TRUST A ELL BRED WOMAN | BE. C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, IIL to know where to get the best of everything. She knows especially in drugs, medicines, toilet articles and ste that, | + . | itionery, there's | - never anything gained, and frequently. much lost by using some: | thing cheap and inferior. We have quite a. crow room for onc more, and our clerks are of whe 1 around our place, but there's always spry. kind. They don’t keep a customer hanging around half a day before being | waited upon. PAUL H. GROSS, CITY DRUG STORE. DEUTSCHE APOTHEKE, MEYERSDALE, PA. F&F Buy the Genuine RM. BEACHY’S Horse and Cattle Tonic. not cost any more. STITT NITES WE IE 174 The Original, Old Reliable BEACHY'S HORSE & CATTLE POWDE 25C. per lb. h, the kind vou used to buy. lk Lick Deng Store, AAI ATA MIS el New Goods! NPA ATAPI AAT AAR RRR We hiive opened a fine new general store in thé Mi): Glotfelty building, Ord St., Salisbury, Pa., and invite you « Shoes, Groceries, cte. EIA Ne hE AE HEE TENE AE AE TE TE SE TIE IRIE IE IA TR IE Re ee a sa eR, Ac Tl | AC Prices As Low As The Lowest! Bina eg ER esas seers ee vos sede aya SOD oe se Renee es wR We start with an entire new stock, and we handle only the best and purest brands of goods. ronage, and we guarantee a square deal and satisfaction to all. TT == WILLIAMS’ BD FLY AND INSECT DESTROYER Protects Horses and Cattle from Fly Pests and Vermin. Guaranteed to Kill the Flies. Perfectly Harmless. A Grand Disinfectant and Easily Applied. It is possible to have positive freedom from flies, lice and vermin which usually ef- fect fowls, cattle and all live stock. This is the first preparation which actually does all that’s claimed for it. Farmers, who have spent many weary summers fighting flies and in- sects, and the following winters endeavoring to be rid of lice and vermin in poultry houses, will find Dr. Williams’ Fly and Insect Destroyer their “right-hand nan.” After using this exterminator according to directions you will notice a decided im- provement in all your stock. Where no agency has been appointed a sample tin free for your grocer’s or hardware dealer’s name. : THE F. WILLIAMS COMPANY, Madrid, N. ¥Y. y i MEYERSDALE, PA. Undertaking parlor on Grant St., Salisbury, Pa. L.. C. BOYER, Manager. Somerset County and Economy Telephones. RR. REICH & SO mor pee RAY RUNABOUT—S600 Complete Reliable and Economical Our 1907 Car is as near perfection as the highest grade of mechanical engin- eering and shop practice can make it. It comes nearer the ideal conception of agentlemen’shorseless carraige than any car that has yet been produced. Can be operated by any member of the family who can be trusted with a Si horse’s reins. Write for catalogue Fully Guaranteed and testimonials. FOREST CITY MOTOR CAR CO. Massillon, Ohio. ucklien’s Arnica Salve The Best Salve In The World. FOLEYSHONEY:~TAR B for children; safe, sure. No opiates FOLEYSHONEY~~TAR Cures Colds; Prevents Pneumonia For Indigestion. DeVitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills Ro d ol Relieves sour stomach, palpitation of the heart. Digests what you eat. ows Early Risers The famous little pills. does | fe) 1 - "to come. and inspect our nice, new line of Dry Goods, | | | | | | | | I also draw We solicit. a share of your pat- | [ | | Howard Meager & Co. N, ners y | Kodol For Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon It, after using two-thirds of a $1.00 bottle of | Kodol, you can honestly say it has not bene- {| fited you, we will refund your money. Try + Kodol today -on this guarantee. Fill out and sign the following, present it to the dealer-at | «the time of purchase. If it-fails to satisfy you return the bottle containing one-third of the medicine to the dealer from whom you bought | it, and we will refund your money. Town State I Sign here me ane Cut This Out ————— DigestsWhat YouEat And Makes the Stomach Sweet SOLD BY E. H, MILLER. BALTIMORE & OHIO Very Low Rates With Choice of meson biiion TICKETS ON SALE DAILY NOVEMBER 30. THE MOST DELIGHTEUL SEASON OF THE YEAR TO TRAVEL AND SEE THE EXPOSITION AT ITS BEST. For pamhlet giving full details apply to nearest B. & O. RR. R. ticket agent. 26 Bono & Of Raion. LOW RATE—ONE WAY COLONIST FARES TO PRINCIPAL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA, COLORAI BRITISH COLUMBIA, :MONTANA, MEXICO, NEW MEXICO, NEVADA, OREGON, TEXAS, SOUTH DAKOTA UTAH, WASHINGTON. ON SALE DATLY FROM AUGUST 3110 OC- TOBER 30, 1007. MH For tickets and fall information call on or address ticket agents, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. 9-206 LEYSHONEY~ stops the cough and healslungs FOLEY SKIDNEYCURE Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar ‘Cures all Coughs, and expels Colds from «the system by gently moving the bowels. ‘SRANATY ANY f+ ; SANGIN ANY Sag SSUNSOITII - goadasaadu SEHALDFN ac WANTED, MEN AND WOMEN TO SWEAR and affirm before the under- { signed, when they have documents to which lawful aflidavits are required. 1 up all manner of leases, mortgages, etc, neatly and ac- | curately, according to the require- ments of the law. Typewritten work a specialty. A full line of legal blanks always on hand. P. L. LIvEXGOOD, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Star Orrick, Elk Lick, Pa. tf WANTED |—Good work. girl for general house Wages, $2.00 Wages paid weekly. per week. Good place. Apply to Mrs. P. LL. Livengood, Salisbury, Elk Lick P. O, Pa. tf CARBON PAPER Star oflice. Thue tf for sale at BUY A TYPEWRITER !—See ths Pittsburg Visible, at Tie Star office. None better, no other quite so simple IHolds world’s record Very easy to operaté. Price in construction. for speed. very reasonable. 4 P. LL. Livexcoon, Agent. rt BUGGY FOR SALE!—A second-hand A Inquire Lick; Pa: good vehicle. bargain for some one. f Edward Reitz, Elk tf TO LAND OWNERS: —We have printed and keep in stock a supply of trespass notices containing extracts fromthe far-reaching trespass law pass- ed atthe 1905 session of the Pennsyl- vania Legislature. © The notices are printed on good cardboard with blank line for signature, and they will last for years in all kinds of weather. Every and owner should buy some of them, as the law requires land owners to post their lands if they want the protection of the latest and best trespass law ever passed. Send all orders to Tue Star, Elk Lick, Pa. tf THE BLANKS WE KEEP. The following blanks can be obtained at all times at Tue Star office: Lggses, Mortgages, Deeds, Judgment nds, Common Bonds, Judgment Notes, Re- ceipt Books, Landlord s Notice to Ten- ants, Constable Sale Blanks, Summons Execution for Debt, Notice of Claims for Collection, Commitments, Subpoe- nas, Criminal Warrants, ete. tf ENGRAVED INVITATIONS for weddings, parties, etc., also engraved visiting cards and all manner of steel and copper plate engraved work at Tne STAR office. Call and see our samples. All the latest styles in Script, Old Eng- lish and all other popular designs at FOR BACKACHE | prices as low as offered by any printing house in the country, while the work is the acme of perfection. tf deeds, | ‘A FINE SHOWING. First National Bank of Frostburg, Md., Has an Enviable Record. One of the most prosperous banking institutions within several hundred miles of Salisbury, is the First National Bank of Frostburg, Md., with total re- sources of $1,366,249.38 on Aug. 22nd, the time of its last report to the Comp- troller of the United States Currency. Its capital is $50,000, and surplus fund $70,000. It is as United States deposi- tory and has the confidence not only of the United States government, but also of all the business men in its field, which extends into several states. The officers and directors of the First National Bank of Frostburg are all men of recognized ability and integrity and th® bank offers every accommoda- tion consistent with safe and conserva- tive banking. The tures of the I'irst National are of the latest and most improved type, and in any way you take it, the aforesaid bank is as solid as the Rock of Gibralter. Its business grows by leaps and bounds it is conducted by men who know how to make it grow. How many other banks can you name in towns the size of Frostburg that can show resources of over more than a cause ual deposits of more than a million dollars, loans and discounts of more than a half-million, bonds, securities, ete., of nearly a half million, and bank- ing house, furniture and fixtures worth more than $25,000? Not many, we as- in the state of Maryland. ATTACK OF DIARRHOEA CURED | BY ONE DOSE OF CHAMBER- LAIN’S COLIC, CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. I was so weak from an attack of di- arrhoea that.I could scarcely attend to | my duties, when I took a dose of Cham- | Remedy. {had been taking other medicine for | nine days without relief. | best to my knowledge for bowel com- | plaints.—R. G. Stewart, of the firm of | Stewart & Bro., Greenville, Ala. For | sale at Miller’s Drug store. 10-1 Institutes For The Farmers. { ) Nearly 400 farmers 18 next and ending March 4. institutes will be separate from summer institutes to be held at Black | Barren Springs and Rutland Park, next | month. | Three lecturers will be furnished | each county for these institutes. RSec- | retary of Agriculture Critehfield, Dep- uty Secretary Martin, Dairy and Food | ‘Commissioner Foust, State Zoologist Surface and State Veterinarian will assist in the whenever pos- Pearce work sible. IFollowing are the dates and places forthe institutes to be held in this county: Salisbury, November 29-30; Somerset, December 2-3; December 4-5. Stoyestown, HEALTH IN THE CANAL ZONE. The high wages paid make it mighty temptation to our young ar- tisans to join the force of skilled work- men needed to construct the Panama Canal. by the fear of fevers and malaria. a It Bitters, who there well used Electric without this are safe from malarious influence with Electric Bitters on hand. Cures poison, too, biliousness, weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney troubles £0 fear, H0e. 10-1 Attempted Burglary. Week before last an evident who lives with of Hon. Samusl Mier, school teachers. bed, they soon made the discovery that some person had entered the house from a rear window, which was and wedged fast with a shoe-buttoner, The front door of the house, and rear door were found open, theft has yet been discovered. It is believed that the burglar was in some way alarmed, and fled to detection. Miss Mier has an idea that she could name the would-be burglar, but at present she is mum to identity. raised also a but no avoid his as CURED HAY FEVER AND SUMMER y COLD. A. J. Nusbaum, Batesville, Indiana, writes: ‘Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so distress- ing that it interfered with my business. I had many of the symptoms of hay fever, and a doctor’s prescription did not reach my case, and I took several medicines which seemed to only ag- gravate my case. Fortunately 1 in- sisted upon having Foley’s Honey and Tar in the yellow package, and it quickly cured me. My wife has since used Foley’s Honey and Tar with the same success.” Sold by all Druggists. 10-1 facilities and fix- | because it deserves to grow, and be- | million and a third of dollars, individ- | sure you. The First National Bank of | Frostburg is one of the strongest banks | : TT : | | berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea | It cured me entirely and IT | I heartily | | recommend this remedy as being the | institutes will be | | held in Pennsylvania under the direc- | tion of the State Board of Agriculture | | during the period beginning November | These | the l gan, $100.87, in Paint twp., dated April | to | REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. : Julia Uhl et vir. to C.C. Zimmerman, $1, in Conemaugh, dated Aug. 16, 1907. David E. Wagner et ux. to Milton B. Mowry, $250, in Jenner, dated Aug. 10, 1907. : Andrew Emerick’s Adm’r. Giffin, $500, in Fairhope, dated June 286, 1907. Robert Johnson, $214, in Somerset twp.,’ dated August 24, 1835. clay, $1, in Jefferson, etc., dated July 15, 1907. Simon P. Barclay et ux. to ‘WV. Crist, $10,849.80, in Jefferson, ete., dat- ed July 15, 1907. Samuel Bareclay’s Ex. $150, in Berlin, dated July 17, 19086, Solomon Pile et ux. to Wesley J. Pile, $519, in Middlecreek, dated April 4, 1901. Wesley J. Pile to J. W. Barclay, 1 899.18, in Middlecreek, dated July 1907. Cyrus W. Pile to same, in- Middle- creek, dated July 31, 1907. Pay $400, in Addison, dated June 20, 1907. Cyrus Hemminger et. ux. to Milton March 29, 1907. Wilmore Coal Co. to Susan $225, in Windber, dated July 31, 1900. Windber, dated March 31, 1903. John E. Steinberg to Evan A. | $1; in Conemaugh, dated Aug. 10, 1907. Peter Sipe’s heirs to Alfred E. Fried- line, $1574, in Lincoln, dated Aug; -28, 1906. : dated Aug. 20, 1907. “Joseph C. Reed to Martha A. 1907. Isadore. Patrick et ux. to { 20, 1907. Charles W. Lambert to Babcock Lumber Co., $250, in Shade, dated June | | 6, 1907. { R.B. Naughton- to Joseph E. Wise, | £900, in Windber, dated June 1, 1907. | Daniel Yonker to Catharine Younk- er. $1000, in Paint twp., dated - May 1907. William Statlerg et ux. to Laura J. Bricker, $3350, in Shade, dated Nov: Li 1904. . Wm. Statler et ux. to Abbie M. Cris- sey, $5300, in Shade, dated Nov. 1, 1904. Josiah: Blough et ux. to Alfred Gaha- O 25,1904. Cristena Cravener to Paint twp., dated Aug. 17, 1907. Alfred Gahagan to Cristena’( $200, in Paint twp.. dated Aug. Robert TI. to (looser, $7000, in Somerset June 10, 1907. Alvan E. Fritz et al. to Quemahoning Branch RR. IX. Co.. $2300, in Jenner, dat- Ernest O twp., dated speicher ed Aug. 21, 1907. Howard Shaffer’s heirs to Josiah 1907. Mary Mowry et al. to Josiah Dailey, $200, in Paint twp , dated 1907 [Leah Lohr to J. W. Barkley, $0640, in JefTerson, dated March 21, 1907. Wendell Winterset ix. to Ang. 7, Many are restrained, however, is the knowing ones—those who have | knowing they | {ard OC. Cook, $700, in Conemaugh, dated | r+: blood | Guaranteed by E. I.. Miller, druggist. | attempt | at-burglary was made at the residence his daughter Kate, one of our borough | In the morning when ! the occupants of the house arose from | Chureh Trustee, $40, in Somerset t dated Aug. 16, 1902. $1, 20. 1907. dated Nelson Mosholder er ux. to same, in Somerset twp., dated Aug George H. Trént to same, $1, Aug. 22 1907, W.K. Dupont et ux. et al. to How- March 1, 1907. W. H. Meyers. et ux. to Preston | Warn, $1, in Meyersdale, dated 1907, ~ [della Peterman to Jennie | $75, in Shade, dated July 2, 1907 3art: J. Smith to J. BE lin Windber, dated Aug. 17, Norman Walker et al. and Norman Romesburg, $7500, in Sum- mit, dated April 1, 1907. F700, IF'erner, 1907. to Theodore $300,-in Fairhope, dated April 10, 1905, Jacob IF. Latshaw to .I. ner, $154, in Somerset twp., dated April | 20, 1907. Naney McCloskey to Harvey Tressler, $682, in Elk Lick, dated May 22, 1907. Harvey Tressler to Ida C. Smith, $642, 1.1 in EIR Lick, dated May 28, 1907. Samuel D. Livengood to Clara Gomer, 2, 1905. £200, in Fairhope, dated April 1 HOW TO AVOID APPENDICITIS. Most victims of appendicitis are those |! who are habitually constipated. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver natuarl | the Orino and bowels, and restores action of the bowels. Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe, and is mild and pleasant to take. substitutes. Sold by all Drug- 10-1 fuse gists. - > Ample Apology. A small boy was overheard calling his grandfather an old fool. His moth- er, after punishing him, sent him in to beg his grandfather’s pardon, and heard him say between sobs, ‘Grandfather, I’m sorry you're such an old fool.”— ' The Circle. $5625, in Benson, dated ‘August 16, 1907. Peter L. Carpenter to Jacob Alwine, | to John | Abram Morrison et ux. to John and: Henry Baker et ux. to Simon P. Bar- | A. to same, $7,- | 996.35, in Jefferson, dated July 15, 1907. John A. Groff’s Ex. to W. H. Suter, | $2.- | 31, Susan C. Liston to Lucinda Drydy, ! E. Goller, $1600, in Confluence, dated | Nupp | Wilmore Coal Co. to same, $150; in | Lloyd, | Josiah Shaffer et ux. to (Quemahon- | { ing Branch R. R. Co., $1000, in Lincoln, | Reed, | $3300, in Meyersdale, dated August 20, | Wilmore | Coal Co., $1350, in. Windber, dated Aug. | 31, | same, $200, in ‘ravener, | 7.1907. | Dailey, $40, in Paint twp., dated Aug. §, 1 st Brethren | twp., | Shretller, i SD. Livengood to Samuel E. Custer, Wm. Christ- | Re- | = ) 4 Her Heart's Wish. . 7 ot | -attentiop. to his typewriter throbbed. Important Jetters had kept him dictating all the afternoon. The swinging door of his: office opened to admit the letter carrier, who threw two letters on his desk, | nodded and departed. Webster hast- | ily opened the smaller of the letters. The = handwriting > was’ feminine. When he had eagerly read the dain- | ty missive he pushed the remainder of the letters and papers toward the typewriter, saying: Miss John son, just finish that last one amd then you may go home.” -Glancing at his watch, he added: “I shall not return “to-night:% In another moment the’ _swinging door banged after him. The office boy impatiently waited for the typewriter, Miss Johnson, to arrange her wavy pompadour to the best advantage and to give a defiant pull to the bow of ribbon surmount- ing the wonderful structure, as she smiled at her charms reflected flat- teringly in the office glass The boy said: “Guess I'll git home some time morning “at this rate. Can’t you get a move on?” ‘And he skillfully threw a handful I of sawdust near to her he | cared. befare as as ES * * * - * \d Neith Webster loved a girl whom he knew was the embodiment of _all he had been-taught to love and rev- érence in woman. Sometimes it to him that her heart's best devotion was given to the worship of aft. Her studio was but a.few blocks from his office. She was busily gath- ering up her brushes and removing her apron when he entered the room. A pleased look lightel her iuce she caught sight of him, and she | cried quickly: ’ ; “Keith; I'm so impatient to tell vou of my ‘legacy I. can't wait till that why [ summoned seemed as t morning; is you.”’ Then, anxiously looking into face again, she added: “I could have waited, I suppose. I hope it was. not an interruption, Keith? I meant to have written that his I also.’ “Interruption!” he exclaimed, im- patinetly. ‘Dora, 1 want you to un- dersta that my time. is always at I yonr disposal. Now, tell me all about your eccentric aunt. So she has left some. money and not dead. Come, sit-here and tell me all about it : : He led her to the table, where a | ¢urious bronze lamp shed a soft light upon an official looking envelope, the sal of which he recognized to he thot of Janette Pentland, Dora's ec- centri¢ old aunt, who was living in Paris at that time. 3 Listen, Keith, aunt’s queer letter. nt you is while I read my “Sept. (1.3,: 1903. ‘Dear Niece Dora: “Here, right under the shadow of statues and monuments in the house ef a.seulptor, with art in the very at- mosphere, and with chipped antiques in all corners of the house, lives your i old aunt Janette. | “And I have a lonely time | But for the climate, I would stay here. The French verbs are I had enough, but the battle I've had ith cabmen have weakened my con- of it. ution. ‘It has occurred to me that I can F ipaugurate fashion in the mat- bequeathing my money, sO | that I can see for myself the actual ( ensuing therefrom. Accord- depart from hitherto estab- custom, by making - my be- before my death. “1 propose to place at your dis- | posal the sum of $2,000 to be used for one of two purposes. I Mark well the conditions of my be- aunest. They must-be observed, or the will not be obtainable. The money may go to de- vour tuition in Paris, under the teachers. In which case, the be- will be doubled when you have civon reasonable proof that you have anew Ete of benetit Hingly 1 lished GUeSTS absolutely 1105e) RIrSt. | talent. con- a year ,000 is prepar- “Recond. In the event ofa plated marriage, within this date, the sum of $ appropriately spent in suid marriage. Should you Ie both my conditions, 1 shall I t:ouble vou no further. Please advise {nie by cable, care of H. Couteaux, No. 8] for 11 Re Ponce de l.gon. ‘Janette 17 Rue Pentland.” linped from The girl wn the eves of. ever odd livans’ docun limp the ardor buruiu who had Irad--been loved. her playmates. : thought of life without his +» her eyes filled, and there seem- tc sonnd in his cars an appealing tenderness as she said, "My know, to nian they t} of ns have been of art, you all: my life ‘1 ni artist.” have longed ‘ said the man, taking her t and elasping it close. “Yes, and dre: have been of a home, vou for its queen, my wife, ever childish comrades. know that, Dora. Which mall it be, dear? . Is it art you love t or is it me? Which, Dora?” The girl lifted a shy, happy face, ant with love, and whispered: “1 Keith.” 1s WoO were 1 surely is you, Dr. | Dr. Hauthal, a German savant, has . put forward a startling theory con- the remains of a gigantic sloth, related to the great maga- therium and the mylodon, recently | found in Patagonia. In his opinion | these animals, whose race is. now | extinct, were kept in a domesticated state by the prehistoric Patagonians. Hauthal’s Supposition. | cerning Keith Webster bent his wandering: His head’ never :