The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, August 22, 1907, Image 4

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.L. Livexaoon, Editor and Publisher.
Entered nt the Postoflice
as mail matter of the Second Class.
= - em eee meme
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is published every Thursday, at
Satishus v, (BIK Lick, P. 0.) Somerset Coun-
, Pa. at the following rates:
$id year, if paid spot cash in advance.
If not paid strictly in Savane
Six months...... AUER
Three months.
Single copies
To avoid multiplicity
all subscriptions for three months or less
must be paid in advance. These rates and
terms will be rigidly adhered to.
of small ace ounts
at Elk Lick, Pa. |
With thanks the editor of this paper
acknowledges a complimentary ticket
to the evening entertainments of the
(ireat Grangers’ Picnic Exhibition, at
Williams Grove, Pa.; Aug. 26 to 3lst,
Some men point out the silver lining
in a cloud, then borrow your umbrella
before the rain starts, says an ex-
change. Yes, and they usually bor
row it without asking, and generally
fail to return it.
Mr. and Mrs. C. WW. Stotler went to
Johnstown, Pa, last Thursday, on bus-
iness. The train they were riding on
struck Hiram Blough, an aged farmer,
at Holsopple. injuring him so badly
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line
gach insertion. To regular
cents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a
line for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
ness lacals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for
cents a line for each insertion, except on
yearly contracts.
Rates for Display
made known on application.
Editorial advertising
a line.
Legal Advertisements at legal ratess
Marriage, Birth and De: ath Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free.
additional lines, 5 ce nts e ach.
Cards of Thanks will he published free fou
prtrons of the paper.” Non-patrons will be
charged 10 cents a line.
Resolutions of Respect will be published
for 5 cents a line.
All advertisements willbe run and charg-
ed for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for
than 2) cents.
advertisers, 5
less than 10
Advertisments will be
, invariably 10 cents
less |
that he died the same day.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup sold
under a positive guarantee to cure con-
stipation, sick headache, stomach
trouble, or any form of indigestion. If
it fails, the manufacturers refund your
money. What more can any one do.
Sold by all Druggists. 9-1
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Haselbarth, Miss
Hattie Haselbarth and Miss Lottie Boy-
er went to the Chautauqua, at Mt. Lake
| Park, Md., last Thursday, to remain a
week. Mrs. Haselbarth took a
her husband returned home.
One hundred and seventy-six thous-
and farmers in. the northwest have
When the
Hair Falls
pledged themselves to sell wheat at
oe less than $1 a bushel. When
| price drops below that figure they will
| store their wheat in steel bins, erected
| on their farms, each holding 2,000
| If parents would keep their children
| off the streets late at night, they would
feel better satisfied, and it would be a
good thing for the boys and girls.
Then it’s time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi-
ment! You want to save your
hair, and save it quickly, too!
So make up your mind this
very minute that if your hair
ever comes out you will use
Avyer’s Hair Vigor. It makes
the scalp healthy. The hair
stays in. It cannot do any-
thing else. It’s nature’s way.
The best kind of a testimonial —
¢8old for over sixty years.”
Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
Also manufacturers of
Yyers:: Chik PECTORAL.
street education will never fit young
| America for a place of trust and re- |
sponsibility, wisely remarks an observ- |
ing exchange
Don’t accept a cough-cure that you |
may be told is just as good as Ken-
| nedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup, because
it isn’t just as good—there is quite a
difference. Kennedy’s Laxative Cough
colds. It promptly relieves inflamma-
tion of the throat and allays irritation.
Sold by E, H. Miller. 9-1.
On Monday Frank Maust, E. H. Mil-
ler, John T.. Beachy and Harvey
went to the somewhere
low Cumberland, to fish for bass. We
haven’t learned whether they took
Overholt, Topper or just plain red eye
along for bait. Well, we wish them
good catch, anyway.
The workman who is
ing himself out of a
in doing so.
Miss Alice Beal went
Tuesday, for a week's
tives at that place.
A Methodist reunion will be held at
Rockwood, next Thursday. The Re-
formed reunion is held there today.
Mrs. J. I.. Beachy, of McKeesport,
Pa.; and Mr. Griffin, Pa;
are visiting Salisbury this
job often
visit with rela-
of Glassport,
Miss Ada Beachley, of Johnstown,
Pa.. arrived here last week for a wisit
with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
John J. Keim,
ome in Salis-
Miss Berta Baumgardner, who
been teaching school in
W. Va, arrived at her !
bury, last Friday.
Col.) Light
The Leesville
the members
“turned out
funeral of a
tells how
of a at Leesville
al n
There is no liar on earth equal to the
man ends that
mind being bow-legged or
says the Hyndman Bu
On Wednesday the
Misses Adaline and Elsie Boucher went
to Milton, Pa. Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Billmeyer, ughter.
\V. L.. Blocher
more, recently,
Kk. H. Miller's
remain for
Mr. and Mrs.
D. C., arrived
for a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. C.
other friends.
who pret he
of last week
to visit
and da
is again elerking in
drug store, where he will
weeks only
returned from
a couple of
of Washington,
Zobel =
Piles get quick certain. relief
from Dr.’ Shoop’s Ointment.
Please note it is made alone for Piles,
and its action is positive. and
Itching, painiul, p! iing or blind
piles disappe ar lik >. by ‘its use.
Large nickel-capi Pek ulass jars 50 cents.
Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 9-1
George returned Pitts-
burg, last Sunday, to _re:ume Work at
carpentering. Ile came home with ty-
phoid fever, some time ago, but it
didn’t take him long to recover.
Moa gie
>: ‘
Arausse io
An English daily had the following |
man to undertake
it will be profitable to the undertaker.”
“Wanted—A gentle-
Ernest Livengood has just returned |
from a trip to Franklin and Oil City, |
Pa., where he went with Hon. Ira Mill- | ordinary stamps on a letter, in addition | the way first.
iron, last week, in the latter’s
Ernest reports a very pleasant |
afraid of work-
days ago |
parents, |
and |
certain. |
the sale of a patent |
The advertiser guarantees |
We acknowledge with thanks the
licity staff of the Maryland Home-
Coming Association, of which Governor
Warfield, of Maryland, chairman,
We greatly appreciate the honor, and
tive state.
prominent dealer of
Vining, Ia have been selling
DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills for
about a year and they give better satis-
faction than any pill I'ever sold. There
are a dozen people here who have used
them and they give perfect satisfaction
in every case. I have used them my-
self with tine results.” Sold by E. H.
Miller. 9-1
The Farm Journal says: “Encour-
age the country merchant, stand by all
the village artifices, back up every
neighborhood enterprise, keep the cash
at home and in circulation at home,
maintain all village life in full vigor,
and so promote your individual wel
fare and that of the community in
which you live.”
A Grantsville young lady
had a quarrel with her beau,
turned to him all the letters and little
gifts she had received from him during
their courtship. Ile, not tobe outdone,
half-dozen of face
powder, and with them a note explan-
ing that he had probably carried that
much away on his coat collar.
John Riah,
sent her a boxes
Those who have stomach trouble, no
matter how slight, should give every
possible help to the digestive organs,
so that the food may be digested with
the least effort. This may be done by
taking something that contains natural
digestive properties—something like
Kodol For Indigestion and Dyspepsia.
Kodol is a preparation of vegetable
acids and contains the very same juices
found in a healthy stomach. Tt digests
what you eat. Sold by E. H. Miller:
Remember the Lutheran Reunion at
Edgewood Grove, Somerset. on Tues-
day. Aug. 27th. Fine speeches by Revs.
I... B. Wolf, D. D.; of India.- Chas. P.
MacLaughlin, of Meyersdale, and Hen
derson N. Miller, Ph. D., ¢f Columbus,
Ohio. Berlin’s famous band will fur-
nish music. Extra coaches
Berlin, Confluence and
from Johns-
According to a recent rumor, a
mean man lives in Meyersdale. At a
dance he spied a girl put her chewing
gum under a chair when she started to |
waltz. Taking the gum he spread it
out, inserted a piece of tobacco, rolled
the gum up again, and stuck it under
the chair.
dance any more.
People who wish to take advantage |
of the new postal law regarding special |
delivery by placing ten cents worth of |
automo- | to the regular postage, must not fail to lantic City, Philadelphia, Elizabeth, N
{ somewhere on the face of the envelope, | other interesting places during the
write the words: “Special delivery”
bad |
cold, however, and on Monday she and |
the |
Syrup acts gently upon the bowels and |
clears the whole system of coughs and |
Fogle |
be- |
honor of being appointed on the pub- |
will do all we can to make the occasion |
one to the credit of Maryiand, our na- |
and re-’
trains |
very |
When she put the gum in |
| her mouth again and the tobacco be- |
gan to work, she was too homesick to |
otherwise their ten cents is thrown
away, the letter being delivered in the
ordinary way and not by special de-
livery as intended.
Seventy-five persons
writing in Fourth class
Attorney Dunkle, in Pittsburg, in one
week. Coupon fiends are the offenders.
In sending coupons to companies that
give prizes, directions are invariably
placed in the packages. Do not write
Postoffice department is keeping
close wateh on mail of that class.
“We never repent of eating too lit-
Thomas Jefferson, president of the
every one without exception during
this hot weather, because it is hard for
food, even in small quantities, to be di-
perature. At this season
eat sparingly and properly.
also help the stomach as much as possi-
digestion and Dyspepsia, which will
itself. Sold by E. H. Miller. 9-1
community by the newspapers it sup-
well edited,
filled with live advertisements, your
in such a community.
shabby-looking sheet,
“ads” and interesting matter,
must be a serious lack of the. elements
that go to make a place worth living in.
Wm. P. Cochrane and D. I. Hay have
returned from Kentucky, where they
had been to take a look at a coal min-
ing property. they. are interested
| They report themselves
with the property, and they also like
| the country. W. S. Martin and Port
| Hartline, who went with them, remain-
ed. Mr. Cochrane will also return to
the Blue (Grass state in the near future
| We understand he and Martin will
supervise the running of the mine and
| greatly increase its output.
There must be some-live. people
Bat if: it
After all that has been said or can
| be said about the big mail order
houses, the simple fact remains that
they get the by
and persistent advertising,
cuts of goods aud giving
prices. © If
come to them. A man we know
cently made up a list of tools and hard-
ware from one of the mail order cata- |
. Y |
logs and took it. to a home dealer to |
He was surprised to find |
at |
| home for less money, save the express |
{ i
| charges, and also see the goods he was | g
get prices.
| that he could get the same articles
buying. — Ex.
Exaggeration and misstatement of
| facts are the evils of the day. It
habit with some people; they do it
consciously. This habit is not confined
to the people of any particular age or
became so accustomed to exaggeration
and misstatement that
ly annoyed by the unfortunate reputa-
tion she was acquiring. One afternoon
ber mother said to her: ‘Now, listen,
Lillian, and heed my words.
pen to another; you know what hap-
pened to Ananias and Sapphira, don’t
you?” “Yes'm, Ido; they fell dead on
a street corner; I saw them carried
into a drug store.”
William A. Gibson, the CC. '& P.
Telephone Co., Monday came into pos-
session of a paper dollar with the fol-
inscription written in
and signed
sand dollar fortune left me,”
“Kid” Sullivan. Kid Sullivan is
I tive of Washington, and at
times has fought for the
championship in the prize ring.
said that Sullivan was left the
amount of money, and that the dollar
bill referred to represents the tail end
of that fortune. Mr. (
will the money
same dollar bill was in this city,
it is said,
have framed.
possession of C. A.
land Evening Times.
Mr. C.
Rumiser and Miss
recently married
residence of Mr. and Mrs.
in Pittsburg. The bride is a
{ of Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
| place, and it can be truthfully
i her that she is one of Salisbury’s best
oung women. The groom was
and reared near Berlin, but he is well
known in Salisbury, having worked
| here for several years. lle is an excel-
| lent young man, and now holds a good |
position with a plumbing firm in Du-
Pa., where he went to learn his |
trade a couple of years ago. Mr. and
Irs. Rumiser have our best wishes for
a long, pleasant and prosperous matri-
monial career. They were here on
visit for a few days, but are now
ing at the groom’s home,
Reitz, of
near Berlin.
Considerable news matter must go |
by the board, this week, owing to the
| fact that the editor and his eldest
daughter start for the seashore. this |
morning, and there has been much job
printing and other work to get out of
We expect to visit At-
York, Boston, Albany and
tle,” was one of the ten rules of life of |
United States, and the rule applies to |
gested when the blood is at high tem- |
we should |
We should |
rest the stomach by digesting the food |
There is nothing unfair in judging a |
When you find a country paper |
neatly printed and well
first impression of that place is favor-
a |
news, |
there |
in. |
well pleased |
home merchants would take the same
| methods, much of the trade now going |
to the mail order houses in cities would |
re- |
ie nl
The story is told of a girl who |
nobody could |
believe her, and her parents were great- |
various |
lightweight |
is |
rrosTBurRG. mp. BAN K
were fined $10 each by United States |
on that class of mail mrtter, as the |
Drafts on all parts of the world. -
Japital stock. .$
Surplus fund.
Deposit s (over) 1,000,000.00
Assets (over)... 1,200,000.00
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at-
Roberdeau Annan,
ble by the use of a little Kodol For In-
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock.
mee. OF FICERS: mm,
Olin Beall. Cashier.
Robert R. Henderson.
Daniel Annan.
Duncan Sinclair,
Roberdeau Annan.
Timothy Grriftith,
70,000.00 |
Take notice that I have opened a new
and up-to-date meat market in Salis-
bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store.
| Everything is new, neat and clean,
and it is a model in every respect.
I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete.
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
tle. Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vinced that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line.
The Old Reliable Butcher.
Clearance Salel}
into this.
Aug. 15th to 3lst.
and Children's
Hats, will be
ocardless of
liwill pay vou bigto look
Remember the
Barchus & Livengood.
8 Ox forts
closed nae
What has |
happened to one sinner may easily hap- |
This 1s
thing you need in the general merchandise line,
~~ ||! ei
your golden opportunity to lay in
fol 1s0 quickly, we will, from
“This is the last dollar of a fifty-thou- |
And Save All Dealers’ Profits!
v supply of every-
at actual cost.
must reduce our immense stock of goods, and in order to do
Aug. 16th to 31st,
both dates inclusive, sell anything in our big store at first cost.
above |
REMEMBER, we do not
‘2oods, which are now about out of seasrn, but to EVERYTHING.
years ago, at which time it was in the |
Smeltz.—Cumber- |
reference only
to Summer
Our stock consists of Dry Goods of all kinds and descriptions,
Ella |
the |
Men's, Women's
in fact,
born |
The EK Lick V
{ next ten days. The paper will be
{in charge of our eflicient assistant,
| John O. Johnston, who will do the best
| as he may have to do. Do
too much of him, for he will have much
to do; but make his editorship as easy
| as possible by reporting to him such |
[news as you
| We will also help him some at long |
| range, and in that way we think the
{ paper can be kept, pretty close up to
its usual standard;
Chamberlain's s Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough.
and Children’s
he can during our absence to give you!
{ |
| the local news and do such other work
not expect |
happen to come across, |
almost everyihing.
Arey More,
Shoes, Hats
LW omen’s Furnishings, Notions, Queensware,
and Caps, Men's and
“ancy Articles, and,
C. 1. HAY,
Perfectly Harmless:
fect fowls, cattle and all live stock.
After using this exterminator according
provement in all your stock.
or your grocer’s or hardware dealer’s name.
Protects Horses and Cattle from Fly Pests and
Guaranteed to Kill the Flies.
and Easily Applied.
It is possible to have positive freedom from flies, lice and vermin which usually ef-
This is the first’ preparation which actually does all
that’sclaimed for it. Farmers, who have spent many weary summers fighting flies and in-
sects, and the following winters endeavoring to be rid of lice, and vermin, in poultry
houses, will find Dr. Williams’ Fly and Insect Destroyer their *
ere no agency has been appointed a sample tin free
A Grand Disinfectant
right-hand man.”
to directions you will notice a decided im-