Hr— 3 yr THE SOMERSET COUNTY STAR P. L. Livexaoop, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa. as mail matter of the Second Class. Subscription Rates. THE STAR is published ¢very Thursday, at Salisbury, (Blk Lick, P. O.) somerset Coun- ty, Pa. at the following rates: One year, if paid spot cash in advance... $1.25 If not paid strictly in advance........... 1.50 Bix TaONthS. ... i aici eae TD Three months. EL a ea .50 Single Copies... .ovueevreiiaiiin ines 05 To avoid multiplicity of small accounts all subscriptions for three months or less must be paid in advance. These rates and germs will be rigidly adhered to. Advertizging Rates. Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5 gents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a line for each succeeding insertion. No busi- ness lacals will be mixed with local news items or editorial matter for less than 10 cents a line for each insertion,except on yearly contracts. tes for Display Advertisments will be made known on application. Editorial advertising, invariably 10 cents a line. Legal Advertisements at legal rates. Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All additional lines, 5 cents each. i Cards of Thanks will be published free for prtrons of the paper. Non-patrons will be charged 10 cents a line. Resolutions of Respect will be published for 5 cents a line. All advertisements will be run and charg- ed foruntil ordered discontinued. No advertisement will be taken for less than 25 cents. It Quiets the Cough This isonereason why Ayer’s “Cherry Pectoral is so valua- ble in‘consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more —it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, and “heals. Sold for 60 years. « Aver’s Cherry Pectoral has heen a regular life preserver to me, It hrought me throngh a «vere attack of pneumonia, and I feel ny life to its wonder is WiLLiax H. T J : Made by J.C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Also manufacturers of 9 SARSAPARILLA. ers PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. SC ERE RRR keeping the Ayers Piils. Wawa, liasten recovery b bowels regular wit OCH AND GENERAL NEWS. NEHSY TENS GATHERED HERE AND THERE, WITH AN OCCASIONAL JOKE ADDED FOR SPIGE. William and James McClure return- ed to college at Gettysburg, Monday. Rockwood is having an epidemic of typhoid fever. About 20 cases are re- ported to date. The Salisbury borough and Elk Lick township schools opened last Monday, with a good attendance. A good many Salisbury people went to Cumberland, Md., today, Buf- falo Bill’s Wild West Show. Miss Lucy Walker, of Greensburg, Pa., has our thanks for $2.00 to apply on subseription to the Twinkler, to see Mrs. Danjel Hostetler, formerly Miss Grace Dol.ozier, orders Tur Stan sent to her address at Casselman, Pa. Chas. H. Beal, Jr, moved family and household effects to Pitts- burg, where he is motoring on a street car line. De Witt’s Little Early Risers are good for anyone who needs a pill. They are small, safe, sure, little pills that do not gripe or sicken. Sold by E. H. Mil- ler. 10-1 has his Our friend Zach Wagner has gone to Indian Head. Fayette county, Pa, where he is working for a big lumber company. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pittsburg, arrived in the week for a visit relatives. Gartner, of first of and the friends town with Albert Petry has our thanks for a subscription to Tne Stak for his broth- er Fred, who is now located at Wells- ville, Ohio. Albert Reitz are making preparations to put down concrete pavements front of their residences on Union street. Ernest Livengood and “Jesse” slick was in the other day to move some of personal ef- feots here to Cumberland, Md., where he expects to get employment. DeWitt’s Carbolized Salve is good for boils. scalds and skin diseases ally good for piles. Sold ler. town his Hazel cuts, is especi- Witch burns, It by E. 10-1 A report reaches Somerset this week that John Ilickinger and his wife, who was formerly Mrs. Wesley Emerick, have separated, says the Standard. Jacob Bender, the well known Grantsville merchant, is down with typhoid fever. Several other cases of fever are also reported from Grants- | ville. Wm. Wagner, Sr., and his son John, went to Ohio, Aug. 12th, to visit Mr, Wagner’s son-in-law and his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Baum. They re- turned home last Friday evening, and report a very pleasant visit. H. Mil- | 4nd Races, to be held Sept. 24th, 25th, | Mrs. W. N. Lenhart, and her aunt, Mrs. Dickey, of Ohio, were callers at Tar Star office, Tuesday Mrs. Dickey is a “sister of Mrs. R. S Johns, and her husband is engaged in the printing business in Ohio. And now the Uniontown News Standard is sued for libel. Louis Emery, Jr., late fusion candidate for Governor, has brought the suit. The newspaper that hasn’t got a libel suit. or two on its hands, these days, isn’t up to date. One of the phenomenal sights in Som- erset, this week, was two lilac bushes on the property of George W. Sher- man, just south of town, in full bloom. This is the second time they have bloomed this year.—Somerset Demo- crat. > mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people—without a penny’s cost—the great value of this scientific prescription known to drug- gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Ca- tarrh Remedy. Sold by Elk Lick Phar- macy. 10-1 The school board recently contracted with E. H. Lambert to put down con- erete pavement all along that portion of the school ground fronting on Ord street, and the new pavement adds greatly to the good appearance of the place. . - The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Breth- ren chureh will give a chicken and | waffle supper at the late residence of Michael F. Smith, on Union street. Saturday evening. All are invited and a superb supper guaranteed at a t popular price. . S. L. Livengood went to Casselman, { last Friday, to help furnish band music | for a picnic held there the next day. | From there he went to Johnstown to | visit his sister, Mrs. Wm. Williams, "who has been very ill for some time, but now seems to be recovering. | One of the worst features of kidney | trouble is that it is an insidious disease, | and before the victim realizes his dan- ger he may have a fatal malady. Take | Foley’s Kidney Cure at the first sign of | trouble, as it correctsirregularities and | prevents Bright's disease and diabetes. Sold by all Druggists. 10-1 William Engle and Wm. C. Lichliter, two well known clerks of our town, started for Atlantic City today via Johnstown, Pa., and the Pennsylvania railroad. We wish them a nice time, as both are hard-working fellows and have earned an enjoyable vacation. M. J. Glotfelty and wife started this morning for York, Pa.. to attend a re- union of the Glotfelty family, which is to be held in that city on the 14th inst. York county, it is said, has many resi- dents by the name of Glotfelty, who are distantly related to the Glotfeltys in this locality. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Keim, of Elkins, W. Va. last Tuesday, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Keim are the parents of six daughters, the oldest of which is eleven years, and the new arrival be- ing the only boy in the family, the parents are naturally much elated Here’s our congratulations. Healthy kidneys filter the impurities from the blood, and unless they do thi- good health impossible. Foley’s Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys, and will positively cure nil and bladder disease. the whole system. Sald gists. ? is arms of kidney it Hy strengthens all Drag- 10-1 The annual conference of the Evan Western Penn at Addresses will be W. “H. Maec- gelical Association of sylvania will he held Meversdale, September 19 to 21. delivered by the Rev. presiding elders of the Pittsburg and Johnstown districts, respectively. Last Monday P ceived a message summoning her to Pittsburg at once. to the bedside of her Mrs. Young re- husband, who is in a hospital there, re- covering from an operation for appen- dicitis. At first it was feared that Mr. Young's condition had grown worse, but late reports say that he is getting along nicely. At the September court to be held at Bedford, next week, only twenty cases are on the quarter sessions list for trial. Somerset has nearly a hundred, says the Somerset Standard, and then asks: “Are the morals of Mother Bedford better than here? or, does it show how Somerset county 2? The has "grown? answer:is both. The way to get rid of a cold, whether it be a “bad cold” or just a little one, is to get it out of your system through the bowels. Nearly all Cough Cures, especially those that contain opiates, are constipating. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup contains no opiates and acts gently on the bowels. Pleasant to take. Sold by E. H. Miller. 10-1 i We call attention to the ad- | vertisement the Meyersdale Fair your of | 26th and 27th. The fair will be good, { this year, and the races far the best | ever arranged for in Meyersdale. There | will be all kinds of attractions, pre- miums, ete., and the attendance is | bound to be very large. | Owing to the increased cost of white | paper, the Pittsburg “Post” has ad- vanced the price of its daily edition from one to two cents. The advance | in the cost of paper has reduced the | “profits” of the coun'ry weeklies, and they may be forced to advance their | subscription prices in order to “break even,” remarks the Somerset Herald, i very truthfully. afternoon: | Trial Catarrh treatments are being: Laughlin and the Rev. J. W. Richards, | | The stomach There's a reason for that ache in your back—right where it “stitches” every time you bend over, turn around} or walk any distance. It’s your kid- neys. Take DeWitt’s Kidney and Blad- der Pills. They are unequaled for backache, weak kidneys and inflamma- tion of the bladder. A week’s treat= ment 26 cents. Sold by E. H. Miller. 10-1 In response to many requests for a write-up of our recent Eastern trip, we had promised to publish an account of the same in this issue, but have been unable to do so on account of being sorely afflicted with asthma most of the week, hence not in a mood for writing descriptive articles. However, we hope to be able to give the promised write-up in our next issue. ST NATIONAL rrostBurG. mp. BANK Capital stock..§ 50,000.00 Surplus fund. . 70,000.00 Deposits (over) 1,000.000.00 BR % 0 8 “Assets (over). . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT: THREE PER CENT. INTEREST | . PAID ON DEPOSITS. ! Drafts on all parts of the world. I Rete i a | Accounts of individuals and firms invited. ere will be a lively time at the pri-| D i : ‘ : er i ARE. aire The] et sent by mail and all ‘correspondence given prompt and careful at- candidates for the Republican nomina- | Bark open Siturdac pic Sa ; tion for Sheriff. Meyersdale is pre- | ben Saturday nighisfrem 7:t0 10. o'clock, senting Frank B. Black, J. P. Swindell and E. B. Dayton. In Somerset the | names of N. B. McGriff and Charles | Weimer are being. discussed. - Other | parts of the county will also have its MY npr Take notice that I have opened a new and up-to-date meat market in Salis- bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store. Everything is new, neat and clean, and it is a model in every respect. I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete. I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat- Salt ete: | GUARANTEE T0 PLEASE YOU and want you to call and be con- ‘vinced that I can best supply your wants in the meat line. me... OF FICERS : mum Roberdeau Annan. President. Olin Beall. Cashier. me... DIRECTORS: emu Robert R. Henderson. Daniel Duncan Sinclair, Annan. Roberdeau Timothy Griffith, Annan. CASPER WAHL, The Old Reliable Butcher. By candidates, says the Somerset Demo- = - iii BE i (xo To crat. | B { Occasional headache, belching, bad | taste in the mouth, lack of appetite and slight nervousness are symptoms of in- digestion which, when allowed to go uncared for, will develop into a case of dyspepsia that will take a long time to get rid of. Don’t neglect your stomach. At the first indication of trouble take something that will help it along in its work of digesting the food you eat. Kodol For Indigestion and Dyspepsia will do this. XKodol will make your food do you good, and will enable you to enjoy what you eat. Sold by E. H. Miller. 10-1 Last Saturday morning a brand new 11-pound boy arrived at the editor’s home. The new arrival is boy No. 4 and child No. 8, if we have counted right. It will be seen, therefore, that libel suits are not the only marks of distinction coming our way, and we expect to demonstrate our- ability te take care of all of them, thanks to an excellent and growing newspaper and job printing patronage. . ’ EW FALL SUIT OF CLOTH Fall Goods Arriving Daily. Slow progress is being made on the | trolly line, these days,owing to scarcity of workmen and other complications | that are unavoidable. However, many of the poles and some of the wire now up, and the work of completion ‘is | progressing as fast. as. circumstances | will permit, although not as fast as we | would like to see it. Get a move ons| gentlemen, for the people are becom- | ing impatient, and they don’t want to | pass another winter without the trol- | is ley. . To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre- ventics, for they are not only safe, but decidedly. certain and prompt. Pre- ventics contain-nos}uinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at the ansese stage” Prevents will pre | Kose butling, between the Van ete. Hence the name, Preventics. | near and Somerset hotels. and when- Good for feverish children. 48 Preven- | ever any of his old or new friends call tics 25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 ets. Sold on him they find him well prepared to by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 10-1 | supply their needs in the eating line. Sergeant Mark Prynn, of the State | Mrs. Joy is still conducting a restau- Police force, arrived in town, last week, | rant in Donora, Pa., where she is doing and will remain until about the 18th | 4 flourishing business, but she will when he witl again return his! join her husband in Somerset as soon daties. Mr. Prynn is looking well, and | as she can sell out Donora. Mr. he likes his official position very much: | Joy’s health is not good when in Do- He favored Tir Star with a call, Mon- | nora, hence he desires to locate his ’ day. nnd he is always a welcome visitor. family in Somerset, where we trust he The State Police have lately been do- | will meet with splendid success. ing yeoman service in bringing the | Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney Ae. \[EYERSDALE, PA. murderous Blackhanders to justice, ailments, can be quickly corrected with p ’ y and Sergeant Prynn has been doing his | a prescription known to druggists I'he Sixth Annual Meeting of this society promises to sur- an o NG fasts to in full share of the good work. i groryiiioee as Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. | The prompt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately brings is en- tirely due to its Restorative action upon the controlling nerves of the Stomach, etc. A weak Stomach, caus- ing dyspepsia, a weak Heart with pal- pitation or intermittent pulse, always country a | Deans weak Stomach nerves or weak | Heart nerves. Strengthen these inside ! or controlling nerves with Dr. Shoop’s | Restorative and see how quickly these Naturally, he is! ailments disappear. Dr. Shoop, of Ra- | cine, Wis., will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth this simple trial. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 10-1 Last Sunday the wife and three chil- dren of Robert arrived here from England, accompanied by Miss Myrtle James, went to England, last winter, with some of her relatives. | to year or more ago. and is now helping to conduct the general store of Howard Tremain who Mr. T'remain came this Meager & Company. glad to be once more with his family, and we understand they have decided to make their home. They | are good people, and we welcome them! to our town. America | There are a great many people who | A Fow Dots on Man. have slight attacks of indigestion and | A man’s life full dyspepsia nearly all the time. Their | temptations. food may satisfy the appetite, but it i re Ji is fails to ‘nourish the body simply be- He comes into this w orld without his cause-the stomach is not in fit con- | consent and goes out against his will, dition to do the work it is supposed to | and the trip between the two is exceed- ingly rocky. The rule of contraries is do. It can’t digest the food you .eat.| | one of the important features of the pass all former ones in every department. As a free attraction, the Society offers Japanese Troupe of numbering eight persons, in eight different 15-minute acts. is of crosses and > should be given help. You ought to take something that will dothe work your stomach can’t do. Kodol For Indigestion and Dyspepsia, a combination of natural digestants and vegetable acids, digests the food itself and gives strength and health to the stomach. Pleasant to take. Sold | by E. I. Miller. 10-1 | he is rich, he is dishonest. Charles Newnan, Harry Reitz, Cyn-| Lf he needs credit, he can’t get it; if thia Wright, Jennie Wagner and a he is prosperous, everyone wants to do daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Blough | were all immersed in Flog Pond, last | Sunday. They did not join the Baptist church, however, and neither did the | he’s no good for his country. Rev. Calvin Fuller immerse them. Ifhe doesn’t give to charity, he is a They were merely out for a boat ride, | stingy cuss; if he does, it is for show. and the boys rocked the boat just for! If he is actively religious, he a fun. The whole party was spilled out | hypocrite ; if he takes no interest in re- in the water, neck deep, and then came | ligion. he is a hardened sinner. the struggle to reach dry land. The | If he shows affection, he a soft boys, of course, rescued their fair com- | specimen; if he seems to care for no panions in the most heroic manner, one, he is cold-blooded. | trip. When he is little the big girls him, but when he is grown up the little kiss | girls kiss him. If he is poor, he is a bad manager; if him a favor. This If he’s in polities, it’s for pie; if he’s out of politics, you can’t place him, and alone is worth the price of admission. Frank Yocum, the World's Champion half-mile track pacing horse, will go to break the track record of 2:09 now held by Chestnut. is Three races a day, for which the Society is offering $3,200 in purces. $2,500 in the different departments of the Fair, and the Horse and Cattle departments will have a-larger list of enteries than The Society is also offering premiums to the amount of is ever before. Music will be furnished each day by the Salisbury Band and the Citizens Band of Meyersdale. Reduced rates on the B. &JO. railroad. Come and enjoy | yourself. Remember it is FOUR DAYS, Sept. 24-27, | J. S. Graves, Pres. G. E. Bishop, Sec. and they declare that no one can ever | If he dies young, there was a great know how affectionately and frantically | future ahead of him ; if he lives to an a girl will cling to a fellow until he old age, he has missed his calling. spills her out of a boat. | fiThe road is rocky, but man loves | to travel it.—Chicago Journal. Kodol Dyspepsia Gure Digests what you eat. Our old friend J. R. Joy recently pur- chased a restaurant in Somerset, tak- ing charge of it a short time ago. He is located in the basement of the Frease tle, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,