to ho , where to get the best of everything. She knows that, : especially in drugs, “medici ines, toilet articles and stationery, there’s never anything gained, and frequently much lost by using’ some- thing cheap and inferior. We have quite a crowd around our place, viitheres always room for one more, and our clerks are of the pry. kind. They don’t keep a customer hanging around half a day before being waited upon. PALL H. GROSS, CITY: DRU G STORE. DEUTSCHE APOTHEKE, MEYERSDALE, PA & Buy the Genuine R. M. BEACH Y’R Horse and Cattle not cost any more. Tonic... 3 does Sm——— I———— ® a WE HAVE 1! 4 The Original, Old Reliable Al HORSE & CATTLE POWDER, per 1h. N oN the kind you used to buy. Blk Lick Ii it Store. ZB GE BTS New Store! New Goods! & We have opened a fine new "general store in the M. Glotfelty building, Ord St., Salishbur y, Pa. and invite yOu nice, . br y TT Sssssssisd * to come and inspect our of Shoes, Groceries, etc. SESE SRE Prices As Low As The AEA ee We start with an entire new stock, and we li: ly the. We solicit 1 share of your pat ew fine lie w ne TBE Bw eee BIR 8) oR eR eR ws best and purest brands of goods. ronage, and we au: irantee Howard Meager & ro SO N, MEYERSDALE, PA. Salisbury, Pa. I.. C. BOYER, Manager. Telephones. a square deal and satisfaction to all. Rr. REICH & il Undertaking parlor on Grant St., Somerset County and Economy em RA EWEL RUNABOUT—3600 Complete Reliable and Economical Our 1907 Car is as near perfection as the highest grade of mechanical engin- eering and shop practice can make it. It comes nearer the ideal conception ofa gentlemen’shorseless carraige than any car that has yet been produced. Can be operated by any member of the family who can be trusted with a 3 horse's reins. Write for catalogue “Fully Guaranteed and testimonials. FOREST CITY MOTOR CAR CO., Massillon, Ohio. {ul Mere fo. 10 &_ Salisbury, Pa—~& : 7 la DRY Foreron and Domestic “Goons, Finest of Groceries, Hardware, Miners Shoes, Clothing, Etc. The best Powder and Squibs a Specialty. I | Mi I For Butter Supplies, “Goods, 2. And Kegs. hats wh | | r | | | | | ONY HUNTING TRIP Be sure to be properly Euntned soni the STEV- ENS and you CANNOT GO WRONG. We make RIFLES from $2. 25 to $150.00 PISTOLS . . . from 2.50to = 50.00 SHOTGUNS . from 7.50 to Ask your dealer and insist 1 for 140 page illus. If prepaid, upon receipt of | yr Tour cents in stamus to catalog price. | cover postage. Qur attractive Nor A m n Hanger will be sent an) 1 STANDS. STRVENS Ars 43D TOOL CO., threes- yuer J. Didcepes Falls, ass. Ja t the superb Pittsburg Visil io: Ty vpewriter is, and it "loesn’t cost ‘a small either, as some do-that are not “nearly as up-to-date. or Bele A Ay Pi The Pittsburg Visible is practic- ally fool-proof, and just a lit- tle better than necessary. For sale at Tir Star offie. SO typewriter paper bon paper. Al- and car- Prices fair. SORE NECKS OR BACKS ON HORSES AND MULES it Heals Them Anyway in Harness, under Saddle or Idle. If not sold in your town we will send you FREE SAMPLE, if you send us name of your dealer. Put up in 25¢., 50c. and $1.00 Cans. MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS. SECURITY REMEDY GO. Minneapolis, Minn. FoRBARBWIRE & ALL CUTSVsE SECURITY ANTISEPTIC HEALER | Executor’ Ss Notice. Estate of Catherine late of Salisbury county, Pa. I ivengood. Borough; Somerset Letters testamentary having been issued | to the undersigned by the Register of Wills in and for Somerset county, the above named estate, all persons having | claims against the same will present them for payment, duly authenticated,at the res- idence of the executor, in Salisbury, on Sat- urday, August 3lst, 1907, in the afternoon, and those indebted thereto will please make immediate payment to E. H. LAMBERT, 8-29 Executer. Kodol Dyspepsia Gure Digests what you eat. fortune, | deceased, | Penn’a., upon | Endigestion Caames Catarrh of the Stomach. For many years it has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused {nd!gestion and Uyspepsia; but the truth is exactly the opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re- peated attacks of Indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach, thus caus- ing the glands to secrete mucin ‘instead of the juices of natural Sigestion, This is called Catarrh of the Stoma Kodol Dyspepsia Cure relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach, protects the nerves, and cures bad breath, sour risings, a sense of fullness after eating, Indigestion, Kodol and all stomach troubles. odol Digests WI What You Eat Bottles air Ror east . hone bx times sells for 50 cents, Prova E.O. Seis &CO., Chicago, Hn. SOLD BY E. H. MILLER. IN ORO Be it ordained and enacted gess and Town Council of 1 Sogishur ye Pennsylvania, ordained and enacted by the authority of | the'same, that an ordinance “Relating to the registration of dogs in said Borough” | be amended to read as follows: | SkEcrioN I.—That it shall be unlawful for the owner or owners of any dog or bitch to | allow the same to run at large within the i limits of said Borough, untess such dog or biter has a Borough tab attached to its collar ard be registered with the Borough I'reasurer, annually, on or before the first day of Se pte mber, and shall pay a fee to | said Treasurer for the use of the jJorough, ‘one dollar for each dog and two dollars for each bitch owned by him or her. Upon the receipt of the re&istration | the Treasurer shall deliver the proper to be attached to the collar of each | every registered dog or bitch, also a cirtifi- cate of registration describing .the dog or biteh. { Persons coming into the Borough after the first day of September in cach year, or who may purchase or bring within the Borough limits and dog or bitch may regis- ter the same by applying g to the Burgess for a permit and paying the Treasurer the proper fee. 5 | SEcrtIoN IL.—Nor shall any dog or biteh known to be cross or of vicious habits, nor any dog or bitch showing signs of rabies, nor any dog or bitch be longing to sor har- bored hy any person in whose house any contagious disease exists, nor any bitch while in heat, be suffered to run at large, whether re giste red or not. SECTION III.—Any dog or bitch found runnin at large contrary to the provisions of this ordinance is ‘hereby declared a init nuisance. Itshall be theduty of the police and such other person as the ‘Bur- gess, with the consent of the Ton Council, may appoint for the purpose to kill and re- move the same. SECTION IV.—The~ Burgess shall in each year provide the proper tabs to carry out the provisions.of this ordinance, whicli tabs he shall, ffom time to time, as re dnived by the Treasurer, turn over to and charge the Treasurer with the valueof the same. by the Bur- the Borough of and it is hereby fee, tab and lable merchant tailor, of--@ham- SECTION V.—That any ordinance or part of ordingnee conflicting with the provisions ‘Qf 4his ordi ince, be, and the same is here- | by repealed so far as the affects this | ordinance. Ordainéd and enacted into a law this 19th say. Or™August, 1907 (Signed) Ron. H. JOHNSTON, President of Council. Signe GEORGE C. HAY, Clerk. Ae 2 this 19th day of August, 1907. (Signed) NS. R. Me TKINLEY; Burgess. same A t be N oo. GIRS, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank of Salisbury, Elk Lick, in the State of Pennsyl- vania, at the Close of Business, August 22d, 1907, RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts..... Overdrafts, secured & unsecured U.S. Bonds to secure circulation Premiums on U.S. Bonds... . Bonds, securities, ete Furniture and fixtures... Due from approved reserve a Checks and other cash items.. Notes of other National Banks, Fractional paper currency, nick- els and cents... at Letiful Money Rosrrii in eink viz: : £19 974 25 Juegal- tender notes. Clea 610700 Redemption fund with U.S. Treas- urer (Hz of circulation) ........ Spee je.. 2 500 00 $342 508 46 3 Rotalis Situs ee LIABILI Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided - profits, and taxes paid H 768 National Bank notesoutstand 50 000 Due to other National Banks... 1 ae Due to State Banks and Bankers Indi’l deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit. Time certificates of deposit 50 000 iH 000 00 00 +H Total . Stierte 1, hart Totte. © ashicrof the above nam ed bank, do solemnly aflirin that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl- edge and belief. ALBERT REITZ, — Cashier. = Subscribed and ¢ #ffirmed to bo fore me | 27th day of Aug. Ci. BOYER, f=, Notary Public JORRECT—ATTEST!: HIS 16 if pi ites C'o th of SOMerSet; 8s; Directors. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 2, 8 & | LEGE, Cumberland, Maryland. Write for catalogue and terms. 9-1 - > | | 4. THE TRI-STATE BUSINESS COL- | WOMEN TO the under- | WANTED, MEN AND SWEAR and athirm before signed, when they have documents to. { which lawful aflidavits are required. 1 | also draw up all manner of deeds, | leases, mortgages, etc., neatly and ac- | curately, ay the require- Typewritten work a to | ments of the law. specialty. A full-line of legal blanks always on asd P. L. LivExGooD, Notary Public and Convayanoet Orrick, Elk liek, tf WANTED !—Everybody to subscribe | for the Ladies’ Home Journal and Sat- { urday Evening Post, at $1.50 each, in { advance. Miss Cora Key, Agent. STAR | 8-29 | WANTED !—Good girl for general house work. Wages, $2.00 per week. Good place. Wages paid weekly. Apply to Mrs. P. L. Livengood, Salisbury, Elk Lick P. O., Pa. tf > I 'Gilmore, | First National Bank, | special ‘abounds in all parts of Mr. | tall that it requires to be cut by | diseases.” tle free. Mr. H. C. White, the fashion- bersburg, Pa., will be in Salis- bury, sometime next week, with Fall and Winter styles. Choice and exclusive styles, at reason- able prices. 1t —— tpl ees ime CARBON PAPER for sale Star office. - at Tur tf rp BUY A TYPEWRITER !—See ths Pittsburg Visible, at Tne Sri office. None better, no other quite so simple in construction. Holds world’s récord for speed. Very easy tooperate. Price very reasonable. tf P. L. LiveENxGoob, Agent. PRR SAND PATCH TUNNEL. New Route May be Adopted or Else a New Tunnel. Plans are being prepared for routes surveyed by the Baltimore & Ohio railroad to solve the Sand Patch tunnel. problem. has caused the company the expendi- ture of thousands of dollars annually to keep it from falling in, because it was not arched when completed. For over-six years a train and erew” have been constantly at work on the “tunnel timbering it and repairing breaks in the roof. Since the advent of the large | engines and their rapid - movement | through the tunnel, they have loosened the timbers nearly as fast as they have been placed, and this has made the. For many years the tunnel | | we began LOOKS LIKE INFANTICIDE, Body of Infant Found in River at Meyersdale. Last week’s Meyersdale Republican gives the following account of what ap- pears to be a of infanticide or child murder: “Wylie Dayton, a of Policeman Dayton, who is a conductor on the Sal- isblry branch, telephoned up from the ‘Yellow House, on Wednesday morn- ing for an officer to go down to the railroad bridge, as there was the body of an infant lying in the river at ‘that point. Officer Cramer took Undertaker Clark and went down, and the body of a full developed male infant was lying in the shallow water about two rods below the bridge. An old paper sack was lying under the bridge, and it looked very much as it had been thrown into the river at that point. The remains were brought to town, and squire W. B. Cook summoned a jury and an inquest was held. Efforts will be put forth by the officers to lo- cate the golly parties.” i ee CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC,CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY, BETTER THAN THREE DOCTORS. : “Three years ago we*had three does tors with our little boy and everything ° that they could do seemed in vain. At case son ino | last when all hope seemed to be gone. Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a few hours he began to improve. = To- day he is as healthy a child as parents using: problem still more serious. © As the tunnel has but a single track, the re- pair crew can only work at intervals of | 30 and 40 minutes. The railroad has but two alternatives, | it is said, to overcome this difficulty. The one is to bore a‘new- tube parallel | with the present one or to adopt a new | route over the Alleghenies. Surveys | . have been. made for both. The new tunnel is probably the most practical, as the road in the past few years has | double-tracked the entire division, and | a good many miles of track would have | to be rebuilt and abandoned if new route were taken. | The Sand Patch tunnel is but 400 feet | short of 'a mile in length. It is the | highest point of trunk line railroad in | sy | “8 a the state, being 2400 feet above sea level. ~~ THE LIMIT OF The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous in the conclusion that-| the generally accepted limitation of | human life ismany years below the at- tainment possible with the advanced knowledge of which the race now possessed. The critical periodithat de- termines its duration, seems to be be- tween 50 and 60; the proper care of the body during this decade cannot be too | LIFE. is | strongly urged ; carelessness then being | fatal to longevity. Nature's best help- er after 50 1s Electric Bitters, the sci- entific tonic medicine that revitalizes! every organ of the body. Guaranteed by E. I. Miller, Druggist. 50e. 9-1 . a Grass High as Trees. If the Maryland: Commissioners of the Jamestown Exposition want to add a feature to their agricultural exhibit, they should have Mr. Thomas Llewellyn, of Dan’s Mountain, send growth of Timothy grass to the Kxpo- sition. Mr. Llewellyn has a large quantity of Timothy exceeding %n height anything ever heard of in this section, and perhaps in the state. It is 74 inches high, the are 11 \ specimen of this extraordi- exhibition at the of Midland. not the result of cultivation, but Llewellyn’s thick and hand, being Mr. ap- compari- some of his famous and heads inches. nary growth is on This tall grass is care and large grass farm. It is so the mowing machines in use not adapted to such formidable stalks. Llewellyn’s meadows pearance akin to a forest, son with normal grass growth. This undoubtedly make unique and attractive exhibit at the Maryland building Jamestown. Lonoconing Star. - > Charged With Assault. Harry present an in would 1 at Oflicers are looking for Put- man, of Boswell, who has been charged with committing criminal assault upon Daisy Custer of Boswell, aged 13 years. The information against Put- man was made before Justice of the Peace C.C. Schmucker. Putman was one of the three men arrested for the murder of Mrs. Catherine Stauffer, upon the information of Henry John- son, but there was no evidence against a him, and he was released. ENDORSED BY THE COUNTY. “The most popular remedy in Otsego county, and the best friend of my fami- ly,” writes Wm. M. Dietz, editor and publisher of the Otsego Journal, Gil pertsville, N. Y., “is Dr. King’s New Discovery. It has proved tobe an in- fallible cure for coughs and colds, mak- ing short work of the worst of them. We always keep a bottle in the house. 1 believe it to be the most valuable pre- scription known for Lung and Throat Susranised to never disap- | | point the taker, at E. Miller's drug | store. Price 50¢. and i .00. Trial boy | migrant. | sheaves In | REMEDY 'berlain’s Colic, Cholera and | of people in { never known it to fail to effect BP. near | | Spring Grove, York county, Pa. | ‘Store. { about.” could wish for.”—Mgs. B. J. Jonsson, | Linton, Miss.. For at Miller's | Drug Store. 9-1. sale —-- Reunion of the Baer Clan. A special telegram from Kutztown, states that the family, of which | George F. Baer, President of the Read- ing Railway, is a prominent member, Pa., : ; | held its annual reunion there recently. Hundreds of members were present, some of them from distant parts of the { country. ; ; The Colonial records show that prior | to 1750 there were ‘over forty immi- grants by the name of Baer. Their de- scendants trace their ancestry to dif- fen nationalities. Those of Penn- vania and the middle and Western a generally are of German origin. George I. Baer has his family record complete in every step to the first im- back even where he He has traced it to Zweibrucker, Germany, | has located the home- of his family the first in Phila- prior to 1743, in which year member of the family landed delphia. The coat-of-arms of the sists of a shield prominent figure is America the has participated in every ning with the Revolution. Eh. family con- “the carrying Baer family begin- on which most a bear war, FOR DIARRITIOEA. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL “1 want to say a few words for Cham- Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used this preparation in my family for the past five years | and have recommended it to a number have cure I feel that 1 not remedy of S. JEMISON, This Drug 9-1 York county and a in any instance. can say too much for the best the kind in the world.”— remedy is for sale at Miller's Meyersdale Lad Has Both Legs Cut off on Railroad. A horrible accident happened to an 8-year-old son of D. A. Floto, the well Meyersdale cigar maker, last The little fellow railroad when known Thursday morning. the Meyersdale station, caught by a passing freight engine, the gs and cut- Sur and was ex- the was was erossing near he wheels passing over both le ting them off above gical aid was promptly at last-report the little getting along as well pected. the ankles. rendered, sufferer as could be > “EVERYBODY SHOULD KNOW” says C. G. Hays, a prominent business man of Bluff, Mo., that Ar- nica Salve is.the quickest and surest healing salve ever applied to a sore, burn ¢r wound, or to. a piles. I've used it and know what I'm talking iuaranteed by E. HH. Miller, 2de. 9-1 Bucklen’s case of Druggist. —— Important to Teachers. Superintendent of Public Instruction Nathan Schaeffer has just issued a circular the various borough and county superintendents in the state to the effect that teachers must file certi- ficates granted by the superintendents before they become eligible to receive the benefit of the new salary act pass- ed by the legislature.—Somerset Herald. to last “REGULAR AS THE SUN” is an expression as old as the race. No doubt the rising and setting of the sun is the most regular performance in the universe, unless it is the action of the { liver and bowels when . regulated with Dr. King’s New Life Pills. teed by E. H. Miller, Druggist. 25¢, 9-1: | b LECTRIC ;i50Ness BITTERS AND KIDNEYS. Guaran- ..