war smsramcam a THE WORLD JUDCES # you by your arments. F _ ke cod z= 2 || care of them. £1.50 will transform the ordinary closet where the thing where ord: 4!ll prevails, ard where you s¢ at a glan: the garment § em) Ln yire?, FOR EVIEDRIY vii § £ It > ics Wagner's LIVERY, Salisbury, Penna. Frank Wagner, Propr. Harvey Wagner, Mgr. Good horses, and good rigs of all kinds. Special attention to the needs of traveling men, and extra good equipments for pic- nicking and sleighing parties. Horses well fed and cared for, at reasonable rates. Somerset County telephone. FOLEY’S KIDNEY GURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi- cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright’s Dis- ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. SOLD BY ELK LICK PHARMACY. CACTUS Cold Tablets You nesd never have a Gold. Cactus Cold Tablets Will instantly check a cold if taken at the sneezing stage. They relieve the head, throat and lungs almost immed- iately ; check fevers, stop discharge of the nose and throat, take away all aches and pains caused by colds and cure coughs and grip quicker than any other remedy. Cactus Cold Tablets are pleasant and soothing in action, do not cause ringing in the ears or other unpleasant effects. eep these tablets on hand and you kind of exposure will have no effect on you while you are taking them. Order a Ion of your druggist and if he cannot furnish them send 25 cents in stamps to CARTER-LUFF CHEM. CO., Hudson, - New York, ard you will receive them by return Kodol For Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon If, after using two-thirds of a $1.00 bottle of Kodol, you can honestly say it has not bene- fited you, we will refund your money. Try Kodol today on this guarantee. Fill out and sign the following, present it to the dealer at the time of purchase. If it fails to satisty you return the bottle containing one-third of the medicine to the dealer from whom you bought it, and we will refund your money. Town State Sign here Cut This Out ———eeed DigestsWhatYouEat E.C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, Kil. SOLD BY E. H. MILLER. FOLEYSHONET-=TAR Cures Colds; Prevents Pneumonia can always prevent a cold; the werst}” Fire, Fire, Fire! SHIRE INSURANCE 3s Can you afford to have your dwelling or household goods go up in smoke without a cent of in- surance with which to cover your loss? Do If Now! Call on E. H. Miller, at the Elk § Lick’ drug store, and have him 8 show you how small the cost would be to have a polacy written insuring you against such losses. | hi, Sot, : Agent for : : : OE A a MAR EN RO a BRR BSR RB BE BEI WN. B. Cook & Son “FORT CUMBERLAND” BLAGK ELASTIC Roof and Metal WON'Y COME OFF AND'S JUST AS BLACK A high e Paint for Roofing and all Metal h Eras BLACK, GLOSSY AND ELASTIO. Will not crack, peal or blister. It will make an old and worthless roof practically as a8 new. ost Elastic Paint on the market to-day. Made from various Mineral Pigments, Ru bers, Oils and Cheméaly. Guaranteed for § years. If your Dealer cannot supply you, ac- cept no other, but us and same will receive prompt attention. FORT CUMBERLAND PAINT MFG. COMPANY, Cumberland, Md. BALTIMORE & OHIO EXCURSION TO McKEESPORT AND PITTSBURG AND RETURN, Sunday, Aug. 23rd. ROUND TRIP FROM Meyersdale, $1.50. Specinl Train Leaves at 8:30 A. M. Lightning Strokes. Fire insurance men estimate that 50 per cent. of burn fires are due to light ning, 10 to 15 per cent. to carelessne- 8. 8 to 12 per cent. to overheated flues, the balance to other causes, including incendiarism. According to repert of the weather bureau of the department of agriculiure for 1900, the total num- ber of strokes of lightning in 1899 which caused damage was 5,627, the number of baildings injured 6.256 value of property lost $3,016,520, nuw- ber of deaths by lightning 563, numut r of persons injured 820, number of live stock killed in the field 4,251. Tall chimneys emitting smoke that carries moisture with it are more often struck than other objects, barns con- taining hay that gives off moisture by evaporation, and porous tree barks are frequently struck. For the same rea- son icehouses are more attractive to lightning than other storehouses.— Suburban Life. WHY JAMES LEE GOT WELL. Everybody in Zansville, O., knows Mrs. Mary Lee, of rural route 8. She writes: “My husband, James Lee, firmly believes he owes his life to the use of Dr. King’s New Discovery. His lungsjwere so severely affected that consumption seemed inevitable, when a friend recommended New Discovery. We tried it, and its use has restored him to perfect health.” Dr. King’s New Discovery is the King of throat and lung remedies. For coughs and cplds it has no equal. The first dose gives relief. Try it! Sold under guar- antee at E. H. Miller's drug store. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. 9-1 Try Jand] make a live, enterprising place out of your home town, and when working for its institutions or speak- ing well of the town and country, re- member you are accomplishing all the | more for yourself. Den’t be foolish enough to idle sway valuable time pre- dieting failures, thereby decreasing the value of your property. Program for W.C.T. U. Cpunty Convention. The Twenty-fourth Annual County Convention of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union will be held in Sr. John’s Lutheran church, Salisbury, on Aug. 26th, 27th and 28th, 1908. Fol- lowing is the program: WEDNESDAY EVENING, 8:00 O’cr.ock. Hymn—“All Hail the Power of Jesus Name.” Devotions—Mrs. Villa Allen, Hoov- ersville, Pa. Music—Salisbury W. C. T. U. Quar- tette. Words of Welcome—For the Clergy, Rev. L. P. Young. For the Town, Mr. George Hay. For the W.C.T,U.,, Mrs. Lydia Shaw. Solo—Wm. Baumgartner. Response to Words of Welecome—Dr. Sylvia McQ. Wilson, of Somerset, and Mrs. Sue Liston, of Addison. Music—Somerset W. C. T. U. Qaar- tette. Address—“The W. C. T. U. and Some Phases of the Work,” Rev. W. H. Beach ler, Meyersdale. Free-will Offering. Announcements. Benediction. THURSDAY MORNING, 8:30 Q’cLOCK. Executive meeting. 9:45 O’clock—Convention called to order. Devotions—Miss Mirian’ Brant, of Shanksville. Roll Call. Reading of Minutes. Confirmation of Committées. Grouping of Unions. Report of Local Unions. Report of Treasurer and Correspond- ing Secretary. Music—Instrumental—Mrs. H. gan, of Holsopple. Discussion—“The Value of Total Ab- stinence,” Mrs. Emma Cook, Somerset. Question Box. Noontide Prayer. Adjournment. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, 1:30 O’cLoCK. Mor- Convention ealled to order. Devotions, Miss M. L. Anawalt, of Stoyestown. Reading of Minutes. Report of Local Unions. Discussion—“Does Prohibition Pro- hibit?” opened by Mrs. C. Statler, of Rockwood. §iMusic—Salisbury W. C. T. U. Quar- tette. Annual Address of President—Mrs. Azubah Jones. Report of Credential Committee. Election of Officers. Address—Miss Anna O. McKinley, of Salisbury. Question Box. Adjournment. Tnurspay EVENING, 8:00 O’gLOCK. Devotions—Mrs. Azubah Jones. Solo—Mrs. Villa Allen. Lecture—J. T. McCrory, D. D., of Pittsburg. Free-will Offering. Music—Somerset W. C.'T. U. Quar- tette. Benediction. Fripay MorNiING, 8:30 O’cLOCK. Executive meetings. 9:45 O’clock—Convention. called to order. : Devotions—Mrs. M. E. Sell, Windber. Reading of Minutes. Reports of Local Unions. “\WWhy Should Christians Sign the Pledge?’—Mrs. Daubenspeck, Shanks- ville. 2, Report of Committees. Election of Delegates to State Con- vention. Music—W. C. T. U. Quartette, of S:lisbuary. Memorial Services, Question Box. Time and place of next convention. Bulletin Rally. Announcements and Adjournment, HOW TO AVOID APPENDICITIS. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated Foley’s Orino Laxative cups chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels, and restores the natural action of the bowels. Foley’s Orino Laxative does not nauseate or gripe, and is mild and pleasant to take. Re- fuse substitutes. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy, E. H. Miller, proprietor. 9-1 Marriage Licenses. Since our last report: Wakeman M. G. Day and Jean L- Snyder,.both of Rockwood. Munden O. Wolfersberger, of Rock- wood, and Bertha M. Schlag, of Bakers- ville. > v Andrew J. Leppert, of Akron, O., and Etta Jean Crissinger, of Allegheny township. Joseph A. Brant, of Brothersvalley township, and Dora Emrick, of Ellers- lie, Md. James Wright and Grace Murray, both of Greenville township. FOR SORE FEET. “I have found Bucklen’s Arnica Salve to be the proper thing to use for sore feet, as well as for healing burns, sores, cuts, and all manner of abra- sions,” writes Mr. W. Stone, of East Poland, Maine. It is the proper thing, K. E. MEYERS, vAttorney-at-Liaw, SOM¥RSET, PA. Ottice in Court House. Ww. H. KooxNTZ. J. G,OGLE KOONTZ & OGLE Attornev=-At-T.aw, SOMERSET, PENN'A office opposite Court House. DR.PETER I. SWANK, Physician and Saurzeon, ELK LICK, PA. Successor to Dr. E. H. Perry. RERKEY & SHAVER, At torneys:a t-Law, SOMERSET, PA. Coffroth & Ruppel Building. ERNEST 0. KOOSER, Attorney-At-l.aw, SOMERSET.PA. E.C.SAYLOR, D. D. 8, SALISBURY, PA. Office Corner Union St. and Smith Ave. Special attention given tv the preserva- tion of the natural testh. Artificial sets in- serted in the best possible manner. PAIN. Pain in the head—pain anywhere, has its cause. Pain is congestion, pain is blood pressure—nothing else usually. As least, so says Dr. Shoop, and to prove it he has created a little pink tablet. Tha tablet—called Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablet— coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers. Its effect is charming, pleasingly delightful. Gently though safely, i8 surely equalizes the blood circu. ation. If you have s headache, it's blood pressure. If it’s painful periods with women, same cause. If you are sleepless, restless, nervous, it’s blood congestion—blood pressure. That surely is a certainty, for Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets stop {¢ in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute the unnatural blood pressure. Bruise your finger, and doesn’t it ges red, and swell, and pain you? Of course it does. It's con- gestion, blood pressure. You'll find it where pain fs—always. It's simply Common Sense. We sell as 25 cents, and cheerfully recommend Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets “ALL DEALERS” Murphy Bros. RESTAURANT! ZARA Headquarters for best Oysters, Ice Cream, Lunches, Soft Drinks, ete. Try our Short-Order Meals—Beef- steak, Ham and Eggs, Sausage, Hot Coffee, ete. Meals to Order at All A. Hours! ——em. We also handle a line of Groceries, Confectionery, Tobacco, Cigars, ete. We try to please our patrons, and we would thank you for a share of your buying. MURPHY BROTHERS, Joy BuiLDING, SALISBURY, Pa. Know that I carry a full line of choice groceries and confectioneries, that my prices are reasonable, and that you should not ask for credit for a day, a week or a month, unless you can readily obtain same from all who know you best? E. J. EGAN, Salisbury, Pa. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV.17,1907. MEYERSDALE. *Daily. +Daily except Sunday. (Sunday only. CONNELLSVILLE & PITTSBURG. De- part *5.44 a. m., 17.52 a. m. (local) *2.46 p. m. *4.34 p. m. (local). Arrive*10.55a. m. (local) *11.32 a. m.,*4.50 p. m.,+6.50 p.m. *9.29 p.m CHICAGO, Depart *¥2.46 p.m. Arrive*11.32 a. m., ¥4.50 p. m. WASH. BALTO.,, PHILA. & NEW YORK, Depart *11.30 a. m., *4.50 p. m., *0.20 p. m. Arrive *5.44 a. m., ¥2:46 p. m. CUMBERLAND, Depart *10.65 a. m. (local), *]11.82 a. m., *4.50 p. m., 46.60 p. m. (local), *9.20 p.m. Arrive *5.44 a. m,+7.562 a. m. (local), *2.46 p. m., *4.34 p. m. (local). JOHNSTOWN and Way Stations, Depart *6.30 a. m.,+2.46 p. m.,*4.84 p. m. Arrive $11.82 a. m., 44.50 p. m., *7.15 p. m. too, for piles. Try it! Sold under guar- antee at E. H. Miller’s drug store. 25c. | 9-1 Prices As Low As best and purest®brands of goods. ronage, and we guarantee a square deal and satisfaction to all. We have opened a fine new general store in the M. J. Glotfelty building, Ord St., Salisbury, Pa., and invite you ~ to come and inspect our nice, new line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, etc. We start with an entire new stock, and we handle only the We solicit a share of your pat- New Store! New Goods! - Howard Meager & Co. PNET a Le CLEANLINESS CUTICLINE is far superior to any soap. Hinstantly Ye. moves dirt, grease, paint, tar and stains of every kind without the hard rubbing. The new scientific cleanser in powdered form. Better than soap. Leaves the skin soft and : smooth, Although wonderful in its effect, it contains no acid; is purely vegetable. Ask your druggist or grocer. .Two sizes, 10c., 35¢, Send for sample. CUTICLINE CO. 110 Conter St., Bath, Maine. & ATR GAY Best On Earth! That’s what we claim for pure home-ground Chop. It does not pay to buy imported adulterated feed. The best is the cheapest in the end. We have the best of ‘everything in the Flour, Feed and Grocery line. Binder Twine and Phosphate! 3 Buy your Binder Twine from us, also Phosphate for ca your fall crops. W¢ have the best of it, and our prices es are always fair. 5 We handle the choicest and purest of country produce, &8' and deliver goods promptly. 3 West Salisbury Feed Co. SEB » ment and prompt delivery of goods. Our store is chucked full of ¥ everything Good § 2 to eat, and our prices are always fair. We aim to please our customers by courteous treat- && Very Respectfully, A. Lichliter, Salisbury, Pa. § Do You The Most Modern, Econsrsical and Durable GAS RANGE Voi WORLD. “ELEVATED GUPID” For either artificial or natural gas. --Has three removable cap. One Giant Burner 6 inches in diam- eter, drilled, with removable cap and one Simmering Burner. Double oven and broiling burner, and one Telltale Pilot light. All burners removable. Swelled door frames, tea shelf, match box and all ornaments. Highly nickeled and polished. Price $32.00. If you deal He te y Sealer Ques not kadle the THE AMERICAN FOUNDRY CO., - Hamilton, Ohio. | 7 If your Dealer does not carry them in stock, insist that he write at once for our catalogue showing 84 styles, comprising the latest designs in buggies, runabouts, phaetons, stanhopes and surreys. Built in One grade only. Every one a Jewel. They excel in style, finish and durability. Our line the largest, our styles the new- est, our prices the best. 3 ; i ; AL _SE\ ONE OF OUR L No Rs a ADERS. Live Dealers should write us at once Cut-Under Runabout. for Agency. THE JEWEL CARRIAGE CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. - Factory, Carthage, Ohio. | stops the cough and heals lungs R. REICH & SoN, The IL.eading Furniture Dealers of Somerset County, are showing the largest and best assortment of Furniture, Car- pets, Lace Curtains, China, Bric-a-Brac, Lamps, Carpet Sweepers and Sewing Machines. Everything in the House-Furnishing Line, among which you will find some articles suitable useful gifts for Christmas or New Year. R. REICH & SON, MEYERSDALE, PA. Call to see us. = star top burners, 4 inches in diameter, drilled, with § f ae es, RC I “BI seen ghou