NN ads i a THE SOMERSET COUNTY STAR." = So enc Dr. E. C. Saylor recently purchased corner Union street and Smith avenue, and is P. L. Livexcoon, Editor and Publisher. | having it thoroughly overhauled and improved. It will be a very desirable Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa. ®3 mail matter of the Second Class. home by the time all the improvements are completed. The trouble with most cough cures is Subscription Rates. that they constipate. Kennedy’s Laxa- tive Cough Syrup does not constipate, THE STAR is published every Thursday, af but on the other hand its laxative prin- Salisbury, (Elk Lick, P. ty, Pa.,at the following rates: One year, if paid Spo 0.) Somerset Coun- ciples gently move the bowels. It is t cash in advance.. $1.25 | pleasant to take and it is especially Sorel s rictly in advance........... 1 recommended for children, as it tastes I a nearly as good as muple sugar. Sold 6-1 Single co §08,...c arssensvrrassocnss gers cee AD To rn multiplicity of small accounts’ oll subscriptions for three months or less must be paid in advance. These rates and sorms will be rigidly adhered to. by E. H. Miller. Henry Loechel is having a fine stretch of brick pavement laid along the Union street side of his fine hotel property, Advertising Rates. Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line this week. Mr. Loechel believes in having things looking about right each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5 around his premises, for which he de- cents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a | sapyvag due credit. tine for each succeeding insertion. No busi- mess lacals will be mixed with local news items or editorial matter for less than 10 Tt is a pity to see a person neglect conts a line for each insertion,except on | indications of kidney or bladder trouble yaarly contracts. 5 ire aie Rates for Display Advertisments will be that may result in Bright's disease made known ou application. Editorial advertising, invariably 10 cents a lime. Tegal Advertisements at legal rates. when Foley’s Kidney Remedy will cor- rect irregularities and strengthen these Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not | OT8a80S. Take Foley’s Kidney Remedy exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All| at the first sign of danger. additional lines, 5 cents each. Elk Lick Cards of Thanks will be published free for Pharmacy, E. H. Miller, proprietor. 6-1 prtrons of the paper. Non-patrons will be charged 10 cents a line. Resolutions of Respect will be published for 5 cents a line. General Manager L. L. Malone, Purchasing Agent A. T. Watson and a All advertisements willbe run and charg- | carload of the executive officers of the ed’ for until ordered discontinued Nondvertisement will be taken for less | Consolidation-Fairmont-Somerset Coal than 25 cents. combine, escorted by General Superin- tendent F. R. Lyon, are making a tour Where is Your Hair? In your comb? Why so? Is not the headamuch better placg for it? Better keep whatis left where it belongs! Ayer’s Hair Vigor, new improved formula, quickly stops falling hair. There is not a particle of doubt tabout it. We speak very posi- tively about this, for we know. Does not change the color of the hair. of their various mines in this county, this week. Don’t cough your head off when you can get a guaranteed remedy in Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. It isespecially recommended for children, asit’s pleas- ant to take, is a gentle laxative, thus expelling the phlegm from the system. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping- cough, hoarseness and all bronchial trouble. Guaranteed. Sold by Elk l.ick Pharmacy. 6-1 Squire Fuller of Elk Lick was an in- terested spectator at the tri-ennial con- vention of school directors on Tuesday. T . Squire was again elected Justice of the Peace at the February election. Ile is past eighty years of age, and still maintains unusual vigor.—Somerset Standard. Formulas with each bottle S Show it to your doctor yéei S Ask him about it, then do as he says Mr. John Riha, of Vining, Ia. says: “1 have been selling DeWitt’s Kidney snd Bladder Pills for about a year, and they give better satisfaction than any pill I ever sold. There are a dozen Indeed, the one great leading feature of our new Hair Vigor may well be said to be this —it stops falling hair. Then it | "S€- goes one step further —it aids nature in restoring the hair and scalp to a healthy condition. Ask for ‘the new kind.” ~——~1ade by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.cumn people here who have used them and they give perfect satisfaction in every I have used them myself with tie results.” Sold by E. H. Miller. 6-1 According to a rumor that was afloat here several days ago, the Highland Inn, at Somerset, went up in smoke. LOGAL AND GENERAL NEWS. NEWSY “TENS GATHERED HERE AND THERE, WITH AN OCCASIONAL JOKE ADDED FOR SPICE. The report, however, has been found untrue. The said inn is advertised to be open for business about June lst, with “Billy” Landis, the well-known Vannear House clerk, as manager. Weak women should read my *Book No. 4 For Women.” It was written ex- pressly for women who are not well. The Book No. 4 tells of Dr. Shoop’s, “Night Cure” and just how these sooth- DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are |ing. healing, antiseptic suppositories small, safe, sure and gentle little pills. | can be successfully applied. The book Sold by E. H. Miller. 6-1 Miss Florence Anderson, a daughter and strictly confidential medical ad- vice is entirely free. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Night Cure is sold of Mr. and Mrs. Luther B. Anderson, is | by all dealers. 6-1 down with typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin J. Engle are re joicing over the arrival of a new boy that came to their home on Somerset street, last Friday. Here comes the Spring Winds to Use Pinesalve (Acts like a ule toe the near future, to take charge of the Sold | grocery recently purchased from Geo. chap, tan and freckle. Carbolized. cuts, sores, burns, chapped skin. by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 6-1 Casper Wahl and Samuel Baker went to the stock yards of Pittsburg We are very sorry to announce the death of a little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Egan, of Union Bridge, Md. Deceased was aged about five months, and was their only child. “The funeral took place last Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Egan expect to move to Salisbury in Del.ozier. Piles are easily and quickly cheesed with Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment. To last week, where they purchased some | Prove it I will mail a small trial box as choice beef cattle. Simply address Dr. a convincing test. 1 surely would Shoop, Racine, Wis. Insist upon DeWitt’s Witch Hazel | NOt send it free unless I was certain Salve. is only one original. It is healing soothing and cooling and is especially . ee : : Sold by E. H. Miller. ful, bleeding or itching piles, either ex- good for piles. 6-1 Miss Ada Livengood, one of the edi- tor’s daughters, has been quite sick for a week or more. We are glad to say however, that she is convalescing. ManZan Pile Remedy. Price 50c., is guaranteed. Put up ready to use. One application gives prompt relief to any form of piles. Soothes and heals. by Elk Lick Pharmacy. Sold 7 There are substitutes, but there | that Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment would stand the test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen. pain- ’ ternal or internal. Large jar 50c. Sold by all dealers. 6-1 Frank Newman drilled in some grain, a few days ago, in a hill field on the old Boyd farm, near Boynton, where mortal man never before dared to venture the operation of a grain drill. The hill is so steep that it would almost seem necessary to shoot the grain into it by means of a cannon, James Easton is now located at Al- | and harvest it by means of an air ship bany, Georgia, to which place he orders “Sunny Jim” and sun- THE STAR sent. ny Georgia ought to go well together “Gabe” Tedrow will be a candidate for Sheriff, three years hence. with a reaper attachment. George DeLozier has decided to em- bark in the grocery business at Sand Patch. He thinks the business out- That’s | Jook for another store at that place is- good news indeed, and here in Salis- | very good. We wish George much sue- bury and vicinity we're all for “Gabe.” | cess in his new venture, for he is a ManZan Pile Remedy comes ready | “riproariously” good fellow, and his to use, in a collapsible tube. with noz- | customers will find him square and'ac- zle. One application soothes and heals, reduces inflammation and relieves sore- . rs Sold by | be sorry to lose him as a citizen. ness and itching. Price 50c. Elk Lick Pharmacy. 8-1 commodating at all times. We shall When you think of Indigestion think David Lichty has greatly improved | of Kodol, for it is without doubt the the appearance of his home by the only preparation that completely di- erection of a large, handsome front gests all classes of food. And that is what you need when you have indiges- porch. He has also made some other | ion or stomach trouble—something improvements which add much to the | that will act promptly but thoroughly; value and comfort of the place. something that will get right at the trouble and do the very work itself for Homer Baumgardner, who had been | the stomach by digesting the food that attending the University of West Vir-| you eat, and that is Kodol. It is pleas- ginia, at Morgantown, home on Tuesday, sick with typhoid fever. He is getting along as well as the average patient in the early stages of the disease. 30 Days’ Trial, $1.00, is the offer on Pineules. Relieves Backache. Weak Back, Lame Back, Rheumatic pains. Best on sale for Kidneys, Bladder and Blood. Good for young and old. Satis- faction guaranteed or money refunded. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 6-1 was brought ant to take. It is sold by E. H. Mil- ler. 6-1 Daniel Livengood, who is at present clerking in Miller’s drug store, recently finished his second year in the study of pharmacy, at the Western University of Pennsylvania,in Pittsburg. At the examination he made the highest aver- age of any member of the class, and he says he intends to do the very same term. We'll bet on him making is | declaration good, too. Daniel is the youngest son of Elijah Livengood, the maple sugar king. Elder 8S. N. McCann lectured in the German Baptist Brethren church, Union street, last Saturday evening, Sunday morning and Sunday evening. His subject was “Foreign Missions,” in which he is deeply interested, having spent the past nine years as a mission- ary in India. His audience found Elder McCann a very scholarly and en- tertaining talker. He will return to India next October, but while on his furlough he will talk in many of the churches of the denomination aforesaid on missions and mission work. There is a Pink Pain Tablet made by Dr. Shoop, that will positively stop any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes. Drug- gists everywhere sell them as Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets, but they stop other pains as easily as headache. Dr. Shoop’s Pink Pain Tablets simply coax blood pressure away from pain centers—that is all. Pain comes from blood pressure—congestion. Stop that pressure with Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets and pain is instantly gone. 20 Tablets 25¢. Sold by all dealers 6-1 Our Town Council recently purchas- ed for the use of the borough, a lot from J. L. Barchus. The lot fronts on Smith avenue, and the Council is now advertising for bids for the erection on said lot of a one-story brick municipal building 272x444 feet. The building is to contain steel cages of the most modern type for prisoners, and a suit- able room for holding elections, meet- ings of the Council, etc. The Council deserve much credit for this progres- sive move, as Salisbury has long needed such a building. The building used for the aforesaid purposes now is far too small, while the rent paid for it is beyond all reason. A great many people imagine they have heart trouble when the fact is that the whole trouble lies in the stom- ach. The pains in the side around the region of the heart are not necessarily heart trouble. We suggest that you start with the stomach, and whenever you feel a depression after eating, or whenever your food seems to nauseate, take Kodol. It will not be very long until all these “heart pains” will disap- pear. Take Kodol now and until you know you are right again. There isn’t any doubt about what it will do, and you will find the truth of this state- ment verified after you have used Ko- dol for a few weeks. it is sold here by E. H. Miller. 6-1 Articles of incorporation were filed: Friday, at Dover, Del., for the Mejyers- dale Construction and . Equipment Company, to construct, operate and maintain railways. W.W. Staub, for- merly of Meyersdale, and actively identified with the management of the Meyersdale & Salisbury Street Rail- road Company, is one of the incopora- tors. The new corporation, it is sus- pected, will take over that concern, says an exchange. Salisbury may have a second street railway in due course of time. As “Mountain John” Ringler used to say, Salisbury will become a seaport, some day. and then we can put on airs about right. Our portly friend A. II. Shumaker, of Tunnelton, W. Va., was a welcome call- er at Tue Star office, Monday. “Lon” is looking thin, and reports weighing but 205 pounds, as against 220 some time ago. However, as he isn’t more than about 5 feet, 5 inches tall, his weight isn’t bad yet. He is still gen- eral manager of the Elk Lick Supply Company’s Tunnelton store, but came hére for a little visit with friends. He reports his family, consisting of his wife and five daughters, all well. It is needless to say that old Salisbury al- ways has a royal welcome in store for “Lon” Shumaker and family, and we are sorry that it wasn’t convenient for all of them to make us a visit on=this trip. Tired nerves, with that “no ambition” feeling that is commonly felt in spring or early summer, can be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. One will abso- lutely note a changed feeling within 48 hours after beginning to take the Re- storative. The bowels get sluggish in the winter-time, the circulation often slows up, the Kidneys are inactive, and even the Heart in many cases grows weaker. Dr. Shoop’s Restorative is recognized everywhere as a genuine tonic to these vital organs. It builds up and strengthens the worn-out, weak- ened nerves ; it sharpens the failing ap- petite, and universally aids digestion. It always quickly brings renewed strength, life, vigor, and ambition. Try it and be convinced. Sold by all deal- ers. TT * ~ 6-1 New B. & O. Schedule. Official notices have been posted in all the ticket offices of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad that the new summer schedule of that road will go into ef- fect Sunday, May 17. No intimation of the changes contemplated were an- nounced. It is not likely that a draft of this schedule will be issued before the lat- ter part of this week. It is believed there will be a number of important changes in the schedule over the Pitts- burg and Connellsville divisions. HUMAN FILTERS. The function of the kidneys is to strain out the impurities of the blood which is constantly passing through them. Foley’s Kidney Remedy makes the kidneys healthy, so they will strain Drafts on all parts of the world. tention. Robert R. Henderson. 2.50 and 3.00. ST NATIONAL FROSTBURG. Accounts of individuals and firms invited. Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at- Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock. ae OF FICERS : enn. Roberdeau Annan. President. ame DIRECTORS: emus. 8 Duncan Sinclair, Daniel Annan. Roberdeau Annan. &HAWES HATS—= We are sole agents in Salisbury for these famous hats. All the new spring shapes are here, in either stiff or soft. They come in black and the new shades of brown, at $2.00, Meat ili... Market! "MN mo. BANK Take notice that I have opened a new Capital stock..$ - 50,000.00 ———— Surplus fund.. 70,000.00 : Deposits (over) 1,000000.00 ,ng yp.to-date meat market in Salis- ' 0 9. Assets (over).. 1,200,000.00| bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT: ™“" ™=* S335 on evostrs Everything is new, neat and clean, and it is a model in every respect. I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete. I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat- tle. Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides, | COBRANTEE TO PLEASE YOU and want you to call and be con- vinced that I can best supply your wants in the meat line. CASPER WAHL, The 01d Reliable Butcher. Olin Beall. Cashier. Timothy Griffith, OREO OBE EB ED UND GD USGI GX NA YAY CINE AP We are headquarters for Walk-Over Shoes, Monarch and “Eagle Shirts, and Arrow brand collars. BARCHUS & LIVENGOOD. A Large Willow Tree. On a farm near Rummel, occupied by Hiram Barnes, is probably the oldest and largest willow tree in this section. His ancestors claim it is 80 years old. It is between three and four feet in diameter at the ground, over 50 feet high, and its limbs cover a surface about 90 feet in diameter. It has no dead branches, and the leaves are just making their appearance — Windber Era. A CALIFORNIAN’S LUCK. “The luckiest day of my life was when I bought a box of Bucklen’s Ar- nica Salve ;” writes Charles F. Budahn, of Tracy, California. “Two 25c. boxes cured me of an annoying case of itch- ing piles, which had troubled me for years and that yielded to no other treatment.” Sold under guarantee at E H. Miller’s 1rug store. 6-1 Marriage Licenses. Since our last report: Eliza Percy Ward and Rose Ellen Wright, of Hooversville. Charles E. Lazier and Viola Arnold: of Summit twp. Michael Keegan and Clara Fox, of Meyersdale. Harvey J. Bittner of Meyersdale, and Jessie E. Sellers, of Summit twp. Frank Razane and Maryeta Karaser, of New Baltimore. Charles W. Sechler, of Upper Turkey- foot twp. and Ida Florence Dickey, of Middlecreek twp. Where to Place the Quay Statue. that Carl Beitler, the sculptor, has no- legislative commission having incharge the statue of the late Senator Quay, that the statue is now ready for deliv- ery. The persons who were opposed to Quay in his lifetime are opposed to placing his statue in the new capitol building, and the commission is in a quandry as to where it shall be placed. The Standard suggests that it be placed in Milford township, this coun- ty, where at least one farmer has not learned that Quay is dead. During the recent campaign the farmer in mind solemnly demanded of a legisla- candidate. Somerset county’s eleven newspapers had not carried the news to this farmer that the man he had consistently fought had crossed the out all waste matter from the blood. | Take Foley’s Kidney Remedy at once, | and it will make you well. Elk Lick dark river.—Somerset Standard. ——— CARBON PAPER for sale at THE thing at the close of his next and last | Pharmacy, E. H. Miller, proprietor. 6-1 | Star office. tf I i Tells Us: “A man should never be ashamed to i own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying. in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.” Many a man is “wiser today than he was yesterday” when it comes to having a doctors prescription filled. Many a man is patronizing our prescription department who did not some time ago. He has properly paid for his wisdom in cold cash. Our Prescription Department is the department to which we give our most careful attention. It is equipped with all the modern con- veniences for compounding prescriptions. It is stocked with the best and always fresh drugs. CLUTTON BROS., Proscription Druggists, Main St, Meyersdale, Pa. A report in a daily newspaper states tified David H. Lane, chairman of the | That’s what we claim for pure home-ground Chop. It does not pay to buy imported adulterated feed. The § best is the cheapest in the end. We have the best of § everything in the Flour, Feed and Grocery line. Binder Twine and Phosphate! Buy your Binder Twine from us, also Phos your fall crops. We have the best of it, and our prices are always fair. We handle the choicest and purest of country produce and deliver goods promptly. phate for tive candidate that he vote against & Quay—a promise readily made by the | 3% Rings Dyspepsia Tablets MIO VE Feta am : WITH THE ORIGINAL BEE’S RELIEVE INDIGESTION GRE SLAXATIVE CO AND STOMACH TROUBLES BEST FOR A A: to do th or with not for long en without to despat Why Made of g partsto s quired t pressure Non and try i 21-22 tell DODC