Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1850, January 02, 1850, Image 4

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& C iu 51 X 51
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is 19 20 21 22 24 f 22 ,uok of c-culiur ferocity wss the only r -2"2'.;2722;
30 3 ."1 ! sntose to lh- generous interrogatory. j
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wit anu (junior.
Lis 3-ini'e,
In Xushvillc, innnv veara . r- a'ried a j
g-ntl, man of jrmaf LosFit:it. law for j
tune, and thoufcii nnn'unalpd. nf h.rd lift ,
f J W l,l 1...,- ..I......I ...1.. I
Legislature, and had also been jud;:e of th'
county c u t. Ilis elevnti n h id tiii. Je l.iir
snmowli.it pompous, and fun I of t..iii bit
worda. ( In his farm he .had a lare ox
eallr-d 'Hig Uritidle," which lre-ju-.tly
lrke down bis neighbor's f nc s, and
r- mmillr j oilit r d.'preda'i .ns much to the I
t'ojon'i's fltniy an.v.
t),-.e mr.rniiig afer break faal.in prsene
of sorre gen'lemen nro lad Hayed i h
bini o.-r night, and who w-r now vr.
t';eir wiy It (nun, lie ca;id h overseer
and aid t bin
M Mr. Aim, I uVsire yon t. in.joun.i
Hie Britnlle, in oidcr ihi 1 n.ay hear n
n.ore ai.Ifna'ltrrsiotis relative bis er:iu'
J.r ilaii.-fca.'
A'lt-n towe l ard waKi-d ST. UX7.',( J f-
know ulmi the ('liK-el want.
C il. XV. Irf. for t,.wn. he asket
... . . . . .
I at los em,....j er oh at I by te.l:t.g him :..
"1 n..-.o I" th o !
Whv," s.i l she, "ti ('olonel in -ant to J
ir . ji p n in op i l .
A"eti I- ft to perform tie hVa-, tr ir was I
.. 1 sr. 1 !e,b'e ...d af.. r a deal ol .
Ir-Mild ai.d rva ion, S'.S ts-,l, d. j
ell.- he, wip oc; liu- i.rru rat:o. j
' - , ,
I ...n loa br.., ibis is u..p"..l..lii.g, is II ?
X.iw I am !', .. J u.C the C.loml will aak j
it I iroj- iiiub-il K g ItrmJIe.ari I l'.l f i
I H ZA'e loin as bad aa h- di I n-.
Tts, m a- d-V the CM gas. a d ei
pani , ai d he was not arist.-ra'ic, Ai- 1
lM..i:,.'.... rr,sa. doe., with .he err.,..-
liy. ller tl aecoud r lh rd glass ol wine j
was disrussd. the CU-.: turned :o lit. i
a 1 ;
..verMwr ...d a,d- ,
-Ih M - Alli n. d.J votj uiintsum! Di. :
, , j ... "C
n.i..d'" i
, ... ... ., .... 1
Allen slraigh emxi l.tmaclf, nud locA.ng I
round at thr-cumpsny. said 1
"Y'-, I Hid, sii ; bat ll tl ind'e Trans
cended the iiep'i.iie-l of the iinpouiid and
arailieilohtaticut. d all over Kie 'ij.1u111r.ity
ol fan foiel,"
Tile company burst into ftu immoderate
fit of laughter, while llm Colonel's lace rej
litu.rd with diM-oinliture.
"What do t-u mean by 'hit, air''
an 1. 1 Ik-.
Vby, I mean,-Col"nel,' snid Al'en,
"that old Itiindiu being prngoosticated With
an id a of the Cholera, npied aii.t tared.
::.rteu and anred dirt, juinped tl.c fencv.
lu-k to to the wood,-and woold no! be in
p luiijct no !"
This was too much : the company
roared again in which the Colonel was
forced la jnin,and in the midst of the laugh
ter Allen quilted the table, saying to him
self as h went, "I reckon the Colonel
wont ask me to impound any more oxen.
X. O. Picayune.
FnohT Da vs. The days are so short at
hath end. just now, that there is no tniJ
d'e nt all morning and night fairly dove
mi! together. We g-t off our roost in the
miming with the ret f ihe chickens put
on our he-pantalelta go to the glass and
fix H.e vegH-Biion ..four caput .m-n turn
uronud and bump our nasal protul.er.ince
right smack against sun down. Wo then
take a slice of bread and lonst i: (that s
J urfaUfaM) lava bit of meat upon n (that's
! lin"Pr) l'!no'her8li'-!orbr,ad ,J,ked
1 ,n ,pa "'P of that (which is supper) then
1 devourihe whole, and goto bed again. Oh,
duse January driblets of light called day.
j arriu insignificant, that's it's hardly worth
VI 1 , . 1 . .11 . k
? tne . " 1 : T
j ant iike a wrHia cnuca in mo wiuirr.
!S ! we heard a Paddy remsrs: yea'erdjy. "And
I . . . . . L . -II
Be me
Imtl-, tha days are nouiii m mi.
soul, ii's dark bifort it's nighl.
rrtortssio.NAL CocRTeaT- At the con
i !u-ion of 1 ha late Kilkenny sessions, lha
assistant mHe some strong observations
upon the indicorous conduct of the nttorn-,
i'VS of his court, "who did no'hitig." he
said, "but sneer nt him, and etidiruvor toj
' . ,. , . p .. i-ii 1...,
c,M ndtoule upon htm. Rut I II boar no
U.ur." exclaimed the enraged juJgP, "as
! this verv niht 1 slull wntd off and insit
I ........ bein;; transferred to another county."
I 1 1 ., 1 j
! u s "ur , , . '
i j(j ' char I llylund, Solicitor, d lreMg ht:n
h 4 3-'! self to ihe itate law d-spenscr. "thai a me
I morinl, sigu'd by a t'.e 9t:.rncy .f this
ft " . ' . .
j Wt fixed that Cunp A lew days t g
g,n,tcma v?) catoo in our S....C.U..,. j - - -touk
off his hut, picked up a piece of man i;uaiB, gilvar p..llcil.
1 """'l"
H..rl coomienced tiailni ' Very
1 no v. e reuci.eQ over aim iw n
,.Hcr .ut of l.U ht
U.ilolded, and com.
he did t.'.t .lic.er how wo were paying
hi...ff in h-sown com. until we ake,.
j hin. what it his correspondent was
wri, n
to 1 im ubniit u woman
I. . . . .. . 1.
' Iwok hef, 'j'Jire, ' snjs ne, y-u u,c,,
j arc not rending m private lct;ern V -t'er-
li uly, Mr, Mini ,
vnu are reading ur
v II. was nlarticJ. I
(rivi:e tiiattusrrip's.
i , .,,..,) ..r.i to ii.enliotl his ninie, prom-:
1 i-ej to 00 sn no ..."
i-ed to llo so no more, anu vv; " .
vw...i.....i;..i hn.m.t
; ui .rtous news -a-
! r,;.rl from t'alifornia. A lg ol Con
biog eighty pound, haj
"ru"l" '
i Wth-rstie'd.ea-h w.lh a l'irg ! oiii-hm
" - "
.. .-l.-n Willi il II'K .
lor a necklace, a..u a uurrc. j. ,
! lor her dowry, weu'd bo rc-ciived at llej
i.es w tli tet-r of j y.
U jV whv d. n't you go to scIkkj'V
llekaae. air, daddy :s n esrd il I Urn .e-!
. . .1 1 , 1 .,,
, y thing . I shan . have ..,h:n lu Ian.
1 ... .k.. f ....I !
h n 1 go to the Vut my
- .'for nearly ihirteen years from whence
1 I r.r ',,"' " " i he brings' liters of reconimepd ilion from
in said to the d ctor h" f'"g " j i,e first nu n in that and Columbia county.
lire hull.
At vers' Lianid Cure
' !
13 a i.oilAe n.'d ntver failing Heniedy
f.r P I I PS. whether Iuteinal, Ex-
lernal. Himri t lil.-e.lt.itf !.-rluta, w 111 e
S..!..!!. L'a. rs. u!.fra'fd ?"re lnrml.
Cankr S.ue M nth. Utiiu.eusm, (Vai-UiM-asvs.
M fcfiid Aftrtioiis ,)t
S ., niter I ,s0 ,r S al ts, Hurl.-. I ul, sprains, iui
hi win ! 's. A;. A:C
1 ... . r -l ' nM...imit, ihe Fart to
l 1.1 IUM II 11' 1M I - 9 -
J of . irw,llrlllr. r, Imo'i brfo.e
I ihe puhlir. n.ie bae eer Iwe.. .' r--irfi rial
.afllxud hua.i.' mm .v-n ...Y-.
.. . 1. mini a area. o-. w " '
,t -fi(, ,vumr we roulJ OJl say io mucu
... prati uf ibis
nKj ,b.,un.,, bW. ,h. happy hou.
siu.a & wi re mde af-quaiuled wilh i
lra..-rn. ...I i're.; a. d "r piearnt purpo u
mf m o.her ihoo S.I-U boa, and where ihoy
)My j,,, ,.! ,.,rf which lt-y perhsp have
.MC aouht for ia vain-
The supe ior etrcitence o. r-r-
i. ..i;-inea f . the peedy sd pcr-
I nancnt cure of PILES. i -ell kn...l to all who
have u. , I. h- "
.j,.i;,,'ir ,,. and we are c.'.ifi'ienl it mil
.11 iiiiaiir a. aii'i - ...
U $t
.'JfjenVaey! wa assure all punhaser that
,f. ,, , prnp-r "trial, it l",e iw,n''h ,hr
M ,nr, naid fur il will be rtlur:iea. i
IJ " Cufr u , lrclllll, rf,,y for j
. P....tss UnherVlnh, Fi .:. ,
TtinZWO'"'. Ui"!'--! "' m- -AIli..
I.in.bst.b.ll.l..n.S.Il Kh'un. Muaqu.K Brtts.
Hug of ionu Insects snd Cutaneous disced
- drt.ripu,.n.
It i, hoih te snd f (r.vtual la U'tr.cissT...
iivmr immediate sno
It. elTrt. a a real Pain A-Hfr, are .......
,v.st sasiii ts '"f
-t.oiM provide lhe...-l.e with this Invaluable
Preparation, the cheapness or which places It
within the reach ol all.
S.-..H ik;.tin (.f..,mnsnv such Bailie
Pamphlets, comsining eopie. of ceriifieate
from Iho-e who have lesl.il me i,iqi..o 3
be h.l grali of ur aulhoriied acema
M,;rr' Uquid Curt i prepared ony by
i JCKDME & UU 21 r-prace o..s-w
gent : C W Schallle. Irfwi Jiu.g ; J H Kaser,
1 Milnm lseow53
nCHOOL-TICKETS primed arr 'or
1 le a this .Kce.
O Pit! NO STEEL on hand at
Ap 21 Reber & Mdings'.
HAVING taken the new Drag Establishment
of Schaffle Chambtrlin, I would res
pecifullv announce la my friends and the public
mat, 1 nave repienianeu my aloes, and will keep
constantly on nana a large, Iresh ami well selec
ted stock of pure Drug. MeJicines &c. which I
otter at Whole.! le and Keiail. Hr stock heme
entirely new ami purchased lor cash at low rates
in the Philad a market, I am enabled to sell at
lower pricea lhau ever olTcred in this region
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,
Dye StutF, Patent Med , Glass,
Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Liquors,
J Fancy Notions, Variety Goods,
Fruits, and Confectionery,
wild a Urge variety of other article usually kept
in Drug establishment. Thankful for past lib
eral patronage, I bope to merit its continuance.
Persons wishing to procure pure and fresh
Medicine, are particularly invited to give me s
call before purchasing elsewhere, as all Drug
are carefully inspected before offered for sale ami
all Mi'dicim-a niynufaciured by myself are war
ranted good. Having a pianir.-l knowledge of
tba buxincss from upwsnls of ten ) ears' eiperi
an?i, I flatter niysrlf that I am a competent judge
f the same.
All orders entt oted to ma will be promptly
attended to. si'.t my friends may rely upou get
ting evsrythiog f the very Wt qnali'y.
C. V. t;fi 1FFLE, Diuggiat
Lewis' .- 1. lals
kk. si: ra.
H A X If K1 "1. fi.r IiIiim1 tilitifiti9ia lirtnfni
rsreived.reniiectfull)- in'orm hi o!d fiionds
suJ th. public geuer.lly U.st he has iiinutsd bis
'iiloi fchop
ki Ihs Bssamenl of his Drick dwrlliug on Mir kit
,h oifiee if li V lli.k..k. Kq) where he hopes to
suit all who may give Into shi ir ctialooi, as
I hi w"rlti in '! ;' in. ' nJ
! nawa-l style and on short ni.ttL-e. He bjs
F. ..u:a,ly. m.1i none but
g'X'.J bunds, titid is inerin.o' J to keep ui
wiiii tlio tiiiirs aoo nin.it a t,M'J sharp r.
ptitronajic. CUTTING d nie to order.
C'h irges re.is'ninl.V, and Produce taken w
eX'-huiie I'-r work
! l.-.i.!.ir.. Jii-. 1943 IvSiO.T
. B. - -
Faucy Goods, Sollou, if.
I T I. ST rece'd s large slid spluuJid aswrlasnl
reci'M s large Slid spltit
fancy (i..o.l such s
in. t. a-. liu :i-
Visiiing Csrds
Heau necklaces e inger nings
' Satin Bead
tl .ir I'm Kss-irs and
i Ainbsr " Needle t. assa Sirous
j BiTiio 1'nmb sh:rt liuttous Walking Caaes
ttiuds ftciaors
Vl'a'ar Cobrs bun til
, .
j Twih
Itinrrzea Spy
t'igsr Cssss P. elrt Mirrors
Siiutf Umn Compsases
fcpeclaclcs rerfuiueiy
tosses Satchels
Might lights Wmellng Bottle
Dolls sod Kteel Tweezers
Dnll hsods 1'oys for
Cird tlaaes Ci.ildrsa
Port nmiiiss Fsucy Pipes
PiM-k' t Uonks Pen Kni'as
Art-ordrus P.K-kel
Pnldies ill amlTUread
i -Nail
1 Ha.
, j,
j Sh-
Cinq's) Chants
,t. ...k m
1 m
" 'ys
Clatter Fins
Parlor I. imps Purses,
T'.jieib.-r wi;h a great vriwy at articles so!
Vnit. ransvaiid Variety store of
- CWClimi.
..jjj j;; -aiTlImB.1
- .
.,jli0 fc(l reL,u8ry edocati d in
ltle iimveraiiy o; .il'irv lanu. mil. b.i
Oora.) Ortduate of Cast!. ton C.Hega ol
V. r'i'o .t, anu nciiio' r "e w-im
sod Plnlosot hica! t.K.'ietv '
i.f the S'ttte ol
U.irtlund, olTers his professional services
m !l the b.a.ichr. ol the Healing Art U,
the cmCDs Ol Ia.-wisnuri! nuu us iiimnj.
..... ., o
u.edt.-itie, in Lutcrne county in mis om:e.
' ss tezards hi s'ai.Jmg in the prolesston 01
' 1 '. A l.; ...,,.u,ul ..hiirni'litf VS
: nit u M il. , oiiw " v.,, v . , - -
Hsn J.11 N tronyngham Prv Mar ma Juke Pearre
Ziba Bunnell
I harles a alb us
J II Young
tl,. A II W.lann
Andrew lieaa-nant
F HeadUy
- II B Wright
H W .icU..l.ou. E.a
Jeaea Rin;an, E.,
- Tbna W Mi- as
H H Warner
A Yoha
M Slack
L'haa kt Bowmsn, K-q
Kev l iiiimas Uawman
N B. Ur.T. u.av be Cund at hi . fTice
it tha llrtig store on ilia east side r.f Mar
ket St. oexi I" Walls store, or nt his resi
sVuco 1st door below Kline's hotel.
Lewisburg. Jin. 5. If 49 .
SCHAFFLE has rectiverl a choice as
sortment from E. llouuel and J.
Ilunel. Perfumers, whose preparations are
Bear' Oil
Ox Marrow
Bay Water
Cologne Wa'er
Pearl Powder
Fancv Soaps
Hair Dye
Shaving Soaps
Curling Hutd
Alsr a general fa net y 01 jeweiry ana
Faue Ariioles.S!.ectac!es,Pencil.AVn!lel,
Toothbrushea, Hairbrushes, Sec. &c.
w sfMlAFKf.R.
. 1 3
Lew jahurg, May 13. 1348
slltt.TUlC iJool;0.
V FRESH supply received at the Lewis
burg Cheap Bookstore :
Fuke's Manual of Classical Literature
1) ivies Analytical Oeomttry
Blair's Itheioric. (University edilioo)
Comstock'a M neralogy
The Complete Farmer, I vol, 621 cts
The New American Gardener, 1 vol,$l
The Book that will Suit You, or a Word
fhr Everybody
I can furnish the above works, with a
reat variety of others, at trry low prices.
" May 30 8 F I.YNDAU.
DR. J. N. KEELEU & BKO. most res
pectfully solicit attention to their fresh
slock ol EugHth, French, German, and
American Irugft, Medicines, I'uinls, Che
micats. Oils, LlelulTi, (ilussware, Perfu
mery, Pnlcnt Medicines, Varnishes, &c.
Having opened a new store. No 294, Market si,
with a full supply ol fresh Drugs and Medicines,
we respeetiully solicit country deslera to e am
ine our slock before purchasing elsewhere, prom
ising one and all who may tot I disposed to ex
tend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine
lirugs and aieuicine, on as liberal terms aa any
other house in the City, end to fai'htully eiecu'e
all ordera entrusted to us promptly and with de
spatch. One of iho proprietors being a regolsr physi
cian, sflurds smple guarantee of the genuine
quality ol sll srtit les sold at their entnbli.bmenl.
We especially invite druggists 4d countiy
merchants, who may wish 10 become sgents for
Dr. Kceler't Celebrated family Xtdieinet,
(stsndarii and popular remedies,) to forward their
addres. -
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, wa respect
Tully remain,
J. N. BRO., WholesaU Dmguts,
Iy28-I No. 294, Market SI, I'hilad.
The subscriber offers for sale Ornamen
tal Trees of every descrip'ion, particularly
the European Linden, and Paulonia Impe
rialis, a splendid shade tree lately introdu
ced from Japan, remarkable for its enor
mous leans (sometimes two feet in diam
eter,) and larie clusters of mac colored
flowers, spotted land stried within, emitting
a fragrunre simi'or to the Lilac,
..Also Fruit Trees Pear, Cherry,
Plum, Nectarine, and Apricot trers at rea.
tunable prices al! the varieties warranted
genuine ; also Hot-house and Green house
: iants, tnuelher with a variety of Flower
seeds, all of which he will sell as low a
thvy can bo purchased in Philadelphia.
..... II. R. NOLL.
Lewisburg, Sept 12, 1849
at Ijcwisbu.?,,
rilHE TI!l'aTEE8 of the I'niversily st Law.
I icbu.g would respectfully iuf..rra its Pstrons
snd Friend, thai, in Ihe School unJer their care,
(at Lenuburg) ihe following are lliel'lassea. Sub
jecta of Study snd Eiercise lor the currant year.
Departments and Studies'.
Nil IMasaes Eierciaed in Spelling, Heading,
Definition. English (iranimar, Arithmetic, Geog
raphy, Hialoiy L H. A., Penmanship, and Com
position. ESVJJSH DEPAKTMEKToftht Academy.
The same studies as in the Primary Department
continued in the use uf larger text books; and to
these are added General HUloiy, Davie' Algebra,
l.egendre and Surveying.
Jua, Aaidtmic Ciu. English Language,
Geograp! y, H inlory U. 8. A , Latin Grammar
and Iteader, Greek Grammar and Reader com
menced, Aiitln.ielie completed.
Hen. Aeadeu.it Cluu. Kneluh Language,
Gaueral lliatory, Carur, Virgil, Greek Header,
Davie Algebra.
Frtthmun CLiM. Livy.Ansbssia.Memorsbilia,
Davie' Legendre, Trigon imetry coinnisnced.
HvhluMiurt CUat. Horace. O.Itv. Select
()iiioih of iLMnoMb-nr.. Lsefntre ' eomjileled,
Daviea' &urVeuig end Navigation, Analytical
Geometry. Bl.r lc.ore.
Junior CIum. Demoaihene on the Crown.
Greek Trsge.lv. tieero .!e Officii, Tacitu. Aat
ural Philosophy, A.trnnomy. Logic
Siudei.i in lha Kuglih Department recite
wilh ihtma pursuing ibe same studies in the
Regular Course. j
No cl.ts iu ihe Regular course, has less than
three d ulv rrcitalions. All the members of the
school, (in three division,) are eiercised eeery
Saturday in Reading, UeclamsUon, Lngtisn torn
position, and vocal Musre.
All the students ana rcquiird to attend, regu-
Isrly. some religu.ua meeting. Minors are sxi.ee
ls.1 lo attend so, h sseeiing as are Ncommended
-o ihem by iheir rDta a guardians. There are
in the B.Kough mm lea Uia sis plarra of pol.lic
worship, Muprsa every laml s Dsy by as atany
different I'b.iaiiaa Ucaomioaiioas.
ICamLer of Students.
Til nambee asT atudeats during lha past year
in the vsrious department, was tb4. The
uumber that ha ralered lb classes in lb Reg
ular Course for lha current year (exclusive of
those in the English and Primary oVpsrlmculs.)
ia as follows :
C'sLLsas. Junior claas
Sophomore el . 13
Freshmen clsss IS
Acaaaar. Senior class . - II
Junior class - - Stsfl
STEPHEN W. TAYLOR, A. M , Professor of
Mathemstic and Natural Philosophy ;
GEOKGE R. BLISS, A. M., Profeaaor of Greek
I.ancunce snd Literature ;
of I.aiio Langosgeand Literature:
ISAAC K. LOOMIS, A. M. Principal of the
Academy ;
ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Teacher in the
In order to meet the demands of tba Institu
tion, the Board have takes measures to supply
he necessary Aptsiralua for the department of
Mechanical 1'hil.wophy, and lo increase the Li
brary, befoie Ibo commencement of the winter
session. During the year, the building now in
progress will be completed, sflordiug study room
snd dormitories (or 70 college students. Another
Professor ba been added lo Ihe Faculty, and
mean provided to enable students in the classes
specified above to prosecute their studies with the
greslest success.
Tuition and Board.
TUITION in the Collegisia Department 30,
Academic (20, Primary $13 per year.
BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel and
light, can be had in the village and its vicinity al
various prices, from $l,37j lo $3,50 per week.
Sessions, Vacations, kc.
Two Sessions in a year the former eoaatnen
ces on the second Tuesday in October, and can
tin ue 27 weeks ; iba latter continues IS weeks.
Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 0. Next
session begins 11th October.
Tba Board are happy to add thai Lewisburg
is at present, as it evsr has been, exceedingly
By order and in behaIf.of the Board i .
Lewisi arg, Union Co. Pa. Bept. 1, 1819.
HAS removed his Watch and Jewelry
establishment to bis hrruw., opposite
HaysM atom
The New Foundry
IS now carried on aa usual, at the upper
end of Market street, where every des
cription of CASTINGS i kept on
hand or made to order such us
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Cooking Stoves,
for either Coal or
Wood and all
other kinds of
also PI,OUIISfdiffr-
ent ktfWs Com Ploughs, Hull Ploughs,
and the
Self-Sharpening Ftatgh,
a new article, and which can not be heat
in Pennsy Ivauia. Call and see and judge
for yourselves.
lacwisburg. Sept. 2., 119
JLiva dPit.
fPHIS new and valuable Medicine, now
used by the medical profession wilh
such astonishing efficacy in the cure o(
Pulmonary Conmmfition. Xcrofula. Chronic
Hheuinathm, 6W, general Debility,
Cumpluinta if the Kidney),
iVc. &c, is prepared from the liver of the
COD-FISH for medicinal use, cprraly
for our sales.
Extract from the London Medical Journal.
C. J. B.Williams, M. D- F.R.s., 1'iofewor ol
Medicine in University College, London, consul
ting physii ian to the lloypitsl for t'onsump'ion,
&e , 8y ; " I have p-rscribed the Oil in above
four hnn lred cases of tub tcnloaa diaease of the
l ungs in different lge,which hve been under
my esre the ia-l two year and a hall'. In the
larce numri of r--. u8 a..l ol 2.14. il us.! wa..
lullowcd by marked, unequivocal improvement
tarjing iu d'.gree in different r:isi.i, from a teio
pora.y retardation of Ihe progress of Ihe ilici-e
md a mitigation of ditreni; symptoms, up to
a more or less complete restoration to apj.aiiiit
"The iflVct of the Cud Livei Oil in mo-l of
these esses wasvery rernaikable. Even in a feat
days the cough was mitigated, the etpec oration
liniiiiijhed in quantity si d opaaty. the nithi
sweats censed, the pulse Ucime tocr, and ol
better volume, and Ibe a;.ieiile, fleeh and slienglh
were gradually unproved.
" In conclusion I repeat that the pure f-e.h Oil
from Ihe Liver nf the l.'od is more beneficial in
ihe treatment of Pulntonaiy Consumption than
any agent, mediciuel. ilieUlic or regimenal, that
baa yet been employed."
As we have made arrangements to pro
cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head
quarters, it can now be had chemically
pure, by the single bottle or in boxes ol
one dozen each.
ts wonderful efficacy has induced num
erous spurious imitations. As its success
depends entirely on its purity, too much
care can not be used in pn curing it cksi-
isk. Kvery bolile hav;iii i n it our written
signature, niav be depended on us genuine.
Pamphlets containing an ani.lyis of the
Oil, with notices of it from the Medical
Journals, will be sent to those who address
us free of pnstnrjc.
Wholesale Drug";1".' oinl ( h' lnisrs.
Iy28 ' ICO North Thiol Kt. Philadelphia
r srwj'.
- . - tjtsa,.
''PHE subscrilier would ii f-rm the Gen-
1 tlemen or Lewisbtiro nnti vicinity th i
he has now re-opened a new and li'p.itil
shop, next door to the Post Office, where
he will enrrvon the business of CUTTING
AND M A KING garments as usual. Work
made by him warranted to fit. Produce
received in pay mint at market prices.
Lewisburg, April 27, 1S4S
Consumption disarmed of its Terrors !
HASTINGS Compound Syrup of A"
(A a positive cure for Consumption,
decline. Asthma, and all diseases of the
chest and lungs a single bottle will prove
its t llicacy.
I he proprietor not only recommends his
Naptiia Svitrp, but warrants it to cure!
lie warrants it to act upon the chyle, and
purify it ; ho warrants it to remove ail im
pediments which retard the free circulation
of the blood ; he warrants it to open (he
nternal and external pores of the body and
eject all ihe obnoxious purticles which have
accumulated in the system ; he warrants it
as a never-failing remedy in hectic lever,
night sweuts, dyspepsia, liver complaint,
pain in the chest, and asthma ; and he war.
rants it to arrest the formation of tubercles
in the lungs, and to' heal those already
lormed, so that persons ia consumption
may take it with Ihe most positive confi
dence of a cure, for its great scat nf action
is the lungs, which it penetrates in all di
rections, purifying them of everything
obnoxious in its progress, and which, il
applied according to directions, it can not
fail to leave in a perfectly healthy condi
tion. Auent at Lewisburg
Get the Ee3t !
A LL vouns person should have a StinJ:tril
J Dictionary at their elbows. And while
you are about it, get ihe be t : that Dictionary is
Neaa Wxbsteb's, the great work, unabrid'd.
If you are loo poor, savs Ihe amount from off yqur
back, to put it into your head. PhnaoloJuttr.
Dr. Webster's great work is the best Dictionary
of the English language Lonrfim Morn.Chron.
Containing three times tlie amount of mailer of
any other English Dictionary compiled in this
eountry, or any abridgment uf this work.
Published by G St U Merriam.8pringficlJ.Mass.
and for sale at the Cheap Bookstore of
May 30 8 F LYXDAI.L, Lewisburg
BEST Spanish and Hall Spi.i.ish, also
American CIGARS arid all kind
of Shewing TOBACCO, for sale by
Lewisburg, Dec 4. 1848
170R sale by
Lswlsbori Juno,
tQtiTiBLi: mi:; iv,ta.M:;,
.viiuiiit) uiil 'I rust (otiipaity .
Office. 74, ll'aluut Street, 'hUuJitjhia.
t'lrim, .$200,000 Cburler J'srpttuul.J .
fl.HE Coiu'.auy are now prepared lo lrauaci
I busims upuu Ihe most liberal and advanta
geuus term. They arc aullioriztd by their charier
(-re. 3) "to m.ke nil snd evrry insurance .per. j
lainiiij toliien.-k of whuttver kind or naluie, iuJ
lo receive end erecute tru Is. make en.loMrine.il,
and to gram and purchase annuities." Tue Cuut
pany aell siuiuitirs ki.d eiidown,eiits, aud acl a
trustees for minor snd heirs.
Table vf Premiumt rcif tired fur the Aisarance
uj $10U Jur the wt.ulc Una uf L.ijt,
A?e. fre.u. Ae. Preui. Ag-r. i'rern.
16 $1 50 at 3 0J 46 y
17 I 53 2'. 2 15 47 3 4
18 1 00 33 2 2J 4.-! 3 U.'
19 1 5'J SI 2 i7 4'J 3 77
0 1 60 35 2 3.1 50 3 91
21 1 UJ ol. 2 ID 51 4 13
22 1 KG 37 2 4 7 52 4 32
23 1 69 34 2 51 53 4 51
21 172 39 S 03 54 4 71
25 1 "G 40 2 70 55 4 UI
2fi I ,"5 41 2 81 58 5 12
27 1 39 42 2 92 57 5 33
S3 1 91 43 3 01 53 5 54
S3 1 US 44 3 12 59 5 78
30 2 04 45 3 23 60 6 1)3
Ths p.en.iuinsare less than any other company
and Ibe policies allord greater advantages. Mar-
ried wonieu and frniule children can insure Ihe .
........ . , , . r r it
llVes of either a husband or parent free from It.e
claims nt creditor. Table uf half yearly and
quarterly premiums, half credit rates r.f premium,
abort icrms, joint li. survivorhi.s, endow
ment and form of application ate to be I.ad at
the Ollice or of the Agen'.
Rateifir insuring "jlCO on a tingle Life.
Agr. For 1 year. Fur 7 veai. For Life.
20 $0 81 91 1 6U .
30 0 99 1 30 2 01
40 1 29 1 CI 2 70
50 1 80 2 07 3 91
59 3 48 3 97 6 03
Example: A per.nn aged 30 years rext birth
day by paying the Company t9 cl would scute
to his family or heirs $100 st.nnM he die in ene
year, or for 9 90 he secures lo them S 1000, or for
Itt 00 snnnaltv for seven yenrs he secures to theia
tlflCO abould he die in seven yerrs. or for ?" it)
p-ri.l vearlv itnrit; life h- secures $ I Oilll lo be iai!
when he tlies-tlie insurer securing his nisn bonus
by the diirereiice in amour.! of ;irerriun frorniho-e
cliarrie' i. ot'.er ..filees. F;r 19 50 t!ie Leirs weuM
receive .i(JiMt jhrmM he die in o-ie year.
'i:Tni: cur u:.. iv-.-iJent.
F.W. RAWI.C S.c'y and T eas.
For further paticttla-a aj u'v to
Agent f'tr Vniitn att a(Ji'iiitg c-un!ies.
Consiil'ing Physician V. Ilstts, M 1.
Lei Mmr?, Union Co. Pa. July 21, IS4'J
Curtfully It'fpaired.at the shortest Xotire-
i-tir. surjsrriic-r oe-ires to tiitorm tnei
cit:z 'lis of Lewi-thurg and tho pobli- !
iirm , -, . i. .
in i.pnpi.'M fhnf I a r.rr:tM .in ll... VI ur,.l '
Miking I'usiiirss in the slio; fonneriv t c-.riipit-fl
by CJ.i louel, w heie be is preparer!
o execute all kiinis of wr.rk in h s line of
liu-iiness wiih proinpii.pss mid on the n:ol
reasonable term.-., and bv ft net at'cir'iou
ro hi-i business e.prc(-s a liberal share oil
jralronap. He h.is Cuiis'utitly oi. hiind an
iss'irlriTent r,f
WATCIIHS Pa:ent L-ver, Ki.gli.-h.
and French.
JKWKLRY Crltt "alch r?yi-.:Bs "arrc
Cisrrl-, Peneil.s Pens (ie.t'i;ni,I..'ri io-ja.
Fiiierrin!?, S .'ver S(.eeta.-1' s, L kets,
Spo'-na. TiiiinVes, vV..-.
Whiili he is il'-'erinin.-J to sell low.
Iivtshnr;. i v. 13. 1-17
MSi?c.aialiay K hlVttarii a
''piIE siib-crihr rs, iIiuii'k ful fur piv! palrr.-
1 ri-,ivou.ii .in. ii in in., puiiiic i,,n i,e
oiitiuue to iinimO.c'i.'re all t ii.ds .f
.mill ge.iuim;.
Cist Water W lift-Is n"H,a: pmtj
7 hreshhig Hiuriincs.
One atif Two I torse
fii !
Ve invifp iiiri:ci:'.ir f.Mrntnu lo a i.t'w I
nine Vittril'ft ruttui GAMS FLOKIi far
Sffumi 111 Grain. Farmers by this ploui,
.-u.i seeo iii as n.uon irrain. in nnecav. ns
tn three days with mrnnor plouohs
un.l Fiitii.oihesiiu.e. HOLLOW WASIK.
Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth
inj; Irons and Clauds cast leu Kettles to
suit co.king stoves.
the most approved patterns now in us.e, for
wood or coal.
Farjcy,Parlor, otxl.Coal Stoves,
Race's setr-ifsisIatiK?; Air-tight
Purlor Wood Stoics, (a new article.)
Threshing Machines and other articles
of machinery repaired in the best manner
and onlhe shortest notice. Caslin tS war
ramea to be ol ibe best material, and ai
prices that can not Tail to please.
GK1) lifts & M:RSH.
Jiaevvts hurg, flinrcl) 25, 1 943 lySng
Pianus! l5asios.
THE undersigned continues to furnish lo order
on Ihe most reasonable terms. Pianos, from
toe manufactory of Conrad Meyer, PhiladMnhose
instruments are too well known to need any pan
egyric, having uniformly received the commend
ations of the most eminent professors slid compo
sers of Music, and lha award of Ihe premiums iu
MewYork, Philadelphia and Boston. For uualitie-
of lone, touch, and keeping in lone up to concert
pilch, tbay can not be surpassed by either Amer
ican or European Piano.. ?
Instructions given on the Piano, as heretofore.
Reference may be reads to any of those parents
or guardians who have pupil committed to bis
charge. ' He may be seen al his leaideuce at Mr,
Maixe'a, Market street, Lei.burg, where terms
and particular will be made known.
The most popular and favorite Aus and Music
of different kinds received as il is issued Iroio the
different maaiael establishments in the Cities.
lisvif piuiLca stursrO"
"An ounce of Prevention vror&M
a ix.urul of Cure," in : -; 1
if air ful dittase. '' ' :v '
r 8 ii ri nsi.n ' .
uui.oULir b g C5 afa -
DU. I ITCiIVS Lectures on if.,. VGnr '
lion and Cure of CuntumptiotL ' ' ' '
This p- pti'tir work for sale in lwislrg
bv S. V. Lyni.'.il: J. Hoo;htin snrj at'f
this office. Price, 75 cents. ' ,;ui-v
TkICK OK 1)1 ICKs, ' . ..
I.ST Kvaavaov Usau .ais f a.u:: frj.r. There is ft
fStr.riina f-.r sM m rhs itirTers-ir iowiih eiiHsrl S. fVw.s
To nsrt'l's Si..riKiliia. It is a.i.e.tl-eria tt'S Oiijr.l
Ol.M t.NK.a:.. all mat. Tw T ..wir lt u irr,l.rV "
aiwl itevr s... ; uiiUm Sr.nKTl a wurfco. u rro0,cra,.
lwl,unj t!i-r hse ye' t,- n.-t..ii. i,i :,t ui D-'orl-ir lh V
nur;-.- 'f ?.i.iii',-r r-'-ifi". fo. whst rw, wauu He sas
has arellej tsju uu-iiri c.u..-, ai.i p::.trt I ..r Titt-M.
veals" N'.r tl.-rru':. if. hs tev T piVa-s wipiSilijsa
ii.v in his itu-S.kii br.rr.riio
.ofcs ha-l Oii' r' tr ict-tr alia venct'j of (he mm. I wis,
rnostsirseerely. I.e i..! n-vr mxlr t!.eetSHiiM-rs -I U.ni.
sell or ol irwr. Wani will nsni e.r S la: ii".ie"l all I irm-l.
ful in all 'l.eir ,1. ali. an t iii -!''.':r wei ftii, 1st
irwa Its are't-sl lo in, a SO ar.BS. assa SMaulriiau-
titacruriii? ii - inx.i.,e, i;!iir ihe e.17 sui-i. lie ,SiSf
make, js an l.i..i'riiieil 1., nnhaill M. liHT S'l"PITV. tar rs
niri. Save ueeu irulLju-4 alfl ...fc:,i:;; .:s: ei j.i i !.
r..rm.. it. untir l I..M. ti:c I. lr with .rf S-ITI ts
ii:c (. i'r with t
f tia
therit.t ISM-liif J ?rsi;iarilla . le U,e ?.Mi'4f. arULics :
Sartut-irtt it, n.
pi. Yi.i.-i. e 1
so 1 1
I lt s .M a J i J ,.
iMfnSrS a wrk 1 siil .i
ve J lis- jV
iurM .... -i.i: ..,:.!jr-. i r.: nil-.. Iti
.-i-fr. r
Tte-mrs.";. S-olh . ik li... an isbM.' ' .'aivl"
,r.h i,,...ri.jr-i..ui -. J
"' Tu. :.,i.Mit inuc itfi. .,.e u.1
Id! Ilr JAI lltl t r. .1 -I r- -sir. ir-HH. IWI-TrT wn S IS
J-J ,7.. , ,n f.,M t iut , Arm; arsl Sa
-.,..i,.r.m . .. l'.. i lei.
'r.at.-su ij.':. fc -Vu -r.a -f .V V '"r
j. B Tov.Xsrw
OM l)r. Jacob Townsehd, -
J Genuine TovrieTid Sarsspttrilla.-
hit- i. 4 vtx .' brf ' ;;.v r. n
m Im h v i ' i - v i.v::.-iZs "rr A.v; v
N t " li f t. I.'' t in be m cwr fc-v :
111 ill IW T.. U C B -. V.-,. .1 !U.' li - J Tl .l frT K-.f '
nl Hi. I': .1. .
! luJ I ...Vl-.t
,- trii tt v-:ut. h 'svl1 ri4-'..J
-. -ft.1:' : . if1' '. f'eVi.i-a '?; h;'.J
Tlti-t fin N1"V, ;! V-;: !',!. fa!. P W.F -l 'aTitX
mi i' ? n.wfT I a.. :t tt
iyi;:.-' i' r- T .ri ;i -r ! n.
I'-i - v" S l i. uJ'-Mf ii.i;rw rli
I.Tth;!- '.-r : t. It NICaki I
TL in.
k!si("!-t fi I'Tri.-'.irv, mni tfc-r iia-,n siarover:1 ol a
h. i. ! . I- 1-: - ..k t"V - rt. i' ; i i ia .rv u...'i .t
litfv . .! ."! .' S - ti ..fiiU. Thr ?iriinvwiln
i: w w.-u ra.sv's. i .v ..i '.'i u.- o. jibi fiiaiiy" inWss.u
Lr . .,. i'f f'T'it-sT v!i:ch nrc tnr:" w --i-'4v
a: I'.. 'it ' U'i.a tl T:l r:iTCnt:? It ! ,
Ji.- - c- . i y '. S.. ti fc t'-.ttiri';'H to ihe
" -; .!icot s rr-s.it'H"il v - - i ,
' -.w 'ii. 1 vuf f.t ffffMrtii'
i. Hr,, i.teM-'Jk''-0 ilst "Imwiv O- 'm
.t . ii.-tt.: "it- tils. Vatcou-.,
- aitiVra y tj a ra-ra r ., .
1 Vi" v- -v St:ia' ,!7.rn i't -
t im "'n ki natut f
i v. ' s.e i:. ii. i ti y rt't a Ajk,
; :n ft - i i- ctfri-? mriKi ti-
I.", ',''"
TH t
t h.L,
,nt n : !! ii i'
I -!. - i;r V. :i
r.!r 'iir eja :ifT;ii i: r
vt v. u i ! ,. ,.-.t r ..ir n:.j - i (
ff'tt n- li i H tur ar:f-.f- 'k ii a .ite? ,
si:a.:sA;uii.LA. -
in:.-, r -! t r n --' t r-'ht t r if wtttm 'I i
tv"tii il ,:f.t tf If lltl U..i.! l 'ai I'ini 'J f.' ".'! ;
Ik.-. IJ
. l UiC ; ttli.-. auU ntNamrt,
Vf"-'. i- " ". ' Ter oatsW..iSBia. -4 vwsaa
r-.V If n .-tui t t -. r- lufiit t'.-va- ---
C-.'x.w " j- .".' "i Vvr;;f.Vf t. rl LtViKP
tf.4f Tr i' ith't.LM ITtoM- JU'.'!'
ti I. i's.;. ': .'il LAV. ai (ITlV
.;; . .w. r frz. BLrrchisr
t J . " - '- a -n l--i ,
iMfLiUl Mi' Ti!5i r.lAXD.
It I v '; r.r,.ifv i-j ..r r ; '-J t-
p. v .. m i .....a. , ii ! -''Iff T-r. r-
i. ,. n ,1 r.ya--i, rvllMilTtw) 1 ' b snsf ga I ? I Ml as .
i.i - 'i ,t. . i-uoj1 . su. i Ji-.tu-, m lci.i.:a."f
i. i n -. a. I :- " . m s-9
t i ; M.t 1 j .' . '' ft 1 ' '- f'"Trri ;-t vf-rl (-p;-:
..-i ::j"t i.i;ciJi mul ."
o r-rt't.t. " - ' , .
bil i. ia.rth1'm w i -f:ft.lle:i--v- iv -m iJ.iii--s.y
Cw.io-.e.j- ' i ' - t
,t.:M.U.i l -'.MI'UiiNia.
It v-nki : c.t ;"-" s.'ei.. .-T I'"p4
f. ST'" M -tK. 'Vs. rxtV-Vtf. .Wa-t;.rWaw i, i'iaW'i
V"-' iVryia r''."'!iH au-u -4. ' U i '
(., wsirw-'tAsii iu ; -a-1 - ''- tT-
ty . r C .-.' -;tl-'T'-- III I V !WJa lT
rv 1, it fami auil tr-a, . ; ..; VJ.
ItuWCUiMtsiVT'ir "i . -.a,.-,
rruu !. ? Dcfcllllr
ar.!:'.u p wi'sfii.' '
.ia. a yi,rMj; Wfi.wi -A, Vwa-..V raw 1W.
asbiiin;. ,-" K'--.
. !.," ts. K :.4? ll.rTIt ll---.l.iTl? fl( ',
?rrfw the Mariu.t. P .1 fJ. : b.
a.wli.o' p ii .' i -'' i. -Har iui:if ti, .v .
rit'-tv li- k i i-;'' .'r-'1-1 " :itilUi:t3t. o; Ur S !. :
triii; grille rist.:i ,Ui.., uii iU lu-l, i4 ii
ine.v!IV rtrr.irrfn.n : rifrte urn t:,J :tlt ! . i
wssi all si.f ri. i'i4i. .j :n
siTnit,-- fist: tin
em. I. lilt ;S:. lh -
The le.iiplne vrc-rmiiaeu'tr nct I
IIih n, ... . t: . i ... p T....1, ... p
"m"'1"".1''1' :
co.t!Mi:n v. i v:i thk oj.i m s. -
because nf nee ir Mrr. rial u,a o.mj is INCArv
Bl.Kol t'l. rtKlfKl.l.iN.Lnl
.-:vi::t jspoils. '
wlilte tV o-?ier otr?ur. f'tfrr. siJ IO.icsist
As e..ii!i:r.Mi if 1,-r.tfineis : ihr r,. a.-J
l.,.n.l evp :.:!, -.a-i.! .'ri,.: i- : .r e: r U ! Vu ii-.1- il, s
norrlSV e-.t.iri mi, i in- ill hlhm u ihe e.,.n ICV-r
pul arid inten ,x;r-, ,V-wi.e ft:ftni s-f. n vnl Wr-U
causes l;ns-i.la I..1. I i ; ll.vrus I I l.r. . r!.v um
Ic.t.1 miir in n.if,iw,.f;:. . vrhn rrfff r f-rrc it
datnlertce. k-s.-it-sri. vaipti-Kier. at ihe hj... ;, c-.e.
.Un:r, ili.Tih;.!. ile.,. r,, f.ai -. ;.n I c".. ef rtiaV
h!.i I , k.,i , Scnni:a but an . I :u.u. .r mi ! Mr
W hjr rtro.i'iirt; a'l I,,,.., , i....t. t...,. .... i.-... ..;.....'
Ilia Skni, S.t.il 11,1. sill Kwm K,-.,ir....:.. WT-aar
Svrelilrcv. pjv.-r a ,,: titl a,cua.i.u iulcir. l .J it
trr:nl 1 : , .,,,-hjn.' u:t.Vr t.,MT.-:t ino an ao;,t -nn,K".
"""asvttr-.sa I itivs --.,.;... M l.laef r.i b.i.k,s.i
J .H5 eau-ts i:!t-i:a::.rn hi. a si r.r e.J .4J
fluid which iirsr.ituues i,; tierween lii miMi J els.
wiien. im:atn. aisl Kiv..u.or the .V.icats 'i. a.
wliirh if n.-tT t S-j n-rvrvrs Ji -s-twes.';tii?Mirp. al IS.
Mu.i.1, of ,V.m.- ;, t ifeHiaiio.1, ilikI i:irlv ai, ihe ju;t-,i;a
New U it i,ii h.T, Je to make an" .!!, arsi iuliu.K
irox- ri u i;., t
W.ir.iNt;, jkrhi ntinc!. arm "compihm)" o
s p. tov-si:m,
9m! vt tie -.xil,! .. .,. !iv,- ii i.,, .,-r..!,wl IhnrO'rl Or la
r il, T.rtiH;,.rs ti'Hi'fr r.ViAa-' raciMtrt, lialiiM
ri' lllON Ol liu lni. 'i.,r ;i.-.-r i,-. f '
ller.vn (.-'i-t tti.t vrs -S miM Jt-n m an artt! sSiirf,
h.r tle mo, ilirlaiil i.-uiiilaiica lsS.11, lVwa.
tes.l's ri.-n.- .'
V. i l-'i i; tit, !,..rot f. heestrs. t ts rlw. oSreiS rewri,
rtal S. P T'.wl.'...:J'acncto at.i i.i.1 W. Jafta T.ms-airJ'a
Sarsslsw illa are A'ares rrt.(f i?i.ar f. r7 r n r,.tss
iia; '.1:.-L j tie n iM.- rn eft-i-y J:r!ieu:ar, sier sot
w,r- bi:i t!iii:'J r"-mis.
As S. !' Tuvrtm l i no il.s-nr. nu t er vrw. is ad
ftheinitil. no .t,itrni-ir...i'i-l l.,i,.vy. . rirc of mr-lieine
ai.....!. ihatl r.,rt.Tr.-..ri. im-es-niirtc.uS:Vsn.iiiil
mill, wliar en iewi.- et, 'he f.iUic Iwre lh.il itlrv iu ra
CclVHiS a iri u!!.:- -er.-:.!,;..' iiH-riirie. e..m:ili.ipr all fm vie.
lue,oi ih .t.tj.-:.-. i.vl in i.n-parii.r; it. an-t vthk-bare m
capsule ttf ,?h.oi?e. w..i.-h s.iln reuoor ihem the AfiNT5
I ll.fc'a-.' ti.l.il h. ..Ill.T - .
Hut w h.t ste -i.,.ir.t !e exneeres frts nr srV kanw
rsiilK.i'.' e..miKirlir;v i iue.licUH: or ua-eise I Ii retiyirJ
a :-.a ..liu eaiK'.l'.M'e lo c,.it serve ,.ew n
c.t!ii.; .ii .toerni nt.'at. H..w noft-h brut Mii.r.HrM la
thsl 'he ttsrss wH'i msat'.ar'svv n'eJniV-i5::f .
shoa'.t sn..w wet; me-Iies! .n.t..riie-, ,M pl-.ies.oi
rr..iuier nt rsTtirihf and .oitcentra;!!.? dw.r afctlais ve-.
also an eatcn-iv kn,vte,tse of ths vri..n- .li---si-s irai. S
aireei ih liuir:in sjnein, anJ be" . aaS t.nJi. l
Ihese HlseaA'S ! , . ,
ll is lo arreat frastla upon ths mir.wi.msre. m rsso
into wounJcd htimsmtv. u teii-ll hpa i th despauuif
bostirt. to rmn lvlth. ami k'nani. and vt4or
er.who.1 and hp. ken. snd lo bani-h itrnatv ' Mrfl r us.
JAloUTijw.xSf.M) his sot:iinTanIFOff.lia
eirtuiiity sntl niearsi i.ihcim hi ""-1-
tirand Vi v rJ Coueewtreil Bewaegs
WHO. I, li.s reach. a'l to llw kie.wterle of all wtss nrl H
Ui; Uiev m.iv lesrn sr.l k "w. r rev nrtevsrs.se, uaual
' TrwaMccndatwS Psire ru Ileal.
Agkts for Ihe above Medicine-7-C W
Schaffle, Lewisburg John H Raser, Mie
ton ; Forsyth & Priestly, KortburoU'land
S s
GENTLK-MENtS Fancy Goods, Test
ings, Cloths, CassimeSwS, and 8tWr
mor tBovthi in general, at
ft ft. ftfytnfCslWyiJtl.