sbi RR | | | | WE SOMERSET COUNTY STR 2 L. Livexgoop, Editor and Publisher. { | Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa. | 28 mail matter of the Second Class. Subscription Rates. THE STAR is published every Thursday, sat salisbury, ( Elk Lick, P. 0.) somerset Coun- sy, Pa.,at the following rates: ®ne year, if paid spot cash in advance.. $1.25 If not paid strictly in advance... 1.50 Six months. ........cocveeeenes Three months.... Bingle copies... ... ree ! To avoid multiplicit) of small accounts’ all subscriptions for three months or less must be paid in advance. These rates and germs will be rigidly adhered to. Advertising Rates. Transient Reading Notices,5 cents a line sach insertion. To regular advertisers, 5 cents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a mine for each succeeding insertion. No busi- mess lacals will be mixed with local news Hems or editorial matter for less than 10 sents a line for each insertion,except on cts. Rates for Display Advertisments will be sade known on application. Editorial advertising, invariably 10 cents miine. Regal Advertisements at legal rates. Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not sxceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All mdditional lines, 5 cents each. Cards of Thanks will be published free for artrons of the paper. Non-patrons will be sharged 10 cents a line. Resolutions of Respect will be published gor 5 cents a line. All advertisements will be run and charg- ed for until ordered discontinued. No advertisement will be taken for less than 25 cents. ATER A SOCAL AND GENERNL ENS. AENSY [TENS GATHERED HERE AND THERE, WITH AN OCCASIONAL JOKE ADDED FOR SPIGE. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are small pills, easy to take, gentle and sure. Sold by E. H. Miller. 10-1 Mr. und Mrs. Calvin Rumiser and family, of Duquesne, Pa, arrived here several days ago for a visit with friends. Rings Littie Liver Pills for bilious- ness, sick-headache. They keep you well. 25c. Try them. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 12-1 Mr. Schmidt, a clerk employed in the Fayette county Recorder’s office, Uniontown, Pa., was a guest of James Harding and family, Tuesday. If you are a sufferer from piles, Man- Zan Pile Remedy will bring relief with the first application. Guaranteed. Price 50c. Sold by Elk Lick Phar- macy. 12- Elder and Mrs. Sheidler, of Indiana, arrived here several days ago for a visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. 3heidler was formerly Miss Mary Kimmel, a daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Kimmel. DeWitt’s Carbolized Witch Hazel 3alve is recommended as the best thing to use for piles. It is, of course, good for anything where a salve is needed. Beware of imitations. Sold by E. H. Miller. 10-1 Mrs. Ida Weimer, of Latrobe, Pa. and Miss Lydia Engle, of Berlin, Pa, are the guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Keim. Mrs. Weimer arrived here on the 12th inst, and Miss Engle on the 18th. Pink Pain Tablets—Dr. Shoop’s—stop Headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Form- ala on the 25¢. box. Ask your drug- gst or doctor about this formula—it’s fine. Sold by all dealers. 10-1 Mrs. Q. A. McClure and family are entertaining as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, of Glassport, Pa., who spend a.week or two in Salisbury each year, and pronounce this one of the prettiest little cities in Western Penn- sylvania. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup always brings quick relief to coughs, colds hoarseness, whooping-cough and all bronchial and throat trouble. Mothers especially recommend it for children. Pleasant to take, gently laxative. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 12-1 Mr. J. M. Weimer, of Latrobe, Pa., ar- rived here several days ago, and with his wife, who has been visiting here for a couple of weeks, has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Keim" Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reitz and other friends. Foley’s Orino Laxative is a new remedy, an improvement on the laxa- tives of former years, as it does not gripe or nauseate and is pleasant to take. It is guaranteed. Elk Lick Pharmacy, E. H. Miller, proprietor. 10-1 Miss Mary Blocher, of Grantsville, Md., was & passenger today on the slectric car arriving here at 1:30 p. m. She was on her way home from Lan- caster, Pa.,. where she had been the guest of her brother Frank and family, for some weeks. To those afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble, backache, rheumatism, Pineules for the kidneys brings relief i& the first dose. Hundreds of people today testify to their remarkable heal- ing and tonic properties. 30 days’ trial $1.00. They purify the blood. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 12-1 Richard Newman, so far as heard gFom this fall, wears the belt as the champion potato raiser. Last week we were shown eight potatoes of his rais- ing that weighed 11 pounds and 3 ounces, the largest of them weighing a little over 134 lbs. Now, if any other potato raiser can show up anything in | that line to beat uncle “Dick’s” big | tubers, we'd like to see the goods. Wood’s Liver Medicine in liquid form for malaria, chills and fever, reg- | s the liver, kidneys and bladder, | ys quick relief to biliousness, sick- | to digest all the food you eat. Pleasant to] ,eadache, constipation. 917 i take. The $1.00 bottle contains times the quantity of the 50e. size. First dose brings relief. Sold by Elk | Lick Pharmacy. 12-1 > Miss Irene Enfield, who went to Ne- | braska nearly a year ago, where she been staying with friends, written to her sister, Mrs. Daniel Baker. that she has been enjoying her- self immensely in Nebraska, at the hospitable home of her anecle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Urias Hutzell. Miss En- field likes Nebraska very much, but has has | expects to return home in November. A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure Tablet—called Preventics—is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. In a few hours, Preventics are said to break any cold—completely. And Preventics, being so safe and tooth- some. are very fine for children. No Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh por sickening. Box of 48—25¢. Sold by all dealers. 10-1 Hardly had we written the item to be found elsewhere concerning Richard Newman’s big potatoes. when into our sanctum walked uncle Peter J. Liven- good with eight potatoes raised in his garden that tipped the beam at' 11 pounds and 5 ounces. Newman’s tu- bers are therefore beaten by two ounces, and his largest one by a quar- ter of a pound, uncle Peter’s largest one tipping the beam at 13/ pounds. Next ! Kodol will, without doubt, make your stomach strong and will almost instantly relieve you of all the symp- toms of indigestion. It will do this be- cause it is made up of the natural di- gestive juices of the stomach so com- bined that it completely digests the food just as the stomach will do it, so you see Kodol can’t fail to help you and help you promptly. It is sold here by E. H. Miller. 10-1 And here is big potato item No. 3, We have been shown five potatoes raised by Dennis Wagner, which tipped the beam at 8% pounds, the largest one weighing 2 pounds and 7 ounces, This beats the record, so far, and puts our end of town in the lead for big po- tatoes. However, for potatoes both large and handsome, uncle Peter J. Livengood is easily entitled to first prize, so far. But let us hear from others. It’s up to Stewart Simpkins now. Many people suffer a great deal from Kidney and Bladder troubles. Daur- ing the past few years much of this complaint has been made unnecessary by the use of DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are antiseptic, and are highly recommended for weak back, back-ache, rheumatic pains, in- flammation of the bladder and all other annoyances due to weak kidneys. They are sold by E. H. Miller. 12-1 The October number of The Ladies’ World is without question the best is- sue of that popular monthly that we have yet seen. It is about equally divided between fiction and practical departments, with some excellent special articles thrown in, notably that on The Holy Land of To-day, by Allan Sutherland; The Boy and His Parents, by Priscilla Wakefield. and What Wom- en Can Do to Earn Money, by Laura A. Smith. The short stories are by Har- riet Rowland, B. M. Burrel, Edith Rob- inson and Anna E. Finn, while there are serials by Mary Mears and Albert Bigelow Paine. The [Fashions and Dressmaking department is notably good in this number, and those looking for pretty designs to make up the Autumn wardrobe cannot do better than consult this. The dressmaking hints alone are easily worth the sub- scription price. Taken »il in ail, thi» is a good specimen of a good magazine. —[New York; Fifty Cents a Year] Drive Rheumatism out of the blood with Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy and see how quickly pain will depart. Rub-on’s never did reach the ren! dis- ense. Rheumatism isn’t in the