The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, June 27, 1907, Image 4

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L Livexagoon, Editor and © iii
ick, Pa.
Eatered at the Postoflice at Bik 1
as mail matter of the-Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
2@E STAR is published every Thursday,
Satisbury, (Elk Lick, I’. O.) Somerset C CA
tx. Po. at the following rates:
Que year, if paid spot eash in advance.
#1 mot paid Strictly. in advance. we
Six months....... vais see
Moee months.
Sawgle copies... ya .
"Teavoid multiplic ity Of small accounts
#4 subscriptions for three months or less
west be paid in advance. These rates and
germs will be rigidly adhered to.
$1 25
Advertising Ri:
Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a
smth insertion. To re gular advertisers, 5
ents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a
aime for each succeeding insertion. No busi- |
zmes lacals will be mixed with local news
Ammas or editorial matter for less than 10
«mxts a line for each insertion,except on
pearly contracts.
Bates for Display Advertisments will be
smsde known on application.
Baitorial advertising, invariably 10 cents
Tal Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
mxceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
sfiditional lines, 5 cents each.
©ards of Thanks will be published free for
gwizons of the paper. Non- patrons will be
ghorged 10 cents a line.
Resolutions of Respect will be published
for 5 cents a line.
All advertisements will be run and charg-
od for until ordered discontinued.
Noadvertisement will be taken for less
Zen 25 cents. 3
{Is It Your
Own Hair?
Do you pin your hat to your
own hair? Can’t do it?
Haven’t enough hair? It must
be you do not know Ayer’s
Hair Vigor! Here’s an intro-
duction! May the acquaint-
ance result in a heavy growth
of rich, thick,glossy hair! And
we know you’ll never be gray.
2 thi ink that Ayer’s 1: vir Vigor is the most
rful hairgrower that was ever made. I
as a sp
3 V. Brock, Wayland, Mich
piles disappear like magic by
t |
5 |
05 | |
line |
Piles get quick and certain relief
from Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment,
P Jouss note it is made alone for Piles,
1d its action is positive and certain.
protruding or blind
its use.
I. arge nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents.
sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 7-1
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Williams, who
were visiting friends in Salisbury and
vicinity, returned to their home in
Johnstown, Pa., yesterday. They like
their new home, but still feel at home
in good old Salisbury,
| many friends.
ry painful,
where they have
H. G. Wilhelmi started for Pensacola,
Florida, yesterday morning, where he
expects to work at his trade for an ip-
| definite period. His brothers, iar he
Fred, have taken charge of his tiring
and plumbing business here. We wish
them success all around.
A prompt, pleasant, good remedy for
coughs:and colds, is Kennedy’s Laxa-
tive Cough Syrup. .It is especially
recommended for babies and children,
but good for every member of the fam-
ily. It contains no opiates and does
not constipate Contains honey and
tar and tastes nearly as good as maple
syrup. Children like it.
Miller. 7-1
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fair, of West
Salisbury, started for Akron, Ohio, last
| Sunday, te look at some farming land,
| and moving thereon.
| stopped at
which Mr. Fair is thinking of buying
En route they
Braddock, Pa., to visit
| Elmer Fair, a brother of Matthew's.
! ner,
| Matthew Fair, and P. L. Livengood.
Made by J.C. Ayer Co., Lowell,
Also ley of
Yyers BX
i. Taree
Born, last Sunday morning, to Mr.
and Mrs. I'rank Murphy, a son,
Dr. A. M. Lichty went to Washing-
ton, D. C., Tuesday, to attend a medical
Druggist E. H. Miller, who had been
mm Pittsburg and vicinity, returned
home last Saturday.
to Stuben-
where her
I4rs. Port Hartline went
zille, Ohio. last Sunday,
husband has employment.
Mr. and Mrs, James W. Beal, of
Pittsburg, who had been visiting friends
in Salisbury, returned home last Sun-
When you feel the need of a pill take
a DeWitt’s Little Early Riser. Small
pill, safe pill, sure pill. Easy to tako—
pleasant and effective. Drives away
deadaches. Sold by E. H. Miller. 7-1
Mrs. W. B. Stevanus and children are
risiting that lady’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S.S. Koontz, in Braddock. Pa.
this week.
Our friend Robert Beachy, who ar-
rived here last week, is thoroughly en-
joying life among the numerous friends
Were on his native heath.
Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Meyers, who re-
sided on the Milton J. Beachy farm, a
Tew years ago, but residents of
¥ansas, are visiting friends in this
wwn and vicinity, this week.
Major Phil A. Shaffer, genial
#¥tacdonaldton postmaster and superin-
tendent of the WW. Niver Coal Com-
pany’s works at that place, was in this
yieinity on business, Monday.
IFor scratches, burns, cuts, insect
bites and themany little hurts common
io every family, DeWitt’s Carbolized
Witch Hazel Salve is the best remedy.
It is soothing, cooling, clea nd heal-
ing. Be sure you get DeWitt’s. Sold
sy E. H. Miller. 7-1
Fallon, Jr.,
who was so badly injured in the mines,
Jast week, a full account of which ap-
peared in last week’s Star, is getting
along quite well, and it is now believed
that he will recover.
Miss Edith
Kretchman, who
peen visiting in Pittsburg, returned | lations.
home last Sunday. Unfortunately she |
Belt her pocketbook, containing $5.00 or!
more, lying on the seat she occupied in
the ear when she disembarked at Mey-
If you will make inquiry it will be a |
succumb |
revelation to you how many
to kidney or bladder troubles in one
form or another. If the patient is not
peyond medical aid, Foley’s Kidney
Care will cure. It never aieppointe
Sold by all Druggists.
one of the men
| writes:
| excursion,
| urinary troubles.
| for 25¢.
W.R. Ward, of Dyersburg, Tenn,
“This is to certify that T have
used Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup for
| chronic constipation, and it has proven,
| without a doubt,
| practical remedy for this trouble, and
Iit is with pleasure 1 offer my consci-
| entious reference.”
| gists.
to be a thorough,
Sold by all Drug-
The following named persons were
among the passengers on the Pittsburg
last Sunday: WW. B. Ste-
vanus and family, Geo. W. Whitacre,
Mrs. Porter Hartline, Mrs. Norman
May, Mrs. Chas. Crowe, Thomas Wag-
Arthur Emerick, Mr. and Mrs.
I'll stop your pain free. Toshow you
tirst—before you spend a penny—what
| my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will
| mail you free, a Trial Package of them
| —Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets,
ralgia, Headache, Toothache, Period
pains, etc., are due alone to blood con-
gestion. Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets
simply kill pain by ‘coaxing away the
unnatural blood pressure. That is’ all.
Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold
by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 7-1
Elder Howard H. Keim, of Ladoga,
Ind., arrived here last Saturday, ac-
companied by his wife and youngest
three children They visiting
Elder Keim’s mother, Mrs. S.C. Keim,
and his sister, Miss Cora Keim. They
have many warm friends in and about
Salisbury whe are always glad to wel-
come them.
A game warden at Monessen, Pa,
sent $8 to Chief Game Protector Kalb-
fus, of Harrisburg, that he had collect-
ed off crap shooters. The shooters
were charged with “shooting game
Sunday.” The money was returued to
the warden with the notification that
it is not a violation of the game Inws
to shoot crap, says the Cumberland
All stomach troubles are quickly re-
lieved by taking a littie Kodol afier
each meal. Kodol goes directly to the
seat of the trouble, Strengthens the di-
gestive organs, supplies the natural
digestive juices at id digests. what you
eat. It is a simple. clean. pure, harni-
less remedy. Don’t neglect your stom-
ach. Take a little Kodol afier each
meal and see how good it makes you
feel. Money back if it fails. Sold by
E. H. Miller. 1-1
Our genial friend Charles Landman,
the well known pop manufacturer, of
Somerset, was in town on Tuesday
evening. Mr. Landman likely
line up for the Democratic nomination
for County Commissioner, next spring,
and if he does, the Democrat who beats
him will have to get-up early and run
as fast as an automobile. Landman is
a veritable Dutchman, and a
good fellow.
is to
Jert Barber, of Elton, Wis, says “I
have only taken four doses of your
Kidney and. Bladder Pills and they
have done for me more than any other
medicine has ever done. I am still
taking the pills. a perfect
cure.” Mr. Barber refers DeWitt’s
Kidney and Bladder Pills, which
unequaled for Backache, weak kidneys,
inflammation of the bladder and all
\ weeks treatment
Miller. 7-1
as want
Sold by E. H.
Mr. Simon Keefer and Miss Ada B,
Shockey, both of Greenville township,
were united in at the Luth-
eran parsonage, on the evening of June
23, 1907, by Rev. I.. P. Young, pastor of
| the Lutheran church. The bride is the
accomplished daughter of the late
Israel Shockey, and the groom the
eldest son of Mr. Herman Keefer. Both
are excellent yonng people and have a
had | host of friends who extend congratu-
May their life boat find
| smooth sailing.
A man who is in perfect health, so he
can do an honest day’s work when
necessary, has much for which he
| should be thankful.
of Branchton, Pa
not only unable to work, but he couldn’t
stoop over to tie his own shoes. Six
bottles of Foley’s Kidney Cure made a
new man of him. He says, “Success to
Foley’s Kidney Cure.” Sold by all |
Druggists, 1-1
Sold by E. H..
Mr. LL. C. Rodgers, |
. writes that he was |
Our old friend David Fuller has been:
appointed Notary Public. Mr. Fuller
served his fellow citizens of Elk Lick
township for a period of 20 years as
Justice of the but tricked
Pence was
out of the Republican nomination, last |
spring, and obliged to run independent. |
He distanced some of the candidates
whose names were printed on the of-
ficial ballot, but failed of election by
only a few votes. However, you can’t
keep a good man down, and once more
uncle David has an office, also the con- |
gratulations of his many friends.
There is no case of indigestion, no
matter how irritable or how obstinate
that will not be speedily relieved by
the use of Kodol. The main factor in
curing the stomach of any disorder is |
rest, and the only way to get rest is to
actually digest the food for the stomach
itself. Kodol will do it. It is a scien-
tific preparation of vegetable acids
containing the very same juices found
in a healthy stomach. It conforms to
the Pure Food and Drugs Law.
by E. H. Miller.
Just after Mr. A. J. Sembower,
door. Thinking some customer had
gotten there a little late, he looked out
the window, when he saw a masked
man make another powerful lunge
against the door. Seeing a revolver
pointed at bis head, he retreated, and
later discovered two others in the
background. While the merchant was
assembling his arsenal for a vigorous
defense, the beseigers left in the dark-
ness. Mr. Sembower thinks, from the
description given of the men who en-
tered the store of Merchant L. L.
Weimer, of Casselman, an account of
which was given in last week’s Leader;
that they are the same individuals,
The parties suspected are known, and
it is hoped they will soon be brought to
justice.—Rockwood Leader.
1 will mail you free, to’ prove merit,
samples of my Dr. Shoop’s Restorative,
and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The
Heart or The Kidneys. Troubles of the
Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely
symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don’t
make the common error of treating
symptoms only. Symptom treatment
is treating the result of your ailment,
and not the cause. Weak Stomach
nerves—the inside :
mach weakness, always. And
controlling’ or inside nerves.
weak vital organs. Here is where Dr.
Shooy’s Restorative has made its fame.
No other remedy even claims to treat
the “inside nerves.” “Also for bloating
biliousness, bad breath or complexion,
use Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. Write me
to-day for sample and free Book. Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restorative
is sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy.
Come, Regardless of Weather.
Lawn Social at residence of J. 1.
Jarchus, Saturday evening, June 29th,
1907. by the Sisters’ Society of the
Brethren Church of Salisbury. If
weather inclement,
will be served in the hotse:
cordially invited.
Tub Mill Mine Worked Out.
Tub Mill mine, one of the grandest
old collieries that was ever operated, is
now worked out and abandoned. The
mine was opened about the year 1880,
and the last car of coal was shipped
therefrom a couple of weeks ago. It
gave employment to many men in its
time, and a few lost their lives therein.
Free, for Ontarrh, just to prove merit,
a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh
a Let me send it now. It isa
snow-white, creamy, healing, antiseptic
balm. Containing such healing ingre-
dients os Oil Eucaliptus, Thymol, Men-
thol, ete., it gives instant and lasting
relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat.
Make the free test and see for yourself
what this preparation can and will ac-
complish. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine,
Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by I alk
Lick Pharmacy. 7-
Body of an Unknown Man Found
Lodged on a Rock in the Cas-
selman River.
While Bruce Uphouse and Walter
Wilkins, citizens of Casselman, were on
their way to work at the Southern
Coal Company’s Mines, they discovered
the body of a man lodged in midstream
of Casselman river, against a rock, one
mile west of Casselman. These gen-
tlemen immediately returned to Cas-
selman and informed “Squire” Harah,
who accompanied them to the place of
the discovery.
This fatality seems to have happene
some time during Tuesday night.
dead man seems to be about 40 years
of age, medium height, weighing about"
160 1bs., and evidzntly a working man,
because of callous hands. There
no means of identification about his |
person. Some of the citizens of Cas-
selman claim to have seen him on the
streets, yesterday. The body was
turned over to Undertaker Jacob Sny-
der, of Rockwood, who prepared it for
burial, says the Rockwood Leader.
w as
so badly affected that I had many hem-
orrhages,” writes A. M. Ake, of Wood,
Ind. “I took treatment with several
physicians without any benefit. Ithen
started to take Foley’s Honey and Tar,
and my lungs are now as sound as a!
bullet. I recommend it in advanced
stages of lung trouble.” Foley’s Honey
and Tar stops the cough and heals the
| lungs, and prevents serious results
| from a cold. Refuse substitutes. Sold
by all Druggists. 7-1
Sold |
7-1 |
merchant at Markleton, had closed his |
place of business for the evening, he |
was alarmed by a knock at the front |
Sto- |
the |
Heart, and Kidneys as well, have their |
Weaken |
these nerves, and you inevitably have |
The |
“Several years since my lungs were |
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to
Robert R. Henderson. Dunc
Daniel Annan.
Accounts of individuals and firms inv
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at-'
an Sinclair,
Roberdeau Aunan.
Capital stock. .$ 50,000.00
1, 000, 000. 00
1,200,000. 00
Surplus tund..
Deposits (over)
Assets (over)...
10 o’clock.
me... OF FICERS: mnt.
au Annan, President.
Olin Beall. Cashier.
mm... DIRECTORS: mn
Timothy Griffith,
MY et
Take notice that I have opened a new
and up-to-date meat market in Salis-
bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store.
Everything is new, neat and clean,
and it is a model in every respect.
I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Kish, ete.
[ pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
tie, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vinced that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line.
The Old Reliable Butcher.
fort and ease.
They are herein (Gun
lace and button.
complete line of
Come in and let us she
Oxfords will be in great demand,
For the Men—for
Children’s Barefoot Sandals.
Shoes And Oxf
shown in the South end-of ‘the county.
Summer footwear—the shoes that will please you and will fit you and give the feet com-
We have the
this summer.
Metal, Vici and Pat. Colt
tl Ladies—for
w you all the
new things in footwear.
& Livengood.
1iew things in Spring ands
reat 5, both
of style
rls Children. 1
At this season of the year the first
unnatural looseness of a child’s bowels
should have immediate attention.. The
best thing that can be given is Cham-
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy followed by castor oil as di-
rected with each bottle of the remedy.
For sale at Miller's Drug Store. 7-1
Another Casselman Hold-Up.
Late Saturday evening when
Harrison Bittner, who owns the Cas-
selman meat market, closed his mar-
ket, and started for his home in Black
township, on the heights opposite: Cas-
selman, he was held up by two masked
men at the Northern approach to the
county bridge that spans the Cassel-
man river above Casselman.
The masked villians emerged from
two revolvers at Mr. Bittner, ordered
him to throw up his hands. Mr. Bitt-
ner not only failed to raise his hands,
fired at his assailants. The masked
men returned fire, but shielded their
bodies behind the embankment.
Mr. Bittner emptied his revolver at
the erouching figures behind the abut-
ment, and the would-be robbers emp-
tied their weapons, ten shots in all, at
Mr. Bittner, none of the shots wound-
| ing him, but one shot went through
| the brim of Mr. Bittner’s hat. Mr.
| Bittner, when fusilade had ex-
| hosted the ammunition of the high-
| waymen, started across the “bridge, re-
| loading his revolver; but the robbers
| did not further pursue him.
There is a gang of desperadoes in
| the Casselman need the
| immediate attention of a county de-
| tec ctive—if Somerset county’s adminis-
| tration of justice were not too anti-
quated to afford something like a com-
petent detective service. The people
of Somerset county must assert their
right to the law’s pwbtection, or
will be further murders committed,
and more murder trials to prove abor-
tive of results.—Rockwood Leader.
The following blanks canbe obtained
| at all times at Tne Star office: Leases,
region who
Common Bonds, Judgment Notes, Re-
ceipt Books, Landlord s Notice to Ten-
ants, Constable Sale Blanks, Summons
{ Execution for Debt. Notice of Claims
for Collection, Commitments, Subpoe-
nas, Criminal Warrants, etc. tf
100 ENGRAVED CARDS and plate
(Script letters) for ouly $1,25. Call on
or address
Tue STAR, Elk Lick, Pa.
refreshments |
All are |
Mr. ,
behind the embankment, and, pointing |
but whipped out his own revolver and
Mortgages, Deeds, Judgment Bonds, |
Sixteen Year 0ld Girl Bound and
A news dispateh from Cumberland,
Md., dated June 22nd, “Posses
with bloodhounds, stout ropes, ete.,
searched the woods west of here to-
night for an unknown man who com-
mitted an inhuman assault upon 16
year old Nellie Ott, whom he left with
her arms outstretched and tied to two
trees, her eyes blindfolded and a rough
handkerchief stuffed in her mouth, in
the deep forest on a mountain side to- |
“The girl remained bound for two |
hours, so frightened and so weak she |
was unable to move. At length she |
worked the gag out of her mouth and
with her teeth gnawed in two the |
cords that bound her. John Ott, her |
father, is at the head of one of the!
searching parties. If they come upon |
the man it is believed he will be lyneh- |
| Races at Meyersdale on the Fourth.
Prospects for some excellent races at |
the Fair grounds at Meyersdale, July |
4th, are very good. There are at this
I time twenty race horses at the grounds,
and the public may
some exciting races.
There will be five starters in the colt
race, and they will be half-mide
heats, best three out of five, it will be
hard to pick-a winner. These are all
colts that have never been driven in. a
race before, and as they are either
owned at Meyersdale or at Salisbury, a
great deal of interest is centering about |
it. William Knecht, of West Salisbury,
Norman Keim, of Elk Lick, Charley
May, of Salisbury, Harvey Stahl and 8.
S. Rickard, of Meyersdale, all have
colts that will start.
There will be four starters the
2:95 pace or trot, and there may be the
fifth horse in this race.
“Dudley,” ‘Margaret W.” and “Web
Good” are among the starters in this
The race of the day will be between
“Swift and True,” owned by Clayton
| Stotler, of Salisbury, and “Oregon,”
owned by Harvey Koeppe, of Meyers-
dale, and as there is a large side bet up
between these owners, it will be a race |
for blood.
There will be plenty of good music
{during the races. There will be a boys’
foot race, a sack race, a potato race, a
greased pole and other amusements
sandwiched in to make up an after-
noon’s sport.
Go to Meyersdale on the Fourth, and
| thoroughly enjoy yourself.
| companies of its kind, the old,
look forward to |
This will be true |
of the running race and the colt race. |
| pearance
“Lady Smith,” |
{capture them dead or alive.
Now is the time to take out a policy
with the Continental Casualty Com-
pany, health and accident insurance.
Do-it now, before it is too late. The
time to think of these thingsjgis when
you are in good health, not when some
misfortune has overtaken you. It is
too late then to think of how you threw
dime after dime away foolishly, and
"did not lay anything aside to tide you
over your misfortunes, which are sure
to come sooner or later.
The cost of this sick and accident in-
| surance is a mere trifle when compared
with the benefits. If every man would
make proper provisions for himself and
his family when he is sick or hurt, he
would be doing his full duty by him-
self and family, and the ‘poor houses
and charity hospitals of this}jcountry
would not be overflowing, as they are
at the present time.
This company has organized a local
| elub in this vicinity, and has enlisted
| quite a bunch of men,mostlygibusiness
men. Why do the business men go into
it? Because they well satisfied
they are going into one of the strongest
Through the company organizing
here, it more convenient for the
working class, and everything will be
looked after promptly. Now, men,it is
up to you to.decide on this. Are you
going to lay aside $1.00 per month for a
time when you need it badly? Better
insurd at once, and be on the safe side.
For further write or
[call on
Local Agent,
Elk Lick, Pa.
Epwarp RErrz,
City Pays a Reward of $25 for Kill-
ing Two Sparrows.
Two English sparrows made their ap-
in Spokane, Washington, a
few days ago, and Frank. C. Harris was
employed at a salary of $5 a day to
In case
he kills them, he will get a reward of
$25. The sparrows, it is thought, en-
tered the city in box car from an
eastern point, says an exchange.
weddings, parties, ete., also engraved
visiting cards and all manner of steel
| and copper plate engraved work at THe
| Star office.
| All the latest styles in Seript, Old Eng-
Call and see our samples.
lish and all other popular designs at
prices as low as offered by any printing
house in the country, while the work is
the acme of perfection. tf
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.