The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, November 07, 1907, Image 4

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P. L. Livexacoop, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the Postofce at Elk Lick, Pa.
as mail matter of the Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is published every Thursday,at
Salisbury, ( Elk Lick, P. 0.) somerset Coun-
ty, Pa, at the following rates:
One year, if paid spot cash in advance.. i 2
If not paid strictly in advance.
8ix months
Three months
Single copie
To avoi muitiphicity of small accounts
all subscriptions for three months or less
must be paid in advance. These rates and
terms will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices, bcents a line
each insertion. To regul: tr advertisers, n
cents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a.
line for each succeeding insertion. No husi-
ness lacals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for less than 10
cents a line for each insertion,except on
yearly contracts.
Rates for Display Advertisments will be
made known on applic PAT,
Editorial advertising,
a line.
Legal Advertise:
Marriage, Birth and Death
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free.
additional lines. 5 cents cach.
Cards of Thanks vill he published free for
prtrons of the paper . Non-patrons will be
charged 10 cents a line
Resolutions of IRR 208peC t will be published
for 5 cents a line.
All advertisements will be run and charg-
ed for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
than 25 cents.
ariably 10 cents
at legal rates.
Notices not
Is It Your
We have secured the agency for
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new
laxative that makes the liver lively,
purifies the breath, cures headache and
regulates the digestive organs. Cures
chronic constipation. Ask us about it.
Sold by All Druggists. 12-1
Wm. Wisseman, who resides on the
Abe Folk farm, in the Negro Mountain
region, has our thanks for an invitation
to come up to his place and take a hunt,
one of these days. If we can find a
little spare time, we may accept the in-
vitation, and then, Holy Moses! the
game will have to suffer.
Quite a change has taken place in
the Meyersdale Republican office. Ed-
itor Bishop last week stepped down
and out as editor, to make room for W.
A. Shoemaker, who succeeds him in
that capacity, with Chas. V. Hughes
and T. R. Zufall as associate editors,
and W. H. Dill as business manager.
To check a cold quickly, get from
your druggist some little Candy Cold
Tablets called Preventics. Druggists
everywhere are now dispensing Pre-
ventics, for they are not only safe, but
kind regards to the editor and family.
Mr. Powell moved to Arrow, a lumber-
ing village in the north of the county,
some months ago, where he hoped his |
health would improve. We are sorry
indeed to learn that he is still not a
well man. We hope a change for the
better in his case may come soon, and
we thank him for the kind regards ex-
pressed in his recent letter, as well as
for his remittance.
Fred Weimer, who is employed as a
driver in the Summit mine of the Som-
erset Coal Company, was seriously in-
jured while at work, last Saturday af-
ternoon. It seems that the unfortu-
nate man was “breaking in” a new
horse, and during a certain stage of
the operation, his light was extinguish-
ed. The horse became frightened and
ran away, Weimer falling under the
car, sustaining fractures of the right
leg at two places, besides bruises and
contusions about the chest and head,
and it is feared that he has received
several internal injuries, says a Mey- |
ersdale news dispatch.
decidedly certain and prompt. Pre-
ventics contain no Quinine, no laxative,
nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at
the “sneeze stage” Preventics will pre- |
vent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe,
etc. Hence the name, Preventics. |
Good for feverish children 48 Preven-
tics 25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 cts. Sold
by All Dealers. 12-1
Mrs. Ada House has returned from
| Connellsville, Pa., where she had been
residing, and will reside here amid the
scenes of her childhood. She is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Garlitz,
and the wife of the late William House,
who died from injuries received in a
railroad wreck during the past year.
Own Hair?
Do you pin your hat to your
own hair? Can’t do it?
Haven’t enough hair? It must
be you do not know Ayer’s
Hair Vigor! Here’s an intro-
duction! May the acquaint-
ance result in a heavy growth
« Irich,thick,glossy hair! And
vv 2know you'll never be gray.
Hl that Aver’ s [Tair Vigor is the most
ul hair srower that was ever made
uw. ol it for some time and I can truth-
v that 1 am greatly pleased with it. I
recommend it as a splendid prepa-
"ss «ex
lade by J.C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Dass.
Also Badia. of
yers & pr PECTORAL.
DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are the
best pills made. They do not gripe.
Sold by E. H. Miller. 12-1
The Pennsylvania Hawkeye, a paper
conducted at Bedford, Pa., by Rev. L.
M. Colfelt, has suspended publication.
It should have done so long ago.
DeWitt’s Carbolized Witch Hazel
Salve penetrates the pores—thoroughly
cleanses—and is healing and soothing.
Good for piles. Sold by E. H. Mil-
ler. 12-1
Harvey Tedrow, who owned a very
nice piece of ground in Beachy Ad-
dition No. 2 to Salisbury borough, re-
cently sold the same to Chas. F. Coch-
rane, for $75.00.
On Saturday, Nov. 16th, Moses Kemp
will have a public sale on his farm one-
fourth mile north of Val Bender's
woolen mill. He will sell live stock,
poultry, implements, household goods,
The Postmaster of Gasconade, Mo.,
Daniel A. Bugh, says of DeWitt’s Kid-
ney and Bladder Pills, “T am doing so
well, and improving so fast in health,
that I cannot say too much for your
Kidney & Bladder Pills. I feel like a
new man.” DeWitt’'s Kidney and Blad-
der Pills are sold by E. H. Miller. 12-1
Orlando Flesher, of Coal Run, who
for some time has been employed at
New Haven, Pa., came home on a visit,
last Sunday, to remain several days.
He reports business and politics lively
in old Fayette county.
a sa V. BROCE, Wayland, Mich,
Trial Catarrh treatments are being
mailed out free, on request, by Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are
proving to the people—without a
penny’s cost—the great value of this
scientific prescription known to drug-
gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Ca-
tarh Remedy. Sold by All Dealers.
Our friend James Gaghagen, of Som-
erset, was a paying caller at THE SrtAR
office, yesterday. Mr. Gaghagen re-
cently returned from Clarksburg, W.
Va., where he had been to visit his son
Jesse, who is recovering from a seige
of typhoid fever in a hospital in that
Babies and children need pronipt at-
tention when suffering from coughs and
colds. The best remedy for mothers to
use is Kennedy's Laxative Cough
Syrup. It tastes nearly as good as
Map sugar. It contains no opiates,
it is laxative and drives the cold
out of the system by gently moving the
bowels. Sold by E. H. Miller. 12-1
On Monday, Mes:r:. Berkey & Sha-
ver, attorneys for ‘A. F. Kennedy, of
New York, entered suit against Mrs-
Annie Allen, executrix of Abner Me-
Kinley, deceased, for the collection of
an old claim alleged to be due the
plaintiff for men’s furnishing goods,
says the Somerset Standard.
Harvey Newman went to Cumber-
| land, Md., Monday last, to enter the
| Tri-State Business College at that
{ place. Harvey is a first rate young
(man, and he acted wisely in deciding
to get a good business education. He
has selected a good school, and if he
does his part, which we feel sure he
will, he will never have cause to re-
yret it.
There is nothing better for stomach
troubles than KODOL, which contains
the same juices found in a healthy
stomach. KODOL is offered on a guar-
anteed plan for the relief of heart burn,
flatulence, sour stomach, belching of
gas, nausea, and all stomach troubles.
So at times when you don’t feel just
right, when you are drowsy after meals,
and your head aches or when you have
no ambition, and you are cross and ir-
ritable, take a little KODOL. It digests
what you eat. It will make you
healthy. Sold by E. H. Miller. 12-1
Chas. Cochrane, a well known and
efficient mine foreman of this place,
was recently appointed general super-
intendent of the mines at Shamrock:
near Rockwood, which are operated by
the Iron City Coal and Coke Company,
of Pittsburg. Mr. Cochrane has already
entered upon his new duties at a hand-
some salary, and he may move his
family to Rockwood. We wish “Char-
ley” success in his new position, but we
hope he will decide to retain his resi-
dence here.
You can’t be well if you have a weak,
unhealthy, tired out stomach. Neither
can you feel good if by some little ir-
regularity in eating you have caused
the stomach to get out of order. These
little stomach troubles are signe of in-
digestion, which may and very often
do turn into a very bad case of dys-
pepsia. Don’t allow this to go on a
single day without doing something to
overcome it. Take some good reliable
and safe digestant like KODOL For
Dyspepsia. KODOL is the best remedy
known today for heart burn, belching
and all troubles arising from a disor-
dered digestion. It is pleasant to take
and affords relief promptly. Sold by
E. H. Miller. 12-1
Howard Peck, the young and enter-
prising farmer residing on the old John
Peck or Big Spring farm, on the west
side of Negro Mountain, was a busi-
ness caller at THE Star office, last Fri-
day. He came for trespass notices and
printed stationery. Mr. Peck is mak-
ing a specialty of live stock, and has
named his place “Maple Glen Stock
Farm.” He is thinking, however, cf
changing the name to*'Big Spring Stock
Farm,” which would probably be more
appropriate, as the fame of the big
spring on his farm has spread all over
Western Pennsylvania.
Our friend James Conley, who is the
accommodating drink mixer and dis-
penser at Hotel Ralphton, Ralphton,
Pa., came all the way to West Salis-
bury to cast a good, Simon-pure Demo-
cratic vote, as he states it, at the last
election. That’s what we call true
party loyalty, and while we do not be-
lieve in the doctrines, traditions and
policies of the Democratic party, we
nevertheless always give a man credit
for going to the polls and voting his
sentiments. The man who does not
vote does not do his full duty as a citi-
zen. ;
When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney
nerves get weak, then these organs al-
ways fail. Don’t drug the Stomach,
nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys.
That is simply a makeshift, Get a pre-
scription known to Druggists every-
where as Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. The
Restorative is prepared expressly for
these weak inside nerves. Strengthen
these nerves, build them up with Dr.
Shoop’s Restorative—tablets or liquid
—and see how quickly help will come.
Free sample test sent on raquest by
Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health
is surely worth this simple test. Sold
by All Dealers. 2-1
We recently received a letter from
our {friend Wm. J. Powell, containing a
remittance of $1.50 to apply on sub-
scription. He reports the entire
A tickling cough. from any cough, is |
quickly stopped by Dr. Shooop’s Cough |
Cure. And itis so thoroughly barm-
{less and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells
mothers everywhere to give it without |
hesitation, even to very young babes. |
The wholesome green leaves and ten- |
der stems of a lung-healing mountain-
ous shrub, furnish the curative prop-
erties to Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure. It |
calms the cough, and heals the sore and
sensitive bronchial membranes. No
opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh |
used to injure or suppress.
resinous plant extract, that helps to
heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call
this shrub which the Doctor uses, “The
Sacred Herb.” Demand Dr. Shoop’s..
Take no other. Sold by All Dealers.
On Tuesday N. S. Yoder, a prominent
and enterprising farmer residing 2%
miles northwest of Grantsville, Md.,
was a busineas caller at THE STAR of-
fice. He will have a public sale at his
residence on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, at
which time he will sell live stock,
poultry, hay, straw, grain, implements,
vehicles, potatoes, household goods,
etc. Mr. Yoder will move onto the
famous Washington Bottom farm, in
Allegany courty, Md. after his sale
takes place. He will be missed in the
community where he resides, for he is
a most excellent man, and his numer-,
ous friends all wish him much happi-
ness and prosperity in his new location:
Up from the Depths.
“Now, Johnny,” asked the gentleman
who had kindly consented to teach the
class, “what does this fascinating story
of Jonah and the whale teach us?”
“It teaches us,” said Johnny, whose
father reads practical articles on prac-
tical people, “that you cannot keep a
good man down.”—Harper’s Weekly.
B. & 0. to Block Wabash.
Cumberland, Md., Oct. 31.—The Bal-
timore & Ohio Railroad is keeping its
fight up against the Gould interests. It
has begun a line from near Ohio Pyle
to the coal fields of Preston county, W.
Va., which, is contended, is really a
bulwark against the march of the
Gould interests from Wheeling to
The Baltimore & Ohio proposes not
o ily to build this line, but to make ex-
tensive improvements in its own line
at one of the hardest points for railroad
building, so that the Wabash extension
to Cumberland cannot get through the:
Alleghany mountains.
At Sipes, two miles west of Bidwell,
a tunnel is to be bored, while another
ij to pierce the mountain at Ohio Pyle.
The proposed construction is intended
to rake up virtually every foot of space
in the pass.
Marriage Licenses.
Chas. Wheelock Boughton, Missouri
Valley, Towa.
Harriet Ogle, Somerset borough.
Charles A. Geiger, Larimer.
Mary Remhoff, Larimer.
Calvin L. Wise, Keim.
Emma C. Speicher, Keim.
George W. Grey, Listie.
Olive Pearl Davis, Listie.
James Blair Johnston, Altoona.
Carrie B. Schlickerman, Somerset twp.
James M. Miller, Somerfield.
Emma M. Crawford, Bradenville, W.Va.
Benjamin M. Imler, Meyersdale.*
Elsie S. Poorbaugh, Meyersdale.
George R. Barkman, Milford.
Stella P. Tospon, Somerset twp.
John Ira Bowman, Quemahoning.
Rosa Pearl Zimmerman, Jenner.
Shedrick Johnsan, Draketown.
Maud Cable, Maurer.
Harrison Irvin, North Clarendon, Pa.
Janette Dunlap, Corry, Pa.
Emanuel Glosser, Somerset.
Sarah Isaacson, Johnstown.
Morris Newman, Windber.
Lea Kessler, Windber.
Wirnstoop Oruer TREATMENT, But
Cova REMEDY. :
“Last winter I caught a very severe
cold which lingered for weeks,” says J,
Urquhart, of Zephyr, Ontario. “My
cough was very dry and harsh. The
local dealer recommended Chamber-
lain’s Cough Remedy and guaranteed |
it, so I gave it a trial. One small bot- |
tle of it cured me. I believe Cham-
berlain’s Cough Remedy to be the best
I have ever used.” This remedy is for
family well, except himself, and sends
Simply a |
[.) DEH [ORY
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at-
Bank open Saturday nights from
me OF FICERS: mm,
Roberdeau Annan.
ree DIRECTORS: mm.
Robert R. Henderson.
Daniel Annan.
7 to 10 o’clock.
Duncan Sinclair,
Roberdeau Annan.
vo. BANK
Capital si stock. 4 50 000. 00
Surplus fund. . = iy
Deposits (over) 1 ,000,000.00
0 Assets (over)..
Take notice that I have opened a new
| and up-to-date meat market in Salis-
1,200, 000.00 bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store.
| Everything is new, neat and clean,
| and it is a model in every respect.
| I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
| Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, etc.
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
| tle. Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vinced that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line.
Olin Beall. Cashier.
Timothy Grriitith, CASPER WAHL,
The 0ld Reliable Butcher.
ZU Biina Clothes 5
The time of year is here for you to think about that new
We are well prepared to meet your wants in this<%
Our prices will be found as low, or a little lower than™-G5
you have been accustomed to paying.
= = 1 5
reg Ew
wR 5 Tf
A. ; , GU /
tl 15
W pny :
tr %%
We have them |
in all sizes for the
5 little fellows, from
3 years up to the
men’s large sizes. 221 Brand Clothes
We also have a complete line of
Men's Rain Coats
[rom $10.00 up,
Laws for > Selioot Rooms.
In connection with the opening of the
school term, it is desirable that both |
parents, directors and teachers should
know that the state laws require that
certain provisions be made for the|
health and comfort of pupils. The law |
is as follows:
Whereas, Hans schoolhouses of this |
commonwealth have been constructed
without provision for proper Sem
and ventilation, and the health and
comfort of many school children are
greatly endangered thereby, therefore,
be it enacted, etc., that on and af-|
ter the first day of December, nine- |
teen hundred and seven, it shall
be unlawful for any board ef school di-
rectors, within this commonwealth, to
use a ccmmon heating stove for the
purpose of heating any schoolroom
unless every such stove shall be in part
inclosed within a shield or jacket, made
of galvanized iron or other suitakble
material, and of sufficient height and
so placed as to protect all pupils, whil
seated at their desks, from direct re,
of heat.
Be it further enacted, that every
schoolroom in this commonwealth |
shall be provided with ample means of
ventilation, and that, when windows
are the only means in use, they should |
be so constructed as to admic of ready |
adjustment, both at the top and bot-
tom, and some device shall be provided |
to protect pupils from currents of cold
A thermometer shall be placed in
every schoolroom in this common- |
wealth by the directors in charge, and
this provision shall be complied with |
even when standard systems of heat-
ing and ventilation are in use. f
Any school board meglecting or re-|
fusing to comply with the provisions of |
this act may, by proper course of law,
be dismissed from office; provided,
that when one or more members shall |
vote to comply with the provisions of |
this act, such member or members |
shall not be subject to dismissal.
i —e
Mr. Robert O. Burke, Elnora, N. Y,,
writes: “Before_ I started to use |
Foley’s Kidney Cure I had to get up
from twelye to twenty times a night,
and I was all bloated up with dropsy |
and my eyesight was so impaired I|
could scarcely see one of my family
across the room. Ihad given up hope!
of living, when a friend recommended
Foley’s Kidney Cure. One 50 cent bot- |
tle worked wonders and before I had
: Can't Match Our
Prices on Clothing!
We are the leaders in low prices and high quality, as
a visit to our large store will readily convince you of.
Competitors can neither match our low prices nor the
high quality of our new line of Boys’ Clothing, made by
W. & T. Allen & Co., the great Philadelphia outfiters,
whose clothing we handle exclusively and are making a
special drive on at this time.
Boys’ Suits at 81.75 to 5.00! Corduroy Suits for boys from
10 to 13 years at $3.00. Very fine Rain Coats formen at 10
to 12.50. A nice new line of Men’s Overcoats at $8 to 12,
About 25 Men’s Suits Left over from last
Spring will be closed out at half price.
Come in and let us fit you out. Now is the time to
get your boy a good, serviciable school suit at an ex-
tremely low price. By all means call and let us show
you our Boys’ Clothing. The great values we are offer-
ing you will be doubly apparent to you when you see the
style and excellent quality of the goods, and you’ll won-
der how we can sell such excellent goods for so little
k Lick Variety Store,
C.T Hay, Manager.
taken the third bottle the dropsy bad [Undertaking parlor on'Grant St., Salisbury, Pa.
gone, as well as all other symptoms of
Bright's disease.” Sold by All Drug- |
sale at Miller’s Drug Store. 12:1
L. C. BOYER, Manager,
121 | | I&FSomerset;County and Feonomy Telephones.