The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, January 17, 1907, Image 4

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P. L. Livexaoon, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the Postofice at Elk Lick, Pa.
as mail matter of the Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is published every Thursday,at
Salisbury, (Elk Lick, P. 0.) somerset Coun-
ty, Pa. at the following rates
One year, if paid spot cash in 2 vance. 5) 25
If not paid strictly in advance........... 1.50
8ix months ie alD
Three i .
Single ¢ Opies 06
To avoid multiplicity of small’ accounts
all subscri Hons for three months or less
must be paid in advance. These rates and
terms will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line
each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5
sents a line for first insertion and 8 cents a
tine for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
ness lacals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for less than 10
‘oents a line oe each insertion,except on
yearly contract
Rates for ay Adv eriisments will be
made known on applicati
Editorial advertising, IL Liaby 10 cents
a lin
Legal Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
additional lines, 5 cents each.
Cards of Thanks will be published free for
prtrons of the Dap LNoh-patrons will be
charged 10 cents a lin
Resolutions of Lihat) will be published
for 6 cents a line.
All advertisements will be run and charg-
ed for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
than 25 cents.
It Quiets
the Cough
Thisisone reason why Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral is so valua-
ble in consumption. It stops
the wear and tear of useless
coughing. But it does more
—it controls the inflammation,
quiets the fever, soothes, and
heals. Sold for 60 years.
* Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has heen a regular
life Preserver to me. It brought me through
a severe attack of pneumonia,.-and I feel
that 1 owe ‘my life to its wonderful curative
properties.” — WiLLiam H. TrRuUlTT, Wawa,
Made by J.C. Ayer Co., Towels Mass.
Als 80 un of
ers PILLS.
Hasten recovery b
bowels regular wit
keeping the
Ayer’s Pills.
We regret to announce that Mrs.
Geo. DeLozier is quite i}.
County Superintendent Seibert was
here last Thursday, visiting our schools.
Rev. E. 8S. Johnston, D. D., filled the
Lutheran pulpit at Confluence, last
Watch for Barchus & Livengood’s
great mid-winter clearance sale an-
nouncement, next week.
Fred Wagner, who recently secured
employment in Johnstown, returned
home several days ago. He did not
like his job.
Stewart Smith informs us that his
brother Ellet, of Pittsburg,is about to
make a trip to Mexico in company with
some other Pittsburgers.
If you want a Business Education,
attend the Meyersdale Commercial
College, Moyese ale, Pa. It’s The Best
School. logue Free. tf
Lawyers Wm. H. Ruppel and Chas.
F. Uhl, Jr., recently went into partner-
‘ship in the law business. The firm will
be known as Ruppel & Uhl
Mrs. Stewart Smith, who had been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. P. Schell,
at Ambridge, Pa., as well as friends at
Connellsville. returned home this week.
Don’t forget Mary Coleman’s sale,
Saturday afternoon next. Her goods
ure nearly all practically new, and she
will also offer her snug little home at
public sale.
Mrs. C. G. Wagner went to Johns-
town, last week, to visit her husband,
who has secured employment in tkat
city. They are talking of moving to
The Billmeyer Lumber Company, of
Cumberland, Md., has our thanks for
one of the handsome office calendars
issued each year by that well known
and reliable firm.
WANTED: —Lady to advertise our
goods locally. © Several weeks home
work. Salary $12.00 per week, $1.00 a
day for expenses. SAUNDERS CO,
Dept. W, 46-48 Jackson Boulevard,
Chicago, 111. 1-17.
With thanks we acknowledge receipt
of a handsomely engraved invitation to
attend the inaugural ceremonies of
Governor Edwin 8. Stuart, which took
place at Harrisburg, Tuesday. We are
sorry, however, that we were unable to
take advantage of the invitation.
Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop’ 8
Magic Ointment. Remember it’s made
alone for Piles—and it works with cer-
tainty and satisfaction. Itching, pain-
fal, protruding, or blind piles disappear
like magic by its use. Try it and see!
Elk Lick Pharmacy. : 2-1
Qalvin P. Zufall, a B. & O. engineer,
was killed near Ohiopyle, last Monday.
A rear end collision was the cause of his
desth. Deceased was a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. H. Zufall, of Meyersdale.
He was aged about 40 years, was mar-
ried and resided in Connellsville.
When the cold winds dry and crack
the skin a box of salve can save much
discomfort. In buying salve look for
the name on the box to avoid any imi-
tations, and be sure you get the origin-
al DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Sold
by E. H. Miller. 2-1
In writing to ascertain how much he
owed on subscription, Charles Henry,
of Scullton, Pa., says: “THE SIAR is a
good county paper. I can find no fault
with it.” We thank Mr. Henry for the
compliment, also for his patronage, and
what he says of THE STAR must be
true, for hundreds of other people say
the same thing.
Clear up the complexion, cleanse the
liver and tone the system. You can
best do this by a dose or two of De-
Witt’s Little Early Risers. Safe, re-
liable little pills with a reputation.
The pills that-every one knows. . Rec-
ommended by E. H. Miller. 2-1
Wm. Petry and wife have been visit-
ing at the home of Mrs. Petry’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. W, DeLozier, for the
past week or more. They reside near
Johnstown now, but Mr. Petry is still
postmaster of the office at Rummel,
where he also conducted a store for a
number of years. “Billy” says he re-
signed the postmastership a good while
ago, but his successor has not. yet been
WANTED !—10 men in each state to
travel, distribute samples of our goods
and tack signs. Salary $85.00 per
month; $3.00 per day for expenses.
SAUNDERS CO., Department P., No.
46 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. Ills.
3-28 ;
Last Saturday Noah Scott, one of the
best known citizens of Somerset coun-
ty, died at his home near Ursina, aged
70 years, 3 months and 17 days. De-
ceased figured prominently in the min-
eral development of Somerset county.
He and the late Col. E. D. Yutzy were
the contractors who graded the Salis-
bury railroad in the earley “Seventies,”
and they also graded a considerable
portion of the Pittsburg division of the
B. & O.
“They like the taste as well as maple
sugar.’ is what one mother wrote of
Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup.
This modern cough syrup is absolutely
free from any opiate or narcotic. Con-
tains Honey Tar. Conforms to the
National Pure Food and Drug Law.
Sold by E. H. Miller. 2-1
Ice men are beginning to get a little
uneasy as to an ice crop for this year,
for so far most of the winter has been
composed of sunshine and warm, heavy
rains. It is somewhat colder now, but
the streams are still very high, and it
will have to get intensely cold to freeze
thick ice on them. But never mind,
gentlemen, February will give you all
the ice you are looking for,even though
we may not “cut much ice” as a weath-
er prophet.
Mothers who give their children Ken-
nedy’s Laxative Cough Sy rup invariably
indorse it. Children like it because
the taste is so pleasant. Contains
Honey and Tar. It isthe Original Lax-
ative Cough Syrup and is unrivaled for
the relief of croup. Drives the cold
out through the bowels. Conforms to
the National Pure Food and Drug law
Sold by E. H. Miller. 2-1
Somerset county friends learned this
week of the death of Benjamin F.
Mealey, formeriy of Stoystown, who
died at Strong City, Kan.,on Christmas
Day. Deceased was known among his
comrades of Company B, Fifty-fourrh
regiment. as “Bone.” Mealey, during
the three years-he was in the service.
He left this county a number of years
ago, and all traces of him were lost un-
til last year, when he returned to re-
new acquaintances, says the Somerset
Croup can positively be stopped in 20
minutes. No vomiting—nothing to
sicken or distress your child. A sweet,
pleasant, and safe Syrup, called Dr.
Shoop’s Croup Cure, does the work and
does it quickly. Dr. Shoop’s Croup
Cure is for Croup alone, remember. It
does not claim to cure a dozen ailments.
It’s for Croup, that’s all. Sold by Elk
Lick Pharmacy. : 2-1
Married, Dec. 27th, 1908, at Connells-
ville, Pa., Mr. David 8. Martin, of
Bellevue, Pa., and Miss Pela C. Kutz,
of near Reading, Pa. The groom will
be remembered by Salisbury people as
the affable and hustling electrician
who installed the Salisbury electric
light plant, and the bride will be re-
membered as the handsome and ac-
complished schoolma’am who taught
the Cross Roads school, in Elk Lick
township, last winter. The couple is
composed of most excellent young peo-
ple, and THE Star wishes them a long,
happy and prosperous life.
To stop a Cold with “Preventics” is
safer than to let it run and cure it af-
terwards. Taken at the “sneeze stage”
Preventies will head off all colds and
Grippe, and perhaps save you from
Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventics
are little toothsome candy cold cure
tablets selling in 5 cent and 25 cent
boxes. If you are chilly, if you begin
to sneeze, try Preventics. They will
surely check the cold, and please you.
Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 2-1
Nearly all the watch signs, probably
ninety out of 100, have hands set at
8:18, but comparatively few people
know why this is. It is no accident.
W. K. Washburn, of New York, was
painting a sign for a jeweler of thal
city when the news of the assassination
of Abraham Lincoln, April 14, 1865, was
received in New York, and the latter
ordered the painter to put upon the dial
the exact time when the fatal shot was
fired, namely 8:18, and so they have
continued ever since. Whenever you
see a sign after this, recall the fact that
it points to the fatal moment.
Nearly every person who is subject to
attacks from the stomach suffers from
a morbid dread of a dietetic treatment
for relief, that is three-fourths starva-
tion, and one-fourth toast and milk.
On the other hand you can eat as you
please and digest the food by the aid of
a good digestant,’thus giving the tired
stomach equally as much rest. Eat
what you please and take a little Ko-
dol For Indigestion after your meals.
It digests what you eat. Sold by : H.
Miller. 2-1
James C. Begley, editor of the Berlin
Gleaner, has instituted a suit in equity
to force payment of benefits alleged to
be due him from the Hawkins Lodge,
Knights of Pythias, of Windber. The
plaintiff became a member of that lodge
in September, 1899, and subsequently
transferred his card to a Connellsville
lodge, and he is at present a member of
the Somerset lodge of that order. The
plaintiff met with an injury on the
Pennsylvania railroad, at Johnstown,
in July, 1900, which totally disabled
him for a number of weeks, and thusg
he alleges, he was entitled to weekly
benefits from the lodge for a certain
period. At the same time Mr. Begley’s
wife received injuries that led to her
death, which he avers entitled him to
an additional $50 from the lodge. He
avers that the lodge has paid him but
$29, and that $198 is due to him.—Som-
erset Standard.
If you are Constipated, dull, or bil-
ious, or have a sallow lifeless complex-
ion, try Lax-ets just once to see what
they will do for you. Lax-ets are little
toothsome Candy tablets—nice to eat,
nice in effect. No griping, no pain.
Just a gentle laxative effect that 1s
pleasingly desirable. Handy for the
vest pocket or purse. Lax-ets meet
every desire. Lax-ets come to you in
beautiful lithographed metal boxes at
5 cents and 25 cents. Sold by Elk Lick
Pharmacy. 2-1
Derailed an Engine.
Jeremiah Haines, a fourteen-year-old
lad, was brought to Somerset from
Williams Station, the other day, for
placing a spike on a rail, which derail-
ed a large engine. The boy was taken
before Judge Kooser, Saturday, where
he admitted that he placed the spike
on the track, but claimed that he meant
no mischief; that he had often seen
others place pins and small articles on
the track to be flattened out, and he
wanted to see what a train would do to
a spike. The boy was given into the
custody of L. C. Colborn, the probation
officer, who will have him placed with
a good family in Milford township, in a
few days.
Food don’t digest? Because the
stomach lacks some one of the essen-
tial digestants or the digestive juices
are not properly balanced. Then, too,
it is this undigested food that causes
sourness and painful indigestion. Ko-
dol For Indigestion should be used for
relief. Kodol is asolution of vegetable
acids. It digests what you eat, and
corrects the deficiencies of the diges-
tion. Kodol conforms to the: National
Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold here
by E. H. Miller. 2-1
Marriage of Prof. E. J Egan.
The following account of the recent
marriage of Prof. E. J. Egan appeared
in the Hagerstown Globe :
“Tt was the writer’s good fortune to
be present at a wedding at the home of
Mr. David H. Hollinger, near Carefoss,
Christmas Day. The contracting pair
consisted of Mr. Hollinger’s third
daughter, Miss Olive, and Prof. E. J.
Egan, a member of the faculty of Union
Bridge College, Md.
The best man was Prof. R. J. Bran-
denburg, of Frederick City. The bride’s
attendant was Miss Densie Hollinger,
a sister of the bride. She resides in
New York City, and is engaged in mis-
sion work. Miss Kathryn XK. Oellig, of
Greencastle, Pa., presided at the organ.
The marriage ceremony was very im-
pressive, being performed by an uncle
of the bride, Rev. C. R. Oellig, of
Waynesboro, Pa.
The bride—I forbear, these latter-
day brides are fearfully and wonder-
fully made, I mean as to attire. My
ignorance of the dressmakers’ iore
would make the writer ridiculous in at-
tempting a description of the bride’s
dress, and will only truthfully say she
was becomingly gowned. The groom
was attired in conventional black.
The presents bestowed upon the
bride were many and appropriate.
Conspicuously among them was a
massive Morris chair, quartered and
polished oak, luxuriously upholstered.
This was a present from the faculty -of
Union Bridge College, of which institu-
tion the bride was a student. She ap-
preciates this piece very highly, owing
to associations.
The refreshments were of a very
high order, and nearly 100 guests par-
took. Hagerstown and other nearby
points were ‘in evidence. Pennsyl-
vanians were there from Chambers-
burg, Waynesboro, Greencastle and
other points.
When our lines are cast in pleasant
places, how swift the moments fly! The
shades of evening came on apace, the
good-byes were said after many good
wishes for the happy pair, and all de-
parted to their near and remote places
of abode.” MEepbicus.
WO WEDDING Invitations at THE
TAR office. A mice new stock just re-
ceived. tf.
rrosTBurG. mp. BAN K
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at-
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock.
Capital stock..$ 50,000.00
Surplus | fund.
Deposits (ov 5
§. Assets (over).
me... OF FICERS : tes.
Roberdeau Annan, President. Olin Beall. Cashier.
_———- DIRECTORS: mmm.
Robert R. Henderson. Duncan Sinclair, Timothy Griffith,
Daniel Annan. Roberdeau Aunan.
| 8
a RRR RRR a A SE BR SB ee Ae, &
20 Per Cent,
Men's & Boys
Barchus X Livengood s.
Take notice that I have opened a new
and up-to-date meat market in Salis-
bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store.
Everything is new, neat and clean,
and it is a model in every respect.
I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete.
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
tle, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vinced that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line.
The Old Reliable Butcher.
Our Great
Begins Thursday Jan. 10th.
20 Per Cent Reduction
on all goods in our big store
until further notice.
=(0ne-Fourth Oll<=s=
New Store! New Goods!
the prices of all our. Gran
iteware, Tinware & Plain
BERRY Ce ba aR
We have opened a fine new general store in the M. J. LAXATIVE GOUGH SYRUP
o Glotfelty building, Ord St., Salisbury, Pa., and invite you| Cures al) Coughs and
to come and inspect our nice, new line of Dry Goods, |
Shoes, Urlosies, etc.
Prices As Low As The Lowest
We start with an entire new sock, and oe handle Ay the)
best and purest brands of goods. We solicit a share of your pat-
ronage, and we guarantee a square deal and satisfaction to all.
Howard Meager & Co.
wis Early Risers O° Early Risers
The famous little pills. The famous little pills.
| wh
The Red
assists in expelling
Colds from the :
Sys tém by
# 3 ERE gently moving
the bowels.
| A certain cure
| for erouy and
NNEDY'S vuaxamive -
E.| O. DeWITT & 0O., CHICAGO, U. 8. A.