| ; . Fire, Fire, Fire! SHIRE INSURANCE3<- Can you afford to have your dwelling or household goods go up in smoke without a cent of in- surance with which to cover your loss? Do It Now! Call on E. H. Miller, at the Elk Lick drug store, and have him § show you how small the cost would be to have a polacy written insuring you against such losses. 1 Will, Sos Agent for WN. B. Gook & don FOLEY’ KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi- cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis- ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. SOLD BY ELK LICK PHARMACY. Piles or Smiles ?| A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to immediately relieve and ultimately cure with the most wonderful scientific discovery of ‘modern timesYor the severest cases of Itching es, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ring ‘Worm, Barber's Itch, etc. This highly medi- cated antiseptic Salve kills the germs, re- moves the trouble and heals the irritation permanently. Absolute satisfaction guar- anteed or money refunded. y : . Price 50 cts. at Druggists, or mailed. Trial sample 2 cents to cover mailing. THE 6. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, Ohio. A I A A EE A A BA RE “IS BEAUTY WORTH YOUR WHILE? Yiola Cream positively eradicates veckles, moles, black heads, sunburn and tan, ‘1estoring diseased, blotched, rough and oily * - skin to the freshness and delicacy of youth. There is no substitute for this superior harm- less preparation. The life secret ofthe world’s greatest Skin Specialist. At all Druggists or mailed for 50 cents. Special proposition and “side to Beauty on request. Skin Soap—best for toilet, nursery and OF cents, NER CO., Toledo,Ohio. P.L. LIVENGOOD, Notary Public. Star Office, Salisbury Pa. VOUCHERS, AGREEMENTS, WILLS, ETC., CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. Special Attention to Claims, Collections and Marriage License Applications. 8 FULL LINE OF LEGAL BLANKS ALWAYS ON HAND. ® : DEEDS, MORTGAGES, PENSION : : 8% Baltimore & Ohio R. B. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 22, 1908. MEYERSDALE. EAST BOUND. No. 48—Daily 155 a. No. 6—Daily Mail.......... :24 a. m. No. 14—Daily Mail.......... :50 p. m. No. Daily exceptSunday :50 p. m. No. 208—Daily from Johnstown... 7:05 p.m. No. 12—-Duquesne Mail........... 9:20 p. m. WEST BOUND. No. 11—Daily Duquesne Mail. . No. 207—Daily to Johnstown..... No. 57—Daily except Sunday No. 15—Daily Mail.......... No. 49—Dail © All of the above trains stop at Meyersdale. FOLEY SKIDNEYCURE Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right Dr.King’s New Life Pills | The best in the world. StopPain a HEADACHE Take NEURALGIA ONE a ~ . Miles’ Ant of the Little Ras Pols Sri beeg Tallets a and the i Pain is a. Gone Boonwa, N. V. ATI and SCIATIC 25 Doses 25 Cents Your Druggier setts Dr. Miles' Ane-Puta, Pill end be is authorized w return the price of the firm paclage (only) Hf it fails © benefit you: CROWN MUTUAL FRE Zt INSURANCE COMPANY Somerset, Pa. H. L. SIPE, President. E. E. PRITTS, Treas. R.S. MEYERS, Sec. ——DIRECTORS :—— H. L. Sipe, Somerset, J. W. Barkley, Bakersville, W. H. Fritz, Garrett, J. G. Emert, Somerset, J. C. Liphart, Casselman, C. C. Schmucker, Boswell, H. L. Walker, Berlin, G. L. Dobson, Stoystown, F. G. Fryburg, Hooversville, A. G. Bantley, Windber, C. A. Phillips, Meyersdale. A Safe Home Company. Write to the Secretary, R.S. MEYERS, BERLIN, PA. I W.T. BRUBAKER, Manager. Midway Between Broad Sireet Station and Reading Terminal, on Filbert Sireel. IUROPEAN, $1.00 PER DAY AND UP. AMERICAN, $2.50 PER DAY AND UP. H@F=The only moderate-priced hotel of reputation and consequence in PHILADRKEILPHIA, THE CHILDREN LIKE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP JeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills FOR BACKACHE STOCKHOLDERS’ NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Salisbury, Pa., at 1 o’clock p. m., for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year. 1-7 ALBERT REITZ, Cashier. A DANGEROUS OPERATION is the removal of the appendix by a surgeon. No one who takes Dr. King’s New Life Pills is ever subjected to this frightful ordeal. They work so quietly you don’t feel them. They cure con- stipation, headache, biliousness and malaria. 25c. at E. H, Miller's drug store. 1-1 TO LAND OWNERS:—We have printed and keep in stock a supply of trespass. notices containing extracts from the far-reaching trespass law pass- ed at the 1905 session of the Pennsyl- vania Legislature. The notices are printed on goed cardboard with blank ine for signature, and they will last for years in all kinds of weather. Every and owner should buy some of them, as the law requires land owners to post their lands if they want the protection of the latest and best trespass law ever passed. Send all orders to THE STAR, Elk Lick, Pa. tf WANTED, MEN AND WOMEN TO SWEAR and affirm before the under- signed, when they have documents to which lawful affidavits aré required. I also draw up all manner of deeds, leases, mortgages, ete, neatly and ac- curately, according ‘to the require- ments of the law. Typewritten work a specialty. { A full line of legal blanks always on | hand. P.L. LiveNeoop, | Notary Public and Conveyancer. | STAR OrrioE, Elk Lick, Pa. tf January (2th. 1909, there will be a meeting | IN INSTALLMENTS. Patron—That’s all right Send one cooks, will you? : Mgr.—I am afraid we that many on hand. Patrcn—Thats all right. Send one every two weeks, RESOURCES EXHAUSTED. not Mrs. Rover—And how did you get along while I was away? Rover—Why I kept house” for about ten days, and then I went hoarding, Mrs. Rover—Boarding! Why diin’t you go on keeping house? . Rover—Couldn’t; all the dishes sere dirty. JONE’S JOB. — ad i! Jz mi] Da ra (OS <2 7 - » First Commuter:—I1 hear Jones is working a put up job. Second Commuter: —What is it? First Commuter:—Wall-paper ing. THOUGHTFUL, = NUBEINE. Mr, Centipede (to bachelor friend) —See, my wife never forgets to set my slippers in front of the fire. SPOILED THE PICTURE, Miss Humming Bird (who has posed on the wing) —It doesn’t seem as clear as it should be. Mr. Jay—Fm afraid you moved a trifle. GIVE HIM HIS DUE. = 204. = A Lo WN, Lord Ls OE Jet PSS Mr. Goodly:— ‘My little man, | batan is very busy in this world.” Newsboy:—“Well, kin yer blame bim fer leavin’ home” Our store is chicka full of § rronsining Good to eat, and our prices are always fair. We aim to please our customers by courteous treat- ment and prompt delivery of goods. Very Respectfully, >. A. Lichliter, Salisbury, Pa. Call to see us. a 0 Shoes, Groceries, etc. best and purest brands of goods. ronage, and we guarantee a square deal and satisfaction to all. Howard Meager & Co. New Store! New Goods! We have opened a fine new general store in the M. J. Glotfelty building, Ord St., Salisbury, Pa., and invite you to come and ‘inspect our nice, new line of Dry Goods, ) Puce Low As The Lowest! We start witlran entire new stock, and we ‘handle only the We solicit a share of your pat- R.E.MEYERS, e eo Attorney-at-Liaw, SOM¥RSET, PA. Office in Court House. WwW. H. KOONTZ. J. G.0eLE KOONTZ & OGLE Attorneys-At-Law, SOMERSET, PENN’A nfMceopposite Court House. DR.PETER L. SWANK, Physician and Surgeon, ELK LIOK, Pa. Successor to Dr. E. H. Perry. RERKEY & SHAVER, Attorneys-at-Law, | : SOMERSET, PA. Coffroth & Ruppel Building. ERNEST 0. KOOSER, Attorney-At-Liaw, SOMERSET, PA. E.C.SAYLOR, D. D. 8, SALISBURY, PA, Office Corner Union -8t. and Smith Ave. Special attention given to_the pres tion of the natural teeth. serted in the best possible manner. W.S. WELLER, “®t onpen. Makes a specialty of Farm Sales, Live Stock, Merchandise and Real Estate. GRADUATE OF MISSOURI AUCTION SCHOOL. Terms reasonable and satisfaction gunar- anteed. R. F.D. No.2, MEYERSDALR, PA. for Christmas or New Year. R. REICH & SoN, The Leading Furniture Dealers of Somerset County, are showing the largest and best assortment of Furniture, Car- pets, Lace Curtains, China, Bric-a-Brac, Lamps, Carpet Sweepers and Sewing Machines. Everything in the House-Furnishing Line, among which you will find some articles suitable useful gifts R. REICH & SON, MEYERSDALE, Pa. Eat What You want of the food you need You need a sufficient amount of good wholesome food and more than this you need to fully digest it. Else you can’t gain strength, nor can you strengthen your stomach if it is weak. You must eat in order to live and maintain strength. You must not diet, because the body requires that you eat a suffic- ient amount of food regularly. But this food must be digested, and it must be digested thoroughly. When the stomach can’t do it, you must take something that will help the stomach. The proper way to do is to eat what you went, and let Kodol di- gest the food. Nothing else can do this. When the stomach is weak it needs help; you must help it by giving it rest, and Kodol will do that. FOR =\iLK BY E. H. MILLER, ELK Kodol will digest it. Our Guarantee Go to your druggist today, and purchase a dollar bottle, and if you can honestly say, that you did not receive any benefits from it, after using the entire bottle, the drug-" gist will refund your money to you without question or delay. ‘We will pay the druggist the price of the bottle purchased by you. This offer applies to the large bottle only and to but one in a family. ‘We could not afford to make such an offer, unless we positively knew what Kodol will do for you. It would bankrupt us. The dollar bottle contains 2% times as much as the fifty cent bottle. Kodol is made at the laboratories of E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. LICK, PA. MODEL WASHER} contains new features worthy of your consideration. The tub is made of Tress wood. The inside is cor- provement. You should know all about it. The lever, shaft and agitator are all connected together in a way so there is no lost ‘motién and is rust-proof. can be set for long or short leverage and to turn the handle downward so the operator can be seated. Send for circular which shows and explains all the features. WM. Ss. MILLER, » ts en . It cannot By means of a thumb nut the lever Guaranteed. Manufactured by Meyersdale, Pa. ‘““FORT CUMBERLAND” BLACK ELASTIO Roof and Metal WON'T COME OFF AND'S JUST AS BLACK A high grade Paint for Roofing and all Metal Surfaces. BLACK, GLOSSY AND ELASTIC. Will not crack, peal or blister. It will make an old and worthless rocf practically as good as new. § Most Elastic Paint on the market to-day. Made from various Mineral Pigments, Rub. [@ bers, Oils and Chemicals. Guaranteed for 5 years. If your Dealer cannot supply you, ac- cept no other, but write us and same will receive prompt attention. FORT CUMBERLAND PAINT MFG. COMPANY, Cumberland, Md. FOR PILES USE BASNETT’S OINTMENT It is a reliable Ointment. It re- lieves quickly; it is easy to use. It is pleasant to use. It is a splendid remedy for Croup, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Cold Sores, Headaches, Bites and and Stings of insects. No other ointment, no other powder or no other remedy of any kind is so highly recommended by those who have used the different treatments, and by those who are thoroughly familiar with BASNETT’S OINTMENT. PRICE 25 CENTS. For sale by all druggists. W. A. CLARKE, FOR— UndertakinG, MEYERSDALE, PENNA. STEVENS ARMS are for sale by all progressive Hardware and Sporting Goods Merchants and | DAN BEARD'S splendid effort F —*“ GUNS AND GUNNING *’— will be mailed postpaid to any. applicant by J. STEVENS ARMS & Toor Company, Chicopee N Falls, Mass., upon n ¢ tion forward 20 cents; \Y/ for cloth bound book receipt of price, A 2 IN send 30 cents. ond ar ; For paper eoveredi- Written | Murphy Bros. RESTAURANT! ZAMS / Headquarters for best Oysters, Iee Cream, Lunches, Soft Drinks, ete. Try our Short-Order Meals—Beef- steak, Ham and Eggs, Sausage, Hot Coffee, ete. Meals to Order at All ave. Hours! mm We also handle a line of Groeeries, Confectionery, Tobacco, Cigars, ete. We try to please our patrons, and we would thank you for a share of your buying. MURPHY BROTHERS, Wagner's LIVERY Salisbury, Penna. Frank Wagner, Propr. Harvey Wagner, Mgr. Good horses, and good rigs of all kinds. Special attention to the needs of traveling men, and extra good equipments for pic- nicking and sleighing parties. Horses well fed and cared for, at reasonable rates. : Somerset County telephone. Pinesalve Acts like a . poultice. Good Carbolized family salve. Artificial setsin- = sr ive NE SS ar NA Tr TT re TH Rg ~ Pe A, Co AB ~ \ A 5 > exac spre & & 2 @ & & & & L & & » 2 & & : G Nr + £ JG st ’ You can much enjo, vice @ffher her rew-wl sive hats tl _MToveasa what’s the: * . goods ibex claiwring tc bare, sterex times think 4% more string lows. Bid: genuine ih plains efh: AN exeht remove gi clothes. will also re also spring from the m from his wi ‘move hou 8 /house and ithe smiles ;and the ha A remover < £guals. =~ Bz natur people witl axe geally i aut. Af yor "pot geeeive great jimter The day of pever io | ever before judge those contact. 1 able to jud v rather thai abilities, ny ONE of t "“ present tim may not af our town, alarming e: cities, wher “time as if t them in the persons wh ges compels