l EWISBUHG CIIUONICL.K AND WEST BRANCH FARMER PlBSIDEHT't HESS AGE. Felht tititem of the Senate mwt HouMt of Reprettntativet : Sixty year have elapsed since I ho es-nrWiahim-nt of thia Getinwr and the CiMicreM of the United Stale again aanrwible. to- legislate for an empire of fienaea The predictions of evil prophets, wlo formerly pretended la loretell I he doworall of our institotione, ara now re ntefnberecf only to ba derided, and the United State of America, at thia mnmrnt, present to the world the moat tabl and permanent Government on earth." Such i the mult ol the labors of those who lvegor before u I'pon Long ess ! .01 emineMly depend he future maunen- Mce af our system ol free government, and thetrwo.imsMon of , ...impaired, to . V011- . - ., 1 We are at peaca wan all the Lcivtliz d , world, and aeek to maintain our rherished j Hanon, of amity with the rest of ..n-! kind. During tte past ,ear. we have been . . . j .. blessed by a kind Providence, with an uj .v r . r l ahlinrianrr rl the fmile f thi. rartK . ami alihougli the destroy ing angel, for time, - , u....r visited extensive portions of our territory I with the ravwge. of. dreadful pestilence. .k l. i. . l j i yet, Ihe Almighty has at length detgned to ! t!."V." V 10 ,he I bleble.ngortrneral beal.hio a , eople ! ! nrotection P a . " , , ... . I nave M-runu ouny avoim a anv inter- - ' ' ' . , fcreoce in the wars and contention which . ,.. . ... . w rrcrnnv uusiracirii r.urope. K Jlurina fhe laleecnflirtlielwien Auhtr a . B bu nunniiry, inere m-emeo 10 tie a prcs- r. J7 ... 1 11 . . . peel that tke latter might become an mde- prnaeni nanon. However taint mat pros j - . Im ii . .1. . x .k. .. . i r .u k. .. .. L...- a . -u . l i TllltV III irmirflBliil asvith Ihil nnnnrul : , r.. . i , aentiawnt tr the American iople, who j , ... . . .. . 1 - deeply symr.ih.sed with ihe Magyar pa.n- T Tr .? 97t!ti' U'T ' T cy ol 'lie establishment by her of a ' . . ... , . . perwanrni government, 10 oe .ae nrsi in welcome mdrnendent llunuarv into the family of Nations. For this purpose, I invested an agent, then in Europe, with power to declare our willingtirss promptly to recognize tier independence in the event nf her ability to sustain it. 'I he powerlul intervention of Russia, in the eontest, ex tinguished the hopes of the Mninlin Magyars' The United States did not, at any time, intarftre in the contrst ; hut the fcctings of the nation ware strongly enlis' d in the caure, by the sufferings of a save people, who had made a gallant though onsuccesslul effort to he free. Our claims upon Portugal have been, during the past year, prosecuted with re newed vigor, and it baa beta my olj.-ct To employ every effort of honorable diplo macy to procure their adjustment. But I MUX now say, it is a matter of profound regret that tnee claims have not yet been net t fed. The mnisaion of Portugal to do jaatice to I lie American claimants has now assumed a character ao grave and serious twl I shall shortly make it the subject of a special message i Congress,; ith a view to such ultimate action aa its wisdom and atriotism may suggest. With the Kefablic of Mexico, it is our true policy to cultivate the msl friendly elation. Since the ratification of lhe tteaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, nothing ha ccarred nf a serioua character to disturb i hem- A faithful observance of the treaty, d a sincer ..-n f k-- .tpnts, can not fail to secure the lasting confidence are? friendship of that repub!ic. Your atleotion is earnestly invited to an amendment of our existing laws relating to the African slave trade, wnh a view to I he effectual suppression of that barbarous traffic A contract having been concluded with lhj State of Nicaragua, by a campany composr d of American citizen, for the forpose of constrocting ahip canal thro' th territory of that Stale, to connect the Atlantic ana racinc oceans, .nave o.recaa . ... , , , ine neKo.....o. . . .r.v h-,.Bu., pledging both governments to protect those who shall engage in ami pertect the work. All other natn-ns are invited by the State of Nicaragua to end r into the aame treaty stipulations with her ; and the bene, fit to l derived by each from such an ar rangement, will be the protection of this areai iuiT-ucnc nUmr.u,. m,.i ...y power w hkh migh, seek to obstruct it. fr e mMiAiwiliM itn nHvltfifiif,M- ' '' , .k . f .k . . rc i, k . ,k7 . i ure to be resorted 10 r nlv in extraordinary fiscal year ending on the thirtieth of June . .. . ....,:. 1 . : k . con no-? Kn ..j i eases a where it may lieeomc necessary last were, in cash. S48.830.0U7 50. and in ..... ., ' Treasury n 'et funded, $l0,8:M.0tH. ma king an aggrejeata ol $aU,riC3.tV SO, and the rspenditU'tea for the same lime were, in rash, 46,794,fi6? 82, and in Tieasury ' note funded. 10. 833.0011, inakiug an ag jregate of $57,631,007 3- The account and estimates which will hm submitted to Con pre in the report of the Si rretary of the Treasury, show that there will probably be a deficit, occasioned by the rxienses of the Mexican war and treaty, on the first day of July nut, of $5,828,121 66 and on the first day of July. 1851, of tlO.147,10 1 73, making ta the whole a probable deficit to be provi ded for, of $16,375 214 39. The ema erdinary expenses of the war with Mexico, and the purchase of California and New II..UM ..Ml ?B ....... k i- I I l.h . m u niiniuui ...m Winn, 1 , a , -, , elher with the l.w.n heretofore made for I Great F"---1 Le'on Mills on rh obpet. I therefore remmmend that I Kishacoquilla creek near Lewislnwn, be antboriiy he given to borrow whatever j longing to John A Sterrvt, were destroyed urn may Le necessary to cover that d-fi- ' BV fire on Monday evening last. The loss rit. I reeommend ihe observanre of Kiriot i . " . , . eooomv in the appropriation and exiK-nrft I " "'e I""?" ' lhe lure of the public money. j peueof construction having been 30,000, I recommend a revision of ihe existing taritr. and it adjustment on a Iwms I.k-Ii sn.y -cmr. ...r rrjrowr. , u .., a,HIW . . . .U.. I J . . a . . i ihe rifchl or doty of Congress lo et.coota-r I ooasiw inoustry, wnicn is me preai sV4irce of national as well as individual wealth and prosperity. I lock to the wis fcwn and patriotism of Congrey for the doptioa)- of a system which may place hosntt labor, at last, on a sure and pern. a-ss-al footing, and, by duo encouragement nf manufactures, give a new and increased Mimnlua to acrirultura. and promote i.e - development of onr vast resource and the ' fX'immoo of our commerce. Believing j that to the atiainmrnt of these ends (as j well as the Dccenry augmentation of lhe revenue and the prevention of fraud) a r.inn of aoecdic duties la beat aaaateu, v strongly recommend toCongres the adop tion ol thai system, nxmg ine uuues i rate hiuh enough to aflbrd aubstantial and sufficient encouragement to our own indus try, and at the same time ao adjusted as to insure stability. The question of the continuance of the Sub-treasury system is respectfully sub milted to the wisdom of Congress. If continued,- important modifications of if appear to be indispensable. I respectfully recommend the establish ment of an Agricultural Bureau, to be con Keeled with the Department of the Interior. prosperity, and d'hi, of . his multiplying hi. source, of in J he of every statesman, and a primary object with every ' . ' 3 1 a or:, . . . J1? c'v,'' S'"' 1 " '? ? e b ' ""f88 ' T.Vi i? of thut Territory, impelled by the neccssi- , . v. ', j,:, ,i. lies of their mimical condition, recently ( j i met in convention, for the purpose of form- j ing a constitution and State government. mf. co"s u ! - ? " r 7 ! h.ch. the KJ"!'" to suppose, has been accomplished , anu Hi . i,hor' ,p,v or ,he .dmission of California into the Union as ; Rlnle should such be the 'T,d 'heir, constitution be con 1 , , "t j u . I I tut ion of Ihe United States, i rcommend . i ,orowl)le 10 ,ne requisiuons ui uik v-uii t tut ion of the United States, i rcommenc . . i- . .1 r .. .i t. .-y. ibeir application to the favorable consider- ! . ; ation or Connress. .. r v . 11 : ,.,;m .i, :, 11 h. 111.111 A nl &W MEXICO Will 11 . -i-r- - . - : , 1 u 10 w.m a T ne u.rv n ini nei 1011 iirt-s- I is believed, at no very distant peiiod pre- . , ,- , i. i: i .ni iVmic1v lor unmissinn into Hie I'm mselves lor 'reparatoty ... i.,. , ,v, Hm;i..n f t'l. ,,.- ..iM.in.v. on ) v ... . ,,, ru i norma a have instituted for themselves a reiul- . 1 ! ican form ol government, laving Us loun- ; . . u , j I datians in men principles, nnd organizini: , . . Jch (Jm ,s . m ,hai ' m most likely to , fllct their safety and ; , ' happiness.' . . ,m raim u j awuimi - - uneasiness may be avoidni.and confidence and kind feelina presetted. With a view of maintaining lhe harmony and trannuilty so dear to all, we should abstain I'roin llu intinduction of those exciting topics ol a sectional tharacter which have hitherto nminA ..Al.irnl amiri tl.llvlOllM 111 lllL fltltl! VUU1.1U I'HII'iUi l I lie mind; and I r peat the solemn warning of Ihe first and nmt illustrious ol my pre decessors a. a list furnishing "any ground for characterizing parties by geographical d iscriniinatii ns." I recommend i arly appropriation for continuing the river and harbor improve ment which have been already beun. and also l, the censiructtod of .hose for whah estimaies nave iw-en ii'aur f.-ioi..ii 10 i- con.n encement ol such others as the wains .. 1 :..n.. .1 -J of ilcouolrv, ond especiallv the ad.ance ' , 1 .. - . 1 ,, . .r . .a v .'in.n naw lihlrii-tv Mini Ilia ttf iuir .mnu!iftiiiin ikwr iiffw lislrii-ls.niid lilt t 1 extension o. eo..,ii.ercr, mny renarr mcrs- arv. An estimate o! Ilie ailioiitil which eanadvanl.-.geouHlyexpndedwuhin. he 1 eM fiscal year, under the direction of the Uurt-aa ol It -nourapinrai .nj!ineers, 11c-, companies the VeJ of lhe Secretary of; War, to which I itecl!ully ufk ihcntttn- lion of Congress. It is submitted 10 the wisdom of Congress j whether a lur-her .eduction of p-siage j should not nw be made, more particularly . , .. , ' 00 letter correspondence. ; I confidmilv believe that a eh"",'". -- Miety be mud-, reducing all single leiler j postage to the uniform rate ol five ct ills, regardlea of distance. I Among the du ie ass-gned C'.n lilution io'he(.. iieri.UiOernnni is ne of lota! and limited application, hut no'.on j that accout. the less obligatory; I alludu to A the National metropolis, the city ol Washins'on must lie an object ol ie icn I in'erct ; and FainoVd as it was under the , bim iammUil nafrie it ; - . . . . r,mletn2 care of Congre present themselves wnn addition - al strength. Whatever can conir bu.e to its prostientv roust enlist the feelings ot its Conslituiioi-al cuardians, and command their lave rable consideration. The check provided by the Constitution, in ihe elnuse onlerr.ng me rjuaiiiiea veio, , ... , . -. . , : 1 Uie fathers of the I ... J I Kepulic I view it a an extrene meas- to defend the Kxerutive against the en croachment of the lci.latie power, or to prevt nt hastv and inconsiderate or uncon stituiion legisliiticna!. . A'tat-hmeni lo ti e Union of the States should be habitually fo?terd in every American heart. For more lhnn half a ; ; , , . . , . . , ' century, dunr? which kingdoms and em- 1. J . . . I pire have fallen, this I'ninn has stood mi-1 haken. In my judgment Ihe dissolution j would be greatest of calamities, and avert that should be the study rl every Americ- an. u hatever cnnjje r may threaten, I diall stand by it and maintain in it integ ritv.to the full rx'ent of the obliiMt'on im posed, and lhe power conferred upon me by ! the Constitution. Z TA I LOR. Washington, Der. 4, 1849. of which sum 5,0(I0, was covered by in-' Urn. e ;n the Cumlierland and 5,00 in . Frank;n Frm 5fll, , , (,(, Luiht of groin were destroyed in the mill. Tha only duuhter of Judge Joel Jones. Myor of Philadelphia, aged six year, died the next day after Christmas, in con sequence of her having swallowed a -earl button on the Jlmday previous. Lodging n her Ih'oal it produced inilammalion. tier sufferings are said to have been of the most intense character. Green corn in Savanna market 21st ult. j the t ust commuted to Congress, aslneex- j SUrreling well in all other operations, 1 elusive lepislator and sole guardian of ihe ,vrH jn kRrve, fi,., . lnjj teing District of Clumbi. I beg to commend; -,u .1 .1 . . . . ...... 1;. j ...,;,. fit ly sntisficd wnh them in this capacity, intrMta ta our kitiu attention., ' From the N. J. ErangeKul. Wagons and Carts. A farmer in Eogland, named Edward 1$ Laddington, haa produced a prize essay on the comparative merits of wagons and carts, which should arrest the n'.tention of our farmers; for if he is right,our farmers, in general, are wrong.' After five yearn' experience w ith wagons, and nearly the same with one-horse carts, on a farm of one hundred and seventy acres of arablef and .eighty acres of pasture,' he came to the conclusion that the carts were of the greatest advantage. As our farmers nil use wagons, let them pay some attention to his statement. Us says, " I have no light plowing land, nor hnvn I more than twenty or thirty acres of very heavy land. I will, therefore, relate my actual exper ience. In the employment of wagon and the old broad-wheeled dung carts, I re quired one cart, and three homes to every i fifty acres of arable land. I sAw kept a "g", C"" 'r KM,erU' PurP,,!ies- wo" ,niu 1 -ra m' Ci"" lM 'W ' .. . , through n.y work much more easily wuh two horse and two c. rts to fill, acres." In the calculation ol items, hi saving W08 four Holnr$ , (ie cullivatjon a. . a Bvf ol or.e acre in the year. Atsin liesa, , . , , It is admitted that one bortc, attached to a given weight, will move it more easily , . , , .. . 1 lUnn .... fl...l.n .I.I..I.I.. 1. n t ....u..u ... u..UUiC ...... r n.. . weium. this arises not only Irnm the , ..... .. . advantae g hiik u oy navmg nil ini poner r .ir.,hi , ln, 1.1 il ,.U b!o u!I applied at the same moment, wbicli is al- most itupoMftihltt wheietwo or more horses, j having different wills and steps are at- j tached to the wctiitit ; ni.j i... iu reason one hore will travel mote quickly- When a cart is fi'Vd, there is no delav I in Mttarhinp the triirt-.liores rlnrttiir m hii-b operation the one horse would be two bun. ! il""r'a ' , , ... , . Notwithstanding all the precaution or dted yards on the road. I know this' ,. . , , . .., . . , , - . . . . . I ihe Po!ic Kossuth medals have hccnin- ; tI, rcaiy i0 chance il.o horse, as is ihe! practice or oppoMtoo coaches ; but I am speaking of the iimtter-of fact workii g of j .i,.. .. ..... ti.,... ...: .. I..... .In s.atvi... . .in. 1:111.1, 7 .11 11 int. . . , T , is deposited, the one horse turns in much . facts ate It o sclr-t v dent to admit of con - ... . . , . . ,. . tradict.oa: indeed, I believe the economv j of carting manure in one horse carts is grneinuy ouowea ; om mi enip'oymeni f ,1Km ; harvesting i much obiected to. I I , ... , . . r ' , . 1 In this respect, however, I find llieiti 1 1 ; f.-linllv t'X r-tlil(nii iip r.-fi.i.i.ni-ul Mi . - ."- ' "ciuai experience is, mat inreecans, wnn ;:;ie harvest fren.ts attachtd, will crnve j s (!)IJch hay 0f port, m r rt-w M ,wo . , . , . ... Voi.s( nnd that . hey are hound with the ro!rs ln ' "J tone ; then no lime is lost in binding. They are easier loaded jto lhnn v-ajous, and not more d fllcull , mioa(1 a)(J fcft ,dva os rc ... . . gained ol speed in trave hnv. ,.im ttrst Vrnwn serious- . . ., . - . , ,. ly to the subject from hiring a mail to d raw nome tono for dtaining. ile came with a home only fourteen hand's high, cart, when the work he ae- coinph.ied an suprised ne, tl at I nl once decided to try two liht carls, hi. h, after j I scon discaided every wagon from the jrtn. J - lrjiiiii 111 tv in itiiuur. 1 Mr. Miller. so.re.whM eelebraled for his : vjew respecting the nearness of the advent, , dipd T)Ursd iC 20s, ' ul-' fi8il. year, He was born at Piiisfield. Mass., Feb. 15, 1782. When lie was four year ofage, ilia fiXthcf rpmove(J to lrw Hampton Washington Co., N. Y. At the nge of 22 he settled in Poultney, Vl., and was the di uty l ri:fl lor thai county. On I lie ci.mn.encement of the late war with (.rent Rrition, he received a Captain's commission in the U S. Army, where he remained till the peace. He look part in action at Plattsburg; where 1500 regulars. al.,d 40oo vo'umeers, defeated the Dritish , . ,Bni, r.. .i i.. 11. u wile li,vvu viniMSt Ann iiic viosr . , , ,,. Af I fa la a hn rarrnuorl ir Ina ltirA I, - "" In'e residence, where for several years he held the office of a justice of the prare. About IS33. he commenced promulga- j tin-i his view rslativo to "the end of lhe world.' and for the succeeding twelve years he traveled extensively throughout ihe Northern, Rastern, nnd Middle S'ates, and Canada. He was disappointed in the fulfillment of his expectation in 1843, and rame out the next year with an "Apo'egy and Defence,' acknowlrdginx the wont of tccu'U-y in his chronological calculations, hut claiming that the nature and nearness of ttie event was still sustained by scriptu ral evidence. In that belief he has since lived, and died (wa believe) a inenibvr of the l?nptit churh. The Providence Journal lell an nnec- dots of a ood old Connecticut ileacun.who was bitching a very feeble pair of oxen lo a vary heavy load of wood. A neighbor asked him how he expected to get such a large load to market with so poor n team. The good deacon replied that he expected aid from Divine Ptovidence. Hi neighbor asked him il it would not he as well to dis pense entirely with the rxtn, and trt Div ine Providence dtuw tl.t uholeload f Foreign News. The'teamship "'Cnmbrian .arrived M Halifax on the 18th ult. with' Liverpool date down to the I5th. Queen Adelaide, the widow of the late King William IV. died on the 3d of Dec. ember. Hr remain wer interred whh much ceremony on the Itfthnf Dpcfmlier. in St. George's Clmpcl, Windsor Castle. There is a general mourning throughout the kingdom. ,: Qt fe.v Victoria. The London Court Circilar annnunres that hr Majsty ac couchment i shorily expected. Piinre Albert, husband of Queen Vic toria, has just completed hi 30th year. The dealh'of F.benezer Elliot, the Corn Law rh mer, is announced. In France, lha attorney general r.rdftred the seizure of two Socialist journals. Pass port are In be discontinued. Our advice from Constantinople come down to the 25'h Nov. As et tba extra dition question has not been settled, nor, according to the best authorities, was it likely to be settled. In the opinion of the Times correspon dent, tha Emperir is only desirous of postponing a rupture till opring, whan his operations would he more favored by the season. Meantime Turkey is making ev ery preparation to meet him thould he aHanc. I lie English fli'e; ha lelt the ' i Dardai fill. ; an n n.. KjU is increasiii' her i il. t i. i AITair. in llumrarv continue unfiled. ' . r l ..." .i.. Mn..r A P8ihapnp"r states that prince Melter- letter to an Austtian . . I . ' , . , Austrian mnnarcuy can not i-uuj .a.-iuui: i!.. i..il llim.rnrv is msintnint d in its ; preceding tclalicns, as a separa'c s:a:c wnn troduccd into Hungary. They are consni- ered by Magyar patriots as ol inestimable value. Letters from Naples announce that 1 . ! .-real arrang e ents were in progrcs , but i . . . , t- . ! fur liut ol iccl wa unknown. lhe lor- .... j - . . : : I I 1 iress CI OUJia was wing repainu aim ' . , , ! armed. The roislilicial Irontier is being 1 . linnil Uilk Ironim. U(I fllTf!! COntlllUC. m o)d &fm 1 10 the Cardinal.). In an address to the ir ii ps he says, "your mission i not end- i d.'' The treasury of the Cardinal Trr umvirate is reported to be insolvent, No , . U"W hai e' Un ficd. fo' ,hc rK,urn ' ! the Pope. From California. Paxama. Dec. 4, IN9. The steamer Panama arrived here this day, having lelt San Francisco on the night of the t'5'.h of Movcinber. She brings 235 aliu trrtjnr to m mourn Ol eD8,S80. '1'here were ome fear entertained of famine in lhe interior of California. The rainy eason had set in, and it was leared that the commuxntion lietween those in the mines and lhe river lowns, where supplies could always be had, would be out olT, in consequence of the slate of the ruads and passe. Tais would also apply to the emigrants j across the mountain. Provision had 1 ia- I en verv hi.'h in San Francisco. Pork was j - . flonr f5 bUL The latter had declined, however, $5 on the day of the sailing ol the steamer. Warm clothing, India rubber coats and thick boots, were in great demand, bringing high prices, in consequence of the inclem ency of the weather. There was a good deal of sickness, dys entery and fevers, in San Francisco and the interior towns and settlements. The cholera wa at Maxatlan, though on the decline when the steamer left. The Election in San Francisco on the 13ih Nov. 3169 votes polled. Burnet is probably elected Governor and John M' Dougal, Lieutenant Governor. Scarcely any opposition to the Constitution. Mr. Butler King's chance for U. S. Senator is thought to be poor. ; Trcb Knolch. The readable character of a paper, in general, says tho Norway Advertiser, depends as much on tha juda- ,,, nnd ooChc edilor in lis - ... ... ..I,.,... II.. avii.,iituiatua uirvuuu vtuii wnv iii -v fitness for the post he occupies is to be es timated a much by his talent in ibis de partment as any other. It requires a kuowl edge of human na'uie to judge what read ers Plight lo read, and what lliey will read, and what, out nf the vast material found in exchanges should be selected for the improvement of his paper, and the pleasure and profit of his reader. The Southern Manner, at Athens. Geo., contain a ccpy of the Sla'e Constitution, of California, accompanied with this sen sible remark : "We have nothing to say for or against the anti-slavery clause in their Constitution.- That is their concern. not ours.' Consolation for' Maj. Cumrmns The Worcester Palladium haa this happy hit at the editor of a contemporary : V( The people of Worcester have elected the cdi'or of the Spy logo lo the fgitta. lure nnd elected aa ta Hay ot home. Thia if ehows plainly which thty tan epure bett.i is iniu. E. O. BICXOK, Editor. , -O. N. WORDEN, FubUiher. ; At l.:u.h In a.lTnrr. sl " thtw monlb. ?JpnM within thr yir, mkI ii.!-" at tl-. inl u tl- jrrar. Am-ntx In l'hlliilil'liia V II I'.lmrr mn B W Cur. JLewisbtirff, Fa. Wednesday Afternoon. Jan'y 2 Introductory. In consenting, (for an adequate consii! eralion) to lake charge of the Ediloiiul de partment of ihe Chronicle, and devote such lime fu-itas we can conveniently spare from our professional pursuits, our political opinions and party ties, so far as we are personally concerned, remain unchanged. But in our official cipaeity, as Editor of an Independent paper, supported as such, in good laiih, by men of nl! parties, we shall preserve an armed neutrality.' We shall leave party politics per e in charge of the respective party organs at thecoun- j ty seat. Yet, at the same time, we shall .! claim, and, whenever we think proper, ex ercise the right to discuss political suljcis with Irecdom and ind'-pendence, hut with all posiblc candor and fairness. Our sympathies are thoroughly with the working classes ; and we shall lend a firm and earnest support to iheir interest and rights. Wo believe in the universal bro- therhond of Man, and have unlimited faith "lri,y f,,r l,r,grrs9 8nd imPr"vc- i menl. And we sin II zenlousy advocate surn rc.orni. ..s fiium set-rn to us cio- ii i- r l . . i , I rnlntrtl rattiim tint tmiirnTW imr imc. I and enaanze trie soci al and political pnvi- t - ... fc" J " believe Jrsrit e and Rioar should be I lie controlling principles in (lit! affairs of lhe world, in opposition lo Caprice and Power; and the s.xmcr lli ir ascendancy can he established, the better it will be for our selves and our fallow men, and lhe sooner we may look for that "good time coining" fnr which Chrisluns'pr.iy, ari.l the world patsi'iitly wni's. We see no good reason, why a town of lhe population and husiuessof Lewisburg the central point, too.of soma of ihe richest agricultural districts in lhe State should not have a paper thsl would favorably compare, in character and patronagewith the best of its neighbor. We think it con have, and shall endeavor to verify our j assertion. Andcoupled w ith the acknnw ledged industry and enterprise of the Pub lisher, aided also we trust by n liberal and leady support at the hands of a wiahhv and intelligent community, we are persua ded the Chronicle will become a more efficient and attractive journal, adapted to the want nnd the tastes of the neon!- ! .....,:..l.U -A -.nlnn. . fn ttie families of it patron. H. (.'. IIICKOK. Tte Oil Year, inderful ilevelopi iv:.k :.. i..r..i .1... ., : .1-I . 1111 us wuuueriui iirveiopiiirni in uir world' history, has swept by, with solemn footsteps, into the immeasurable Past and r wnh il, ha gone the first half of the ... , IS incur nth Century. Statidiii" thus upou p 1 1 1. Ir.u.ulnn. tC 1 1 1.1 ninnliu.ik sink ..C : II.V .IJ'illUU. U, IIIUI-ICIIIll llllill Jt Christian time, what a rdrosjiccl.nnd what a prospect! What ntnazing events have been crowded into lhe last titty years, nnd what still mote marvellous changes may be in store fur lhe half century just ushered in! The first of its number, the NEW YEAR, wiib its fresh hopes and unlulh omed mysteries, has sprung into existence. What shall its record be? . What hopes and fears press in upon the heart, while the mind vainly strives to shape out ihe possibilities that lie shrouded in the future. What change shall earth's millions witness before the new year has grown old and gray. Shall the blessings of health be prevalent throughout the world, or must the wings of the pestilence be again outspread over the cowering na tionscausing men's hearts to fail them for fear, under its terrible scourging? Shall the friends of freedom lie enabled to rejoice in the progress of liberal opinions, or compelled to mourn over the reactionary triumph of the minions of monarchy! How many governments shall he overthrown, and what new ones created 1 What an cient despotisms shall disappear before the will of the people who have borne their yoke, and what new republic shall be es tablished upon their ruins. What shocks of adverse fortune may not Lc encountered by the wide spread British empire in the coming twelvemonth. Do brighter hopes, or deeper sorrows, await poor famished Ireland! Whit fiesh victories shall cheer the sturdy band of relortners in brave old Knland, in their bold but arduous warfare ngainst the adulterous connection between ihe Government and the Church, and the hoary abuses that, in the course of centu ries, have beet me s i deeply interwoven in tha frame-work of society ? ; Must chival. ric France continue to be but a " reed sha ken with the wind1" or will not the bold hearts of her people be roused to a just tetse of her mission and her powershake IF lhe va epyre who would enthral her, and prove herself worthy, before tha world, of the republicanism she had so freely chosen. Shall constitutional liberty b? re planted with enduring life, on the classic soil of Italy or will the spiritual power of the Vatican, and the mailed arm of ihe j warrior, still combine to crush its growth i and uproot a principle. &hali &ifzer. land, in her Aljiine home, maintain hor j aiicicnt Irecdom and renown, or will she, 1 as now seems possible, servil. lv b'tid her chainlets neck, and sell her birthright for a mess of pottage. Will not the muttering thunders of freedom Ipj again heard from the deep heart ol thoughtful Cerniany ? Will clio nr.t huvj. l.Mrmt1 i nir iAa .f genuine republicanism ; and, a'.hering t wisdom from experience, wiil she not gird herscif anew for a unile.J and succesful i-'-i-v. ' itnoc. kit Ik. I frightful ferocity of her captors, spring yet from hei bloody grave, and strike down : lhe pf.rndiou monster who have lapped 1 her b!oo(i iv , hmvl for more;" or mU!(, s(1Pt nWf be dismembered and uttr v d,.stroyH What encroachnv lit will j coossn K,ia be able to make, and what fatal check may she not teceive. in her fina Pfl;jrU to ee? away theTurkish barrier to her ambitious scheme, and open out, and cominanJ tiie ancient overland route t f .cltn, and thus divert, in part, the j eorntm.r(.e which England claims as her own. And if this crisis docs come, what convulsions miy nut be cau-ted lliroughout Eirope, by the deaih-strugale of lhe Sul tan's power. The sphyns riddle of Europe's destiny can not M l be sulved, nor the lute Ihul awaits her In truthfully conjectured by the most comprehensive and enlihiencd iti-tell.-ct. W hat sviul, polii'cal, mora! and com nu tc ul revoiurnii.s may bn locked for amongst Aein's count ess hordes on the untamed cuiitiurttt of South America and in lhe isles of the a. V hat lluctu:i tions sliull occur iu our on powerful con federacy. What sta'u.e, and what rank and influence shall Oregon, C,ili;'orni:i, Minnesota and Deseret attain 111 thegrea1 family of coinimmwenlths ; and w hat new Sta-es sh.-il! spriu!!, ilh Minerva-IifV l'ioo the bosom of our unexplored Met er 11 wil derness. In vthat r-lrtpc, and to what es ten, sh'ill the abiorlmi q'ifs'ion of Sla very be settled. Vl'bal unforseen vieiss: udfs may spring up in the administration of the internal a'iirs and foreign policy, f our Niittonil ( lover tiincnU And, 10 come closer home, what changes, and if what nature, may he anticipated in our own State, our county, our l.oroi.yli, anrt in our lamil ies, Ix-t'ote the light ofuno'her Mew Year's morning dawns upon the world. . Reader, what think you v. ill be the developnv n of this new year in I e his tory of your 00 inri;v.-i-i i.r. t v ill yotnh be reo.4 I,Ue . ilia enule, jout plnns be matured, your hoprs realized, anH 1 your life be prolonged or will sorrnus J fall, disappointments come, and Iheshadow 1 of lhe dnrk valley close around you, I mi;: ' ttr.rf tka ..tr.-tini. .riiann. Ii.wa .nuin v , 1 .. ' their Course. Ii In view, tlun, of life's pban- 1 toms as well as it rpliiia ,uv ilin...., ; . , . ., - r . , , ! need to Hie voice of wisdom from above, i , ,, ... ,, - , and Hie soli, smail voire of the monitor -.. , . u-lthin; Hurl u hill. vr.i. me:titi willi'lu.ik l.nn.t and hnp'-ftil amonus! earth's living glories, ever look thoughtfully forward lo that un known future whose veilel mysteries n mortal gaze may pieree.but which aleverv foot-fall in life's pathway may open to en gulf you. Ourself Agriccltnrally. It seem that our predecessor's commit tee of a'j:r.ri!liir;il edilois have resigned their pons ; finding, perhaps, that their novel vocation was attended with more trouble and lest lime than they had ex pected. Consequently, the discharge of their ofiicial duties will hereafter news.- iii xxr . nly devolve u;.on ns. e presume, how- ever.in the lulmes, of our professional modesty, that their triple mantle ha fallen upon suit iblo shoulders. For, are we not, if the truth must be known, a practical farmer, and that too of no small skill and experience I Jid we not, in our earlv t boyh.1, graduate wib highest honor orr ! a . . . . . I"""' ' Mr. Thomas Barber, in West I HufTalo, after a vigorous apprenticeship o- t full three mouth ! And did we not after- ward's, ot the I'ev. iJr. Ely's celebrated j Rtuitou. w were graiifird to observe that the manual labor college in notthern Missouri, ; t0 coueeru yielded him a libeial profit diligently cultivate an acre ofwhile bean, j rp-Ouf moa co,di.l wkno. ledgtnenu ar. due until Jack Frost slept in with his cruel ; to M.j.Jmi Gra.v f, ,h, fin. Iufket ceieJ veto, three week before hi tim. and :' on New Yeai's eve. . May he live a thousanJ rulhlessly demolished our wholo crop ' J"". -'"d his hJow (aod luilu-y.) never grow thereby causing a woful vacuum in ouri11 V"ilv wb" wouU'ut be ao editor, when sob treasure, and leaving u. like Mariu ! uch te hM,j prn.CT0 ta oVBd a Et . . , f, , i amona the ruins ol Carthage, motterin, ' "" with sullen resignation, "sour grape!" ! Wiih such ample credentials a these : at our command, we would like to know j who ha a better right than M.rself to be j ..- P,t;m r.f ih f.'Bt H,. IB. I I Agricultural Society ? fJO"Capt. Gundy 's Agricultural com munication and a variety of editorials are crowded out this week. We have l no ly room to announce ihe sppttrance of the .'a .. No. nl 'The Cuardian," (a $1 monthly M atzinr jut iwoed by Rev. II. Harhaagh, LrwUdmrc.) - Its mechanic! apiea ranc U bigh'y crnliiuhle to ihe Printer, and it literary eontvnia mid Editoiial management give promkie of eataiuiv osefuuieaa and popularity. 7 We send the Chronicle to a number of persons, not subscrib- ers, whogenameR we should be pleased to have as patrons. Those wno decline the proposal, can airr. nify their wishes by returning thc' n bh.lOND JNo. sent r ii From Harrisburg. The legislature has been organized, and the Governor's message may be daily exacted. Valentine Best, of Danville, (Dem.has lif-en Inefed Siie:,Ler nf tha Srn.rr- hr W'hig vote it n aid. John P. M'Cal- . mont, of Clarion' county, (Dem.) haf I been chosen Speaker of ihe House, and : " ; :. , lICrK r7We should be happy to receive original communications on all subject, ! suilahle to our columns, ibat would be likely :o interest or instruct our reader. There is, if it were properly brought out. enouj,h talent lying idle in our town and valley, t fill our paper, weekly, to its of- ' most capacity even if il werefAat "daily" of which a formtr editor once dreamed and we hope a goodly portion will bn roused up and brought into healthful ae tivii?. There is one rest riction, however, w shall place upo:i our correspondents, of which we desire lo give timely notice. Our columns will nM be opeu for the dis cussion of irsonal difficulties, or local qurirl. We intend our paper to be dig nified and courteous in its tone ; and are determined the power of the press,' shall not, in our bauds, be prostituted to un worthy purpose. To this determination we shall rigiHiy adhere. OCT" We presume mo: nf our subscribers havo read the Pre-tidem's Mevsage brfrnR this time, hui we this week give as largi: extract of us toost important portions as we could well lind room for- A our pr-- I decessor h.i already freely expressed his opinion of its n eriis in advance, e arc happily relieve. 1 from mukipg any furtbtr comment. . t'OMJKENS. ibs Hrure. iho" vlittion for l.'ltik. ili-., was la lk pike immediairly Iter the !t in. In lhe .Senate On. Csss has introduced resolution fur Ihe wtibjuwa! of our diplomatic intrtconre with Ao-iria, on account of hot mlV iuihis ti estiiiria of Hungarian. This will wis Juubicdljr rlii-it un iiiieie"ting ilrbate. ' - IT'e hud some idea, for like saiaof adding interest to our news ilems.-of pjit -ing lo the Old F. Hows for leave to pubfisn i heir q iarfrrly slid tiaveling pass-words at ihe commencemi nt of tho term fur wii.ch ' they are furnished. This open -hearted arrangement would no doubt moke" quite n wnsati.m in the order, but we fear the public would not beheva the reports, nnd 3As thn publisher's ajpense wilt materially increased by tha new arrange ment, a corresponding incre-tse of patron age becomes csseiitiaf.-. Will our frietnis tiear this in mind ! The amount of read ing warier furni-hed will keep pac-e witl the number of subscriber. OCrThe Etpies with the Tresidoni's ir.eisnge, on Monday week, wenl through from Washington lo N. York, in llw honest lime on record less than 6 hour-, and 30 minu'es running- time a distance 0f 2i0 mile. IC7 Wanted a bran new" pair of smail, half grown shears, with which to do up cur editorial sectorings. Who speaks first? A-hem ! THE CO.VCERT ia the Ptebvleri.rt Cbonh jrstrrjiy ,fiPrnoon ,nj evening, ander lhJi- rteuoo of Mr.CA.M4av1tt.wa a rich treat our iiieihi be enjoyed for Kmc months ! '"" bch the little ; ,ecUtJ their parU, and Ihe hcrtv eood , . , , ,. ' .. J j onDanC9 o( ,he b . -trkaJ upon the sudieaee. The appearance of MO children in a bo.lv upon the platform, engaged in ' "noinlt gw,t variety of tune with perfect reg- 1 ul"i,J inu nJ harmony of tone, sad goin- TI . I inrouga prntrictni exprcLies inrniifpn rirn, r .-ib. I . n : : . . t . . " r " .. ui gvmui wnn ,en,i,kaMe P-"!""" nd .ccurscv.wa, ofh!f interest gnviy bj J ihe,e srquiremeut. weie the resalu of onlv week tawon. A Mr. Mariu' i.oiw... HufTalo lorn out T t- i , - . . We ln.e proof prwiuve that prosperity !- g.io. frienl-for our M.homedaa we uch . fine' hrta Wow, ihu the oven of our No. 3 "thewey" ronld not reeeiT him ; and an old Mjrke "hilibor. hewing of oar predic- l"""T"J ereu io excnnge lurseye, ana give us a uttalltT one for the ocraeina ! fTGrac GrerDwooil's lively (ketch on our firat page should bare been Credited to Graham's Maiaiiae. "The Celestial Army on the aame page, we consider gem. Tba EInqeent Ei Irart" poneu'es interest on aeeoant of the eabae quent fullilmeot of somo of its predict tone, aad it glowing anlicipalion of lhe Milleoniawa. An Almanac for 1850 aod aoaaa haowfon articlea nay be found on the (earth page. t7W are indented to EM Bursa, Eafl H. R , for public document!.