Thwleiocsnaanathetvehlie i peetaase aeae bat MdJk. JacOS Tosraaend'e ateanpanlla. havim eaa the OM DneWs liieeeaa. hei ee-tjr CSet y Area, end hal aesai sauna ihsT " w . ... Old Dr. Jacob Townsend, wars naanraial. nrjaOVFRKE of int Genuine Townsend SarBapsrilla. Urrm its aauantaciare, bv wkach wenne a kaelwea kspi eat oi market, ami Ike aalee cirraraacnaed a 'l ljho bad proved its anion, auti leaa . . -Uw Jars of mall. nerenn.Wss. as laese Pa-wko bad been healed ef esre ihesanes, aad eW rnaa aaniri. pt llairn I a weoilerfiil HEALING POWER. This OSAKD AMI CSEQC ALIKI) MFPABaTirS k) aaanutaetured oa ihe Urrcsa arale.aod w called rar inroeta nul ine lenetk and breadth at the letL eatietlitlj found incapable ol drfeneraiaoa or (VnersirsiH. L'sliks your a r Tesrnenad'e, at laiBrursa e-ith aae, lid new ehaiere hiu dirinr eaur : oacaasc Urn piIr oa mUntikt frmcifttm a trumlife ssesv. The kiehea knowleJs'e of CheinWrv. and afce late) dweevenes alia art, base all bean bronxbl ana reilsKaen ia Ik nBm tare of the Old Or'. Sarsarilla. The Sarsapanlla n-s, it w well knesrn le medical men, eeeyaine emer nMnlonval pronenies, and son upDias wkKk are auerl or oaaless, and oihera. wtuck if reuuued m Brssintts H kjr aes. p diare frrmemtuiim anl ersd, whieb ia ayurloas lo lbs ae leai. Saunas of ibe jir ijierues ol Sarsswrilla are ea 'i tbat they enurelv eapirale ami are ts Ike prsparntien, b Ibey are wa presrrveil by a acarene seereea, kneero se ly tu ibiMsr exliem-iired lu ua nasiiu.ACmre. Mereow. tneas mHatilt prinriplt.. winch Sy v la raor. or aa an ea halaiKsa, under heal, are ibe very esemiial asAWaral map artiee of ihe rse.wharh jire ion all Me value Any nsraue, can bull or sew ihe row till il.ee est a dar( eolored lujusL avhKh m amies from Ike snlonn- matter the root tbanfrum anyi bin etna; Ibe can ihea strain Una UrtpNt or vapnl IsiiimI. ssrrelwi B1?T?i-S'5 then call it -SARSARII.LA EXTRACT or 9CP " But such r not list anarie knoea as 'e GtlNUlN t OLD DR JACOB TOWXSESD 3 SARSAPAKIIXA. This is so perrwred lhal all ibe men reopsvliea of rbe (husarwnlla fooV . ftea rrl. ..rr, w-s -I brarniHW nctd or fermewation w esuacwd and resnraes, . k. l ,imim aa enenmd la a pare men everr ner-ici- " - -- . - . . , sn coorrmrsieJ lorm; 1-1 ikss K a. r i of ksviiaj any M lis saluaale and hesIlM proy-rues. res. I parasalkaear.kamekllesleaewsrmasnsais, I :aaeai wr lanawliranw Heme iaa eeaeun wby heat cimsu suit In us laser bv mm, ojsma. and I chakdrae. Ws b U dinnff wiMslers in lb-cure of V(lHI-PTiriS, OY.1PBP.arA, and LtrRJt lOMPLAl.T,ml in K"KCMATtS.jR'J l-'JLt. PILHS. VOSTIVKSSWf. all C6'7M OUS KRVPTIOSS, PIMPIJBS, BLOTtSHZi, and all alteeisnna ansinc from IMPURITY OK THE BLOOD, h possesses a marvelkeas eMracv ia aH ceaspuuMs anV sine irons Mareslassa, men aoaaia as ie " .mhiiuI eifeulation. ostermmaiaan o bessl la Uie IsseL palJiuii.w H ine near), aaid WM aeJ hauls, eekl chilb anl U Sashes eer lbs kedjr. k ken am its easl In CJ'is saj Uaurae : anil Drunviass aan exnenoniioa and enils s Ussvae : and prumoaes oaf exnenoniioa aMralion, nlazvac atneturea at aka fangs, ikroal an cvep Sal m nothing is hs evealleiaee more manifestly l ackasiwledfrd than in all kinds ami auras of K works wonders m ease ef Fhmr Alhm. r "1 FalUmm or Iks Hesse, OhttrmrlM. Spyrmi. of PaiMul Jtfesavs.fr reeelariry ol the mstxuual perandV. sad lbs ilia) and ia edotlaal as carta all tbe lorina of ATiafncy faaraea By renwvilaj etswraoione. nan er?uaus -uem, K (It, lone ami atreaetk la tbe whole bedy.aiat IsetsllUr. and tfcae presonia or relsrses a errs sanetv "l isnsr sea. adlea? St."! airavsea, Xrmrmlfm, M rW ir. BTu mr Eriletti Pom. Ckwwaeieaa. c iTtUiaM,- limkloed. esciie the beet healths atlne, tnaee the esuemek, and (ivea coed duesmm. mlirrsa U bowele of torpor ami rwisiirnaiaia. alhwe mdamseau-si. p nhee the skin, eqaalitee lbs circnlnuen of lb. "'"T AKtag futile warmth equaUy all over the kody.aiai io laetnaiMo pei't4ielioa: relataa auKfrse and nabtneas. s assvas all aeesraetieae, and iavieoraiaa the enure nsrroe aysteam. la not Ikw the Tke MeaUelw ymm wre-eanlwewtly weedl Bw caa any of them ihuars he mid of S P. TiwnssudV alienor article t Tare vosmc awn'. Imnid is not to Ss COMPARED WITH THE OLD PR'S, heraaaa of one RIUKilt PACT, that lh eae w INI A PA ULS el DBTKaiOR ATtON, and NEVER KPOILS, wtiil the other DOP.Sr sue-ine-. f minting, and elsssJnr Ike eerMse eomamrM? M till fraemeMe : the soar. ariT bnnid i;lo.hn. snd dmranrin other coeds! Mastvstlia aomble eompomari ke rsai-eioaw I lbs sestsm I iral ' paU eriif rne eeefsm eVreafjr nVeraesa' nw'f k mrid 1 Wrist caaaae Pyepepam am arst I Do en not all kaow iha Ihoi anam ta oar wowiacke, what masrhief N prodncesT Saialeace, heartburn, palretaiion of tbe bean, liver rn ptaiat, diarrbwa. dsnsnierv, eotat. and eorrninioa of ira kl-odl Whal a, Vrofais has sa arid K-.ier m ihe Vvfr 1 What proilocea all the hamon? whirh brmc en Bruptwnaef the fikm, Suld Rsod, !' Kaeasn. ErysipeUs. Wrsw Hwellnsfs. Fever Sisjea, aad all nleeralions miemal and rs lernal 1 It is notbiac nnder heaven but en acid suhslaorr. whirh soors, am) i kea anetla all ihe Sue Is of ibe bmly. mure or less. Whal causes Bbenmaliam baa a soar and arid as which janinaali ttaelf haiwaea the jotma aad else. where, irntauuir and mSamins ihe oalicate laensss r,,a which it am T So ef aarsoaa dissasaa. ef impnrn. cf tbe blood, of deranged circalntloa, and nearly all the ailiaeew which aflliel be men nalwes. Now is h not bornMe to make aad aalt, and faMMl SOI R1NO, FEKMEVnNO. ctn "COMrOtTJiD" or S. P. TtlWNSEMn, nd vet be would fain base rt null isiinai that OM Dr. J a. 1.4, Tnseeniri Gnutmr Orirtmm HmmmwnSm. w aa las- ITATIOM ef hie inmriar prrpa ration Heavea forosl tbat we should deal ia aa article wtiirb would hear ibe asost diwsm res laiklaare as S. P. Tuwa- eend'a artsrn? We wurn it ajBdsisaawi. kaomsa) tt w the esavr trm. that K P. Towaseml'a snarls and oei Dr. Jacob Townsrad't 9armpahlla ar mmm m a idi aaerf, end nassnrr s'l.e-alar,- ihat they ar anlik at arerv DarticaW, kavios sot a anutsi thing ia ftieimiaa. As S. P Tttwiawad ie aa dorvsr. and aavst wae, ia a ehreaat. ne pharmarsalist knswe more of isedn-iarer w uam anv oiner cornanajt, ejssrwmine, enprrn, n .i what rasaraiaW caa ihe peblac bare Ibm ibey ars tm emvine a rreuirjc sneminc awshcine, eoaumtne all ins vw asas ul ins srtarles a-rd ia rieerstriaall ana whwh arsi apable ot chamiea whirk mujbi retslsr them tbe ACENT9 f riistasa msleedof neeltht But whal elm should he etmewd wnsa awe who tno aothiee eoesnansUvely of medic ins or disease fe reastres a psrswe ef suae espenenea ie eenk anal terse ape? siunoa esrrnt meal. How marh more mponsni m - Umt lbs isiisiins wke mannlactare mmbrine ileienrd lor WEAK STOMACHS AMI ENFEEBLED STWSII ahould know well lb mediral pfnrwrlireol rdaaia, ike bra ananaar af atcanaf and eoeraaatraiirsT their healint virrses, also ao axtensiee kauwledr f the various dieseess warra alfcct the haraaa eyswm, snd bow ta adapt Kseedjes w hi to i o arrest fanda ape rke enfenaoeta. near BSdsd knmannv. le kiiKHe Hope in the Sssosii balw mf the emaneH ami hroken. anl io bsnisk inn "''"' " JACOB TOWSSKND has SOCGIiT aaa KH NPiksias aenanitv and meane m srm aw -' Srm w PaJrawiCwai-sl flK' wukia ibe rescb, anj si Mi kOTladeeef all mm that taav ssv team mtd knew, kv mjM eiperarnea, ai TiawaaawSawi trm AcwM-ra fnr I He) a ran en Mesthrine C Schaffle, Lewisburg ; John H Rsser, Mil ton ; Forsyth & Priestly, Horthun.s'la"" nENTLEMEN'S Fsney Goods. intra Pint he Paaaimera. and aBwT' Vj ig"s Cloths, Csssimerss, snd mcT Vtvods in general, : O M. Btrwsgr' CVt or 1