iq eerie - THE SOMERSET CAUNTY STAR P. L. Livexcoop, Editor and Publisher. | Entered at the Postoflice at Elk Lick, Pa. as mail matter of the Second Class. ee Subscription Rates. The maple sugar manufactures have had several excellant sugar-water runs | week. Elijah Liven- | good, the great sugar king of Somer- | sel county, gathered abont 500 barrels of water during the past few days. 30 Days’ Trial, $1.00, is Pineules. during the past the offer on! Relieves Backache. Weak — | Back, Lame Back, Rheumatic pains. Best on sale for Kidneys, Biadder and THE STAR is published every Thursday, at Blood. Good for young and old. Satis- salisbury, ( Elk Lick, P. 0.) Somerset Coun- ty, Pa.,at the following rates: One year, if paid spot cash in advance.. if not paid strictly in advance........... 50 8ix months. ........ccoooriieenns Three months................. Single copies... .............. To avoid multiplicity of small acc all subscriptions for three months or less must be A in advance. These rates and ¢orms will be rigidly adhered to. Advertising Rates. Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line sach insertion. To regular advertisers, 5 sents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a line for each succeeding insertion. No busi- ness lacals will be mixed with local news items or editorial matter for less than 10 gents a line for each insertion,except on yearly contracts. . Rates for Display Advertisments will be made known on application. Editorial advertising, invariably 10 cents a line. Legal Advertisements at legal rates. Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All additional lines, 5 cents each. Cards of Thanks will be published free for prirons of the paper. Non-patrons will be charged 10 cents a line. Resolutions of Respect will be published for 5 cents a line. All advertisements will be run and charg- od for until ordered discontinued. No advertisement will be taken for less than 25 cents. The Family Physician The best medicines in the world cannot take the place of the family physician. Consult him early when taken ill. If the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Avyer’s Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he says. We publish our formulas We banish alcohol J from our medicines We urge you to consult your tor doc Bilious attacks, sick-headaches, indiges- tion, constipation, are some of the results of an inactive liver. Ask your doctor if he endorses Aver’s Pills in these cases. The dose mall, one pill at bedtime. e—12Iade by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.— LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. dizzy spells — these | faction guaranteed or money refunded. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 8-1 Postmaster Naugle, of Meyersdale, recently showed us through his ele- gantly equipped new postoffice. 1t is easily the finest postoffice to be found in the state in a town the size of Mey- ersdale, and it is largely what the per- sonal efforts of Mr. Naugle have made it. Orino'Laxitive Fruit Syrup is a new remedy, an improvement on the laxa- tives of former years, as it does not gripe or nauseate and is pleasant to take. It is guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. 4-1 Congressman Cooper has been noti- fied that the following persons have been granted pensions in the amounts stated: Eugenus Criss, Somerfield, $15; Abraham A. Miller, Summit Mills, $17; Abraham Thomas, Boynton, $15; Theodore Benson, Seanor, $12; Zacha- riabh Bittner, Meyersdale, $20; Lanah Deal, Mance, $8. Be careful about that little cough. Get something right away ; some good, reliable remedy that will move the bowels. Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently yet promptly on the bowels and allays inflammation at the came time. It is pleasant to take and it is especially recommended for chil- dren, as it tastes nearly as good as ma- ple sugar. Sold by E. H. Miller. 4-1 Chas. E. Stonesifer, a job printer from Hyndman, Pa, was a caller at THE Star office, Monday. Mr. Stonesifer was out taking orders for Calenders, but when he found out that ue Star handles and prints calenders, | i. deelined to canvass our town. Mr. | # unesifer does not seek orders which | + shtfully belong to the home printer, nd that is what we call a gentleman. Don’t cough your head off when you ean get a guaranteed remedy in Bees | It is especially | : a | | roccommended for children, as it’s pleas- | | wut to take, is a gentle laxative, thus | laxative Cough Syrup. | expelling the phlegm from the system. | For coughs, colds, croup, whooping- cough, hoarseness and all bronchial | | trouble. Guaranteed. Sold by Elk | Lick Pharmacy. 6-1 | C.T. Hay has again acquired about | 53 acres of Flog Hill, the Eastern por- tion of it, on which is located the Black Diamond colliery and a few small buildings. Mr. Hay formerly owned the entire hill, but it passed out of his hands several years ago. The EHS [TEAS GATHERED HERE AND THERE, | Foren Sieh hoe 250 urea from WITH AN OCCASIONAL JOKE ADDED FOR SPIGE. Mrs. John Meager, ‘who had been quite ill, recently, is again able to be out. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, small, safe. sure little liver pills. Sold by E. H. Miller. 4-1 Attorneys J. C. Lowry and V. R. Saylor, of Somerset, were business vis- itorsin Salisbury during the past few days. Get DeWitt’s Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve—it is healing, soothing and cooling. It is good for piles. Sold by E. H. Miller. 41 Mrs. C. G. Wagner, of Johnstown, Pa, arrived here fora visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.M. Wahl, last Sunday evening. Here comes the Spring Winds to chap, tan and freckle. Use Pinesalve Carbolized. (Acts like a poultice) for cuts, sores, burns, chapped skin. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 6-1 Henry Dersch, the popular Hynd- man baker, a former citizen of Salis- bury, was in town during the week looking after business matters here. ManZan Pile Remedy. Price 50c., is guaranteed. Put up ready to use. One application gives prompt relief to any form of piles. Soothes and heals. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. - Bluebirds and robbins are making their appearance, which indicates that the winter is about over. We are now ready to hear from the piping frogs. = Croup positively checked in 20 min- ates. Dr. Shoop’s 20 minute Croup Remedy acts like Magic. No vomiting, nothing harsh. A simple, safe, pleas- ant, dependable croup syrup. 0c. Sold ‘by All Dealers. 4-1 Tuesday of this week was evidently Candidate’s day in Salisbury. Never before in the history of Salisbury were so many candidates in town at once. Quite a number of them were callers at Tue Star office. ManZan Pile Remedy comes ready to use, in a collapsible tube. with noz- zle. One application soothes and heals, reduces inflammation and relieves sore- ness and itching. Price 50c. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 6-1 Under date of Feb. 28th, our friend Peter A. Beachy sends greetings from Hot Springs, Ark., where he went with his family, from Chicago, to remain until March 10th. He wishes us sue- cess in our legislative campaign. Kodol is today the best known and most reliable remedy for all disorders of the stomach, such as dyspepsia, heart burn, sour stomach and belching of gas. Kodol contains the same juices found in a hzalthy stomach. Kodol is | pleasant to take t is guaranteed to | give relief and is sold here by E. H. | Miller. 4- Calvin Bowman. We may now expect to see old Flog Hill blossom as the rose. for Mr. Hay intends to farm it, and as a farmer, he is hard to beat. Mr. John Riha, of Vining, Ia. says “I have been selling DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills for about a year and they give better satisfaction than any pill T ever sold. Thereare adozen peo- ple here who have used them and they give perfect satisfatcion in every case. I have used them myself with tine re- sults.” Sold by E. H. Miller. 4-1 Editor “Jim” Begley. of the Berlin Gleaner, was a welcome caller at THE STAR office, last Saturday, it being the first visit he ever made to Salisbury. He expressed himself well pleased with our town, and we trust it will not be his last visit to Salisbury. for we have a number of handsome widows in town that may be interested in a good- looking widower like Editor Begley, who is not only blessed with ability as an editor, but is a good physical speei- men, being about six feet tall and tip- ping the beam at 207 lbs. A severe cold that may develop into pneumonia over night, can be cured quickly by taking Foley’s Honey and Tar. It will care the most obstinate racking cough and strengthen your lungs. The genuine is in a yellow package. Sold by all druggists. 4-1 All salaried employes of the Somer- set Coal Company, from President Watson down to clerks receiving up- wards of $50 per month, will receive ckecks calling for 10 per cent. less on April first than they have heretofore received. The reduction does not ap- ply to miners and outside men, many of whom are employed only four and five days a week. The coal market was never as dull as at present, and those in a positition to correctly fore- cast the future say that there is little chance of improvement until the pres- ent financial stringency blows over. Mills and railroads have nearly all re- duced their working forces, thousands of locomotives and hundreds of thous- ands of cars are idle, and mining con- cerns have been hard hit everywhere, says the Somerset Herald. Remember that when the Stomach nerves fail or weaken, Dyspepsia or In- digestion must always follow. But, strengthen these same weak inside nerves with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative, and then see how quickly health will again return. Weak Heart and Kid- ney nerves can also be strengthened with the Restorative, where Heart pains, palpitation, or Kidney weakness is found. Don’t drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is wrong. Go to the cause of these ail- ments. Strengthen these weak inside | nerves with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative | and get well. A simple, single test will surely tell. For sale by all dealers. 4-1 | welcome | A full Democratic county ticket will be in the field for nomination at the coming primary, April 11th. The necessary legal petitions have been filed with the County Commissioners by the following named gentlemen, be- sides those previously announced: For Sheriff, James H. Moore, of Paint borough; Prothonotary, Samuel G. Coughenour, of Allegheny townsbip; Recorder, Simon Geisel, Hooversville borough ; Clerk of Courts, John Knecht, Elk Lick township; Register of Wills, John H. Custer, Stoyestown ; Poor Di- rector, James B. Walker, Garrett bor- ough ;iLegislature, Geo. G. Groff, Con- fluence borough; Treasurer, William M. Watson, Addison township. $100,000 paid by Dr. Shoop for any re- cent case of Grippe or acute Cold that a 25 cent box of Preventics will not break. How is this for an offer? The Doctor's supreme confidence in these little Candy Cold Cure Tablets—Pre- ventics—is certainly complete. It's a $100, against 25 cents—pretty big odds. And Preventics, remember, contain no quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Pneumonia would never appear if early colds were always brok- en. Safe and sure for feverish child- ren. 48 Preventics, 25c. Sold by all dealers. 4-1 Judge Kooser Appoints Board of Examiners. On the petition of Mine Inspector Thomas 8. Lowther to the Court of Common Pleas, the following persons were named by Judge Kooser to act as an examining board to examine the applicants for the positions of Mine Foremen and Fire Bosses: Mine In- spector S. Lowther, of Somerset ; Oper- ators’ Representative James H. Scur- field, of Wells Creek, and Miners’ Rep- resentative Thomas Griffith, of Ralph- ton. We have been informed that the sev- eral examining boards of the Bitumin- ous districts will hold a meeting in Pittsburg, about the last of March, Lo formulate questions and set dates for the examinations. The examination | for the Twentieth Bituminous District | will be held in Somerset, dates to be published in a later issue of this paper. —Somerset Democrat. ~~ = Warden of Georgia, says of Kodol For Dyspepsia: “B. C. Dewitt & Co., Chi- | cago, 11l.—Dear Sirs—I have suffered | more than twenty years from indiges- | tion. About eighteen months ago I | had grown so much worse that I could | not digest a crust of corn bread and | could not retain anything on my stom- | ach. I lost 251bs.;in fact I made up | my mind that I could not live but a { | | | This is what Hon. Jake Moore, State | i short time, when a friend of mine rec- ommended Kodol. T consented to try it to please him and 1 was better in one day. 1 now weigh more than I ever did in my life and amin better health than for many years. Kodol did it. I keep a bottle constantly, and write this hoping that humanity will be benefited. Yours very truly, Jake C. Moore, Atlanta, Aug. 10, 1904.” Sold by E. H. Miller. 4-1 You Will Never Be Sorry For hearing before judging. For thinking before speaking. For harboring clean thoughts. For standing by your principles. For stopping your ears to gossip. For being as courteous as a duke. For asking pardon when in error. For bridling a slanderous tongue. For being generous to an enemy. For being square in business deal- ings. For giving an unfortinate fellow a lift. For promptness in keeping your promises. For putting the best construction on the acts of others. You will never, never be sorry for giving light to the blind, knowledge to the ignorant, strength to the weak, help to the struggling, and a Savior to the heathen.—EXx. THE LUCKY QUARTER Is the one you pay out for a box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They bring you the health that’s more precious than jewels. Try them for headache, biliousness, constipation and malaria If they disappoint you the price will be cheerfully refunded at E. H. Miller's drug store. 4-1 Marriage Licenses. Reuben Knupp, Somerset twp. Carrie Ludy, Somerset twp. Harry Zerfoss, Stouycreek. Cora Yoder, Stonycreek. John Griffith, Meyersdale. Anna Lape, Meyersdale. Charles Sprages, Meyersdale. Laura Frew, Meyersdale. George Wam, Hooversville. Mollie Lehman, Hooversville. Samuel King, Upper Turkeyfoot. Mary Cramer, Upper Turkeyfoot. John Corbett, Jr., Carnegie, Pa. Florence Null, Addison. Irvin Eash, Shade. Minnie Berkeybile, Quemahoning. Orville McNeal, Fayette county. Katie Conneway, Fayette county. Norman Berkey, Scalp Level. Gertrude Faust, Scalp Level. Pain can be quickly stopped. A 25 cent box of Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tab- lets will kill any pain, everywhere, in 20. minutes! oughly safe. Painful periods with women, neuralgia, ete., quickly cease after one tablet. 4-1 Besides, they are thor- | Sold by all dealers. | | Democrats Will Name Full Ticket. | Examinations for Graduation. The examinations for graduation in tha course of study prescribed for the schools Somerset will be held Saturday, April 4. The places for holding ihe examinations and the com- miitees in the several districts are as follows. For Addison, at Petersburg—Com- mittee, M. F. Straw, Thos. E. Null, Frank McClintock, Blanche Lauder- baugh and Earle McClintock. For Allegheny, at Mount Zion—Com- mittee, J. A. Hillegass, John 8. Miller, Emma Tipton, Dory Crissinger and 8. G. Coughenour. For Benson, at Holsopple—Commit- tee, E. J. Lehman, H. H. Cassler, Rus- sel 0. Moore, P. P. Williamson, and C. Earl Shaffer. For Boswell, at Boswell—Committee, Dr. C. F. Livengood, Elza Cable, H. S. of county, Arisman, Albert Keim, and Melissa Hammer. For Brothersvalley,- at Fairview— Committee, William Brant, J. H. Hentz, Albert Cober, Mary Musser, and Lucy Shober. For Conemaugh, at Miller School house—Committee, S. J. Thomas, L. L. Yoder, G. C. Walker, S. D. Yoder, and Charles E. Shaffer. For Elk Lick, at West Salisbury— Committee, L. L.. Beachy, Wm. H. En- gle, Charles E. Butler, Ray Smalley and Annie O. McKinley. : For Fairhope, at Fairhope—Com- mittee, U. G. Custer, 8S. G. Gaumer, Effie Emerick, Milton Hillegass, and Charles Long. For Garrett, at Garrett—Committee, Dr. R. T. Pollard, L. A. Maust, H. 8. MeClintock, Blanche Smith, and Ellen Lint. : For Greenville, at Pocahontas—Com- mittee, W. H. Hochstetler, G. W. Bare, Annie Sass, Nannie Yutzy, and John A. Rishel. For Hooversville, at Hooversville— Committee, W. P. Hoover, Daniel Shaf- fer, N.G. Speicher, Carrie Bowman, and Blanch Hamer. For Jefferson, at Bakersville—Com- mittee, J. G. Barclay, Chas. ¥. Hoch- ard, C. R. B. Cramer, W. L. Shaulis, land 8S. 8. Shaffer. | For Jenner, at Jenners—Cmmittee. I. A. Gashaw, R. W. Lohr, Orange Miller, Edward Georg, and L. A. Friedline. For Larimer, at Sand Patch—Com- { mittee, Andrew Horchner, G. H. Bau- | man, Grace Poorbaugh, Elenor Lepley, and Howard Shockey. For Lincoln, at Sipesville—Commit- tee, W. H. Shaffer, I. G. Brendle, Clar- ence Bittner, Carrie Beam, and Lottie Sipe. For Lower Turkeyfoot, at Draketown —Cmmittee, J. W. Burkholder, M.S. Christy, J. F. Leslie, L. R. Goller, and Mamie Zimmerman. For Middlecreek, at New Lexington— Committee, C. M. Pyle, Levi Long, C. M. Whipkey, Martha J. Moore, and Wilson Bowman. For Milford, at Gebharts—C. A. Will, M. M. Speicher, H. G. Walker, 8. A. Meyers, and L. L. Newman. For Northampton, at Bridegum Sehool-house—Committee, B. F. Bitt- ner, S. J. Bowman, James L. Poorbaugh, Ora M. Bowman, and Ralph A. Poor baugh. For Paint, at Cross Roads—Commit- tee, Jonas A. Weaver, S. B. Lehman, A. G. Faust, Chas. W. Seese, and H.D. Jones. For Quemahoning, and Stoystown— Committee, Harvey A. Barnbart, George E. Lohr, James A. Ringler, H. W. Shaffer, H. A. Menser, George Zim- merman, H. E. E. Bittner, and Elsie Stahl. For Shade, at Center School-house— Committee, Levi Koontz, James Berke- bile, Charles Brubaker, W. L. Powell and A. I. Mock. For Somerset township, at Somerset —Commitee, F. W. Smucker, Pierce Miller, H. L. Young, J. O. Winters and Blanche Glessner. For Stonycreek, at Shanksville— Committee, I. W. Miller, A. P. Kimmel, C. W. Burnett, B. F. Lambert, and I.E. Glessner. For Summit, at Peck School house— Committee, W. E. Walker, L. A. Hay, 8. C. Witt, Robert Walker, and I. 8. Pile. For Southampton and Wellersburg, at Wellersburg—Committee, J. J. Cook, J. E. Shaffer, H. I. Troutman, Wm. R. Joaes, and pearl Sorber. For Upper Turkeyfoot, at Kingwood Committee, George Dumbauld, J. F. Younkin, Lyman Trimpey, Dora Wilk- ins, and Bertha Henry. The examinations will begin prompt- ly at 9a. m. It is expected that all who desire to take the examination will be present at that hour. Instructions regarding the manner of conducting the examinations, together with the questions to be submitted to the applicants, will be mailed to some member of the committee. D. W. SEIBERT, County Superintendent. Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly loosen when using Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harm- less, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub give the curative properties to Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cura. | It calms the cough, and heals the sen- sitive bronchial membranes. No opi- um, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop’s. Take no other. Sold by all | dealers. 4- | | ETO: LE U.S. DEPOSITORY THREE PER CENT. INTEREST SAVINGS DEPARTMENT: Drafts on all parts of the world. NATIONAL LL mp. B Capital stock. .$ 50,000.00 70,000.00 ¢ Assets (over). . 1,200,000.00 PAID ON DEPOSITS. Accounts of individuals and firms invited. Deposits sent by mail and all ‘correspondence given prompt and careful at- tention. Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o'clock. Roberdeau Annan, President. Olin Beall. Cashier. m— DIRECTORS: ett, Robert R. Henderson. Daniel Annan. Duncan Sinclair, Roberdeau Aunan. Timothy Griffith, peta ar Im wm) i ea 7 MER ERP rE : I TRUST A to know where to get the best of everything. WELL BRED WOMAN She knows that, especially in drugs, medicines, toilet articles and stationery, there’s never anything gained, and frequently much lost by using some- thing cheap and inferior. We have quite a crowd around our place, but there’s always room for one more, and our clerks are of the spry kind. They waited upon. E& Buy the Genuine R. M. BEAC not cost any more. don’t keep a customer hanging around half a day before being PAUL H. GROSS, CITY DRUG STORE. DEUTSCHE APOTHEKE, MEYERSDALE, PA. HY’S Horse and Cattle Tonie. It does are showing the largest and bes for Christmas or New Year. New Store! Glotfelty building, Ord Shoes, Groceries, etc. Prices As Low We best and purest brands of goods. What do Editors Live on? While doing some shopping in one of our grocery stores, recently, we chane- ed to hear a little boy ask his father who that man was buying beans. “That is our editor,” said the father. “What do editors live on?” said the inqusitive little boy. “Why do you ask that question?” said the indulgent father. “Because I heard you say you had taken our home paper for three “years and had never paid a cent for it.” To save the father from embarrassment, we left the store, but it is safe to pre- dict that the child got spanked when the father got. him home.—Ex. ——— DO NOT CROWD THE SEASON. The first warm days of spring bring with them a desire to get out and en- joy the exhilirating air and sunshine. Children that have been housed up all winter are brought out and you won- der where they all- came from. The heavy winter clothing is thrown aside and many shed their flannels. Then a cold wave comes and people say that grip is epedemic. Colds at this season are even more dangerous than in mid- winter, as there is much danger of pneumonia. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, however, and you will have nothing to fear. It always cures, and we have never known acold to result in pneumonia when it was used. It is pleasant and safe to take. Children like it. For sale at Miller's Drug Store. 4-1 start with an entire new stock, and we handle only the RR. Reich & Son, The Leading Furniture Dealers of Somerset County, t assortment of Furniture, Car- pets, Lace Curtains, China, Bric-a-Brac, Lamps, Carpet Sweepers and Sewing Machines. Everything in the House-Furnishing Line, among which you will find some articles suitable useful gifts R. REICH & SON, MEYERSDALE, PA. New Goods! We have opened a fine new general store in the M. J. St., Salisbury, Pa., and invite you to come and inspect our nice, new line of Dry Goods, i As The Lowest! We solicit a share of your pat- ronage, and we guarantee a square deal and satisfaction to all. Howard Meager & Co. Meat Market! MAY Take notice that I have opened a new and up-to-date meat market in Salis- bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store. Everything is new, meat and clean, and it is a model in every respect. I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete. I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat- tle, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides, | CUIRANTER 0 PLEASE YOU and want you to call and be con- vinced that I can best supply your wants in the meat line. CASPER WAHL, The Old Reliable Butcher. | § ELECTRIC .appmats 'FOLEYSHONEY: