The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, April 16, 1908, Image 4

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I A BET EO I So no A BR A ST PB SR A TEI RE soe : — ‘ bea a : Hocus
= TT EC RR TUT — le
= igh Fo : eas
. a T IN} VG | Morse W. Platt. who was a well] Without missing a single day of | «3
THE SOMERSE COUNT 1 STAR known printer in Somerset county, a school in ten years, Ellwood Joder, the ' £
tore { ue ill | few years ago, died in Los Angeles, | 16-y sar-old and only son of Levi J. | #
Joder, of Pine Hill, attended five eight-
3 | A
P. L. Livexcoon, Editor and Publisher. | California, recently He was: well] . ! bh ¥ gm ; - a : Rm
—_ % [ known to many of Tuk Star's readers. | month terms of school in Meyersdale, woes { Ee] A a} Market! oY,
i "wr 3 - ¢ 1 Rv a » - < 3 FY .
Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa. | The kidneys are delicate and sensi- and then five seven month ierms i oa - FROSTB u RG, \( DR .
as mail matter of the Second Class. tive organs and are very likely at any | the country school, whither he’ had to . "mm 4
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is published every Thursday,at
Salisbury, (Elk Lick, P. 0.) Somerset Coun-
$y, Pa.,at the following rates:
One year, if paid spot cash in advance.. §1.25
{ time to get out of order.
Kidney and Bladder Pills are prompt
and thorough and will in a very short
time strengthen the weakened kidneys
and allay troubles arising from inflam-
mation of the bladder. Sold by E. H.
Miller. 5-1
walk each day a considerable distance
in the cold weather of the mountain
district. He thus has atténded school
without the break of a single day for
75 months.
Capital stoek..$. 50,000.00]
Surplus f .. 7! 3 :
or he tnd [oon Take notice that I have opened a new
Deposits (over) 1,000,000.00
LD and up-to-date meat market in Salis-
|| \, [EPO TORY. Assets (over).. 1,200,000.00 | pury, one door south of Lichliter’s store.
If not paid strictly in advance........... ¥ : Pain, anywhere, can be quickly stop- .
BE Soning, Serres esas esiieseiisaaia 3 The maple sugar season for this year | ped by one of Dr. Shoop’s Pink Pain Everything is new, neat and clean,
BINZle copies. ... .coconcivava nists arrr ease J
To avoid multiplicity of small accounts’
all subscriptions for three months or less
must be paid in advance. These rates and
sorms will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices,5 cents a line
each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5
sents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a
line for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
mess lacals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for less than 10
sents a line for each insertion,except on
yearly contracts.
tes for Display Advertisments will be
made known on application.
Editorial advertising, invariably 10 cents
a line.
Legal Advertisements al legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
additional lines, 5 cents each.
Cards of Thanks will be published free for
prtrons of the paper. Non-patrons will be
eharged 10 cents a line.
Resolutions of Respect will be published
for 5 cents a line.
All advertisements will be run and charg-
od for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
shan 25 cents.
Free from
Since May, 1906, Ayer’s Sar-
saparilla has been entirely free
from alcohol. If you are in
poor health, weak, pale, nerv-
ous, ask your doctor about tak-
ing this non-alcoholic tonic and
alterative. If he has a better
medicine, take his. Get the best
always. This is our advice.
’ ‘We publish our formulas
9 Tow our medicines
Yers remp
A sluggish liver means a coated tongue,
a bad breath, and constipated bowels.
The question is, ‘‘ Whatis the best thin
to do under such circumstances? ’’ As
your doctor if this is not a good answer:
‘Take laxative doses of Ayer’s Pills.”
lade by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass —
Our friend Henry Bonig is erecting
asfine new house in Grantsville, Md.
DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the fa-
mous little liver pills. Sold by E. H.
Miller. 5-1
A sister of M. D. Reel, the Shade
township candidate for Assembly, died
last week.
Miss Ada Livengood is suffering with
a severe attack of erysipelas, and her
mother is also quite ill.
Mrs. C. W. Stotler and her son Earl
and daughter Bessie (Mrs. Clarence
Statler) went to Uniontown several
days ago.
Here comes the Spring Winds to
ehap, tan and freckle. Use Pinesalve
Carbolized. (Acts like a poultice) for
euts, sores, burns, chapped skin. Sold
by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 6-1
Baker Johnson, the Grantsville mail
carrier, reports that the typhoid fever
patients in the vicinity of Grantsville
are all convalescing.
ManZan Pile Remedy. Price 50c., is
guaranteed. Put up ready to use. One
application gives prompt relief to any
form of piles. Soothes and heals. Sold
by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 68-1
Mrs. Paul Hoffman, of Coal Run,
died last Sunday of pneumonia. De-
ceased is survived by her aged husband
and several grown-up children.
A big cut or a little cut, small
scratches or bruises or big ones are
healed quickly by DeWitt’s Carbolized
Witch Hazel Salve. It is especially
good for piles. Get DeWitt’s. Sold by
E. H. Miller. 5-1
George L. Stark, of Addison; was in
eur city, Tuesday and Wednesday.” He
came here to install newly. elected of-
ficers in the Odd Fellows’ lodge.
ManZan Pile Remedy comes ready
to use, in a collapsible tube, with noz-
zle. One application soothes and heals,
reduces inflammation and relieves sore-
ness and itching. Price 50c. Sold by
Elk Lick Pharmacy. 8-1
* John C. Johnson, whom many of our
readers will remember as a minister in
the German Baptist Brethren church,
died recently at Huntingdon, Pa.
Thomas Cochrane, who had a leg
broken in the mines at Garrett, some
time ago, is again able to be about.
He arrived in Salisbury a few days ago.
is now a thing of the past. The crop
was hardly an average one in this
vicinity, but the quality of sugar and
syrup turned out this year has never
been excelled.
Foley’s Orino Laxative is best for
women and children. Its mild action
and pleasant taste makes it preferable
to violent purgatives, such as pills,
tablets, etc. Cures constipation. Elk
Lick Pharmacy, E. H. Miller, proprie-
tor. 5-1
James Harding and family, of Gar-
rett, moved to Salisbury, last week.
They are excellent people, and we aie
pleased to have them locate in our
community. Mr. Harding is superin-
tending a mine in the 4-foot coal vein,
near the old Fairview opening.
Don’t cough your head off when, you
can get a guaranteed remedy in Bees
Laxative Cough Syrup. It isespecially
recommended for children, as it’s pleas-
ant to take, is a gentle laxative, thus
expelling the phlegm from the system.
For coughs, colds, croup, whooping-
cough, hoarseness and all bronchial
trouble. Guaranteed. Sold by Elk
lick Pharmacy. 6-1 -
On Tuesday Master Earl Stotler was
thrown from a horse and quite badly
injured. We are glad to note, how-
ever, that his injuries are not supposed
to be of a serious nature. He is recov-
ering from the bruises he sustained,
and will likely be about again in a few
Weak women get prompt and lasting
iielp by using Dr. Shoop’s Night Cure.
These soothing, healing, antiseptic sup-
positories, with tull information how to
uroceed are interestingly told of in my
book, “No. 4 For Women.” The book
wud strictly confidential medical ad-
vice is entirely free. Simply write Dr.
~hoop, Racine, Wis., for my book No. 4.
“old by all dealers. 5-1
Mrs. Jacob D. Miller arrived in town
one evening last week. She came to
look after her property interests here.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller moved to West-
moreland county, last winter, but they
do not like it very well where they are,
and they may return to Salisbury in
the near future.
Piles are easily and quickly checked
with Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment. To
prove it T will mail a smell trial box as
a convineing test. Simply address Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. Isurely would not
send it free unless I was certain that
Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment would
stand the test. Remember it is made
expressly and alone for swollen, painful,
bleeding or itching piles, either exter-
ual or internal. Large jar 50c. Sold
by all dealers. 5-1
Mr. Howard Yaist and Mrs, Lucy
Welfley were married last week, and
are now receiving the congratulations
of their numerous friends. Mr. Yaist
was a widower, and his bride the widow |
of the late Phineas: Welfley. Both are
well and favorably known in Salisbury,
and THE STAR joins in extending to
them the best wishes of the com-
munity. :
To have perfect health we must have
perfect digestion, and it is very import-
ant not to permit of any delay the mo-
ment the stomach feels out of order.
Take something at once that you know
will promptly and unfailingly assist di-
estion. There is nothing better than
odol for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour
stomach, belching of gas and nervous
headache. Kodol is a natural digest-
ant, and will digest what you eat. Sold
by E. H. Miller. 5-1
The trout season opened yesterday.
and trout may now be lawfully caught
until the 31st day of July inclusive.
Seining. dynamiting and Sunday fish-
ing are all contrary to law, and it is
also unlawful to retain trout under six
inches in length. All trout caught
that do not measure six inches in
length, should be promptly returned to
the water.
Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup—
the cough syrup that tastes nearly as
good as maple sugar, and which chil-
dren like so well to take. Unlike
nearly all other cough remedies, it
does not constipate, but on the other
hand it acts promptly, yet gently on
the bowels, through which the cold is
forced out of the systems, and at the
same time it allays inflammation. Al-
ways use Kennedy's Laxative Cough
Syrup. Sold by E. H. Miller. 5-1
A barber in Grantsville, it is report-
ed, has a sign out which announces—
“Satisfaction Guaranteed, or Your
Whiskers Refunded.” Which probably
induced a Frostburg minister of hu-
morous turn to tell the Journal of how
gilt letters had fallen from a shoe-
store window, owned by several splen-
did bachelors, until it reads—"Fine
H E 8.”—Frostburg Mining Journal.
Kodol. For Dyspepsia has helped
thousands of people who have had
stomach trouble. This is what one
Tablets. Pain always means conges-
tion—unnatural blood pressure. Dr.
Shoop’s Pink Pain Tablets simply coax
congested blood away from pain cen-
ters. These Tablets—known by drug-
gists as Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets
—simply equalize the blood circulation
and then pain always departs in 20
minutes. 20 Tablets 25 cents. Write
Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., for free pack-
age. Sold by all dealers. 5-1
We are under obligations to the Mey-
ersdale correspondent to the Connells-
ville Courier for a very complimentry
mention in Monday’s edition of that
paper. Following is what the afore-
said correspondent has to say: ‘Peter
L. Livengood, editor of the Salisbury
STAR, and a candidate for Assembly,
passed through town this morning for
Somerset, presumably to learn more
fully as to the returns of the primary
election held yesterday. Mr. Liven-
good is one of the candidates who fail-
ed in election, yet he would have made
as good an Assemblyman as any man
on the ticket. His friends are sorry he
could not win. :
That languid, lifeless feeling that
comes with spring and early summer,
can be quickly changed to a feeling of
buoyancy and energy by the judicious
use of Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. The
Restorative is’a genuine tonic to tired,
rundown nerves, and but a few doses is
needed to satisfy the user that Dr.
Shoop’s Restorative ig actually reach-
ing that tired spot. The indoor life of
bowels, and to sluggish circulation in
general. The customary lack of exer-
cise and outdoor air ties up the liver,
stagnates the kidneys, and oft-times
weakens the Heart’s action. Use Dr.
Shoop’s Restorative a few weeks and
will tell you that you are using the
right remedy. You will easily and
surely note the change fromday to day.
Sold by all dealers. 5-1
Easter Cantata.
The Brethren church choir, of Mey-
ersdale, will render an Easter cantata
in the Salisbury Brethren church, next
Monday evening at 8 o'clock. It will
be rendered free of charge, and all are
cordially invited to turn out and hear
Sues for Divorce.
Agnes E. Merrill, of Elk Lick town-
ship. has filed a libel in divorce against
ber husband, John A. Merrill, in which
she alleges that they were married on
June 2, 1899, and that in July, 1904, the
respondent deserted her.
She also alleges that by cruel and
barbarous treatment and indignities to
her person, respondent rendered her
e ndition intolerable and life burden-
Mr. Wm. Henry, of Chattanooga,
Tenn., had rheumatism in his left arm,
“The strength seemed to have gone out
of the muscles so that it was useless
for work,” he says. “I applied Cham-
berlain’s Pain Balm and wrapped the
arm in flannel at night. and to my re-
lief I found that the pain gradually left
me, and the strength returned. In
three weeks the rheumatism had dis-
appeared, and has not since returned.”
If troubled with rheumatism, try a few
applications of Pain. Balm. You are
certain to be pleased with the relief
which it affords. For sale at Miller's
drug store. 5-1
Strange Disappearance of Meyers-
dale Business Man.
Fred Antolino, an Italian, who for
the past two years conducted a grocery
and bank at the north approach to the
Flaugherty bridge, disappeared the
early part of last week, and nothing
can be learned of his whereabouts.
Whether or not he took any of the
coin of his countrymen with him, can-
not be ascertained. He was always
considered an honest man, and it may
be possible his accounts were settled
ere he left. One of the strange feat-
ures of the disappearance is that local
Italians who had deposited funds in
the little bank do not seem to be wor-
ried over the sudden and unannounced
departure of their banker for parts un-
known, says a late news dispatch.
Free To Our Subseribers.
We will be glad to have every reader
of our paper tgke advantage of the fol-
lowing offer: If you will send your
name and address to the Pineule Med-
icine Co.,389 La Salle Ave., Chicago,
Ill., they will promptly mail you post-
paid a full week’s trial of their most
excellent preparation.
up in little gelatin globules, easy and
winter nearly always leads to sluggish
all will be changed. A few days test |
“Pineules.” The preparation is put
Drafts on all parts of the v orld.
ORVINGS DEPARTMENT: “"** “** 23% ox Derosts.
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at-
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock.
ve. OF FICERS : mans.
Roberdeau Annan. President.
Robert R. Henderson. Duncan Sinclair, Timothy Griffith,
. Daniel Annan. Roberdeau Aunan.
getting them. Remember that when you get them here
you get them right—
Right in Style and
and get acquainted with our prices before buying your
next suit.
Men's suits, $8.00 to 20.00.
and it is a model in every respect.
I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete.
1 pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
tle, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vinced that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line.
The 01d Reliable Butcher.
Olin Beall. Cashier.
0, OEP
The new styles are ready, and it is time to think about
Right in Price!
Come in and let us show you the new Spring styles,
Young men’s suits, $5.00 to 15.00.
Boys’ knee-pant suits, $2.00 to 5.00.
New neckwear, hats and shirts. &
Foley’s Honey and Tar affords per-
fect security from pneumonia and cone
sumption; as it cures the most obstinate
coughs and colds. We have’ never
known a single instance of a cold re-
sulting in pneumonia after Foley’s
Honey and Tar had been taken. Elk
Lick Pharmacy, E. H. Miller, proprie-
tor. 5-1
Bad Work of Trespassers—Farmers
Have Just Cause to Complain.
The farmers of this vicinity are
greatly aroused over the frequent out-
rages committed against them by tres-
passers. The wanton destruction of
property by trespassers has reached
that stage where forbearance ceases to
be a virtue, and the farmers have just
cause for complaint.
A couple of weeks ago Elijah Liven-
good brought to THE Star office a pine
sugar keeler which some rascally trese
passer had placed the muzzle of a shot-
gun against and fired a load of shot
through the vessel, presumably to see
how big a hole it would make.
And thisis only one of the many
depredations committed against the
farmers by guns in the hands of reck-
less and criminal fools. The killing
and crippling of stock and poultry,
_| damage to fences, drains and crops,
pilfering and general thieving on the
part of trespassers is of frequent oc-
currence. Therefore, under the cir-
cumstances, about the only thing the
farmers can do for the preservation
tee for the detection and punishment
of those who commiit such outrages. -
relied upon to assist the farmers in
privileges, or who roam at will over the
and committing other outrages which
should either land them in the ‘“pen”
or cause them to be filled full of buck-
shot. :
99 stand, prepared to offer you our most attentive services.
~ I
Having purchased the entire stock of
we take pleasure in announcing that we are at the bld
Call and see us, whether you desire a purchase or ¢
not. Your interests are our interests.
Successors to
| I . Paul H. Gross,
and protection of their property is to
unite and appoint a vigilance commit- |
The true sportsman can always be |§
bringing to justice the criminal classes, &
those who abuse hunting and fishing | &% does not pay to buy imported adulterated feed. The
} best is the cheapest in the end. We have the best of
everything in the Flour, Feed and Grocery line.
Binder Twine and Phosphate!
farmers’ lands without asking for per-|&
mission, wantonly destroying property |§
your fall crops. We have the best of it, and our prices
are always fair,
Many women mistake kidney and |§
bladder troubles for some irregularity |{ and deliver goods promptl
LC y-
That’s what we claim for pure home-ground Chop. It
Buy your Binder Twine from us, also Phosphate for
We handle the choicest and purest of country produce
Mrs. Stewart Smith, who had been man says of it: “E.C. DeWitt & Co pleasant to take, and are truly remark- | pecaliar to the sex. Foley's Kidney
visiting relatives and friends in Pitts- Chicago, Ill-—Gentlemen—In 1897 1 | ble in their quick effects on all Back | Remedy corrects irregularities and little
burg and Connellsville, during the had a disease of the stomach and | Ache, Lame Back, Rheumatism and all | makes women well. Miss Carrie Har- | && oon
winter, returned to her home in this | bowels: Jiooqd not digess Saying Kidney and Bladder affections. In |den, Bowling Green, Ky., writes: “I |g i
borough, last Friday. [ples Es ache ty writing them it will be necessary to | suffered much pain from kidney and Saye
30 Days’ Trial, $1.00,is the offer on | ceived from that bottle, all the gold in | mention this paper. Pleasedo so. We | bladder trouble until I started to use
Pineules. Relieves Backache. Weak | Georgia could not buy. I still use a|hope any of our readers who are suf- | Foley's Kidney Remedy. The first bot- . 7 Was
Back, Lome Bank Brsumatie paans, [ile ecosgionally: as I 5m it a Foe | fering from any such complaints will | tle gave me great relief, and after tak- Ri D . : i its p
Bec on sal or Kidneys. Hisadof ani | blood pulier bn o good opie” MaY | 15 Lavantago of tis ofr st ance, | mg he second boste 1 was enirey| RINGS Dyspepsia Tablets MIO VE #ni 48 oh
faction guaranteed or money refunded. | truly, C. N. Cornell, Roding, Ga., Aug. | W€ know the preparation is most highly | well.” Elk Lick Pharmacy, E. H. Mil- RELIEVE INDIGESTION BEE'S LAXATIVE {TH THE ORIGINAL Inzo
Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 8-1 27,2906.” Sold by E. H. Miller. 5-1 | recommended. | ler, proprietor. 5-1 AND STOMACH TROUBLES BROT Fon RUP. Cg \DQ