Bit Olio RRISPECIAL PRICES AT] SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 17, 1907. MEYERSDALE. *Daily. +Daily except Sunday. ¢Sunday only. CONNELLSVILLE & PITTSBURG. De- part *5.44 a. m., +7.52 a. m. (local) 4.84 p. m. (local). Arrive¥*10.55a. m. *11.32 a. m., *4.50 p. m., +6.50 p. m., *9.20 p.m CHICAGO, Depart *2.46 p.m. Arrive *11.32 a. m., ¥*4.50 p. m. Lo WASH. BALTO., PHILA. & NEW YORK, Depart *1130 a. m., *4.50 p. m., *9.20 p. m. Arrive *5.44 a. m., 2:46 p. m. CUMBERLAND, Depart *10.55 a. m. (local), #]1.82 a. m., *4.50 p. m., $6.50 p. m. (local), *9.20 p.m. Arrive *5.44a. m ,+7.52 a. m. (local), *2.46 p. m., *4.34 p. m. (local). JOHNSTOWN and Way Stations, Depart *6.30 a. m., 12.46 p. m.,*4.34 p. m. Arrive $11.32 a. m., +450 p. m., *7.15 p. m. — Murphy Bros. RESTAURANT! ZANT Headquarters for best Oysters, Ice Cream, Lunches, Soft Drinks, etc. Try our Shert-Order Meals—Beef- steak, Ham and Eggs, Sausage, Hot Coffee, ete. Meals to Order at All Ame. Hours! ei We also handle a line of Groceries, Confectionery, Tobacco, Cigars, ete. We try to please our patrons, and we would thank you for a share of your buying. MURPHY BROTHERS, Joy BUILDING, SALISBURY, PA. STOP THAT COUCH by using DR. J. 0. LAMBERT’S SYRUP PineTar Comp. Best on earth. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Catarrh, Asthma and all affections of the re- spiratory organs. A wonderful dis-§ covery of the twentieth century. Possesses all the medical qualities re-} quired to check and destroy the disas- 1 trous affects of any of the above named diseases. Pleasing to the taste. Prescribed by physicians. A FULL 8 OZ. BOTTLE 35 CENTS. Onc Bottle will convince you of its merits. Money refunded if not satisfactory. For SALE BY DRUGGISTS. THE DR. J. 0. LAMBERT MEDICAL CO. New York, N. Y. CACTUS GROCERY. FGAN'S HONEY, was 25c., now 20c. HONOLULU HOT, was 25c., now 20¢. SALAD DRESSING, was 25¢c., now 20c. CANNED PEAS, were 12c., now 10c. EVAPORATED APPLES, were 15e., now 12sec. GRAHAM CRACKERS, were 10ec., now 8c. TEA, was 15¢. per package, now 12¢. ECLIPSE COFFEE, was 20c., now 18c. DRIED PEAS, were 5c. per pound, now 4c. GOLDEN DRIP COFFEE, was 18c. now 17c. CAMPBELLS SOUPS, were 10c.,, now 8c. Many other articles at very low prices. Come and examine goods. Kodol For Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon It, after using two-thirds of a ¢1.00 bottle of Kodol, you can honestly say it has not bene- fited you, we will refund your money. TY Kodol today on this guarantee. Fill out and sign the following, present it to the dealer at the time of purchase. If it fails to satisty you return the bottle containing one-third of the medicine to the dealer from whom you bought it, and we will refund your money. Town State Sign here Cut This Out Digests What YouEat And Makes the Stomach Sweet E.C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, IIL SOLD BY E. H. MILLER. FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi- cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis- ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. SOLD BY ELK LICK PHARMACY. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Gold Tablets You need never have a Gold. Cactus Cold Tablels Will instantly check a cold if taken at the sneezing stage. They relieve the head, throat and lungs almost immed- iately ; check fevers, stop discharge of the nose and throat, take away all aches and pains caused by colds and cure coughs and grip quicker than any other remedy. Cactus Cold Tablets are pleasant and soothing in action, do not cause ringing in the ears or other unpleasant effects. Keep these tablets on hand and you can always prevent a cold; the worst kind of exposure will have no effect on you while you are taking them. Order a box of your druggist and if he cannot furnish them send 25 cents in stamps to CARTER-LUFF CHEM. CO., Hudson, - New York, and you will receive them by return mail. 3 Wagner's LIVERY, - Salisbury, Penna. Frank Wagner, Propr. Harvey Wagner, Mgr. Good horses, and good rigs of all kinds. Special attention to the needs of traveling men, and extra good equipments for pic- nicking and sleighing parties. Horses well fed and cared for, at reasonable rates. Somerset County telephone. INFORMATION REGARDING Farm or Business VERY LOW RATE SUMMER EXCURSIONS TO ATLANTIC CITY, CAPE MAY, SEA ISLE CITY, OCEAN CITY, ASBURY PARK, LONG BRANCH, POINT PLEASANT, N.J., OCEAN CITY,MD.,, AND REHOBOTH BEACH, DEL. EAST OF OHIO RIVER, SPECIAL LOW RATE EXCUR- SIONS JULY 2, 16,80; AUGUST 13 AND 27 AND SEPTEMBER 10. BOSTON, MASS, GENERAL FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS, JUNE 22 TO JULY lL. SUPREME LODGE, ENIGHTS PYTHIAS, AUGUST 4 TO 15. CHICAGO, ILL}, REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION, JUNE 17, 1908 CLEVELAND, OHIO. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION JUNE29 TO JULY 3. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION B. Y. P. U. OF AMERICA, JULY 8 TO 12. COLUMBUS, OHIO, PROHIBITION NATIONAL CONVENTION? JuLy 14 TO 16. DENVER, COL, DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION, JULY 7. Y. O. O. F. SOVEREIN GRAND LODGE & PATRIARCHS MILITANT, SEP- TEMBER 19 TO 26. LOUISVILLE, KY., Triennial Convention International S. S. Association, June 15 to 22. ST. PAUL, MINN., Ancient Arabin Order Mystic Shrine, Imperial Council, July 13 to 18. TOLEDO, OHIO, G. A. R.42d Annual Encampment, Au- gust 31 to September 4. A e—— For full details as to rates, routes, dates on which tickets will be sold, time of trains, etc. apply to ticket agents, Baltimoee & Ohio ilroad. 6-25 $150 FOR BEST ARTICLE. The Republican Congressional Com- mittee offers $150 for the best article not exceeding 1,000 words, on the sub- ject: “Why the Republican Party Should be Successful Next November.” The competition is open to all. In judging the merits of contribu- tions, consideration will be given not only to style, arguments and facts pre- sented, but to the convincing power, and it should be borne in mind that Members of Congress are to be elected as well as President and Vice Presi- dent. No manuscripts will be returned, but will be the property of the Committee. The best article will be widely used, both in the newspapers of the country and in pamphlet form. The award will be made, and check sent to successful contestant about trying to reform, I will, for a few pen- | nies, take pleasure in inducing him A BARREL OF WHISKY. ith a barrel of such stuff, I agree, on two hours notice, to put husbands in a condition to reel home, break the furniture, beat their wives and kick their children out of doors; I shall also fit mechanics to spoil their work, be discharged and become tramps. If one of the regular customers should be agein to take just one glass and start again on the road to hell. The money which he has been wasting in bread and books for his children will buy luxuries for me. Orders promptly filled for fevers, serofula, consumption or delirium tre- mens. In short I agree to help bring upon all my customers, in this world, debt, disgrace. disease, despair, and death. Having made a league with hell and sold myself to the devil, and having paid for my license, I have a right to bring all of the above evils upon my friends for the sake of gain. Some have snggested that I display outside my door assorted specimens of my art. But that would blockade the street. A fine assortment of my man- ufactured wrecks may be seen inside, or at the city station house every morning, and in the poor house, the asylums, the prisons and on the gal- lows. . The voters of this day be called on to vote for a pro- hibition amendment. Please don’t vote for it, for if it should be carried, what shall I do? My business will be closed up, and I will have to work for my living, which I don’t want to do. So sayeth many a saloon-keeper in his heart. state may some Five Pupils of Miss McKinley Pass Junior Examination at State Normal. The following named Salisbury young ladies, all pupils of Miss Janet Me- Kinley, went to California, Pa., last week, to take the Junior course ex- amination at the Southwestern State Normal School: Harriet Haselbarth, Florence. Rayman, Edith Deal, Alma Livengood and Mabel Newman. Their teacher accompanied them, and we are pleased to learn that the young ladies all succeeded in passing the examina- tion, which will enable them to gradu- ate from that splendid institution in one year less time than otherwise. The girls deserve congratulations. and we understand it is the intention of all of them to enter the aforesaid school as students, next year. The following letter received several days ago from Principal Theo. B. Noss, is very creditable to Miss McKinley and her pupils, and they have a right to feel very proud of it: CALIFORNIA, PA., June 20, 1908. Dear Miss McKinLey:—Your five young ladies were all recommended by the faculty and were all passed by the State board. You and your town are to be congratulated on maintaining =o good a high school as you have. Yours Very Truly, Tae). B. Noss. American Railroad Ties in Hon- duras. A railroad in Honduras which has just been opened to traffic as far as Ceiba, 35 miles, was built with ereo- soted pine ties from the United States. The increased value of wood thus preserved is now well recognized by railroad men. The life of a railroad tie may be greatly lengthened and some- times more than doubled by preserva tive treatment. In a humid climaie like that of Honduras, a pine tie in its natural state would be quickly destroy: ed by fungus. Large railroads of the United States treat with preservatives many, or all, of the new ties put -in. One road is said to treat 10,000 aday. The increas- ing difficulty of procuring new ties, with the advancing prices, compels railroads to make them last as long as possible. It has been estimated that the railroads of the United States de- mand in a single year the ties growing on a forest strip one mile wide and three thousand miles long. It is worthy of note that while creo- soted pine ties are being shipped from the United States to Honduras, hard- woods are coming to the United States from that country. Americans are do- ing the shipping both ways. A tract of 8,000 acres in Honduras has been se- cured by an American company, which will cut the mahogany and other valu- able hardwoods and ship them to the United States. eaten. WANTED, MEN AND WOMEN TO SWEAR and affirm before the under- signed, when they have documents to which lawful affidavits are required. I also draw up all manner. of deeds, leases, mortgages, etc., neatly and ac- curately, according to the require- ments of the law. Typewritten work a specialty. A full line of legal blanks always on hand. P. L. LIVENGOOD, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Star OFFICE, Elk Lick, Pa. tf BUY A TYPEWRITER |—See the Pittsburg Visible, at Tre Star office. August 15th. Manuscripts must be mailed not later than July 15th, to for sale. Not particular about location. E Wish Seat from owner only who it ect to buver. Give price, L. DARBYSHIRE, Box 9999 Rochester, N. Y z i sia and state when possession § BR ¢an be had. Address, ; Literary Bureau, publican Congressional Committ tropolitan Bank Building, W ashi D.C Re A Me 1 | None better, no other quite so simple | in construction. Holds world’s record STEVENS @ For Trap or Field a STEVENS SINGLE or DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN is Ideal. Low in Price —High in Quality—good gun value right through! Made in standard gauges, lengths, weights, etc.— Hammer or Hammerless Styles. STEVENS SHOTGUNS SHOOT STRAIGHT AND STRONG For sale by all progres. Send for 160-pageillus- sive Hardware an: trated Catalog - 18; Mer- ing entire output. ts. If you cannot) attractive cover obtain, we si p dstect, ie Ssfors. Jor express pi , upon cents in stamps = of Catalog pay Pp! ce. Sy i J. STEVENS g § ARMS & TOOL CO. P. 0. Box 4098. hicopee Falls Mass. PAIN New Store! New Goods! a fine new general store in the M. J. Ord St., Salisbury, Pa., and invite-you new line of Dry Goods, We have opened - Glotfelty building, to come and inspect our nice, Shoes, Groceries, etc. ® best and purest brands of goods. ronage, and we guarantee a square deal are showing the largest and best assortment of Furniture, Car- pets, Lace Curtains, China, Bric-a-Brac, Lamps, Carpet Sweepers Everything in the House-Furnishing Line, among which you will find some ar for Christmas or New Year. Prices As he Lowest! We start with an entire new stock, and we handle only the We solicit a share of your pat- and satisfaction to all. Low As T Howard Meager & Co. R. REICH & SON, The Ineading Furniture Dealers of Somerset County, and Sewing Machines. ticles suitable useful gifts R. REICH & SON, - MEYERSDALE, PA. Pain in the head—-pain anywhere, has its cause. Pain is congestion, pain is blood pressure—nothing else usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and to prove it he has created a little pink tablet. Tha$ tablet—called Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablet— coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers. Its effect is charming, pleasingly delightful. Gently though safely, it surely equalizes the blood circu- lation. If you have a headache, it's blood pressure. 1f it's painful periods with women, same cause. 1f you are sleepless, restless, nervous, it's blood congestion—blood pressure. That surely is a certainty, for Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets stop it in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute the unnatural blood pressure. Bruise your finger, and doesn't it get red, and gwell, and pain you? Of course it does. It's con- gestion, blood pressure. You'll find it where pain fs—always. It's simply Common Sense. We sell as 25 cents, and cheerfully recommend Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets “ALL DEALERS” THE WORLD JUDGES yon by your arments. ting anyone to your room. It will be a [g RERKEY & SHAVER,, SOMERSET, PA. Coffroth & Ruppel Building. ERNEST 0. KOOSER,, SOMERSET, PA. R.E.MEYERS, Attorney-at-Law, SOMFERSET, PA. Office in Court House. W. H. KOONTZ. J. G.OGLE KOONTZ & OGLE Attorneys-At-Liaw, SOMERSET, PENN’A Office opposite Court House. VIRGIL R. SAYLOR,, SOMERSET, PA. Office in Mammoth Block. DR.PETER L. SWANK, Physician and Surgeon, ELK LICK, PA. Successor to Dr. E. H. Perry. E.C. SAYLOR, D.D. 8, SALISBURY, PA, Office Corner Union St. and Smith Ave. Special attention given to the preserva- tion of the natural teeth. Artificial sets in- gerted in the best possible manner. WITCH HAZEL TONIC CO., Sole Manufactur WITCH HAZEL TONIC FOR , eves dull and listless. Witch Hazel Tonic makes Pure Blood. Valuable men for over driven horses. Try it and Horse ont of condition without efited by Witch Hazel Tonic. ‘While moulting every, horse should be given the Tonic, ¥ It ‘will smooth the coat and make it slick and shiny. Sold by Leading Dealers Everywhere. Price, 80 o ers and Proprietors, Manchester, N. H. 3 od PE i CLEANLINESS i CUTICLINE is far superior to any soap. Itinstantly re- moves dirt, grease, paint, tar and stains of every kind without the hard rubbing. The new scientific cleanser in powdered form. Better than soap. Leaves the skin soft and smooth. Although wonderful in its effect, it contains no acid; is purely vegetable. / Ask your druggist or grocer. CUTICLINE CO. 110 Two sizes, 10c., 25¢. Send for sample. Center St, Bath, Maine. EMBLEM MFC. COMPANY, Angola, Erie Co.; N. Y. Mi BICYCLES. Strictly high-grade. The result of many years of careful study. Made of the very best materials by skilled mechanics. All the latest improvements includ- ing our own One Piece Hanger, Dust Proof Hub, Detachable Sprocket, etc. The superb finish of our ¢ Bicycles has never been equalled elsewhere. Recog- nized and generally admitted, even by our compet- itors, to be the finest finished Bicycle ever produced. A full guarantee given with every bicycle. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Send for catalogue and price list. | for speed. Very easy to operate. Price very reasona tf If your Dealer does not carry them in stock, insistthat he write at once for our catalogue showing 84 styles, comprising the latest designs in buggies, runabouts, phaetons, stanhopes and surreys. Built in One grade only. a Jewel. They excel in style, finish and durability. Our line the largest, our styles the new- est, our prices the best. / As ON ee KA No) Noss JWR 4 CE ADEAS, Live Dealers should write us at once Cut-Under Runabout. for Agency. - Factory, Carthage, Ohio. THE JEWEL CARRIAGE CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. THE AMERICAN FOUNDRY CO., - Hamilton, Ohio. The Most Modern, Economical and Durable GAS RANGE Voss: WORLD. “ELEVATED CUPID” For either artificial or natural gas. Has three star top burners, 4 inches in diameter, drilled, with removable cap. One Giant Burner 6 inchesin diam- eter, drilled, with removable cap and one Simmering Burner. Double oven and broiling burner, and one Telssle Pilot ight. Au burners removable. Swelled ames, tea shelf, match Highly nickeled and id Aol oll omens Price 832.00. If Elevated Copid, write Ipdeaer does not handle the : ® ® # 8 #8 #8 #8 i #8 # 5 a W DEEDS, MORTGAGES, PENSION Special Attention to Claims, Collections W. A. CLARKE, eral Director a Embaime. P.L. LIVENGOOD, Notary Public. Star Office, Salisbury Pa. . : All work given the best of attention. Night calls answered promptly. Both Somerset and Economy ’Phones. Our Undertaking Rooms and Resi- dence are in the Zimmerman building, ay door to Will & Saler’s Eurniture Store, s « & oO VOUCHERS, AGREEMENTS, WILLS, ETC., CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. and Marriage License Applications. * MEYERSDALE, PENNA. FULL LINE OF LEGAL BLANKS 8| ———— ALWAYS ON HAND. ia & ELECTRIC THE BEST FOR : - BILIOUSNESS |= BITTERS = AND KIDNEYS, ie i VO OF eve —and th own faul GIRLS, better be some WG great ma IF ther - America, plow and the main He creat a LaBor life. Toi ~ waich thi testimon Those wl happines: dedicatec “THE pu the value papers. the com they are town or c newspape advancen communi effort to i tries and of their a . WHEN { understal in time ai poor road fr good one, begrudge and what be willing ness of ro intelligen business. sive thing trict. ALMOST per and mn Some peo for a mon but it tal _ shovet an an interes torial iten of years. is more e: tive for th journalist believe th ~~ Avr hor living by | all othere better th front sea wagon. I greet the is visiting He is reac hat, the down the its worst, gpiring in chronic ct else.” WE wou grow to us , hood. Th the lines home oug| manual tr ful occups « child’s mi Not all v enough of pleasure a ing. Thus useful wa now almos strain pul studious h St. PETE his hands he sings a waits for ¢ He hears | song, that throne, an “* wafted alo own: “Tb millions of woe are be «suffered tk er must tu here for p young, per yet who b sinew and go with th the people the beauty who kept ¢ they died, amble do music was gelic robes send for a «sample the while ther who by sor want no ec rolls, so th left.” Tht «that shoul in the soul who kicks, equator el