The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, December 03, 1908, Image 4

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P. L. Livexcoop, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa.
as mail matter of the Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is published every Thursday,at
Salisbury, (Elk Lick, P. 0.) Fome rset Coun-
ty, Pa.,at the followi ing rate
One year, if paid spot cash in iv ance.. $1.25
If not paid strictly in advance. -
Bix THONLNS.......ccoerveriacirrinionnnasis » 75
Three months..
Single copies.
To avoi
all subscriptions for three months or less
must be paid in advance. These rates and
terms will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices,5 cents a line
each insertion. o regular advertisers, 5
sents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a
line for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
ness lacals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for less than 10
sents a line for each insertion,except on
yearly contracts.
‘Rates for Display Advertisments will be
made known on application
Editorial advertising, invariably 10 cents
Tout Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
additional lines, 5 cents each.
Cards of Th anks will be published free id
prtrons of the paper. Ld -patrons will
charged 10 cents a lin
Resolutions of Hotooet will be published
for 5 cents a line.
All advertisements will be run and charg-
ed for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
than 25 cents.
Born, Friday last, to Rev. and Mrs
L. P. Young, a daughter.
Mise Nellie Reiber las accepted a
position as saleslady and seamstress in |
Kaplan’s store,
Mrs. C. G. Wagner, of Johnstown,
Pa., arrived here last week for a visit
Meyersdale, Pa.
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M.
Miss Anna O. McKinley went to
Cedar Falls, Iowa, recently, where she
50 | ever, cars may be running on regular
multiplicity of small accounts’ | schedule between Salisbury and Gar-
very rapidly. He is now able to eit
up in a chair. The condition of his
eye is not definitely known, as it is still
bandaged. All of us hope for his early
and complete recovery. —Meyersdale
The Pennsylvania & Maryland Street
Railway Company installed a regular
service between Meyersdale and Gar-
rett,on Monday, when hundreds of
people from Salisbury and Meyersdale
inspected the new line, says the Som-
erset Herald, but it is not true. How-
rett before this issue of THE STAR goes
to press.
Horse coughs and stuffy colds that
may develop into pneumonia over
night are quickly cured by Foley’s
Honey and Tar, as it soothes inflamed
membranes, heals the lungs, and ex-
pels the cold from the system. Elk
Lick Pharmacy, E. H. Miller, proprie-
tor. 1-1
Colonel Al Swartzwelder called at
The Star cffice, last Thursday even-
ing, and paid another year’s subscrip-
tion to the “Twinkler,” and requested
that the paper be sent to him at Lis-
tonburg, where he has for some time
been employed. Colonel Al says Le
intends to take up the study of law in
the near future. We fear he is too
innocent a man for a lawyer, but we
wish him success.
Last Wednesday evening while Rev.
Miller, of the United Evangelical
church, was at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ellis Wagner, performing a mar-
riage ceremony, the members of his
| church gathered at the parsonage and
treated the parson and his family to a
for instance, your opportunity to ap-
peal to the people through paid adver-
tisements in the newspapers, you are
not doing your share”
Eider Howard H. Keim, of Ladoga,
Ind. arrived here last Thursday, for a
visit with his mother and sister, Mrs.
8. C. Keim and Miss Cora Keim. He
also enjoyed short visits with a few
other friends while here, and it is need-
less to say that his many friends in
old Salisbury fare always glad for an
opportunity to entertain him. From
here he went to Frostburg, Monday
morning, to visit his aunt and cousins
residing there, the wife and daughters
of the late Hon. B. Welfley. His plans
were to go from Frostburg to Elkins,
W. Va. to visit his brothers who re-
side there, and from thence return to
his home. On Sunday Elder Keim
filled the pulpit of the Union street
Brethren church, where many of his
old-time friends had the pleasure of
hearing him preach. One of his sons
accompanied him on his visit.
Two Serious Mine Accidents.
Two serious mine accidents occurred
in this viciniey within the past week.
One of them occurred in Samuel Ring-
ler’s mine, Saturday last, when Harvey
Engle, an employe of the mine, was
caught by a fall of bone coal. His
head was struck such a severe blow
that he continued to bleed from both
ears for a day or two after the accident
happened, but at last report he was
resting quite easy, and it is believed
that he will recover. The injured man
is a son of Mr. and’Mrs. John B. Engle,
is married, and resides at the village of
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at-|
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock.
Robert R. Henderson.
Daniel Annan.
Duncan Sinclair,
Roberdeau Aunan.
Surplus fund,
§ Assets (over)
am OF FICERS : ts.
Roberdeau Annan, President.
Olin Beall. Cashier.
Timothy Griffith,
" Capital stoeck..$ 50,000. |
70,000. 000.00)
Deposits (over) 1 000, 000. 00 |
If You Don't
Know This,
| come and be convinced that I have a
large stock of
this season’s goods, that I am offering”
right. To give you
er).. 1,200,00000| py, VALUE FOB YOUR MONEY,
as well®as prompt and courteous ser-
vice, is my aim.
The fact that my trade is increasing
right along is the best evidence I cam
| produce that IT am succeeding.
broods Delivered Free,
Anywhere in Town,
Give me a call. Very respectfully,
St. Paul, in Elk Lick township.
The second accident occurred in
| gene rous donation of good things of
many kinds. It is needless to say that
| the gon: ation was a pleasant surprise
| to Rev . Miller and family.
Colds contracted at this season of the
Eri quickly relieved with Bees
Laxative Cough Syrup. Its laxative
quality rids the system of the cold.
Pleasant to take. Best for children for
coughs, colds, croup and whooping
cough. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy.
3-1 /
It is not the site of a town, but its
character that makes it a desirable
has accepted a position at school | place tolive. A live, prosperous town
teaching. is a desirable one to live in, and a
Miss Janet O. McKinley, who is|town may prosper and yet be small.
teaching school in Greensburg, Pa.,
wspentyher Thanksgiving vacation at her
home in this city. r
A pill in time that will save nine is
Rings Little Liver Pill. For bilicus-
ness, sick headache, constipation. They
do not gripe. Price 25c. Sold by Elk
Lick Pharmacy. 3-1
Baker Johnson, who carries “Uucle
Sam’s” mail between Grantsville and
Salisbury, is. off duty, this week, owing
to an attack of la grippe.
President Rosevelt says: “Jacob Riis
is New York’s most useful citizen.”
He is a very popular lecturer. Hear
him at Meyersdale, Dec. 14th. 12-10
Be sure to try our “Want” column if
you have anything to sell, or any
special announcement to make to the
public. A drop of ink makes many
Personal experience with a tube of
ManZan Pile Remedy: will convince
you it is immediate relief for all forms
of Piles. Guaranteed. 50c. Sold by
Elk Lick Pharmacy. 3-1
Attorney John E Gasteiger, of Som-
erset, died at his home in that town,
Sunday morning, aged 42 years He
died of liver and kidney disorders. He
is survived bv a wife and two children.
The biggest attraction on the Mey-
ersdale Lecture Course, Jacob Riis,
lecture, Dec. 14th, on the “Battle with
the Slum,” in the Grand Opera House.
We are here to give you a newspa-
per. Our ambition is to let no item
escape us, However, we can only be
in one place at a time, so if you see an
item getting away from us, please cap-
ture it and deliver it at the office.
Beautify your own property all you
can, then do all you can to beautify
your streets. Be friendly with every-
body and courteous to strangers. Your
own civility will help make good im-
pressions, and will be carried away
and cherished.
Foley’s Orino Laxative cures chronic
constipation and stimulates the liver.
Orino regulates the bowels so they
will act naturally and you do not have
to take purgatives continuously. - Elk
Lick Pharmacy, E. H. Miller, proprie-
tor. 1-1
We regret to announce that our
genial colored barber, M. B. Sheppard,
js down with typhoid fever, at his
home in Meyersdale. His brother Da-
vid is conducting the Salisbury shop
since M. B. is sick. We trust that the
sick man will soon regain his health.
Married, Wednesday evening of last
week, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis Wagner, on Union street, their
eldest daughter, Miss Bessie Wagner,
to Mr. Charles Engle. THE STAR joins
the many friends of the couple in ex-
tending to them the customary con-
gratulations and best wishes.
Pineules for the Kidneys are little
golden globules which act directly on
the kidneys. A trial will convince you
of quick results for Backache, Rheu-
matism, Lumbago and tired wornout
feeling. 30 days’ trial $1.00. They
purify the blood. Sold by Elk Lick
Pharmacy. 3-1
Bishop Lint, who has.been very ill
since the operaticn upon his eye for
cataract, is now reported as
Every citizen in a town should be in-
terested in its prosperity. One of the
best ways to help a town is fo speak
well of it. It is true patriotism to
stand by your own town, and interests
that effect the town should effect every
Never forget you are a part of the
town, and that your own deportment
helps to make up the strangers’ es-
timate of the place. Sell all you can
and buy all you can at home. Every
dollar that is sent or carried away
from home makes the town that much
poorer. If you have the means, invest
in something that will give somebody
employment. Do not kick at a pro-
posed improvement simply because it
is not at your door.
Woods Liver Medicine in liquid form
regulates the liver, relieves sick head-
ache, constipation, stomach. kidney
disorders, and acts as a gentle laxative.
For chills, fever and malaria. Its
tonic effects on the system felt with the
first dose. The $1.00 bottle contains
214 times as much as the 50c. size. Sold
by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 31
A perfect town is that in which you
see the farmer patronizing the home
merchants, the laborers spending the
money they earn with their ou4n
tradesmen, and all animated by a spir-
it that will not purchase articles
abroad if they can be bought at home.
The spirit of reciprocity between man
and the mechanic, tradesman and
laborerer., farmer and manufacturer,
results every time in making the town
a perfect one to do business in.
For some time Elijah Livengood has
noticed that some one has been steal-
ing his hay stored in a shed standing a
considerable distance from his house.
For a good while he had no clue to the
thief’s identity, but he now says the
thief is a woman, and he has mentioned
her name, we are informed, to certain
“persons. He says he knows he is right
in his suspicions, because he found one
of the accused woman’s garters in the
shed. We have no doubt that Elijah
knows what he is talking about, but
how in blazes did he find out what
kind of garters the woman wears? We
give it up.
More people are taking Foley’s Kid-
ney Remedy every year. It is con-
sidered to be the most effective remedy
for kidney and bladder troubles that
medical science can devise. Foley’s
Kidney Remedy.corrects irregularities,
builds up worn out tissues and _re-
stores lost vitality. It will make you
feel well and look well. Elk Lick
Pharmacy, E. H. Miller, proprietor.
The following statement relative to
churches advertising was made recent-
ly by Rev. C. W. Casson, of Boston,
secretary of the publicity committee
of the Unitarian-church: ‘The public
press is the greatest power in modern
life. We of. the church should take
advantage of it. Advertise in the
daily newspapers a portion of that
which you teach Sunday in “your pul-
pits. You of the church may think
you are doing your duty when you go
| through the routine of church work on
Sunday. I say that umless you take
recovering | advantage of your opportunities, as, | tle free.
Merchants mine No. 3, Monday last
when Walter Deniker, aged about 17
years, had his leg so badly crushed by
a fall of roof as to necessitate amputa=
below the knee. The injured
youth is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Deniker, who reside near Boynton.
Mrs. M. McRaney, Prentiss, Miss.,
writes: “I was confined to my bed for
three months with kidney ahd bladder
trouble, and was treated by two phy-
sicians, but failed to get relief. No hu-
man tongue can tell how I suffered,
and I had given up hope of ever get-
ting well until I began taking Foley’s
Kidney Remedy. After taking two
bottles I felt like a new pergbn, and
feel it my duty to tell suffering women
what Foley’s Kidney Remedy did for
me.” Elk Lick hmmeny, H. Miller,
proprietor. 1-1
Teachers’ Institute.
A teachers’ institute will be held at
the West Salisbury school house, in
Elk Lick township, Dec. 19th, at 1:30
o'clock p. m. Following is-the pro-
Song—"Lift up the Banner.”
Recitation—Nannie Livengood.
“Teaching as a Profession”—Chas. E.
Butler. r r
“Care of Text Books and Supplies”
Edward Hay. .
“The evil effects of the Liquor Traf-
fic’—H. C. Engle.
Address—Prof. W. H. Kretchman.
“Shall we
Recitation—Elsie Maust.
“The Art of Questioning”—Florence
“Purpose of Teaching Music”—Cora
““Memorizing”—R. J. Folk.
“Principles of School Punishment '—
Savanah Miller.
“Benefits derived from the County
Institute”—Ray Smalley.
Song—*"Blossom Bells.”
teach , Myths?”’—Ada
Examination” — Lester
Low Water in New England"
Engineers of the United States Geo-
1 gical Sarvey report extreme low-
water conditions in many streams of
New York aid New England during
September and October. The Ceon-
necticut River, in particular, reached
the lowest stage ever recorded, and con-
tinued at this stage for the greater
part of twoimonths.
All of the rivers of Maine have
shown the effect of the drought, al-
though it has not been nearly as severe
in this State as in other parts of the
New England district.
In New York State the conditions
have been very abnormal, and it is
probable that the low-water records
obtained during the last two months
represent the lowest stage for many
“Three years ago I was marked for
death. A grave-yard cough was tear-
ing my lungs to pieces. Doctors failed
to help me, and hope had fled, when
my husband got Dr. King’s New Dis-
Bac, Ky. “The first dose helped me
and improvement kept on until I had
gained 58 pounds in weight and health
was fully restored.” This medicine
holds the world’s healing record for
coughs and colds and lung and throat
diseases. It prevents pneumonia.
Sold under guarantee at E. H. Miller’s
drug store. 50c. and $1.00.
covery,” says Mrs. ‘A. C. Williams, of]
Trial bot- |
Particular men who are seeking
entire shoe satisfaction, will find
the Walk-Over
"Most styles sell for
to their liking.
No matter what you pay, you cannot secure more stylish, more comfortable shoes.
We are headquarters for boys’ and girls’ dependable school shoes.
known lines, such as Merriam, Horner and School boys’ Pride.
A visit to our shoe department will be worth your time.
Barehs Livengool
We carry only well-
No. 6106.
The First National Bank of Salisbury, at
Elk Lick, in the State of Pennsyl-
vania, at the Close of Business,
November 27th, 1908.
Loans and Discounts.............. $173 821 23
Overdrafts, secured & unsecured. 61 22
U. S. Bonds to secuge cir sulation 50 000 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds. : 2 000 00
Bonds, securities, etc..... 43 175 00 |
Furniture and fixtures............. 2 426 86 |
Due from National Banks (not {
reserve agents)................. 4785 73 |
Due from approved reserve agts.. 16 104 15 |
Checks and other cash items...... 1028 00 |
Notes of other National Banks... 1 470 00 |
Fractional pa per currency, nick- {
BIS ANd CONES «.i..scecen-arnrins, 58 18 |
Lau or Money Reserve in Bank, viz: {
SPOCIS. iiss $13 529 95
Pe -tender notes.. ; 820 (0 14 349 95 |
Redemption fund w ith U.S. Treas-
urer (5% of circulation)........ 2 500 00
re |
Total. ii.. nese ti as $311 279 £2
Capital stock paid in. . $ 50 000 00
Surplus fund...... ccc. cviii iain. i5 000 00 |
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid.................., 6 724 94
National Bank notesoutstanding™ “50 000 00
Indi’l deposits subject to check.. 103 758 77
Demand certificates of deposit... 580 87
“Time certificates of deposit. 85 151 90 |
Certified checks.................... 63 34 |
oe |
POLAY cs rcansssrnasinssissavinn $311 279 82 |
State of Pennsylvania, County of Somerset, $s:
1, Albert Reitz, Cashier of the above nam- |
ed ‘bank, do solemnly affirm that the above
statement is true to the best of my knowl-
edge and belief. BERT REITZ,
Subscribed and affirmed to before me this
1st day of Dec.. 1908. L.C. BOYE
Notary Public.
Marriage Licenses.
Since our last report:
James H. Cassidy, of Altoona, and
Mabel M. Bender, of Somerset town-
George A. Roberts and Eleanor Hay,
both of Boswell.
Henry C. Livengood and Nellie Gohn,
both of Listonburg.
John B. Black and Anna J. Carter,
both of Meyersdale.
H. G. Glessner and Clara E. Boyer,
both of Stonycreek township.
Roscoe D. Glessner and Florence G.
Musser, both of Stonycreek township. |
If we could talk to you personally |
about the great merit of Foley’s Honey
and Tar, for coughs, colds and lung |
trouble, you never could be induced to
experiment with unknown prepara-
tions that may contain some harmful |
drugs. Foley’s Honey and Tar costs]
you no more and has a record of forty
years of cures. Elk Lick Pharmacy, E.
| H. Eiller, proprietor. 1-1
§ BestOn Earth
what we claim for pure hoie-ground Chop.
» best is the cheapest in the end.
¥ everything in the Flour, Feed and Grocery line.
bounty Produce A Specialty!
> We handle the choicest and purest of country produee,
and deliver goods promptly.
West Sal pn Feed Co.
We have dic Dest of <
Pon Ly
All kinds Chik in stock. a Matiings, Linclodus
Oilcloth and Carpets are the best for the prices.
for your fall papering. Singer and Wheeler & Wilson
Sewing Machines.
Corner Center and North Sts.,
The most popular of the age.
thousands of artistic endorsements fr
sicians, used in over four hundred
three hundred conservatories of music.
Every piano has the name of the name of the manufacturers—
BUSH & GERTS, Chicago, cast in the plate.
that does not have the name of the real manufacturer cast in the
a re or you will be ge tting nothing but a stencil.
Send for a copy of ‘‘ The Story of the Stencil.” Also mak
receive one of our beautiful souvenirs—sent free. Sy cation a
cupied territory. Pianos shipped direct to custome: fi h
prepaid. EASY PAYMENTS. Remember the name. , Delgns and sapene
Call and see us.
Strictly high, rate, having
om well known mu-
ublic schools and over
Buy no piano
Agents wanted in all unoc-
a Ie
to |
ox ey