£ i = bi : ER THE SOMERSET CAUNTY STAR! P. L. LivENgoop, Editor and Publisher. 2 __ | Tue Star office, Monday. | hir usual good humor, and he’ has our Entered at the Postofice at Elk Lick, Pa. as'mail matter of the Second Class. Subscription Rates. THE STAR is published every Thursday,at Salisbury, ( Elk Lick, P. 0.) Somerset Coun- ty, Pa.,at the following rates: One year, if paid spot cash in advance.. $1.25 If. not paid strictly in advance.. «1.50 Six months..................... Phree months... Single Sones il 05 To avoid multiplicity of small accounts’ all subscriptions for three months or less must be paid in advance. These rates and terms will be rigidly adhered to. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. KEWSY ITEAS GATHERED HERE AND THERE, WITR AN OCOASIONAL JCKE ADDED FOR SPICE. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, safe, easy, pleasant, sure, little liver pills. Sold by E. H. Miller. 9-1 Harry Fair and Maud Crissman, of Braddock, Pa., are at present visiting friends in this vicinity. Drive Rheumatism from the blood with Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy. Tablet or Liquid. Sold by all deal- ers. 9-1 H. L. Weimer, of Carleton, Neb., is visiting friends in this county. Mr. Weimer is a native of Larimer town- ship, and his parents still reside there. Operation for Piles will not be neces- sary if you use ManZan Pile Remedy. Guaranteed. Price 50c. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 9-1 James MeSpadden, the well-known Rockwood contractor, is today the guest of Supt. R. 8S. Garrett, of the Merchants Coal Company, at this place. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup for young and old is prompt relief for coughs. eroup, hoarseness, whooping cough. Gently laxative. Guaranteed. Sold by ‘Eik Lick Pharmacy. 9-1 Harry Bepler and Clarence D. Mil- ler are wearing that peculinr smile that won’t come oF, since Tuesday night. It’s a new girl at Bepler’s and a new boy at Miller's. One applieation of ManZan Pile Rem- edy, for all forms of Piles, soothes, re- duces inflammation, soreness and itch- inge Price 50c. Guaranteed. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 9-1 Mrs. Albert Petry, Lottie and Hu- bert Wagner went to Bayard, W. Va, last Saturday, to visit C. A. Wilt and family. They returned home yester- day evening, accompanied by Mrs. Wilt. There are many imitations of De- ‘Witt’s Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve, but just one original. Nothing else is just as good. Insist on DeWitt’s. It is cleansing, cooling and soothing. Sold by E. H. Miller. 9-1 = Ezra Milliorn, formerly a resident of Salisbury, but now a resident of Pitts- burg, where he holds a position in Kauffman’s store, was a Salisbury visitor last week. His family was with him. Foley’s Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medi- cine. No medicine can do more. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy, E. H. Miller, proprietor. 9-1. Mrs. Frank and Rufus Brant and their families, of Northampton town- ship, arrived in town yesterday for a short vieit with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wagner. The visiting ladies are sis- ters of Mrs. Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Mayner, of Ashland, Ohio, paid a short visit yesterday to the editor and family and Miss Nancy Livengood. Mrs. Mayner is a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Gnagey, and therefore a niece of ours. _ Piles helped at once with Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment. Just to prove it, a trial box will be mailed on request, by writing Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Itch- ing, smarting, bleeding piles, internal or external, get quick and certain help from Magic Ointment. Large box 50c. Sold by all dealers. 9-1 ‘The United States, although the youngest among nations, manufactures more goods, sells more merchandise, raises more produce, employs more la- bor, pays more wages, gives more com- forts to its people, has more happy and prosperous homes than any other na- tion on earth. Lewis Horehler, a well known farmer of Garrett county, Md., was a business caller at Tue Star office, yesterday. Mr. Horchler will retire from farming in the very near future, and the farm will be conducted by his wife, (who is * eonsiderable younger than he is) as- sisted by their sons. Geo. W. Collins, the junior member of the firm of Miller & Collins, of Mey- orsdale, was taken suddenly ill, last Tharsday, and for a while it was be- lieved that he would die. It is said “that he was poisoned by eating canned goods at the noon meal. It was with _ difficulty that his doctor saved his life. Hundreds of people who suffer from backache, rheumatism,lame back, lum: bago and similar ailments are not aware that these are merely symptoms of kidney trouble. Pineules for the Kidneys act directly on the kidneys, bringing quick relief to backache and sther symptoms of kidney and bladder derangements. 30 day’s trial, $1.00, and guaranteed, or money back. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 9-1 | Our esteemed friend and relative, Mr. Jonas J. Beachy, one of the promi- nent and substantial farmers of Garrett county, Md., was a business caller at He was in thanks for a “plunk” and a half to ap- ply on his subseription to the “Twink- ler.” J. H. Lenhard, of Strang, was bitten by a rattlesnake, last week. He at once drank about a pint of whisky, and every day since, we presume. To make history more complete, he received about 40 stings from bees later in the week, and on top of all that, lightning struck his house.—Carléeton (Neb.) Leader. Pineules for the Kidneys, 30 days’ trial $1.00, Guaranteed. pineules act directly on the Kidneys and bring re- lief in the first dose, to backache, weak back, lame back, rheumatic pains, kid- ney and bladder trouble. They purify the blood and invigorate the entire system. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 9-1 Miss Minnie Snyder won the queen of beauty prize voted for at Berlin, Pa., through the Gleaner. Ot course, the name (Snyder) had a great deal to do with it. It is the only name that can be compared like an adjective—snide, snider, snidest. She is good, better, best, and, being a Minnie, she is a good bait for a prospective husband.—Cum- berland Alleganian. Mr. Buckner, Vice President of the New York Life Insurance Company, said to an employe, who asked for a raise in pay, “I would feel much more inclined to double your salary if you lived on half that which you now have. This is no business of mine, but I ex- press this to you as a’ friend.” Mr. Buckner’s remarks should be thought- fuliy considered by many. Does your back ache? Do you have sharp pains 1n the side and the small of the back? This is due, usually, to kid- ney trouble. Take DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills. They will promptly relieve weak back, backache, rheumatic pains and all Kidney and Bladder dis- orders. Sold and recommended by E. tH. Miller. 9-1 See elsewhere in this issue the ad- vertisement of Al. F. Wheeler's New + Model Shows, consisting of a swell one- ring circus and wild animal congress, which will exhibit in Salisbury on Sat- urday, Aug. 22nd. By all means at- tend and take the children with you. This is the first circus to visit Salis- bury for a number of years, and it is said to be a first class one. No one is immune from kidney trouble, so remember that Foley’s Kid- ney Remedy will stop the irregulari- ties and cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy, E. H. Miller, proprietor. 9-1 Prof. John D. Meese, of the Cali- fornia (Pa.) State Normal fneulty, was a welcome caller at THe Star office, yesterday. Prof. Meese is enjoying a vacation at present. but at the same time is also looking up business for the school he represents. Prof. Meese is a native of Greenville township, and in years past taught a number of terms of school in Salisbury and vicinity. As an educator he ranks very high. While Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is especially recommended for children, it is, of course, just as good for adults. Children like to take it be- cause it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. Its laxative principle drives the cold from the system by a gentle, natural, yet eopious action of the bowels. Sold by E. H. Miller. 9-1 If there is anything that tortures an editor more than anytning else, it§is to publish a $15 or $20 obitu ry norce about some old, promicent citizen who never had the manhood to take his home paper. Editors frequently put in such notices at request of relatives and friends, but it grinds them to eulogize a man to the skies who was too stingy to support his home paper. A three- line notice is all such fellows deserve. Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minutes sure with one of Dr. Shoop’s Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 25-cent box. Ask your Doctor or about this formula! Stops womanly pains, headache, pains anywhere. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., for free trial, to prove value of his Headache, or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by all dealers. 9-1 Druggist Tell me, ye winged winds that around my pathway roar, do ye not know some quiet spot where wives clean house no more; some lone, se- questered dale, some island. ocean- girt, where life is not one ceaseless war with cobwebs and with dirt; where only nature’s carpet spreads beneath their tired feet, and wretched men are ne’er compelled its emerald folds to beat? The breezes fanned my heated face, and said: “Beat on? There’s no such place.” The little attacks of stomach trouble and stomach disorders will undoubledly lead to chronic dyspepsia unless you take something for a sufficient time to strengthen the stomach and give it a chance to get well. If you take Kodol in the beginning, the bad attacks of Dyspepsia will be avoided, but if you allow these little attacks to go unheed- ed it will take Kodol a longer time to put your stomach in good condition again. Get a bottle: of Kodol today. Sold by E. H. Miller. 9-1 Once more Dr. Osler’s theories have been knocked silly. Alfred Wagner, who is somewhat past 76 years of age, broke a rock several days ago that would have weighed about a ton anda half, into small fragments, in fifteen has been looking for another rattler £| nerves. minutes by the watch. He used a 14-1b. sledge, and he handled the big hammer in a manner that would out- class the average young man of 21 years. In fact some of the young men working at the borough stone crusher had several times tried their strength on the big bowlder, but each time gave up breaking it as a bad job. Summer complaints and other se- rious ailments common in hot weather can be traced to the stomach nine times out of ten. Keep the stomach in good order right now by keeping a bot- tle of Kodol handy in the house all the time, but especially during this month. Take Kodol whenever you feel that you need it. That is the only time you need to take Kodol. Just when you need it; then you will not be troubled with sour stomach, belching, gas on the stomaeh, bloating, dyspepsia and indi- gestion. Sold by E. H. Miller. 9-1 The will of Elias Hershberger, late of Elk Lick township, was probated Monday morning. He directed that the sum of $2,000 be set aside and placed in the hands of Joel Hersh- berger, Milton Hershberger, Jonas D. Yoder and C. W. Bender, in sums of $500 each, the interest on which at 5 per cent. shall be paid to his wife, Elizabeth Hershberger, as long as. she remains his widow. He bequeathed the rest of his estate to his children: Annie Shetler, of Towa: Sarah Yoder, of Summit township ; Ada Hershberger and Cora Bender, of Garrett county, Md., Joel, Milton and Harvey Hersh- berger, share and share alike. Joel Hershberger is named as executor. Paper pillows are all the go, now, and are easily made. Tear the paper into pieces not bigger than your finger nail and put them into a pillow sack of drilling or light ticking. They are very cool for hot climates and much superior to feather pillows. The news- papers are printing appeals for them for hospitals. Newspaper is not nice to use, as there is a disagreeable odor from printer’s ink, but white and brown paper, and old envelopes are best. As they are torn, stuff them into an old pillow case until a sufficient quantity is had. The easiest way is to cut the paper in strips about half an inch wide, and then tear or eut across. The finer it is the lighter it makes the pillow. August time tells on the nerves. But that spiritless, no ambition feeling can be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known by druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. Within 48 hours after beginning to use the Restorative, improvement will be noticed. Of course, full health will not immediately return. The gain, how- ever, will surely follow. And best of all, you will realize and feel your strength and ambition as it is return- ing. Outside influences depress first the “inside nerves,” then the stomach, Heart, and Kidneys will usually fail. Strengthen these failing nerves with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative and see how quickly health will be yours again. Sold by all dealers. 9-1 .Don’t forget that your neighbor, though he differs fram you politically, nay be just as honest in his convie- tions as you, that this is a free country, where freedom of opinion is one of the biggest of the broad foundation stones of our. government, and there would be an end of that form of government without it. Be -tolerant, therefore, rational, patriotic and good-natured. Stand by your convictions, and let your n-ighbor stand by his, if so disposed. i. ep eool. Argue polities if you will, but dv ii calmly and reasonably, and bear this fact always in mind, that just as you have made up your mind un- alierably as to the way in which you will ‘vote, ninety-nine hundredths of the voting population has done the same thing. The footprints of Dyspepsia have been directly traced to the Stomach When these “inside nerves” fail, indigestion and stomach distress must surely result. For this, drug- gists everywhere are supplying a pre- scription known as Dr. Shoop’s Re- storative. First, these tiny inside Stomach, Heart, and Kidney nerves fail. Then gas, belching, Heart palpi- tation, or failing Kidneys follow. Don’t drug the Stomach, or stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is wrong. Strengthen these failing nerves with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. It is the nerves, not the organs that are calling for help. Within 48 hours after start- ing the Restorative, you will realize the gain. A test will tell. Sold by all dealers. > 9-1 A city calendar salesman and hot air vender was canvassing this town this week. To those who were disloyal enough to the home print shop to send their cash away from home in prefer- ence to spending it with the home printer, the fakir was all peaches and cream, but to those who informed him that they preferred to buy their calen- dars from the home printer, a man who patronizes them in return, the city chap was very insolent and insulting, The business men who send their cash out of town for that which can be pro- cured at home just as cheaply, as is the case in the calendar business, are on a par with the suckers who patron- izé the big city mail order stores in preference to the home merchants. In other words, they are sending their money where it will not return to them, which is setting a bad example, one which is always hurtful to the country town. We have the finest line of calendars at Tae STAR office for the 1909 trade that war ever shipped to Somerset county, and no city fakir can undersell us, either. > > All kinds of Legal and Commercial Blanks, Judgment Notes, ete., for sale at THE STAR office. tf 13 NATIONAL 5 LLL FROSTBURG, MD. 2 : Drafts on all parts of the world. Accounts of individuals and firms invited. tention. Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock. ne OF FICERS : ments. Roberdeau Annan, President. Olin Beall. Cashier. am DIRECTORS: smi. Robert R. Henderson. Duncan Sinclair, Daniel Annan. Roberdeau Aunan. Deposits (over) 1,000,000.00 0 § ¢ Assets (over).. 1,200,000.00 SIVINGS DEPARTMENT: “= "™* Saxo on erostrs Timothy Griffith, Meat ~ a | { Wonderful Values in| Bargains in Shoes. ’ $2.25 Men’s Shoes, now............ 1. Men S Pants. 3.65 Men’s Shoes, now............ 8150 2.25 Boys’ Shoes, now............ 1.60 $275 Pants, now... .......i.v0its. $2.00| 3.50 Ladies’ Shoes, now. ......... 2.76 2.50 Ladies’ Shoes, now.......... 1.85 3.50 Panis, now................. 2.60 es 1.50 Ladies’ Shoes, now.......... 1.15 475 Pant8, now. .............. .. 3.50 Lot of Children’s Shoes (prices fro ’ oN Ce 50c. to $200) 25 per cent. off. Boys’ Suits. tt Qt Lg Ladies’ Skirts, Ete. $1.75 Suits, now... cv. e $1.15) _. : 1 ets y SBOSOHE, BOW. cn... Finn, 190( F A el dies Skirts ¢prios $200 4008uits.now....... ........... 2.75 0 $940) 2 per gens. og. i ’ -(91 Qur Lace, Embroidery and Insertion, 5.00 Suits, now....... a aaelee, 3.25| one-third off. FF Shirt Waists. White Shirt Waists, were $1.00, now 75e¢. Black 8ilk Shirt Waists, were $4.35, now $3.25. Dry Goods. Colico, 4% ¢. per yard. Gingham, 6¢. per yard. One-fourth off on all Dress Goods. A great variety of other articles not mentioned, one-fourth off. Entire stock must be sold during month of August. The above constitute only a mere atom of the many big values you will find at our store, the most complete mercantile house in ' Salisbury, during this great price-slaughter sale. Come and buy. | F lk Lick Variety Store. 25 To 30 Per Cent, OF Regular Prices, From Aug. 1t0o 31,08. - Note Some of the Big Bargains: “ Eo