The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, May 02, 1907, Image 4

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P. L. Livexaoon, Editor and Publisher.
fntered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa.
as mail matter of the Second Class.
—— a —— =
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is published every Thursday,at
Salisbury, (Elk Lick, P. 0.) Somerset Coun-
ty, Pa.,at the following rates:
One year, if paid spot cash in advance.. $1.25
If not paid strictly in advance........... 1.50
SIx months. ......cooiviiiin ciniinninesvins 76
Three months
Single copies... ........iiiiiiiiiiioien..s od
To avoid multiplicity of small accounts
ail subscriptions for three months or less
must be paid in advance. These" rates and
terms will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
wransient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line
each insertion. To regular advertisers, b
sents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a
ae for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
aess lacals will be mixed with local news
atems or editorial matter for less than 10
gents a line for each insertion,except on
yearly contracts.
Rates for Display Advertisments will be
made known on application.
Editorial advertising, invariably 10 cents
& line.
iLegal Advertisements at legal rates.
Slarriage, Birth and Death Notices not
«gxceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
additional lines, 5 cents each.
Cards of Thanks will be published free for
grtrons of the paper. Non-patrons will be
eharged 10 cents a line.
Resolutions of Respect will be published
Sor 5 cents a line. -
All advertisements willbe run and chargs
ad for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
<hkan 25 cents.
Pale, Thin,
Then your blood must be in
a very bad condition. You
certainly know what to take,
then take it — Ayer’s Sarsa-
parilla. If you doubt, then
consult your doctor. Weknow
what he will say about this
grand old family medicine.
Sold for over 60 years.
This is the first question your doctor would
ask: ‘““Are your bowels regular?’ He knows
that daily action of the bowels is absolutely
essential to recovery. Keep your liver active
and your bowels regular by taking laxative
doses of Ayer’s Pills.
Made by J.C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
Also manufacturers of
The “Big Three”—the tongue, the
temper and the actions. Took out for
The cause of hay fever in men is said
to be the kissing of ‘grass widows.
Women get it from kissing “hay seeds.”
“Here’s to your health and happi-
_.ness”—DeWitt’s Little Early Risers—
famous little pills. Nasty, sick head-
ache or biliousness may come on any
time ; the cure is an Early Riser. Sold
by E. H. Miller. 6-1
Venerable Alonzo Chamberlain, the
oldest man in Meyersdale, died last
Saturday evening at the great age of
© 90 years, 3 months and 11 days. He
was actively identified with the coal
mining industry of this county for
L many years. ;
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is best
for women and children. Its mild ac-
tion and pleasant taste makes it prefer-
able to violent purgatives, such as pills,
tablets, ete. Get the booklet and a
sample of Orino at any drug store. 6-1
An old farmer remarks that a home-
grown, hand-spanked, bare-footed and
hard-fisted country boy makes a much
‘better fighter in the battles of life than
does the pampered, high-collared,
creased-trousered youth of our towns
and cities whose clothes have always
been dusted with a whisk broom in-
stead of a shingle. The old farmer is
Piles get quick and certain relief
from Dr. Shoop’s Magic Oigtment.
Please note it is made alone for Piles,
.and its action is positive and certain.
Itching, painful, protruding or blind
Piles disappear like magic by its use.
Large nickel-capped glass jars 50-cents.
Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 8-1
.House-cleaning time is here, when
old newspapers are always in demand
to put under carpets. We have old
newspapers in abundance at THE STAR
office, put up in large rolls, and we will
sell them until the present stock is ex-
hausted at the rate of three rolls for 5
cents, just one-third the regular price.
These papers come very handy for
. many purposes, and now is your time
to lay ina supply.
DeWitt’s Carbolized. Witch Hazel
Salve does not merely heal on the sur-
face; it penetrates the pores and
prompily relieves pain, caused by boils,
urns, scalds, euts and skin diseases.
It is especially good for piles. Beware
of imitations. Sold by E. H. Miller.
Our friend Walter DeLozier, in re-
rant in Johnstown, Pa., and getting
along first rate. He adds that quite a
mnmber of old Salisbury boys are now
50 | accomplish.
holding positions in Johnstown. The
boys from this town usually make
good wherever they go, and there are
none that we wish more success to
than our friend Walter DeLozier.
Let me send you free, for Catarrh,
just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of
Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh Remedy. It is a
snow white ¢reamy, healing antiseptic
balm. Containing such healing ingre-
dients as Oil Eucaliptus, Thymol, Men-
thol, ete., it gives instant and lasting
relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat.
Make the free test and see for your-
self what this preparation can and will
Address Dr. Shoop, Ra-
cine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold
by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 6-1
Last Thursday evening a quiet wed-
ding took place at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Chauncey Meese, on Union street,
when their daughter Bessie was mar-
ried to Mr, Clyde Wagner, eldest son
of Mrs. Morris H. Wagner. It was
probably the most youthful wedding
that ever occurred in the town, as both
bride and groom are less than 19 years
old, but they managed to secure the
consent of their parents to marry, and
they are now in a position to learn of
the many responsibilities and cares
that go with married life. However,
we all trust that their matrimonial
path may be as smooth as possible.
Let me mail you free, to prove merit,
samples of my Dr. Shoop’s Restorative,
and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The
Heart, or The Kidneys. Address me,
Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Troubles of
the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are
merely symptoms of a deeper ailment.
Don’t make the common error of treat-
ing symptoms only. Symptom treat-
ment is treating the result of your ail-
ment, and not the cause. Weak Stom-
ach nerves—the inside nerves—means
Stomach weakness, always. And the
Heart, and Kidneys as well, have their
controlling or inside nerves. Weaken
these nerves, and you inevitably have
weak vital organs. Here is where Dr.
Shoop’s Restorative has made its fame,
No other remedy even claims to treat
the “inside nerves,” Also for bloating,
hiliousness, bad breath or complexion, |~
use Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. Write for
ny free Book now. Dr. Shoop’s Re-
storative sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy.
ee lle.
Prohibition County Convention.
The Prohibition county convention
will be held in the office of Robert M.
Walker, Berlin, Pa., Monday afternoon,
May 6th, 1907, at 1 o'clock. All Pro-
hibitionists who desire to become can-
didates for office or candidates for
delegates to the State convention to be
held at Greensburg, Thursday and
Friday, June 6th and 7th, will confer a
favor by advising the county chairman
at once, as we have no time to lose in
petitioning the county commissioners
to place the names of candidates on
the ballot for the June Primary. You
are urgently requested to be present
and participate in the proceedings.
Yours for the speedy overthrow of
our nations greatest enemy—the legal-
ized drink traffic. FRED GROFF,
Chairman County Committee.
For a cold or a cough take Kennedy’s
Laxative Cough Syrap. It is BETTER
than any other cough remedy because
its laxative principle assures a healthy.
copious action of the bowels and at the
same time it heals irritation of the
throat, strengthens the bronchial tubes
and allays inflammation of the mucous
membrane. Contains Honey and Tar,
pleasant to take. Children like ir.
Conforms to the National Pure Food
and Drug Law. Sold by E. H. Mil-
ler. 6-1
Rapid Rise of a Garrett County
(Md.) Young Man.
In remitting for THE STAR, John H.
Yost, of Roanoke, Va., writes that he
recently purchased a half intere-t in
the Virginia Lumber Mfg. Co. a lurge
concern of which he is the general
manager. Mr. Yost is also a member
of the Yost-Huff Company, an imple-
ment and vehicle firm doing an enor-
mous business. The Yost-Huff Com-
pany erected a new store building at a
cost of about $18,000, two years ago,
and recently they refused an offer of
$30,000 for it.
. That will give our readers an idea of
the rapid advance of Roanoke real
estate, and cousin John Yost has dem-
onstrated what a young man of good
home training, correct habits, honesty
and industry can accomplish in a few
years, even though starting with but
little capital. He is a son of Henry
Yost, a well known farmer of Garrett
county, Md.
Will of Amelia Keim.
The will of Amelia Keim. deceased,
wife of Henry Keim, deceased, late of
Elk Lick township, is one of the latest
wills to be recorded at Somerset. She
gives to her sons, Peter and David, and
to her daughters, Sevilla, married to E.
P. Weise, and Emma Keim, now Emma
Maust, to have an equal part of all
monies, and to her daughter Elizabeth
Anderson, an equal share with the rest,
to be paid as follows: As long as her
husband. Luther Anderson, lives, she
cannot get any portion of the estate;
but if he dies, she is to have her por-
tion; and if she dies before her hus-
band, then it is to go to her children as
they become of age; and the children
of her daughter Anna Trimbel, each to
have $100; and the son David Keim to
{ care of her during her life
[ed that a monument costing not less
mitting for THE STAR, informs us that!
fie is holding down a job in a restau- |
have all household goods for taking
She direct-
than $100 should be erected at her
grave. David Keim appointed Execu-
tor without bond. Dated April 1, 1903.
Witnesses, Albert Emerich, Harrison
Cunningham and David Fuller,
When your back aches it is almost
invariably an indication that something
is wrong with your kidneys. Weak, dis-
eased kidneys frequently cause a break-
down of the entire system. DeWitt’s
Kidney and Bladder Pills afford prompt
relief for weak kidneys, backache, in-
flammation of the bladder and all
urinary troubles. Sold by E. H. Mil-
ler. 6-1
Kind Words from Model Newspaper
Occasionally” some unreasonable
newspaper subscriber will become of-
fended when he receives a statement
of his account, and set up a howl about
it. Others will ignore the statements
and never make a settlement until
forced to do so. But, thank God, many
of them are more fair and reasonable
than the two classes named.
Following are some exfgracts of let-
ters recently received from subscribers
who believe in doing the square, honor-
able thing. and they are the kind of
people who almost invariably get along
well in the world and have many
Hampron, NEB., April 23.
EpItor STAR: —Please pardon me for
letting my subscription run behind.
Enclosed find $3.00, which will pay up
to November, if I am not mistaken. I
thank you for waiting so long.
Urias HurzEeL.
EvLkins, W.Va, April 26.
Mgr. P. L. LiveNcoop:—I enclose
herewith check for $3.05, covering en-
closed bill and one year’s additional
subscription to the “Twinkler.” I am
always glad to see THE Star each
week. N. G. KE.
SoMERSET, Pa., Apr. 29.
Mg. P. L. Livexcoop :—Enclosed find
check for $3.10 to pay you what is due
you on subscription, and to set my
subscription ahead. Cuas. F. Cook.
BosweLL, Pa., Apr. 29.
Epitor STAR:—Statement received
several days ago. Enclosed herewith
find money order for $3.21, as per bill
rendered. With many thanks for your
past kindness, I rémain very respect-
fully your friend, M. D. HUMBERT.
When your food has not been prop-
erly digested the entire system is im-
paired in the same proportion. Your
stomach needs help. Kodel For Indi-
gestion and Dyspepsia not only digests
what you eat, it tones the stomach and
adds strength to the whole body.
Makes rich, pure blood. Kodol con-
forms to the National Pure Food and
Drug Law. Sold by E. H. Miller. 6-1
The following cases are assigned for
trial at the special term of court, which
will convene on May 13th:
Somerset Colliery Company vs. A. F.
John L. Davis vs. John W. Hawes.
M. L. Bowman vs. W. W. Demprey.
~ W.J. Hitchman’s heirs vs. B. & O.
Abraham Shaulis vs. same.
Ross Kiernan vs. William H. Rink.
Samuel McNair vs. Addison township
supervisors. ee
Elmer W. Moore, receiver, vs. Jacob
Harshberger. :
A. W. Crissey vs. Charles Landman.
Alex. Kakolis vs. A. M. Hill.
J. R. Boose vs. Mahlon Christner.
WW. F. Daniels vs. C. A. Vannear.
Chambers & MecKendricks vs. Wil-
liam Rininger.
Sophie Artz vs. Peter Fensel.
H. J. Wilmoth vs. Fred Rowe.
Samuel J. Preston vs. Shamrock Coal
C. C. Wagner vs. S. A. Kendall.
(C. M. Ankeny vs. same,
Henry A. Diveley vs. H. H. Stahl.
W. I. Fredericks vs. John J. Hauger.
Dennis Hay, administrator, vs. Ben-
jamin G. Hay.
W. F. Countryman, executor, Vs.
0. Kooser. administrator.
W. E. Van Sickle vs, J. E. Schrock
et al.
Rufus E.
Brant et al.
Meyers’ use vs. Josiah
Kidney complaint kills more people.
than any other disease. This is due to
the disease being so insidious that it
gets a good hold on the system before it
is recognized. Foley’s Kidney Cure
will prevent the development of fatal
disease if taken in time. Sold by,.all
te a
““Soly”’ Gilbert Fined $10.05 for
A Somerset dispatch to yesterday’s
Pittsburg Gazette Times is authority
for the following:
For every time the name of the diety
was mentioned by Constable William
C. Gilbert here yesterday when he
tried to convince Clinton C. Wagner,
cashier of the Somerset Trust Com-
pany, that his views concerning a
oundary line between the two men’s
lots were correct, he was today requir-
ed to pay 67 cents when arraigned be-
fore Justice of the Peace J. H. Pisel.
“Cuss words” to the amount of $10.05,
including the costs, were used: The
law of 1794 governing profanity was the
basis of the arrest.
Whether “Soly” got $10.05 worth of
satisfaction out of his “cuss words,”
the dispatch does not state.
* Mrs. S. Joyce, 180 Sullivan St., Clare-
mont, N.. H., writes: *“About a year
ago I bought two bottles of Foley's
Kidney Cure. It cured me of a severe
case of Kidney trouble ef several years
standing. It certainly is a grand, good
medicine, and 1 heartily recommend
it.” Sold by all Druggists. 6-1
Capital stock. .$
Surplus fund. .
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Accounts of individuals and firms
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at-
Bank open Saturday nights from 7
to 10 o’clock.
am. OF FICERS: ann.
Roberdeau Annan. President.
Olin Beall. Cashier.
ee DIRECTORS: mum.
Robert R. Henderson.
Daniel Annan.
Duncan Sinclair,
Roberdeau Annan.
50,000.00 |
65,000.00 |
Timothy Griffith,
Take notice that I have opened a new
Deposits (over) 1,000,000.00 | gnd up-to-date meat market in Salis-
Assets (over).. 1,200,000.00
bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store.
Everything is new, neat and clean,
and it is a model in every respect.
I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete.
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
tle. Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vinced that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line. :
The Old Reliable Butcher.
they represent.
5 : i
ACK OF STYLE in our new display of swagger Spring and Summer clothing, is
the sort of tailoring that makés the garment last.
antee that assures you perfect service and satisfaction.
but wears well, because it’s made well.
in bp ip
il | i Hi ne SL i
) I i y E\ |
i A op
Back of the clothes, is a guar-
Our clothing not only look well,
They are priced mighty small for the big value
The above pictuse illustrates the fitted back of “Pelham” Clothes.
Barchus & Livengood.
“Dress Better”
WL blll dies
RRR eee
> SR
The Douglas System means perfection in the
Art of Tailoring.
no guess work.
It leaves nothing to chance.
The Douglas Unbreakable Front and
Concave Shoulders
are the vital essentials for a correct fitting coat
I Want 1,000 New ‘‘Cash’’ Customers
In order to secure them and let the general
public know that real good clothes are always
made to order,
1 shall “Forget Profits” this
month’ and offer you choice of any $30. $35, $40
Top- |
to Order
Suit, made to your measure, for
Before -
a Sait
for Less
At these figures [ am giving more value than
any house in this city: : gone
Come now, while the assortment is at its best
and we have time to give you special attention.
8th Floor, Peoples Bank Bldg., 4th Ave. @ Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Entrance 307 Fourth Ave.
Take Elevator
Open Evenings Till 9 O'Clock
P. S——Railroad fare allowed to all new customers within fifty miles of this city.
FOLEYSHONEY~STAR Chamberlain's Cough Remed
stops the cough and healslungs
Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough