The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, December 12, 1907, Image 4

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P. L. Livexcoon, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the PostofMce at Elk Lick, Pa.
as mail matter of the Second Class.
eee imminent
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is Piblishes d every Thursday,at
Salisbury, (KlIk Lick, P. 0.) Somerse t Coun-
ty, Pa., at the following rates
One year,if paid spot cash in advance. : Sl 25
If not paid strictly in advance. 1.650
8ix months....... Sie JH
Three months. 50
Single copies.. vine 0B
To avoid multiplicity ‘of Small accounts
all subscriptions for three an sonth s or less
must be paid in advance. These rates and
terms will be rigidly adhered to.
and Colds
There is a remedy over sixty
years old —Ayer’s Cherry
Pectoral. Of course you have
heard of it,probably have used
it. Oncein the family, itstays;
the one household remedy for
coughs and hard colds on the
chest. Askyourdoctoraboutit.
‘T have had pneumonia three times, and
As er’s Cherry Fsctoral Nas brought me safely
through each time. have just recovered
from my last He. aged sixty-seven. No
Yomderdp praise it" —E. HIGGINS, Stevens
Made "A Madey C Aver Goo Lowsiy, sass. OC. Ayer Co., Lowel, Mass.
Also ny vestelnd of
ers PILLS.
Ayer’s Pllis Increase the activity c!
the liver,
Miss Amanda Martin, who had been
visiting friends in Scottdale and Pitts-
burg, has returned home.
Pinesalve Carbolized acts like a poul-
tice, draws out itnfl immation and poison.
Antiseptic healing. Kor chapped hands,
lips, cuts. burns. Sold by Elk Lick
Pharmacy. 3-1
Mrs. Silas Wagner, who had been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Albert
Musser, in Berlin, returned home last
DeWitt’s Carbolized Witch Hazel
Salve—don’t forget the name, and ac-
cept no substitute. Get DeWitt’s. It’s
good for piles. Sold by E. H. Miller.
Mrs. Phineas Boucher, of Garrett
county, Md., was visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boucher, of this
place, last week.
Orino Laxatlve Fruit Syrup, the new
Laxative, stimulates, but does not ir-
ritate. It is the best Laxative. Guar-
anteed or your money back. Sold by
all Druggists. 1-1
According to a telegram received
here today, Charles Thompson, who
conducted a bakery and restaurant in
Meyersdale, has died in Cleveland,
Ohio. No particulars.
Ring’s Little Liver Pills wake up lazy
livers, clean the system and clear the
skin. Try them for biliousness and
sick headache. Price 23c. Sold by
Elk Lick Pharmacy. 3-1
Herman Gartner and family, of
Pittsburg. arrived here this morning to
attend the funeral of Mrs. Gartner’s
brother, Theodore Ringler.
Jack and Jill were both quite ill,
Now each is well and wiser,
For blues and headaches have to go,
When they take an Early Riser.
DeWitt’s Little Early Riser Pills are
sold by E. H. Miller. 1-1
Mrs. Chas. Filkins and little son, of
Minnesota, mention of whose arriva)
and visit is made elsewhere in these
columns, started for their home, Wed-
nesday morning.
Thousands of men and women in ali
walks of life are suffering from kidney
and bladder troubles. Don’t neglect
your kidneys. Delays are dangerous.
DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills afe
ford quick relief for all forms of kidney
and bladder troubles. A week’s treat-
ment, 25¢. Sold by E. EH. Miller. 1-1
Oscar XI, King of Sweden, died last
Sunday morning. He was a good and
great man, greatly beloved by his sub-
jects, and in stature he was a giant, the
largest of all the ruling sovereigns of
the world.
Trial Catarrh treatments are being
mailed out free, on request, by Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are
proving to the people—without a
penny’s cost—the great value of this
scientific prescription known to drug-
gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Ca-
tarrh Remedy. Sold by All Dealers.
Harry Anderson returned from
Pitteburg, Monday evening, where he
was successfully operated on for ap-
pendicitis, several weeks ago, He is
looking first rate, snd says he feels
quite will, too.
There is something about Kennedy’s |
Laxative Cough Syrup that makes it
different from others, as it causes a
free yet gentle action of the bowels
through which the cold is forced out of
the system. At the same time it heals
irritation and allays inflammation of
the throat and lungs. It is pleasantto
take. Children like it. Contains no
opiates nor narcotics. Sold by E. H.
Miller. 1-1
and thus aid recovery, |
Mr. Q. A.
Union street, is quite badly afflicted
with kidney disease. His condition
was quite serious, last week, but we
are glad to state that he is now report-
ed to be convalescing.
Valentine Bender will have a public
sale at his woolen mill, near Springs,
Pa, on Saturday, Dee. 21st, beginning
at 12:30 o'clock p. m. He will sell a
large lot of woolen goods, implements,
cows, sheep. household goods, ete.
Are you having trouble with your
kidneys? There are lots of people to-
day who wonder why they have pains
across the back, why they are tired
and lacking in energy and ambition.
Your kidneys are wrong. They need
relief without delay. Take DeWitt’s
Kidney & Bladder Pills; they are for
weak back, inflammation of the blad-
der, bac kache and weak kidneys. Sold
by E. H. Miller. 1-1
S. I. Livengood has accepted a po-
sition at blacksmithing in the Improv-
ed Traction Engine Works, and will
start on the new job, next Monday.
His father, however, will continue to
do business at the old stand on Ord
Last Saturday Constable B. F.
Krausse went to Mt. Savage, Md, to
visit his sister, who resides there, and
is very ill. Her condition was some-
what better when Mr. Krausse return-
ed home, although the patient was far
from being out of danger.
It will be unnecessary to go through
| a painful, expensive operation for Piles
if you use Man-Zan. Put up in a col-
| lapsible tube with nozzle, ready to ap-
| ply. For any form of Piles, price 50c.
Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 3-1
Wm. P. Cochrane, who for some time
has been in Kentucky superintending
| + mine which he is interested in, ar-
! rived here a few days ago. He reports
ihe coal business good in the Blue
‘Grass state, and the other Somerset
| “~ounty boys who are there are getting
| along all right, he says.
Millions of bottles of Foley’s Honey
| y\nd Tar have been sold without any
| person ever having experienced any
arher than beneficial results from its
1=+ for coughs, colds and lung troubles.
| This is because the genuine Foley’s
‘loney and Tar in the yellow package
¢ tains no opiates or other harmful
(rugs. Guard your health by refusing
any but the genuine. Sold by all Drug-
ists. 1-1
Jonas Ash will have a public sale at
lis place of residence, on the Hilder-
brant farm on Keyser’s Ridge, Garrett
county, Md., on Saturday, Dec. 14th,
beginning at one o’clock p. m. He will
sell live stock, hay, straw, oats, vehicles,
implements, etc. Mr. Ash intends to
move onto a farm in Preston county
W. Va. \
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller, and two
of their sons, who reside on the old
Warner farm, west of Grantsville, Md.,
are all down with typhoid fever.
Another son of Mr. and Mrs. Miller re-
covered from an attack of fever just
recently, which would indicate that
the source of infection must be in their
drinking water, which should be auna-
lyzed. :
When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney
nerves get weak, then these organs al-
ways fail. Don’t drug the Siomach,
nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys.
That is simply a makeshift. Get a pre-
scription known to Draggists every-
where as Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. The
Restorative is prepared expressly for
these weak inside nerves. Strengthen
these nerves, build them up with Dr.
Shoop’s Restorative—tablets or liquid
—and see how quickly help will come.
Free sample test sent on raquest by
Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health
is surely worth this simple test. Sold
by All Dealers. 1-1
Baker Johnson, the genial and ac-
commodating Grantsville mail carrier,
informs Tue Star that a big wedding
is soon to come off at Grantsville, but
further deponent sayeth not. Wonder
if Mort Smouse, Dennis McKenzie,
Arch Durst or some other bachelor
friend of ours, out there, hasn’t made
up his mind to join the matrimonial
To stop that pain in the back, that
stiffness of the joints and muscles, take
Pineules. They are guaranteed. Don’t
suffer from rheumatism, backache, kid-
ney trouble, when you get 30 day’s
treatment for $1.00. A single dose at
bed time proves their merit. Get them
to-day. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy.
When the annual butchering time
arrives, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Livengood,
of Somerset, usually come over to their
farm at Boynton and assist their ten-
ant. The visit always means a nice
mess of sausage and spare ribs for the
editor and family, and on Tuesday
morning the annual present arrived.
We return thanks, and take pleasure
in testifying to the excellence of the
goods. .
Bees Laxative Cough
coughs, colds, croup and whooping
cough grows in- favor daily. Mothers
; should keep it on hand for children. It
is prompt relief to croup. It is gently
laxative, driving the poison and phlegm
from the system. It gives immediate
relief. Guaranteed. Sold by Elk Lick
Pharmacy. 3-1
Syrup for
Mrs. Charles Filkins, of Minnesota,
arrived here week before last, for a
visit with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. P.
3. Linengood. She had been absent |
McClure, who resides on |.
To check a cold quickly; get from
our druggist some little Candy Cold
lablete called Preventice. Druggists
everywhere are now dispensing Pre-
ventics, for they are not only safe, but
decidedly certain and prompt, Pre-
ventics contain no Quinine, no laxative,
nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at
the “sneeze stage” Preventics will pre-
vent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe,
etc. Hence the name, Preventics.
Good for feverish children. 48 Preven-
tics 25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 cts. Sold
by All Dealers, 1-1
George Boucher and family, and
John Boucher, arrived here on Sunday,
Dec. 1st. for a visit at the Boucher
home on Corliss street. The two broth=
ers were welcome visitors at Tie Stan
office, and from George we learned
that he will soon move from Boyer, W. a locality near Bristol, Tenn,
where he will held a lucrative position
with a big lumber company. He
thoroughly understands sawmilling, |
and has acquired quite a- competency
by following it.
Whenever you feel that your stomach
has gone a little wrong, or when you |
feel that it is not in good order, as is |
evidenced by mean headaches, nerv-
ousness, bad breath, and belching, take
something at times, and especially
after your meals until relief is afford-
ed. There is nothing better offered:
the public today for stomach troubles,
dyspepsia, indigestion, ete., than KO-
DOL. This is a scientific preparation
of natural digestants combined with
vegetable acids and contains the same
juices found in every healthy stomach.
KODOL is guaranteed to give relief.
It is pleasant to take; it will make you
feel fine by digesting what you eat.
Sold by E. H. Miller. 1-1
Miss Minnie Miller, a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Miller, of Elk
Lick township, was taken to Mercy
Hospital, in Pittsburg, Tuesday after-
noon, to be treated for some trouble
which the physicians here are not able
to cope with. The young lady was
successfully operated on for the re-
moval of gall stones, on two different
occasions, but the trouble insists on re-
turning. What will or what can be
done for her at the hospital remains to
be seen, but the many friends of the
sufferer all hope for her ultimate and
complete recovery.
A tickling cough. from any cough, is
quickly stopped by Dr. Shooop’s Cough
Cure. And it is so thoroughly harm-
less and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells
mothers everywhere to give it without
hesitation, even to very young babes.
The wholesome green leaves and ten-
der stems of a lung-healing mountain-
ous shrub, furnish the curative prop-
erties to Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure. It
calms the cough, and heals the sore and
sensitive bronchial membranes. No
opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh
used to injure or suppress. Simply a
resinous plant extract, that helps to
heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call
this shrub which the Doctor uses, “The
Sacred Herb.” Demand Dr. Shoop’s.
Take no other. Sold by All Dealers.
a ei]
Fatal Railroad Accident.
There was a collision of two trains
near Listie, last Thursday, that result-
ed in the death of two men, serious in-
jury to another, and also in the almost
total destruction of two engines and
several cars. A freight train took a
s de track to let a passenger train pass,
but for some reason the man who had
charge of the switch neglected to close
it. The passenger train ran in on the
side track, and the two engines came
together with great force. John G
Pile, of Rockwood, who was on his way
to work at Q Junction, was killed out-
right, and C. P. Klump, of Ohio, was
fatally injured and died on his way to
a Johnstown hospital. Another man
by the name of Boyts had an arm
that sometimes terminates fatally, is
the stoppage of liver and bowel funec-
tions. To quickly end this condition
without disagreeable sensations, Dr.
King’s New Life Pills should always be
your remedy. Guaranteed absolutely
satisfactory in every case or money
back, at E. H. Miller’s drug store. 25c.
A Dastardly Deed.
Some vandal, either drunk or sober,
turned on the flow of water at the
fountain in the corridor, and the two
supply points in the Jury and the Sten-
ographer’s rooms, either on Sunday or
Sunday night, on the second floor of
the Court House, and then plugged up
the provisions for its escape into the
proper channels, with the result that
there was an overflow which penetrat-
ed the floors and followed the ceilings
into the rooms of the Register, District
Attorney, and Clerk of the Criminal
The ceilings and walls were stained
so as to mar their beauty, and it may
be that they are permanently injured.
Since Sunday morning the clock in the
Court House tower has stopped strik-
ing. Whether this was caused by this
same dastard, is open to question at
this writing. It is to be hoped that the
perpetrator will be apprehended, and
that he will be given a punishment as
severe as the law will justify.—Somer-
set Democrat.
0. 8. Woolever, one of the best known
| from Salisbury for a period of 13 years. merchants of Le Raysville, N. Y., says:
Mrs. Filkins was at one time an em- | “If you are ever troubled with piles,
ploye in THE STAR office, having learn-
ed to set type during her younger days.
Later she went west and married a
Minnesota farmer, settling down in
| that state.
apply Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. It
cured me of them for good, 20 years
ago.” Guaranteed for sores, wounds,
burns or abrasions, 25¢. at E. H. Mil-
- .
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Accounts of individuals and firms invited,
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at-
Capital stock. .$
gurpe fund.
50,000.6¢ |
70 ,000. ld
' Aan La 1; 200, 000. 00] bury, one Tor south of Lichliter’s store.
Everything is new, neat and clean,
and-it is a model in every respect.
I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete.
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
tle, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vinced that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line.
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock.
Ame. OF FICERS : s.
Roberdeau Annan, President. Olin Beall.
ae... DIRECTORS: mn.
Robert R. Henderson.
The Old Reliable YButcher,
Duncan Sinclair,
Timothy Griffith,
Roberdeau Aunan.
We will sell our entire stock of Men’s and Women’s Furnish-
ings, Men's Overcoats and Boys’ Clothing, also our entire stock of
Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies’ and Children’s Coats, Skirts, ete., at
20 per cent. off regular prices, and some goods at an even larger
reduction. We intend to close out, and this great price-slaughter
sale will last ———at—
From Satd., Dec. 14th, 1907,
Until Our Entire Stock 1s So
$10.00 Overcoats, Men's $3.25 Rubber Boots, now
2.25 Suits, now Men's
3.00 Suits,
4.00 Suits, now
Boys’ 2.50 Felts, now
Boys’ now Ladies’ 3.50 Shoes, now
Ladies’ 2.50 Shoes,
Ladies’ 1.50 Shoes,
Ladies’ 1.25 Shoes,
Men’s 2
3.00 Shoes, now now
.50 Shoes, now now
2.00 Shoes, now The largest and best line of Children’s Shoes
in town, all at same rate.
(inghams, Sc. per yd.
25¢. Dress Goods, 20¢
3.50 Rubber Boots, now
Calicos, oc. per yard.
soc. Dress Goods, 4oc.
No use to enumerate; come and let us show you that our goods
talk for themselves. A large stock of Holiday Goods that must
go at same discount, for we will close out, no matter at what loss.
Talk of Trolley Extension.
Only the financial depression’s long
continuance, it is said, will prevent the
Pennsylvania & Maryland Street Rail-
way Company, the concern which is
operating in the neighborhood of Mey-
ersdale, from building a line through
Somerset county to Johnstown, next
season. In fact it is said the company
has its finances so shared as to begin
and push the work next summer, no
matter what the industrial skies show,
and folks living along the probable
route in Somerset county are begin-
ning to perk up and take notice.
It is understood that the P.& M.
has made overtures to the directors of
the Southern Cambria for an agree-
ment looking to a connection with the
local system at some . point. This, if
effected, would make a direct line from
Somerset to Ebensburg, and nobody
knows what arrangements may be
made for connections between the
Southern Cambria and the Northern
Cambria companies.
The P. & M. are generally believed
to be behind agents who have been
taking options for a route of some kind
not far south of Johnstown, running
through Jenners and one or two other
nearby townships in this end of Som-
erset county.—Johnstown Journal. Rogers Vk
Silver Plate That Wears’
When you have a cough or cold do
not ask some one what is good for it, as
there is danger in taking some un-
known preparation. Foley’s Honey
and Tar cures coughs, colds, and pre-
vents pneumonia. The genuine is in a
Articles not alone beautiful, but useful and durable,
make the most sensible gift. These good features,
together with a moderate price, make the genuine
“1847 Rogers Bros.”
an ideal Holiday gift. They are made in a great
variety of shapes, sizes and designs, handsomely
packed in lined cases, and vary in price from 25c.
to $3.50. Your dealer can supply you. Write
us for our handsome catalogue 6 to aid you
in making selections.
Acts like a
Pinesalve ea
Rings Dyspepsia Tablets
ler’s drng store. 1-1
yellow package. Refuse substitutes
Sold by all Druggists. 1-1 AND STOMACH TROUBLES
Carbolized i. family salve.