scion a oe EE ¥ va ——— Neen TH SNR (O0NY STAR P. L. Livexcoop, Editor and Publisher. | i Entered at the Postoflice at Elk Lick, Pa. a8 mail matter of the Second Class. Subscription Rates. | THE ST AR is published every Thursday,at | Sajishury , ( Elk Lick, P. 0.) Somerse t Coun- | $y, 5h at the following r rates One" eo ar, if paid spot cash in 1 ance. $e 25 If not paid strictly in advance........... 50 | Six months...... . Three month Single copies. vy of small three mont hs or less These rates and must be paid in adv: a, ihered to. serms will be rigidly ad \ \ You a Need It Ask your doctor about the wisdom of your keeping Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral in the house, ready for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis. If he says it’s all right, then get a bottle of it at once. Why not show a little foresight in such matters? Early treatment, early cure. ‘We publish our formulas We banish alcohol from our medicines : 74 yers ‘We urge you to consult Jour fo a boy is called dull and stupid, when the whole trouble is due to a lazy liver. We firmly believe your own doc- tor will tell you that an occasional dose of Ayer’s Pills will do such boys a great deal of good. They keep the liver active. -—311ade by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. ~~ £ Lea IND GENER GENERRL NEWS. NEWSY [TEMS GATHERED HE HERE AND THERE, WITH AN OCCASIONAL JOKE ADDED FOR SPICE. Miss Laverne Hamill and Miss Mary Spitznaus, of Frostburg. Md., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Statler, several days during the past week. It depends upon the pill you take. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are the best pills known for constipation and sick headache. Sold by E. H. Miller. 2-1 George Krausse, who had been work- ing at his trade in Pittsburg, recently returned home on account of slack work at carpentering in the Smoky City. Pinesalve Carbolized acts like a poul- tice, draws out inflammation and poison. Antiseptic healing. For chapped hands, lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 3-1 A. H. Coffroth, former proprietor of the Democrat, after his return to Cas- anova, Va., his present home, had a stroke of paralysis. How serious, it is not yet known.—Somerset Democrat. Ring’s Little Liver Pills wake up lazy livers, clean the system and clear the skin. Try them for biliousness and sick headache. Price 25c. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 3-1 Casper Wahl, one of our oldest citi- zens, had a slight paralytic stroke yes- terday. As we go to press we learn that his. condition is quite improved, and we earnestly hope that he will fully recover. When you want the best, get De- Witt’s Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It is good for little or big cuts, boils or bruises, and is especially recommended for piles. Sold by E. H. Miller. 2-1 The Rev. Mr. Carney, the pastor of the Garrett Lutheran church, was a pleasant visitor at THE Star office, Monday evening, accompanied by the Rev. L. P. Young, our popular local Lutheran pastor. It will be unnecessary to go through a painful, expensive operation for Piles if you use Man-Zan. Put up in a col- lapsible tube with nozzle, ready to ap- ply. For any form of Piles, price b50c. Bola by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 3-1 W. J. Chapman, the well known Bal- timore coal man, sends us his best wishes for a prosperous and happy year, and ‘also wishes us success in our eandidacy for the Legislature. Thank you, Mr. Chapman. “Bud” Stotler, who went to Union- town some time ago to conduct a liv- ery stable there for his father, was home on a visit from Saturday to Mon- day. He reports the livery business fairly good in Uniontown. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people—without a penny’s cost—the great value of this scientific prescription known to drug- gists everywhere as Dr. Sboop’s Ca- tarrh Remedy. Sold by All Dealers. 2-1 Uncle Henry Yost, of Garrett county, Mad., called at our effice today to ree new his subscription for another year. He reports the folks of: his neighbor- hood well, with the exception of his son Jeremiah, who suffers greatly with asthma at fimes. To stop that pain. in the back, that stiffness of the joints and muscles, take Pineules. They are guaranteed. Don’t suffer from rheumatism, backache, kid- ney trouble, when you get 30 day’ Ss treatment for $1.00. A single dose at bed time proves their merit. Get them to-day. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 3-1 | promptly relieve backache, weak | inflammation of the bladder and 5 | kidneys. rounts’ | | coughs, Teamsters hauling pipe for; the new pipe line now being laid through this | county by the Standard Oil Company: are causing our town to take on a lively appearance, this week. are making a nice lot of money out of the new pipe line. The teamsters Do you have backache occasionally, or *‘stitehes” in the side, and sometimes do you feel all tired out, without am- bition and without energy? If so. your kidneys are out of order. Take De- | Witt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills. They back, weak Sold by E. H. Miller. 2-1 Last Sunday the lady clerks | ployed in the Appel and Glessnerstore, | in Meyersdale, were the guests of Miss | Margaret | fine dinver was served by Miss Glot- Glotfelty, of Salisbury. A felty, and in the party partook of a evening the entire fine supper at Mrs. | McDowell's restaurant. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup for colds, croup and whooping cough grows in favor daily. Mothers should keep it on band for children. It is prompt relief to croup. It is gently laxative, driving the poison and phlegm from the system. It gives immediate relief. Guaranteed. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 3-1 Miss Bertha Fuller, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Fuller, of West Salisbury, went to Akron, Ohio, Jan, 1st, for an extended visit with friends injthat vicinity. She is one of West Salis- bury’s most exemplary young women, has earned a vacation, and we wish her a good time among her Ohio friends. KODOL For Dyspepsia and Indiges- tion is the result of a scientific combi- nation of natural digestants with vege- table acids and contains the same juices found in a healthy stomach. It is the best remedy known today for dyspepsia, indigestion and all troubles arising from a disordered stomach. Take KODOL today. It is pleasant, prompt and thorough. Sold by E. H Miller. 2-1 The three ten pin games played on the Salisbury alleys, this week, by the Salisbury and Berlin bowling clubs, resulted in two winnings for Salisbury and ane for Berlin. in the second series of contest games has been won by the Berlin club, while Salisbury will likely hold second place. If a cough once gets into your system it acts on every muscle and fibre of the body and makes you ache all over. It especially affects the intestines and makes you constipated, so in order to get rid of a cold thoroughly and with- out delay you should not take anything that will tend to constipate. Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup acts upon the bowels and thereby drives the cold out of the system. It contains no opiates —it is pleasant to take and is highl hy ommended for children. Sold H. Miller. 7 Our friend Calvin Fuller, of West Salisbury, was badly squeezed in the Big Vein mine, last Monday, by a fall of breast coal that pinioned him against a prop. We are glad to note that his injuries are not of a serious nature, but he was squeezed bad enough, never- theless, to make him feel too sore to work for about a week. It is very important and in fact it is absolutely necessary to health that we give relief to the stomach promptly at the first signs of trouble—which are belching of gas, nausea. sour stomach, headache, irritability and nervousness. These are warnings that the stomach has been mistreated ; it is doing too much work and it is demanding help from you. Take something once in a while; especially after meals; some- thing like KODOI For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. It will enable your stom- ach to do its work properly. Sold by E. H. Miller. 2-1 Chas. Durst, who resided near Grants- ville, Md., died last Saturday evening, of a complication of diseases. He was aged nearly 43 years, sand is survived by a wife and eight children. He was a son of the late Samuel Durst, a well known war veteran of Garrett county. Interment was made at Springs, Pa. last Monday afternoon. Jolly Jim” Easton sends -us the necessary stuff from Arkansas to renew his subscription for another year. He says in his letter: “May we never miss the money that brings Tue Star, and may its publication last until the Legislature stops it.” Many thanks, James, many, many thanks, but no legislature can stop the publication of THE STAR. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre- ventics, for they are not only safe, but decidedly ‘certain ‘and prompt. Pre- ventics contain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at the “sneeze stage” Preventics will pre- vent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence the name, Preventics. Good for feverish children. 48 Preven- tics 25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 cts. Sold by All Dealers. 2-1 Wm. H. and Lew 8. Keim, of Elkins, W. Va, arrived in town on Saturday evening and remained over Sunday, visiting their mother and sister, Mrs. 8. C. Keim and daughter Cora It wes their first tripover the P. & M. trolley line, and naturally it was a great satis- faction to them to be able to land in the town of their nativity by guch a modern method of travel. Billy Bowman, the genial and popu- lar P. & M. motorman, has been quite ill at his home in Boynton, during the last week. He showed marked symp- toms of appendicitis for several days, and for a time it looked as though he would have to be taken to a hospital for,an operation. We are glad to an- nounce, however, that at last report he of Foley’s Honey and Tar. was on a fair way to recovery. em- The championship, Mr. and Mrs. Simon 8. Miller return- ed from an extended visit in the West, last Saturday. They left here last August, and visited friends and places of interest in many of the Western states, going as far as Southern Cali- They report having had a very enjoyable time, and they were greatly impressed with the greatness of our country and the many interesting things to be seen on a journey to the Pacific coast. Mr. Miller invested in some California land before returning home. fornia. When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney nerves get weak, then these organs al- ways fail. Don’t drug the Stomueh. nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. | That is simply a makeshift. Get a pre- | scription known to Druggists every- | where as Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. The lestorative is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative—tablets or liquid —and see how quickly help will come. Free sample test sent. on request by Dr. Shoop. Racine, Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. Sold by All Dealers. 2-1 It afforded the editor much pleasure, yesterday, to accept an invitation from President C. H. Jennings, of the Penna, & Md. Street Railway Company, to accompany a party on a special trip over the road. The party consisted of Messrs. C. H. Jennings, John M. Wright, H. H. Maust, J. L. Barchus, Harvey Hay and the editor. All were guests of Mr. Jennings at the Colonial Hotel, after reaching Meyersdale, where the party enjoyed a fine supper, and an hour or two of story telling, after which Mr. Jennings departed for Jenningston. W. Va, and the balance of the party returned to Salisbury. A tickling cough, from any cough, is quickly stopped by Dr. Shooop’s Cough Cure. And itis so thoroughly harm- less and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation, even to very young babes. The wholesome green leaves and ten- der stems of a lung-healing mountain- ous shrub, furnish the curative prop- erties to Dr. S8hoop’s Cough Cure. It calms the cough, apd heals the sore and sensitive bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resinous plant extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses, “The Sacred Herb.” Demand Dr. Shoop’s. Toke no other. Sold by All Dealers. W. C. T. U. Meeting. The W.C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Emery Musser, Jan. 20th, 1908. Following is the program: Singing. Scripture reading. Singing. Reading of minutes and roll call. Recitation—Bessie Cousins. Reading—Mrs. Shaw. Recitation—Laura Wahl. Reading—Mrs. Alice Wagner. Business. Collection. Responsive reading. COMMITTEE. WHY SUFFER FROM RHEUMA- TISM? Do you know that rheumatic pains can be relieved? If you doubt this, just try one application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It may not give you re- lief from pain, but will make rest and sleep possible, and that certainly means a great deal to any one afflicted with rheumatism. For sale at Miller's Drug Store. 2-1 . Salisbury Lecture Course. Rev. L. P. Young informs us The Brockway Bureau is sending a high class concert company in place of Dr. John Driver. This company is com- posed of five artists, giving comic operas in costume. Tenor, soprano and baritone solos. It is a one hun- dred and fifty dollar attraction, and is sent through the courtesy of the Bureau, in order that Rev. Young may not lose money. The ccncert will be given Tuesday evening, Jan. 28, 1908. Young’s influence secure such a great company of singers. No one ought to miss this opportunity of hearing one of the greatest singing parties on the Lyceum platform, “The Kellogg Haines Singing Party.” Let everybody attend and show their appreciation. Farmers’ Institute Program. A farmers’ iustitate will be held at Somerset, Pa., on Saturday, January 18, 1908, in the basement of the Court House. Program: Forenoon Session—10 a. m. In preparing a field for a crop. How to hold the moisture?—Jonas J. Weav- er, Paint township. Special Farming—Jerry 8. Miller, Somerset township. Afternoon Session—1:30 p. m. Selling farm products and keeping up the fertility of the soil. Essay by Mrs. Elmira Menser, of Somerset township. How to raise the best hay crop?—M. 8. Dickey, Somerset township. The Teachers needed in our rural schools—E. E. Klerman, Somerset township. Wu. P. Hay, Chairman of Committee. DISTURBED THE CONGREGATION. The person who disturbed the con- gregation last Sunday by continually coughing is requested to buy a bottle Sold by all Druggists. 2-1 tention. We are fortunate in having Rev. ) | Meat lip... ; Market! 50,000. oc | are * < 70,000. 00 | Take notice that I have opened a new . en's A Capital stock. .$ Jorplas fund. . 1.200, 000. 00 | lors. or one dor south of Lichliter’s Ss store. Everything is new, neat and clean, _ NT. INTEREST jand it is a model in every respect. . | Ideal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete. . I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat- tle. Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides, ete CT I CUARANTEE TO PLEASE YOO and want you to call and be con- | vinced that I can best supply your wants tm DIRECTORS: ses. |in"the meat line. Henderson. Duncan Sinclair, Timothy Griffith, ; CASPER WAHL, Daniel Annan. Roberdeau Aunnan. | The Old Reliable Butcher. FHBHBBBHRRBE MID-WINTER CLEARANCE SALE, At Barchus & Livengood’, Jan. 24, to Feb. 15, { 1968. =. W atch for our “ad” next weelk. I nS iE il! INGE DE EPRRTE . THREE PER CEN PAID ON DEPOSITS. Drafts on all parts of the world. Accounts of individuals and firms invited. Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence A Sots. on er). . Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o'clock. meee OFFICERS: cee, Roberdeau Annan, President. Olin Beall. Casbier. Robert R. A pA INR ASG US GS GSAS GR CLOSING-OUT SALE ks Pi Sua Ss We will sell our entire stock of Men’s and Women’s Furnish- to know especial never a thing cl ne not cost a Ne We best and ronage, Th are show * pets, La Every among for Chri ings, Men’s Overcoats and Boys’ Clothing, also our entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies’ and Children’s Coats, Skirts, ete., at 20 per cent. off regular prices, and some goods at an even larger reduction. We intend to close out, and this great price-slaughter sale will last —tt From Satd., Dec. 14th, igo Until Our Entire Stock is Sold. Men’s $10.00 Overcoats, NOW............... $7.50 Men’s $3.25 Rubber Boots, now........ ots $2.60 Boys’ 2.25 Suits, DOW......cveu.nn... Coin 1.75 | Men’s 2.50 Felts, now........... ai al Boys’ 3.00 SUIS; HOW... ...ccveereiennnns . 225 || Ladies™3:50 SHoessnOW.....c................. 2.80 Boys’ 4.00 Suits, Now.....r.....cccuiitrn oe 3.00 Ladies’ 2.50 Shoes, now........ a + 2.00 Men’s 3.00 Shoes, now........ ei ve . 240 Ladies’ 1.50 Shoes, now............ visas wi 21790 LH : Men’s 2.50 Shoes, now...... Soe siete esas 12.00 Gl 71.06 Men's 2.00 Shoes, now.....................0 1.60 The largest and best line of Children’s Shoes , Men’s 3.50 Rubber Boots, now............ 2.80 in town, all at same rate. Calicos, 6c. per yard. soc. Dress Goods, 4oc. Ginghams, 8c. per yd. 25¢. Dress Goods, 2oc. No use to enumerate; come and let us show you that our goods talk for themselves. A large stock of Holiday Goods that must go at same discount, for we will close out, no matter at what loss. ELK LICK VARIETY COMPANY. 5 f 5 MONEY ed found so ner, Salisbu fore Christ same at Ta: satisfactory paying for t| tf ) BER’S LAXA” COUGH SY: BBST FOR A