The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, January 31, 1907, Image 4

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P. L. Livexaoon, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the Postoflice at Elk Lick, Pa.
as mail matter of the Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is piblisiie d every Thursday,st
Salisbury, (Elk Lick, P. 0.) some rset Coun-
ty, Pa., at the following rates
One year, if paid spot cash in avanc e.
If not paid Strictly) in advance
8ix months. A)
Three months.
Single copies.
To avoid multiplicity ‘of small ac counts
all subscriptions for three months or less
must be paid in advance. These rates and
terms will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices,b cents a line
each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5
cents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a
iine for éach succeeding insertion. No busi-
ness lacals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for less than 10
cents a line for each insertion,except on
yearly contracts.
Rates for Display Adverisments will be
made known on application
Editorial advertising, invariably 10 cents
Logal Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
additional lines, 5 cents ea:
Cards of Thanks will be ES ablishied free for
prtrons of the paper. or yonspatrons will be
oharged 10 cents a lin
Resolutions of Ronaubt will be published
for 6 cents a line.
All advertisements will be run and charg-
od for until ordered discontinue
No advertisement will be taken for less
than 25 cents.
For Lung
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cer-
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis,consumption. And
it certainly strengthens weak
throats and weak lungs.
There can be no mistake about
this. Youknow itistrue. And
your own doctor will say so.
“ My little boy had a terrible cough. I tried
sve thing I could hear of but in vain until
ried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. - The first
Sr he was better, and he sedi mproved
until he was perfectly well
STEELE, Alton, Ill
Made by J.C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
Also i of
ers i Pa VIGOR.
Keep the bowels regular with Ayer’s
Pills and thus hasten recovery.
At last the ice men are happy. and
during the past few days they have
been very busy packingice from five to
six inches thick.
If you want a Business Education,
attend the Meyersdale Commercial
College, Meyersdale, Pa. It’s The Best
School. Catalogue Free. tf
Norman Keim returned from Medina
county, Ohio, last week, where he went
on a horse-buying expedition. He re-
turned with seventeen very - fine
Preparatory services will be held in
the Lutheran church, Friday evening,
at 7 o'clock, Communion services Sun-
day, at 10:30 A. M. Rev. T, B. Roth, D.
D., will preach Sunday evening. All
are invited.
Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop’s
Magic Ointment. Remember it’s made
alone for Piles—and it works with cer-
tainty and satisfaction. Itching, pain-
ful, protruding, or blind piles disappear
like magic by its use. Try it and see!
Elk Lick Pharmacy. 2-1
Isn’t it really inspiring to listen to a
fellow pretty well dressed. and the
clothes not paid for, although bought
ten months ago, telling how this town
ought to be run? asks the Carleton
(Neb.) Leader. -
Joe De Francesco, the Italian who
murdered a fellow countryman at Coal
Run, last August, had the death sen-
tence passed upon him, last week.
Governor Stuart has not yet fixed the
date of his execution.
When the cold winds dry and crack
the skin a box of salve can save much
discomfort. In buying salve look for
the name on the box to avoid any imi-
tations, and be sure you get the origin-
al DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve.
by E. H. Miller. 2-1
- (Governor Stuart has appointed
editor of this paper to the office of
tary Public. The appointment
been confirmed by the Senate, and
commission is for four years. We
be ready for business in a week or
J. Wesley Platt, a sixteen-year-old
son of Fred Platt, of Berlin, is a full-
fledged minister of the gospel. He re-
cently preached to a large audience in
the Brethren church, in Berlin, and
those who heard the youth, pronounce
him a good talker.
Mothers who give their children Ken-
nedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup invariably
indorse it. Children like it because
the taste is so pleasant. Contains
Honey and Tar. It isthe Original Lax-
ative Cough Syrup and is unrivaled for
the relief of croup. Drives the celd
out through the bowels. Conforms to
the National Pare Food and Drug Law.
Sold by E. H. Miller.
Sold |
Eighteen ladies and gentlemen con-
stituted a jolly sleighing party that
went to Grantsville, last night. Another
party of forty-three, from Addisonalso
took in Grantsville, last night. All had
a good time, of course, for old Grants-
| ville is a hospitable town.
Clear up the complexion, cleanse .the
liver and tone the system. You can
best do this by a dose or two of De-
Witt’s Little Early Risers. Safe, re-
liable little pills with a reputation.
The pills that every one knows. Rec-
ommended by E. H. Miller. 2-1
In launching a newspaper in a south-
western state, the editor said in his
salutatory: “Itis up to you whether
we wear diamonds or whether wo eat
icicles three times a day.” Whenever
an editor has that notion, it is a cinch
that he will get the icicles.
WANTED !—10 men in each state to
travel, distribute samples of our goods
and tack signs. Salary $85.00 per
month; $3.00 per day for expenses.
SAUNDERS CO., Department P. No.
468 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. Ills.
Alonzo Chamberlain, the oldest man
in Meyersdale, recently celebrated his
90th birthday anniversary. He is still
quite a vigorous man, both mentally
and physically, and THE STAR hopes he
may live long enough to reach the
century mark, and then some.
“In a startled voice, Johnny suddenly
asked, “Mamma, is that bay rum in the
bottle on your table?” “Mercy ! no, dear,”
she replied. “That is mucilage.” “Oh,”
said Johnny. Then after 8. moment’s
pause he added reflectively, “perhaps
that’s why I can’t get my hat off.”
“They like the taste as well as maple
sugar,” is what one mother wrote of
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup.
This modern cough syrup is absolutely
free from any opiate or narcotic. Con-
+tains Honey Tar. Conforms to the
National Pure Food and Drug Law.
Sold by E. H. Miller. 2-1
We have on file a very interesting
communication from M. P. Lichty, of
North Dakota, which will be published
in our next issue. Mr. Lichty tells all
about the rigorous winter in the North-
west, which seems to be a record-break-
er, this year, and of the great suffering
caused by a shortage of fuel, while
trains are unable to get through, en-
gines “die” on the road, ete.
Croup can positively be stopped in 20
minutes. No vomiting—nothing to
sicken or distress your child. A sweet,
pleasant, and safe Syrup, called Dr.
Shoop’s Croup Cure, does the work and
does it quickly. Dr. Shoop’s Croup
Cure is for Croup alone, remember. It
does not claim to cure a dozen ailments.
It’s for Croup, that’s all. Sold by Elk
Lick Pharmacy. 2-1
The old M.& S. and the P.& M.
street railway companies have partly
buried the hatchet, but the handle is
still stickimg out, and no one can tell
when they will be in deadly combat
with each other. But both companies
have agreed not to interfere with each
other in the matter of making surveys,
and it is not likely that there will be
any more arrests for trespassing.
Matsi Shope, Martin Kletz, Martin
Samicola, Paul Durack and Pete Shi-
nock, Italians from Ralphton, were
jailed on Friday on a charge of assault
and battery with intent to kill. It is
said the men made an attack upon
John Wyland, one of the bosses at the
Ralphton mine, and on William Plum-
mer, an employe of the mine, doing
them up pretty badly.—Somerset
To stop a Cold with “Preventics” is
safer than to let it run and cure it af-
terwards. Taken at the “sneeze stage”
Preventics will head off all colds and
Grippe, and perhaps save you from
Pneumonia or Bronchitis. - Preventics
are little toothsome candy cold cure
tablets selling in 5 cent and 25 cent
boxes. If you are chilly, if you begin
to sneeze, try Preventics. They will
surely check the cold, and please Jou.
Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 2-1
The Somerset Standard offers a re-
ward for the return of a stray Maltese
tomcat. Now, if that cat or any other
cat belonged to us, the farther it would
stray away the better it would suit us.
If we had a pet rattlesnake, alligator,
toad, or even an ordinary yellow dog
(pug dog excepted), we might offer a
reward for the return thereof, in case
the animal strayed away, but for a cat,
never. Scat!
Nearly every person who is subject to
attacks from the stomach suffers from
a morbid dread of a dietetic treatment
for relief, that is three-fourths starva-
| tion, and one-fourth toast and milk.
| On the other hand you can eat as you
| please and digest the food by the aid of
a good digestant, thus giving the tired
| stomach equally as much rest. Eat
what you please and take a little Ko-
dol For Indigestion after your meals.
It digests what you eat. Sold by E. H.
Miller. 2-1
Mr. David Lichty still bas the dis-
tinction of paying for more subscrip-
tions to Tae STAR than any other per-
son. On Tuesday he called around to
pay his numerous subscriptions in ad-
vance, as has been his custom for years,
and we are pleased to note that he re-
ports his health first class. Mr. Lichty
is now nearly 75 years old, and his wife
is nearly 70. They are probably as
hearty an old couple as we have in the
town, and their years surely rest lightly
upon them.
Lee F. Hoffman, the well known au-
tomobilist of Meyersdale, was sued by
Demetrius Compton. last week, for
damages in the sum of $6,250. It will
be remembered by our readers that Mr.
Compton and his wife and child were
all hurt in a run-away accident, last
fall, caused by their horse taking fright
at Mr. Hoffman's automobile. Mr,
Compton alleges that Hofiman did not
take the precautions required by law
to prevent accidents. The outcome of
the suit will be watched with much
Earl, the youngest child of Mr. and |
Mrs. Jacob Engle, of Elk Lick town-
chip, wis taken to the Memorial Hospit-
al, Johnstown, Pa., yesterday evening,
to be operated on for appendicitis. The
little fellow had been suffering for sev-
eral days, and the operation disclosed
the fact that he had a well advanced
case of appendicitis, and some of the
smaller intestines were found ‘to be
twisted around the larger ones. The
operation was made too late tosave the.
boy’s life, and he died this morning.
Deceased was aged between five and
six years.
If you are Constipated, dull, or bil-
ious, or have a sallow lifeless _complex-
ion, try Lax-ets just once to see what
they will do for you. Lax-ets are little
toothsome Candy tablets—nice to eat,
nice in effect. No griping, no pain.
Just a penile, laxative effect that 1s
pleasingly desirable. Handy for the
vest i or purse. Lax-ets meet
every desire. Lax-ets come to you in
beautiful lithographed metal boxes at
5 cents and 25 cents. Sold by Elk Lick
Pharmacy. 2-1
A Grant street husband, who had the
habit of growling about everything from
his meals to his laundry, looked up
from his paper, Monday night, and
grumbled sulkily : “Madam, I see where
a Chicago man went from home, re-
mained for thirty years and then re-
turned and gave his wife $5,000. If you
don’t do better you may find me doing
the same thing some day !” The patient
little wife looked up from her sewing
and replied sweetly, “All right, bat if
you will only remain away the thirty
years, you needn’t trouble yourseif
about the $5,000. The husband resumed
his reading without continuing the con-
versation farther.
Food don’t digest? Because the
stomach lacks some one of the essen-
tial digestants or the digestive juices
are not properly balanced. Then, too,
it is this undigested food that causes
sourness and painful indigestion. Ko-
dol For Indigestion should be used for
relief. Kodol is asolution of vegetable
acids. It digests what you eat, and
corrects the deficiencies of the diges-
tion. Kodol conforms to the National
Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold here
by E. H. Miller. , 2
We congratulate our friend John M.
Wright on his legal victory over the B.
& O. Railroad Company. Mr. Wright
sued the company for refusing him cars
to be loaded with coal from wagons, at
a siding near his home, during the big
anthracite strike... He won out in our
County Court, being awarded damages
in the sum of $700 or thereabout. Then.
the railway people carried the case to
the Superior Court, where Mr. Wright
won again, after which an appeal was
taken to the Supreme Court. The Su-
preme Court, however, turned down
the appeal. and now we suppose the
railroad people will come down with
the cash. Mr. Wright, unlike some
people discriminated against in the
matter of cars, is not content to merely
complain, but he goes after the dis-
criminators in the proper way. More
power to him.
Frank Phenecie, a Garrett hotel man,
wns recently sued by the guardian of
Cora Flowers, daughter of Frank Flow-
ers, deceased, for $5,000. The same
plaintiff, some time ago, also entered
suit against Mrs. Elsie Reagan, who
also conducts a hotel in Garrett, for the
same amount. Frank Flowers, it is al-
leged in the plaintiff’s statement, was a |
man of known intemperate habits, and
that notwithstanding the fact that the
defendant had been notified to desist
selling him intoxicants, Flowers pro-
cured liquor at Phenecie’s bar, last Oc-
tober, and upon the suggestion of Phen-
ecie boarded an excursion train to
Somerset to attend a political meeting.
Flowers did not catch the returning
train, and the following morning was
killed by a freight train on the Somer-
set & Cambria branch. It is alleged
that the deceased earned seventy-five
dollars per month.
Said a well known business man to
us, the other day: “It would not hurt
you to occasionally mention our busi-
ness in your paper. It would help to
fill up, you know.” Yes, we might do it.
We haven’t the least idea on earth that
it would hurt us, and it would, as he
suggests, fill up. We might do all this,
but at the same time we do not have to
do it unless we feel like it. It would not
hurt him, either. to come around. and
say: “Give me a column or a half column
of space for an advertisement, and here
is the money for it.” By doing this he
would become a deserter to that grand
army of deadheads who expect the
newspapers to continually note the im-
provements they make, by giving them
free puffs,and for which they never pay
a cent. It is high time for all classes to
learn that a newspaper is a business
enterprise,the same as a dry goods store
or grocery, run for a living for its
owner.-Lanark (I11.) Gazette.
Mr. August Sherpe, the popular over-
seerer of the poor, at Fort Madison, Ia.,
says: “Dr. King’s New Life Pills are
rightly named ; they act more agreea-
bly, do more good and make one feel
better than any other laxative.” Guar-
anteed to cure biliousness and consti-
pation. 25c. at E. H. Miller's drug
store. 2-1
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Robert R. Henderson.
Daniel Annan.
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
“ Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and. careful at-
HN i
Capital stock. .§
Surplus fund. .
Deposits (over)
0 Assets (over). .
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock.
am... OF FICERS: em.
Roberdeau Annan, President.
Olin Beall. Cashier.
ae DIRECTORS: emt.
Duncan Sinclair,
Timothy Griffith,
Roberdeau Aunan.,
50,000.00 |
65,000. 00
Take notice that I have opened a new
1,088 000. 0 ure or one Loot south of Lichliter’s store.
| Everything is new, neat and clean,
and it is a model in every respect.
I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete.
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
tle. Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vinced that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line.
The Old Reliable Butcher.
Begins Thursday Jan. 10th.
Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and not |
Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet |
they are symptoms only of a certain specifi.
Nerve sickness—nothing else.
3 was this fact that firs correctly led Dr. Hoot
in the creation of that now very popular Stomach
Remedy—Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Going direct
to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success |
and faver to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With-
out that original and highly vital principle, no
such lasting accomplishments were ever td be had. |
For stomach distress, bloating, billousness, bad |
‘breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop’s |
20 Per Cent Reduction
on all goods in our big store
until further notice.
=(ne-Fourth Olf=s=
the prices of all our Gran-
iteware, Tinware & Plain
what we are making a specialty of.
| pure and fresh—the very best grades of corn 2 oats that can be obtained.
Ve grind grain that is always
We always keep our chop clean and fresh. One sack will convince you that
in itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, no Western feed equals our own home-ground feeds.
Our prices are cheap, considering the quality of grain that we use.
Great Shirt Bargains!
We have on hand about 500 nice Dress Shirts that we are offering at sacrifice
| prices, some for less than cost. One-dollar Shirts, 75¢. Fifty-cent Shirts, 40c.
Purest (Groceries!
fully recommend
Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—and see for your- |
self what is can and will do. We sell and cheer |
Our Groceries are ofSthe purest and best, and we are sole agents for the fa-
mous Laurel Flour, ongwhich we have built up a large trade.
host meets the demand of the people.
It is the flour that
Once tried, always used.
We also handle a good line of Every-Day Working Trousers and Gloves.
We solicit your patronage and invite you to our store.
We have come to
stay, and we solicit a liberal share of your patronage.
orafive se.
Whereas, a Petition of the taxpayers and
qualified electors of Elk Lick Township, |
Somerset County. Pennsylvania, was pre-
sented to the Court of Quarter Sessions of
Court to authorize the qualified electors of |
Elk Lick township to vote on February 19,
the system |
roads in said
1907, to change or not to change
of taxation for the public
approve d the 12th day of April,
L. ,ete.
The Tt by a decree of said Court it is made {
the duty of the Road Supervisors of Elk
Lick township, to issue an Election Procla-
mation that on the regular official ballot, |
for the Municipal Election for the Town-
ship of Elk Lick, to be held on the 19th day |
of February, A. D. 1907, after the list of can-
didates, there shall be printed in brief form
and followed by the words, “yes” and “no,” |
the question, “Shall the work tax levied
and assessed for public roads in Elk Lick
Township be abolished and the same be
paid in cash?” The ballots to be so printed
as to give each voter a clear opportunity to
designate his choice of answer to the ques-
tion by a cross mark (X) in a square o
ficent size at the right of the words “yes”
and “no.”
and Ross Sechler, Road Supervisors of Elk
Lick Township, do issue our Proclamation
ship, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, re-
recincts in
yA. D. 190
polling places for holding a Genera
tion in the several election
said Townsnip, on February 19th
(being the thir
ner prescribed by law, to'vote on the ques-
tion: “Shall the work tax levied and as-
sessed for public roads in Elk Lick Town-
Pa. this 9th day of Jahuary, A. D.
BSTEY ANE, {seal
%os8 SEC
Supervisors » Liok vr.
West Salisbury Feed Co.
suf- |
Therefore, We, Henry Opel, J. S. Stevanus | §
the Peace of said County, petitioning said |
township as provided by an Act of Assembly, |
A.D. 1905, P. | 6
to the qualified electors of Elk Lick Town- BY
questing them to meet at their respective YY
7, | 68
d Tuesday of said month) be- | $9
tween the hours and in the mode and man- | §
be abolished and the same Le paid in |S
Our White Pine Cough Balsam with tar touches the tickle.
It is very unwise to let it run on.
Many times a cough is nothing
more than a slight cold, and can be stopped by the use of our Pine
This is just the season of the year when the cool, blustering wind
and nipping air are making coughs and colds pretty fast.
one of the victims, you need something,
We are pretty positive about that.
If you are
and we have that something.
City Drug Store,
Paul H. Gross, Deutsche Apotheke, ,
Meyersdale, Pa.
E® Use Beachy’s Tonic Powder for horses and cattle.
For sale at Lichliter’s store.
Given under our hands and official seals hE IP 5 8 EP AB OD) ED DEA (BE Bo REE Ap SED CD EDED RR FAD
at Elk Lick Township, Somerdel County,