ck..$ 50,000.00 nd.. 70,800.00 wer) 1,000,000.00 NTEREST { DE POSITS. , and eareful at. Cashier. thy Griffith, 1. €8 feed. The he best of ally! § ry produce, ea nnn [ol 3 ———— nice piece of iN ware. odd pieces. either Christ- ERS DALE, PA = = or h would re- essary food reached the | bant to pre- ‘hard times” ing to save, 3. BURY, Kk Lick, Pa. NX: 1 7000s! ore in the M. J. ., and invite you of Dry Goods, owestl raille “aly the are of your pat- faction to all. & Co. ASHER yous consideration. The inside is cor- ga fits tight and pre- eat. The agitator or others and a big im- 1 about it. The lever, ted together in a Way not tear the clothes, § Y ~~ We have just received a li New Lot of Ladies And St low prices. ERD rT TE TATE we will continue to sell —=® $3.50 Coats go at only L.75. 7.00 Coats go at only 3.75. 15.00 Coats go at only 7.50. 9) 0 p00Ha, '®' Sees EEE snemmens TATAT spas muon assem: SEasL ane mn es ERE LENE opmepe Ser eads soasesteaieis a eT ends n Sut assassinate Misses Spring Suits of the latest styles, which we are selling at astonishingly We have all shades At $10.00, 12.50 And 15.00. We want you to see these suits and convince yourself of the great values in them at the low prices asked. We sold a large number of ladies’ and misses’ coats during our Red Letter Sale, but we still have a nice little line left which AT HALF PRICE! $ 5.00 Coats go at only 2.50. 10.00 Coats go at only 5.00. Children’s coats at half price. S.C. Hartley. . \®, 9 [o' Etitaie: 9 9 iE ARAN, pep, denen ene STO SRS SR0SUG BRO AND, 9, sesses 238s BOYD, COCO C0DDO Sone n enon one &, set 09: '$' GBA, ie 32s "al £3330 fal 4d oon al \®, 9 '®' EEE * ] 2 t] 33 2aeraommemnspnommenn snes zn smne sue slsE 2 10 ON OP Sf Se SW SR Si Sf SB 6 Wl & won Go to the Elk Lick Supply Company for BARGAINS} {OARGALNS! AVE ARE (LONG 074 sane EE Ene esas esse RB nero uf ¢ BORO TO ef 0 BA OA OWA OW Of O° af Sef of 0 ue © ono ‘the following goods at reduced prices, as we “are going to quit business, and must close out quick: ——- Carpets, Mattings, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Underwear, a full line of Gents’ Fur- nishings, Ladies’ Wrappers, Hose of all kinds, Ribbons and Laces, Shirts and Collars, Cali- coes, Flannels, Worsteds, Outing Flannels, f Muslins, Sheetings, ete. Call and look our stock over, as we can { 3 save you money. First come, first served. Elk Lick Supply Co., Y to eat, and our prices are always fair. & We aim to please our customers by courteous treat- 2 ment and prompt delivery of goods. Call to see us. Our store is chucked full of -.. Come quick, while-you ‘have a-good selection. § : DRUGS - AT THE CITY DRUG STORE, CLUTTON YOU’ BROS. LL BE SURE TO Fire! A INSURANGE Can you afford to have your up in smoke without a cent of in- i surance with which to cover your 28 loss? Do It Now! Call on E, H. Miller, at tka Elk Lick drug store, and have him show you how: small the cost would be to have a polacy written insuring you against such losses. EH. Miller, Saisouy, Agent for W. B. Gook & om. : : : 8 : ! RB BR BEN: | wl Fy ; % Qur Motto: “Don’t Let Us Alone!” That National Prosperity Association wants everybody to quit “agitating.” Its motto is “Let Us Alone.” Well, that may be all right for the immense commercial concerns of the country— the manufacturers, etc.—but it is all wrong for the ordinary business house. Yo## don’t want people to let you alone. You want them to come around and buy goods, don’t you? But they will let you alone unless you “agitate.” And the way to agitate is to ADVER- TISE. Our columns are open, and the space price is just right. WANT COLUMN. For Sale, For Rent, Lost, Found, Etec. FARMERS, ATTENTION! C. R. Haselbarth & Son take pleasure in announcing that they can furnish you with 924 Anp 15- Quart Heavy Sap Pairs. Also Grimm’s Anchor and War- ren sap spouts, sugar bitts, su- gar-water buckets, syrup tanks, syrup scoops and testers. We just received a carload of the Slotted-Screw-Top syrup cans. Remember, we are headquar- ters for these goods and in a pagition to name you lowest 4 2- 25 Candy Buckets for sale at Egan’s. tf. LOTS FOR SALE?—Three lots front- ing on Ord street, opposite the school house. Apply to M. H. Boucher, Mey- ersdale, Pa. tf Engle’s Buckwheat Flour for pugity. Egan sells it. tf. EPRESENTATIVES WANTED to se- R cure subscriptions and advertising for the New Amstel Magazine—a month- ly, whose mission is “to uplift and enliven and cut out the bad.” Satisfactory acknowledgements have been received from many distinguished men, including Hon. Willam Jennings Bryan, Secretaries Root and Cortelyou, At- torney General Bonaparte, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Julian Hawthorne, Mork Twain, Henry Hanby Hay, Hiram W. Ha rite =p nee for terms. id copy upon requ NEW AMBTEL MAGAZINE COMP ANY, 2-18 1025 Market St., Wilmingion, Del. Six Post Cards for b5e., at Egan’s. tf. WANTED !—Rents to collect, Deeds, Mortgages, Pension Vouchers, ete, to fill out and attest. Satisfaction guar- anteed. P. L. LiveENGooD, $8 Star Office. —_——————— Egan sells 21bs of good Coffee for*25c. tf. Three packages Indian Corn Flakes, or 3 large bottles Blue- ing, or 2 large cans, Veribest Pork and Beans for 25c., at Egan’s. tf. _— We sincerely thank our many friends and patrons for making our Red Letter Sale a splendid success. We did our part honest- ly. and satisfactorily, and the people showed their appreciation beyond our expectations. S. C. HARTLEY. WANTED, MEN AND WOMEN TO SWEAR and affirm before the under- signed, when they have documents te Another Boswell Negress Uses Re- volver With Deadly Effect. A news dipateh sent out from Bos- well, dated Feb. 5th, tells the following story concerning a probable murder: “Annoyed the greater part of theday, she said, by the actions of her husband, Nellie Patterson, colored, a domestic employed at the club house of the Merchants’ Coal Company in this place, shortly before 3 o'clock this afternoon fired through the kitchen door a bullet which lodged in the abdomen of W. H. Patterson, her husband, who was knocking for admission. Patterson dropped to the floor of the poreh, and physicians who were called immedi- ately alter the shooting, believe he is fatally wounded. The wife was given a preliminary hearing before Burgess C. 8. Ickes, and committed to the Som- erset jail to await the outcome of her husband’s injuries. “The couple, it is understood, has had frequent quarrels. fhe was employed by the late J. G. Logan, the Superin- tendent killed in the explosions here last week, and he was employed in the mine that claimed Mr. Logan. Pat- terson had not been working since the explosions, and according to those who have seen him frequently on the streets, he has been intoxicated most of the time while idle. It is said that he bothered the woman the greater part of the day, and when he knocked on the door she could not restrain her- self any longer.” PNEUMONIA FOLLOWS LA GRIPPE. Pneumonia often follows la grippe, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, for la grippe coughs and deep-seated colds. Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow package. Elk Lick Pharmacy JE. H. Miller, Pro- prietor. 3-1 Lemons Grown in Somerset County. Lemons have been grown in Somer- set county, as the following from the Johnstown Tribune would show: “The lemon is belieyed to be the largest ever seen in these parts, meas- uring 18 inches around the long way, 1214 inches the short way, and weigh- ing one pound and two ounces. And it was grown at Rummel, Somerset county, a few miles from Windber. “The tree which produced this re- markable bit of fruit still flourishes in a room on the second floor of the farm house of J. M. Rummel. Mr. Rummel bought the tree when it was only a few inches high, planted it in proper soil in a half-bushel measure, and has looked after it so carefully that it is now nearly four feet tall, and nicely pro- portioned. About a month ago it was so covered with fruit that the branches threatened to break, and the tree be- came an object of interested curiosity for miles around. Only two of the lemons matured, however—the one which Mr. Rummel handed The Trib- une, and one which Mrs. Rummel made up into a splendid lemon pie.” Tue STAR wishes to inform its read- ers that Mr. Rummel isn’t the only man in Somerset county who has been raising lemons. Salisbury has a thrifty German citizen in the person of Chris- tian Horchler, who has in his house several lemon and orange trees that have borne several crops of very nice fruit, the lemons being especially fine. None of them were as large as the lemon Mr Rummel exhibited at the office of the Johnstown Tribune, but some of them were nevertheless as large as any lemons ever on sale at our stores, and Mr. Horchler’s yields have been tar better than Mr. Rum- mel’s. When it comes to producing lemons, oranges, great men and hand- some women, Salisbury always takes the lead in old Somerset county. And right here let us remind you that when it comes to raising fruit, vegetables or cereals, the Dutch beat the world. However, when it comes to raising po- tatoes and hell, the Irish are pretty hard to beat. HEXAMETHYLENETRAMINE. The above is the name of a German chemical, which is one of the many valuable ingredients of Foley’s Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities, and avoid a ‘serious malady. Elk Lick Pharmacy, E. H. Miller, Proprietor. 3-1 Marriage Licenses. Robert Landis and Emma Hanning, both of Stonycreek. : George Melker, of Johnstown, and Louisa Smearman, of Meyersdale. Bert Beck, of Somerset, and Mayme Montgomery, of Ligonier. Wm. B. Herrell and Rosie B. Dupp- stadt, both of Listie. Cheer Up. “Don’t kick because you have to but- ton your wife’s waist. Be glad your which lawful affidavits are required. 1 also draw up all manner of deeds, leases, mortgages, etc., neatly and ac- curately, according to the require- wife has a waist and doubly glad you have a wife to button a waist for. Some men’s wives have no waists to button. PROBABLY ANOTHER MURDER. | Piles or Smiles? A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to immediately relleve and ultimately cure with ahr re ee el Woria, B Barber's lien, 8 ie highly Sones he Tou a bey 5 FCn gt snalled, Trisl sample 2 cents to cover THE 6. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, Ohio. pg The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is BEES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Bees is the original laxative cough contains no opiates, gently moves bowels, carrying the cold off through the natural iw op Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. SOLD BY E. H. MILLER. FOLEY’ KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi- cine. Take it at once. Do. not risk having Bright’s Dis- ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. SOLD BY ELK LICK PHARMACY, Baltimore & Ohio R. B. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 22, 1908. MEYERSDALE. EAST BOUND. ee A8NIBIF cain cad nasi . 6_Dally Mail.. . 14—Daily Mail 0. 56—Daily exceptSunday..... . 208— Daily from Johnstown. . 12—Duquesne Mail.. . WEST BOUND. No. 1i—Daily Duquesne Mail. . No. 207—Daily to Johnstown..... No. 57—Daily except Sunday.. No. Daily Mail No. 49—Dail No. 5—Daily Mail.. All of the above trains Sivpa at & Meyeradale. Yo, R.E.MEYERS, Attorney-at-Liaw, SOM¥®RSET, PA. Office in Court House. W.H. KOONTZ. KOONTZ & OGLE, J. G.06Ls: SOMERSET, PENN'a ofceopposite Court House. DR. PETER L. SWANK, Physician and Surgeon, ELK LIOK, Pa. Successor to Dr. E. H. Perry. RERKEY & SHAVER, Attorneys-at-Liaaw, SOMERSET, Pa, Coffroth & Ruppel Building. ERNEST 0. KOOSER, Attorney-At-Liaw, SOMERSET, PA. E.C.SAYLOR, D.D. 8, SALISBURY, PA, Office Corner Union St. and Smith Av: Special attention given to the preserv:.. tion.of the natural teeth. - Artificial sets i: - gerted in“the best possible manner. GENERAL W.S. WELLER, “"“{j¢rionzes. | Makes a specialty of Farm Sales, Li .- Stock, Merchandise and Real Estate. GRADUATE OF MISSOURI AUCTION SCHOO Terms reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. R. F.D. No.2, MEYERSDALE, PA, A RO SRR, - P. L. LIVENGOOD, | Notary Public. Star Office, Salisbury Pa. N IB DEEDS, MORTGAGES, PENSION VOUCHERS, AGREEMENTS, WILLS, ETC., CAREFULLY Some men’s wives’ waists have no but- Some men’s wives ATTENDED TO. GY V full { : ery Respectiully, 1 eB, sons on to button. aii fin a 1 ments of the law. Typewritten work a Special Attention to Claims, Collections _ rage and to turn the who have waists with buttons on to | 1 Mariage License Anplications: r can be seate > a1 ury, 1 | THE. BOWELS. AND specialty. | button don’t eare a continental whether | and Marriage License Applications. wed piviaing ail IC 1 VE WORK OFF A COLD | 2 fall Tine of legal blanks always on | they are buttoned or not. Some men | § FULL LINE OF LEGAL BLANKS Eiagien by ~| THE ORIGINAL hand. >. L. L1vENGOOD, ALWAYS ON HAND. | don’ t have any wives with waists with | RRR RR SR 1 Meyersdale, Pa. BE Afanvs C Notary vibe and Conveyancer. | buttons on to button, any more than a | | BEST FOR A | Star OFFICE, Elk Lick, Pa. tf rabbit.” ‘