2 WELL BRED WOMAN to know where to get the best of everything. She knows that, especially in drugs, medicines, toilet articles and stationery, there’s | never anything gained, and frequently much lost by using some- thing ¢ heap and inferior. We have quite a crowd around our place, but there's always room for one more, and our clerks are of the spry kind. They don’t keep a customer hanging around half a day before being waited upon. PAUL H. GROSS, CITY DRUG STORE. DEUTSCHE APOTHEKE, MEYERSDALE, PA &F Buy the Genuine R. M. BEACHY’S Horse and Cattle Tonic. not cost any more. It does RRR RE RR RR RRR MEASONABLE - GOODN 8 Hammocks, Summer Underwe: Tr, Summer Goods of All Kinds, for Men, Boys, Women and Children. ® RR RERRE Our Dry Goods Department is the talk and pride of the “town, and our stock of Shoes, Hats and Dress Shirts. has them all beat. CT ig 5 OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. HE LIGk EY SIRE 1. Hoy, Manage. RR BR RR RE 3 RRR ST 1 WE HAVE 11 A The Original, Old Reliable BEACHY'S HORNE & CATTLE POWDER, per Ih. 2 RRR N= the kind you used to buy. ilk Lick Drug Nore, AR ILNIS sei > o> — > o> oo > > [ad - o> > > o — - o> oo - - - - - - > o> — o> o> o -— o> -> - - > -— o> — - r= — -— GINO ELENRLLR IRRIS New Store! New Goods! We have opened a fine new general store in the M. J. CGlotfelty building, Ord St., Salisbury, Pa., and invite you * to come and inspect our nice, new line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, etc. TERE SSR EE RSE 6 SS SIE STR SIE SE SIR DRED Prices As Low As The Lowest! TES et * CIEE We start with an entire new stock, and we handle only the goods. We solicit a share of your pat- a square deal and satisfaction to all. best and purest brands of ronage, and we guarantee ~ Howard Meager & Co. re JEWEL RUNABOUT—S600 Complete Reliable and Economical Our 1907 Car is as near perfection as the highest grade of mechanical engin- eering and shop practice can make it. It comes nearer the ideal conception ofagentlemen’shorseless carraige than Jj any car that has as yet been produced. , Can be operated by by any member of the family who can be trusted with a i y horse’s reins. rite for catalogue Fully Guaranteed and testimonials. FOREST CITY MOTOR CAR CO.. Massillon, Ohio. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 2 MEYERSDALE. +Daily except Sunday. BA RR RRA P.L. LIVENGOOD, Notary Public. Star Office, Salisbury Pa. 2, 1907. *Daily. ¢Sunday CONNELLSVILLE s FITTepoan De- part *5.44 a. m., 17.52 (local), *2.46 p. m. *4.34 p.m. (local). ATTive 10, 55a. m. (local) *11.30 a. m., *4.50 p. m., +6.50 p. m., *90.20 p.m C HICAG: Popars #046 p.m. Arrive*11.30 a. WAH BALTO., PHILA. & NEW YORE Depart *11.80 a. m., *4.50 p. m., *3.29 p Arrive *5.44 a. m. ‘CUMBERLAND, Depart *10.56 a. m. (local) *11.80 a. m., *4.50 p. m., $6.60 p. m. (local), *9 *9.2 Pp. m. AFFive #54 0 mh | 7.52 a. m. (local), *2.46 p. m., *4.34 p. m. (local). IQENSTOWN and Way Stations, Depart 6.30 a. m., +2.46 p. m., 43D m. Arrive $11.30 8. m., +.50 p. m., 705 p. m DEEDS, MORTGAGES, PENSION VOUCHERS, AGREEMENTS, WILLS, ETC. CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. Special Attention to Claims, Collections and Marriage License Applications. FULL LINE OF LEGAL BLANKS ALWAYS ON HAND. RR ER RR RR RRR IRE Tt Sena 5 i | ~ Murphy Bros.’ ESTAURANT! ZN Headquarters for best Cream, Lunches, Soft Drinks, ete. Try our Short-Order Meals—Beef- | steak, Ham and Eggs, Hot | Coffee, ete. Meals to Order at All ame. Hours! ees We also handle a line of Groceries, Confectionery, Tobacco, Cigars, ete. We try to please our patrons, and we would thank you for a share of your buying. R Oysters, Ice Sausage, MURPHY BROTHERS, Joy BuIiLnING, SALISBURY, Pa. EB: C u 2 ] ; GALL SAL POSITIVELY HEALS SORE SHOULDERS ¥ SORE NECKS OR BACKS ON HORSES AND MULES It Heals Them Anyway in Harness, under Saddlic or Idle. If not sold in your town we will send you FREE SAMPLE, if you 48 send us name of your dealer. Put up in 25c., 50c. and $1.00 Cans. MONEY BACK IF IT- FAILS. SECURITY REMEDY CO. Minneapolis, Minn. LLY SECURITY AN } * Houghton Quality” VEHICLES REAR VIEW. Style No. 70 The Trainer's Friend > The Matinee Favorite g. § Ten Styles in Racing Vehicles : Ten Styles in Pleasure Vehicles Catalog of each or both. MOST MODERN PLANT IN THE WORLD. ThE ASSURES THE PRICE. 2 HOUGHTON coweanv, MARION, Le Tr OHIO, U.S.A. Indigestion Causes Catarrh of the Stomach. For many years it has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly the opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re- peated attacks of Indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach, thus caus- ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of the juices of natural digestion. This is called Catarrh of the Stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach, protects the nerves, and cures bad breath, sour risings, a sense of fullness after eating, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Kodol Digests What You Eat Make the Stomach Sweet. Bottles only. Regular size, $1.00, holding 2%3 times the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, lll. SOLD BY E. H. MILLER. FOLEY’ KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi- cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright’s Dis- ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. FOLEYSHONEY~~TAR for children; safe, sure. No opiates | harmless and perfectly safe. ZEEE Pou are respectfully inbited to call at our office for the purpose of examining samples and taking prices of €n- grabed Calling Cards, Inbitations, etc. Our toork the best, styles the latest and prices the [otvest. 3 Sr SP SE Administratrix’s Notice. Estate of Michael FK. Smith, late of the Borough of Salisbury, Somerset county, Pennsylvania. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned by the proper authority, notice is hereby given to all per- sons indebted to sald estate to make im- mediate payment. Those having claims against the same can present them duly authenticated for settlement at the late residence of deceased, in said Borough. ANNA M. SMITH, 8-1 Administratrix. "UNDERTAKING. Latest and Most Up-to-date Methods —Fine Stock. The new undertaking establishment, corner North and Center streets. Mey- ersdale, Pa., is equipped with a full stock of the most popular undertaking goods, and the new undertaker, W. A. Clarke, comes well recommended as a skillful embalmer and funeral director. A ‘trial will convince you. Charges reasonable. + Economy and Somerset County telephones. tf De Dr. Milne is continuing the use of Somnoform for the painless extrac- tion of teeth, in his well equipped dent- al office in Meyersdaler Too much can- not be said of this wonderful anaes- thetic. Nothing can be said against it by the most critical. It is absolutely tf La “Store and Fixtures for Sale. I hereby offer my entire stock of Corfectionery, ete., together with my Store Fixtures, for sale at a reasonable figure, I desire to quit business. For particulars apply to Errnis WAGNER, Salisbury, Pa. as tf FOR RENT !—The large double dwelling corner Ord St. and Smith Ave. adjoining Dull Mercantile Co.s store. Will rent either the whele or one-half of residsnce. Good lot and outbuildings. Plenty of fruit and ex- cellént water." Apply to tf STEWART SMITH. fat rE EVERY TIME you hire a rig at the Williams Livery, Salisbury, Pa.; you will get the worth of your money. Somerset County telephone. tf ie a WHEN A MAN TELLS YOU it does not pay to advertise, he is simply ad- mitting that he is conducting a busi- ness that is not worth advertising, a business conducted by a man unfit to do business, and a business which should be advertised for sale. tf EE IT IS BAD BUSINESS to allow peo- ple to look in vain through the col- umns of Tue Star for an advertise- ment of your business. tf TRY 1T Our Bonne Et Belle Type- writer Paper. We furnish it blank, in full letter sheets, 8'5x11 inches, for only $1.10 per ream. We also furnish it printed. when desired, at customary prices. We also have many other grades and brands of typewriter paper, and it’s all good. SoMERSET COUNTY STAR. W ANTE D AT ONC E !—Two | good kitchen girls ( white), at Hay's Hotel. Good ui “Ap- ply to or address D. 1. Hay, Elk Lick, Pa tf - > TO LAND OWNERS: —We have printed and keep in stock a supply of | trespass notices from the far-reaching trespass law pass- ed at the 1905 session of the Pennsyl- vania Legislature. The notices are printed on good cardboard with blank line for signature, and they will last for years in all kinds of weather. Every and owner should buy some of them. as the law requires land owners to post | their lands if they want the protection of the latest and best trespass law ever passed. Send all orders to Tue Stag, Elk Lick, Pa. tf IF YOUR BUSINESS will not stand advertising, advertise it for sale. You cannot afford to follow a business that will not stand advertising. All kinds of Legal and Commereisl) Blanks, Judgment Notes, ete., for sale | at THE Star office. ops Early Risers The famous little pills. Chamberlain's Cough Remety Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. FOLEYS HONEYA=TAR stops the cough and heals lungs containing extracts | | The Thirty-first Annual Convention of the Lutheran Sunday School Association of Somerset County. The above named convention was held in the St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran church of Rockwood, Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday of last week. It was one of the most enthusi- astic and helpful conventions ever held. One hundred and sixty delegates were present. The reports of the various schools, read upon the floor of the con- vention, show marked advancement along many lines of Sunday school ‘work. The total number of officers in the Lutheran schools of the county is 296, a gain of 8 over last year. The number of teachers, 416; gain, 23. Total number of scholars, 5007; gain, 354. Total average attendance, 3214; gain, 306. The number of communi- cants in the schools, 2220; gain, 896. The number that received their first communion, 199. The total amount of contrubutions, $6151.66. Of this amount $2619.09 was contributed towards the benevolent operations of the church. So far as figures are an indication of spiritual growth and development, these statistics are encouraging. The first session was held on Tues- day evening, June 18th. After the ex- cellent anthem of St. Luke’s choir, Rev. Charles H. Day, the genial pastor of the church, extended felicitous greet- ings and a royal welcome. The re- sponse was made by the Hon. O. P. Shaver, of Friedens. This was followed by the annual address of the president, W. H. Rupple, Esq., of Somerset. The Bev. E. S. Johnston, D. D., of Elk Lick, delivered the principal address of the opening evening. During the remaining sessions of Wednesday and Thursday, the follow- ing subjects were presented for dis- cussion: “The advisability of a County Tem- perance secretary of Sunday schools” — Miss Helen Schaff, of Rockwood. “How can the Superintendent make festival occasions most helpful to the school?”—Virgil R. Saylor, Somerset. “The parental responsibility for non- attendance at Sunday school”—Rev. J. S. English, Stoystown. “The Home Department”—Rev. R. T,. Patterson, Somerset. “Characteris- tics of good superintendent”—II. Wilson Floto, Berlin. “Can the Super- intendent use the blackboard with profit in the Sunday school”’—Rev. W. II. B. Carney, Garrett. “How can the Superintendent keep his school out ‘of ruts?”’—\W. H. Rupple, Esq., Somerset. “Receiving and welcoming new pupils” —Mrs. EK. E. Haselbarth, Elk Lick “The formative period of youth” —Rev, Quy Macl.aughlin, Meyersdale. “Which is the better, asking questions, or lecturing the class?”’—Rev. Moses Grossman, Addison. “Christmas treat- ing or Christmas giving”—Rev. C. F. Floto, Cumberland, Md. : These subjeets were ably presented, and in many instances evoked a good measure of lively discussion. The various sessions were interspers- ed with special music, rendered by the following: Mrs. S. A. Zimbeck, La- vansville ; Misses Edna Louther, Som- erset, Bessie Miller, Friedens, Clara Zufall, Meyersdale, Olive Miller, Stoys- town, and the Rockwood choir. The recitation of Miss Sadie Snyder, of Rockwood, ‘Palestine,’ deserves men- tion for the artistic and effectual man- ner of its rendition. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: W. II. Rupple, Esq., Somerset, President; Rev. Chas. H. Day, Rockwood, Vice President; Miss Matilda B. Stahl, Pine Hill, Re- cording Secretary; Mrs. W. H. Yost, Cumberland, Md., Corresponding Sec- retary; Rev. Charles Lambert, Iried- Treasurer. The Executive com- mittee, Rev. C. H. Day, Rev. J.S. E lish, Rev. W. H. B. Carney, Hon. 0. Shaver, and Mr. James O. ger. a ens, r. —- EVERY MAN HIS OWN cannot N DOCTOR. The average man ment or injury that may family. nor can be afford them, as so slight an injury | scratch of a pin has been known | cause the loss of a limb. { man must from necessity be doctor for this class of ailments. | cess often depends upon prompt treat- only be had when at hand. Chamberlain’s been in the market for many years and enjoy a They sell for 25 cents to neglect the as Sue- ment, which can suitable medicines are kept Remedies have good reputation. a bottle. Chamberlain’s Colie, Cholera and Di- arrhoea Remedy, for bowel complaints. | emedy, for and Cough croup Chamberlain’s | coughs, colds, | cough. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, (an anti- | septic liniment ),for cuts, bruises, burns, | sprains, swellings, lame back and rheu- | | matic pains. Chamberlain’s Stomach | Tablets, for constipation, {rand stomach troubles. | Chamberlain’s Salve, for diseases of | the skin. and One bottle of each of these five prep- | For sale at | arations cost but $1.25. | Miller's Drog Store. | 7-1 Cures Colds; Prevents Pneumonia ng- | afford to | employ a physician for every slight ail- | occur in his | to | Hence every | his own | whooping | | Liver | biliousness | FOLEYSHONEY:~s TAR An Interesting Swallow Story. People who ‘are close observers of birds, sometimes notice some very amusing, as well as very pathetic things in the lives of our little feathered friends. Mr. Josiah Pile. of Middlecreek town= ship, relates the following pathetic in- cident concerning two barn swallows: “Several years ago a pair of barn swallows came to my place and built their nest under the porch roof, above the door. They came the next year, and the next for some years. 1 pre- sumed they were the same birds, and the sequel of their association and the tragedy that came into their subse- quent-life prove this to my mind con- clusively. They were veidently the same pair. They came every spring in good time to repair their nest, about two weeks before laying time. I loved their company very much. They were early birds—always twittering and fly- ing about in the morning before I got out of bed. One spring they came as usual and commenced building a sec- ond nest, close by the first. One even- ing, before the second nest was com- pleted, there came a shower of rain. Both birds flew out and perched upon the wire clothes line, and sat there while thr rain continued falling. After a while both birds darted to the ground to get some mud for their new house. Our cat was hiding behind the post to which the clothes line was fastened. The cat sprang forward and caught one of the birds—the female swallow—and killed it. I was sorry, indeed, but the mischief was done... The male bird cried bitterly that evening and all the next day, and then disappeared for sev- eral days. After some days absence the male bird returned with a new mate ; but the new mate either did not like her new home, or she detested widowers. He would fly to his nest and call loudly, earnestly and anxious- ly for Mrs. Swallow No. 2, but she would not come. After several days of fruitless courtship, the new mate left for unknown parts; but Mr. Swallow, to show his independence, or perhaps his superior attachment for his old home, remained the rest of the summer in his nest, and led a lonely existence till fall, when he left never to return; dying, probably, of a broken heart.” Mr. Phillips Denies the Assertion. In our issue of last week, we made mention of an allegation that is quite, current in this vicinity, namely, that the Fallon brothers, who were caught by a cave-in while working at the mines operated by J. IH. Phillips and others, were caught under the fall while trying to save the car they were loading. We also stated that it is al- leged that Mr. Phillips had put great stress on having the company’s cars saved at all hazards. Tie Star gave Mr. Phillips the bén- efit of the doubt in the latter assertion, and did not state or try to create the impression that he expected men to risk their lives to save a car. We did state, however, that such allegations had been made, adding that we could not very them, and we say the same thing yet. Mr. Phillips, of course, denies the al- legations made by some of the miners, and as we have no means of knowing the truth in the matter, we will let our readers believe the story Mr. Phillips tells, or that which some of the miners tell, just as they please. Mr. Phillips also informs us that the Fallon brothers were not trying to save the car when they met with their ac- cident, which we are neither prepared to dispute or verify. Mr. Phillips is squealing before he is hurt, and deny- ing at least one allegation that Tur Star never made. —- - | Desirable Residence Property for ale. Wolfersber- | Large corner lot, 866x196 feet, front- | ing on the main street of Salisbury | borough, having thereon a very con- | venient and desirable 8-room house, a | stable, good well, fine fruit, good board walks, ete. The house has been re- | cently remodeled and given three coats Everything about the place is in good repair, and the location is one of the most desirable in town. The lot is large enough for an addi- | tional building or two, and the price at | which the property can be bought is | very reasonable. For further partic- ulars, apply at” Tur Star office, Elk Lick, Pa tf of paint. le OLD PAPERS for sale at THE STAR | office. They are just the thing for pantry shelves, wrapping paper and cartridge paper for the miners. Five cents buys a large roll of them. tf | HAVE YOU A WANT?—If so, try a | small “ad” in Tue Star. Many wants | can and are promptly supplied if ad- vertised in this paper. tf —. and the Pittsburg Daily both papers one year Send all remittances to tf | THE STAR | Gazette Times, or only $3.75. Tue Svar, Elk Lick, Pa. WEDDING Invitations at THE STAR office. A nice new stock justre | ceived. tf. | | | | | | | Chamianaiv's Tough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough-