Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1850, January 02, 1850, Image 3

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Wt are sorry id th rJe-th of
obert II. ti'tf, E of Reading, official
Reporter of ibe decision of the Supreme
Court f IVnn't.
era-. t. Mm. rfc onrf
People oa Sunday morning nest, at 1 1. A. M.,
l the Pteaby'erien Church.
m. O ! .. fnm lnntlirifn nf I lift
University Lewiiburp. will told its first I
i MiKlo Meeiimt on Sunday after-
noon net at i o'clock in the Ml of ihe
Xwiemy builoing no the hill- All per""'"'
sitterest-d in the advancement c.l the Rp
ajeerner's kinndom on the earth, are res
pectfully requested to attend.
Lcwi.burg. Jan. 1, l5n-
Lik Lr. u it. sty
T. Lewishurf, 311 ul.. by J. A. Mertz.
t jiwcrM Bastias and Hiss Sarah
CriKirrr. both of Penns.
In New Columbia. Thursday week, bv
Her. Mr.Marr. Tim's Cim-tims orMilion
and Miss Ahs Cpixtb. of N. C.
On the 26th tilt . by Rev. John Kohler.
Xacwakik Yodm, of I'Jist Ruffalo. and
Jtis Maav Fisiikr, of Richfield.
Suddenly, in I.ewiburg. t 5 o'clock thie
mernuig. Mr. JOHN LUCKE. aged 51 years.
At Sen Franciaro (California) in Oct la-4, M r
JACOB APP.eoo of I.eon'd Aip of S.-linsgrove
n this count;. aged 54 year. Mr App hiJ served
with cm) It in the Meaican war ; anJ the
Peaocralic candidate tor the IRi-blurr from
L'ulon county in 1848. Hi lung were air:ta
tbt saw climate cut him doarn toon after
hw anial io California.
I Cwiogton, T;j!a Co . Pa.. 23d ult.,
ei lfl years. Sarah Euas etb, duh
lr of Theobald and Harriet iMler. form
rl of Lewitcr.
In Newport, Percy coun'r, 23d
JiiexrH LriKicnrs, fiwrncrly of N
Berlin, ajd 23 years,
fn Milton 25' h ult. Mr. Aabt Dknck
iFor Salt,
'PHE RuildinK now ticruiiied n a Tailor
I Shop, nel door to ihe Posl-Ofiice.
Inquire of ' JOHN B. MILLER.
Lewisburg. Dec. 31. 1949.
Lewkbnrg, Union County, Penn'a.
Practices in IVioa and adjoining counliet aUo
attemla the couiu of Perry county.
FFICE on Second St., lately oaaupied
by L. B. Christ, riq.
Draodreth't Pills are sold at 25
cts per bos (with full direction-)
BY J. HAYES &i CO., Lewisburg. and
by oklv M Agent in every town in
ha Union. Bach Agent has Certificate
oiAeoey- Eiamioe the boa or pills always
ad cnaapara it with the fae-aimile labels on ihe
'rtiDcale of Agency. As there a coanteifeit
U h pew label oat, this ie nf much importance,
at then ia a decided difference between the
appearance of Ibe true labels and thsae of the
owiaaWow. The counterfeit ia done on stone ;
&e genuine era done on etarL The appearance
of the pooling a the counterfeit M raggoJ and
u, . jl , .- . taart M IB " , fi-A of
ueatiieae. beta. SB straatiug. paper, and general
Be y eaaefeJ and go to the Agent, when you
want Dmlr lh'i Pitts ; then you are ran; of the
genuine article. When yea purchaea otherwiae,
inquire of lbs setter whether he knows the pill
he offers you are the genuine Braudielh'a ! Ev
ery man knowe whether the ankle he oflera is
true or false. Beware of cheats !
mat of Hctttr
Post Office, Doc. 31, 1849.
Afca Cyrua. Apenwall Aueuatoa. Boweraox
Ahraha.-Q. Baker Samuel, fjachman John. BjrU
Klijih, Bi Mra I., Broman Radolph, Berkley
Jnarph. t;ocran Ws. Chappen Andrew, Comp
John I. 2, Clayton Jonathan, Chanihera Mies
Marv C, Chrieun' Joe.h. Develing Mi Sarah
K. bulwonJn, J)ai Jolm sp, Elicit John E,
Fiafwr Jo-pb, Fari.7 Abraham, Fetter. Uenjn.
..ouaoa Peier. H.mnK-nl Aletr. Hunger m
5. Harvey Mr. W. Harmed Herve, H.nmng
Mi. Mary. Hetrici John P. .H.ppl. Adam Ho,
Jonas. Hunter Mia. .'.'.rrielt, -Huffman Jacob.
Howl Wa I, Kinley Mi -""O. mfm , '
Kaufman John. I.acey U P, Lewis Iman. Mer
rri Jamea Eq, Munaoo Morri.no 3. Mn.cr thrn.
Netkil David. Lewuburg Uiv. 8. of Tem , , v e
Branch do.. CrveuJ Spring rlo . Poi 1 hou?a,
Jleady Miaa Elriaheth, Jtehloppick Wm. StlWota
wtaa Charlea, Schreiner Henry, Vocht Mitt Au'i.
Walara Wm. Welliver Mi Mary.Witmer Peter.
Voder Solomon 59
Persons inquiring for the above letters
will please say they are advertised, other
wise they mav not get them.
Worm Specific M'Lanc's Vermifuge!
WHIS invaluable remedy for Worms is
I raDidlv sunnlaniim? ail others.in public
estimation. Where it is used it has produced
the best effects, and driven out all other
remedies. M It is the best they have ever
seen," is the remark of all who have ever
Dted it io their families.
Tyre8pringe.8uainerCo. Ten. Feb !9,'48
J. Kidd dr. Co. I received a lot of M'l.ane'a
Vermifuge from your agent lart apring, which I
sold oat in one week, and I think I could have
old 1000 bottles by this lime if I could have got
it, but not knowing where to get h I bad io wait
anlil your agent came around. Every one who
haa tried M'Lane's Vermifuge, tell me it ia Ihe
Wat they have ever aeea. In fart it ia impowiMe
for any one to say too ouch in favor of thia Ver
mifuge. W- KOBB.
Dr.M'Lane dear Sir s t have aold out all your
liver Pilla. and want another lot immediately. I
could have aold a much larger quantity if I had
them. The inbakitanU are sending to HocbMet
(at them. Please eend me another supply imme
oiately. F. SHORT, Druggiat.
. Hemlock Lake. Liv. Co. N. Y. March 8. '47.
Varvnbarg. Wvo. Co. N.Y. Dec. 10. '47.
J. Kidd tt Co Your traveling agent left with
aw lad summer a quantity of Dr. M'Lane's Pills
and Worm Specific, to sell on commiaaion. The
Warm Specific is all sold, and I abould be glad to
procure more, aa K aeHa very readily, M has a
ery salutary afleel in esprlling worms. If you
ran forward ate some, or send me an order to
rail en your agent in Buffalo (L. 8. ReyooIJa ) I
Hunk it will meet with a rapid aale.
AGENTS- C W ScnarrLS, Lewiaburg; H
J tJaafer and J H Raaar, Mihon ; I Uerhart, !Sc-
hnagreve; J W Friling, Sunburv ; Mra M Cay,
Nortbumbtrkged ; M C Crist, J Moore, Danville
I lllt-
5. -
. 5 c J - X
2 "fdra
C s
a. 31 1
3 "
Q- CI -
3 O -
ft a c 2. S
3 :
W t O
i - 3 - J,. 2
4 2;'5S3
a. k
Co S
ta 2.
i li If
a 3
er-3 i
a . .
Old Dr. Jacob Townsend'
1 ARSAPARILLA also S. P. Town-
stnd's Snrsapnrilla for salt: by
Dr. Thornton A; Bilker.
A p;ood ava uscd vnly
) A L
one winter,
."OR sale by one of the
Dec. 17
Tavlor Cn:n.
RECEIVED at Furstcr's Siore
French Mnrinoes for Ladies Cloaks.
Palmetto Cloths do
Lyonese do do
Black, Moroon and Green colors ;
New S'yle Calico and IMnines ;
Also an assortment of Ladies' Gum over
' Sh. Offered at reduced prices.
JUST refit,.iv?d, at Forstrr's Siort
50 ck cuperior Liverpool Ground
25 ds dai'V Salt, Alum Salt,
whirh.sofllrtiJcht.ap. Dec 18.
N OTICE is hereby pv lhe S;nli
holoers of the L.t:'is.'.urg Bridge
Ciiinpany, that an Ejection t.:iI 'eld at
the house of the Misses HlackV. 'J'e
Borough of Lewishursr, on Monday ?!ie '' 'b
day ol January, 1850, for the nuwoje Oi
electing one President, six Manaers.Xr.a
surer and Cleik, to conduct the concerns
of said Company for one year.
ENGLISH and German Almanacs for
aale by I G Law she
NEW BUGGE7 for sale, cheap. For
ii. further particulars, enquire at this
Lewisburg, Nov. 7, 1849
fPHEsubscriliers offer the public, at their
X new Brick Foundry, the following new
and valuable Stoves :
Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with
s Brirk Oven.
Lady Washington Parlor Slove.
1'iri Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood
2 rixe.
Coal Burner for Parlors 1 size, 12 inch cyl
inder. I.ouia Air-Tight Casl Iron Parl.ir Stove 2
Shield Air-Tight Parlor Slove for Wood 2
Egg Stove the very best in Use for Stores,
Ofliera. Barmoma, and Shope.
The celebrated fleneaee Air Tight Cook Slove.
The Complete Cook 2 rizes.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
Ploughs Castings. &C. 4'C.
rwiaburs;, Dec. 13, 1840.
Meal Hilstiite.
f njE subscrilier offers for sale the gotid
I sujs"r"'al Urick Dwelling, with nu
eessary'ou '-buildings, handsomely situated
on Third street in the BW of Lewisburg,
now occupied by bim.
Also Twelve Acr0 LAK? s,,u1B,edr
i.n u.ni.,n '-in 3-4 ol a mile of
III IV-OV i."in 'i " - .
said B..'rough. in a good of cul"-
For terms, app y to ;oLL.
L-w isburg, Dec. 10, 1849-
A market Street House, Shop, and Lot
M1AT valuable property on Market St.
opposite Cook's t.nach btiop.
1 louse is a two-storey rame, zu
k. :i(i.li Shoo iwo-iorev, u nv
37. including a oxinoue
(. A.inr- A aniall Stal.Ie eieellrni.gggfifa
Anule. Peach. Plum and Cherry trees ecou mr
1.4 and good Water on lhe adjacent lot.
It will be aold on reauoneoie terms payni
made ear. If not aoll by Ihe let ot January,
ill l olT.-red f.ir rent from ine is oi Airru nt
Innuire of the sulwcrilier on the remiae.
1 . . . . nncT T
MXI HE..1 if. v.n .1 1 I
Lewiaborc. Nov. 20, 1849 tlwlO
For Sal Cheap.
FULL Lm, on North Fourth Street,
r on which is a two storey
a ruiiiv nuwoi - v j faiiil
- ii., is hv 33 leet. Tiaai
with a good uef unoer h a jaasji
Frame Stable. Io by 20 an out
k'iirKen. and mher out-buildingf now
occupied by Gborcr Frkaw. Inquire of
JS for Justice, and Con.tablea. on
Ij I till ta band for sale at thia office, or
printed scsording to order.
New goods! ncwgootls!
Catcst mrtiual
And yet Cheaper thin any othe?
Goads in the Market :
"""HE subscriber
is now receiving
opening nis
from on board CRiinl-bniils Emma Reuhlnh
and Odd-Fellow, which he invites the citi
zens generally to call nnd exauiine, and
realize the lact that they can huv at smal
ler profits thsn at any other ftnre in Ievr
isbur and particularly Itrowu Slieeiinjfs,
Satinetts, Cloths, Shawls, Delins, SbiM'g,
Boots, and ('aps.
Wheat, Ue, Corn, Ons. ntirkwhent,
Potatoes, and Cash, at market value, ree'd
in payment for poods.
N.v. 2fi, 1849
MliiTwaro, &c.
Eyer & Thompson,
respectfully inform the cit Zen ol
Lewishur;: and vicmiiv, that they hjve
located on BlarKef It. net wren .luanu aui,
south side, where they are prepare-J to ex
ecute all kinds of work in their line in the
best and most workmanlike . manner.
Clocks and Watches of every description
neally repaired, and warranted.
The subscribers flatter ilicin.irli- iht
they are well qualified and prepared, (both
ns it regards llieir knowledge, skill, and
experience in the business, mid alo in
having a good assortment of lhe best Eng
lish and French materials,) to give entire
satisfaction to customers and particularly
FINE WATCHES, such as Duplex Es
capements, Lepines. Anchar, Detached
and Patent Levers, Repeaters, Musical
Watches.&c.&o. will be carefully repaired
and warranted to perform well. The work
will be executed as salely nnd equally as i
well as the same could he done in I luhidt:l
phia City or elsewhere
Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, nnd a
variety of goods too numerous to mention.
,'or sale at the lowest prices. All articles
warranted to Le precisely what they are
sold tor.
N. B; The golden rule in our business
. . 1 ,n cfil-.t mi, nii. oa
this ' be rtquirea. urriease pive us
a call . a-a we are determined to please both
in work" od r"
J. I,. EVER.
Uwiahurg, 83
The auwcriher respecituiiy
notifies il.itmple ol this Boro'
and vicinit be has rented
lhe brick office, Inm lr.laidwi's,wlw're he
oiiens on Friday a School U'struciiou m .
both Plain and Ornamental .i'r..v.ssuii'.
He conceives that his par ' consists in
leaching a plain, common-sens".
I..,d.riii.,.r. nnd this he uledire.' ntmsell
to do lo the satisfaclion of those wl "
the effort to learn.
Room open from 2 to 4. P. M-. af.d m
the evening, so thai pupils can attend w.'icn
jwin.miinnt. Those residing at a d. 9-
tance can improve m wruin-; y riminig u )
. . : . .
town anu pracucmj; eiui
For terms, specimens, anil recommend
ations, anplv to me at the wrilinj room or
at Kline's hotel. S. SIIELP.
Irf-wisburir, Nov. 20. 1819
FINE fresh Green and Black Teas.from
42 cents a pound and upwards.impor
ted by Ihe Canton & Pekiu Tea Company
of New York, packed in pounds.halvcsand
quarters, perfectly ail tight, just received
and lor sale bv JHAYF.s&CO.
fcta, 5 Sole Agent, for l.ewts'mrg
Apply "Trask's
1511 JBl'TTJii'SI Magnetic Ointment"
MaaSi!iiSllree v flII t,e surface
over the region of the pain, and you can
easily throw off the disease. Its application
is attended with no danger.and it will relieve
you more speedily than any other remedy.
Price 25 and 38 cents. Sold w holesale
or retail by Thornton & Bnker.Lewisburg,
and John H. Baser, Milton
Latest Arrival !
ITST received and now offered
for the
J insjiection of ihe public, our com
llcte i
of iM.ichandizs adapicd to ibis Mtrket--
sucb as "
Foreign and Domestic
ry (Roods,
a of which have been purchased at rates
which enabled to sell Goods
cheapest of any in town !
Thankful for past liberal patronage from a
diacrimtnaiiniz public. we hope to merit and
receive its continuance and extension.
Remember, the Old Cheap Store is the
nlsce for bargains ! !
Lewisburg. Nov. 27, 184. -
ktp itii finid or make to ordr
Fancy and Common Ctinira,
Ito.tfiii Rorkin; Chairs nhm
Huron in. Tables, Pcds'cnds,
L- j t43 S.1M. A'". A.fc
All work in our line warranted to be wet
made, nnd on the most reasonable terms.
House and Siijn PAINTING-
ntlended to bv the stilrserihers on ihd shor
test notice nnd in the best style.
Country Produce and Lumber tuken in
pavmenl and Cash nut irrused, but rather ;
'I'lio Bfiliafrilvtr intend Ia lip alriet in the !
f..ici...... .. u ,1.;. nn.;. nt
work nnd so doina. hope to receive a'
libcrul share ol pV Ie iiatrouste.
JDII.N N. W Y Rurr.
.bur;, Nov. 1841)
' It EC K l V K W
supply for Whoh-saie or Re-
A tail ol
Pure Whim Mud
Linseed O.I
Spi rits Turpentine
Spauib I'.ro.vn
do Whit.ng
Yenitinn R.;d
R. .I L-arl
Yellow Oehre
Black .-ad
Craekers by the bbl
Sjrerm Caml'es
Mould Tallow do
Dipped do do
Sperm Oil "
Pine O.I
Burning Fluid
I'russian B'un
Chrome Green
do Yellow
Lamh Black
f'opal Varnish
Japan do
leather do
, Alcohol
Castor Oil
Looking G'asP! ites Sweet d.
A.i.l a variety of FANCY ARTICLES,
w hich we will sell at a small profit, and
not "at cosi," as some say.
Km. I'HtlKA i trrv v n.ntnn
Lewishur, Nov. 13. 149
IN one nf the most fl.iurish'.ng towns on
the West Branch of the Susquehanna,
a purcha-er fr a DRUG STORE
now doing a lirat-rale business. Amount
of stock now on hand, about $1000, which
will be sold at cost for Cash, or if more
convenient a small pint of it on short
For further particulars, enquire nt this
office. 2'J-i
Dr. Stcayne Celebrated Family Medi
cines. Cl'Rft follows curb!
More Proofs of the Efficacy of
cnMPin so atai'P or
Wild Cherry,
7e Original and (rmiine Prrpnruliim !
Coughs CiiMj, Asthma. Br.mcliitia, Liver (W
plaint. fpiltiuj UlMl.dilRcuhy of Brealhing.
.:iin io the SiJe and Ureasi. palpitation
f ihe Heart. Ii.fluenss.Croup.hro-
ken l.-oiiMiuilioii.so.o Ihroil,
... . - ,
iiai.;Kiu .it i
Jiseaae. of Throat.
Breast, and
lual and sis-e.1, cure -
kuon foran, of ,h.
f c , tt i
11- oway nr a v...Wu.iu i uj.
f Wild Cherry. I
ii i a:
JVfMlillllt" VT! (III hi v a i
John Miliun Ear!, fJitor of ihe Vorcentir
Su, Mass., was atiut kcj wiifi a nrvcre iolHina
lion f the4luuiTJ, sccompanirj with a diMreinc
couso : aiier uiug anoui oiurr rt-nfiiif.- wnn
te ()f n0 kentfili k, ,he Uie o( r k,,,, ,,t Jp j
' Swayne'. Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, be
W. V IT I-.lll . U IV FV.I.. '
Wm. M. .ntelius, a respectable merchant nf St
CLiir. Schuylkill county, writes, Jan 30. 1819:
Er. rloeed I send you a cerlificale of Win. Beau
mont, a citizen of our loon. Hi case of Cons
uryptii'D is well known here.and of long standing;
he atirifUtes hi cure entirely lo your Compound
Syrup ot Wild Cherry."
Be not deceived by the many spurious and
worthies. p.'parations of Wild Cherry, ushered
into notice' hf ignorant pretender., but aee lhal
Ihe signature" tf Dr. Swayne ia upon each holile,
which ia Ihe only guarantee againat imposition.
Krmrmlirr .' lha sennine preparation of Wild
Cherry ia prepared only by Dr Swiv.vi, N W
corner of Eighth and K.ice street., Philad'a
Swayne's celebrated Yennlrage,
Safe and Ehectual Eemvdy for Worm., Dys
peiwia. Chulora Mrbus, sickly or dysjsptic
Children or Adoll-,unJ the nnwt useful Family
Medicine ever offered lo lhe public."
This remedy is one lhal has proved successful
for a long time, and ia universally acknowledged
by ell who have tried it to be. far .uperiur (Iwing
an very plea-ant l the taste, at the same time
effectual) to any nllur medicine ever employed in
diseases tor which it ia recommended. It not
only destroya worm, but it invigorate the whole
system. It harmlesa in its efbxls.aml lhe heuhh
of the patient i always impioved by ii. Osc, even
when ro woims are discovered.
(j-j-Htivart nf Mistake. Rente mher Dr S'a
Vernuluge is now put up in njuare botllex (hav
ing recently been changed) coven d by a beautiful
wrapper, aleel engraving, with 'he pottr.it of Dr
Sv ,vn Ibercon engraved. Bear this in mind,
and he a rt deceived.
"l he virtues of these pill, call be appreciated
T .tt,Tu I.V
those who have used litem. 1 hey are
, ... aea;, ,i.tiirA in earrvinj off innrhiJ
; aoapieu w 9
t matter, obstructions, impurity nf Ihe blood. 4c
They are a gentle and tlleclivo purgative, correct
II the function, of the liver, and aa an alterative
in dropsical affertions they are very valuable and
should le in every family. They have an outside
coaling of pure While Sugar.whereby everything
diagrrcaMe lo taale or smell i. entirely removed
without in Ibe least auecling Ihe excellent quali
ties of the medicine. Remember ! ibey are now
, up in boxea turned out of lhe .olid wood
covered with a red label bearing the signature ot
Or Swayne: none oiher geuotoe.
none other is genuine.
The above valuable Medicine are pre
pared only by Dr. 8 WAYNE, N W corner of
Eighth and Race atresia, Philadelphia.
Atnl for Union Cnunly, Pa-
C AV Muffle, and Thornton & Maker.Lewisf.nrg
Seebold and v B Meneh, MiHerabtrrg
.1 VVilaon. W B,MnII..&Taylor,Mifilinburg
MoaSpeeht, Beaveitowau Will & Eilert, Harlletoo
D I Boyer, Cetttervilra
Ssssl Haupt do
D dtScbnureJSelinagr've
I oungraan -cc Walter.
D 8miih.Moaet s Tatley
i ; ly Valley
B St Summere.Freeburr
Hcts'j Keller.Navy lahltld
WOULD in Ibrm the publio, that they
have oprnied shop on Fourth street
lower slory of S. W. WjkofTs old tnnd,
op'ioile llunt-r Pjrdoe'a shop, where they
JUST received a genuine article of Cud
Liver Oil lor wholesale or retail.
Nov 13 Dr Thornton & Baker
Ulcerated Sort Throat.
It is well known that, if .iieiUciei?, this
complaint invariably leds to Coiisnu'p'i.ni.
If iho-e sunWntjr from ihf di-tre wojl l
pply Dr.Trask's M-tjinelte iriiitmefit.ihey
1 1 ; . , . j ,:.r . ..ii
foil it Una imoienuiie ie"' i. r -r .r-
;-..i... ..ti ,i. ..,.!. n.t .. it
n.uiai.i van - '- o
S .!d in Irf'wislnjr'r. wbolestile or retail.
by Thornton & Baker. 1 rice
.i una at i
els per bottle.
wtaJJ .,!.:
T i
tHE subsenbera have asocial. U uuuer
l.o V'wta nf
her. rni oi
da K lirUssft-l
f ir the nurnose ofrnrrMii'- on
Wholesale Grocery and Gt'nersl
-.-...:.,..; wl K..rt :mlinr
VyUllllJliW"" una ' 1 o
i i II I '
hus!nes I.IIH'l.-il oainT
on nil kincM ol tioiinirv I room "
, . 11. ...u
..f business, new Warebou oil I lie " harl
! im.m-ditri ;J;;!;IJv0. ff.
j,', VllAN vt'ol'.FG.
Lewisburg, Pn. Au. 7. 18 10
i - R KM OVA I..
I The Lewisburg Eatins-Kause,
UNDER the miin i-em iill J Vi'Fad.liu
2.1. is removed into 'he Insemi-nt ol
Mhu Inrim brick house on the corner from
Gen Green'. Market Nt lwistmr.w r.i re
the public can be a. c nod .led wim tne
best ol
w aTi-.Ow-TI' ET: VS.
Fried. Slewed, R as!ed, r in lhe Shell ,
o. i ... ..i.l o, ,.. rl... SI.pI
niCWU. IV ' ' " " 1
TRIi'E done up in 'he Ires' lyle I ijls-
Feel Bread, Pint. Cakes, Nut. Candy,
The public may r.-l assured that the
eiiling-bouse linH Ik- kept ch sm ami ord
erly, and small bovsiinl rowdies not he
l er'mitted to loai l" re ' Ti ir!cl a lention
to the wants of lhe public in our line, we
hone to receive a share of its patr-inae.
J. M'FADDIN io A'i-t-
N B. After the 11 of Nov., families
can b supplied with Oysters in the s-heti
by the hundred, halt'-h indn d,
Lewisburg, Oi:t. 'i t
E N T A L C A R I)
jjr, John Locke,
SURfiEOX DENTIST, resper ifully inf.rm
hi. friends and the public in gi-nrral, Ih u
he has Conclodni lo make l.ewiturg bia riua
nent place of retiilf nre. Dr. I., hag taken rooms
on Market Square, firal d.xir Iwlow the Printing
Office, which he has fitted up lo operate in. He
aidt'iice at Kline's Hotel. v'TUr third --ek
Week in every month, be may be found ai Ei-k-beri'a
II itfl, in Milion.
Dr. Locke is a rr-iular gradual' of I hi- Uilti
more College of lrnlel Surgi-ry. iH-ai.'.e ubi. h
qualiftcation he has had lha advantage nf five
y-sr" exprrieiK-e in the ptnrlire nf hi prole.-sioii
Hi Prnnvylvania. Ohio. Ihiiioid, Wi-cousin, and
the city of Unltiiuore, Md.
Df. I., inkea all ihe JourmU nf the day whirh
contain new and unelul iiitminalhni in ihe line
r k;- ..r.... . fr.mi hia arr;.neinniis
with the best manufacturer of teeih, gold foil
Air .ll .lv. Iiavn m. band l.ir the arcomui
. rf . CUilom,.M ,he ,rv U-t uuihir of
! all lhe material, o-ed in bis huiu-s.
l-irttiia lniniF IM-nial OiN rations ii.-ii 'i'm-.i
" .. f ,
r.j ... .,. . i . I,;,., anil
j win mm ii tu uit-ir auvaiiiaKc . -
.she is deiermiiiedri.it lobe n.rp.s.ed iu lhe
beautv and durability of his opcraiious hy anv ot.e.
rWr - Person, for wlmm J.K.llut s.l inserted
.T .-'Z i
ilir mouth, a.
...lilt l. Ill", a n..-E ... " j-
s. prepared by Mr.tlou !. nud con I
i do their rcj jiiiiu at a h vrr rate '
th..n it can l e done lor eleewhere. as it saves the
irnuii in iiiaiiv rase oi iiiuKiiitz iir inw-i.
-j . . 7. . ,.a.i-
I.ewi.hurg. Oct. 17, 1819.
Harrison's Columbian Ink,
y N Q.ir, p,ntj Mn,i iri;,!r siz..( bott'es,
I nU.h lliet and Indelible. This
celebrated Ink lor t-al bv
TATE of Philadelphia, i. tit I st.il en
j M irki t .treet. I.ewiburg, opposite Mr. J
Schrryer. store, where he niteu.is lo oi.ern(ton.
on lh) leeth at a rwlu.-iiou nf his former p h-es.
Teeth and roots ol teeth removed with the aid of
improved Instruments ai.d in an easy manner.
Filling teeth and selling oil pivoU or plates atten
ded to a.-cording lo lhe hitosi improvements in the
profession I'lccrated, spuni! v. and in fl lined finnn
cured. Thanklul for p.isl tavo . he. solii-ils n
roniinuance nf public pilrimase Ko innmie i
materials used f r fillings in teeth. Ij-Srt j
-,-t -rt.vM.4
at (he old stand.
RE3ER i Tomiiss
VRE now receivin?; a their old mid well
known stand on Market street a fuil
nud well seiectei assortment of
Fall and Winter
comprising the usual variety of
jbry Rood,
a roc fl Pi i es.
U-OnWAOC nnil fll!CCrV? ADC
i n ft ft LI 11 nni. utuitflinuk,
Salt, PTsll, iNailS,
etc. etc.
Our Goods -are warranted to be cheap
as the cheapest, and nood as the best
new or old. Thankful fur past patron-iye
of friends, we ask for a continuance of
their favors ; and new comers and strang
er wc respectfully invite to
Call and Sec!
I i i I REUEft & IDDINtiS."
U'wtsburva, Oct. H, 1S40
' f ;-., f,:-,
i ItiOLi.l) re,r'etMiIlv int'inn ii;s 'in
. .,.,.,.
I V Inei dinnd the public iff -cne.a.,
Ii i
' that he is no rtc ivinsr a la rye
of Gh!s it(U)i'ed to I
I; :in , thft iim'iiii
: and Ihe ! in
- - ..
, Q.) I'T lollies;
I .
l-i!fui.Miii.i l' :t.. .
(Cans, lioots, &c , for il.c UotsjiWlM VivUUUil,
14 ARn W ARh
! (Ji. enswaie Iron N'ail Fwh Suit
c.e. ck,-.
' ..hi,. I. In- nirr nil I he owes! arid 1'ioM
; ,.i;n N.nti. t.ii llm nrliifltj'e l
, ; . .
iil-.-'.hi -, .. .. , ,
, u smnll I'roliN :ul UM.'K Salts."
(Iru.cliil fur past pain.niigr-, we invite a
ilWrmiinaring pul.li: i call and examine
our slock of ?.I.T( h iiiii;z", which wc are I
conrdent will 'Ire snMsla-;.-rv to all. ;
Lewi-b'irL'. iVt. 15, l?W ,
A he ul of.Cotnpeiiuou
j j ggj j CV
ui,tiMire i,, iform:n2 tl.f
, ,. . ' ,
I p'ib.'l : thnl t.iey
h iv-! received the lar
li.i a. fi-ie. c ;r-ai.est and tne mo.si
al,i.na.i!e assortment l (iJULIb
j j&t to this commimity s it
isla.-.liim h; ri toinre r -nj'erert
it is iir-suriii .1 is a suliii-ient
t,v tbiu
inratiU e Icr
1 1.
- - - i
' 1?lZwIT; -u-nera-e ,h,ir alm-k.
' 1 , i i j - -
w.uld he ut.e,ll.Mi.s, and ind-ed lins.ssi-
b'e; but those, willing I" purrhn-e. are
invi'ed to c:ill and judje lor tneinr Ives,
I .. I. ... ila...k.li,.v f-Uptl flFTO-
j , - y E S &
, ij.i,,, , M. 17, N:
j . ..
.r MM
ale hv
j. 'Hayes a. no.
S.-1-t ".'O
"I? mall Profits and Quick Sales
CFirt hfhh" hi;,,-', II 'f I.J
., .... ' , ,, c t.i, ,
pHE public is rr-spe.-1'ullv i:if .rmed tha
i I IO:IN I-OI13 I V.M nt' received ami
i no efS-rs tor snle a very large str.ck of
i . .11 l?, j:...'nn.
1 1 Cv t III It I iittm.,
i:ii'iirii.ing nil nriel-a
i I
g; wraMv M '
r cirM. uilli lhe ii r -1' 1 1' f Of rrVinv
', ,-. i.;j, ..I" , n ills llflt 11.11:. II.' l.n.U 'hi III
j . , ...; . .r ,1,.. ,....b
r iprounir . .in rin. imi 4i .-....
; .
i is rrsiifrt'tl.lv invited
A mii. mv lo k
js hre variety ol
.-.lkk..s r - a .- w 1
l!:m!waret Ced.tr-wnre, etc. ttc.
ureal inducemects arc offered, as a liberal
! abatement ill lie made.
at the new cl)eH c:ish store.
Leishuri, Oct. 2. IS 111
Dr. Hose's Keiicines.
I 1.1 all USUI l I li'.'.i. .ii rnm, v
, ,. .. ,, 7 vt i- ,
suh; n.-ni l. r r. It.-e' M.-dicrit s. Ir
,. . . 1 1-
I. mmi county, IW ihnn to 'he put. In-;
ti i i.. i..,..n ..nn..;..t..
, " r .
u-nh nrrvii r.nif;ili'iire Hi to llieir hl act
iind cerlaoilv nt elhv'.in cures I i nil imps
for which they are iles ;m-J. A ino'e l si
oi:ly is rcipiired lo establish the I ri.
Sept 27 S S BARTON
New York Fall and Winter FA
"I I'.ST r-ceived at the Fa-hionn'tile Tat'o
, Imin estubiishin' ii'. next d .r to the
p.-wtOfft'c. JOHN It MILLER.
L-wisburo, Sept 2l, llil
Superior Coi-kinir Stoves.
I'he subs' liU-rs h.-ive on baud theEtni
! Air-Tisht
t'ooki'o' Stove,
.i r .
arranoed lor!
Wood or t'oal. Tl.osi- Stoves are superior
to iinylhino iil'll.o kind ever offered in the
i Country, and will Lf sold nt reasonable
prices.' S & I. WOLFE.
U-wi-bur?, Pejit IU. 1-4'J
OLD DR AD S. P. 'lX)l'JiSmiD''S
com pound syrup ot barsapanlla
UST ree'd from the old Dr. n hiroe and .
Iri-.-h supply of his celebnled medicine i
Irmnllie principal De(Kit in New York.
Persons wishing to pnxruru barsiipariila
can have either the old or young Dr's, gcu-1
nine and fresh, by c;i!lin;r on the Aoent,
Lrwisimg. Juuc C W si H KFI.E
- - - - -
Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a.
VLAKfiK and fiesh suppN of thl celebrated
Mislieine. just iereised from lhe piinciful
Deuol in New York, end fur sale at the tie
Drug and Chemical store nf
" Ur lhiiriilun y Btiker
Umdow SASH.
A lot r.f HxUI Window Sash, from the
chenp MantiUctorv of Sprout iVt Burrows,
ru hand, and ad sizes oot u oruer on
short notice.
M,iy,lU I G Lawshe
iVJiiH up Again f
OS T respectfullv inform their Iru-mt
th" piiiific th.ii thrT are now receiv-
iiiLi their uual supply 01
' mlScrchandizc
cufated in ipmhVy, pricf, anil qOnhtrty
-.1 . .. ... i .1 ... nn.nn.
to supply in ms oi me tr-u...s -
tn'v niioiarmg
Qifeemidare, fish, tyc.
of which are ottered on our uual
i . . r. . L n i
. mi
, Hrcomiuiwaiing terms lor vusu, i luuuir.
; r l-oh1 credit
We i&vite and hope to merit a continu-
anrej of lhe very liberal patronage hereto
lore extended to us.
l.'&i J. WALLS.
Irftivishurg. Oct. 10, 1849
i.r TUB
ILL commence on Monday, the ztd
ul Oeloher. Insi ruction a ill be given
( j as heretofore, in all branches necessary io
, a i borough education. Exerci-es in Ccm-
pnsifion ami l'erkm:tion will te required, and
inct aiuntion will he i sid lo the loimaiion of
i regular babiu of aluily in lhe jcunser vembeve
nf 'he -h"ol. The reputation of i InMhetiva
! nifi i,e irtaiie t.r rrrt. not uin lhe nomber, but
I n( mi .he procesa of the HuJr-rjt. The aubaert-
. t . .1 .... n, .. . ..kM m AM ,kH A
! "F 7 " ftV
for ihe bmher Ench-h. iS ; and fur ibe comaiosj
. blirtbi. Bf of wkfc
. J KA D LP H, J'rindpuL
Lewi..ur;. Oct. 3,
CLeaper than Ever
TIlIIE siilau-iibera have ihe I'leasnre to announas
1 lo their .M customer, and the public in gan
' i-r.il that they h ive opened a large and .plendid
ai-ruirfiit of TOBACCO &C. althsoM
: stand on Mjiket street furoierly occupied by Sam I
! Ammons ss a Tailor shop.
" Their entire slock haa been selected wila great
care, and couti.ts of
! t'lsarrt Kracraneia. La Norma. Primavera,
I Prir.cippe. Werner'. Regalia, Castello, Ceaeral
' Taylor. Half Spani-h, and Common.
I 1 C'iit en!ib Tobacco siahier's Black
i Fat, Congrese,- Oionoko, Urmch Stag, Plag, sad
I Fine Cut.
Smoklns; Tobacco Cat and Dij,
i Srafferta'te. Ac.
1 !lln'-Kappe and Scotch.
,; Boiea. tier.o.n rip, and a faney art.
i r. ot iig:,rc.rf .11 of which are offered at
I ihe lowe-i ratp All kind, of Produce taken in
I "rb-nge. Call. aee. and judge for yoaiasives
before eoud.mi.ing ibe article..
I.en ishlir?, April 21, 1849 '
I 'HE sub-icriher has on hand and ia
Best Foundry,
P. B
Nut, amT 9
(a.a.a. wmcn win oe disposed of
j reasonable fvrms.
j J.s,'49. I.G.LAWSHB.
The subscriber respect
fully inform the citizena
of Lewisburg and vicinity
that they have eomenced"
the above business, at M.
I late's old shop on Second
.v't. one ,su;ire south of -Market. here tbey
i . a ... rnn I!.. ...k.. . tv
, . . . . . .
; aixl iruke all arlicles in Hit ir business ill
! ..
i 'he most workmanlike manner, at Drreea
..... , ... . . ., T ' -
wiiii-n in t-v none win uiuure mvse wisninaT
! anvlhinir rhine in their lin In g.t iinl
juile ihemselves belore goiug elsew here,
i r.epanin done on the shortest no:ie
i n I nu reasonable terms also Shoeinrr
I wntcii is a very important mat-
, t r to (hose that have valuable
. hrces, and should beentrusfetl
! only In h rsmis ol know n skill.'
! e ll.it'er ourselves that we are able to
j ci.rnptte wi h any person in the country in
Sboeiiio l!..r- s : we ask only a trial, and
let the work show lor itself.
All work warranted. Iron and all kinds
of country Produce taken in eschanp.
We hope by strict a tenti n to btisinesa.
and a detennination to suit all, both in
work and price, to receive a liberal share
oi puD'tc paironnop.
-,, , . . w
li.tllj CK tlilillnl.
Iwisbnrr;. May 22. 1849
Harrison's Columbian rks,
-J )I..('K. Japan. Copying. Marking. Blue, In-
1 dilible.S
Scarlet, Kel, Carmine. These Ink.
flow mote freely from lhe pea, and give a strvnaae
nwie durable color thaa any other. For aalo
1 io any uuaninv by ,
i dk. Thornton it baker. Agsw
lwi-bung. Itniaa Co. Pa.
fPP O Fieh Green and Black
J JjiVO Teas from the eelehrafrrj
establishment of M Calmont & Bond, f.r
s.,ie i,y I G Lawshe
f AST-Steel, Amer. Blister Steel, Nails.
! V' Spikes. Locks, Latches, Hinges and
j Screws. Ac. for sa'e by I G Lawshe
. I.
- 1
"'OR the Trade. A lot of Drugs and
I uosin on nnna. wnicn rne suoscriovr
V Ii 3 L w. -t (L Ti.
the subacriM
I G Lawshe
i offers at C08t.
CJOMETHING NEW Soapsione Grid.
O dies for sale by I G Lawshe
IRIME Old Java Coffee fr sate by
' G Uwshe
HITK Wheat Flour, also Rye Flour.
for sole by
j G Uvea
X. now rec
ry i tuir
; t
,t (
; i