— Heart Strength Heart Strength, or Heart Weakness, means Nerve Strength, or Nerve Weakness—nothing more. Pos- ftively, not one weak heart in a hundred fis, in it- self, actually diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. This obscure nerve—the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve —simply needs, and must have, more power, more stability, more controlling, more governing strength. Without that the Heart must continue to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have these sume controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr. gBhoop's Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat- fng ‘heart distress. Dr. Shoop’s Restorative—this popular prescription—is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; ft strengthens; it offers real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, strong di- gestion, strengthen these nerves — re-establish them as needed, with r. Shoop’s estorative ELK.LICK PHARMACY. ROMPT, EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR ALL FORMS OF RHEUMATISM Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Kidne Trouble and Kindred Diseases. GIVES QUICK RELIEF Applied externally it affords almost in- stant relief from pain, while permanent results are being effected by taking itin- ternally, purifying the blood, dissolving the poisonous substance and removing it from the system. DR. S. D. BLAND of Brewton, Ga.» writes: had been a rufferer fora number of years a Lumbago and Rheumatigm in my arms and legs, and tried a) jhe remedies that 1 could 8, and also consulted § elief obtain I shall ibe it in my Se aiice r for rheumatism and kindred diseases.’ 4 DR. C. L. GATES Hancock, Minn., writes: *A little girl here had such a weak back caused by Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble that she could not stand on her feet. The moment they put her downon the floor she would scream with 8 Itreated her with “5-DROPS’’ and today she rung around as well and happy as can be I prescribe **5--DROPS’’ for my patients and use it in my practice.” FREE ) If you are suffering with Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, fouralg lidney Trouble or any kindre -d dise write to ih us for a trial bottle of ‘S-DROPS."” fica PURELY yYEGETABIE “5-.DROPS” isentirelyfree from opium, cocaine, morphine = iaudanum, and other similar Large Sime Harte . a by I ATIC CURE CO r Lake t 300 Naser) 8 ints { ne ANY, street, Chlengo SWARS ok nike The Sanitary Woter Purifier, CALVARIZED Steel Chain Pump It is the Best Pump on the Market. Ope H ite d over cisterns and wells Phere lepth does not exceed 20 feet It will not Freeze, Rust or Rot. It the most beautiful, strongest and service- able, and will produce more water. It is en- tirely Sanitary. The water coming up the first tube into the spout, the over pro- duction into the wheel box, draining through the center tube. The base is so constructed that the water never splashes through the sides. We have used this pump in the finest homes in the city in kitchens, porches and yards and it has al- ways proven satisfic- tory. It is Sanitary because it is clean. It purifies the water by the action of the chain and the drainage through the center tube which ag itates the water, there being enough air a in the pum P when in action, to keep the water pure and tasteless. Ask your dealer to show it to you. Manufactured by EVANSVILLE PUMP & MANFG. CO., . EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &cC. Anyone sending a sketch and Jescription may quickly ascertain our opinion free w stner Li invention is probably 0 Kon tions strictly eonndent al. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for Munn. & Co rece a en t rough M unn 0. Tt special notice, without charge, in Scientific Fimerican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest Fd salation of any Scelting Journal Terms, $- ear ; four months, $1. Sold byall ant & Co,2e15roaavar. New York Branch Office. 625 Washington. D. C. ‘Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar Cures all Coughs, and expels Colds from the system by gently moving the bowels. | | | But always says, | there may be a real. { Remedy f SEE THE EDITOR'S SONG. How dear to my heart is the steady subscriber, Who pays in advance, without skip- ping a year; Who lays down his money, and offers it gladly, And casts ’round the office a halo of cheer. Who never says, “Stop it, I cannot af- ford it!” Or, “Getting more papers each day than I read ;” “Send it, the whole outfit likes it— In fact, we regard it a business need.” How welcome is he when he steps in the sanctum, How he makes our heart throb, how he makes “our eye” dance! We outwardly thank him—we inwardly bless him— The steady sibscriber who pays in advance ! : : American Printer. HAY FEVER AND SU MMER COLDS. Victims of hay fever will experience great benefit by taking Foley’s Honey and Tar, as it stops difficult breathing immediately and heals the inflamed air passages, and even if it should fail to cure you it will give instant relief. The genuine is in yellow package. Sold by all Droggists. 9-1 See to The Boy Who Laid the Blame on the Devil. The son of a Chicago preacher stole $6. The judge seemed inclined to be severe. The boy's father began to plead for him. “Judge,” he said, “he has always been a good boy. I can’t understand it. I’m sure he must have been in the hands of the devil.” a But the judge didn’t think much of the excuse. He may haye had in mind “The Original Excuse,” when a man of very early history by the name of Adam laid the blame on a woman call- ed Eve, and Eve promptly transferred it to the devil. The story goes on to say that it didn’t do Eve any good. Any- way, the Chicago judge refused to stand for it. “Young man,” he said, “don’t you get it into your head that the devil whs re- sponsible for your conduct. Tt your fault, and not his, so don’t shift the blame onto the: devil. That’s all.” Then he fined the boy -$200. . The judge was Judge Landis. He the same judge who conducted the in- vestigation of Standard Oil, and who handed such embarrassing questions to John D Of course, the father’s excuse the devil was “flab-dub,” the same as Eve’s We wouldn’t need to be judges to know that. For all we know, sure-enough per- sonal with borns and tail; but he doesn’t take any of us by the back the neck and foree us into badness, un- was is about was, devil, of less we are willing. But the boy got away with the judge find him $200. That fine was more than 30 times and the $6, is, as much as the amount involved. it’s a good, big. lusty fine, Proportionately, of did realize $6. dis- honest dollars, cost That poor business, and don’t you forget i!” Standard Oil didn’t say anything about the devil. Perhaps he’s one of the stockholders. They him, Landis imposed of It’s an emphatic sort a “You you The $200. fine. and says to that boy, and I rather Here's a lesson for you. Wrong, suspect it you ignored and Judge a fine over £29.000.000 —Kx. : - AN AWFUL PEAT) TIME. Ber CraMBierLAIN’S Corie, Disnriroga REMEDY CURED Hi. AND It is with pleasure that I this unsolicited testimonial. a About case 0 year agoiwhen I had severe of measles I gotfeaught and the measles settled in my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time, and bertain’s;Colic,)Cholera and Diarrhoea I could not have possibly lived but aj2few hours longer, but thanks to thisjremedy I am now strong | and well. I have written the above through simple gratitude and I shall always speak alggood word for this --H.3GwWIN, Concord, Ga. For sale atyMiller’s Drug Store. 9:1 — { Court House Rules and Regulations. The Board of Commissioners for Somerset county in executive session met, all members being présent, and in order to protect the public grounds and buildings of Somerset county, unanimously passed and regularly adoptedjthe following resolution: Resolved, That the Commissioners of Somerset county do hereby authorize | | vania | and direct the Superintendent of Pub- | lic Grounds and Buildings, and his as- | | { | | sistants, in order to better protect the | public property of the county, to ar- rest anyfperson or persons found de- | facing or destroying any of the public | property of Somerset county; or any person orfpersons found spitting on the floors of the Court house, and to pro- ceed against such person or persons ac- cording to law. And}be it further] Resolved that the Superintendent of Grounds and Build- ings, and the Court House janitor, be 18 out in a hard rain | | er after fications of the charges against CHOLERA | | Seeing this the old Sout give you | | | | 1 [por had it not beenifor the use¥of Cham- | authorized and directed, on and after the 19th day of August, A: D. 1907, ex- cepting Wednesday of each week, and such times as the Courts of Somerset county be in session during the even- ings, to close the Court House and all the offices therein at the hour of 6 o'clock p. m., provided that on Wednes- days of each week the buildings and of- fices shall be closed at 10 o’clock p. THE LIMIT OF LIFE. The most eminent medical are unanimous in the conclusion that the generally accepted limitation of human life is many years below the at- fainment possible with the knowledge of which the possessed. The critical period'that de- termines its duration, be be- tween 50 and 60; the proper care of the, body during this decade cannot be too carelessness then being Nature's best help- the sci- revitalizes scientists advanced race is now seems to strongly urged ; fatal to longevity. H0 1s Electric Bitters, entific tonic medicine that Guaranteed He. 9:1 every organ of the body. by E. H. Miller, Druggist. A R. A. L. Dick Disbarred. Judges Boyd and Keedy Friday last filed their opinion in the Dick disbar- ment case, and ordered the name Robert A. IL. Dick stricken from in the Allegany County Circuit Court. is of the | roll of attorneys authorized to practice | The opinion quite lengthy, and cites several authorities. were “established... The court had failed to return to Mrs. $400 due her after the Grand Jury re- fused to indict her son for perjury, she having given Dick $500 to use in secur- ing a bond for her son, The court stated that this charge against Dick was fully proven, and “not only sustained by the evidence, but the testimony of Mr. Dick given in open court in attempting to explain it showed him to be an unfit person to practice law.” In closing the court’s Boyd said: “Disagreeable as it is to be called upon to so act in discharge of the duty imposed upon us, we, cannot hesitate toipass an. order striking the name of the respondent from the roll of attorneys of this court by reason of the acts proven under specifications numbered first, second and third being established, although we do not feel justified in disbarring the respondent Three speci- | Dick | went pretty fully into the charge that Dick Pe Powers | $100 of which | was to be his fee in the case. opinion, Judge | under the evidence in support of the fourth. fifth and sixth gharges ~~ | THE SOUTHERN RAILROAD’ S SUR- |= RENDER. Rejoice-and be dad. ‘or the danger is past, Civil war will not ravage the lard, Since the Sou hern railway has yieldeo at | last And abandoned its obstinate stand. Thus the tragical drama | In old Alabama ! And elsewher , which seemed to increase In it- venom intense, Meets its finish, and hence | | Uncle Sam may rest calmly at peace. In the recent contention the The first steps tow’rds a terrible fray, populace saw | For the state was intent on enforcing the law Which the railroad refused to obey. “No rate regu’ation By state legislation said the railroaders grim, covernor yelled, For us,? Then the “Iron the Jin fooling with hin. state voure expelled.” There was dang Now it happened that North Carolina betore { Had similar fuss, There sore And embroifed Uncle Sam in the got Into a a federal judoe made the covernor | TSS, By a sudden decision He checked all revision Of rates til the stat Cit plain That Then they squared thin coanade twas ripe for a row, as ome how, And the railvroaders humbled remain. Vern takes a tresh think And concludes deed Of its getting the switftand completerinkey dink If it doesn't to warning And when notice is given That soon twill be driven m out Alabama, right there, With a tear in its eye It takes back its defi, And cuts rates with fidelity rare. thitt there's danger in- give heed. Thus the war cloud is lifted, and henceforth, | no doubt, Ev'ry railroad will cheerfully make Any change in rates that lawmakers | map out, And the statutes they never And in case ’tis enacted : That payment exacted From trav’lers henceforward must cease, Will the railroads say nay To the order? Not they. They're bound over and must peace. —ARTHUR GG. BURGOYNE, in zette Times. its will breal. keep the Pittsburg Ga- | TO LAND OWNERS:—We have printed and keep in stock a supply of trespass notices containihg extracts from the far-reaching trespass law pass- | ed at the 1905 session of the Pennsyl- Legislature. The notices are printed on good cardboard with blank. line for signature, and they -will last for years in all kinds of weather. Every and owner should buy some of them, as the law requires land owners to post their lands if they want the protection of the latest and best trespass law ever passed. Send all orders to THE STAR, Elk Lick, Pa. tf ~~ DR.KING’S NEW DISCOVERY Will Surely Stop That Gough. I pleas | call this picture It Will Be Vreven, Waiter—What like, sir? irvington Boothlette — kindly run through your mec friend, I will tell you. kind of pie wold YO! If you will repertoire, Can't Down It. LU fy i bi} Mrs. Casey— What ails that Ha’s gittin’ that impudent he the: whole house. Dennis—Well, he Home Rule, I think. goat? runs believes One Admirer. Miss Pig-—Alas, how sad and lone- ly my. lot! - No one loves me. I gues i Jecause I am not good- [Took ing: %. Ar Béar-= me. ix 3S Well, you look good to Poor Consolation. Mistress-——But, . Mina, what you crying so for? Servant—My parents won't marry my sweetheart. Mistress—Oh, well, Such a’ handsome easily find another let +i Wiki calm yours: fellow as he girl.— Figaro Couldn't Do It. Photographer -- Now look ant. (rarbidge Pm'a Janitor please It's in a New quite impos York flat. A r lausible Explanation. Little Girl why do Life?” There's other lifetesa Papa, they Still flowers, fruit and in it. You little only things Papa 0 a there's ther: mistaken; of are hit cheese 1< als Figaro. At Last. Jithel At last Mrs. Brown her husband have agreed. Maud—You don’t say so. Ithel Yes; on a separation Regal Fare. Director of a travelling dramatic conipany (to tavern waitress)— L.isi, give the lady a glass of beer and a sausage. She plays Queen Eliza- beth to-night, and I want to treat her according to her rank. ————————————-— | { “all kinds. : | stops the cough and heals lungs Steinway Pianos The Recognized Standard of the World magnificent tl Pianos stock of always A most these wonderts on View, The supreme being the : musical hei v iano reigns hout the world, itrolling force in Hl countries. enthn givin ta. the plar of > what should he—the Steinwe Wie line many Tet id rEGot piano world-renowned extensive Pianos of rr. the highest makes. Piano Players Player Pianos wr Prices Right. A zood allowance organs in exchange, Our prices are uniformly Ways CORNINte iit vith Greatest iGrenienis buyers. Writ us most of arade Music Boxes Talking Machines Terms Right, on and pianos low, al- quality, To piano Seti Shaws tex Rody ate “Sy CC Mellor Co. Ad. Everything Musical that is the Bast 319-321 Fifth Ave. Pitfsbursh FOUNDED 1831. \. > Guaranteed Remedy] for all Digestive Disorders. You have tried the rest. Now try the best. If you wish to be better nourished, have a clear healthy complexion, a bright eye, a steady nerve and the energy necessary to carry on ) your daily work, take Nature’ Own Remedy Contains no pepsin, pancreation or other artificial digest- ers. Theyrelieve by ¢ sup- plying and feeding the little cells which go to make up the digestive organs. A trial will convince you. 3 sizes, 25c. 50c., $1.00. Sold by drug. gists. Y ve ry box guarantee a ARED ONLY DINER" 5. DIGESTER CORPANY, Des Moines, lowa. pine 0) oi | Summer Excursions ——T0— JUESIONT EXpostlon DAILY UNTIL NOVEMBER 30. Atlantic City SEASHORE JXCURSIONS Av ©) N'Y Excayvpaes SARATOGAISPRINGS, FA HINATIONAY SEprevaek 9-14 AO ASK Nearest B i Full Details. | Frank Wagner, Propr. Harvey: Wagner, Mer. | Good horses, and good rigs of | Special attention to | the needs of fextra good equipments | nicking and sleighing parties. Horses well tol | at reasonable rates. raveline men, and | for pic- and cared for, Somerset County telephone. + 5 SHONEEwTAR | Gores Colds; Eo Sr cnoain es ba for children; safe, sure. No opiates 'FOLEYSHONEY~=TAR DeWitt’s Little The famous little pills. Early Risers | | Bucklen’s Arnica Salve | The Best Salve In The World. | | | | steak, Murphy Bros.’ RESTAURANT! : ZINN Headquarters for best Oysters, Ice: | C ream, Lunches, Soft Drinks, ete. Try our Short-Order Ham and Eggs, Meals—Beef- Sausage, Hot | Coffee, ete. t where caskets {lected Ki Meals to Order at AH Am. Hours! mmm We also handle Confectionery, line of Tobacco, Cigars, ete. We try to please our patrons, and we would thank you for a share of your buying. a Groceries, MURPHY BROTHERS, Joy BuirpinG, SALISBURY, PA. 'W. A. CLARKE, Funeral Director ond Emoaimer All work given the best of attention. Night calls answered promptly. Both Somerset and Economy Phones. > Our Unde and dence are in the Zimmerman building, next door to Will & [Furniture rtaking Rooms Resi- Raler’s Nt Ore, MEYERSDALE, PENNA. HF 'or the trons in Salisbury and vicinity, 1 accommodation “of pa- have that HisgLBARTH, may a branch undertaking in A ~ of E: and room E. cottins town in charge be Se- i RRS P.L. LIVENGOOD, Notary Public. Star Office, Salisbury Pa. DEEDS, MORTGAGES: PENSION VOUCHERS, AGREEMENTS, WALLLS, ETC, CAREFULLY ATTENDED TC. Be Special Attention to Claims, Collections and Marriage License Applications. FULL LINE INAS LW: OI LEGAL BL: FYS GON HAND: {RR IR FOLEY’ DNEY GURE WILL CURE YOU ‘of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi- cine. Take it at once. Do || not risk having Bright’s Dis- || ease or Diabetes. || nothing gained by delay. There is 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS “‘ Houghion Quality ”’ VEHICLES REAR VIEW. Style No. 70 - The Trainer's Friend — The Matinee Favorite & Ten Styles i in Racing Vehicles Ten Styles in Pleasure Vehicles Catalog of each or both. THE MOST MODERN PLANT IN THE WORLD. ASSURES THE PR IE HOUGHTON colin, MARION, Balt ore hio R | JUIENE E. WSunday OHIO. U.S.A. ) L SCHERULEIN 2. MATEY 1 haily cept © id ye L. ayn. I'iTSBU RG. De- local), *2.46 p. Mm. Ae “10.55 a. m. (local) m., 6:5 p.m. *9.29 p.m t*236 1 Arrive *11.30 a. NEW YORK, 20.29 p.m. CONNELLS\V 1 part *5.44 a. m. *1.34 p.m. | local 3 *11.30 a. m., *4.50 p. CHIC 00. Depart m., *4.50 § WASH. BAT, To. Depart *11L.30 a. Arrive *5.44 a. m. CUMBERLAND, Depa *11.30 a. m., *1.50 p. m., p.m. Arrive *5.44a. m, a. *2.46 p. m., *4.34 p. m. (local) JOHNSTOWN and wv ay *6.30 a. m., +246 p. ms *4p a. m., +4.50 p. m., *7.15 p. PHILA. & m.. 450 p.m, 10.55 a. m. (local), p. m. (local), *9.29 2 m. (local), Stations, Depart m. Arrive $11.30