Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1850, January 09, 1850, Image 1

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-1 , 1 1 W
&n inucpenocnt JomUn Paper Dcuotcfc to News, itcratnrc, politics, Qticnltore. 0cicnfc nnb Attornlii
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 9, 1850.
VOL. VI., NO. 41-301.
Tlie Iwlsbnx; Chronicle wmwJ
eery WedoasJsy morning at Lawiaburg, Union
ountjr, Pennsylvania.
T . 1. 60 per year, forca h aetoally in
advance; $ 1 ,75, paid withia three bokUm; $3
if paid within (ba tearj $ 1,50 if not paid More
the yer at pira ; single numbers, 5 cents. Bub
Mriptiit (or ail monlha or leaa to be paid in
advance. Discontinuance optional with ibe
Publisher sicept when (ha year ia paid op.
Ailverliaemenla handsomely wanted at 50 cU
per square one week, (1 for a mootb, and $5 for
a vear ; a' reduced price for longer advertisements.
Casual advartiaementa and Job work lo be paid
for when banded in or delivered.
Ail communication! by mail most come poet
piid. accompanied bv the addreaa of the writer, to
receive attention. . Tboerelating delusively to
iba Eilitorial Department to be directed to H. C.
Hickok, Esq., Editor ai all on business to be
addressed to the Publisher.
Offiea. Market 8l between 8rcond and Third.
O. X. VVORDEN. Printer and Publisher.
C7Tbe following apecimen of aeriaa af
sketches in NeaTa Saturday Gaiette, under t he
title of ' The Bedott Papers," ia not only an
excellent illustration of the peeuliaiitiee of
Yankee dialect, bat contain! a laughable aatlre
upon the ineonMeteneieo of faah-Andere, who
are keenly alive to other pfople'e failing , yet at
the fame time aeem to be perfectly oblivieua to
their own.
Rev. Mrs, Sniffles discourses about her
" I eey I'm disgusted with thia old
Souse; 'mint fit forginteel folks to live in;
'uoks as if 'lwa built inNoah's time.witb its
with bia little coral necklace and bracelets
on. O it'a a ewcet pictcr. And I like
thai otbet one, tew, that represents Pharoh
drivin full tilt into the Red Sea after the
Isrelile. How natral his coat tails flics
out. I think some Scriptcr pieces would
be very appropriate for a minister's hou-e.
We might git Mr. Bungle to paint some fur
the front parlor, and our portraits to hang
in the back parlor, at Miss Myers haw
iheirn. But law me! what's the use o'
my talkin o'havin picters or anything else
thai' decent! You don't take no interest
in it. You eeen to be perfectly satisfied
with this flambergastcd old house and eve
ry thing in it."
My former consort never desired any
thing superior to ii.
" Your former consort ! I'm sick and
tired o hearin about her. Taint by no
means agreeable to have dead rolks throwd
in yer face from morning to night. What
if she was satisfied with her aittiwatinn 1
Taint no sign I should be. I spose she
hadn't never been used to nothin better.
but I have."
But, Mrs. Sniffles, you mus: recollect
" I say taint to be put up with. I want
to have some company ben wantin tew
conaarned old gamble run ana leeiie wis ever sei.ee we was married ; but as for in-
o' winders a pokin out like bird cagea all
rrund. Painted jailer, too, and auch a
humbly yeller ; for all the world jest the
ruior o' calomel and jollup !"
" Dut you are aware, Mrs. Sniffles '
I say 'taint fit to live in. I'm ashamed
-. 't. I feel awful mortified about it
-jr-over I look at Miss Myerses and Miss
v.'-;V and the rest o' lite hansome sitti
s!..iqs in the neighborhood, with I heir
- eg and their piazsera and foldin doors,
and all so dazzlin white. Its ridicilous
ti nt we should have to live in such a die.
tressid lookin old coosarn, when we 're
every hit and grain as good as they be,
if not ruther better.
Nevertheless, the house is very com
" Comfortable ! who cares for comfort
wrn gintility's conaarned ! don't. I
any if you're determined to stay in it,
you'd ought to higher the ruff up and put
on some wings, and build a piazzer in
front with four great pillars to l, and
knock out that are petition betwiit the
f qua re room and kitchen, and put foldin
doors instid on 't, and then build on a kit
then behind, and have it all painted white.
with creen winder blinds. Tumi would
look something like, and. then I shouldn't
feel ashamed to have ginlecl company
come to see me, aa 1 dew now. Tutber
day, when Cornel Billina and hia wile
called, I couldn't help noticin bow con-
WTptible she looked round at the bouse
and furnitur I actil'y felt so mortified I
felt as if I should sink right through the
" But you know, Mrs. Sniffles"
" I saj we'd ought to have Dew furnhur
sofya and fashionable cheers, and ear
tins, and mamtery ornaments, and so forth.
That old settee looks like a eight. And
them cheers, tew, they must a come over
ia the ark. And then ther aint a pictrjr
in the house, only jest that everlastin old
hkaoess o'YSonyparte. I'll bet forty great
apples it's five hundred years old. I was
raly ashamed on 't when I tee Miss Cur
uel Billina lock at it so scornful when they
railed here. I spose she was a counteras
tm it with their beautiful new picters they're
jest ben a gittin up from New Yerk, all in
gilt frames. I seen one on era t other day
ia Mr. Bungle's shop, when I went is with
Sister Tibbina lo look at her portrait that
he's a paintin. I seen one o Miss Billin
e picters there. Twas a splendid one,
as big aa the top o that are table, and rep
resented a nelegaot lady a lyin asleep by a
river, and there was a little angel a hover
in in the air over her bead, jest a gwjne to
shoot at her with a bow and arrer. lazed
Mr. Bungle what 'twas aent to hia shop
for, and he said how i Miss Billins wa 'nt
quite satisfied with it on account o' the an
gel's legs bein bare, and she wanted to
fcave bim paint some pantalette on em,
and be waa a gwine to dew it as soon at
he got time. He thought 'twould be a very
inteteetia piclur when be got it fixed. I
think so tew. I dew admire picters when
they aint all dirty and faded oat like old
Bony there. Them Scripter pieces that 1
Siaier Myers baa got hangin in ber front
parlor them she painted afore she wss
married, strikes me aa wonderfal interestin,
really the one that represents Pharoh's
aghter a f.ndm Moses in the bulrushes. I
l;-r jAresol and the artificiala in ber bun
M v je w as i.a'rel aa life. And Motet,
h: looVa so eunniw. a li-in tk
'jmmm IUVI . M 1 V ',
vilin any ginteel people a vinitin to auch a
dietressid old shell as this is, I won't dew
it and so Miss Billins and Miss Loder
and them would say I was a tryin to cut a
swell and couldn't make it out. And I
don't mean lo accept no more invitation'
amonkst them that live in style, for it ag
gravates me, it does, to think how different
I'm aittiwated. So you may make your
pastorial visits without me in futur, for
I've made up my mind not to go out none,
as long as we live in this ridicilous old
K But recollect, Mrs. Sniffles, this house
is a parsonsge I occupy it rent-free."
" I don't care il 'tis a parsonage. I say
the congregation might afford you a" better
one, and lor my part, I'm disposed to make
a luss about it.
" Mrs. Sniffles, you must be aware that
I am not possessed of inexhaustible means.
I have never attempted to ronceul from
you this fact. Therefore, you must also
be aware that there exists an entire impo
sibility of my erecting a new residence on
the plan which you propose. Nor is it at
all probable that the congregation would
be willing to make such alterations in this
as you suggest. Yet, I aa.-ure you, that I
have not the slightest objection to you em
ploying your own means in the construe
tion of a more elegant edifice."
" My own means !"
" Yet, Mrs. Sniffles. Your dissatisfac
tion with the parsonage is so great, that I
have for tome time pat been expecting
yon would propose building a new resi
dence ;and I repeat that such an appropri
ation of a portion of your fqnds would
meet my concurrence."
- My funds !"
" Your funds, Mrs. Sniffle?. It is a
delicate subject, aiid one on which I have
hitherto hesitated to make inquiry, ohho'
possessing an undoubted right to do so. 1
have been expecting ever since our union,
that you would inform rne how and where
your property ia invested.'
"My property!"
" Your property, Mrs. Sn flta. In
what docs it consist, if I may be permitted
lo enquire 1"
" Land o liberty ! you know as well as
I do."
What am I to infer Jiom that obser
" Jest whalyou're a mind lo. I a'int
wuth money, and I never said I was."
Mrs- Sniffles, you are well aware that
on your arrival in this p'nee, common
report pronounced you to be an individual
of abundant means, and 1 have always
labored under this impression an impres
sion which, allow me to remind you, you
yourself confirmed in a conversation
which occurred between us in the parson
age grove.'1
"You don't mean to say't I told you so,
and you dasu'i aay't I did."
"A-hem 1 mean to say that you did
not deny it when I delicately alluded to
the subject. On the contrary, you led;me
to infer that such was the fact, and under
that impression 1 was induced to accede to
your proposal."
My proposal ! what do you mean to
insinuate T"
"I ahould have said your your evident
inclination for a a matrimonial engage
ment. I deeply regret, Mrs. Sniffle?, that
lire upon me w hat I can not consider in
any other Iiht limn that uf'a heinous and
unmitigated deception. I regard it as an
art quite incompatible with your r.ligious
" You dew. hay t well, you can't say I
ever told you out and out that 1 waa woth
property ; and if you was a mind to epoe
so Irom w hat I did say, I'm sure taint my
fuiill, nor I ain't to blame for other folkses
nay in I aj n rich wid.Her."
' Mr. SinoSs, I lament exceedingly
that you should view it in that light. You
can but acknowledge that it was your duty
when 1 reques'ed information on the sub
ject, to hive given me a correct account
of your property.
" 1 hadn't no property to give ye an ac
count dI."
" You ahould have told me so, Mrs.
Sniffles, nod not have suffered me to iufcr
that you was io easy circumstances.'
" I tell ye agin. I couldn't help what ye
inerred, and spt.sen I could, which was
the most to blame, me for lettin you think
I was rich, or you lor marry in me became
you thought I was rich ? For my part, I
think thai was ruther uncompatible with
ynur profession. JUiniters had ought
to have their affections sot above transiter
ry riches."
"Mrs. Sniffles, this i-i a a delicate
subject, we will waive it, if you please.'
" But I think the congregation ought to
fix up the house."
I will lay it bclore the session at the
next meeting.''
" Well dew, for pity's sake. And if
they agree to Gx it, I'll go a journey
somewhar while it's a bein altered, and
you can board round, and Sal can stay at
sister Magwire's."
Extract from Jlir. Snijflet' Diary.
Satcboat. My beloved Sniffles has
jist informed me that the parsonage is to
be repaired and made comfortable. My
dear pardner has requested it to be done
intirely to please me, and quite unbeknown
to ine. It's true it needs it bad enough,
but then 1 never should a thought o' com
plainio about it. 1 feel that I'm pilgrim
snjourneyer here, and hadn't ought lo be
partickler, and so I told the Elder when he
proposed bsvin the house repaired. But he
insisted on 't and I consented, more for hi
sake than my own. O that I may be tru
ly thankful for the Messina I injoy, espe
cially for such a pardner!
Diamonds set In Lead.
There are people (says the Columbia
Telegraph) who profess a horror of news
paper poetry forgetful of the fact that
through this medium havo been first seen
the brightest gems that glitter in the coro
net of song. The newspaper of the present
day is a rich repertory of such precious
things nnd to prove it, almost at random
we select a specimen of the sparklers ol
the first water, and highest polish.
bt mta. nuncn uaonrr oanoon.
The Father efieke ia grand refeiheratiomi
T1irooi;h epam rolled on the mighty mwie tide,
While to lu low mjn5tic modnUltnnj
Tlw elouile of chorus plewly swept sfcle.
The Father spake a diaia that had been lying
ll.ui.hed front eternity ia filence th'Tf,
lii-ord the pare melody, and low replying
lirew to that music in the wondering sir.
Grew to that manic slowly, gradually waking.
Till, bathed in beauty, it breame a world!
Led by liis tow its spheric pathway taking.
While glorious elouds their wings around it furled.
Mor yet baa ceased that sound, His lore mealing,
Though in response a uuiTerse mores byt
Throughout eternity, its echo pealtap
World after world awakes in glad reply I
And wherever In Hie rich creation
Sweet musfe breathes in wave, or Mrd, or soul,
Ti bat the fkint nod tar reverberation
Of that great tone to which the planets roll!
Ma very: Scceslou from I lie I uion.
There seems to be a show at leant of
anxiety, in the midst of some we w ill not
say of any great number, because we sin
cerely believe that the number is actually
inconsiderable lest difficulty and trouble
should arise from the threat of certain
Southern politicians that, unless certain
concessions are made to ihem at this ses
sion of Congress, tome of the Southern
States Will withdraw (incontinently from
the Union. We entertain the utmost con
fidence that no such event will happen ;
and we build it onthese reasons.
It must be borne iu mind that tha with
drawal of a S.ate from the Union is not a
thing to be done by a few scores or hun
dred of politicians, or by a dozen mem
bers of Congress. If achieved at all it
musl be the act of the pkople themselves ;
i heir deliberate, formal vole must be taken
upon il, with express determination and in
primary assembly. No Representative
or Senator goes at any time to Washing
ton with this commission in hit pocket to
lie there undisturbed, or to be drawn forth
and flaunted in the eyes ol the country at
Aj pleasure and discretion.
Nor is secession to be determined on by
a convention assembled at Memphis or
elsewhere, of delegates from two or four
or half a dozen States. Every Suite must
act on this question for itself; must settle
this question by the voice of its own peo
ple, every man speaking for himself, and
not by or for one" another. Uelbre that
solemn and mighty conclave of the people,
acing on their own behalf, deciding bv the
force of their own judgment, the preten
tious loquacity of a Foote, the iron perti
nacity and absorption in one idea of a
Calhoun, the windy vaporing of a Quat
tlebum, all will sink into ihe blankest
of imaginable silence.
And we rest assured that if the q-iestiuB
of withdrawal ever comes lesitimately and
in earnest before the people of any one
State, a response will be uttered, not in
thunder tones, perhaps, but in an utterance
of concentrated determination, deep but
not loud, and all the more potent from its
calmness, whose rebuke will wither into
eternal silence all the gusty magniloquence
we now hear from the little great men who
palm themselves upon the world as the
mind-keepers and mouih-pieces of the
Southern people. They may vapor nnd
fume as they list ; w-e put our trust in the
people whom they do not represent in this
matter A". I Coin. .Idvrrther.
rnlted States Senators.
We clip the following racy paragraph
from the Washington correspondent of the
Yankeeblade, about'tbe 20: h Dec.
While the roll was calling to-day, a
Scene on a Railroad Train.
"Your ticket, if you please," blandly re
marked the official.
"Ya," answered the passenger, looking
s'eadily, But without a single line or mark
of intelligence, full in the face of the con
"Your ticktt.you know," ejaculated
gesticnlating vaguely" ; ' like thi" allow
ing on he had just taken.
"Ya, a" and the German coolly
stretched out his hand.and belore II could
prevent him, had the ticket io his pocket.
Nuw the plerplexity of the conductor
became intense. He summoned to his aid
all the German he had ever been able to
pick np, which consisied chiefly of such
popular phrases as " nix cummeroua'
and "no fustian," but did not advance ma
terially. Still the same unchangeable
face, the picture of nothing but total non
comprehension, upturned toward the vexed
atid dispdiring conductor.
At length a Uriil.ant thought Cashed
athwart the brin of the latter.
"6eli ! Gelt !" he exclaimed, motioning
to indicate the counting of money.
"Ya.yn," rejoined the impracticable,hie
face lighting up with a very slight degtee
of inulligence, as he insetted his hand into
a very old pair of trousers, and produced
a leathern bag, Irom w hich he poured into
the palm of his hand two horse shoe nails
and a very large button, a small piece of
'cavendish," a short and greasy lead pen
cil, end two half dimes in change.
Poor II. became purple with suppressed
anger and mortification, star.iped his loot,
and launched out into some expressions,
among which several very choice and com
prehensive forecastle expletives were most
conspicuous. To all this the poor German
ha J apparently nothing to reply ; his face
was stolid as a poor gutta percha m-tsk ;
but the other passengers had gathered
around, and were evidently enjoying the
"joke" very much. Mved to dieadlul
deedd, the wretched official at last seized
his man by the collar, and announced as
follows :
"Pay your fare, or I'll put your ashore!
keep your baggage!! stick too in jail!!!
y ou infernal scoundrel ! .
"Keep cool, II., and lke a cigar !' was
the most unexpected reply of the poor pas
senger. II- gave but one one look more,
and collapsed, amid the shouts of the
It was irinchel, the mimic Buffalo
In Kennedy's Life ol" Wirt :iis pub
lished the following rx'ract is ivn from
a letter to Mr. W. by John .!a-i.s :
In a letter to Mr. Wirt, he says : "
envy none of the well merited glories ol
Virginia, or any of her sajes or heroes ;
but I am jealou, very jeuto is, of the honor
of Mdtaachu-!!. The resistance tu the
British system for subjugating the colonies
began in 1760, and in 1761. in the month
of February, when James O is electrified
the town of Boston, the province of ii
sachuselts Kay, and the whole continent,
more than Patrick Henry ever dil in the
whole course of his life. If we must havo
panegyric and hTPerbole, I rcvist say. iliat
il Mr. Hrnry was Uentos'henes, nai sir.
R. II. Lee, Cicero, Mr. Ous waa Isuiah
and Ezekiel united."
Little Kimsskssks. Small acts of
kinducss I how pleasant and desirable do
they make lile! livrry d.irk object i
made light by them, and very tear of
sorrow is bru-hed away. When the
heart is sad and dependency sits at the
entrance of the' soul, a trifling kindness
drives it away, and makes the path cheer
ful and pleaitant. We would especially
recommend the habuunl exercise of these
lilt le kindnesses, to the domestic as well
as social circle ; to brother" anl sistera,
and last, though not least, and mast es
pecially to husbands arH wives.
The Albany Knickerboocker boasts ol a
dog" connected with that office,'' who ex
cels in segscity all other newspaper dogs
recently noticed. He b lons to one of
the carriers, and was in the daily habit of
accompanying his rrmster, and serving
upwards of si: hundred pipe'rs. The car
rier was trtken sick the other d ty, and
could not carry his routt. but the d ig un
dertook the duty, and, act-o ii,atiied by an
office boy, stopped at the hmse of every
subscrber. Strange to eny, ho di-i not
miss a subscriber, and in th s respect he
showed himself even mote faithful ihnn
some carriers.
Picture of California.
The Congregationalist has an extract of
a letter from Rev. J. A. Benton, of Sacra
mento, dated Oct. 9, 1849, in which be
says :
The climate is a most destructive one
delegation of us lobby members crossed beyond all doubt. Not one in forty escapes
you should have allowed yourself to pfac-
Life in Canada.
When the Canadas were ceded to Great
Britain, some of the old French laws and
customs were retained. Among these is
the legal violation of the holy S.rbbath.
In Canada Cast, the notice cf all Sheriff
sales must be read at the church door on
he Sabbath, even among Protestants.
There can be no lawful tale on any day.
unless the notice thereof has been read on
the Sabbath. No Christian man can act
aa bailiff whose conscience would forbid
him thus to do.
But in the French eountry the matter is
worse yet. All auction sales of real estate
must be made at the door of the psrish
church, immediately after service. The
following I cut from a Montreal paper, a
little while ago :
Will be told by Public Auction, at the
Door of the Parish Church, in thia city on
Sundav the 22d Scptinat. that Farm.&c.
Conditions made known at the lime of
sale, eVe."
8uch advertisements are not nnfrrquent.
RV. Joel Fitk, in N. Y. Ian,
over to the Senate to see if their high
mighiineses were earning day wages.
We found the majorily ol them doing
nothing, in soft arm-chairs. S.ttne few
were writing some were promenading up
and down the ante-rom and somo were
standing at the fire, with divergent coat
tails, warming their spinal columns by the
bright hickory blac General Cass was
present, looking in capital spirits in spite
of circuiiSfaitt'J." Truman Smith of
Connecticut, seemed toibe trying hard to
connect -(he cut in the Whig ranks on the
Speakership. He is perhaps the moM
adroit political manager in Congress, but
this breach seems to defy even his tact.
general roote was su pping rdoui rraKir.g
himsell generally useful. He has thrown
aside his wig since the last session o!
Congress and looks the better for the oper
ation. Seward of New York was in his
seat, looking as sharp and wiry as of old.
Near the door stood Henry ('lay, comman
ding in person, and pre-eminent in shirt
collar. Was there ever such a mouth on
mortal man before! stretching, in his
good-humored laughs, from ear to ear, and
threatening every moment to annihilate
the narrow isthmus ol neck, and convert
the top of his head into aa island. He
was in conversation with Senaior Denton.
" Old Bullion" looks little the worse lor
his knife and pistol campaign in Missouri.
It is reported that he means to emigrate lo
California if he fails to be returned to the
Senate from Missouri, with the design of
coming back Senator from the new State.
In the meantime, Col. Fremont can rrpre-
r-ecl bim in the. Senate thai is, if he is
luckyenough to get there kirrrsaJLand
there is now a fair prospect of if
t ;
The new 20 gold pieces dtrobfe 0t
glee have lately made their appearance
in Wall street, New York. They have
been a long lime coming ; nearly a year.
more or less sickness. The mines are as
sickly as the river valleys. Oneof the best
physicians in town (we have fifty who has
been over the country in all directions.sajs
he never saw sn much sickness and misery
in proportion to the population anywhere,
even during the prevalence of an epedemic.
The amount of sicknest,sorrow and suffer
ing.is and must continue to be, beyond im
agination. You meet amid the bustle pale,
wasted forms, dejected looks, sunken eyes,
hopeless faces ; men who are the very pic
tures of loneliness and trouble.the very im
personations of discouragement, desolation
and woe. D.iy after day men die and are
forgotten for only here andthere a mour
ner goes about the streets."
The mechanic is oneol God's noblemen.
What have mechanics done ! Have they
not opened the secret chamber of the mih
ty deep, and extracted its treasures, and
made the raging billows their highway, on
which they ride as on a tame steed T Are
nut the elements of fire and water chained
to the crank, and at the mechanic's bidding
compelled lo turn it ? Have uot mechan
ics opened the bowels ol the earth, and
made its products contribute lo their wants?
The forked lightning is their plaything,and
they ride triumphant on the wings of the
mighty wind. To the wise they are flood
gates of knowledge, and kings and queens
are decorated with their handy works, lie
who made the universe was a great me
chanic. Never antieipate wealth from any other
source than labor ; especially never place
dependence upon becoming possessor ot
an inheritance. lie who waits for dead
men's shoes may have to go for a long
time barefooted. He who runs after a
shadow has a wearisome race.
By late advices there were 16,000,000
of butliow ia the Bank of England.
The Hall of KerKBseNTATivES Mr.
Wcntwo.-th.ol III , writing to his p.iiwr from
Washington, in regard to tha Hail of tho
House of Representative. sys :
'-It is not generally kr.own that so poor
ly were the principles ol aoeoust.es con
sulted ia hn aunstruction of the hall, tha!
two men ro-y be whispering together so
low that their next neighbor can not hear
them, and yet they are distinctly beard
oo ihe opposite side of the lliuse. Men
often address ihe Speaker on one side of.
the House, and he turns Ins eyes to rec
ognise the opposite sirle, mi -taking the echo
Tor the voice itself. A gentleman who was
occupying the S(eaker's chair many years
since told me thit he hnd heard in seat.
amid a warm dehaie below, (ho whispering
of a young man in what is called "the love
corner" of:the ladies' ca'lery. wh. mrt'le
proposals to a young IhiIv in so low a lone
that her. own mother did not know what
was going on. Said (my informant, " I
was attending to her duties, and she was
attending to mine."
Fond du Lac Republican savs: Messrs
I. T. Latkrop and C. F. Fcntnn, of this
place, srent two days ia hunting, and
killed and brought ho.ne, tin fat deer."
The Germans rail a churchyard. Gout
field a beautiful name, suggestive of
hopeful though'.. So we should ever be
taught to see it think it.
Miss Matilda Rxnge fell deal in the
streets of Louisville, Cv.. on Monday
night a week, while returning from a danc
ing party.
There are Iwo ways of gaining a repu
tation to be praised Sy honest men', or
abused by roguev
There is no religion like that of the heart.
no charity like that which does not bio'
its own trumpet.
Synopsis or the
The Annual Message of the Governor
of Pennsylvania opens with an allusion lo
tho generally prosperous condition of
things in the State, and the sympathy felt
by the American people for Ihe struggling
nations ol L'urope, and indignation at the
conduct of their oppressors.
The finances of the Commonwealth are
represented to be in a prosperous condition,
a balance being in the Treasury, after all
charges, of over Haifa Million of Dollars,
2531,500 ;) Three Hundred Thousand of
which he says ahould be devoted to the
completion of the North Branch Canal.
3,101,170 19 of ihe principal of the
State debt falls due this year, and as there
are no meant of payment, the Governor
recommends a renewal of the loans at a
rate of interest not exceeding 8 per cent.,
exempt from taxation.
The sinking fund authorized at the ?
session seems to have had a beneficial op
eration upon the credit of the State, and its
abi!:ty to meet its engagements. The
payments from various sources, to tho
credit of thia fund; during' the past year
amounted in the aggregate lo the sum of
9371.000. Under the iofJuence of this)
and other favorable causes, the Governor
looks forward to the period when the Suue
taxes may be repealed.
The revision and equalization' of the
laws for raising revenue is again pressed
upon the Legislature. The Governor sug
gests that payment of tbe taxes by legal
process be resorted to against those who
neglect to pay the taxes assessed 6n morf
gages and moneys at interest. A largo
sum arising from these items is believed
to be fraudulently withheld, ffon-resi
dents holding commissions under the
State are considered proper objects of tax
ation. Foreign insurance companies he
thinks should be compelled by law to exhi
bit the amount of funds they employ in
this Commonwealth, and that certificates
issutd to agents of anch comj anies should
be taxed. A (ax is recommended on ihe
profits of incorporated companies deriving
their charters elsewhere, and having bnai
nes agencies io this State. The se re
commendations all appear to be founded
in the desire to equalize the burthens of
taxation, and to make all kinds of property
bear its proper share.
A change in the management of the
public works and an increase of the num
ber of Canal Commissiorners to five is al
so suggested ; the Commissioners, in ad
dition to the general supervisory duties
now performed by them, lo assume the'
particular duties of supervisors nnd super
intendents, and the present corps of super
visors and superintendents wholly dispensed
Improvements ia the Columbia Railroad
are suggesivd, and the laying of a new
track on the Portage Railroad, to avoid
rive of the inclined planes on tbe western
slope of tbe Allegheny mountain, are ad
vised and to connect with the Central
An appropriation of 240,000 is recom
mended for the completion of tbe Western
Resorvoir ; and $50,000 to finish the State
Lunatic Asylum.
The school and militia Iawsarestated to'
require essential modification.
In order to prevent the circulation
of the small notes of the Banks of
other Stales, the Governor recommends
that the Banks of the Commonwealth ba
authorized to establish agencies or branches '
in one or more places upon a deposite ol
State storks with the Auditor General, and
upon a license being then granted by that
officer, to issue small notes redeemable at
the parent bank.
The general manufacturing law of last
session is referred to with approbation, a
protective tariff advocated, and the exten-'
aion of slavery opposed
Serious attention is directed lo tbe con
templated Pacific Railroad.
The firm attachment of tbe people of
Pennsylvania lo the Union, is weil express
ed in the following paragraph t
"Io a faithful adherence to the Nation-'
al Constitution, as the same has been ex
pounded by tbe SagsMttd and Patriots of
other days, the people of Pennsylvania re.
ly for the perpetuation of their political,
social and religious liberty. Although in
its provisions may ba found the acknowl
edgement of principles they do not approve,
it is tbe esteemed by them as the furH
damen-al law of tha country, and they
reverence - it as the consummation of
wisdom and patriotism, devoted to the
general welfare. When sectional interests'
snd jealousies contend for supremacy, and
sectional rights a iw be determined; when
questions between States are controverted,
and disregard of national laws is manifested;
in peace and war.in adversity and prosperity ,
in foreign or domestic difficulties;. ih iii.
zena of Pennsylvania turn with aKM.n.
confidence to the National Constitution.
Neither the hirst for power : nor tan
phrenxy of party ; nor Ihe prostration of
their peculiar interests z can ahaka thai
allegiance to the National Government, or
raise wun mem the traitor cry of disunion.
The message concludes as follows :
Gentlemen.in the per forma nee of a eon.
stitutional obligation, the measures deemed
necessary for your consideralioe.have been
stated as concisely as their importance and
nature would permit. To the representa
tives of tbe people attaches the duty of enV
acting such laws as the welfare of our con-',
stifuenta may rea.uire.aod to their care and"
deliberate action are cheerfully confided
he solely, honor, and prosperity of tho
Common wealth-.
EtecaUvaChamber,biTiabnrgyrM 1,1360