The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, April 25, 1907, Image 4

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P. IL. Livexaoon, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa.
as mail matter of the Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is published every Thursday,at
Salisbury, (Elk Lick, P. 0.) Somerset Coun-
ty, Pa. at the following rates:
One year, if paid spot cash in advance.. $1.25
If not paid strictly in advance 1.60
8ix months . Ib
Three months... Seer 00
Single copies wi
To avoid multiplicity of small accounts
all subscriptions for three months or less
must be paid in advance. These rates and
terms will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line
each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5
cents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a
1ine for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
ness lacals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for less than 10
oents a line for each insertion,except on
yearly contracts.
Rates for Display Advertisments will be
made known on application.
J{ditorial advertising, invariably 10 cents
Legal Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
additional lines, 6 cents each.
Cards of Thanks will be published free for
prtrons of the paper. Non-patrons will be
eharged 10 cents a line.
Resolutions of Respect will be published
for 6 cents a line.
All advertisements willbe run and charg-
ed for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
than 25 cents.
For Th n,
Poor Blood
You can trust a medicine
tested 60 years! Sixty years
of experience, think of that!
Experience with Ayer’s Sar-
saparilla; the original Sarsa-
parilla; the strongest Sarsapa-
rilla; the Sarsaparilla the doc-
tors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, general debility.
But even this grand old medicine cannot do
its best work if the liver is inactive and the
sults, you should take laxative doses of Ayer’s
Pills while taking the Sarsaparilla. The lives
will quickly respond, and so will the bowels.
Made by J.C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
Also manufacturers of
erIS Eun.
Ex-Sherif R. 8. McMillen was a
Business visitor in Salisbury, yesterday.
Mrs. J. L. Barchus and son went to
Pittsburg, last Thursday, to visit
It is time to be cleaning up and
burning the winter’s accumulation of
The fragrant trailing arbutus is in
bloom, in spite of the cold weather we
have had during the past few weeks.
Mr. John Meager was quite sick
several days this week, but we are glad
to note that he is again able to be out.
When you need a pill, take a pill, and
be sure it’s an Early Riser. DeWitt’s
Little Early Risers are safe, sure, satis-
fretory pills. The pills with a reputa-
tion. They do not gripe or sicken.
They are sold here by E. H. Miller. 5-1
Mr. Charles R. Haselbarth, who had
been confined to his room for some
time with a bad case of la grippe, is
again able to be out, we are glad to
Austin Brown and family have moved
to Johnstown, Pa., where Austin has
secured a clerical position with the
Penn Traffic Company. We wish them
prosperity in their new home.
KODOIL For §Dyspepsia clears the
stomach and makes the breath as sweet
as a rose. KODOL is sold by druggists
on a guarantee relief plan. It conforms
strictly to the National Pure Food and |
Drug Law. Sold by E. IL. Miller. 5-1] ;¢ she sensibly wears her hair as red
Here’s another change in the game |
laws. The open season for rabbits, |
woodcock, pheasants and wild turkey |
is from October 1 to December 1; deer
from November 15 to December 1.
The Salisbury schools will give a |
high class entertainment in Iay’s
4th. Proceeds will go toward buying a
piano for the schools. Everybody
should attend.
an invalid for some time, was taken to
the Mercy Hospital, in Pittsburg. yes-|
terday, where she will undergo a sur- |
gical operation. Her friends all hope |
for a successful operation.
An effort is now being made to or-
ganize a cornet band of 28 pieces, in
good musical talent, and if the boys
" over there stick to it, they will soon |
have one of the best bands in the state.
Use Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syr-
up. Children like its pleasant taste,
and mothers give it hearty endorse-
ment. Contains no opiates, but drives
out the cold through the bowels. Made |
in strict conformity to Pure Food and
Drugs Law. Recommended and sold |
| woodcut plates of excellent workman- |
by E. H. Miller. 5-1
| killed.
Albert Robinson, who had been here
visiting his mother, who has been sick
abed for the past twelve weeks, re-
turned to his employment in the Penn-
sylvania railroad offices, at Hunting-
don, Pa., today. His mother is now
“Good for Syerything a salve is used
for and especially recommended for
Piles.” That is what we say about De-
Witt’s Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve.
That is what twenty years’ of usage has
sroven. - Get the original. Sold by E.
. Miller. 5-1
The General Conference of the Ger-
man Baptist Brethren church will be
held in Los Angeles, California, in May.
Elder W. J. Swigart, of Juniata College,
Huntingdon, will represent the middle
district of Pennsylvania on the Nation-
al Committee.
The bottom will drop out of the 1000
graves in the St. Vincent cemetery, at
Plymouth, Luzerne county, if the
Kingston Coal Company takes out the
pillars of coel in its mines beneath the
cemetery, as the court recently gave it
permission to do. ;
For Catarrh, let me send you free,
just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of
Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh Remedy. It is a
snow white, creamy, healing antiseptic
balm that gives instant relief to Ca-
tarrh of the nose and throat. Make
the free test and see. Address Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50
confs. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy.
*“Gracious, Elsie,” exclaimed a Salis-
bury mother to her little daughter,
“why are you shouting in that horrible
tashion? Why can’t you be quiet, like
Willie?” *“He’s got to be quiet in thé
piece we're playin’,” replied Elsie.
“He’s papa coming home late, and I'm
you.” -
Albert Petry, who had been at a
hospital near Philadelphia, taking
treatmhnt for an affection of the lungs,
returned home last Sunday, feeling
first rate. He is 256 pounds heavier
than when he went to the hospital,
some weeks ago, and his friends all
hope for his complete recovery.
What is it that tastes as pleasant as
maple sugar and quickly relieves
coughs and colds? Mothers who have
used it will quickly answer: “Kenne-
dy’s Laxative Cough Syrup.” The
pleasant cold remedy that expels the
cold through its laxative action on the
bowels. Conforms strictly to the Pure
Food and Drugs Law. Contains no
opiates. Sold by E. H. Miller. 5-1
To find out just how many people
read the home paper, all an editor has
to do is to advertise the free distribu-
tion of government seeds. Great
Caesar, how they do come a running!
And the non-subscribers are usually
the first to come, which shows that
they, too, read the home paper, even if
they do have to read it at the expense
of other people.
Genial Stewart Boucher, who had
been in the Internal Revenue service
for some years, was in town today. He
was returning from a visit to the old
Boucher homestead in Garrett county,
Md. Mr. Boucher is a good nurse, and
is now following that occupation exe
clusively. He was not at the Markle-
ton Sanitarium as a patient, lately, as
reported, but was there as. a nurse.
Mr. S. L. Bowen, of Wayne, W. Va,
writes: “I was a sufferer from kidney
disease, so that at times I could not get
out of bed, and when I did I could not
stand straight. I took Ioley’s Kidney
Cure. One dollar bottle and part of
the second cured me entirely.” Foley's
Kidney Cure works wonders where
others are total failures. Sold by all
Druggists. 5-1
Walter Easton went to New York
City, last night, to have a conference
with the Davis Calyx Drill Company
in reference to the sale of a recent in-
vention made some time ago by Mr.
Easton, and which several drilling
companies are trying to get the ex-
clusive use of. The invention has been
patented by Mr. Easton, and it promises
to make him a handsome sum of money.
A joke is told of a young lady of this
town, who, in working with certain
dyes for the hair, got the ingredient
proportions somewhat confounded, and
as a result, her hair showed up a beau-
titul egg plant, or purple hue. This in-
volved a stay for several weeks in the
country, with friends, but since that
as it desires to grow.——Western Press
of Mercer.
Rheumatic sufferers can have a free
sample of Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Rem-
ledy with book on Rheumatism by
simply writing Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.
This book will explain how Dr. Shoop’s
| Rheumatic Remedy successfully drives |
opera house, Saturday evening, May |
Rheumatism. out of the blood. This
remedy is not a relief only. It aims to
clear the blood entirely of Rheumatic
| poisons, and then Rheumatism must
| die a natural death. Sold by Elk Lick
; 3 IP 5-1
Hrs. Araminta Lung, who has been | Pharmacy. D
At Marlboro, Massachusetts, Miss
Anna Greenwood, aged 29, recently un-
dertook to take down the receiver of a |
telephone at the same time she turned |
on an electric light. She was instantly |
An examination showed a |
slight burn on the wrist, indicating |
| had t ad
Somerset. The county-seat has lots of | theg : ous beeor ia il oe the
| switch as she turned on the light, the | worth of dog meat.”
current passing through her body into
the telephone instrument.
The discovery of a new counterfeit
$10, buffalo, U. S. note is announced by
the U. S. secret service. It is of the |
specie of 1901; check letter, A; Lyons, |
Register; Roberts, Treasurer. This
counterfeit is apparently printed from |
| bladder trouble that is not beyond the | to the splendid condition they were in
ship, on two pieces of good quality
paper, between which heavy pieces of
silk had been distributed. The number
of the note at hand is 8,602,787. This
number compares favorably with the
genuine, both as to color and formation
of figures.
“Preventics” will promptly check a
cold or the Grippe when taken early or
at the “sneeze stage.” Preventics cure
seated colds as well. Preventics are
little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis.,, will gladly mail
you samples and a book on Colds free,
if you will write him. The samples
prove their merit. Check early Colds
with Preventics and stop Pneumonia.
Sold in 5c. and 25c¢. boxes by Elk Lick
Pharmacy. b-1
For the first time in the history of
Columbia county, a postmastership has
gone begging. Mrs. Howard Cole, who
has had charge of the office at Coles
Creek for a number of years, resigned
some time ago, but the department re-
fused to accept her resignation, as
there has always been trouble in se-
curing a postmaster there. An effort
was finally made to secure her succes-
gor, but without avail. On last Satur-
day Mrs. Cole left for Mexico to join
her husband, and left the office to take
care of itself.
Rest is the great restorer. We tire
our muscles by exercise and then rest
to restore them ; yet a great many of
us do not stop to think how little rest
we give to our stomachs. As a usual
thing no part of our bodies is so gener-
ally overworked os our digestive or-
gans. A tired and overworked stomach
will give signs of distress to which we
pay no heed until at last Dyspepsia
takes hold. Indigestion is just a warn-
ing, and if we heed the warning we can
easily avoid further consequences.
KODOL is a most thorough stomach
relief. It digests what you eat and
gives the stomach the needed rest and
greatly assists in restoring it to its nor-
mal activity and usefulness. KODOL
is sold on a guarantee relief plan. Itis
sold here by E. H. Miller. 5-1
To keep the flag painted on his corn
crib is the curious request which is
found in the will of George D. Higgins,
which has just been admitted to pro-
bate, at Duxbury, Massachusetts. Mr.
Higgins was a veteran of the civil war,
and had an intense love for the flag.
He always kept a painted flag on his
corn crib, never allowing the colors to
grow dim, and adding a star as new
states were added. His will not only
requests that the flag be kept painted,
but also that stars be added when
necessary, the stars to be “placed in
proper order, as by a pattern shown,
and that may be found in my tool
The News—No Pure Drug Cough
Cure Laws would be needed, if all
Cough Cures were like Dr. SBhoop’s
Cough Cure is—and bas been for 20
years. The National Law now requires
that if any poisons enter into a cough
mixture, it must be printed on the label
or package. For this reason mothers,
and others, should insist on having Dr.
Shoop’s Cough Cure. No poison-marks
on Dr. Shoop’s labels—and none in the
medicine, else it must by law be on the
label. And it’s not only safe, but it is
said to be by those that know it best, a
truly remarkable cough remedy. Take
no chanee, particularly with your chil-
dren. Insist on having Dr. Shoop’s
Cough Cure. Compare carefully the
Dr. Shoop package with others and see.
No poison marks there! You can al-
ways be on the safe side by demanding
Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure. Simply re-
fuse to accept any other. Sold by Elk
Lick Pharmacy. 5-1
Judge Kooser has refused to appoint
a commission to examine Joe DeFran-
cesco, the Coal Run murderer, on the
ground that the case has passed his
jurisdiction. In making a decree di-
rected to Governor Stuart, he says:
“No question of the sanity or insanity
of the prisoner was raised upon the
trial. The defendant was convicted of
murder of the first degree, sentence
pronounced, and a record of the trial,
conviction and sentence has been
transmitted to the Governor of the
Commonwealth, for his action ; thus, as
I think, passing the matter to the con-
trol of the Executive. This Court,
therefore, in refusing to appoint the
commission prayed for, as it now does,
respectfully refers the mutter to his
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Robert R. Henderson.
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at- ele. :
~rrostBurG.Mmp. BAN K
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock.
a... OF FICERS: emt.
Roberdeau Annan. President. Olin Beall, Cashier.
a... DIRECTORS: ees.
> Duncan Sinclair,
Daniel Annan. Roberdeau Aunan.
Capital stock. .$
Surplus fand. :
Deposits (over) 1,000 000.00
Assets (over). 1,
Timothy Griffith,
Take notice that I have opened a new
and up-to-date meat market in Salis-
bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store.
Everything is new, neat and clean,
and it is a model in every respect.
I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, etc.
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
tle. Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vinced that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line.
The Old Reliable Butcher.
they represent.
hi Hf
i Hd
» A
A Ul Ji Ans ! :
Hie 3
7 4.
ACK OF STYLE in our new display of swagger Spring and Summer clothing, is
the sort of tailoring that makes the garment last.
antee that assures you perfect service and satisfaction.
but wears well, because it’s made well.
Back of the clothes, is a guar-
Our clothing not only look well,
They are priced mighty small for the big value
The above pictuse illustrates the fitted back of “Pelham” Clothes.
Barchus & Livengood.
Garrett County Farmers in the
The following very truthful news
item appeared in last week’s issue of
the Oakland Journal:
“You will find by comparison that
the farmers in Grantsville district are
about up to date in many lines of agri-
culture. They raise the finest fruit in
profusion—strawberries by the thou-
sands of quarts. They have maple sugar
groves that cannot be excelled any-
where in the world. Their farms are
adapted to raising wheat, oats, rye,
barley, buckwheat and about all of the
grains with success. Some of their
barns and dwellings are of the largest
and best in the United States.”
" Right here Tue Star wishes to com-
pliment the farmers in the vicinity of
Grantsville, Md., on the splendid con-
dition and high produetive state that
they have brought their farms up to.
About 25 or 30 years ago the farmers in
the vicinity of Salisbury, Pa., were far |
in advance of their Garrett county |
neighbors in the matter of high class |
farming ; but, generally speaking, just
the reverse is the case now, and there |
is no use in trying to deny it.
It is pretty generally conceded that |
farming in Elk Lick township has been
on the down grade for a number of]
| years. Of course, there are exceptions, |
Excellency, the Governor of Pennsyl-| 4 old Elk Lick still has some of the |
vania, with the recommendation that a |
commission be appointed, to meet the
purpose set forth in the petition, and
that the commission be directed to act
He Was a Mail Order Chap.
A young man who does not believe
in patronizing home industries, recent- |
ly sent to Sears, Roebuck & Co., for a up as they should be, the sugar camps |
| that the sons who are now managing |
best managed and most highly predue- |
tive farms to be found anywhere. But |
? Si 3 , |
in many cases it is painfully evident |
the farms are not the progressive and |
painstaking farmers that their fathers |
were before them. Many good farms |
have been allowed to run down. The |
land, fences and buildings are not kept
pair of trousers. In the pocket of the | are not being properly cared for, good |
pants he found the following note:
good-looking young man who de-|
sires to correspond with a lady of |
sweet disposition, kindly address,” |
The aforesaid mail order “mutt” sent |
a letter to the address, and in a few |
days received the following reply:
“Sir, my wife has just received a let- |
ter from you, addressed in her maiden
name. Fifteen years ago, when she |
| orchards have been allowed to die off |
“Should this fall into the hands of a | without new ones to take their places.
This deplorable state of agricultural
degeneracy cannot be said to exist in
the vicinity of Grantsville. The farms |
lout there are, almost without excep-
| tion, in the pink of high class agricul- |
tural condition. For every good fruit |
| tree that grew in the vicinity of Grants- |
ville 25 years ago, a score of them are
worked in a sweat shop, she might have | growing now. And in all other re-|
written the note.
ful wife. If you don’t cut out writing
e t She iz now the |spects the farmers of Grantsyille dis- |
| mother of six children, and is my law-| trict are in the very forefront of the |
noble persuit of agriculture and cattle
to her, I will take a trip to your town | raising. If you want to see fruitful |
and make you look like two cents |
— >
farms, luxuriantly growing crops, fine |
| sugar groves, apple orchards, well kept
buildings, fences, etc., make a trip to
THIS MAY INTEREST YOU. | Grantsville before the next harvest is |
No one is immune from Kidney
| trouble, so just remember that Foley’s |
Kidney Cure will stop the irregulari- |
ties and cure any case of kidney and |
reach of medicine. Sold by all Drug- |
gists. 5-1
In the meantime, the farmers of old |
Elk Lick, that is, a great many of them, |
ought to go to Garrett county and take |
lessons in farming, then get « hump on |
themselves and bring their farms back |
when Garrett county was at least 25
/ / /
Impure drugs are worse than no drugs. When it is a case of life
S33 or death, you don’t want to take any risks. You want the purest, the § Vo
freshest drugs that you can get, accurately compounded.
Accuracy and reliability in compounding are distinguishing feat- £2
ures of our pharmacy.
get it promptly.
You get what your prescription calls for, and ov >
This store contains everything that a first class 3
drug store ought to contain, and in the best quality obtainable.
PAUL H. GROSS, City Drug Store,
Meyersdale, Pa.
f Lhe Best! }
»-aim to keep in stock the best feeds and dairy €8
products that can be obtained.
We make our own chops
from the best corn and oats that can be purchased. We &&
have the agency for the famous Laurel brand of flour.
We will have on hand a High Grade Fertilizer for §&
the spring crops, and expect to keep a supply of it on o
hand continually.
Our motto is,
We are also getting a carload of Seed
“Honest Goods And Honest Prices.”
Only the best is good enough for our customers. &&
Come and visit us; and inspect our good.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
| years behind the times in agriculture. | Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough-