IMf- . j ' " V v i v .. i rvn H. C. H1CK0K, EDITOR. ; itirJ : Th tewlsuurj""";'; . ... every VrdneiHlay mu.M...b county, ennlt"- actually in " : :u mliera. 5 cent, fun puu - . - 1 s .t. UK year lllh , b. i-aid in tension. -- ,.,i.,nl with the aCTUillMU - . . .u. advance, W """"1" -t ' . BWher eicept -Deo in e--- -AdveruVmeuts hand-mely inaer ed at 51 et. ci - - . - , , I...,..;...,... .KMrannlWH. El ,H" ' " an wees, 1 ,w """" - 'rlTjlZZ: jT;ork ,0 J " . .. i i bit arhrn bDJl 1U or ocn;""- i p.iJ.p.niea b. U Hrc j ! EJiirtrml Defirtinrnl to I directed in 11 u. i IIickok. Eq, Editor na on hum v u - u.1 ,a ik Ptthlihrr. Otfico. M.rket Su brlwn SonJ .r ThirJ O. N. WORDEX.rrinter mul Publi-hpr. row SartainU Union AfajRii'ic. The Celestial Array. I sttjoJ hjr the open ewmrnt And lookcJ upon i!ie night. And nw Ibe wntwarj giiug !' Pat .lowly out ol ighi. filowly the bright priceMi'MI Went down (he glraming arrh. And mi eoul discerned ibe mu-ic Of ibeir long, tiiuniplial much ; Till Ibe great releatial army. Stretching far bejond ihe pMea, Uaranie Iba eternal rn' ol Ol lb niigb'y march of aoula. OnnI. for ever onward, fied Mar lei down hi' clnn, An-I Ihe Moou, like a iUd maitka, Wa. riding fa the ran. And om were bright in hfu.T. And Mine were faint and ruall. But three niight lie in ihcirggreal height The n-ibleal of iheui ail. Dewnaard. for rr downward, tirhind Earth' ahore They paed into the unknown night, Tory pwi anJ were oo more. No more ! Oh. y not Ad downward w not jnat ; For the tight m weak and the srntw "u dim Tbtt'look through beated du. Tlie S;ar and the mailed Moon, Though they aeem to fall and die. Still wrep with their embattled line A a endleu teach of ky. And ibongh the hill of Death May hide the;bngril arraj. The marahaled brotherh.Kid of ou1 tilill keep.iui upward way. r. -.J fn mmmr ' I at iheir nareh And hear the (lorina mu-ie . Of th cufiqueror of Time. And Ung let me remember, Tbat tlie palel, fainting oo Ma to diin-r i.ion be A bright and blazing . A Here Act of Humanity." BY GUACE GKKBXWCOU. lllia In tli art wbn nturr h fo c?re boon tbat makrt it UfcWure. Hot.! Start not, my fastidious reader, when li announce that the young whose favor and fortunes I would ci.i.s' your friendly sympathies, as the hero of, this sketch, is, or rather ?, a medical itudtnt. No I am very well aware thai medical students are proverbially " hard case'' wild, spreeing, careless, skeptical ly inclined young gentlemen, whose hind kerchiefs fnll of ether, and whens glove are strongly suggestive of rhubarb ; whose talk runs large, with bold jests on grave tubjecl$, ly anatomical allusions, and startling hint at somcihing Usir b.irrnp ami awfu'( Which ata lo oam watt be unlawfu'," and whose very laughter has a sort of booy-Mttle about it. But our friend. W ill Ashley, fortunately belonged not to the Rob Sawyer and Ben Allen class of Esculapian disciples. He was a man of refinement, intellect, educa tion, and principle pleasing address, fine person, and good family. K-publiran n I am, I can but think much of goo'l blood pure and honorable blood, I mean. He had no bravado, no preten-ion, no reck lessness, no skepticism about him. He chose hia profession at the firat. ftom a real, natural leaning that way, and pur sued it with true enthusiasm and 11 tiring constancy ; and this partiality and devotion have been rewarded with ihn happiest uc cess. Dr. Ashley is now regarded by hia many patients, with a remarkable confi dence and affection. To them, there seems healing in the very creak of his shoes on the stairs," his cheerful smile lights up the ick room like sunshine ; I. is gentle words and sympathetic tones are as balm and ' freshening oil" to hearts and minds, wounded and distempered with the body, and his bright laugh and playful wit are a positive tonic to the weak and nervous and (earful. But I am anticipating; my story has pertaajm most to do wi'b the studeot Jife or Aahley. When William was quit young a men boy indeed, be became much attached to a pretty cousin of bis own a gentle, 4ir eyH 5outberi girl, who. 0d ber inucpcniicnt Jamiln liM. - n fur (unp vrurs u ilh I.U mollier Mil J . . . sister, in the quiet iew cngianu cuv 01 H , wher she was ailen.ling school. Jessie Archer was, in truth, a lovely creature with a heart full of u II gand and kindly focliii's with a scft, endearing manner, but with very lull" strengtn ot chMrncter, or stability of purpose. She . I. .-I.. I 1 I.. Vnrlknrn 1nliv Aftfl - ... ITUIIMtTIt IJVIJ C IIVItlK IN I v m . - 1 J P"ed from them at last, from her cou., vv.ii:... ...,nra. nr wiiii ir.anv tears " inii , - j 1 . j cou,io such iPOSui8 would have been op- posed by their friends, on account of the extreme yu'h of the parties. but she knew well hi love and his dear hope that he looked tip her a his future biide, and was well content with this understan- matter of course, and l.ver-likc j I. A a W.lliam Ashley cm responded . . i.ecessilv. with his cuUsin. Al first the letiers on bcth ides were frequent, lonj:, and conu j ' 17 omiverain. dential ; but a'ter the first year of absence, J Mr. Harley looked round and seeing them, lhi.,e of Miss Jesse changed gradually in j benn making some iuqulrirs refpecti iheir Mne, aod became few and far be-j the hotel of nhichthey had madu choice, tweiu.' Uut Williarr, who was faithful when Master Fred, who. in his boyish ir. nnd Ulievinu, made a thousand kind ex-, dependence, was walking alon.-, sudd, nly cuses for this and continued to wriie out ! stumbled and Icll fell from the board of his own offeetionule and changeless j plauk over which th y were passing, imo heart. Bat at length his Jessie t eased to j tlie liver below. There were screams and write allogethr-r. Two month went by, rushingsjo and fro, but no rescue was nt aud thi n toor Ashlev. in much distressful j tempted, until Ashley, breaking from the anxietv. wrote to hsr. entreating to be told the cause ol her strange silence. There j eui.e a renv at last a brief reply, "il- len in the dsar, familiar bund, but bearing for a signature, a strange name. She had . . . . .r been a fortni"bt murried to a wealloy V ir- ginia planter. This homt-lhrust at his heart by a be loved hand ; this sudden annihilation of his dearest hope, by her whose sweet source and centre they had been, almost prostra- j led the young student, mind and body, j lie was proud, sensitive, and twenty-one ; he had the heart and w is at the age to feel acutely, to suffer and despair. II. amb tis Hi(!J out his energies 11 igged then iiis appetite went by the ojuhi , u:, ve Ui- mp heavy, and hia cheek pule. -IIc must give up study ." said his mm her. He must take a jour- ncv," said his sister, speaking one word for him and two for herself. This last ro:,o,i.ion. which was strongly pressed, , - r . w - - was Iiiiaiiy aei-enea to; aim me jung .1 11.. 1 . 1. ......... I getaleman act forth, dispirited and ill, under 1 the care (" protection,'" she called it.) of j his charming sister, Ellen. They went directly West, for a vint to the Falls ; the very journey which William had always Linked forward to as his bridal-tour. Now pj bul ,0 de?m9 an(j dden him restless, moody, and nb.,r.(.ted,he Tery worsl .raing com panion possible to have. E len found it exceedingly difficult to divert him from his melancholy thoughts and lender rccollec tians, " ( leasaat and mournful to Ihe souL'' Tlie fiue scenery along iheir route, con stantly reminded him of the double plens- lure he had anticipated in first viewing it with his beautilul bride. At Buffilo, our travelers took the after noon boat for Chippewa. It was a bright, and breezy day, errly in July water, earth and sky were lit up gloriously by the declining 'sun, as ihey swept down that grand. immortal river. As the brother aad sister stood on deck, silently drinking in ihe rare beauty of the scene and hour, they noticed a party near them.distinguish ed amid all the crowd, by a ceitain quiet elegam-e of dress and manner, with a bear ing of perhaps unconscious superiority. This wa a family party, and consisted ol an fld rly gentleman, Mr. Harley, a weal th v banker, and an honorable citizen of N;w Votk his w.fe. a sweet, motherly tonkin" woman and their daughter.J ulitl a fair and delicate girl of eighteen, and their only sou, Master Fred, a lad of nine or ten. Ashley was a thorough republican proud and poor; and being now more than usually inclined to coldness and re serve, instinctively shrunk from all contact with this party, in whom he at once recog nized the air patrician and exe'usivc. But towards evening, Mr. Harley made some courteous advances, nnd finally succeeded in ceiling up quite a free and animated conversation with his young fellow-Ira. ler. with whose well-bred air and thought ful countenance he had been attracted and impressed. They discoursed on the mag nificent scenery around them, then 00 the battles and aieges. bold generalship and grand fighting which had made classic ground of the wild Niagara frontier ; and Ashley, who " M adifab!clfjkeri' JJapcr icoolei to " ' WEDNESDAY, JAN. brcame earnest and even cl ,qt. t. in spite; of hinifelf. All it once, in looking i 1 i met the beautiful blu eyes of M ss Jo'iet fixed upon him ith evident imeresl Hnd admiration. The young laly dropped her gnze.initanily, while a deup bliih sufTised her bright, ingenuous fare. An invo!un lary thrill of p Ion.ure agisted the hmirt of Aihley, and hit cold eye Lindltd with a new lire; but as tho'i returned the tho't of all the fuTUooesa and coquetry, and ... iij ,e bit his lip, and with a few ha.ty words, turned abruuily, acd d'awin :ter' arms within his own, walked to thy fide of of the vesael, and there s'ood, i'i n:ly and iiiiiodilv, gaz tig down into the darkening waters and olf into the deepening twilight. Owin to some deteuiiou, the boat was Inter th in usual, so thttt it was q ii.e dark when they landed at Chippewa On leav- I. -t . . & .t I A X a In. ing e uoat, :r. louua tnetnaeives rteninu uic pan clinging hold ol his sifter, leaped bo.dly I into the deep, dark water. For a few mo- , inncnts, which seemed an age to thcspecla- jtors, he searched in vain along the narrow j space between the vessel and the wharf. 1 . r 11 . t - J .1 t.. .It. t I . - out iinauy ne espiea me i.iu n-u ur ing from under the boit, caught, and drew forth the already inensible child, and, greatly exhausted himsi-lf, swam back to the plank with his precious burd-n. I'hey were drawn on board together with joyful shouts and earnest thanksgiving. As Ashley titrrvj in the gmgway, stag gering and half blind, the crowd cheering and pressing around h'm, his .iter flung her arms abo-it his ncek, an I hung upon ! him. laouliini' and weeping htstericolly. B it the poor leiv.x. .... r.,inf aQ( chlllcl atrove to release r.- . 1.-. i passionate einl.rice. Bit just as he stood 'free, he felt hi hmi ch-pH. bar g-mty, timidly, and looking around, saw Ml-s Hartey at his .id-.. She hi.tily raided that cold, wel hand to hrr w-inn, quiver- ing tips, ana KI,eo graieiuuy. m.r uer tear, her tears, fell upon it, I as she murmured--od bless you. "dl in heaven bless you !" an I th-m hurried I, away U attend upon her brother, who had men uara .,., .iw 0.0m. . ... , little lad soon recovered sufficientl tn be . able lo join the party, who together took j ' 1 j, 0 j their way tn the Clifton House. That night, after supper, which he had served in a private parlor, Mr. Hatley sought the room of Ashley his heart overflowing with gratitud towurd the young hero, and his thought busy with plan of generous recompense. At the door he met a servant hearing away a wel Iravelling-suit.which sight quickened even more his warm and kindly feelings. He entered, lo find Mr. Ashly wrapt in a dressing-gown, sitting by a table. h head bent down on his hands, a plate of; light food, almost untasted, and a cup of tea, half drunk, pushed back from before him. He was looking even paler and more spiritless than usual. Id fact, our friend was completely exhausted by the excitement and exertion of the evening, and consequently deepened into moodiness and reserve. Ho rose, however, as his visitor entered, and bowing politely, beg ged him to be seated. Hut Mr. Hirley came forward, took his hand, and pressing it warmly, looked kindly into that pale. quiet face, his own countenance all a-glow. and tears actually glistening in his deep set.gray eyes. Ashley cast down hisown eye in painful embarrassment, which Mr. Harley perceiving, took the proffered eb.iir.and strove to converse awhile 00 in different topics. Bul he soon came round to the subject nearest his heart dwell long and at Urge on h paternal joy nod gratitude, not seeming to head the impa tience of his sensitive auditor, and finally closed with, ' - I trust iheir is some way in which I can prow my gratitude in part reward you for your generous heroism. , 1 en me, my dear young friend, can I repay you in any way !" ; To Ashley's jealous ear were was,- lone of patronage ao insulting jingle of the banker's purse in these words, at which he involuntarily drew himself up, and curled his short upper hp ; and when Ncujo. Citcraturc, Mr. II .rtt-y eariie.jr I .1 . ....... ;.. .. K...1. I n . n .l.rv IS llltTIC ll'l way ill piiilii .t.. w' you! he rep'iej with a soil of uonch ilaut hiuteur. Yes ; by never mentioning this little circUiTis'.ance again. I but did for your ana what I would do for any fellow crei tore. It was a mere act of humanity, I assure you. Mr. Hurley, quite taken aback, chilled, uud wiihJ deeply hurl, ros' at once, and wub a stately bjw and a cld good-night,' parted from the rescuer of his child, the young tn-ro, wiih whom fiva minuie be fore he would have di idedhi'r fortune. Tired and iiidiffert-Dt, Ashley flung him self upon his bed, ami slept soundly till late in the morning ; then ioe with a headache, made a light breakfast, and hur ried driwn to Talile It jck with bis sister, who had beeti up since daybreak, imps tiently awaiting his appearance1. Ashley wn long lost in that first con ""idaiion of the graed scene before him ; his suu! srrmfd born to a new life a new world of beauty, and power, and dread, overwhelming sublimity. The day was wnndrously beautiful, and floods of sunlight were mingled with the waters, and pouring over thtt stupendous precipice ; into the darkest deeps fell the f-arless, glad sunbeams, sounding like gol den plummets those terrib'e abysses. There hung the rainbow, and C len.ns she gazed, remnrked a wild-bird.who seemed sporting jfi lh(j ,lirough lm j-iuminved arch, and become glorified in its midst ; and it seemed to her like an innocent .con fiding spirit, coming near to the might and grandeur of Ieity, through the beautiful gateway of love. Ashley was at length roused from his trance of h'gh-wrought rapture, by feeling n small, timid hand laid on his arm, and turned to see Master Fred standing at his side, with a faint glow on his check, and an affectionate pleasure shining in hi sun ken eye. The lad, In-day someihing of an invaliJ, was accompanied nnd half supported by a servant. Ashley fell an instinctive attraction towards his child, who was a floe intelligeut boy, by the wny, a ...u.-j wiin uun on 'iv ui.ii,; nj u. mi'iarly than ho had ver fcl j;.,-... tn converse, with tha elder Harley. In leaving the rock, the Ashley's over took Mr. Hatley with his wife and daugh- 1 ter. Juliet blusiied painful'y, as her eye , ,, ... , , . . . - monlaj,., M,. .irsy merelV hjj ha( fau( Mrfc ,,ar!eVt who had gy by -ni?ly f a(R09, ,onnin , , , , , , ihe arm of her hasband, and grasping the hand of,lhe young student, poured the, whole sloiy of tlie boundless gratitude, of ' her deep, immeasurable j y, in'o his not j illingear. But after all. the blessing of that mother sunk into his heart a good heart, though somewhat wayward, and ndly out of harmony with life just now. A short lime after this, Ashley again saw Miss Harley. They met in fearful place, behind the sheet, on Termination I li ock the secret, dread abode, lite dim. awful sanctuary of sublimity. Even then, Ahley, exalted by poetry, solemnized by grandeur as he was. could bul remark the miracle of beauty which mado Ihe young lady look lovely as ever in the rude, grotesque costume, tlie clumsy water-proof dress provided for his adven turous expedition. He next noticed the fearless, yet awe-struck enthusiasm, the high, rapt expression of her face, as, sheltering her eyes from the storm of spray wiih her fuir hand, she gaz-d upward, lo w here the huge colomna of water, dark green, and snowy white, leaped over iho .helving prec;pice, and plunff-d wiih a ihimilerous roar into iho black abyss at her eide. In after day no o"n ''""S"1 ' lhnl ..L .l...u ni.lHI 1 " I fair creature, a m . - - young, so delicate, yot so. brave o lost to herself, almost to life, in a deep trance uf awe and adoration. He often thought of her thus, as his. last sight 01" her ; for afte this they parted he and Ellen pass ing, over to the American, side, saw no more of the Harleys during thei- brief siay at the Fall. Ashley was, almost in spite ol himself. much improved in health and spirits by travekj aod . on hi return resumed his studies with aTsort oi dodged devotion, if not with all his old enthusiasm. Yet some times, aa formerly, the vision of ft fak be. inx would come to disturb and distract hi ihough-wouJ aU.ecrow his humble. Agriculture, Science ant) itlovaiitii. iJolitifs, 1850. ,00m. be almost palpably present to his waking dreams. Bul it hardly seented .he -lovely young Jessie," the "beloved of his early years this ter form, dad, tiddly enou-h, in a heavy dress of yellow oil cloth, with a sort of hood, which, h lf-lall;ng b,:k, rev. a ed a sweet face, all glorified by sublime adora tion. Hrfsaw how distinc!l h a, the deep, abstracted eyes, the bright, parted lips all, those lis ! whenever he recalled ihemby some mysteriois nsociation, hi on right hand a K.leraMy symmetriral hand, surely, but wi.h .tl ing im-ru pe. culiar about it. that I could ever see. The fall succeeding the journey to Ni agara, William Ashley receive! his diplo ma, and the next spring open-d an office in his native city. Not possessing wealth, or much family influence, and being young and rrwd.t, he had al first few, very few calls. Bui he was always at his ot, never employed his leisu.e unworthily, or was idle or d apooding. He studied as diligently as ever, and wai-eJ patiently for tL. -lira J ild a"'" in the future the fair, gold, n future were " bound to com?.' It happeued that the young physician's way home from his t ffi.-e, lay past, and very near to the elegant residence of Mr. t wealthy and somewhat distin guished citizen of II ; nd, pouring through the open windows of his mansion, he one night heard the sweetest singing that had ever met his ear. It was a clear, fresh con'.ra'.to voice, artistic in execution, vet sweet, and full of feeling. Ashley, a fine singer himself, was pas sionately fund of music ; and he lingered long before that house, walking up and down beneath the thick shadows of the "rand old elms. - j -1. 1 This was but the beginning of p.easure, night after night, for some, weeks. lou"a the young physician in the same J when he ws almost always so happy as, to hear that rare, delirious singiog, ihrdl- j ing through ihe slid r.nd j ucni a. . j by the piano ; but sometimes ho would see a gay group on the piazz t. and among them a slight figure in white, looking very -i- -a b-.licaia in the moonlight ; then there would come the miming t .---r and sweet love-lays of Italy, or wild bal lads r f Spain. And thus it went on, till Ashley, the in visible listner, had become altogether en chanted, spell-bound. in love with a voire, ti l fast and far in the dim distance, faded away that late lamiliar vUion in yellow oil-cloth and falling hood, nnd fair, kind ling countenance. He now spent as many hours over his books as ever, bul his iho'is. alas! were far enough;from the page ; for, n tll fh ir.uh. bii.H his boyish mly dreaming out the ' . , ... , lorm anu leaiun-s .1 iiicu'.ii - of her wi'h the voice. Unlike his former self, he now looked sean hingly at the fair f romi-naders whom he met on the street, and there sw pretty young ladies enough, but no one in whom he recognized his idea of ibe sweet singer. Al length the hour of good fortune came alike to the physician and lo the lover. Just at sunset, on a pleasant evening a voung horseman came dashing up to Or. Ashley's office, to summons him to a lady who had dislocated her ankle in springing from her horse. Our hero' heart beat quick as the messenger directed him tn the house of Mr. N. The doctor was shown iiilo a small parlor, where, en 11 louniie, chid in a white wrapper, reclined his first patient. A wealth of rich, golden hair, somewhat dishevelled, first attracted Ashley's eye ; there was something stran gely familiar in those bright curls, and be was not taken altogether by auprise when Mrs. N -presented him to her niece -JWi.s Hurley." The lady was lying with hei hands over her face, to conceal the tear drawn forth by her acute suffering ; but at the mention of the doctor's name, she removed tlwrn, and lookhd up eagerly, smiling in the midst of her pain, with pleasure and sur- prisei But this was no time for more than a aimnle recotrniiion. and the next mumeni r f aw the doctor bending professioally over the ihnbbing and swollen foot of ihe suf ferer. The setting of ihe dislocated joint cans- ed this young girl excruciating pain ; bul she bore herself through all with ncroic patience Ihe aileM resignation of a true woman. ' v.. .War alt waa over tho ankle , 1V w aww - hound up, ao4 composing draught ad ministered, as th doctor took le;ive of his interesting pitient, he saw th tt her cheek wa di-alMy rate, and that her lips cpuver ed convulsively. From that lime, f.r some weeks', dav after day, the 011 nu physician migfuhave been seen (by Mrs. N ) kneeling by (besides of Mss Juliet's couch hendinti over that poor foot, bathing and dre-bin ir, watching with intense interest the sub duioi! or (he swelling, and the disappear ance of the diseoiora'ion. till it bev-ama at last while and d-liete. like its ma e and former fellow traveler. Ii is strange l ow, thro' ull this tiuie, the late music-mad gentleman'td without listening to 'he Moved voice, for now, through the wiuJows ol the parlor, through the vines and roses of that piazz t, no sweet singing floated out into the moon light. I ild you, dear reader, thht Dr. Ashley ..ei4u. kneel at Juliel's side to dress her ankle ; hut w Ken that was be'.ler very much e t r, aln ost well, indeed, ar.d clad inailken hose and tipper it hiieid thai once, when quite alone wi h his patient, at the dreary twilight hour, the doctor suddenly found himself, by the Torre of habit, I suppose, in his old po-i'iou-This time Ju'iet bnt ovor him till her hand lav on his tdvuilJer iil her long, bright curl touched h;s lor h?a.l, tiil they mingled in wi'h his 011 dark locks. She said but it word or two, an I the young praciitione r sprung up, i.npul- sivelv and joy fully, aad took a i.rouler position by the aid-: ol hi b-iliviid patient. H s arm was soon al.out hi r slight . list to support her. probably, as ler receut in- (lipositon had left her but weak ; her hand ; was in hisown; and as be helJ 11 thus, he mentslly observed "Q iile the .quickest ..... t kai.o ...f r im. v . w,n, hot s,10 j j not m p,rr,.cl'y S(,. while she rema;ned wilU her r,l,tivt, iu II ; at rhv9;cin C8i:eJ more aod more en.,y d;d jt Rppc,r hil, her poor regained it strength ; 1. l.- ol.jIj iiK or wnt-o snc ioo m r - . - ( hulcui mm ui,ji.rH j me greeu eacm sou.r l)r. Ashley, they were observed to ssun- .im louder be red Jeued with the carnage of ler nl-ng slowly, and she was seen lo Iran 'he bittle-fie'd ; the wild whirlpool of an heavily on the arm of her cooio inion. jarchy and revolution s!ia!l no more fling Ii is said that there are men who thiok Ui to heaven its bloody and hellish spray ;" uhL-!ameness imparts a new in-, lerest to a lovely woniaii aUffur. aau ivs; probably en of the.-e. One fine morning, early m Se ptember, Mr. O' dtii Harley, the rich b inker, and respectable citizen, was seated in his cush ioned arm-chair, in his elegant library, in his princely residence in W avttrly fiiice, in the city of Gotham. He was looking a easy and comfortable as usual as well pleased with the world, and its ways in general, and its ways toward himself in particular ; and even more ihau usually happy and genia. Mr. Harley was not nlone on this morning There was then and there pre- sent a young mil, rather tall, aad quite handsome, modestly, yet elegantly dressed (our friend, the doctor, to lot you into the secret, dear reaJer) ho, with a very red face, and in a manuer hair proud, hall fearful, was jnst miking a conli la sit of the old aenlb-man teliing him a love story of hi own, in short. The cnod man seemed greatly interested in this history, badly told as it was ; and at it close, ft rose, quite nasiuy tor r .. . .-I.. I . .... Hr Li..lJUii.inii. proportions, and going op to his visitor, and laying hi hand kinJiy on his shoul der, said. With nil my heart wuhallmy heart . I will give you my Juliet, and place her fortune in your ha: Is for I honor and ike you, young !' Ashley, quite overcome, could only stammer out, Oh. Mr. Hailey, my dear sir, how can I ever repiy you for this goouness his great kindness 1" Bu ntver mentioning thi$ Utile rir- cumsfunee again!" replied Mr. Harley, ith a roguish twinkle of the eye. I saw, my deal boy, what a sad conditioo were in, and this is A Mee act CF Hl'MAMTf, I assvae too ! Eloquent Extract. There comes a time when the ancient ..... .t,. k-. fetters and manaciea ." bmind scarred and hoary Europe, shall be before its awakened nvght, like tiax 10 the ' f . aawa.l ItAI i Raw) 11. flame: when we aiiem r Asia shall be shivered in pieces po'.isms 01 before the resistws aro - pating spirit of the gospel ; and the daik Uiogle. and deserts of Africa shall re, aad blossom with a richer and brighter garniture of beauty than ever greeted her t U aI ikn awa nri VOL. YL, N0.4O-3OO. -" 7 rai'm-M akies ; vtUo, iri.ia J of iheorearf ' stillness and mnnotoay of the vast uud -j ,, J slutnherin east, there nha'l be the cheerlul '.',' iium of cernmerce af.J industry, lh i .- ing fields and h ippy hom s of h".hc-1 It- ! ' r bor, and the freedom and security of j.j;t i y' uid powerful fours ; ia.-.:ead of Iho linking , , . eaTTi'P.s bell and th weiry undulations of - : iho tardy caravan', there shall he the rat- " " slina engine and thu ruhin boat : and in- ' " ' s'ea I of ilia br Utling paarodj, the lowering , minaret, or ihe loouiy temple, t lie re sha'l . .. be the thronged houses of Go-I, and th thronged balls of science,' ths tall spire of ' - :! village church, and the beaten play..-. ground of ihe villige school bouse. .The ; . turbaned Turk shall awake from bis sullen - dream of sensuality and sloth, and learn? from his binner the g!e;mln cresren'. 1 and sheaihing the Lloody ysUgban, abail bow meekly at the dot of the cross. .The . wild f 'ossack and the shivering Siberiai- -' shall learn to serve a milder vet m:"rtier "', - ft monarch titan the haughty autocrat. The hesotted Hindoo and the fierce Malay shall dub 10 ihe earth the hideous symtola if im 1 degrading superstition,' and rise to ihn4" .tignity of a renewed humanity. '.The' miserable Cadre and the reeking listen- . lot shall come for;h from their squalid filth , 'nJ wretchedness, and sit down clothed ' and iu their riht mind at the feet of Jesaj.'' ' Ihe wild Arab and the uotampu Taitar. ... 'as they senur their illimitable deserts, sha I j rein in their flying barbs, to catch lb -! i sounds of these wondrous lidings. And j the Christian sailor, as he floats over the J glassy seas, and beuea'h tl.a burr.Uhed 4 Jskies of another hemisphere, shall see ri- sing above, ihe queenly pain and the spreading banian the glittering spires of a ' pure laith, ami bear borne oa the Sjucy gale that comes breathing its s range frag-?,t !r. - inrf nroori;! bis nrow.'tFiA crwinrt nf 1 K. - 1 - - . " v. - !ri.urch - oin2 belt, and the rich melod of ' Wn that awake 1 hu memories of forgot Sen years, and bring back ibe sweet scene's 'of homes that lie far away over the blue j wave of the ocea. -Tlie sword shall no' !lore be stained with the blood of the in-' !........ ...1 1... 1. 1 i - .1 iu groan ol'llm oppressed and ibe moan- mo cry of the. helpless, shall be beard ae more; but theIo!Ty arranTm- of Plato jthe e.xuliing strains of Virgil ; the weird (iii'ouer of the Sibil, and higher and truer still ihe rapt visions of lsaiali, and tho, mystic imagery of the lone exile of Patmoa and the lonjiin j, waiting, sorrowing hopes" ol'a weary and groaning creation shall be-" i'ully embodied in U10 calm,' peaceful, hal lowed and bloodless scenes of the Subbaiby ..I the world. ' - The s me prophetic chart that picture? forth in its bold and beautiful imagery ', the sabbatic scenes of tlie future triumphs of Christianity, also' assure us that thi-. trt- ,,,, wi!j be neither a silent nor perhaps L bloodless cue, and that the poer that J have so long ruled ibo ascendant, will not jyiej iheir iron grasp on humanity, wiih- nor a fierce and terrible struggle, i Heaos there comos also, a d ty that ' hi loomed 10 its dark and terriflic grundur lo the eye of the prophetic seer at every point of the I,, a,t ; wh(,n the embattled hoe's of truth ani falsehood sha'l be marshaled for a fi nal and deadly conflict; when the foun tains of the great deep of society shall be broken up, and the rushing surge, of this rlooJ-liJe of theoworld shall sweep away ihe hoary and time-worn institutions of the past, like foam on the cataract's plunge ; wlien there shall be " signs in the sun.and ihe moon and she stars, 00 the ear;h, dis tress of na'ions and perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring, and men's hearts failing lliem for fear and for looking a Her . the things that are to come upon the earth; and the billows of this mighty comnvitton s'iall heave and d ish against every fabric iu which. human hopes are garnered- For these dread scene are the elements of col lision silently and swiftly preparing. We may dream, and doubt,' and laugh an i deride, bul we atay not the footsteps of destiny. We must act our i-art in th: scenes, sowing the seed of draou -tte.h, or reaping Ihe fell harvest whel'ier we will or not : sharing in the triumph as a crowned and laureled conqueror, or as 1 chained and vanquished captive, .bound ig nobly at the triumphal car of, victory.- Rev. T. V. Mtore, Ju'y 6. IMfJ. " ' Looking intoJady' 'bostte,,ia-ai4 :... 10 be a peep at fashionable hfe. 'j - ; ' ' - ' Industry is the road to bappines-" .