Steinway Pianos 122,000 of These Noted Pianos : Valued at Over mn Use $100,000,000. We are representatives for these world renowned pianos —a complete stock always on hand. These 122,000 Steinway owners include, in addition to the leaders of the musical world, both professional and amateur, that part of the music-loving public which insist on the best —the Steinway, the piano of pre-eminent standing. We have Everything Musical Pianos, Piano Players, Player Pianos, Music Boxes, Talking Machines, Sheet Music, Violins, Banjos, Ete. Prices Right, Terms Right. A good allowance on piamos and organs in exchange. Our prices are uniformly low— always consistent with quality. Greatest inducements to piano buyers. Write us “Mellor s\amds fox Velody eo! ors Everything Musical CC Mellor Co. \\d ol that is the Best 319-321 Fifth Ave. Pittsburgh FOUNDED 1831, sole J HATTIE’S COMPLEXION BEAUTIFIER. The most marvelous compound for clearing the complexion of all impurities, and making thé skin clear, soft and smooth. Removes and revents freckles, tan, chaps and all skin: Phos. Will last all day. Neither rubs or; falls off. Three shades; white, flesh and pink. Guaranteed to contain nothing that is injur- ious. Price 25¢. a box. Manufactured by i BEAUTIFIER C0., - Boonville, Rissouri. For particulars ask your drnagict, Nore light Less trouble No smoky ch ‘imneys No charred wicks Family Favorite Oil The bright white light— the oil that's best for illuminating pur- poses. IAT TI Rm Always the same—colorless— odorless—no sediment. Safe —150 degrees fire test. Costs same as tank wagon oil but infinitely better. YOUR DEALER HAS IT. Waverly Oil Works Independent Refiners Oils for All Purposes PITTSBURG, PA BOOKLET SENT FREE e Kodol For Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon If, after using two-thirds of a $r.00 bottle of Kodol, you can honestly say it has not bene- fited you, we will refund your money. Try Kodol today on this guarantee. Fill out and sign the following, present it to the dealer at the time of purchase. If it fails to satisfy you return the bottle containing one-third of the medicine to the dealer from whom you bought it, and we will refund your money. Ni AETHIITNRL # BT WEETRRETI Town State - Sign here Cut This Out Digests What YouEat And Makes the Stomach Sweet E.C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, IIL SOLD BY E. H. MILLER. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved, and it is bereby resolved by the Commissioners of Somerset county 1n general session met, all members present and concurring therein, that to avoid un- necessary expenses in nominating Borough and Township officers, ete., that the nomi- nation to be made at the Winter Primaries throughout Somerset county be made as heretofore under the laws existing prior to the Act known as the “Uniform Primaries Act,” approved February 17th, 1906, and in accordance with the Proviso in said Act P. Page 36- JOSIAH SPECHT, ROBERT AUGUSTINE, C. F. ZIMMERMAN, Commissioners of Somerset Co. Attest: — R. M. RININGER, Clerk. 1-2 Two Sons of Nicholas Murphy Killed in Awful Mine Explosion. The awful mine explosion which oc- curred at Jacob's Creek, Pa. last { Thursday, numbered among its victims | Joseph and Nicholas Murphy, Jr, both of Nicholas Murphy. the well known Grantsville policeman. and brothers of Frank and James Murphy, who conduct a restaurant in Salisbury. Up to this time the body of Nicholas has not been found, or if found could not be identified. The body of Joseph, however, was one of the first to be re- covered from the ill-fated mine.and was interred at Meyersdale, Monday fore- noon. Deceased was better known in Mey- ersdale than here, and the Meyersdale Commercial makes the following men- tion of the unfortunate man and his funeral: Joseph Murphy, fire boss of the Darr mine, unmarried and unrecoginazable, was laid to rest here in his childhood home, Monday forenoon, by the rites of the R. C. Church. Joseph, we think, was born here ahd grew to manhood here. He became an expert miner. He drifted to the coke region, where wages were better, and his known abili- ty soon gave him the promotion he worthily earned. He was about 31 years of age “and was unmarried. When Joseph was about eight years old, he fell from High street bridge, on- to the caboose of a passing freight train below, and bounced from the roof to the track. Councilman Jac. J. Holzahu tenderly lifted the little fellow from the track, expecting to find him dead, but death was not yet ready for him; a broken limb was the worst, and Dr. Good soon had the little fellow on the mend, and in a short time he was good as new. sons i el HERE’S GOOD ADVICE. 0. S. Woolever, one of the best known merchants of Le Raysville, N. Y,, says: “If you are ever troubled with piles, apply Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. It cured me of them for good, 20 years ago.” Guaranteed for sores, wounds, burns or abrasions, 25¢. at E. H. Mil- ler’'s drng store. : 1-1 Wife of Dr. A. M. Lichty Dead. Jennie Hay Lichty. the estimable wife of Dr. A. M. Lichty, of this place, died last Saturday morning. after suf. fering a long time from a complication of diseases. Her death was not unex- pected. for her condition had been very critical for a long time. Her death is mourned by a very Inrge circle of friends in addition to her immediate relatives, all of whom loved and esteemed her very highly She was a woman of kind and sympa thetic disposition, and she bore her suffering bravely. Deceased was a daughter of the late Peter 8. and Elizabeth Dively Hay. and a sister of Harvey, Russell and George C. Hay, who are conducting the well known store established by their father in Salisbury in 1853. Besides the three brothers named, she is sur- vived by her husband, one son and ore daughter. The funeral service was held at 10 o'clock a. m., last Monday, and wns conducted by her pastor, Rev. H. S. May, of St. John’s Reformed church, assisted by Rev. 8 C. Stover, pastor of St. Paul Reformed church, and Rev. [.. P. Young, pastor of St. John’s Lutheran church. Interment was made in the Odd Fellows’ cemetery. and a large number of sorrowing friends turned out to pay their last sad respects 10 the deceased, who was aged about 40 years. ; PAST EXAMINATION SUCCESS- FULLY. James Donahue, New Britain, Conn, writes: “I tried several kidney dies, and was treated by our best phy- sicians for diabetes, but did not prove until I took Foley’s Kidney Cure. After ‘the second bottle 1 showed i1m- provement, and five bottles cured me completely. I have since passed =a rigid examination for life insurance.” Foley’sgKidney Cure cures back-ache and all formsiiof hidney and bladder trouble. Sold by of all § Drasaists. 1-1 Man Shot 4 at t Coal Run. One John Pierce, of Coal Run, shot in the back, last Saturday night, the weapon usedgbeing a shotgun. It is reported that bad blood exists be- tween Pierce and another Coal Run man, and the circumstances of the shooting are said to be somewhat sen- sational. No arrests are liable to fol- low, and while Pierce has an ugly wound, Dr.}P. L.. Swank, his physician, says the man will recover. The shot was fired at close range, and had Pierce not been in a stooping position when the chargelstruck him, it would have torn a hole through his body large enough for a big rat to crawl through. reme- in. Was ———— rp ——p When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney nerves get weak, then these organs al- ways fail. Don’t drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is simply a makeshift. Get a pre- scription known to Druggists every- where as Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. The Restorative is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative—tablets or liquid —and see how quickly help will come. Free sample test sent on raquest by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. Sold by All Dealers. 1-1 A FINE COMPLIMENT. Kind Words from John Crawford Mackey, D. D., of Uniontown, Pa.—Would Stump the §oun- ty for Us. [n remitting for subscription to Tur Star, John Crawford Mackey, D. D., of Uniontown, Pa., refers to the “Twink- ler” as “the good, moral, fearless STAR,” and then adds the following: “01d fellow, I have listed you among those that I understand and admire— one well worthy of the friendship of the best men. I only wish’ I was in Somerset county. I should be tempted to ‘stump’ it for you in your race for Legislature. “We join in good wishes to you and all at home.” The Rev. Dr. Mackey also adds the following postscript: “Why has not the trolley company published a time card? I have been looking for it since the announcement that it began doing business.” First of all, we return our grateful thanks to Dr. Mackey for his remittance and his kind words, especially for the latter. We value a compliment com- ing from such a scholar and gentleman as he is, far more than money and bank checks, and kind regards are always appreciated, no matter from what source. . In regard to our valued friend's question concerning the trolley sched- ule, we will state that one of the of- ficials of the road has informed us that the company will publish a schedule just as soon as they get the contract for carrying the mails, which may or may not be soon. Mr Stotler, the present mail contractor, is only too anxious to relinquish the mail contract in the trolley company’s favor, and a postoffice inspector has promised that the change would be made in due time. However, with the Postoffice Department there is no hurry, and there is no public utility, whether man- aged by the government or private cor- poration, that strikes us as being so bunglingly managed as the mail ser- vice. The people who are howling for goverment ownership of all public utili- ties, would soon get such nonsense out of their heads if they were as familiar with the many needless weak: spots in the mail service as are those who have been in that service for a few years. But we are digressing from the subject, and by way of conclusion will state that the trolley company has promised to publish a schedule just as soon as its officers adopt a regular one. The present schedule is only a temporary one, but the company ought to have it published, just the same, as it may be in force a good while yet. Besides. when a new schedule is adopted, it is a matter of only a few minutes for the printers to make the necessary correc- tions, and there would be no additionul cost for making them. A HOME MADE HAPPY BY CHAM- BERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY. About two months ago our baby girl had measles which settled on her lungs and at last resulted in a severe attack of bronchitis. We had two doctors, but no relief was obtained. Everybody thought she would die. T went eight different stores to find a certain remedy which had been recommended to me, and failed to get it, when one of the storekeepers insisted that I try Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. 1 did go and our baby is alive and well to- day.—Geo. W. Spexce, Holly Springs, N. C. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy nlways cures and $< pleasant and safe to take. For Miller's Drug Store. . 1-1 Accidents on Trolley Line. Last Saturday morning an acciden{ happened on the trolley line that cau-~- ed all traffic to be suspended until Sun- day afternoon. Some of the electrical apparatus of the ear got out of fix and literally burned out. Mr. Shananburg- er made the necegsary repairs, ever,and then everything went until Christmas night, when a rock rolled down Huntsrick hill, landed on the track and derailed the car, which was not gotten back on the rails until today. The motorman and conductor both saw the rock coming, but were close to it that the car could not be stopped before it rolled onto the track and derailed the car. Farmers’ Week. The program for Farmers’ Week, at The Pennsylvania State College, Janu- ary lst to 8th, 1908, shows 88 lectures and practical exercises on crop grow- ing, feeding, breeding, meat dressing. cattle judging, butter making, ice cream making, poultry, cooking, forest- ry and horticulture. The list of speakers includes 33 men and women who are making a success of their work, scientific, or commercial as the case may be. teil cries re te to =nle at how- well SO To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre- ventics, for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Pre- venties contain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at the “sneeze stage” Preventics will pre- vent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence the name, Preventics. Good for feverish children. 48 Preven- tics 25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 cts. Sold by All Dealers. 1-1 GOODBYE OLD YEAR. We are about to step from the old year to the new, and we are reminded that after all our fears and apprehen- sions, to many of us it has been a very kind year. To some, we know that the / dark side has been turned, bat after all, there is a gleam of sunshine for all, if we but look for it. We would not for- get that upon the homes of some of our readers, since last New Years day, a shadow has fallen, and a mantle of sorrow has wrapped its~inmates in its sombre folds. Other homes are like the empty nest that hangs on the withered bough, des- olate because the life and song went out with the birds. New homes have been made and old ones have been severed, but in our onward march it is not well to stop and weigh the load each one carries. No life is all sun- shine or all storm. If the new year brings prosperity, let us rejoice; if ad- versity, let us be brave. The sunset gate of life will swing shut upon some of us ere the close of another year. Let us see to the record left on this side. If our dear ones and friends leave us for the summer land, let not the mem- ory of harsh words spoken by us. add to the pangs of Senazation. D ANGER I IN ASKING ADVICE. When you have & cough or cold do not ask some one what is good for it, as there is danger in taking some un- known preparation. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs, colds, and pre- vents pneumonia. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes Sold by all Droggists. 1-1 Reduced Rates. The Pennsylvania Railroad has granted a reduced rate of one and one- third fare for the round trip. good go- ing December 28th to January 7th, and returning before January 15th. Re- duced rate order must be secured and presented to the nearest Pennsylvania Railroad ticket agent. For reduced rate order and program address H. E. VaAxNoRrMAN, State College, Pa. A REAL WONDERLAND. South Dakota, with its rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges and strange natural formations, is a verit- able wonderland. At Mound City, in the home of Mrs. E. D. Clapp, a won- derful case of healing has lately oc- curred. Her son seemed near death with lung and throat trouble. “Ex- hausting, coughing spells occurred every five minutes,” writes Mrs. Clapp, “when I began giving Dr. King’s New Discovery, the great medicine that saved his life and completely cured im.” Guaranteed for coughs and colds, throat and lung troubles, by E. H. Miller, druggist. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. 1-1 Teachers’ Institute. Following is the program for local institute to be held at West Salisbury, Saturday afternoon, Jan. 11, 1908: Song. “Civics in the public schools” —Chas. Newman. “The Truant”’—L. Minnie Ridinger. Recitation—Miss Maud Smalley. Song. “Requisites to successful teaching”— James May, Miss Janet McKinley. “Teaching writing.’ —Miss Anna Me- Kinley. Essany—Miss Lillian Blough. “Should emulation be encouraged?” —Chas. Butler. “Incentives to prevent tardiness”’— Ralph Moser. Recitation—Florence Compton. COMMITTEE. L. Beathy, Miss WHEN TO GO HOME. From the Bluffton, Ind., Banner: “When tired out, go home. When you want consolation, go home. When you want fun, go home. When you want to show others that you have reformed, go home and let your family get ac- quainted with the fact. When you want to show yourself at your best, go home and do the act there. When you feel like being extra liberal, go home and practice on your wife and children first. When you want to shine with extra brilliancy, go home and light up the whole household.” To which we would add, when you have a bad cold, go home and take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and a quick cure is certain. For sale at Miller’s Drug Store. 1-1 oo = Serious Runaway. Last Saturday while John Rodamer, of West Salisbury, was storing a few beef hides away which he had purchas- ed, he left his team of horses standing in the road near his father’s residence, and for some cause unknown to the owner, the animals ran away. They followed the county road for some dis- tance, then left it and took the rail- road. road bridge near West Salisbury, both horses stepped between the ties and floundered down, where they were held In attempting to cross the rail- | JOHNSTOWN and Way Stations, in a very perilous place until rescued | by a ferce of men and boys who soon | appeared on the scene. were more or less injured, one so badly that it had to be killed. The other, | however, is getting along fairly well, and will recover. Both animals | | | Weak Women To weak and ailing women, there is at least one way to help. But with that way, two treatments, must be combined. One is local, one is constitu- tional, but both are important, both essential. Dr Shoep's Night Cure is the Local. Dr. Shoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. The former—Dr. Shoop's Night Cure—is a topical mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr. Bhoop’s Restorative is wholly an internal treat- ment. The Restorative reaches throughout the entire system, seeking the repair of all nerve, all tissue, and all blood ailments. The *‘Night Cure’, as its name implies, does its work while you sleep. It soothes sore and inflame ed mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses and discharges, while the Restorative, eases nervous excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition, builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed strength, vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop's Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—as a general toni to the system. For positive local help, use as well Dr. Shoop’s Night Cure “ALL DEALERS” The Cough Syrup that ny rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is BEES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Bees is the original laxative cough syrup, contains no opiates, gently moves the bowels, carrying the cold off through the natural channels, Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. SOLD BY ELK LICK PHARMACY. SETA (roods, such as Candies, Nuts Fruits, etc., and pure, fresh GROCERIES, at prices as low as the lowest. . Also some nice Christmas, Toys, Fine Cigars, Choice Tobaccos, ete G. G. DE LOZIER, SALISBURY, PA. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 17, 1907. MEYERSDALE. Sunday. *Daily. +Daily except §Sunday ly. CONNELLSVILLE & PITTSBU RG. De- part *5.44 a. m., $7.52 a. m. (local), *2.26 p. mn. *4.34 p. m. (local). Arrive *10.55 a. m. (local) *11.32 a..m., *4.50 p. m., 6.50 p. m., *9.29 p. m cHle 200, Depars *2.46 p.m. Arrive *11L.32 a. + *4.50 p. WASH. BALTO., PHILA. & NEW YORK, Depart *1L30 a. m., *450 p. m., *0.20 p. m. Arrive *5.44 a. m., *2:46 p. m. CUMBERLAND, Depart *10.55 au. m. (local), *11.32 a. m,, *4.50 p. m., $6.50 p. m. (local), *4.20 p.m. Arrive *5.44 a. mm , 17.52 a. m. (local), *2.46 p. m., *4.34 p. nm. (loe al). Depart *6.30 a. m., +246 p. m.,*4.34 p. m. Arrive §11.32 a. m., +4.50 p. m., *7. 15 p. m. STOCKHOLDERS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, January 14th, 1908, there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Salisbury, Pa. at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose ot clecting directors for the ensuing year. -9 ALBERT REITZ, Cashier. DIPHTHERIA TRACTED. HOW IS €ON- One often hears the expression, “My | child caught a severe cold which de- | veloped into diphtheria” when the truth was that the cold had simply left | susceptible | the little one particularly to the wandering diphtheria germ. When Chamberlain's given it quickly cures the cold other germ disease being contracted. For sale at Miller's Drug Store. 1-1 a W.C.T.U. Meeting. The W.C. T. U. will meet 6th, 1908. Singing. Scripture reading. Prayer. Singing. Reading of minutes. Roll call. » Reading by Mrs. Emerick. Recitation—Ida Wagner. Reading by Almira Lichliter. Recitation—Freda Livengood. Business. Collection. Following is the program: COMMITTEE, Cc ough Remedy is | and | lessens the danger of diphtheria or any | at the home of Se Charlotte Livengood, Jan. | . COUGH SYRUP. | BEST FOR A Murphy Bros. RESTAURANT! JlNINN Headquarters for best Oysters, Ice Cream, Lunches, Soft Drinks, ete. Try our Short-Order Meals—Beef- steak, Ham and Eggs, Sausage, Hot Coffee, ete. Meals to Order at All ave. Hours! mmm We also handle a line of Groceries Confectionery, Tobacco, Cigars, ete. We try to please our patrons, and we would thank you for a share of your buying. ’ MURPHY BROTHERS, Joy BUILDING, SALISBURY, Pa. W. A. CLARKE, Hurl Director and Empat. All work given the best of attention. Night calls answered promptly. Both Somerset and Economy Phones. Our Undertaking Rooms and Resi- dence are in the Zimmerman building, next-door to Will & Saler’s Furniture Store, "MEYERSDALE; PENNA. STEVENS Lird. beast or target. Make your shots count by shooting the STEVENS, For 4: years STEVENS ARMS have carricd off PREMIER HONORS for AC- CURACY. Our line: Hifles, Do Pistols Ask your Deaier—in si sten the STEUEY Jka Beautiful three-color Aluminum Hanger will oe forwarded for 10 cents in stamps. J, Stevens Arms & Tool Co., P. 0. Box 4096 CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS, U.S. A. 35 4 ge AL Jes « fe co ly rn % vaina ie took of refer. ene far fresent and JfrsTe te Tnooters ofcatainerriie Saranieed Remedy for all Digestive Disorders. ) ou have tried the rest. Now try the best. If you wish to be better nourished, have a clear healthy complexion, a bright eye, a steady nerve and the energy necessary to carry on your daily work, take Nature's Contains no pepsin, pancreation or other artificial digest- ers. Theyrelieve by sup- plying and feeding the little cells which go to make up the digestive organs. A trial will convince you. 3 sizes, 25c., 50c., $r.oo. Sold by drug- gists. Every box guarante cd. ARED ONLY 1) DINER: s "DIGESTER CC. TAI Des Moines, low. Let Me Advise You If you have stomach, liver, kidney or blood disorders, or any ailment arising from dis- ordered condition of Some shen as rheuma- fisns; constipation, etc., your druggist ay and Et 55 bottle 5 CESYPTIAN VEGET- ABLE COMPOUND, use it as directed, and in three days ou 0 feel the benefits thereof. In two wee ou will be giving this same advice to oe ering Ly and in two months you will doubt rg ou ever have been sick. EGYPTIAN VEGETABE COMPOUND has cured thousands, many who have tried everything else and who considered their cases hopeless, it will cure you, if you follow directions faithfully, (see guarantee on every package.) If your druggist is unable to supply you, order direct from laborator; and it will be sent to you, Sharpes prepaid, at $1.00 per bottle, or six ties for &.00 Write for free booklet Fri ior] monials and other useful information, to EGYPTIAN MEDICINE COMPANY, - Syracuse, N. Y. WORK OFF A SoD IMO VE iris # COUGH THE BOWELS