en Indigestion Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and not in itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet they are symptoms only of a certain spegifio Nerve sickness—nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop in the creation of that now very popular Stomach Remedy—Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With- out that original and highly vital principle, no such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—and see for your- self what it can and will do. We sell and cheer fully recommend Dr. Shoop’s Restorative ELK LICK PHARMACY. DRODS iy * ROMPT, EFFECTIVE REM EDY FOR ALL FORMS OF RHEUMATISM Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Kidne, Trouble and Kindred Diseases. GIVES QUICK RELIEF Applied externally it affords almost in- stant relief from pain, while permanent results are being effected by taking it in- ternally, purifying-the blood, dissolving the poisonous substance and removing it from the system. DR. S. D. BLAND of Brewton, Ga., writes: “I had been a sufferer for a number of years ii with Lumbago and Rheumatism in my arms and § legs, and tried all the remedies that 1 could gather from medical works, and also consulted with a number of the best physicians, but found nothing that gave the relief obtained from § “86-DROPS.” [I shall prescribe it in my practice for rheumatism and kindred diseases,” DR. C. L. GATES Hancock, Minn., writes: A littlegirl here hadsuch a weak back caused by Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble that phi could not stand on her feet. The moment the; put her gown onthe floor she would scream with pains. Itreated her wn “5-DROPS and today she runs aroun et as wel Y and happy as can be. EEN I prescribe ‘5--DROPS’’ for my patients and use FH it in my practice.” a FREE If you are Sufieriie with Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatic euralgia, Kidney Trouble or any Kindred disease, write to us for a trial bottle of ‘'5-DROPS.” Fi PURELY VEGETABLE “5. DRopS 'iser rec fromopium got aine 1 i Tres ize Toile "i.00. For y Lit intn f SWARS ON RHEUMAT G CURE COMFrARY, Pept. 48. 160 I she Mtrect, Chicago The Saiiary Ww ator Burfi ier CALVANMIZED Steel Ghain Pump it is the Best Pump on the Market. Operated over cisterns and wells where depth does not exceed 20 feet. It will not Freeze, Rust or Rot. It the most beautiful, strongest and service- able, and will produce more water. It is en- tirely Sanitary. The water coming up the first tube into the spout, the over pro- duction into the wheel box, draining through the center tube. The base is so constructed that the water never splashes through the sides. We have used this pump in the finest homes in the city in kitchens, porches and yards and it has al- ways proven satisfac- tory. “It is Sanitary because it is clean. It urifies the water by he action of hn and the drainage through the center tube which agitates the water, there being enough air ao in the puD, when in action, to keep the water pureand teless. Ask your dealer to show it to you. Manufactured by EVANSVILLE PUMP & MANFG. CO., EVANSVILLE; INDIANA. 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Trae MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and Sescription may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- Hors strisly Sonndenitiel, HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest ney for securing patents. atents taken t HY Munn & Co. receiv special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ck Sane of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 four months, Sold by all newsdealers: MONN & C0, 3618roaaway. Now York ranch Office. 625 ¥ St.. Washington. D. C. ‘Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right deve eien Laxative Honey and Tar all Coughs, and expels Colds from system by gently moving the bowels. Clubbman-—So Doom has lost all hic money, eh? Who's got it? Calumet—His wife has most of it. Makes It Interesting. wife makes home ‘I suppose your a Paradise for you! “Er—Yes, she’s 10 ing! generally harp- It All Depends. Horrified ute saw Mr. your waist, Repentant mother; but deal more around some lustrated Bits. Mother-—I just this min- Nicefello's- arm around [t's perfectly awful Daughter Y-¢ it would be a-——a awful to his arm ather girl's waist ; go see Calm and. Collector” Reporter—So they tell me (hu yon and Brannigham were calm and collected after the explosion? O’Flanagan—Well, * sor, 1 was calm, but poor Branningham collected. Judge. wor Saturalls The Inexperienced One (on Atlan- tic liner, second day out) —Heavens! But the sea certainly gives a fellow a great appetite. Captain—Not gives, merely lends. my boy, but | Hiram Albright, hotel keeper, JURORS FOR SEPTEMBER COURT. A special term for the trial of civil cases will be held the week commenc- ing Monday, September 2, and it will | be followed by the regular term, at which the Quarter Sessions cases will | be tried. JURORS FOR SPECIAL Isaiah Miller, laborer, Addison; Emanuel Enos, farmer, Black; Henry Long, mason, Somerset borough ; Peter J. Bowman, farmer, Jenner; Peter S. | Turney, farmer, Lower Turkeyfoot; i Jerry Deal, farmer, Greenville; Her- | man J. Blough, farmer, Conemaugh; { | TERM. { Geo. Newlie, farmer, Allegheny; Chas. Estep, Brothersvalley ; Berston, clerk. Meyersdale; J}. OC. Lip- | hart, merchant. Casselman; Henry M. | Cramer, farmer, Middleereek; Wilson Walker, farmer, Summit; laborer, E Dively, laborer, Brothersvalley ; P. >Nair, Summit ; Geiger, farmer, Larimer; J. I. Conemaugh ; Chas. W. jrennessen, painter, Somerset borough; Peter D. Baer, farmer, Brothersvalley ; James P. Meyers, farmer, Milford ; C. L..'Baltzer, Sr., merchant, Stonyereek ; J. A. Lowry, { merchant, Fair Hope; William Allison, farmer, Ogle ; John D. Southampton ; Joseph Confluence ; Charles Wagner, farwer, Shade; W. H. Dill, book-keeper, lley- ersdale; Ephraim Livengood, farmer, Addison; Harvey Knable. laborer, | Paint; P. A. Warner, J. P., New Balti- | more ; C. I. Weimer, carpenter, Somer- set township ; Theodore Mervine, penter, Meyersdale; Albert G. : gentleman, Rockwood ; Thomas Little, laborer, Confluence; Samuel Weible, farmer, Shade ; Wm. J. Topper, laborer, New Baltimore ; Wm. H. Deitle,” farm- er. Greenville ; Moses Liphart, farmer. Upper Turkeyfoot ; Henry Kuhs, black- smith, Meyersdale; N. H. Barron, la- borer, Jefferson ; S. B. Philson, banker, Meyersdale ; John E. Lennox, printer, Berlin; F. C. Younkin, laborer, Rock- wood ; George W. Lancaster, laborer, Southampton ; Whitelaw Sechler, farm- er, Milford ; Ed. Sipe, laborer, Milford; Solomon H. Horner, farmer, Jenner; { Wm. H. Seese, farmer, Paint; George Dumbauld, farmer, Upper Turkeyfoot ; C. O. Hay, agent, Berlin; Abraham ! Shelter, farmer, Conemaugh; J. J. | Eash, farmer, Conemaugh; John P. Swindell, constable, Meyersdale; Geo. | Holtzhouer, butcher, Rockwood ; Israel | Brant, laborer, Brothersvalley. farmer, Kreger, farmer, car- Will GRAND JURORS. W. 8. Leslie, laborer, Lower Turkey- foot ; Samuel Critchfield, laborer, Jen- I ner; Robert Bell.farmer, Lincoln ; Aus- I tin J. Stoy, carpenter, Stoystown ; Con- rad Keidel, farmer, Northampton ; Oli- laborer, Boswell: Peter | Auman, laborer, Jefferson; George li { Egolf. farmer, Shade; Wo. JI. Garrett clerk, Windber ; Thomas Delehunt,bur- | gess, Windber; Henry Darr. farmer. { Lincoln; Henry Ott, farmer. Paint; J F. McCormick, hotel keeper, Windber ; Rhodgs, farmer, Somerse Scott Anderson, laborer. M. L. Weighley, farmer, Saylor, painter, Somer- { ver Peterson, Geo. PF. township ; Confluence ; Irvin set borough ; John H. Custer, [ maker, Stoystown; Simon Livengood, i farmer, Elk Lick; Joseph Custer, farm er, Conemaugh ; Calvin Livengood, la { borer, Addison ; Elins Wilkins, farmer Addison: Albert Il. Seihl, laborer, Meyersdale : * Charles Hipp. { Meyersdale. | Jenners ; wagon miter, PETIT JURORS, RECoOND WEEK. Won) boroug! Meyer. Cyrus Bird, farmer, Summit ; | Schrock, surveyor, Somerset Zorn, laborer, Jenner nk KE. farmer, dale; Ifra [ Jacob Keim, | Gross, druggist, Pletcher, laborer, Black ; bel, , laborer, Somerset borough, Paul Fl. Meyersdale ; Samuel John D. Ha- operator. Larimer: Jacob =. Piek- ing James M. Boyer. laborer, Southampton ; Noah MeNair, farmer, Lower Turkeyfoot ; = Lincoln; MM: A. Fike, laborer. Benjamin: i, Hay, farmer, Brothersvalley ; S. J. Mil Greenville; M. LL. Nevils, Knepper, retired. 3rothersvalley ; J. B. Howe, retired, Windber ; Lewis A. Peck, farmer, Elk Lick ; William IH. Grove, farmer, Stony- creek; A. J. Thomas,laborer, Elk Lick ; E. Knupp, merchant, Summit ; ler, farmer, Addison: Francis i C. W. Landis, farmer, Brothersvalley ; ! C. B. Dickey, farmer, Elk Lick ; Thomas | Hickey, carpenter, Windber; Josiah J. Griffith, merchant, Jennertown ; Albert S. Bridegum, merchant, Milford; ton Zinn, farmer, Summit; H. L farmer, Summis; John Werner, farmer, Summit ; M. 8S. Dickey, farmer, Somer- set townships John Sarver, farmer, Allegheny; M. E. McNeal, lumberman Windber ; Farmer Woy, farmer, Somer- set township; Herman Baer, farmer, Somerset township; Frank F. Emert, farmer, Fairhope ; John A. Brant, farm- er, Somerset townshjp; Jacob Swartz- endruber, laborer, Berlin; Wm. Long, J. P.,, Wellersburg; Frank M. Darr, farmer, SHisgheny! G. Orth, farmer, Berlin; H. 8S. Walker, farmer, Brothers- ber; George Schramm, grocer, Salis- Michael = McCauliff, farmer, Cone- maugh; Joshua McKinzey, farmer, Greenville; George Critchfield, labor- er, Black ; Miles Varner, laborer, Som- erset borough ; Ed. 8. Thomas, farmer, Jenner. — Chamberlain $ Cough. 1 Remedy Ci-S. BF Walter | Ephraim | Yoder, | Pfeifer, farmer, Berlin; Mil- | Fike, | ' | ( Hebe Steinway Pianos 122,000 of These Noted Pianos inUse (° ihn”) world red STOER hese inway ewners an 10 the teal world, iateur, loving the best iano \ have +2122 0600 “usical | Ploncs. , F.ane Uigyors : Music Eo Toi | Sheet Mus: ic, Right ‘ug Klachines, Yielins, Banjos, Etc. | Prices Perins Right. A 200d allowance and | organs in exchange. Our prices ure always consistent with Greatest inducements: buyers. Write us pianos low— i quality, to uniformly pisine “Yaelor stants fox Melody . SE Mehor Co. As g Evarything Brssical 0 i s the Best 309 321 Fifth we Pitfshurgh FOUNDED 1831. \. Guaranteed Remedy] for all Digestive Disorders. You have tried the rest. Now try the best. If you wish to be better nourished, have a clear healthy complexion, a bright eye, a steady nerve and the energy necessary to carry on your daily work, take Nature's Own Remedy Contains no pepsin, pancreation or other artificial digest- ers. Theyrelieve by sup- plying and feeding the little cells which go to make up the digestive organs. A trial will convitice you. 3 sizes, 25¢., 50c., $1.00. Sold by drug- gists. Fv ery box guaranteed. PREPARED ONLY 11) ; | DINER’ S DIGESTER COMPANY, : [ Des Moines, lowa. Ba | Plaver Pianos, ! | I s—Salisbury, Pa Foreion and Domes Finest of Groceries, Hardware, Supplies, Shoes, 9 9 ad = |. DRY 16 Goons. Miners’ lothing, Etc. The best Powder and Squibs a Specialty. H 5 REICH & U MEYE Undertaking parlor on Grant St., S EF Somerset County and Economy For Butter An bs. SON, Pa. C. BOYERL, hones. ISDALE, PA alisbury, L. Teley Manager, FOLEY’ KIDNEY GURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi- cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright’s Dis- ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. - FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Baltimore & Ohio RB, R. IN EFFECT JUNE HERSDALRE. sSunday SCHEDULE NEY Shaily 2, 1907. *Paily. except Sunday. ly ol CO NENT PITTSBURG. De- | part oobi. mv ni. (loenl), #246 p. m. | Lod pon loc iN Pve SHS m. local) *1 L300. my “130 pNP. 20.29 Dan AGRO), D depart 2a Arrive *11.30 a. hn Ww adi De part Hon, \ \ ) il. pam. NEW YORK, mL 20.29... an, SPHINN, & 1.50 D. - ey rt A055 a.m. {loc + (local), * a. m. (loca Stations, Depart Arrive §1130 | | | “rd Way nx 434 p.m. 2 33.p. nt. JOHNSTOWN i Tip 30 Dn. HY. Ona fH. By. 4 Afinnie Wiltrout, valey ; i MeCune, motorman, Wind- | bury; Ed. Matthews, farmer, Addison; | Bultimore & Ohio Ralo. VERY LOW RATE Summer Excursions Jmesion Evoosiion DAILY UNTIL NOVEMBER 30. Atlantic City | A- EPTEMBER 2, SPECIAL SEASHORE EXCURSIONS 9) GUST 8 AND 22, ANDS SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. || GaAL RR NartioNan Excavpymens, { SEPTEMAER 9-14. | Agent for 8-24 Ask Nearest B. & O. Ticket Full Details. i For many years it has | Marriage Licenses. | Jacob Shaffer, Tohnetov n. Pearl Bauymanrdner, Elton. Daniel Fike. Summit township. 3elinda Weimer, Summit township. Calvin Bonnell, Fort Hill. Pa Fort Hill, Pa. James I. Laird, Black twp. Elizabeth M. Shoemaker, Black twp. Nicholas T. Bice, Bakersville. Anna Fleegle, Somerset. Nevin Bartlett Smith, Louise Smith, Boswell. TEN YEARS IN BED. “For ten years I was confined to my bed with disease of my kidneys, writes R. A. Gray, J. P., of Oakville, Ind. “It was so severe that I could not move part of the time. I consulted | the very best medical skill available, | but could get no relief until Foley’s | Kidney Cure was recommended to me. | It has been a Godsend to me.” Sold by | all Druggists. 9-1 Boswell. yE ““Houghion Quality’ VEHICLES REAR VIEW. Style No. 70 The Trainer's Friend | The Matines Favorite Ten Styles in Racing Vehicles Ten Styles in Pleasure Vehicles Catalog of each or both. THE MOST MODERN PLANT IN THE WORLD. A RICE. SSURES THE P ZZ HOUGHTON cowraxy, MARION, OHIO, U.S.A. Indigestion Causes Catarrh of the Stomach. en supposed that | Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion | and dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly the opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re- | peated attacks of Indigestion inflames the | mucous membranes lining the stomach and xLases the nerves of the stomach, thus caus- ng ‘the glands to secrete mucin instead of | the juices of natural digestion. This Is called Catarrh of the Stomach. 'Kodol Dyspepsia Gure | relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach, protects the | nerves, and cures bad breath, sour risings, | a sense of fullness after eating, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. 'Kodol Digests What You Eat ake the Stomach Sweet. Bttes oi. Regular size, $1.00, holding 2% times the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, IIL. sO NY KM ETE ogwirs Early Ris The famous little p SOS ills. > FOLEYSHONEY-=TAR | stops the cough and heals lungs FOLEYSHONEY~-TAR for children; safe, sure. No opiates I EYSHONEY~TAR ada Cures Golds; Prevents Pneumonia XB Spevial Murphy Bros. RESTAURANT! JINN Headquarters for best Lunches, Soft Drinks. ete. Short-Order Meals—Beef- Eggs, Hot Oysters, lee Cream, Try steak, Coffee, our Ham and Sausage, efc. Meals to Order at All Arve H OUTS! em. We Confectionery, Tobacco, ( also handle a line of Giroceries, gars, ete. and we oof We try to please our patrans, would thank buying. you for a shi your MURPHY BROTHERS, Joy BUILDING, SALISBURY. P W. A. CLA RIK kK, FUneTal Director and Emam. All work given the attention Night calls answered Both and Economy Phones tid building hes: promptly Some rset Our Undertaking Rooms in the Zimmerman to Will & Salers are next door Furnit Store, MEYERSDALE, PE A&E or the trons in Salisbury aaconin ana i riaking a branch unde town in charge of I. |} where and lected. P.L. LIVENGOOD, Notary Public. Star Office, Salisbury Pa. MELEE, WRERER 200 ¥ & ENSIGN MENTS, LLY DEEDS, MORTGAGES POY CHERS, AGREE WAIELS, FITC; CARER! ATTENDED 10. BERS 'cetions Attention to Cla Licogse, Seon Morrie rations, & OF BEd LANKN LYS ON HAND. FULL LINE LW. % RP A IR Vr WF NF 25 3 D3 Pou arz respectiullp inbited fo call at our office for the purpose of examining samples and taking prices of €n- grabed Calling Cards, Inbitations, etc. Our twork the best, styles the latest and prices the [otvest. EXE -