The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, April 01, 1909, Image 7

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For Cramps ‘in the Stomach of Six Years’
+t] was troubled with cramps in the
stomach for six years. | tried many
kinds of medicine, also was treated
by three doctors.
“They said that | had nervous dys-
pepsia. | took the medicine for iwo
years, then | got sick again ard gave
up all hopes of getting cured.
«] saw a testimonial of a man whose
~ case was similar to mine, being cured
by Peruna, so thought | would give it
a trial. | procured a bottle at once,
and commenced taking it.
|] have taken nineteen bottles, ana
am entirely cured. | believe Peruna
is gll that is claimed for it.” —Mrs. J.
C. Jamison, 61 Marchant 8t., Watson-
ville, Cal.*
“Alcohol and‘ Race Suicide.
Jcohol is a cause of race suicide
among animals, declared Dr. W. 8
Hall, of Chicago, in peinting out that
it cannot be considered a food, in an
address before the American society
for“'the study of .alcohol and other
drug. narcotics. “Dr. T. A. Williams,
of ‘Washington, took a fling at alco-
hol. when he declared that the mother
who, gratifies every caprice of the child
to keep it quiet, and the father who
studies every form of amusement to
attract and interest his boy, are cul-
tivating inebriety in it which will de-
velop in the future with the slightest:
existing causes.
Worn Out and Prostrated With a
Treacherous Trouble.
Miss Emma Shirley, Kill Buck, N.
Y., says: “Under my doctor's treat-
ment for general de-
bility and stomach
jp trouble I failed to
improve, and had to
take to my bed. 1
was terribly ner-
vous; headache and
dizzy spells and aw-
ful spells of pain in
the back racked me.
The kidney secre-
tions were much disordered. 1 con-
sulted specialists, but ‘without relief,
and sank lower and lower until given
up to die. Kidney trouble was the
cause all the time, and when I began
using Doan’s Kidney Pills I began to
In good time 1
was cured, and gained every bit I
had lost.”
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
—————— 14
Paints Will Fade.
The picture of modern artists will
be: colorless when many of the works
of the old masters are as bright as
they show today. Just as the secret
of dyeing has been lost, so has the
secret of preserving the colors of ar-
Usis’ paints.
There is more Catarrh in this section of
the countr; Ty than all other diseases put to-
gether, fang until the last few years was sup-
posed to be incurable. For a great many
years foots biosiunead it a local disease
and prescribed local remedies, and by con-
stantly failing to cure with local treatment,
ronounced it incurable. Science has proven
Jatarrh to be a constitutional disease, and
thérefore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall’ 's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney. & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con-
stitutional cureon themarket. It is takenin-
ternally i in doses from 10 drops toa teaspoon-
ful:~ It acts directly on the blood and mucous
suifaces of the system. They offer one hun-
dred dollars for any caseitfails to cure. Send
for circularsand testimonials. Address F.J.
CHENEY &/Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Dru, 21sts 75c.
‘Pake Hall’s Family Pills tor constipation.
“Some Discrepancies Noticeable.
When we see one judge inflicting
a fine of $29,000,000 and another judge
in the same case throwing it out of
court on the ground of insufficiency
“of evidence, it is not strange that
there is still some skepticism as to
the claim that the law is an exact
science.—Louisville Courier-Journal.
~ Dyspepsia and constipation are avoidable
Jiiserios-take Garfield Tea, Nature's Herb
Three thousand persons are en-
gaged in the shell and pearl indus-
try of the Western United States.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma-
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25ca bottle.
The number of telephones in the
whole world is estimated at 9,500,000,
of which 7,000,000 are said to be in
use in America and 2,000,000 in Eu-
Itech cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s
Banitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists.
There’d be more happiness in the
world if knock-kneed men and flat-
chested women could trade infirmities.
Farin For Sale 7.22.0
ing Farms in 14 States. Strout’s
onmmssessgess N ew Monthly Bulletin of Real
Bargains, profusely Mustiaen, ails ig we pay
ar T CO., Book C1.
Worlds iy Farm tog hit Title Bios ., Phila.
3 LP
Busarefze omens:
WE] Per Salzer’s catalog, page 129. EIRERET
Largest growers of onion and vegetable
seeds in the world. Blg catalog free; or,
send 1@c in stamps and receive catalog and
Bi 1000 kernels each of onions, carrots, celery,
Bil radishes, 1500 each lettuce, rutabaga, tur-
BN nips, 100 parsley, 100 tomatoes, 200 melons,
1200 charming flower seeds, in all 10,600 ker-
nels, easily worth $1 of any man's money.
ll Or, send 20c. and we will add one package
§ of Earliest Peep O'Day Sweet Gorn.
3 SALTER REED C0., Box A. C., LaCrosse, Wis. [*
| “CHIN cs
A man is generally heaviest in his
fortieth year.
Salmon, pike and goldfish are sup-
posed never to sleep.
In proportion to its size, a spider
is much stronger than a lion.
Several new railroad bridges in
Mexico are of white marble of the
best grade.
The railroad shops of this country
employ 350,000 men earning $200,-
000,000 per year.
The railroads of this country em-
ploy more telegraph operators than
the telegraph companies.
A census of the railroad cars of
the country show 2,200,000, of which
50,000 are passenger cars.
Wild olive trees last centuries in
Turkey, and there are some for which
fully 1000 years are claimed.
* A piece of stone is used as a bar-
ometer in Finland. It is white dur-
‘ing ‘clear weather, but darkens at
the approach of:a storm.
The little native State of Mourb-
hanj, known as the “Peacock King-
dom,” is the most northerly of the
tributary States of Orissa, and native
chronicles relate that the principality
was founded more than 2000 years
According to the Medical Press
and Circular of London, a red nose is
by no means a sign of-drunkenness,
and is as common among teetotalers
as tipplers. Indigestion is responsi-
ble almost more than anything else
for red noses.
In the northern part of India
sheep are put to a use unthought of
in European or American countries.
They are made to serve as beasts of
burden because they are more sure-
footed than larger beasts, and the
mountain paths along the foothills
of the Himalayas are steep and diffi-
Mustaches are not worn by men ex-
posed to the severity of an Alaskan
winter. They wear full beards to
protect the throat and face, but keep
the upper lip clean shaven. The
moisture from the breath congeals so
quickly that a mustache becomes im-
bedded in a solid cake of ice, and the
face is frozen in a short time.
Data compiled by the Texas Rail-
road Commission indicates a loss by
the railroads of the State during the
last nine months cof $4,000,000, as
against twice that amount reported
by the companies. The commission
asserts that fifty per. cent. of the
losses claimed by the railroads is fic-
titious, due "to the new system of
The Arzolla Plant Has Proved Ef-
fective in Germany.
According to Consul-General Rich- |
ard Guenther, of Frankfort, the de-
partment of the colonies at Berlin
is investigating the
plant at Biebrich, contemplating the
introduction of this plant in the Ger-
man colonies in Africa, in order to
eradicate the mosquite.
The director of fisheries at Bieb-
rich, Mr. Bartmann, has, after exper-
iments covering a period of fourteen
years, found that the most reliable
means against mosquitoes in stag-
nant waters is the growing of the va-
rious kinds of semi-tropical plant ar-
zolla, His numerous and always suc-
cessful experiments induced the di-
rector of the imperial colonial office
to call him to Berlin in the spring of
1907, and the colonial office ordered
that the test of his method should
be made by the Institute for Tropical
Hygiene at Hamburg, where Director
Bartmann had the use of the State
Botanical Institute for propagating
the arzolla plants.
As, however, Wilhelmshaven pos-
sesses a malaria station, and as es-
pecially in its vicinity hundreds of
cases of malaria occurred, the experi-
ments were made in that territory,
which is full of stagnant waters and
swamps infested with mosquitoes.
‘While the proximity of the sea and
the abnormally cool temperature of
the summer of 1907 had an urnfavor-
able influence upon the growth of
the plant, it, however, covered the
experimental waters in a short time
with a layer of about six centimetres
(2.362 inches), which suffocated all
the mosquito larvas below, and pre-
vented the living insects from depos-
iting their eggs in the water.
Gold Carpet of the Mint.
A small carpet in the San Francis-
co Mint is worth more than its weight
in gold and is soon to be burned in
order that the precious metal filings
that have been sprinkling it for sev-
eral years may be recovered. The
carpet is in the adjusting room, where
files are used to trim surplus gold
from coins after they are stamped:
It frequently happens that a piece of
overweight falls to the floor and be-
comes imbedded in the grain of the
carpet, and it is nothing unusual for
the Government to get $5000 worth
of gold dust out of the ashes result-
ing from the burning of one of the
floor coverings. The floor sweepings
are treasured with the utmost ca
as they furnish enough money to pay
the salary of the janitor several times
over,—San Francisco Call,
arzolla water,
Business Continues Dull, However, in
All Lines of Steel Except
New York—R. G. Dun & Co.’s
“Weekly Review of Trade” says:
“Favorable conditions in crop grow-
ing sections promise well for the fu-
ture and the seasonable weather gen-
erally prevailing is helpful to trade,
advices from the Northwest being
particularly cheerful. The tariff dis-
cussion in congress bears heavily up-
on many trades and the end of the
debate is variously estimated at not
before May 15 to July 1.
“Whatever progress is making in
iron and steel is mostly confined to
structural lines. The recent slight
improvement in* this division is be-
ing. maintained. A cbetter inquiry
is received from the railroads, the
tonnage pending aggregating in good
Further reported reduc-
tions in price of material have also
broadened in demand for construc-
tion work and undertakings that had
been deferred are again appearing.
Business in steel rails is still limited,
although several small contracts are
noted. Stocks of pig iron continue
to accumulate .in the principal sec-
tions of the country and there is
still talk of reduction in active capac-
“In- the primary dry goods market
demand at present is entirely confin-
ed to immediate requirements. Loc-
ally, there is little activity among dis-
tributors, and although the volume of
business transacted shows a moder-
ate increase as compared with the
corresponding period of 1908, sales by
no' means approach normal. Export
demand , has- practically ceased, al-
though some tentative inquiries are
still being received.
“Trade in all kinds or footwear is
still very dull, buyers awaiting devel-
opments, but stocks are further de-
pleted. The recert large sales of
domestic hides have caused a sharp
advance in prices, especially in the
country market. The leather trade
is decidedly dull in all lines, buyers
showing no disposition to operate at
any price.”
Wheat—No, 2 red.......... cereese dd 83 9)
¥—NO. 2. cer vvaenn
ALY 2 yellow, ear. 71 7°
No. 2 Jalow, shelled 69 7)
ixed ear. + 64 60
Oats—No. 2 whi 51 55
0.3 .. hd 5!
Flour—Winter pat ent........ «595 6 08
Fagey SIraignt winters........
Hay—No. 1 Timothy.......... «se 1350 14
Clover or samenssssniasuns « 1123 110)
Feed—No. 1 iii mid. ton. . 295) 00
Brown middlings . 260) 280)
Bran, bulk, «2400 24 00
Straw—Wheat 800 85)
t «es 800 8 5)
Dairy Products.
Butter—Elgin creamery........... $ 32 238
OR10 Creamery... ...cceessensssn 28 3)
Fancy goungry roll... ceive 19 22
Cheese—Ohio, NeW..ceeveeninennne . 14 15
New York, bh Peas essnsiet inners 14 15
Poultry, Etc.
Hons—per 1b....... ire eveienns $16 "16)s
Chickens—dressed.........eceeuuee 17 18
Eggs—Pa. and Ohio, fresh......... 21 23
Frults and Vogeranies: :
Potatoes—Fancy white per bg... 75 <0
Cabbage—per ton. ‘ee 35 0) 38 00
Onions—per barrei.. 140. 1.0
Bons Winner Patent $57 590
Wheat—No. 2 re 122
Corn—Mixed.. 70 Ii
BEB. esicistsnvsieainsainn . 34 33.
Butter—Ohio creamery....cec.eeeee 32: 34
6 00
Flour—Patents........eeveveenncnes 590 6 00
Neat Ne, 2red. ..y..s 11
Corn—No. 2 SE 71 72
Oats—No, 2 white. .. D4 2
Butter--Creame = sechseas 33 34
Hggs—State and ennsylvania.... 33 40
Union Stock Yards, Pittsburg.
Extra, 1450 to 1600 pounds.......... 65) a 60
Prime, 1300 to 1400 pounds. 625 a 3 50
Good, 1200 to 1300 pounds . 60) @ 625
Tidy, 1050 to 1150 pounds, 07 r@ 6 0
Fair, 900 to 1100 pounds . .475 a 56>
Common, 700 to 900 pounds. . L4H @ 46>
BOIS. er ie seins on 350 @ 0 25
Cown........ drsessnsesssnnsssranaessss 20)) @360J
720@ 725
710@ 715
T0004 710
6.0.@6 85
620 @ 635
575 & 6 5)
473 8525
630 @ 65)
.. 600 @ 625
+. 300 @ 45)
.600 @825
eels iran L170) @ 90)
Heavy to thin calves.. vw 40) @ 6.00
Wasted Mistletoe.
Another illusion dispelled. Mistle-
toe, it seems, is not a Christmas
decoration. “Holly, the box and the
bay,” should deck forth our houses
and churches at Yuletide, but mistle-
toe should not make its appearance
till the New Year. It may help to
restore the practice of making the
hanging of the mistletoe separate New
Year's ceremony to state that its cf-
ficacy is entirely lost if it is hung
and used for the encouragement of
osculation before the first day of the
year.—Lady’s Pictorial.
There is good reason for urging leg
islation to restrain the traffic in
cocaine, morphine ang other crazing
drugs, observes the Pittsburg Dis-
patch. Many good people are ob-
sessed by the idea that alcoholic bev-
erages should be prohibited, but they
fail to appreciate the much greater
harm of the drug habits.
It is easier to tell a girl you love
an to tell her afterwards you've
her t
‘gress of aerial navigation.
this year, he expects to see three and |
Spread Over Hand, Arms, Legs and
Face—It Was Something Terrible
—Complete Cure by Cuticura.
“About fifteen or eighteen years ago ec-
zema developed on top of my hand. It
burned and itched so much that I was
compelled to show it to a doctor. He pro-
nounced it ringworm. .After trying his dif-
ferent remedies the disease increased and
went up my arms and to my legs and
finally on my face. The burning was some-
thing terrible. I went to another doctor
who had the reputation of being the best
in town. He told me it was eczema. His
medicine checked the advance of the dis-
ease but no further. I finally concluded to
try the Cuticura Remedies and found relief
in the first trial. I continued until I was
completely free from the disease and I have
not been troubled since. -C. Burkhart, 236
Ww. Market St., Chambersburg, Pa., Sept.
19, 1908.” Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole
Props. $d Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass.
Modern Masonry Defective.
Probably not one out of every
10,000 buildings standing in all parts
of the world and built by modern ma-
sons will: be. standing 500 years hence.
We do not know how to put stones
and brick together as the ancients
did, and consequently the buildings
We raise nowadays are really mere
temporary structures, and will be in
ruins when the ancient buildings of
Greece and Egypt, built thousands of
years ‘ago, are in as good condition
as they are now.
Rhematism Cured in a Day.-
Dr. Detchon’s Relief for Rheumatism radi-
cally curesinlto3days. Its action is remark-
‘able: It’femoves at once the cause and the
‘disease immediately disa; sappears, First dose
greatly benefits. 75c. and $1. At dregs,
A Powerful Dredge.
An unusually powerful dredge is
being built for the docks and harbor
board of Mersey. It has an over-all
length of 487 feet, a beam of 69 feet
and a depth of 30 feet 7 inches,.and
its hoppers will carry 10,000 tons of
sand. The two suction pipes are 42
inches in diameter and 90 feet long,
and each is connected to a pair of
centrifugal pumps, each driven by a
triple expansion engine. The suc-
tion pipes can dredge down to 70
feet below the water surface.
Only One “Bromo Quinine”
'I'bat is Laxative roe Quinine.
for the signature of E. W. Grove. Used the
World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25¢c.
Death Valley.
Death Valley is a desert valley in
Inyo county, Cal, lying between the
Panamint range on the west and the
Funeral. Amargosa and Grapevine
ranges on the east. Much of the
valley is below sea level, and there
are only a few places where ordinary
drinkable water can be obtained. The
valley was formerly the bed of a salt
lake Rigns the east side.
Wise people use Hamlins Wizard Oil to
sion pain because they know it always
es good. Foolish people try experi-
ments. Ask your druggists about it.
Aeroplane Expectations.
In a four years horoscope, Colonel
‘Baden-Powell anticipates the pro:
four hour flights and journeys over a
hundred miles. In the second year
there’ will “ be many aeroplanes and
they will be able to start from any
ground ‘and stem the gales. There
will: be races and cross-country jour-
neys,-.and ‘pleasure flights. In the
third year, the
quite common. There wiil be hun-
dreds- in the country, and nearly
everybody will have the chance to
see one coursing through the air. And
as to the fourth year, he says:
At this rate, in four years’ time we
may ‘be, able to say that flying is
common. It may perhaps still be
looked: upon as a somewhat venture-
some practice, and among the general
community may not be exactly an
every-day experience, but most well-
to-do people will have made a trip,
and many will own machines and
made almost daily runs. It will be
“quite the thing” to take your friends
for a fly.
Horse Census.
The government has been taking a
census of the horses of the country,
and reports that there are over 20,-
000,000 horses and nearly 4,000,000
mules in the United States. This
is a greater number of horses by sev-
eral hundred thousand than were re-
ported previously. The horseless
age” is evidently not yet in sight.
Ask Your Dealer For Allen’s Foot-Ease.
A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns,
Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching,
Sweating leet and Ingrowing Mails. Allen
foot-Kase makes new or tightsi.oeseasy. At
all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Ac-
t no substitute. Sample mailed FREE.
py, Hs Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. ¥
German Has Few Foreign Words.
Few languages are so free from
foreign elements as German, in which
even medical and scientific terms are
expressed - by great polysyllables in-
stead of. the far more concise Greek
and Latin forms in current. use
among most other nationalities.
"A Domestic Eye Remedy
Compounded by Experienced Physicians.
Conforms to Pure Food and Drugs Laws.
Wins Friends Wherever Used. Ask Drug-
gists for Murine Eye'Remedy. Try Murine.
Ths University of Wisconsin has
3,237 . students exclusive of the win-
ter agricultural classes, which will
bring” the total to more than 4,500.
The freshman class numbered 945.
Infected or *‘exposed.”
who will
Special agents wanted.
XC ist Orlghtep ané fast e
ment without r
. care of Itching, Blin
aeroplane will bef
Society Women of Molo:
In Molo the Woman’s Peace league
gave us a reception, and one could
not but smile at the thought that the.
pink, blue and green little fluttering-
with diamonds,
who offered us sickeningly sweet ices’
creatures bedecked
and politely asked us if we would
like a glass of whisky, were really the
ladies in the movement for the eman-
cipation of women we had heard’ so
eloquently described by a brilliant
young orator. We were often offer-
ed glasses of whisky by these mis-
guided natives, who think all Ameri-
cans, male and female, drink it by
the bottle.
vainly pressed a large beer mug full
on our member from Vermont. He
told her that Americans do not drink
so much whisky. She however, look-
ed calmly at him and said slowly and |
distinctly: “You lie!” an instance
of the kind of English these people
are learning.
Permanent Spanish Exposition.
- A permanent national ‘exposition at
Madrid, for thé promotion of which an
organization has been formed if
Spain, will have for one of its ‘chief
objects the stimulation of scientific
methods in agriculture and manufac- |]
Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days.
Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any
Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded.
New Stop Watch.
A new stop watch has been brought
out for use of physiclans and nurses
in counting pulse beats.
sure stops it and marks the timeé
when a given number of beats have
been counted.
No Wonder She's Cross.
The woman who has a thousand petty
cares and annoyances while she suffers
with headache or sideache must not be
blamed if she cannot always be amiable.
What she needs is thoughtfulness from her
family and such a simple and natural rem-
y as Lane’s Family Medicine, the herb
tea that makes weak women strong and
well. Sold by druggists and dealers, 25c.
Saving Daylight.
A piece of peculiar legislation is
the daylight saving bill which has
reached its second reading in the
English parliament. The object of
the measure is to have the British
day begin earlier in the morning, to
put the matter facetiously. During
the five summer month. the working
day is to begin an hour earlier than
at present to take advantage of the
early sunrise at that time of the year,
and give the working class a longer
period of daylight recreation at the
close of their work.
Future of Steel.
President Charles M. Schwab of the
Bethlehem Steel Company is optimis-
tic on the future of the steel indus-
try. The present cut in prices, he
says, will not last long. He predicts
that in ten years the annual consump-
tion of steel in this country will be
40,000,000 tons, or nearly double what
it was in 1907. He says it takes near-
ly -1,000 tons of steel rails per day
merely to replacé worn out rails.
It is galling to the sex that the real
ly brainy womah looks Jike a man.
Madore Cold Berody Reiieves the
head, throat and lungs almost immedlate-
ly. Checks Fevers, stops Discharges of
the nose, takes away all aches and pains
caused by colds. It cures Grip and ob-
stinate Coughs and prevents Pneumonia.
Price 25¢
Have you stiff or swollen joints, no mat-
ter how chronic? Ask your druggist for
Munyon’s Rheumatism Remedy and see
how quickly you will be cured.
If you have any kidney or bladder trou-
ble get Munyon’ s Kidney Remedy
unyon's Vitalizer makes weak men
strong and restores lost powers.
$300 SHOES $350
0b al
The Reason I To Fy a More Men's $3.00
& $3,50 Shoes Than Any Other Manufacturer
is because I give the wearer the benefit of the most
complete organization of trained experts and skilled
shoemakers in the country."
The selection o of the leathers for each part of the shee,
and every detail of the making in every department, is
looked after ad the best shoemakers in the shoe industry.
I could show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes
made, you would then OE cetand why they hold their
aa fit betier, and wear longer ths" an
My Method of Tanning the Soles makes them More
Flexible and Longer Wearing than any others.
Shoes for Every Member of the Family,
Men, nes s, Women, Misses and C igre ne
r fale by shoe dealers gory het
CAUTION } None genuine without W, Douglas
name and price stamped I bottom.
Fast Color Eyelets Used Exclusively. Catalog mailed free.
rippe among human beings and is a fine Kidney remedy.
5 and $10 a dozen.
S than, any other dye.
r Write for free bo
W. L. DOUGLAS, 167 Spark St., Brockton, Mass.
For Pink Eye, Epizootic
& Catarrhal Fever.
Sure cure and positive preventive, no matter how horses at any age are
Liquid, given on the tongue; acts on the Blood and
Glands, expels the poisonous germs from the body. Cures Distemper in Doe |
and Sheep and Cholera in Poultry.
Largest selling live stock remedy. Cures
Cut this out. Keep it. Show to your ruagiat |
get It for you. Free Booklet, “Distemper, Causes and Cu
ww Banterioisang, GOSHEN, IND, U.S.A. |
t—How t
Bleedingor ee,
The pressure’
50c. and 81 a |
One dainty little mestiza LydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegeta-
ble Compound Cured Her.
Willimantic, Conn.—*“ For five years
I suffered untold agony from female
troubles, causing backache, irregular
ties, dizziness and nervous prosiza-
tion. 3¢ was impossible for me te
pT § walk upstairs
without He
on the wa
tried three .
ent doctors and
each told me some-
thing different. I
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