The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, March 26, 1908, Image 4

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P. L. Livexcoop, Editor and Publisher. |
Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa.
a8 mail matter of the Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is published every Thursday,at
Ba)isbury, (Elk Lick, P. 0.) Somerset Coun-
..8t the following rates
One —— if paid spot cash in 3 vance. $1.25
¥ not paid strictly in advance........... 1.50
Bix months, .......... ccc... cere trrecsnrenes 75
* Three moths OT BE PR I .50
Single cop 05
To re I niiciiy of small accounts’
sll subscriptions for three months or less
must be paid In advance. These rates and
$orms will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line
each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5
oonts a line for first insertion and 3 cents a
nine for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
moss lacals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for less than 10
sents a line for each insertion,except on
pearly contracts.
Rates for Display Advertisments will be
made known on application
Editorial advertising, invariably 10 cents
Legal Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
additional lines, 5 cents each.
Cards of Thanks will be published free for
prtrons of the paper.
sharged 10 cents a line.
Resolutions of Respect will be published
for 5 cents a line.
All advertisements will be run and charg-
ad for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
than 25 cents. :
Non-patrons will be
Ask your doctor about these
throat coughs. He will tell
you how deceptive they are.
A tickling in the throat often
means serious trouble ahead.
Better explain your case care-
fully to your doctor, and ask
him about your taking Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral.
‘We publish our formulas
We banish alcohol
rs from our medicines
‘We urge you to
I yer cont Jour
Who makes the best liver pills? The
J. C. Ayer Company, of Lowell, Mass.
They have been making Ayer’s Pills for
~ over sixty years. If you have the slight-
est doubt about using these pills, ask
your doctor. Do as he says, always.
==lade by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass,
DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, small,
safe, sure little liver pills. Sold by E.
H. Miller. 4-1
Mrs. Frank Livengood went to Rock-
wood, Tuesday, to visit her brother,
Chas. Cochrone, and family.
The frogs began piping several even-
ings ago, and that’s one of the surest
signs in the world that spring is about
here to stay.
Get DeWitt’s Carbolized Witch
Hazel Salve—it is healing, soothing
and cooling. It is good for piles. Sold
by E. H. Miller. 4-1
So far sugar-makers report about
two-thirds of a erop. The season may
produce an average crop, this year, but
it all depends on the weather.
Here comes the Spring Winds to
chap, tan and freckle. Use Pinesalve
Carbolized. (Acts like a poultice) for
cuts, sores, burns, chapped skin. Sold
by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 6-1
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Wagner went to
Edgewood Park, a suburb of Pittsburg,
last week, to visit their son-in-law and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Brandler.
ManZan Pile Remedy. Price 50c., is
guaranteed. Pat up ready to use. One
application gives prompt relief to any
form of piles. Soothes and heals. Sold
by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 6-1
Our old friend and college chum,
Wm. Kyle, who hag been mining coal
in the George’s Creek region, for many
months, is renewing old acquaintance
in Salisbury, this week.
Croup positively checkedgin 20 min-
utes. Dr. Shoop’s 20 minute Croup
Remedy acts like Magic. No vomiting,
nothing harsh. A simple, safe, pleas-
ant, dependable croup syrup. 50c. Sold
by All Dealers. 4-1
James Dunn, returned from Mercy
Hospital, Pittsburg, Tuesday evening.
He went there some time ago to have
a growth removed from his neck. The
eperation seems to have been success-
ManZan Pile Remedy comes ready
to use, in a collapsible tube, with noz-
zle. One application soothes and heals,
reduces inflammation and relieves sore-
ness and itching. Price 50c. Sold by
Elk Lick Pharmacy. 6-1
Jacob Emerick, who for some time
was down in the southeastern part of
the county, taking care of his aged
parents, who have been very ill for
some time, has again returned to Salis-
bury. .
A severe cold that may develop into
pneumonia over night, can be cured |
Honey and |
It will cure the most obstinate | tised.
| nounced the day
{ whooped
| display.
quickly by taking Foley’s
racking cough and strengthen your
lungs. The genuine is in a yellow
package. Sold by all druggists. 4-1
James Harding, we regret to learn, is
very ill at his home on Grant street.
| His condition had been quite serious
for several days, but we are glad to
learn that a change for the better has
taken place. We wish him a speedy
Pain can be quickly stopped. A 25
cent box of Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tab-
lets will kill any pain, everywhere, in
20 minutes! Besides, they are thor-
oughly safe. Painful periods with
women, neuralgia, ete., quickly cease
after one tablet. Sold by all dealers.
Miss Mabel Beachy, of Johnstown,
Pa., who has been visiting friends in
Salisbury and vicinity for some time,
went to Frostburg, Md., yesterday, ac-
companied by Mrs. A. L. Lowry. They
will visit friends iu Frostburg for
several days.
30 Days’ Trial, $1.00, is the offer on
Pineules. Relieves Backache. Weak
Back, Lame Back, Rheumatic pains.
Best on sale for Kidneys, Bladder and
Blood. Good for young and old. Satis-
faction guaranteed or money refunded.
Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 6-1
Mrs. Lawrence Fallon recently had a
cancer removed from her breast at
Mercy Hospital, Pittsburg. The opera-
tion is believed to have been success-
ful, but the patient is not yet able to
return home. The many friends of
Mrs. Fallon wish her a speedy and
permanent recovery.
Orino Laxitive Fruit Syrup is a new
remedy, an improvemént on the laxa-
tives of former years, as it does not
gripe or nauseate and is pleasant to
take. It is guaranteed. Sold by all
Mrs. Matthews, a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Alexander, of West
Salisbury, is visiting her parents and
other relatives in this ' community.
Mrs. Matthews had been residing in
Chicago, but she and her husband have
decided to locate either in Frostburg
or Cumberland, Md., in the near future.
Kodol is today the best known and
most reliable remedy for all disorders
of the stomach, such as dyspepsia,
heart burn, sour stomach and belching
of gas. Kodo] contains the same juices
found in a h=2alhy stomach. Kodol is
pleasant to take Itis guaranteed to
give relief and is sold here by bs H.
Miller. 4-1
Mrs. Sarah Butler, wife of John But-
ler, of Garret county, Md., died recently
at the age of 80 years. Deceased was a
highly esteemed woman well known to
many of THE StAr’s readers She was
a sister of the late Matthew Patton,
and the mother of Perry Butler, who
died in Elk Lick township, this county,
some years ago.
Mr. John Riha, of Vining, Ia., says
“I have been selling DeWitt’s Kidney
and Bladder Pills for about a year and
they give better satisfaction than any
pill I ever sold. Thereare adozen peo-
ple here who have used-them and they
give perfect satisfatcion in every case.
I have used them myself with tine re-
sults.” Sold by E. H. Miller. 4-1
With thanks we acknowledge receipt
of an invitation from the Board of
Governors of the Pennsylvania Club, of
Washington, D. C, to be present at a
reception to be given to Hon. Philander
C. Knox, one of the United States sen-
ators who is being boomed for the
Presidency. The reception was given
yesterday evening.
Don’t cough your head off when you
can get a guaranteed remedy in Bees
Laxative Cough Syrup. It isespecially
recommended for children, as it’s pleas-
ant to take, is a. gentle laxative, thus
expelling the phlegm from the system.
For coughs, colds, croup, whooping-
cough, hoarseness and all bronchial
trouble. Guaranteed. Sold by Elk
Lick Pharmacy. 6-1
Chas. F. Cochrane, the efficent super-
intendent of the Shamrock mines, near
Rockwood, arrived in Salisbury on
Tuesday. He reports that the mires
at Shamrock are not shipping enough
coal to fire a cook stove, these days.
However, Charley is wearing a smile
that won’t come off, jnst the same, all
on account of boy No. 3, a recent ad-
dition to his family.
Be careful about that little cough.
Get something right away ; some good,
reliable remedy that will move the
bowels. Kennedy’s Laxative Cough
Syrup acts gently yet promptly on the
bowels and allays inflammation at the
same time. It is pleasant to take and
it is especially recommended for chil-
dren, as it tastes nearly as good as ma-
ple sugar. 8old by E. H. Miller. 4-1
J. H. Hentz, a prominent candidate
for Prothonotary, has notified Tuk
Star that he has withdrawn from the
race for that office. Mr. Hentz is a
prominent and very worthy citizen of
Brothersvalley township, and he will
undoubtedly loom up very prominently
as a candidate for office at some future
time. Mr. Hentz is a man worthy and
competent to fill any of the county
offices. \
$100,000 paid by Dr. Shoop for any re-
cent case of Grippe or acute Cold that
a 25 cent box of Preventics will not
break. How is this for an offer? The
Doctor’s supreme confidence in these
little Candy Cold Cure Tablets—Pre-
ventics—is certainly complete. It’s a
$100, against 25 cents—pretty big odds.
And Preventics, remember, contain no
quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor
sickening. Pneumonia would never
appear if early colds were always brok-
en. Safe and sure for feverish child-
ren. 48 Preventics, 25¢. Sold by all
dealers. 4-1
Moses was the first journalist, be-
cause he wrote on tables of stone; but
Noah went him one better and adver-
Noah built the ark and an-
for sailing.
loosen when using Dr.
him and died in wet water. Thus
again did the man who advertised
triumph. You can’t keep a good man
down, especially if he advertises.—Ex.
Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly
Shoop’s Cough
And it is so thoroughly harm-
less, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to
use nothing else, even for very young
The wholesome green leaves
and tender stems of a lung healing
mountainous shrub give the curative
properties to Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cur-.
Ii calms the cough, and heals the sen-
sitive bronchial membranes. No opi-
um, no chloroform, nothing harsh used
to injure or suppress. Demand Dr.
Shoop’s. Take no other. Sold by all
dealers. 4-1
Mrs. John Rees and Mrs. J. C. Lich-
liter went to Pittsburg, Monday eve-
ning’ having received word that Miss
Marion Rees had to undergo another
operation. She was operated on for ap-
pendicitis, some time ago, but the oper-
ation was not as successful as her
many friends had hoped for. We trust
that the second operation will bring
about a recovery, but late reports con-
cerning her condition are very dis-
Remember that when the Stomach
nerves fail or weaken, Dyspepsia or In-
digestion must alway s follow. But,
strengthen these same weak inside
nerves with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative,
and then see how quickly health will
again return. Weak Heart and Kid-
ney nerves can also be strengthened
with the Restorative, where Heart
pains, palpitation, or Kidney weakness
is found. Don’t drug the Stomach, nor
stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That
is wrong. Go to the cause of these ail-
ments. Strengthen these weak inside
nerves with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative
and get well. A simple, single test will
surely tell. For sale by all dealers. 4-1
Maurice and Frederick Cohen, the
well-known merchants who conduct
clothing stores in Somerset and Mey-
ersdale, were business, visitors in Salis-
bury, Tuesday evening. It was the
latter’s first visit to Salisbury, and he
expressed himself agreeably surprised
at the size and general good appear-
ance of our town, and he admits that
Salisbury holds high rank among the
towns of Somerset county. Maurice
conducted a store here, some years
ago, and while here made many friends
who are always glad to meet and greet
William Johnson, a son of John L.
Johnson, of Elk Lick township, was
recently stricken down with typhoid
fever, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Durst, near Grantsville, Md.,
where he is now battling with the dis-
ease. Numerous cases of thyphoid
fever have been breaking out in and
about Grantsville for nearly a year,
and it is hard to account for the gener-
al prevalence of the malady in a local-
ity that seems to be as well favored for
pure air, good water and general
healthfulness as that portion of Gar-
ret county.
This is what Hon. Jake Moore, State
Warden of Georgia,says of Kodol For
Dyspepsia: “E. C. Dewitt & Ce., Chi-
cago, 11l.—Dear Sirs—I have suffered
more than twenty years from indiges-
tion. About eighteen months agol
had grown so much worse that I cculd
not digest a crust of corn bread and
could not retain anything on my stom-
ach. 1 lost 25 1bs.;in fact I made up
my mind that I could not live but a
short time, when a friend of mine rec-
ommended, Kodol. T consented to try
it to please him and I was better in
one day. I now weigh more than I
ever did in my life and amin better
health than for many years. Kodol
did it. 1 keep a bottle constantly, and
wriie this hoping that humanity will
be benefited. Yours very truly, Jake
C. Moore, Atlanta, Aug. 10, 1904.” Sold
by KE. H. Miller. 4-1
Sunday School Tour of County.
Organized Sunday school work in
Somerset county, under t®e auspices of
the State Sabbath School Association,
during the present year promises to
bring the county to the front. A staff
of the strongest workers in the county
has been engaged to make the first
tour in the month of April. Daring
the month of May and June, a second
tour will be made to complete the or-
ganization of every district in the
county. :
Rev. George H.Jones, President of
the Somerset County Sabbath School
Association, of Windber, and Mr. S.
Forsythe, State Field Worker, of Daw:
son, last week arranged a schedule of
dates and places, as following: Con-
fluence 8, Rockwood7, Meyersdale 8,
Berlin 9, Shanksville 10, Listie 13, Bos-
well 14, Stoyestown 15, Somerset 16 and
Windber 17.
In addition to Rev. George H. Jones
and Mr. Forsythe, Miss Louisa E.
Ewalt, of the International Field Force,
of New York City, and Rev. E. 8, Hass-
ler, of Grove City, will be at all of the
foregoing places. Miss Ewalt has a
world-wide reputation as a primary
worker, and Rev. Hassler is one of the
foremost in the state.
W. H. Yosr, Secretary,
Windber, Pa.
Mr. Norman R. Coulter, a prominent
architect, in the Delbert Building, San
Francisco, says: “I fully endorse all
that has been said of Electric Bitters
as a tonic medicine. It is good for ev-
He |
’er up lively and made great |
The non-believers seoffed at |
erybody. It corrects stomach, liver
and kidney disorders in a prompt and
efficient manner and builds up the sys-
tem.” Electric Bitters the best
spring medicine ever sold over a drug-
gist’s counter; as a blood purifier it is
unequaled. E. H. Miller’s drug
store. 4-1
Local Option Meeting.
A Local Opticn meeting will be held
in Hays opera house, tis evening, be-
ginning at eight o'clock, under the
auspices of the Anti-Saloon League.
The audience will be addressed by Rev.
C. R. Zanheiser, of Pittsburg. Every-
body is cordially invited to attend, and
nobody should miss it. Facts and
figures will be given that will knock all
the arguments silly that the Saloonists
are able to produce.’
B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St.
Evansville, Ind., writes :“For five years
I was troubled with kidney and blad-
der affections which caused me much
pain and worry.” I lost flesh and™ was
all run down, and a year ago had to
abandon work entirely. I had three of
the best physicians, who did me no
good and I was practically given.up to
die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recom-
mended, and the first bottle gave me
great relief, and after taking the see-
ond bottle I was entirely cared.” Why
not let me help you? Sold by all drug-
gists. 4-1
Teachers’ Institute.
Following is the program for a teach-
ers’ institute to be held at West Salis-
bury, April 4th, 1908:
“School ethics”—Annie Glessner.
' Recitation—Florence Yoder.
“Preparing pupils for the final ex-
amination”—Chas. Newman.
“Object teaching”—Cynthia Weighs
Essay—Minnie Ridinger.
“Reading in the Primary and Lor
mediate grades”—Lillian Blough.
“The text book in the school”—J. H.
Recitation—Harriet Haselbarth.
“The relation of patrons, teachers
and directors”—M. E. Hershberger.
“Drawing”’—James May.
Paper—Nanny Livengood.
We cordially invite all friends of
education. COMMITTEE.
“I have found out that there is no use
to die of lung troubld as long as you
can get Dr. King’s New Discovery,’
says Mrs. J. P. White, of Rushboro, Pa.
“I would not be alive to-day, only for
that wonderful medicine. It loosens
up a cough quicker than anything else,
and cures lung disease even after the
case is pronounced hopeless.” This
most reliable remedy for coughs and
colds, la grippe, asthma. bronchitis and
hoarseness, is sold under guarantees at
E. H. Miller's drug store. 50c. and
$1.00. Trial bottle free. 4-1
Won't be Able to Canvass County.
John E. Lenox, the able editor of the
Berlin Record, who is also one of the
hustling candidates for Clerk of the
Courts, fears that he will not be able
to get out at all to make a personal
canvass for votes. The editor of THE
Star is in the same fix. Our many
good customers’ interests must be taken
care of first, and while the two editor-
ial candidates are at home working
about 18 hours a day, doing printing
for their home business men, as well as
for the candidates who are canvassing
the county, both are hoping that the
good people of Somerset county will
reward them liberally with their suf-
frages on April 11th. No men on earth
work harder for the interests of others
than do the country editors, and none
are more familiar with the people’s
needs, or better fitted to fill public of-
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has
no superior for coughs, colds and croup,
and the fact that it is pleasant to take
and contains nothing in any way in-
jurious has made it a favorite with
mothers. Mr. W. S. Pelham, a mer-
chant of Kirksville, Iowa, says: “For
more than twenty years Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy has been my leading
remedy for all throat troubles. It is
especially successful in cases 8f croup.
Children like it and my customers who
have used it will not take any other.”
For sale at Miller's Drug.Store. 4-1
The State Has Wakened Up.
State -Fish Commissioner Meehan
has instructed his wardens that here-
after sawdust will be considered a
“poison,” under Section 26 of the Act of
1901, relative to the pollution of
streams, and that they shall prosecute
all persons who pollute streams with
this substance. There is scarcely a
district in Pennsylvania which is not
more or less affected. Many lunber
mills get rid of sawdust by dumping it
into streams, and there it kills the fish
by choking up their gills. The pity is
that this ruling was not made many
years sooner, says the Mt. Pleasant
There is no case on record of cough
or cold resulting in pneumonia or con-
sumption after Foley’s Honey and Tar
has been taken, as it will stop your
cough and break up your cold quickly.
Refuse any but the genuine Foley’s
Honey and Tar in a yellow package.
Contains no opiates and is safe and
sure. Sold by all druggists. 4-1
“FrosTBURG. mp. BA
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Capital stock..$ 50,000.00
Surplus fund.. 70,000.00
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at-
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock.
me OFFICERS: mm.
Roberdeau Annan. President.
Olin Beall. Cashier.
ve DIRECTORS: emt.
Robert R. Henderson.
Daniel Annan.
Duncan Sinclair,
Roberdeau Annan.
Timothy Griffith,
- 1
& Having purchased the entire stock of
% we take pleasure in announcing that we are at the old
3 stand, prepared to offer you our most attentive services.
Call and see us, whether you desire a purchase or
= not.
Your interests are our interests.
Successors to
Paul H. Gross,
The Leading Furniture Dealers of Somerset County,
are showing the largest and best assortment of Furniture, Car-
pets, Lace Curtains, China, Bric-a-Brac, Lamps, Carpet Sweepers
and Sewing Machines.
Everything in the House-Furnishing Line,
among which you will find some articles suitable useful gifts
for Christmas or New Year.
New Store!
New Goods!
We have opened a fine new general store in the M. J.
o Clotfelty building, Ord St., Salisbury, Pa., and invite you
© > to come and inspect our nice, new line of Dry Goods,
Shoes, Groceries, ete.
Prices As Low As The Lowest! :
We start with an entire new stock, and we handle only fis
best and purest brands of goods.
We solicit a share of your pat-
ronage, and we guarantee a square deal and satisfaction to all.
Howard Meager & Co.
An Interesting Canvass.
The April number of The Ladies’
World, which has just reached our
table, has made an unusual departure
for a household magazine, and in con-
nection with its puzzle department—
which seems rather appropriate—has
obtained the opinions of its readers on
the presidential possibilities. The re-
sult is certainly interesting, for out of
over two thousand two hundred re-
plies, Roosevelt obtained 756, Taft 667,
Hughes 392, Bryan 236, Fairbanks, 38,
Johnson 382, La Follette 20, Cortelyou
12, Knox 12, Gray 12, Folk 11, Hay-
wood 8; Foraker, Hearst, Loeb, Berry,
Cannon, Daniels and Douglas getting
each a few. The editor in a brief com-
ment on the figures, states that the
letters come from every state in the
Union, and whether they have or have
not any significance, are at least a free
expression of opinion of the part of a
body of representative people. The
same issue cogtains the usual number
of excellent stories, pages showing the
spring fashions, departments devoted
to household and personal matters,
children’s reading, puzzles, etc., mak-
ing it one of unusual entertainment.
New York: Fifty Cents a Year.
Whenever you have a cough or cold,
just remember that Foley’s Honey and |
Do not risk your |
Tar will cure it.
health by taking any but the genuine, |
It is in a yellow package. Sold by, hit
Take notice. that I have opened; new
and up-to-date meat market in Salis-
bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store. -
Everything is new, neat and clean,
and it is a model in every respect.
I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete. :
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
de Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vinced that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line.
The 01d Reliable Butcher.
for children; safe, sure. No opiates
Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar
Cures all Coughs, and expels Colds from
the system by gently moving the bowels.
stops the cough and heals lungs
pm— = Ai rion rome