n't 11S, IES, offering ONEY, us ser- reasing e I can roe, Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are so “very pop- ular in college towns. These clothes are not made for college men on- ly ; if you never went to college, that’s no reason why you can’t dress in OLLEGE men are said to be the smartest, most crit- ical dressers, and that’s one reason why ——s . style. ~ We're ready to show you or any other man $ the best clothes ever seen in this town; they're Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes ; all-wool fabrics, | perfectly tailored, accu- rate in style, correct fit. Best make Of clothes | You ever saw! « | A Copyright 1908 by { \ Hart Schaffner & Marx ' We can show you suits in many styles, from : ; $18.00, 20.00, 25.00, 30.00 up to 40.00. Overcoats, such as you'll like, $15.00, 18.00, 25.00, 30.00 up to 50.00. S.C. Hartley, Meyersdale. ¥ | ¥ . . SAN Our stock of Perfumery has re- ceived the endorsement of Santa Claus. The entire stock bristles with beautiful, pleasingly-priced “stocking-fillers.” No woman . rT % i canshave too much perfume, and i 2 most men like the “captive odor 7 N of fields and flowers.” Cle V4 NL We have all the popular odors, ZU "Watch Out for our announcement of Christmas goods, which will appear in this space, next week. } ® Lick Supply Co, ™ General Merchants. SAVING! If you were going to cross a desert which would re- S . ® require several days, you would provide necessary food & and water before starting, to last until you reached the a % other side. Is it not just as wise and important to pre- &@ » pare for the deserts of life, such as sickness, “hard times” and old age by saving. Decide you are going to save, && 2» NOW, then call and start an account with us. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SALISBURY, Eix Lick, Pa. Op 8 LBB BHRBBBBIBE S07 i el BE BIBI 3%] Bie) in bulk or bottles—borttles that are in themselves most accept- chil- , able presents—from the dren’s 10c. bottles to those pleas- ing creations of cut glass in silk- en-lined boxes. “When in doubt, give her a bottie of perfume.” City Drug: Store, “ids 306 MAN ST, NEVERSDALE, PA. ER Ny The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is BEES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP | Bees is the original laxative cough syrup, | contains no opiates, gently moves the | bowels, carrying the cold off through the |natural channels, Guaranteed to give | satisfaction or money refunded. SOLD BY E. H. MILLER. and garters, Doctors Declare Dust Disseminates Disease. Dust on store shelves and stock indi cates dise~se. 2 It indicates a sluggish condition of the business blood. Dust accumulates where trade decays. Dusting the shelves with a duster is like taking drugs—a dose now and then relieves, but it doesn’t cure. Build up the blood of your business and make the mifrobes migrate. PRESCRIPTION: Newspaper Advertising is the name of the best spring tonic, summer tonic, fall tonic and winter tonic for that tired feeling of trade depression. Take regularly. WANT COLUMN. For Sale, For Rent, Lost, Found, Etc. Slippers, gloves, silk scarfs, fine belts, belt buckles, hat pins, sterling silver novelties, etc., all at reasonable prices. Holi- day assortment complete at Miller & Collins's. FOR SALE !—Two Horses, four Mules. Apply to Savage Fire Brick Company, Keystone Junction, Pa. 12-10 Net waists and 1909 models of white Lingerie waists, silk petticoats, fine Voile skirts, or one of our handsome suits or coats will make a fine a gift for any lady. MiLLEr & COLLINS. LOTS FOR SALE?—Three lots front- : | ing on Ord street, opposite the school house.. Apply to M. H. Boucher, Mey- ersdale, Pa. tf Presents a man likes: Cra- vat, cravat pins and cuff links, silk mufflers, silk suspenders umbrellas, bath robes, fancy vests and kid gloves. Miller & Collins have the best of all these articles. FOR SALE at a bargain!—As good and handsome a Double-Barrel Ham- merless Shotgun as there is in Salis- bury ; 12 gauge, 80-inch barrels, guar- anteed for smokeles powder, brand new. Inquire at Star office. tf. Useful gifts are as welcome as any. That’s the kind Miller & Collins can supply in abun- dance. : FOR SALE !—A Child’s Bed; large enough for two ; cost $6.00; will sell for $3.00; in good condition. Inquire at STAR office. tf. We advocate a sensible Christmas and supply sensible, seasonable and fashionable goods for men’s, women’s and children’s Christmas gifts. MLLER & COLLINS. FOR SALE !—A few Somerset Coun- ty Directories containing names and addresses of all taxable inhabitants of county in 1903; also contains township, railroad and mineral map of county; 50c. each. StAr office. tf A visit to Miller & Collins's store, Meyersdale, will prove a treat to all. It’s just jammed full of Holiday goods—dolls, bears, Tige dogs and every other kind of goods to make Christmas a suceess. lien FOR SALE!—Good Oil FOLEYSHONEY-