The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, February 28, 1907, Image 4

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P.L. Livesaoen, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa.
as mail matter of the Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is published every Thursday,st
Salisbury, ( Elk Lick, I’. 0.) Somerset Coun-
ty, Pa., at the following rates:
One year, if paid spot cash in advance.. $1.25
If not paid strictly in advance 1.50
Bix MONbRS........... cc al ea
Three Months Sr rst save ps aN.
Single cop 05
To on oS itiplicity of small accounts
all subscriptions for three months or less
must be i d in advance. Those rates and
terms will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices,5 cents a line
each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5
eents a line for first insertion and 3 cents. a
Mne for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
ness lacals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for less than 10
eonts a line for each insertion,except on
yoarly contracts.
Rates for Display Advertisments will be
made known on application
dior) advertising, invariably 10 cents
Legal Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
additional lines, 5 cents eac
Cards of Thanks will be published free 192
prtrons of the paper. <Noh-patrons will b
charged 10 cents a lin
Resolutions of Renmuct will be published
for 6 cents a line.
All advertisements willbe run and charg-
od for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
than 25 cents.
‘A Doctor’s
Ayer’s Cherry Pectorai i: : u
a simple cough syrup.
strong medicine, a doc’
medicine. Itcures hard ©
severe and desperate va-cr.
chronic cases of asthma, ;.
risy, bronchitis, consump: ic I.
Ask your doctor about; ss.
“1 have used a great deal of Ave 7
Pectoral for coughs aii hard
~hest. It has always done me iz rest
is cm» os tainly a most wonderful cough 12
gine. * — MICHAEL J. FITZGRRALD, Vie! ti
C. Ayer Co., Lowe).
Bksactiiis [=
Made byJ. J.
0 3
Hon. N. B. Critchfield has been re-
appointed as Secretary of Agriculture
of this state.
The editor’s wife is quite ill, this
week, and as a result we are somewhat
short of help in the office again.
Mr. and Mrs. John Meager returned
from Alabama, last week, where they
had been visiting friends for several
If you want a Business Education,
attend the Meyersdale Commercial
College, Meyersdale, Pa. It’s The Best
School. Catalogue Free. tf
Mrs. C. E. Sperry, of Wilmerding,
Pa., arrived here on Tuesday for a
visit with her aged father, Mr. William
Smith, and other relatives.
When a woman calls up another and
tells her that she knows something, but
she’d rather not tell it over the ’phone,
the second woman wastes no time in
getting on her hat.
What do you think of a man who
will sit down to the table three times a
day, and thank the Lord for bread
which he has swindled some poor man
or beat his grocer out of?
A fine play will be rendered in Hay’s
opera house, next Thursday night. by
Garrett home talent. It will be worth
seeing, and everybody ought to attend. |
Bills will be out early next week giving
full particulars.
11 headaches go
When you grow w
And learn to use
An “Early Riser.”
DeWitt’s Little Early Riser
pills... E. H. Miller. -
A little alum little
salt in equal parts, pulverized and
plied to an-aching tooth
wet cotton, will in nine
ten the pain almost instantly.
This is worth remembering. far
better than oil of cloves, ereosote. ete.,
and no harmful results can follow, says
an exchange.
Ira Flesher and family, of Young-
wood, Pa., arrived in this vicinity a few
days ago for a visit with friends and
relatives. Ira is prospering at Young-
wood, and whenever he comes to Salis-
bury he always remembers Tie Stan
with a few “plunks.” This vieit was no
exception to the rule, and he has our
thanks and best wishes.
Croup can positively be stopped in 20 |
minutes No vomiting—nothing to
sicken or distress your child. A sweet,
plaasant, and safé Syrup,
Shoop’s Croup Cure, does the work and
does it "quickly. Dr. Shoop’s Croup
Cure is for Croup alone, remember.
does not claim to cure a dozen ailments
It’s for Croup, that’s all. Sold by Elk
Lick Pharmacy, i
and a NMOoN
with PA
Piles get quick relief from Dr, Shoop's
Magic Ointment. Remember it’s made
alone for Piles—and it works with cer:
tainty and satisfaction. Itching, pain-
ful, protruding, or blind piles disappear
like magic by its use. Try it and see!
Elk Lick Pharmacy. 8-1
Freeman J. Hoffman has been named
by President Roosevelt to succeed Mrs.
Catherine J. Endsley as postmaster of
Somerset. Mr. Hoffman will make an
excellent postmaster, and he is a Re-
publican of the true and loyal kind.
He is one of the Republicans who re-
fused to be led and bodily delivered
into the Democratic camp by one Geo.
R. Scull.
Piles of people have Piles. Why suf-
fer. from piles when you can use De-
Witt’s Carbonized Witch Hazel Salve
and get relief. Nothing else so good.
Beware of imitations. See that the
name is stamped on each box. Sold by
E. H. Miller. -
The Lehigh Valley Railroad Com-
pany will in a few days issue a formal
order for every employe in the tele-
graph department and on trains to take
the pledge of total abstinence and
keep it in force during the time of their
employment on the road. Having for
some time encouraged the employes to
be total abstainers,and having observ-
ed the steady and reliable work of such
employes, the officials have decided to
make the total sbstinence order obli-
Use a little KODOL after your meals
and it will be found to afford a prompt
and efficient relief. KODOL nearly ap-
proximates the digestive juices, It di-
gests what you eat. It is sold on a
fustanioed relief plan. Sold here by
. H. Miller. 3-1.
Henry Johnson, of Shade township,
has withdrawn his indictment against
the Putman brothers and John Sivits,
called Dr. |
| whom he had arrested on the charge of
| having murdered Mrs. Catherine Stauf-
| ter, and the latter have since sued
: | Johnson for defamation of character,
| false imprisonment, etc., and he is held
in the sum of $3,000 bail for his appear-
| ance at court. It is said that Johnson
was recently treated to a shower of hen
{ fruit at Hooversville, while trying to
| get witnesses against the Putmans and
| WANTED !—10 men in each state to
travel, distribute samples of our goods
and tack signs. Salary $85.00 per
month; $3.00 per day for expenses.
SAUNDERS CO., Department P. No.
46 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. Ills.
It would astonish many of us some-
times if we could know what our neigh-
bors think of us. Every man has some
kina of a standing in the community
where he lives, and he sized up a
great deal closer than he has any idea
of. You may set it down as a fact that
there isn’t a twelve-year-old boy io the
neighborhood who hasn’t his opinion of
you, and he wouldn’t be slow about ex-
pressing it, either, if a stranger should
ask him for it. Every man is always
making character, whether he is doing
anything else or not.
Willie wailed and Winnie wheezed,
while wintry: winds whined weirdly.
Willie wriggled while Winnie wheezed
wretchedly. Wisdom whispers, winter
winds work wheezes. Wherefore we
write, “Use Kennely’s Laxative Cough
Syrup.” Nothing else so good. Sold
by E. H. Miller. 3-1
In commenting on our editorial ad-
voeating the removal of ladies’ hats in
church, which was printed in our issue
of Feb. 14th, the Oakland Journal says:
“Hats off ;to Editor Livengood,” and
then adds that the Journal commends
the article to the earnest consideration
of the ladies of Oakland. And right
here we wish to add that many people
have told us in person since we pub-
lished the editorial referred to that
they most heartily approve of every-
thing it contained, and all men will
welcome the day when women remove
their headgear while in attendance at
A liquid cold relief with a laxative
principle which drives out the cold
through a copious action of the bowels,
and a healing principle which lingers
in the throat and stops the cough—that
is Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup.
r Safe and sure in its action ; pleasant to
take; and conforms to National Pure
Food and Drug Law. Contains no
opiates. Sold by E. H. Miller. 3-1
The dog law is to be changed, in that
it is proposed to register and tax al
ing to be paid for
registered, and descrip-
dogs, requ a fee
| ion given, th
: fees to be
time of reg
ed and kept under. con-
trol same ther live stock. A fee of
$2 per head will be paid by the state to
some authorized oflicial for the Killing
of all dogs thus not registered. This
eing pushed with vigor
i by those who regard the dog while run-
(ning at large as a serious menace to
human life, as well as destructive to
I live stock and other property.
must be
| movement is b
To stop a Cold with “Preventies” is
| safer than to let it run and cure it af-
terwards. Taken at the ‘sneeze stage”
| Preventics will head off all colds and
Grippe, and perhaps save you from
Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventics
| are little toothsome candy cold cure
» tablets selling in 5 cent and 25 cent
boxes. If you are chilly, if you begin
| to sneeze, try Preventics. They will
| surely check the cold, and please Phd
Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. -
i J. R.Joy, who came here from his
new home in Donora, Pa., last Thurs-
| day, was in very poor health when he
| arrived, and the same day he had to be
put to bed. He was very sick, at the
Valley House, for several days, but ‘is
i again able to be about. On March 9th,
paid at the
Animals so registered |
| dictment against W.
at 10:80 a. m, he intends to offer his
desirable property in this town at pub-
lic sale. It ought to bring a good
price, for it is ideally located and com-
prises over three-acres of land. in the
highest state of cultivation, on which is
one of the “finest springs in the com-
munity, lots of choice fruit, ete. It is
a property admirably adapted for the
hotel, poultry, hot house or trucking
business. Full description will be
given on posters that wili be issued
from this office in a few days.
If you are Constipated, dull, or bil-
ious, or have a sallow lifeless complex-
ion, try Lax-ets just once to see what
they will do for you. ILax-ets are little
toothsome Candy tablets—nice to eat,
nice in effect. No griping, no pain.
Just a gentle laxative effect that 1s
pleasingly desirable. Handy for the
vest pocket or purse. Lax-ets meet
every desire. Lax-ets come to you in
beautiful lithographed metal boxes at
b cents and 25 cents. Sold by Elk Lick
Pharmacy. 3-1
While George Woodward was run-
ning a sawmill in the mountains of
Adams county, near Gettysburg, he
discovered the petrified head and neck
of a human being imbedded in a large
oak log. Woodward removed the head
and has shipped it to Dr. G. W. Tate, of
Altoona, for examination. The head
was of perfect proportions, the features
being preserved to the minutest de-
tails. Ears, nose, mouth, eyes, eye-
brows, and even the lines of the face
were plainly visible. The unusual
color of the face was the only thing
which detracted from its lifelike ap-
pearance. The tree was cut near
Lewis’ (the robber) cave. Itis suppos-
ed the head belonged to one of the vic-
tims of this noted outlaw. Lewis, the
robber, committed many murders
along the old Shippensburg road.
Numerous expeditions were sent
against him, but owing to his impreg-
nable stronghold in South mountain,
he always successfully resisted attack
—Hyndman Bulletin.
It’s a pleasure to tell our readers
about a Cough Cure like Dr. Shoop’s.
For years Dr. Shoop has fought against
the use of Opium, Chloroform, or other
unsafe ingredients commonly found in
Cough remedies.
has welcomed the Pure Food and Drug
Law recently enacted, for he has work-
ed along similar lines many years. For
nearly 20 years Dr. Shoop’s Congh
Cure containers have had a warning
printed on them against Opium and
other narcotic poisons. He has thus
made it possible for mothers to protect
their children by simply insisting on
having Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure. Sold
by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 3-
A humorist has said that “the Mis-
sissippi River is so crooked in places
that a steamer going south has been
known to meet itself coming north,
give passing signals, and narrowly es-
cape a collision with itself.” Because
man has never been able to make the
Mississippi obedient and content to
stay in one particular channel, many
interesting geographical
have arisen. There are innumerable
old channels threading back and forth
through the forests of the lowlands,
and whenever there is an overflow or a
particular heavy freshet, the river ic
quite liable to wander off down one of
these old channels and leave some
shipping point high and dry. The town
of Delta used to be three miles below
Vicksburg, but a cut-off changed things
so it is now two miles above that point.
Another little place, called Blue’s Point,
was formerly located in Mississippi,
but one spring when times were dull
and the river needed a diversion, it
changed its channel and transferred
Blue’s Point over into Arkansas. If
the big river had taken such a twist
between Missouri and Illinois, before
the war, it would have removed slaves
from one state to another, and thus set
them free.
Nothing will releave Indigestion that
is not a thorough digestant. Kodol di-
gests what you eat and allows the
stomach to rest—recuperate—grow
strong again. KODOL is a solution of
digestive acids and as nearly as possible
approximates the digestive juices that
are found in the stomach. KODOL
takes the work of digestion off the di-
gestive organs, and while performing
this work itself does greatly assist the
stomach to a thorough rest. In ad-
dition the ingredients of KODOL are
such as to make it a corrective of the
highest efficiency, and by its action the
stomach is restored to its normal ac-
tivity and power. KODOIL is manu-
factured in strict conformity with the
National Pure Food and Drug Law.
Sold by E. H. Miller. 3
Ignored by Grand Jury.
Grand Jury has ignored the
\. Marshall,
new Berlin postmaster, who
cently eaused to be arrested by his po-
litical enemies on a flimsy charge of
having furnished liquor to influence
votes at last fall’s election.
And now Marshall will have
Dr. Shoop, it seems,’
Drafts on all parts of the world.
ol -T.N, F.
Capital stock. .$
Surplus fund.. 86,000.0C
Deposits (ov er) 1 000 ,000.0(
4 Assets (over).
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at- oie
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock.
te OF FICERS : mn.
Roberdeau Annan. President.
Olin Beall. Cashier.
ame DIRECTORS: mnt.
Robert R. Henderson.
Daniel Annan.
Duncan Sinclair,
Timothy Griffith,
Roberdeau Annan.
) | |
Take notice that I have opened a new
) |
and up-to-date meat market in Salis-
bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store.
Everything is new, neat and clean,
and it is a model in every respect.
I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, etc.
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
tle, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vinced that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line.
The Old Reliable Butcher.
The Miller andl Flickinger murder |
cases have both been postponed, and
will likely come up for trial at the May
term of court.
The Miller case was postponed at the
request of District Attorney Meyers,
who announced that the Common- |
wealth is now busy on very important |
evidence which cannot be gotten ready |
for admission to the trial at the present
The Flickinger case has been contin-
ued on account of the sickness of |
Flickinger’s principal witness.
“T was literally coughing myself to |
death, and had become too weak to
leave my bed ; and neighbors Ig |
that I would never leave it alive; but |
they got fooled, for thanks be to God, 1
was induced to try Dr. King’s New Dis- |
covery. It took just four one dollar |
bottles to completely cure the cough
and restore me to good sound health,”
writes Mrs. Eva Uncaphe, of Grover-
| prices, some for less than cost.
-More Auction!
We have decided to continue our great auction sales all
through the month of March, beginning on
Saturd., the 9th,
at 1 P. M., and be continued each Saturd. afternoon there-
after until the end of the month. Remember, the auctions
will be held only on Saturday afternoons, except on
when clothing only will be auctioned off.
some of the great soul-satisfying
Come and
T. HAY, Mgr.
That’s what we are making a specialty of.
We grind grain that is always
pure and fresh—the very best grades of corn and oats that can be obtained.
We always keep our chop clean and fresh. One sack will convince you that
ino Western feed equals our own home-
ground feeds.
Our prices are cheap, considering the quality of grain that we use.
Great Shirt Bargains!
We have on hand about 500 nice Dress Shirts that we are offering at sacrifice
llar Shirts, 75¢. Fifty-cent Shirts, 40c.
Purest Groceries!
Our Groceries are ofthe purest and best, and we are sole agents for the fa-
' mous Laurel Flour, ongwhich we have built up a large trade.
| best meets the demand of the people.
It is the flour that
Once tried, always used.
We also handle a good line of Every-Day Working Trousers and Gloves.
We solicit your patronage and invi
West Sali
te you to our store. We have come to
stay, and we solicit a liberal share of your patronage.
shury Feed Co.
town, Stark Co., Ind. This King of
cough and cold cures, and healer of | Sk
throat and lungs, is guaranteed by E.|
H. Miller, druggist. 50c.
Trial bottle free.
{ none,
| evolved it.
| one,
| who use every-day
his in- |
nings, and owing to information made |
by him, Constable Mays, of Berlin, in
his quarterly return to the court on |
Monday morning charged P. J. Me-
Grath and Robert S. Meyers with vio- |
lations of the liquor laws cf 13th May,
persons of known intemperate habits,
naming Charles Saylor as witness;
that he sold to minors, naming Elmer |
Brant as witness ; charges that he fur-
nished liquor to Robert S. Meyers on
Sunday, naming Weller Saylor, Peter | lesson,
Zimmerman, Ed. Kimmel, A. L. Dorn,
Albert Sanner, Sam Knepper as wit-
nesses. McGrath and Meyers are
charged jointly with selling on Sunday They please everybody.
and on election day.
The return says McGrath sold to |
| just
and $1.00. S
Hay’s Opera House, Frid. EVeNing er, 54
March tst—Prices, 25, 35, 50
and 75c¢.
of the
society comedy
of comedy
It has a plot that
and a
This newest
dramas, is a play
and heart-interest
is as simple as it is
nic environment is second
In fact the
shows a master hand at stagecraft
and deals with every-day people
languge. There
no straining for effects, no impossible
situations, and no tawdry climaxes—
good wholesome comedy and |
that thrilling. There are
action is
| some of the brightest specialties known |
to vandeville introduced between the |
| acts and during the action of the play. |
The company has met with nothing but |
unparalleled success and unstinted
| praise in every city visited.
“Six years ago 1 learned a valuable | P
” writes John Pleasant, of Mag- |
nolia, Ind.
yur White Pine Cough Balsa
It is very unwise to let it run on.
nore than a slight cold, and can be
The story is an interesting fg
This is just the season of the y
and nipping air are making coughs and colds pretty fast.
one of the victims, you need somet
We are pretty positive about that.
keep you &
m with tar touches the tickle.
Many times a cough is nothing
stopped by the use of our Pine
ear when the cool, blustering wind
If you are
hing, and we have that something.
City Drug Store,
Paul H. Gross, Deutsche Apotheke,
Meyersdale, Pa.
&F Use Beachy’
For sale at Lichliter’s store.
“J then began taking Dr. |%O
King’s New Life Pills,and the longer I | &S
take them the better 1 find them.”
s Tonie Powder for horses
and cattle.
Guaranteed |
31 |
at E. H. Miller’s, druggist, 25c.
i Early Risors
The famous little pills.
ows Early R Risors
The famous little pills.