TT DL S ( GREATHST STORE. Muslin, Sutoen, Heatherbloom and Silk Underskirts,. $1.00 to 6.00. Womens Ram 0 Silk-Rubberized. They are the ideal, seasonable: and sensible wrap, mad up of the best mixtures and Pana- mas, styles, $4.00 to 6.00. HHH BBVBBBOHHY oo CACHE SIRE in the newest : EATEN AE EAC NTN being wind-proof, dust proof and rain-proof, and are elegant in appearance. $10, 00 to 1500. eens CIC ACETIC Ea ey ANE MLLNERY i _consist New Firm! G. G. De Lozier, ROGER AND CONFEGTIONER. Having purchased the well known Jeftery grocery opposite the postoflice,I want the public to know that I will add greatly to the stock and improve the store in every way. Itis my aim to conduct a first class | grocery and confectionery store,and to give Big Value For Cash. I solicit n fair share of your patronage, and [ promise a square deal and courteous treatment to nll customers. My line will of Staple and Fancy Groceries Choice Confegtionery, Country Produce, Cigars, Tobacco, ete. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, SALISBURY, PA “‘ Houghton Quality REAR VIEW. Style No. 70 The Trainer's Friend » The Matines Favorite Ten Styles in Racing Vehicles Ten Styles in Pleasure Vehicles Catalog of each each or both. THE MOST MODERN RN PLANT IN THE WORLD. RES THE PRICE. = HOUGHTON comeany, MARION, Js: med Hats, : : : 4 : 2 : ig! Ae ‘We want you to call and inspect our superb line of Trim-. The ladies who have been inspecting our Spring and Summer Millinery are delighted. Prices the lowest, goods the nicest and best. Auction Called Of1? Our auctions advertised for April 13th and 15th have been called off. Too busy unpacking new and seasonable goods of all kinds to bother with auctions now. CK VARIETY STORE, G. 1. Hay, Manager. I ADO A TOE TARPS OY 1) AWE ITE TT 4 I ISAT A ONY The Original, Old Reliable BEACHY'S HORSE & CATTLE POWDER, the kind you used to buy. Blk Lick Dene Store. 25C. per 1b. Fa CAML New Store! New Goods! ‘We have opened a fine new geiteral store in the M. J. Glotfelty building, Ord St., Salisbury, Pa., and invite you .® Shoes, anata ete. RR EEE BIE SIEIER Prices As Low ~ to come and inspec t our nice, new line of Dry Goods, BRIBE] HS EE As The Lowest! BR RS BB RB I I TR RR TRB RE 8 We start with an entire new stock, and we handle oils “the best and purest brands of ronage, and we guarantee goods. a square deal and satisfaction to all. We solicit a share of your pat- Howard Meager & Co. 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and SSscription may ly asc ReTIai: Ri opinion free whether an ¥ pat tentable. Communica- Sonddantial Se Lenn on Patents BRL LR epg My receive Ei Fimerican, culation habdsomelry fliustrated » Jy ackiy: Jarwest ole ‘erm SE pos ace Rp ol rons MN § Coe ow New York Runa Baltimore & Ohio R. R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. MEYERSDALE. Sunday. 25, 1906. *Daily. +Daily except gSunday CONNELLSVIL LE & PITTSBURG. De- part *5.48 a. m., 47.52 a. m. (local), *1.38 p. m. *430 p.m. (local). Arrive *10.55a. m. (local) *11.30 a. m.,*4.50 p. m., +6.30 p. m., *9.39 p.m CHICAGO, Depart *1.38 p.m. Arrive *11.30 a. m., ¥*4.50 p. m. CLEVELAND, *11.30 a. m. | WASH. BALTO., PHILA. & NEW YORK, i Depart *11.30 a. m., *450 p. m., *0.39 p. m. Arrive *5.48 a. m. CUMBERLAND, Depart *10.556 a. m. *11.30 a. m., *4.560 p. m., +6.30 p. m. (local), *9.39 p.m. Arrive *5.48a.m,+7.52 a. m. (Iocal), *1.38 p. m., *4.30 p. m. (local). | JONNSTOWN and Way Stations, Depart m., +138 p. m. S330 p. m. Arrive §11.30 | oo His pe m., 7.15 p. m Depart *1.38 p. m. Arrive local), 0 HONEY TAR ~The original LAXATIVE remedy, For coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic. Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR isin aYellow package. Refusesubstitutes _— Prepared only b Foley & Company, Chicago. Administrator’s Notice. Estate of Alvin D. Statler, deceased, late of Salisbury borough, Sonierset county, Pa. Letters of administration upon the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against the same will present them for pay- ment, duly authenticated, at the residence of Tunison Glotfelty, in said borough, on Monday, May 27th, 1907, in the afternoon, and those indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to V.S. MATTHEWS, Administrator, 5-16 Somerset, Pa. Pxecutor's Notice. Estate of Amelia Keim, late of Elk Lick township, Somerset county, Pa., deceased. Letters testamentary having bee n issued to the undersigned by the Register of Wills ‘in and for Somerset county, Penn’a., upon the above named estate, all persons having claims against the same will present them for payment,duly authenticated, at the res- idence of tho executor, in Eik Lick town- ship, on Saturday, June 18t,1907,in the after- noon, and those indebted thereto w in please me ko immediate payment to DAviD H. KEIM, E Xecitor: 5-80 Estate Notice. Estate of Samuel J. Yichty: deceased, late of salisbury Borough, Somerset Co., Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are re- quested to make: immediate payment, and those having legal claims against the same will present “them without de lay, in proper orgs r for settlement, to . M: LICHTY, Administrator, We y J. C. Lowry, Somerset, Pa Salisbury Borough, May 13, 1907. or his at- 6-20 SAWMILL OUTFIT FOR SALE. Outfit consists of one 35 H. P. Geiser Engine and Boiler,1 Hench &Drom- gold Circular Sawmill, 1 Three-saw Tower Edger, 1 Butterworth & Lowe T.ath Mill and Bolter, 1 Sawdust Con- veyor, 1 Crosscut Saw Rigging, Com- plete Blacksmith Shop, 3 Saws, Pulleys, Shafting, Belting, ete. This is a good, complete plant that has beed used only 24 years, and will cut from 16,000 to 90,000 feet per day. GarrerT LumBer Co, tf Jennings, Md. a READ, READ, READ! Finest New Goods in Town Just Re- ceived at Elk Lick Variety Store. Come and see our beautiful new line of Ladies’ Dress Skirts, Dress Goods, Lace Curtains, Mattings and Boys’ Clothing. The nicest goods you ever saw, and the prices so very reasonable. We will say no more, as the goods speak for themselves. tf ELK Lick VARIETY STORE. Somerset County telephone. W- St Salisbury, Pa.l prices. This A — in silver dollars story sky-scraper. time. . FULL ACRE LOT ~-No interest—No taxes—No mo In this plan ome can get a $800 = $25 ‘Two mew plants are being construct National Tube Co., -Air Prake plant at These plants will em —Arlington Park Ie i through it. for the investor or builder. You can secure a lot The ‘wage earners of Greater Pistfbig are paid $300,000;,000.00 eaeh year— E led one upon the ather would build a 50- No other district on earth can make such a showing. No other district offers such golden opportufities. dollars has the same chance here as the man with thousands. ARLINGTON PARK The Hub of Greater Pitt$burg * offers any one who can save a few dollars a month the opportunity of a life secures he deed in case of death. = Arlington Park adjoins Wilmerding—the home of Westinghouse industri where Faliy has paid as much as Sooo a Mex Shopont; and the new addition to the Westinghouse ilme loy at i 9,000 more e only available place for t Aslingion Park is on the belt car tine. It doesn’t require much figuring to see what an opportunity is offered here Those who act quick will get the best lots. Reémember, every lot in Arlington Park averages one acre—Io to 18 city lots—that every city Sonveniente | is at hand. mail or wire. about Arlington Park ny how to get a free trip to PittSburg. d. M. CYPHER & CO., McKeesport, Pa. References—First National Bank, McKeesport, Pa., The man with a few a& month pays Any for ft. $810 $2 —the $10,000,000.00 addition to the Peete will need homes Another new line will pass right Illugtrated folder free—tells all Treasury Truat Ceo., Pittsburg, Pa. "CEMENT AND TERRA COTTA. Headquarters for Cement and Terra Cotta is at the J. B. Wil-| liams Co., Low Price Marble and | Granite Delors, Frostburg, Md. | 5-16 EVERY TIME you hire a rig at the Williams Livery, Salisbury, Pa., you will get the worth of your money. tf ap FOR RENT!—The large double dwelling corner Ord St. and Smith Ave., adjoining Dull Mercantile Co.’s store. Will rent either the whole or one-half of residsnce. Good lot and outbuildings. Plenty of fruit and ex- cellent water. Apply to tf STEWART SMITH. [OFFER YOU all varieties of field-grown Cabbage Plants at 30c. per 100 or $1.00 per 1000. Cauliflower Plants, 50c. per 100. Celery Plants, 30c. per 100 or $2.00 per 1000. Tomato Plants for shipment last of May, at 40c. per 100 or $3.00 per 1000. At HaBeL & Puivirs, Meyersdale. Pa. Somerset and Economy ‘phones. 5-23 C. E. Livengood, the Piano Tuner, announces that he will make his regu- lar tuning. trip through this vicinity the latter part of this month. Anyone aside from his regular patrons can have work done by notifying Mr. Liven- good. 5-23 Ww ANTED, MEN AND W "OMEN TO SWEAR and affirm before the under- signed, when they have documents to which lawful affidavits are required, I! also draw up all manner of deeds, leases, mortgages, etc., neatly and ac- curately, according to the require- ments of the law. Typewritten work a specialty. A full line of legal blanks always on hand. P. L. LIVENGOOD, . Notary Public and Conveyancer. Star OFFICE, E Ik Lick, Pa. tf Store and Fixtures for Sale. I hereby offer my entire stock of Confectionery, etc., together with my Store Fixtures, for sale at a reasonable figure, as I desire to quit business. For particulars apply to Ervris WAGNER, tf ‘Salisbury, TRY IT !—Our Bonne Et Belle Type- writer Paper. We furnish it blank, in full letter sheets, 84x11 inches, for only $1.10 per ream. We also furnish it printed, when desired, at customary We also have many other grades and brands of typewriter paper, and it’s all good. tf ~ SoMERSET COUNTY STAR. WHEN A MAN TELLS YOU it does not pay to advertise, he is simply ad- mitting that he is conducting a busi- ness that is not worth advertising, a business conducted by a man unfit to do business, and a business which should be advertised for sale. tf THE BLANKS WE KEEP. The following blanks can be obtained at all times at Tine Star office: Leases, Mortgages, Deeds; Judgment Bonds, Common Bonds, Judgment Notes, Re- ceipt Books, Landlord s Notice to Ten- | ants, Constable Sale Blanks, Summons | | A VERITABLE HELL HOLE. A Boynton Dance Hall That Ought to be Suppressed by Law. Boynton has a dance hall that ought {to be suppressed by law, if all reports | are true, and we have no reason to | doubt them. Public dances, as a rule, | are not what they ought to be, no mat- ter where held, but some are far worse than others. This locality has long been cursed with a lot of hell-hole dances that have been dragging young people to ruin at a rapid rate, and such places ought to be suppressed by the stern hand of the law. Last Saturday evening two very re- spectable citizens of Salisbury went to a noted. resort in Boynton to bring away a 12-year-old wayward neice who has no father to protect her, and whose mother seems to have lost control of | the child. The men found the child, who had gone there with another little girl only two years her senior, and it required | considerable effort to induce the chil- dran to leave the vile place, where the men report that drunkenness, profanity end general vulgarity seemed to be holding full sway, and no regard for decency shown whatever. The citizens referred to pronounce the place a ver- itable hell-hole, and equally as unfit to be frequented by young men of decency as for young girls. As a result of the visit aforesaid, two young men from Meyersdale narrowly escaped getting into the clutches of the law for furnishing liquor to some of the girls who frequent the public dances and mingle with all manner of moral lepers there found. The hard pleading of the parents of the boys is | | all that saved them from a serious | prosecution, the parents having vouch- | ed for the better behavior of the boys in the future. The same young fellows | rested and placed in the lockup of this borough, Saturday evening, for using | profane language on the streets. Bur- gess McKinley fined them $10.00 each: | and costs, Sunday morning, when they | were released. Why some parents who were decent- | ly raised themselves will allow their children of tender age to they will and when they will, is some- | thing that we cannot understand. Under such circumstances the blame cannot all-‘be laid’ to- the children. Most of it must in justice be laid at the door of thie parents. When boys and girls are allowed to roam and prowl about at night, atténd- were ar- ling all manner of questionable resorts, | coming home at any hour they see fit, it is truly no wonder that some of them | grow up as ignorant nonentities and be- lecome the fathers and mothers of | illegitimate children before they are | out of their “teens.” There is always | enough room for children to go wrong when they are brought up under the | And | when they are allowed practically to | form bad associations, | it is almost impossible for them to | best of instruction and discipline. ‘do as they please, ete., become good - and respected citizens. They usually die in obscarity, squalor land disgrace, and in many cases they | curse with their last breath the parents who put practically no restraints upon them in their youth and childhood. ir DISTURBED THE CONGREGATION. | The person who disturbed the con- gregation last Sunday by continually roam where | BAND REORGANIZED. New Uniforms Ordered—Publie ~ Dances Tabooed—Frequent Open-Air Concerts. The Salisbury Cornet Band gave a delightful open-air concert, in the Ord and Grant street square, last Saturday evening. The band has recently been reorganized, and it is the intention of the members to give frequent concerts on the streets during the entire sum- mer. This will be greatly appreciated by the citizens of our town, and we are glad to learn that the band boys have decided to discontinue the holding of dances in order to raise funds to keep the band in existence. They will de- pend largely on the generosity of the citizens for the money needed to buy music and other needed equipments, for which they will give an abundance of free music in return. The band at present consists of four- teen members, including some of the oldest and most skilled band men in the town, and a fine uniform was re- cently ordered. The band has very sensibly come to the conclusion that the average public- dance has a demoralizing effect on the young people of the community, owing | to the booze that is freely indulged in by many of the young men who attend them: It doesn’t matter soch who is at the head of the public dances held in Salis- bury from time to time, it is a lament- able fact that the places where they are held are usually reeking with the fumes of whiskey, cigar and cigarette smoke, more or less profanity, ete. If this state of affairs is not found di- rectly within the dance halls, it can readily be detected in and about the entrances, and there is but one con- clusion to, arrive at, viz: That the - public dante as it is usually conducted is unfit for respectable people to par- ticipate in, a festering sore on the body of society, and” a stepping stone that leads toward ruin and disgrace. This is only our opinion, of course, and we do not ask you to be governed by it alone. Following we reproduce what the Michigan Christian Advocate says on dancing in general, and while we belong to no church whatever, we nevertheless agree most heartily with every line reproduced from the church paper referred to. Is IT WroxGg To DANCE? Why not ask, Is it expedient to dance? Will it pay? Is it wise and safe and sane? Is it better to dance than not to dance? Consider a few facts: 1. Many of the best people in the world neverdanced. Dancingis,there- fore, not an essential virtue. 2. No person noted for dancing has ever been noted for religious devotion. Never. 3. Many innocent-minded girls have been ruined by attending dances. None have ever been saved by danc- ing. 4. No person can add anything to the worth of his character by becom- ing expert in dancing. 5H. No Christian can add to his in- fluence, not even in the eyes of the world, by frequenting the dance. 6. It requires no extraordinary in- telligence to become an adept at dane- ing. Flinging the heels does not de- velop brains. 7. Mixed dancing becomes very fascinating to its dupes, and they rarely break away from it for any ex- ercise more wholesome. 8. It costs time and money to dance, and if these are not lost, nothing can be lost. 9. Many young men who prize the welfare of their sisters do not wish their sisters to attend balls. 10. Dancing church members usually worth little to the The love of God and the love ing do not hitch. . 11. Nearly all pious and considerate people in all denominations disapprove of the dance. 12. No young convert desires to dance, nor any one else who finds real satisfaction in the love of God. are church. of danc- We are glad that the band boys have | decided to cut out the dance feature, and we bespeak for them liberal sup- port on the part of the citizens, which will be necessary if a good band is to be maintained in Salisbury. A good band is well worth all it costs -to keep it up, and no town should be without one. 0il Men Investigate. The oil excitement in this section since the Yough River Company began operations near Oakland has not abated, and instead the belief is now held by many that success is assured. Within the past week several oil men from other regions have been on the ground, and have been taking options and going to considerable trouble to secure them. These parties are total strangers to this section, and are mum to all inquiries. Much of the territory east of the Youghiogheny river is be- li ing covered with options, and the pros- pect of additional wells is very good.— - | Oakland Journal. | SPRAINS QUICKLY CURED. | Bathe the parts freely with Cham- Execution for Debt, Notice of Claims | coughing is requested to buy a bottle | berlain’s Pain Balm and give them ab- for Collection, Commitments, Subpoe- nas, Criminal Warrants, ete. tf Sold by all 8-1 of Foley’s Honey and Tar. Druggists. solute rest, and a quick cure is certain. For sale at Miller’s Drug Store. 6-1